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Last active April 11, 2016 22:30
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package user.persistence.tables
object UserTables {
val driver = slick.driver.MySQLDriver
import driver.api._
class Users(tag: Tag) extends Table[UserRegister](tag, "USERS") {
val username: Rep[ String ] = column[ String ]( "USERNAME", O.PrimaryKey )
val name: Rep[ String ] = column[ String ]( "NAME" )
val lastname: Rep[ String ] = column[ String ]( "LASTNAME" )
val email: Rep[ String ] = column[ String ]( "EMAIL" )
val password: Rep[ String ] = column[ String ]( "PASSWORD" )
val active: Rep[ Boolean ] = column[ Boolean ]( "IS_ACTIVE" )
val confirmed: Rep[ Boolean ] = column[ Boolean ]( "IS_CONFIRMED" )
def * = ( username, name, lastname, email, password, active, confirmed ) <>
( UserRegister.tupled, UserRegister.unapply )
def idx = index( "idx_email", email, unique = true )
case class UserRegister( username: String, name: String, lastname: String, email: String, password: String,
active: Boolean, confirmed: Boolean )
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