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Last active July 14, 2022 21:09
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Trait that adds two functions to the slick Query type. I am using typelevel.cats as the functional library. Works for play-slick 3.1
trait SlickQueryOps {
databaseConfig: HasDatabaseConfig[ JdbcProfile ] =>
import cats.Apply
import cats.std.list._
import driver.api._
type BooleanOp = ( Rep[ Boolean ], Rep[ Boolean ] ) => Rep[ Boolean ]
implicit class OptionFilter[ X, Y ]( query: Query[ X, Y, Seq ] ) {
Filters collection from an optional value. If it is None, returns the unfiltered collection.
It can be applied consecutively to the query.
Used for finding a collection of elements
def filteredBy[ T ]( op: Option[ T ] )
( f: ( X, T ) => Rep[ Boolean ]) ): Query[ X, Y, Seq ] = {
op map { o => query.filter( f( _, o ) ) } getOrElse query
Applies a list of functions that return predicates to the query filter method.
If the result of the functions is None, returns an empty collection.
Used for finding the first match.
def foundBy[ T ]( ops: List[ ( X ) => Option[ Rep[ Boolean ] ] ] )
( f: BooleanOp ): Query[ X, Y, Seq ] =
query.filter { q =>
val res = Apply[ List ].ap( ops )( List( q ) ).collect {
case Some( y ) => y
} reduceLeftOption f
res.getOrElse( false: Rep[ Boolean ] )
} take 1
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