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Last active April 7, 2018 00:28
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Ruby blocks made easy

Ruby blocks

Some explanation and examples of Ruby blocks. Encouraged to follow each file in the correct numbered order.

# Blocks take multiple expressions to be executed later
# basic usage
greeting = lambda { puts "Hello" }
# later # => Hello
# more variations of block definition
greeting = { puts "Hello" }
greeting = -> { puts "Hello" }
# using parameters (different variations, produce same result)
greeting = lambda { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" }
greeting = { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" }
greeting = -> (name) { puts "Hello, #{name}!" }'John') # => Hello, John!
# from now on, we're gonna use the syntax `-> { }` instead of lambda or
# some naive calculation
sum = -> (n1, n2) { n1 + n2 }, 2) # => 3
multiply = -> (a, b) { a * b }, 3) # => 6
# print on screen
print_on_screen = -> (elem) { puts "Showing element: #{elem}" }'something') # => Showing element: something
# print on screen all listed elements
elements = [1, 2, 3]
# the code below just don't care what's inside the block or how it's implemented.
# it just calls the block with the element as the argument for the block
for element in elements
# =>
# Showing element: 1
# Showing element: 2
# Showing element: 3
# do something else in elements, but could be anything else than printing on screen
do_something = -> (elem) { puts "Doing something with: #{elem}" }
# note this pattern like in the previous example, the iterator doesn't really need to know what the block does,
# just nedded to call the block.
# if it's a print on the screen, or writing into a text file, or sending the element over
# the network. Just don't care, only execute the block with the argument.
for element in elements
# =>
# Doing something with: 1
# Doing something with: 2
# Doing something with: 3
list = [1, 2, 3]
# lets do something with these elements.
# for now we want to use the `for` iteration inside a method, just for the sake of code organization.
def iterate_elements(elements)
for element in elements
# used block here to execute something on each element.
# but how can this method execute a block? as far as we know, this method only receives one parameter,
# the `elements` array. no blocks here (pun intended) so far...
# solution: just create the block somewhere before the method definition and pass it over as
# the *last* argument prefixed by `&`
do_something = -> (elem) { puts "Doing something with: #{elem}" }
# define the method
def iterate_elements(list, &do_something)
for element in list
iterate_elements(elements, &do_something)
# =>
# Doing something with: 1
# Doing something with: 2
# Doing something with: 3
# Our method is receiving any block as the last argument,
# then we can create a inline block on the method definition, no need to create it before.
iterate_elements(elements) { puts "Hey" }
# =>
# Hey
# Hey
# Hey
iterate_elements(elements) { |n| puts "Hey, #{n}" }
# =>
# Hey, 1
# Hey, 2
# Hey, 3
iterate_elements(['John', 'Alfredo']) { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}" }
# =>
# Hello, John
# Hello, Alfredo
# blocks in methods can be multi-line as well
iterate_elements(['John', 'Alfredo']) do |name|
puts "Bye, #{name}"
# =>
# Bye, John
# Bye, Alfredo
### ***** GIFT ***** ###
# Remeber that Ruby is our friend, so it already did some work that turn our lives easier when mixing methods and blocks.
# *Every* method in Ruby is already able to receive optionally a block as the last argument,
# but it's implicit and we don't need to specify in the method definition.
def iterate_elements(list) # don't need to specify the block in the parameter list
for element in list
# it won't work, because we no longer have a block parameter called `do_something` to call.
# but Ruby is nice and provides a special word called `yield` which basically replaces the ``
yield(element) # same as ``
iterate_elements([42]) do |n|
puts "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is #{n}"
# =>
# The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42
# Ruby's niceness don't stop. Iterating over elements is a common task for any software,
# then Ruby provides a method for iteration, called `each`.
# pseudo-code, already defined somewhere in the Ruby standard library
def each(list)
for elem in list
each([1, 2, 3]) { |n| print "#{n}," }
# => 1,2,3,
# Actually this method is defined on the class Array or the like.
# somewhere inside the Array class:
def each
for elem in self
# then we can call it from our array objects
[1, 2, 3].each { |n| puts n }
# =>
# 1
# 2
# 3
# transforming elements in a list
list = [1, 2, 3]
def iterate_and_transform(list)
new_list = []
for elem in list
new_list << yield(elem)
double = iterate_and_transform(list) { |n| n * 2 } # => [2, 4, 6]
triple = iterate_and_transform(list) { |n| n * 3 } # => [3, 6, 9]
# sum elements in a list
def iterate_and_reduce_to_sum(list)
sum = 0 # starts with 0
for elem in list
# we have to pass over two arguments to the block, so the block can perform the calculation
# with the element and the accumulated sum. then reassign the sum.
sum = yield(sum, elem)
sum # needs to return the resulted sum
sum = iterate_and_reduce_to_sum([1, 2, 3]) do |accumulated_sum, elem|
accumulated_sum + elem
# => 6
# multiply elements in a list
def iterate_and_reduce_to_product(list)
product = 1 # starts with 1
for elem in list
# we have to pass over two arguments to the block, so the block can perform the calculation
# with the element and the accumulated product. then reassign the product.
product = yield(product, elem)
product # needs to return the resulted product
product = iterate_and_reduce_to_product([3, 2, 2]) { |product, elem| product * elem }
# => 12
product = iterate_and_reduce_to_product([1, 2, 3, 0]) { |product, elem| product * elem }
# => 0
# Yet to be improved. We are repeating logic on both methods,
# (iterate_and_reduce_to_product and iterate_and_reduce_to_sum).
# we can refactor to just ONE method that iterates and reduces calculation,
# receiving the initial value (accumulated sum or product) on the parameter list
def iterate_and_reduce(list, acc)
for elem in list
acc = yield(product, elem)
acc # returns the final value accumulated
# much better
sum = iterate_and_reduce([5, 5, 4]) { |acc, elem| acc + elem } # => 14
product = iterate_and_reduce([2, 4, 1]) { |acc, elem| acc * elem } # => 8
# Even much better. The Ruby-way already defined on the standard library!
# transforming elements
double = [5, 10].map { |n| n * 2 } # => [10, 20]
triple = [1, 2, 3].map { |n| n * 3 } # => [3, 6, 9]
sum = [1, 2, 3].reduce(0) { |acc, n| acc + n } # => 6
product = [1, 2, 4, 2].reduce(1) { |acc, n| acc * n } # => 16
# syntax sugar
double = [5, 10].map(&2.method(:*)) # => [10, 20]
triple = [5, 10].map(&3.method(:*)) # => [15, 30]
sum_by_42 = [5, 10].map(&42.method(:+)) # => [47, 52]
# no need to specify the initial acc value!
sum = [1, 2, 3].reduce(&:+) # => 6
product = [2, 2, 3].reduce(&:*) # => 12
# map and reduce
elements = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# double each element then reduce to sum*)).reduce(&:+) # => 300
# just a variation of code style, returns the same result :)
# => 300
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