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Created February 17, 2017 02:00
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opentsdb query





//第一个tag是 groupby的 如果不groupby第一个请用{} http://localhost:4242/api/query?start=1h-ago&m=sum:rate:1m-sum-null:system.disk.in_use{host=cfeng|wangxh.pc,device=*}{uid=1}&show_query=true&show_summary=true http://localhost:4242/api/query?start=1h-ago&m=sum:rate:1m-sum-null:system.disk.in_use{host=wangxh.pc,device=*}{uid=1}&m=sum:rate:1m-sum-null:system.disk.in_use{host=cfeng,device=*}{uid=1}&show_query=true&show_summary=true

requests[0][from]:1487290901859 requests[0][to]:1487294501859 requests[0][interval]:20 requests[0][q]:avg:system.cpu.user{} by {host} + avg:cacti.hosts.count{} by {lv}, avg:cacti.hosts.count{} by {lv} requests[0][aggregator]:avg requests[0][type]:line requests[1][from]:1487290901859 requests[1][to]:1487294501859 requests[1][interval]:20 requests[1][q]:avg:system.core.count{} by {host} + avg:cacti.hosts.count{} by {lv}, avg:cacti.hosts.count{} by {lv} requests[1][aggregator]:avg requests[1][type]:line _authentication_token:f89dcfc0531c10bed68ae38662da53a65f2387d2

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leapar commented Feb 20, 2017

tsd.core.meta.enable_realtime_uid = true
#tsd.core.meta.enable_realtime_ts = true #耗性能
#tsd.core.meta.enable_tsuid_tracking = true #耗性能
tsd.core.plugin_path = /usr/local/Cellar/opentsdb/2.2.0/share/opentsdb/plugins = true = = = tsmeta = 2 = opentsdb = uidmeta

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leapar commented Apr 24, 2017


  1. findGroupBys整理row_key_literals
  2. setDataTableScanFilter进行数据查询
  3. setDataTableScanFilter调用getRowKeyUIDRegex



按道理,我们希望拿到如下组合的数据:[uid=1 host=test1] [uid=1 host=test2]因为groupBy为true那么结果应该是两条,对host进行了groupBy,如果groupBy为false那么应该是[uid=1 host=test1|test2]。实际的结果是[uid=1 host=test2]因为同一个tag key会进行覆盖host=test2覆盖了host=test1。

  private void findGroupBys() {
    if (filters == null || filters.isEmpty()) {
    row_key_literals = new ByteMap<byte[][]>();
    Collections.sort(filters);//根据tag key的uid排序呢,参考TagVFilter的compareTo
    final Iterator<TagVFilter> current_iterator = filters.iterator();
    final Iterator<TagVFilter> look_ahead = filters.iterator();
    byte[] tagk = null;
    TagVFilter next = look_ahead.hasNext() ? : null;
    int row_key_literals_count = 0;
    while (current_iterator.hasNext()) {
      next = look_ahead.hasNext() ? : null;
      int gbs = 0;
      // sorted!
      final ByteMap<Void> literals = new ByteMap<Void>();
      final List<TagVFilter> literal_filters = new ArrayList<TagVFilter>();
      TagVFilter current = null;
      do { // yeah, I'm breakin out the do!!!
        current =;
        if (tagk == null) {
          tagk = new byte[TSDB.tagk_width()];
          System.arraycopy(current.getTagkBytes(), 0, tagk, 0, TSDB.tagk_width());
        if (current.isGroupBy()) {
        if (!current.getTagVUids().isEmpty()) {//模糊匹配的*号当成空处理,查询该key下面的所有value
          for (final byte[] uid : current.getTagVUids()) {//tagk相同把所有的tagv整理出来
            literals.put(uid, null);

        if (next != null && Bytes.memcmp(tagk, next.getTagkBytes()) != 0) {
        next = look_ahead.hasNext() ? : null;
      } while (current_iterator.hasNext() && 
          Bytes.memcmp(tagk, current.getTagkBytes()) == 0);
      if(next != null)
      	  System.arraycopy(next.getTagkBytes(), 0, tagk, 0, TSDB.tagk_width());

      if (gbs > 0) {
        if (group_bys == null) {
          group_bys = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
      if (literals.size() > 0) {
        if (literals.size() + row_key_literals_count > 
            tsdb.getConfig().getInt("tsd.query.filter.expansion_limit")) {
          LOG.debug("Skipping literals for " + current.getTagk() + 
              " as it exceedes the limit");
        } else {
          final byte[][] values = new byte[literals.size()][];
          row_key_literals.put(current.getTagkBytes(), values);
          row_key_literals_count += values.length;
          for (final TagVFilter filter : literal_filters) {
      } else {
        row_key_literals.put(current.getTagkBytes(), null);


  1. 首先把filter全部进行排序
    Collections.sort(filters);//根据tag key的uid排序呢,参考TagVFilter中重载的compareTo。
  2. 当成空处理
    时候,row_key_literals 存放一个tagk=>null的键值对。只根据key进行查询,所有的值都查询出来。
  3. bug出现
        if (next != null && Bytes.memcmp(tagk, next.getTagkBytes()) != 0) {

这代码一直会命中,然后 row_key_literals.put(current.getTagkBytes(), values);导致覆盖,其中values应该是该tagk对应所有value的uuids才是正确的。


而aggregator不要去怀疑,没有别的办法,都是循环加减运算。net/opentsdb/core/Aggregators.java每种数据类型都有内置的sum avg等等,其中long类型的avg会取整,因为它知道我们存储的是long类型,认为我们需要的也是long类型,强制转换。

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leapar commented Apr 24, 2017

  1. handleQuery
    data_query.buildQueriesAsync(tsdb).addCallback(new BuildCB())
    .addErrback(new ErrorCB());

  2. BuildCB

  3. runAsync

  4. findSpans

final List<TagVFilter> scanner_filters;
    if (filters != null) {   
      scanner_filters = new ArrayList<TagVFilter>(filters.size());
      for (final TagVFilter filter : filters) {
        if (filter.postScan()) {//findGroupBys时候模糊查询的不会设置post_scan为false,其他都设置为false,默认都是true
    } else {
      scanner_filters = null;
  1. ScannerCB 提取数据
    * Scanner callback executed recursively each time we get a set of data
    * from storage. This is responsible for determining what columns are
    * returned and issuing requests to load leaf objects.
    * When the scanner returns a null set of rows, the method initiates the
    * final callback.
    final class ScannerCB implements Callback<Object,


class GetTagsCB implements
                     Callback<Deferred<ArrayList<Boolean>>, Map<String, String>> {
                   public Deferred<ArrayList<Boolean>> call(
                       final Map<String, String> tags) throws Exception {
                     uid_resolve_time += (DateTime.nanoTime() - uid_start);
                     uids_resolved += tags.size();
                     final List<Deferred<Boolean>> matches =
                         new ArrayList<Deferred<Boolean>>(scanner_filters.size());

                     for (final TagVFilter filter : scanner_filters) {
                 lookups.add(Tags.getTagsAsync(tsdb, key)
                     .addCallbackDeferring(new GetTagsCB())
                     .addBoth(new MatchCB()));



    "start": 1492996021,
    "end": 1492999621,

    "queries": [{
            "aggregator": "sum",
            "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
            "filters": [{
                    "type": "literal_or",
                    "tagk": "uid",
                    "filter": "2",
                    "groupBy": false
                    "type": "wildcard",
                    "tagk": "host",
                    "filter": "wang*",
                    "groupBy": true


查询数据是[uid=1 host=wang*]


    "start": 1492996021,
    "end": 1492999621,

    "queries": [{
            "aggregator": "sum",
            "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
            "filters": [{
                    "type": "literal_or",
                    "tagk": "host",
                    "filter": "wangxh1",
                    "groupBy": false
                    "type": "wildcard",
                    "tagk": "host",
                    "filter": "wang*",
                    "groupBy": true






    "start": 1492996021,
    "end": 1492999621,

    "queries": [{
            "aggregator": "sum",
            "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
            "filters": [{
                    "type": "literal_or",
                    "tagk": "host",
                    "filter": "wangxh1",
                    "groupBy": false
                    "type": "wildcard",
                    "tagk": "host",
                    "filter": "error*",
                    "groupBy": true




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leapar commented Apr 26, 2017


        for (int i = 0; i < dps.length; i++) {
        	//南霸天 4.26 for 叶良辰
          if(Double.isNaN(dps[i].toDouble())) {
          } else {


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leapar commented May 18, 2017


  public static void validateString(final String what, final String s) {
    if (s == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + what + ": null");
    } else if ("".equals(s)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + what + ": empty string");
    final int n = s.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      final char c = s.charAt(i);
      if (!(('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') 
          || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' 
          || c == '/' || Character.isLetter(c) || isAllowSpecialChars(c))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + what
            + " (\"" + s + "\"): illegal character: " + c);


$value = preg_replace("/[^\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}A-Za-z0-9\.\_\-\/\xC2\xA0]/u","",$value);

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leapar commented Jun 16, 2017

Downsample 填充问题

        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000010,
        "value": 3.1,
        "tags": {
           "host": "cfeng",
           "uid": "1.1"
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000010,
        "value": 4.2,
        "tags": {
           "host": "wangxh.pc.c",
           "uid": "1"
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000005,
        "value": 2.1,
        "tags": {
           "host": "cfeng",
           "uid": "1.1"
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000005,
        "value": 3.2,
        "tags": {
           "host": "wangxh.pc.c",
           "uid": "1"
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000000,
        "value": 1.1,
        "tags": {
           "host": "cfeng",
           "uid": "1.1"
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "timestamp": 1494000000,
        "value": 2.2,
        "tags": {
           "host": "wangxh.pc.c",
           "uid": "1"


    "expressions":[ ],
    ] ,


  "outputs": [
      "id": "a0",
      "dps": [
      "dpsMeta": {
        "firstTimestamp": 1493999997000,
        "lastTimestamp": 1494000004000,
        "setCount": 2,
        "series": 1
      "meta": [
          "index": 0,
          "metrics": [
          "index": 1,
          "metrics": [
          "commonTags": {},
          "aggregatedTags": [
  "query": {
    "name": null,
    "time": {
      "start": "1494000000",
      "end": "1494000017",
      "timezone": null,
      "downsampler": {
        "interval": "7s",
        "aggregator": "avg",
        "fillPolicy": {
          "policy": "none",
          "value": "NaN"
      "aggregator": "avg",
      "rate": false
    "filters": [
        "id": "a0",
        "tags": [
            "tagk": "host",
            "filter": "*",
            "group_by": false,
            "type": "wildcard"
        "explicitTags": false
    "metrics": [
        "metric": "system.cpu.idle",
        "id": "a0",
        "filter": "a0",
        "aggregator": "sum",
        "fillPolicy": null,
        "timeOffset": null
    "expressions": [],
    "outputs": [
        "id": "a0",
        "alias": null

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leapar commented Jun 16, 2017

接上面,如果查询 是**"policy":"null"** :

    "expressions":[ ],
    ] ,


 LOG.debug(String.format("No DP in range for #%d: %d < %d", i,
                                  dp.timestamp(), start_time));

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leapar commented Jun 16, 2017


if (timespan.getDownsampler() != null) {
    	  sub.setDownsample(timespan.getDownsampler().getInterval() + "-" + 
    	  //上面是原始的 下面是我修改的 让exp支持填充
    	  String  sample = timespan.getDownsampler().getInterval() + "-" + 
    	  if(timespan.getDownsampler().getFillPolicy() != null) {
    		  sample  = sample + "-" + timespan.getDownsampler().getFillPolicy().getPolicy().getName();
	public long timestamp() {
		if (run_all) {
			return query_start;
		} else if (specification.useCalendar()) {
			return previous_calendar.getTimeInMillis();
		return timestamp - specification.getInterval();

	public long timestamp2() {
		if (run_all) {
			return query_start;
		} else if (specification.useCalendar()) {
			return previous_calendar.getTimeInMillis();
		return timestamp;
dp =;
      long patch_timestamp = dp.timestamp();
      if (it.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("net.opentsdb.core.FillingDownsampler")) {
		  FillingDownsampler filling = (FillingDownsampler)it;
		  patch_timestamp = filling.timestamp2();
      //LOG.debug("Creating iterator #" + i);
      if (patch_timestamp >= start_time ) {
        //LOG.debug("First DP in range for #" + i + ": "
        //          + dp.timestamp() + " >= " + start_time);
        putDataPoint(size + i, dp);
      } else {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug(String.format("No DP in range for #%d: %d < %d", i,
                                  dp.timestamp(), start_time));

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leapar commented Aug 3, 2017

  • opentsdb/src/core/


    final int n = s.length();
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            final char c = s.charAt(i);
            if (!(('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') 
                || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' 
                || c == '/' || Character.isLetter(c))) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + what
                  + " (\"" + s + "\"): illegal character: " + c);
  • php

    $sub->tags->device = preg_replace("/[^\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}A-Za-z0-9\.\-\/]/u","",$tag->device_name);

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leapar commented Aug 3, 2017

1.表达式编译采用 jexl



private static void parseMTypeSubQuery(final String query_string, 
      TSQuery data_query) {
    if (query_string == null || query_string.isEmpty()) {
      throw new BadRequestException("The query string was empty");
    // m is of the following forms:
    // agg:[interval-agg:][rate:]metric[{tag=value,...}]
    // where the parts in square brackets `[' .. `]' are optional.
    final String[] parts = Tags.splitString(query_string, ':');
    int i = parts.length;
    if (i < 2 || i > 5) {
      throw new BadRequestException("Invalid parameter m=" + query_string + " ("
          + (i < 2 ? "not enough" : "too many") + " :-separated parts)");
    final TSSubQuery sub_query = new TSSubQuery();
    // the aggregator is first
    i--; // Move to the last part (the metric name).
    List<TagVFilter> filters = new ArrayList<TagVFilter>();
    sub_query.setMetric(Tags.parseWithMetricAndFilters(parts[i], filters));
    // parse out the rate and downsampler 
    for (int x = 1; x < parts.length - 1; x++) {
      if (parts[x].toLowerCase().startsWith("rate")) {
        if (parts[x].indexOf("{") >= 0) {
          sub_query.setRateOptions(QueryRpc.parseRateOptions(true, parts[x]));
      } else if (Character.isDigit(parts[x].charAt(0))) {
      } else if (parts[x].toLowerCase().startsWith("explicit_tags")) {
    if (data_query.getQueries() == null) {
      final ArrayList<TSSubQuery> subs = new ArrayList<TSSubQuery>(1);
   * Parses the metric and tags out of the given string.
   * @param metric A string of the form "metric" or "metric{tag=value,...}" or
   * now "metric{groupby=filter}{filter=filter}".
   * @param filters A list of filters to write the results to. May not be null
   * @return The name of the metric.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the metric is malformed or the filter
   * list is null.
   * @since 2.2
  public static String parseWithMetricAndFilters(final String metric, 
      final List<TagVFilter> filters) {
    if (metric == null || metric.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metric cannot be null or empty");
    if (filters == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Filters cannot be null");
    final int curly = metric.indexOf('{');
    if (curly < 0) {
      return metric;
    final int len = metric.length();
    if (metric.charAt(len - 1) != '}') {  // "foo{"
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing '}' at the end of: " + metric);
    } else if (curly == len - 2) {  // "foo{}"
      return metric.substring(0, len - 2);
    final int close = metric.indexOf('}');
    final HashMap<String, String> filter_map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if (close != metric.length() - 1) { // "foo{...}{tagk=filter}" 
      final int filter_bracket = metric.lastIndexOf('{');
      for (final String filter : splitString(metric.substring(filter_bracket + 1, 
          metric.length() - 1), ',')) {
        if (filter.isEmpty()) {
        try {
          parse(filter_map, filter);
          TagVFilter.mapToFilters(filter_map, filters, false);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("When parsing filter '" + filter
              + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);
    // substring the tags out of "foo{a=b,...,x=y}" and parse them.
    for (final String tag : splitString(metric.substring(curly + 1, close), ',')) {
      try {
        if (tag.isEmpty() && close != metric.length() - 1){
        parse(filter_map, tag);
        TagVFilter.tagsToFilters(filter_map, filters);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("When parsing tag '" + tag
                                           + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);
    // Return the "foo" part of "foo{a=b,...,x=y}"
    return metric.substring(0, curly);

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leapar commented Aug 3, 2017

Suppose that for any reason you need to clean the OpenTSDB schema. There is an easy way, you can do:

$ hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> disable 'tsdb'
hbase(main):002:0> disable 'tsdb-meta'
hbase(main):003:0> disable 'tsdb-tree'
hbase(main):004:0> disable 'tsdb-uid'
hbase(main):005:0> drop 'tsdb'
hbase(main):006:0> drop 'tsdb-meta'
hbase(main):007:0> drop 'tsdb-tree'
hbase(main):008:0> drop 'tsdb-uid'
Ok, no problem. Just ‘disable’ and then ‘drop’ them.
This is the common procedure in standalone Hbase, also in consistent HDFS.
But, if you can’t see the tables when you do:

$ hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> list
And you try to create the OpenTSDB tables and it fails telling you that the tables already exists. So you can’t create the tables but also can’t disable and drop them.
In this case you must use the zookeeper client, so you will need to:

root@hb-nodeX:/# hbase zkcli
ls /hbase
[replication, meta-region-server, rs, splitWAL, backup-masters, table-lock, flush-table-proc, region-in-transition, online-snapshot, master, running, recovering-regions, draining, namespace, hbaseid, table]
ls /hbase/table
[tsdb, tsdb-uid, tsdb-meta, tsdb-tree, hbase:meta]
rmr /hbase/table/tsdb
rmr /hbase/table/tsdb-uid
rmr /hbase/table/tsdb-meta
rmr /hbase/table/tsdb-tree
rmr /hbase/table/hbase:meta
And now you can create the schema again (change the commands below according your system):

root@hb-nodeX:/# export COMPRESSION=LZO
root@hb-nodeX:/# export HBASE_HOME=/usr/lib/hbase
root@hb-nodeX:/# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
root@hb-nodeX:/# /usr/share/opentsdb/tools/
And OpenTSDB will work again!!

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leapar commented Aug 3, 2017

zkServer start
cd /usr/local/opt/hbase/bin/


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leapar commented Aug 3, 2017



URL url = Plot.class.getClassLoader().getResource("msyh.ttc");
    		  + "set term png  font '"+url.getPath()+",8'\n"
                + "set xdata time\n"
                + "set timefmt \"%s\"\n"
                + "if (GPVAL_VERSION < 4.6) set xtics rotate; else set xtics rotate right\n"
                + "set output \"").append(basepath + ".png").append("\"\n"
                + "set xrange [\"")

Copy link

leapar commented Aug 3, 2017



// This file is part of OpenTSDB.
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012  The OpenTSDB Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
// will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If not,
// see <>.
package net.opentsdb.uid;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;

import org.hbase.async.AtomicIncrementRequest;
import org.hbase.async.Bytes;
import org.hbase.async.DeleteRequest;
import org.hbase.async.GetRequest;
import org.hbase.async.HBaseClient;
import org.hbase.async.HBaseException;
import org.hbase.async.KeyValue;
import org.hbase.async.PutRequest;
import org.hbase.async.Scanner;
import org.hbase.async.Bytes.ByteMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import net.opentsdb.core.Const;
import net.opentsdb.core.Internal;
import net.opentsdb.core.TSDB;
import net.opentsdb.meta.UIDMeta;

 * Represents a table of Unique IDs, manages the lookup and creation of IDs.
 * <p>
 * Don't attempt to use {@code equals()} or {@code hashCode()} on
 * this class.
 * @see UniqueIdInterface
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")  // Dunno why even with this, compiler warns.
public final class UniqueId implements UniqueIdInterface {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UniqueId.class);

  /** Enumerator for different types of UIDS @since 2.0 */
  public enum UniqueIdType {
  /** Charset used to convert Strings to byte arrays and back. */
  private static final Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");//ISO-8859-1
  /** The single column family used by this class. */
  private static final byte[] ID_FAMILY = toBytes("id");
  /** The single column family used by this class. */
  private static final byte[] NAME_FAMILY = toBytes("name");
  /** Row key of the special row used to track the max ID already assigned. */
  private static final byte[] MAXID_ROW = { 0 };
  /** How many time do we try to assign an ID before giving up. */
  private static final short MAX_ATTEMPTS_ASSIGN_ID = 3;
  /** How many time do we try to apply an edit before giving up. */
  private static final short MAX_ATTEMPTS_PUT = 6;
  /** How many time do we try to assign a random ID before giving up. */
  private static final short MAX_ATTEMPTS_ASSIGN_RANDOM_ID = 10;
  /** Initial delay in ms for exponential backoff to retry failed RPCs. */
  private static final short INITIAL_EXP_BACKOFF_DELAY = 800;
  /** Maximum number of results to return in suggest(). */
  private static final short MAX_SUGGESTIONS = 25;

  /** HBase client to use.  */
  private final HBaseClient client;
  /** Table where IDs are stored.  */
  private final byte[] table;
  /** The kind of UniqueId, used as the column qualifier. */
  private final byte[] kind;
  /** The type of UID represented by this cache */
  private final UniqueIdType type;
  /** Number of bytes on which each ID is encoded. */
  private final short id_width;
  /** Whether or not to randomize new IDs */
  private final boolean randomize_id;

  /** Cache for forward mappings (name to ID). */
  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, byte[]> name_cache =
    new ConcurrentHashMap<String, byte[]>();
  /** Cache for backward mappings (ID to name).
   * The ID in the key is a byte[] converted to a String to be Comparable. */
  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> id_cache =
    new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
  /** Map of pending UID assignments */
  private final HashMap<String, Deferred<byte[]>> pending_assignments =
    new HashMap<String, Deferred<byte[]>>();
  /** Set of UID rename */
  private final Set<String> renaming_id_names =
    Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());

  /** Number of times we avoided reading from HBase thanks to the cache. */
  private volatile int cache_hits;
  /** Number of times we had to read from HBase and populate the cache. */
  private volatile int cache_misses;
  /** How many times we collided with an existing ID when attempting to 
   * generate a new UID */
  private volatile int random_id_collisions;
  /** How many times assignments have been rejected by the UID filter */
  private volatile int rejected_assignments;
  /** TSDB object used for filtering and/or meta generation. */
  private TSDB tsdb;
   * Constructor.
   * @param client The HBase client to use.
   * @param table The name of the HBase table to use.
   * @param kind The kind of Unique ID this instance will deal with.
   * @param width The number of bytes on which Unique IDs should be encoded.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if width is negative or too small/large
   * or if kind is an empty string.
  public UniqueId(final HBaseClient client, final byte[] table, final String kind,
                  final int width) {
    this(client, table, kind, width, false);
   * Constructor.
   * @param client The HBase client to use.
   * @param table The name of the HBase table to use.
   * @param kind The kind of Unique ID this instance will deal with.
   * @param width The number of bytes on which Unique IDs should be encoded.
   * @param Whether or not to randomize new UIDs
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if width is negative or too small/large
   * or if kind is an empty string.
   * @since 2.2
  public UniqueId(final HBaseClient client, final byte[] table, final String kind,
                  final int width, final boolean randomize_id) {
    this.client = client;
    this.table = table;
    if (kind.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty string as 'kind' argument!");
    this.kind = toBytes(kind);
    type = stringToUniqueIdType(kind);
    if (width < 1 || width > 8) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid width: " + width);
    this.id_width = (short) width;
    this.randomize_id = randomize_id;
   * Constructor.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB this UID object belongs to
   * @param table The name of the HBase table to use.
   * @param kind The kind of Unique ID this instance will deal with.
   * @param width The number of bytes on which Unique IDs should be encoded.
   * @param Whether or not to randomize new UIDs
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if width is negative or too small/large
   * or if kind is an empty string.
   * @since 2.3
  public UniqueId(final TSDB tsdb, final byte[] table, final String kind,
                  final int width, final boolean randomize_id) {
    this.client = tsdb.getClient();
    this.tsdb = tsdb;
    this.table = table;
    if (kind.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty string as 'kind' argument!");
    this.kind = toBytes(kind);
    type = stringToUniqueIdType(kind);
    if (width < 1 || width > 8) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid width: " + width);
    this.id_width = (short) width;
    this.randomize_id = randomize_id;

  /** The number of times we avoided reading from HBase thanks to the cache. */
  public int cacheHits() {
    return cache_hits;

  /** The number of times we had to read from HBase and populate the cache. */
  public int cacheMisses() {
    return cache_misses;

  /** Returns the number of elements stored in the internal cache. */
  public int cacheSize() {
    return name_cache.size() + id_cache.size();

  /** Returns the number of random UID collisions */
  public int randomIdCollisions() {
    return random_id_collisions;
  /** Returns the number of UID assignments rejected by the filter */
  public int rejectedAssignments() {
    return rejected_assignments;
  public String kind() {
    return fromBytes(kind);

  public short width() {
    return id_width;

  /** @param tsdb Whether or not to track new UIDMeta objects */
  public void setTSDB(final TSDB tsdb) {
    this.tsdb = tsdb;
  /** The largest possible ID given the number of bytes the IDs are 
   * represented on.
   * @deprecated Use {@link Internal.getMaxUnsignedValueOnBytes}
  public long maxPossibleId() {
    return Internal.getMaxUnsignedValueOnBytes(id_width);
   * Causes this instance to discard all its in-memory caches.
   * @since 1.1
  public void dropCaches() {

   * Finds the name associated with a given ID.
   * <p>
   * <strong>This method is blocking.</strong>  Its use within OpenTSDB itself
   * is discouraged, please use {@link #getNameAsync} instead.
   * @param id The ID associated with that name.
   * @see #getId(String)
   * @see #getOrCreateId(String)
   * @throws NoSuchUniqueId if the given ID is not assigned.
   * @throws HBaseException if there is a problem communicating with HBase.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ID given in argument is encoded
   * on the wrong number of bytes.
  public String getName(final byte[] id) throws NoSuchUniqueId, HBaseException {
    try {
      return getNameAsync(id).joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);

   * Finds the name associated with a given ID.
   * @param id The ID associated with that name.
   * @see #getId(String)
   * @see #getOrCreateIdAsync(String)
   * @throws NoSuchUniqueId if the given ID is not assigned.
   * @throws HBaseException if there is a problem communicating with HBase.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ID given in argument is encoded
   * on the wrong number of bytes.
   * @since 1.1
  public Deferred<String> getNameAsync(final byte[] id) {
    if (id.length != id_width) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong id.length = " + id.length
                                         + " which is != " + id_width
                                         + " required for '" + kind() + '\'');
    final String name = getNameFromCache(id);
    if (name != null) {
      return Deferred.fromResult(name);
    class GetNameCB implements Callback<String, String> {
      public String call(final String name) {
        if (name == null) {
          throw new NoSuchUniqueId(kind(), id);
        addNameToCache(id, name);
        addIdToCache(name, id);        
        return name;
    return getNameFromHBase(id).addCallback(new GetNameCB());

  private String getNameFromCache(final byte[] id) {
    return id_cache.get(fromBytesForId(id));

  private Deferred<String> getNameFromHBase(final byte[] id) {
    class NameFromHBaseCB implements Callback<String, byte[]> {
      public String call(final byte[] name) {
        return name == null ? null : fromBytes(name);
    return hbaseGet(id, NAME_FAMILY).addCallback(new NameFromHBaseCB());

  private void addNameToCache(final byte[] id, final String name) {
    final String key = fromBytesForId(id);
    String found = id_cache.get(key);
    if (found == null) {
      found = id_cache.putIfAbsent(key, name);
    if (found != null && !found.equals(name)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("id=" + Arrays.toString(id) + " => name="
          + name + ", already mapped to " + found);

  public byte[] getId(final String name) throws NoSuchUniqueName, HBaseException {
    try {
      return getIdAsync(name).joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);

  public Deferred<byte[]> getIdAsync(final String name) {
    final byte[] id = getIdFromCache(name);
    if (id != null) {
      return Deferred.fromResult(id);
    class GetIdCB implements Callback<byte[], byte[]> {
      public byte[] call(final byte[] id) {
        if (id == null) {
          throw new NoSuchUniqueName(kind(), name);
        if (id.length != id_width) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Found id.length = " + id.length
                                          + " which is != " + id_width
                                          + " required for '" + kind() + '\'');
        addIdToCache(name, id);
        addNameToCache(id, name);
        return id;
    Deferred<byte[]> d = getIdFromHBase(name).addCallback(new GetIdCB());
    return d;

  private byte[] getIdFromCache(final String name) {
    return name_cache.get(name);

  private Deferred<byte[]> getIdFromHBase(final String name) {
    return hbaseGet(toBytes(name), ID_FAMILY);

  private void addIdToCache(final String name, final byte[] id) {
    byte[] found = name_cache.get(name);
    if (found == null) {
      found = name_cache.putIfAbsent(name,
                                    // Must make a defensive copy to be immune
                                    // to any changes the caller may do on the
                                    // array later on.
                                    Arrays.copyOf(id, id.length));
    if (found != null && !Arrays.equals(found, id)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("name=" + name + " => id="
          + Arrays.toString(id) + ", already mapped to "
          + Arrays.toString(found));

   * Implements the process to allocate a new UID.
   * This callback is re-used multiple times in a four step process:
   *   1. Allocate a new UID via atomic increment.
   *   2. Create the reverse mapping (ID to name).
   *   3. Create the forward mapping (name to ID).
   *   4. Return the new UID to the caller.
  private final class UniqueIdAllocator implements Callback<Object, Object> {
    private final String name;  // What we're trying to allocate an ID for.
    private final Deferred<byte[]> assignment; // deferred to call back
    private short attempt = randomize_id ?     // Give up when zero.

    private HBaseException hbe = null;  // Last exception caught.
    // TODO(manolama) - right now if we retry the assignment it will create a 
    // callback chain MAX_ATTEMPTS_* long and call the ErrBack that many times.
    // This can be cleaned up a fair amount but it may require changing the 
    // public behavior a bit. For now, the flag will prevent multiple attempts
    // to execute the callback.
    private boolean called = false; // whether we called the deferred or not

    private long id = -1;  // The ID we'll grab with an atomic increment.
    private byte row[];    // The same ID, as a byte array.

    private static final byte ALLOCATE_UID = 0;
    private static final byte CREATE_REVERSE_MAPPING = 1;
    private static final byte CREATE_FORWARD_MAPPING = 2;
    private static final byte DONE = 3;
    private byte state = ALLOCATE_UID;  // Current state of the process.

    UniqueIdAllocator(final String name, final Deferred<byte[]> assignment) { = name;
      this.assignment = assignment;

    Deferred<byte[]> tryAllocate() {
      state = ALLOCATE_UID;
      return assignment;

    public Object call(final Object arg) {
      if (attempt == 0) {
        if (hbe == null && !randomize_id) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Should never happen!");
        LOG.error("Failed to assign an ID for kind='" + kind()
                  + "' name='" + name + "'", hbe);
        if (hbe == null) {
          throw new FailedToAssignUniqueIdException(kind(), name, 
        throw hbe;

      if (arg instanceof Exception) {
        final String msg = ("Failed attempt #" + (randomize_id
                         ? (MAX_ATTEMPTS_ASSIGN_RANDOM_ID - attempt) 
                         : (MAX_ATTEMPTS_ASSIGN_ID - attempt))
                         + " to assign an UID for " + kind() + ':' + name
                         + " at step #" + state);
        if (arg instanceof HBaseException) {
          LOG.error(msg, (Exception) arg);
          hbe = (HBaseException) arg;
          state = ALLOCATE_UID;;  // Retry from the beginning.
        } else {
          LOG.error("WTF?  Unexpected exception!  " + msg, (Exception) arg);
          return arg;  // Unexpected exception, let it bubble up.

      class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
        public Object call(final Exception e) throws Exception {
          if (!called) {
            LOG.warn("Failed pending assignment for: " + name, e);
            called = true;
          return assignment;
      final Deferred d;
      switch (state) {
        case ALLOCATE_UID:
          d = allocateUid();
          d = createReverseMapping(arg);
          d = createForwardMapping(arg);
        case DONE:
          return done(arg);
          throw new AssertionError("Should never be here!");
      return d.addBoth(this).addErrback(new ErrBack());

    /** Generates either a random or a serial ID. If random, we need to
     * make sure that there isn't a UID collision.
    private Deferred<Long> allocateUid() {"Creating " + (randomize_id ? "a random " : "an ") + 
          "ID for kind='" + kind() + "' name='" + name + '\'');

      if (randomize_id) {
        return Deferred.fromResult(RandomUniqueId.getRandomUID());
      } else {
        return client.atomicIncrement(new AtomicIncrementRequest(table, 
                                      MAXID_ROW, ID_FAMILY, kind));

     * Create the reverse mapping.
     * We do this before the forward one so that if we die before creating
     * the forward mapping we don't run the risk of "publishing" a
     * partially assigned ID.  The reverse mapping on its own is harmless
     * but the forward mapping without reverse mapping is bad as it would
     * point to an ID that cannot be resolved.
    private Deferred<Boolean> createReverseMapping(final Object arg) {
      if (!(arg instanceof Long)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a Long but got " + arg);
      id = (Long) arg;
      if (id <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Got a negative ID from HBase: " + id);
      }"Got ID=" + id
               + " for kind='" + kind() + "' name='" + name + "'");
      row = Bytes.fromLong(id);
      // row.length should actually be 8.
      if (row.length < id_width) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("OMG, row.length = " + row.length
                                        + " which is less than " + id_width
                                        + " for id=" + id
                                        + " row=" + Arrays.toString(row));
      // Verify that we're going to drop bytes that are 0.
      for (int i = 0; i < row.length - id_width; i++) {
        if (row[i] != 0) {
          final String message = "All Unique IDs for " + kind()
            + " on " + id_width + " bytes are already assigned!";
          LOG.error("OMG " + message);
          throw new IllegalStateException(message);
      // Shrink the ID on the requested number of bytes.
      row = Arrays.copyOfRange(row, row.length - id_width, row.length);

      // We are CAS'ing the KV into existence -- the second argument is how
      // we tell HBase we want to atomically create the KV, so that if there
      // is already a KV in this cell, we'll fail.  Technically we could do
      // just a `put' here, as we have a freshly allocated UID, so there is
      // not reason why a KV should already exist for this UID, but just to
      // err on the safe side and catch really weird corruption cases, we do
      // a CAS instead to create the KV.
      return client.compareAndSet(reverseMapping(), HBaseClient.EMPTY_ARRAY);

    private PutRequest reverseMapping() {
      return new PutRequest(table, row, NAME_FAMILY, kind, toBytes(name));

    private Deferred<?> createForwardMapping(final Object arg) {
      if (!(arg instanceof Boolean)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a Boolean but got " + arg);
      if (!((Boolean) arg)) {  // Previous CAS failed. 
        if (randomize_id) {
          // This random Id is already used by another row
          LOG.warn("Detected random id collision and retrying kind='" + 
              kind() + "' name='" + name + "'");
        } else {
          // something is really messed up then
          LOG.error("WTF!  Failed to CAS reverse mapping: " + reverseMapping()
              + " -- run an fsck against the UID table!");
        state = ALLOCATE_UID;
        return Deferred.fromResult(false);

      state = DONE;
      return client.compareAndSet(forwardMapping(), HBaseClient.EMPTY_ARRAY);

    private PutRequest forwardMapping() {
        return new PutRequest(table, toBytes(name), ID_FAMILY, kind, row);

    private Deferred<byte[]> done(final Object arg) {
      if (!(arg instanceof Boolean)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a Boolean but got " + arg);
      if (!((Boolean) arg)) {  // Previous CAS failed.  We lost a race.
        LOG.warn("Race condition: tried to assign ID " + id + " to "
                 + kind() + ":" + name + ", but CAS failed on "
                 + forwardMapping() + ", which indicates this UID must have"
                 + " been allocated concurrently by another TSD or thread. "
                 + "So ID " + id + " was leaked.");
        // If two TSDs attempted to allocate a UID for the same name at the
        // same time, they would both have allocated a UID, and created a
        // reverse mapping, and upon getting here, only one of them would
        // manage to CAS this KV into existence.  The one that loses the
        // race will retry and discover the UID assigned by the winner TSD,
        // and a UID will have been wasted in the process.  No big deal.
        if (randomize_id) {
          // This random Id is already used by another row
          LOG.warn("Detected random id collision between two tsdb "
              + "servers kind='" + kind() + "' name='" + name + "'");
        class GetIdCB implements Callback<Object, byte[]> {
          public Object call(final byte[] row) throws Exception {
            return null;
        getIdAsync(name).addCallback(new GetIdCB());
        return assignment;

      cacheMapping(name, row);
      if (tsdb != null && tsdb.getConfig().enable_realtime_uid()) {
        final UIDMeta meta = new UIDMeta(type, row, name);
        meta.storeNew(tsdb);"Wrote UIDMeta for: " + name);
      synchronized(pending_assignments) {
        if (pending_assignments.remove(name) != null) {
"Completed pending assignment for: " + name);
      return assignment;


  /** Adds the bidirectional mapping in the cache. */
  private void cacheMapping(final String name, final byte[] id) {
    addIdToCache(name, id);
    addNameToCache(id, name);
   * Finds the ID associated with a given name or creates it.
   * <p>
   * <strong>This method is blocking.</strong>  Its use within OpenTSDB itself
   * is discouraged, please use {@link #getOrCreateIdAsync} instead.
   * <p>
   * The length of the byte array is fixed in advance by the implementation.
   * @param name The name to lookup in the table or to assign an ID to.
   * @throws HBaseException if there is a problem communicating with HBase.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if all possible IDs are already assigned.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the ID found in HBase is encoded on the
   * wrong number of bytes.
  public byte[] getOrCreateId(final String name) throws HBaseException {
    try {
      return getIdAsync(name).joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (NoSuchUniqueName e) {
      if (tsdb != null && tsdb.getUidFilter() != null && 
          tsdb.getUidFilter().fillterUIDAssignments()) {
        try {
          if (!tsdb.getUidFilter().allowUIDAssignment(type, name, null, null)
                .join()) {
            throw new FailedToAssignUniqueIdException(new String(kind), name, 0, 
                "Blocked by UID filter.");
        } catch (FailedToAssignUniqueIdException e1) {
          throw e1;
        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
          LOG.error("Interrupted", e1);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e1);
      Deferred<byte[]> assignment = null;
      boolean pending = false;
      synchronized (pending_assignments) {
        assignment = pending_assignments.get(name);
        if (assignment == null) {
          // to prevent UID leaks that can be caused when multiple time
          // series for the same metric or tags arrive, we need to write a 
          // deferred to the pending map as quickly as possible. Then we can 
          // start the assignment process after we've stashed the deferred 
          // and released the lock
          assignment = new Deferred<byte[]>();
          pending_assignments.put(name, assignment);
        } else {
          pending = true;
      if (pending) {"Already waiting for UID assignment: " + name);
        try {
          return assignment.joinUninterruptibly();
        } catch (Exception e1) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e1);
      // start the assignment dance after stashing the deferred
      byte[] uid = null;
      try {
        uid = new UniqueIdAllocator(name, assignment).tryAllocate().joinUninterruptibly();
      } catch (RuntimeException e1) {
        throw e1;
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);
      } finally {
        synchronized (pending_assignments) {
          if (pending_assignments.remove(name) != null) {
  "Completed pending assignment for: " + name);
      return uid;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);
   * Finds the ID associated with a given name or creates it.
   * <p>
   * The length of the byte array is fixed in advance by the implementation.
   * @param name The name to lookup in the table or to assign an ID to.
   * @throws HBaseException if there is a problem communicating with HBase.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if all possible IDs are already assigned.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the ID found in HBase is encoded on the
   * wrong number of bytes.
   * @since 1.2
  public Deferred<byte[]> getOrCreateIdAsync(final String name) {
    return getOrCreateIdAsync(name, null, null);
   * Finds the ID associated with a given name or creates it.
   * <p>
   * The length of the byte array is fixed in advance by the implementation.
   * @param name The name to lookup in the table or to assign an ID to.
   * @param metric Name of the metric associated with the UID for filtering.
   * @param tags Tag set associated with the UID for filtering.
   * @throws HBaseException if there is a problem communicating with HBase.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if all possible IDs are already assigned.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the ID found in HBase is encoded on the
   * wrong number of bytes.
   * @since 2.3
  public Deferred<byte[]> getOrCreateIdAsync(final String name, 
      final String metric, final Map<String, String> tags) {
    // Look in the cache first.
    final byte[] id = getIdFromCache(name);
    if (id != null) {
      return Deferred.fromResult(id);
    // Not found in our cache, so look in HBase instead.

    /** Triggers the assignment if allowed through the filter */
    class AssignmentAllowedCB implements  Callback<Deferred<byte[]>, Boolean> {
      public Deferred<byte[]> call(final Boolean allowed) throws Exception {
        if (!allowed) {
          return Deferred.fromError(new FailedToAssignUniqueIdException(
              new String(kind), name, 0, "Blocked by UID filter."));
        Deferred<byte[]> assignment = null;
        synchronized (pending_assignments) {
          assignment = pending_assignments.get(name);
          if (assignment == null) {
            // to prevent UID leaks that can be caused when multiple time
            // series for the same metric or tags arrive, we need to write a 
            // deferred to the pending map as quickly as possible. Then we can 
            // start the assignment process after we've stashed the deferred 
            // and released the lock
            assignment = new Deferred<byte[]>();
            pending_assignments.put(name, assignment);
          } else {
  "Already waiting for UID assignment: " + name);
            return assignment;
        // start the assignment dance after stashing the deferred
        if (metric != null && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Assigning UID for '" + name + "' of type '" + type + 
              "' for series '" + metric + ", " + tags + "'");
        // start the assignment dance after stashing the deferred
        return new UniqueIdAllocator(name, assignment).tryAllocate();
      public String toString() {
        return "AssignmentAllowedCB";
    /** Triggers an assignment (possibly through the filter) if the exception 
     * returned was a NoSuchUniqueName. */
    class HandleNoSuchUniqueNameCB implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
      public Object call(final Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof NoSuchUniqueName) {
          if (tsdb != null && tsdb.getUidFilter() != null && 
              tsdb.getUidFilter().fillterUIDAssignments()) {
            return tsdb.getUidFilter()
                .allowUIDAssignment(type, name, metric, tags)
                .addCallbackDeferring(new AssignmentAllowedCB());
          } else {
            return Deferred.fromResult(true)
                .addCallbackDeferring(new AssignmentAllowedCB());
        return e;  // Other unexpected exception, let it bubble up.

    // Kick off the HBase lookup, and if we don't find it there either, start
    // the process to allocate a UID.
    return getIdAsync(name).addErrback(new HandleNoSuchUniqueNameCB());

   * Attempts to find suggestions of names given a search term.
   * <p>
   * <strong>This method is blocking.</strong>  Its use within OpenTSDB itself
   * is discouraged, please use {@link #suggestAsync} instead.
   * @param search The search term (possibly empty).
   * @return A list of known valid names that have UIDs that sort of match
   * the search term.  If the search term is empty, returns the first few
   * terms.
   * @throws HBaseException if there was a problem getting suggestions from
   * HBase.
  public List<String> suggest(final String search) throws HBaseException {
    return suggest(search, MAX_SUGGESTIONS);
   * Attempts to find suggestions of names given a search term.
   * @param search The search term (possibly empty).
   * @param max_results The number of results to return. Must be 1 or greater
   * @return A list of known valid names that have UIDs that sort of match
   * the search term.  If the search term is empty, returns the first few
   * terms.
   * @throws HBaseException if there was a problem getting suggestions from
   * HBase.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the count was less than 1
   * @since 2.0
  public List<String> suggest(final String search, final int max_results) 
    throws HBaseException {
    if (max_results < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Count must be greater than 0");
    try {
      return suggestAsync(search, max_results).joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (HBaseException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {  // Should never happen.
      final String msg = "Unexpected exception caught by "
        + this + ".suggest(" + search + ')';
      LOG.error(msg, e);
      throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);  // Should never happen.

   * Attempts to find suggestions of names given a search term.
   * @param search The search term (possibly empty).
   * @return A list of known valid names that have UIDs that sort of match
   * the search term.  If the search term is empty, returns the first few
   * terms.
   * @throws HBaseException if there was a problem getting suggestions from
   * HBase.
   * @since 1.1
  public Deferred<List<String>> suggestAsync(final String search, 
      final int max_results) {
    return new SuggestCB(search, max_results).search();

   * Helper callback to asynchronously scan HBase for suggestions.
  private final class SuggestCB
    implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {
    private final LinkedList<String> suggestions = new LinkedList<String>();
    private final Scanner scanner;
    private final int max_results;

    SuggestCB(final String search, final int max_results) {
      this.max_results = max_results;
      this.scanner = getSuggestScanner(client, table, search, kind, max_results);

    Deferred<List<String>> search() {
      return (Deferred) scanner.nextRows().addCallback(this);

    public Object call(final ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) {
      if (rows == null) {  // We're done scanning.
        return suggestions;
      for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
        if (row.size() != 1) {
          LOG.error("WTF shouldn't happen!  Scanner " + scanner + " returned"
                    + " a row that doesn't have exactly 1 KeyValue: " + row);
          if (row.isEmpty()) {
        final byte[] key = row.get(0).key();
        final String name = fromBytes(key);
        final byte[] id = row.get(0).value();
        final byte[] cached_id = name_cache.get(name);
        if (cached_id == null) {
          cacheMapping(name, id); 
        } else if (!Arrays.equals(id, cached_id)) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("WTF?  For kind=" + kind()
            + " name=" + name + ", we have id=" + Arrays.toString(cached_id)
            + " in cache, but just scanned id=" + Arrays.toString(id));
        if ((short) suggestions.size() >= max_results) {  // We have enough.
          return scanner.close().addCallback(new Callback<Object, Object>() {
            public Object call(Object ignored) throws Exception {
              return suggestions;
        row.clear();  // free()
      return search();  // Get more suggestions.

   * Reassigns the UID to a different name (non-atomic).
   * <p>
   * Whatever was the UID of {@code oldname} will be given to {@code newname}.
   * {@code oldname} will no longer be assigned a UID.
   * <p>
   * Beware that the assignment change is <b>not atommic</b>.  If two threads
   * or processes attempt to rename the same UID differently, the result is
   * unspecified and might even be inconsistent.  This API is only here for
   * administrative purposes, not for normal programmatic interactions.
   * @param oldname The old name to rename.
   * @param newname The new name.
   * @throws NoSuchUniqueName if {@code oldname} wasn't assigned.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code newname} was already assigned.
   * @throws HBaseException if there was a problem with HBase while trying to
   * update the mapping.
  public void rename(final String oldname, final String newname) {
    final byte[] row = getId(oldname);
    final String row_string = fromBytes(row);
      byte[] id = null;
      try {
        id = getId(newname);
      } catch (NoSuchUniqueName e) {
        // OK, we don't want the new name to be assigned.
      if (id != null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("When trying rename(\"" + oldname
          + "\", \"" + newname + "\") on " + this + ": new name already"
          + " assigned ID=" + Arrays.toString(id));

    if (renaming_id_names.contains(row_string)
        || renaming_id_names.contains(newname)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ongoing rename on the same ID(\""
        + Arrays.toString(row) + "\") or an identical new name(\"" + newname
        + "\")");

    final byte[] newnameb = toBytes(newname);

    // Update the reverse mapping first, so that if we die before updating
    // the forward mapping we don't run the risk of "publishing" a
    // partially assigned ID.  The reverse mapping on its own is harmless
    // but the forward mapping without reverse mapping is bad.
    try {
      final PutRequest reverse_mapping = new PutRequest(
        table, row, NAME_FAMILY, kind, newnameb);
      hbasePutWithRetry(reverse_mapping, MAX_ATTEMPTS_PUT,
    } catch (HBaseException e) {
      LOG.error("When trying rename(\"" + oldname
        + "\", \"" + newname + "\") on " + this + ": Failed to update reverse"
        + " mapping for ID=" + Arrays.toString(row), e);
      throw e;

    // Now create the new forward mapping.
    try {
      final PutRequest forward_mapping = new PutRequest(
        table, newnameb, ID_FAMILY, kind, row);
      hbasePutWithRetry(forward_mapping, MAX_ATTEMPTS_PUT,
    } catch (HBaseException e) {
      LOG.error("When trying rename(\"" + oldname
        + "\", \"" + newname + "\") on " + this + ": Failed to create the"
        + " new forward mapping with ID=" + Arrays.toString(row), e);
      throw e;

    // Update cache.
    addIdToCache(newname, row);            // add     new name -> ID
    id_cache.put(fromBytesForId(row), newname);  // update  ID -> new name
    name_cache.remove(oldname);             // remove  old name -> ID

    // Delete the old forward mapping.
    try {
      final DeleteRequest old_forward_mapping = new DeleteRequest(
        table, toBytes(oldname), ID_FAMILY, kind);
    } catch (HBaseException e) {
      LOG.error("When trying rename(\"" + oldname
        + "\", \"" + newname + "\") on " + this + ": Failed to remove the"
        + " old forward mapping for ID=" + Arrays.toString(row), e);
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      final String msg = "Unexpected exception when trying rename(\"" + oldname
        + "\", \"" + newname + "\") on " + this + ": Failed to remove the"
        + " old forward mapping for ID=" + Arrays.toString(row);
      LOG.error("WTF?  " + msg, e);
      throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
    } finally {
    // Success!

   * Attempts to remove the mappings for the given string from the UID table
   * as well as the cache. If used, the caller should remove the entry from all
   * TSD caches as well.
   * <p>
   * WARNING: This is a best attempt only method in that we'll lookup the UID
   * for the given string, then issue two delete requests, one for each mapping.
   * If either mapping fails then the cache can be re-populated later on with
   * stale data. In that case, please run the FSCK utility.
   * <p>
   * WARNING 2: This method will NOT delete time series data or TSMeta data 
   * associated with the UIDs. It only removes them from the UID table. Deleting
   * a metric is generally safe as you won't query over it in the future. But
   * deleting tag keys or values can cause queries to fail if they find data
   * without a corresponding name.
   * @param name The name of the UID to delete
   * @return A deferred to wait on for completion. The result will be null if
   * successful, an exception otherwise.
   * @throws NoSuchUniqueName if the UID string did not exist in storage
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the TSDB wasn't set for this UID object
   * @since 2.2
  public Deferred<Object> deleteAsync(final String name) {
    if (tsdb == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The TSDB is null for this UID object.");
    final byte[] uid = new byte[id_width];
    final ArrayList<Deferred<Object>> deferreds = 
        new ArrayList<Deferred<Object>>(2);
    /** Catches errors and still cleans out the cache */
    class ErrCB implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
      public Object call(final Exception ex) throws Exception {
        LOG.error("Failed to delete " + fromBytes(kind) + " UID " + name 
            + " but still cleared the cache", ex);
        return ex;
    /** Used to wait on the group of delete requests */
    class GroupCB implements Callback<Deferred<Object>, ArrayList<Object>> {
      public Deferred<Object> call(final ArrayList<Object> response) 
          throws Exception {
        id_cache.remove(fromBytesForId(uid));"Successfully deleted " + fromBytes(kind) + " UID " + name);
        return Deferred.fromResult(null);
    /** Called after fetching the UID from storage */
    class LookupCB implements Callback<Deferred<Object>, byte[]> {
      public Deferred<Object> call(final byte[] stored_uid) throws Exception {
        if (stored_uid == null) {
          return Deferred.fromError(new NoSuchUniqueName(kind(), name));
        System.arraycopy(stored_uid, 0, uid, 0, id_width);
        final DeleteRequest forward = 
            new DeleteRequest(table, toBytes(name), ID_FAMILY, kind);
        final DeleteRequest reverse = 
            new DeleteRequest(table, uid, NAME_FAMILY, kind);
        final DeleteRequest meta = new DeleteRequest(table, uid, NAME_FAMILY, 
            toBytes((type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta")));
        return GroupCB());
    final byte[] cached_uid = name_cache.get(name);
    if (cached_uid == null) {
      return getIdFromHBase(name).addCallbackDeferring(new LookupCB())
          .addErrback(new ErrCB());
    System.arraycopy(cached_uid, 0, uid, 0, id_width);
    final DeleteRequest forward = 
        new DeleteRequest(table, toBytes(name), ID_FAMILY, kind);
    final DeleteRequest reverse = 
        new DeleteRequest(table, uid, NAME_FAMILY, kind);
    final DeleteRequest meta = new DeleteRequest(table, uid, NAME_FAMILY, 
        toBytes((type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta")));
    return GroupCB())
        .addErrback(new ErrCB());
  /** The start row to scan on empty search strings.  `!' = first ASCII char. */
  private static final byte[] START_ROW = new byte[] { '!' };

  /** The end row to scan on empty search strings.  `~' = last ASCII char. */
  private static final byte[] END_ROW = new byte[] { '~' };

   * Creates a scanner that scans the right range of rows for suggestions.
   * @param client The HBase client to use.
   * @param tsd_uid_table Table where IDs are stored.
   * @param search The string to start searching at
   * @param kind_or_null The kind of UID to search or null for any kinds.
   * @param max_results The max number of results to return
  private static Scanner getSuggestScanner(final HBaseClient client,
      final byte[] tsd_uid_table, final String search,
      final byte[] kind_or_null, final int max_results) {
    final byte[] start_row;
    final byte[] end_row;
    if (search.isEmpty()) {
      start_row = START_ROW;
      end_row = END_ROW;
    } else {
      start_row = toBytes(search);
      end_row = Arrays.copyOf(start_row, start_row.length);
      end_row[start_row.length - 1]++;
    final Scanner scanner = client.newScanner(tsd_uid_table);
    if (kind_or_null != null) {
    scanner.setMaxNumRows(max_results <= 4096 ? max_results : 4096);
    return scanner;

  /** Returns the cell of the specified row key, using family:kind. */
  private Deferred<byte[]> hbaseGet(final byte[] key, final byte[] family) {
    final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(table, key);;
    class GetCB implements Callback<byte[], ArrayList<KeyValue>> {
      public byte[] call(final ArrayList<KeyValue> row) {
        if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
          return null;
        return row.get(0).value();
    return client.get(get).addCallback(new GetCB());

   * Attempts to run the PutRequest given in argument, retrying if needed.
   * Puts are synchronized.
   * @param put The PutRequest to execute.
   * @param attempts The maximum number of attempts.
   * @param wait The initial amount of time in ms to sleep for after a
   * failure.  This amount is doubled after each failed attempt.
   * @throws HBaseException if all the attempts have failed.  This exception
   * will be the exception of the last attempt.
  private void hbasePutWithRetry(final PutRequest put, short attempts, short wait)
    throws HBaseException {
    put.setBufferable(false);  // TODO(tsuna): Remove once this code is async.
    while (attempts-- > 0) {
      try {
      } catch (HBaseException e) {
        if (attempts > 0) {
          LOG.error("Put failed, attempts left=" + attempts
                    + " (retrying in " + wait + " ms), put=" + put, e);
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new RuntimeException("interrupted", ie);
          wait *= 2;
        } else {
          throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("WTF?  Unexpected exception type, put=" + put, e);
    throw new IllegalStateException("This code should never be reached!");

  private static byte[] toBytes(final String s) {
    return s.getBytes(CHARSET);

  private static String fromBytes(final byte[] b) {
    return new String(b, CHARSET);

  private static String fromBytesForId(final byte[] b) {
	    return new String(b, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));
  /** Returns a human readable string representation of the object. */
  public String toString() {
    return "UniqueId(" + fromBytes(table) + ", " + kind() + ", " + id_width + ")";

   * Converts a byte array to a hex encoded, upper case string with padding
   * @param uid The ID to convert
   * @return the UID as a hex string
   * @throws NullPointerException if the ID was null
   * @since 2.0
  public static String uidToString(final byte[] uid) {
    return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(uid);
   * Converts a hex string to a byte array
   * If the {@code uid} is less than {@code uid_length * 2} characters wide, it
   * will be padded with 0s to conform to the spec. E.g. if the tagk width is 3
   * and the given {@code uid} string is "1", the string will be padded to 
   * "000001" and then converted to a byte array to reach 3 bytes. 
   * All {@code uid}s are padded to 1 byte. If given "1", and {@code uid_length}
   * is 0, the uid will be padded to "01" then converted.
   * @param uid The UID to convert
   * @return The UID as a byte array
   * @throws NullPointerException if the ID was null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not valid hex
   * @since 2.0
  public static byte[] stringToUid(final String uid) {
    return stringToUid(uid, (short)0);

   * Converts a UID to an integer value. The array must be the same length as
   * uid_length or an exception will be thrown.
   * @param uid The hex encoded UID to convert
   * @param uid_length Length the array SHOULD be according to the UID config
   * @return The UID converted to an integer
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length of the byte array does not
   * match the uid_length value
   * @since 2.1
  public static long uidToLong(final String uid, final short uid_length) {
    return uidToLong(stringToUid(uid), uid_length);
   * Converts a UID to an integer value. The array must be the same length as
   * uid_length or an exception will be thrown.
   * @param uid The byte array to convert
   * @param uid_length Length the array SHOULD be according to the UID config
   * @return The UID converted to an integer
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length of the byte array does not
   * match the uid_length value
   * @since 2.1
  public static long uidToLong(final byte[] uid, final short uid_length) {
    if (uid.length != uid_length) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("UID was " + uid.length 
          + " bytes long but expected to be " + uid_length);
    final byte[] uid_raw = new byte[8];
    System.arraycopy(uid, 0, uid_raw, 8 - uid_length, uid_length);
    return Bytes.getLong(uid_raw);
   * Converts a Long to a byte array with the proper UID width
   * @param uid The UID to convert
   * @param width The width of the UID in bytes
   * @return The UID as a byte array
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the UID is larger than the width would
   * allow
   * @since 2.1
  public static byte[] longToUID(final long uid, final short width) {
    // Verify that we're going to drop bytes that are 0.
    final byte[] padded = Bytes.fromLong(uid);
    for (int i = 0; i < padded.length - width; i++) {
      if (padded[i] != 0) {
        final String message = "UID " + Long.toString(uid) + 
          " was too large for " + width + " bytes";
        LOG.error("OMG " + message);
        throw new IllegalStateException(message);
    // Shrink the ID on the requested number of bytes.
    return Arrays.copyOfRange(padded, padded.length - width, padded.length);
   * Appends the given UID to the given string buffer, followed by "\\E".
   * @param buf The buffer to append
   * @param id The UID to add as a binary regex pattern
   * @since 2.1
  public static void addIdToRegexp(final StringBuilder buf, final byte[] id) {
    boolean backslash = false;
    for (final byte b : id) {
      buf.append((char) (b & 0xFF));
      if (b == 'E' && backslash) {  // If we saw a `\' and now we have a `E'.
        // So we just terminated the quoted section because we just added \E
        // to `buf'.  So let's put a literal \E now and start quoting again.
      } else {
        backslash = b == '\\';
   * Attempts to convert the given string to a type enumerator
   * @param type The string to convert
   * @return a valid UniqueIdType if matched
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string did not match a type
   * @since 2.0
  public static UniqueIdType stringToUniqueIdType(final String type) {
    if (type.toLowerCase().equals("metric") || 
        type.toLowerCase().equals("metrics")) {
      return UniqueIdType.METRIC;
    } else if (type.toLowerCase().equals("tagk")) {
      return UniqueIdType.TAGK;
    } else if (type.toLowerCase().equals("tagv")) {
      return UniqueIdType.TAGV;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type requested: " + type);
   * Converts a hex string to a byte array
   * If the {@code uid} is less than {@code uid_length * 2} characters wide, it
   * will be padded with 0s to conform to the spec. E.g. if the tagk width is 3
   * and the given {@code uid} string is "1", the string will be padded to 
   * "000001" and then converted to a byte array to reach 3 bytes. 
   * All {@code uid}s are padded to 1 byte. If given "1", and {@code uid_length}
   * is 0, the uid will be padded to "01" then converted.
   * @param uid The UID to convert
   * @param uid_length An optional length, in bytes, that the UID must conform
   * to. Set to 0 if not used.
   * @return The UID as a byte array
   * @throws NullPointerException if the ID was null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not valid hex
   * @since 2.0
  public static byte[] stringToUid(final String uid, final short uid_length) {
    if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("UID was empty");
    String id = uid;
    if (uid_length > 0) {
      while (id.length() < uid_length * 2) {
        id = "0" + id;
    } else {
      if (id.length() % 2 > 0) {
        id = "0" + id;
    return DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(id);

   * Extracts the TSUID from a storage row key that includes the timestamp.
   * @param row_key The row key to process
   * @param metric_width The width of the metric
   * @param timestamp_width The width of the timestamp
   * @return The TSUID as a byte array
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the row key is missing tags or it is
   * corrupt such as a salted key when salting is disabled or vice versa.
  public static byte[] getTSUIDFromKey(final byte[] row_key, 
      final short metric_width, final short timestamp_width) {
    int idx = 0;
    // validation
    final int tag_pair_width = TSDB.tagk_width() + TSDB.tagv_width();
    final int tags_length = row_key.length - 
        (Const.SALT_WIDTH() + metric_width + timestamp_width);
    if (tags_length < tag_pair_width || (tags_length % tag_pair_width) != 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Row key is missing tags or it is corrupted " + Arrays.toString(row_key));
    final byte[] tsuid = new byte[
                 row_key.length - timestamp_width - Const.SALT_WIDTH()];
    for (int i = Const.SALT_WIDTH(); i < row_key.length; i++) {
      if (i < Const.SALT_WIDTH() + metric_width || 
          i >= (Const.SALT_WIDTH() + metric_width + timestamp_width)) {
        tsuid[idx] = row_key[i];
    return tsuid;
   * Extracts a list of tagks and tagvs as individual values in a list
   * @param tsuid The tsuid to parse
   * @return A list of tagk/tagv UIDs alternating with tagk, tagv, tagk, tagv
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the TSUID is malformed
   * @since 2.1
  public static List<byte[]> getTagsFromTSUID(final String tsuid) {
    if (tsuid == null || tsuid.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing TSUID");
    if (tsuid.length() <= TSDB.metrics_width() * 2) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "TSUID is too short, may be missing tags");
    final List<byte[]> tags = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
    final int pair_width = (TSDB.tagk_width() * 2) + (TSDB.tagv_width() * 2);
    // start after the metric then iterate over each tagk/tagv pair
    for (int i = TSDB.metrics_width() * 2; i < tsuid.length(); i+= pair_width) {
      if (i + pair_width > tsuid.length()){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "The TSUID appears to be malformed, improper tag width");
      String tag = tsuid.substring(i, i + (TSDB.tagk_width() * 2));
      tag = tsuid.substring(i + (TSDB.tagk_width() * 2), i + pair_width);
    return tags;
   * Extracts a list of tagk/tagv pairs from a tsuid
   * @param tsuid The tsuid to parse
   * @return A list of tagk/tagv UID pairs
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the TSUID is malformed
   * @since 2.0
  public static List<byte[]> getTagPairsFromTSUID(final String tsuid) {
     if (tsuid == null || tsuid.isEmpty()) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing TSUID");
     if (tsuid.length() <= TSDB.metrics_width() * 2) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "TSUID is too short, may be missing tags");
     final List<byte[]> tags = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
     final int pair_width = (TSDB.tagk_width() * 2) + (TSDB.tagv_width() * 2);
     // start after the metric then iterate over each tagk/tagv pair
     for (int i = TSDB.metrics_width() * 2; i < tsuid.length(); i+= pair_width) {
       if (i + pair_width > tsuid.length()){
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
             "The TSUID appears to be malformed, improper tag width");
       String tag = tsuid.substring(i, i + pair_width);
     return tags;
   * Extracts a list of tagk/tagv pairs from a tsuid
   * @param tsuid The tsuid to parse
   * @return A list of tagk/tagv UID pairs
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the TSUID is malformed
   * @since 2.0
  public static List<byte[]> getTagPairsFromTSUID(final byte[] tsuid) {
    if (tsuid == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing TSUID");
    if (tsuid.length <= TSDB.metrics_width()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "TSUID is too short, may be missing tags");
    final List<byte[]> tags = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
    final int pair_width = TSDB.tagk_width() + TSDB.tagv_width();
    // start after the metric then iterate over each tagk/tagv pair
    for (int i = TSDB.metrics_width(); i < tsuid.length; i+= pair_width) {
      if (i + pair_width > tsuid.length){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "The TSUID appears to be malformed, improper tag width");
      tags.add(Arrays.copyOfRange(tsuid, i, i + pair_width));
    return tags;
   * Returns a map of max UIDs from storage for the given list of UID types 
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to which we belong
   * @param kinds A list of qualifiers to fetch
   * @return A map with the "kind" as the key and the maximum assigned UID as
   * the value
   * @since 2.0
  public static Deferred<Map<String, Long>> getUsedUIDs(final TSDB tsdb,
      final byte[][] kinds) {
     * Returns a map with 0 if the max ID row hasn't been initialized yet, 
     * otherwise the map has actual data
    final class GetCB implements Callback<Map<String, Long>, 
      ArrayList<KeyValue>> {

      public Map<String, Long> call(final ArrayList<KeyValue> row)
          throws Exception {
        final Map<String, Long> results = new HashMap<String, Long>(3);
        if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
          // it could be the case that this is the first time the TSD has run
          // and the user hasn't put any metrics in, so log and return 0s
"Could not find the UID assignment row");
          for (final byte[] kind : kinds) {
            results.put(new String(kind, CHARSET), 0L);
          return results;
        for (final KeyValue column : row) {
          results.put(new String(column.qualifier(), CHARSET), 
        // if the user is starting with a fresh UID table, we need to account
        // for missing columns
        for (final byte[] kind : kinds) {
          if (results.get(new String(kind, CHARSET)) == null) {
            results.put(new String(kind, CHARSET), 0L);
        return results;
    final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), MAXID_ROW);;
    return tsdb.getClient().get(get).addCallback(new GetCB());

   * Pre-load UID caches, scanning up to "tsd.core.preload_uid_cache.max_entries"
   * rows from the UID table.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to use 
   * @param uid_cache_map A map of {@link UniqueId} objects keyed on the kind.
   * @throws HBaseException Passes any HBaseException from HBase scanner.
   * @throws RuntimeException Wraps any non HBaseException from HBase scanner.
   * @2.1
  public static void preloadUidCache(final TSDB tsdb,
      final ByteMap<UniqueId> uid_cache_map) throws HBaseException {
    int max_results = tsdb.getConfig().getInt(
        "tsd.core.preload_uid_cache.max_entries");"Preloading uid cache with max_results=" + max_results);
    if (max_results <= 0) {
    Scanner scanner = null;
    try {
      int num_rows = 0;
      scanner = getSuggestScanner(tsdb.getClient(), tsdb.uidTable(), "", null, 
      for (ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows = scanner.nextRows().join();
          rows != null;
          rows = scanner.nextRows().join()) {
        for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
          for (KeyValue kv: row) {
            final String name = fromBytes(kv.key());
            final byte[] kind = kv.qualifier();
            final byte[] id = kv.value();
            LOG.debug("id='{}', name='{}', kind='{}'", Arrays.toString(id)

Copy link

leapar commented Aug 3, 2017


    name, fromBytes(kind));
            UniqueId uid_cache = uid_cache_map.get(kind);
            if (uid_cache != null) {
              uid_cache.cacheMapping(name, id);
          num_rows += row.size();
          row.clear();  // free()
          if (num_rows >= max_results) {
      for (UniqueId unique_id_table : uid_cache_map.values()) {"After preloading, uid cache '{}' has {} ids and {} names.",
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (e instanceof HBaseException) {
        throw (HBaseException)e;
      } else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
        throw (RuntimeException)e;
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error while preloading IDs", e);
    } finally {
      if (scanner != null) {

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