- thunderclasts - came from stone itself
- bodies - both human and otherwise
- blood - red, orange, violet
- meeting place, seems like battle in small region, not spread across whole world?
- Kalak mostly refers to 'these centuries' not all these millennia, later says perhaps millennia
- Ishar seeded the idea of not returning
- ordinary men in primitive wraps, spear with bronze
- spren not mentioned at all
- only dustbringer order mentioned - because of fight against thunderclasts which are of stone?
- how'd he know about Dalinar/Jasnah/Elhokar and even know to recognize by sight?
- later mentions about learning info...
- Szeth notices an Azish with pale skin on cheek (Nale?) and thin Alethi-looking man
- first spren mentioned is musicspren (delibrate?)
- who is the old man with long grey and black beard, smiling foolishly?
- frost forms when lashing is used
- honorblade bonding process similar to dead shardblade?
- any particular reason why eyes burn? why not skin/mouth/nose/etc smoking?
- history nonexistent, legends inaccurate (how does Szeth know it is inaccurate)
- strange sphere - glow - black light
- Szeth knows to write, Alethi?
- swears on Stormfather, not almighty, heralds, etc - any particular reason?
- Kaladin called lucky, IIRC this is after Tien's death - Syl came after Tien's death?
- landlord strong enough to try to encroach Amaram's territory
- cenn sees air wrapping around Kal, something visible
- casual mention of black hair mixed with foreign blond hair
- Kal hits plenty of eyes with knives
- massive black horse
- shardplate - radiate light, gilded
- shardblade - curved, ridged like flowing waves
- first spotting of Syl?
- small figure flitted, dancing like fluttering insect
- amorphous, vaguely translucent
- wooden bowl stuck to fingers, windspren laughed
- following for at least 2 months, how does Kal recognize it as same one? and then expresses doubt immediately, hmm
- talks to Kal, surely ordinary sprens don't talk? language automatically based on person the spren is bonding? what if that person knows multiple languages? or mute?
- later mentioned: large windspren/riverspren can mimic voices/expressions
- blue and white - same color as Jezrien right?
- piece of night cloak, heart of beetle
- people don't eat leaves, leaking things, etc oh Syl, you're the best spren :P
- cenn and dallet dead...
- poison leaves in Kal's belt
- 10 escape attempts, 5 different masters
- Salas moon, Taln's scar (swath of deep red stars - named after Herald?)
- Thaylen men - white beards and long white eyebrows pushed over ears
- casual mention of old magic and curse
- skyeel sketch, where do they take shelter during highstorms?
- Shallan mentions fabricating tales/dialogues, allergic to flowers
- as per Shallan, anyone not following Vorin is pagan? :P
- safehand pouch also serves as hidden purse
- how do stone withstand regular highstorms, do they breakdown to sand? does it wash off
- last desolation, Hierocracy and Recreance mentioned
- voidbringers with bodies of stone - thunderclasts?
- death rattle - head of lines, distant sun, black sky - cognitive realm?
- spring comes after summer?
- shades of lost radiants, voidbringers haunt violent highstorms
- time after highstorms, rocks seem to come to life
- hello Jasnah and Mr. T
- Nohadon name drop
- death rattle - cold, unending rain
- Taln, bearer of all agonies - clearly something of his torture is known, as part of Vorin?
- arrows smacked around him - already some sort of bond working?
- Veil, came before Palanaeum, Dawnsingers
- memories, long silvery sword that can cut stones
- eyes - windows into mind and spirit, that's why lighteyes/darkeyes?
- Almighty - Elithanathile
- Shallan herself is a collector, like Mraize :P
- hello Kabsal
- Vedeledev's golden keys
- Dandos Heraldin (name has Herald :P) the oilsworn as Shallan's teacher
- learnt from book, not in person training..
- death rattle - do they depend on whether the person was lighteyes/darkeyes, what their age/profession/faith/etc was?
- angry people unsettles Shallan - I can relate to that very well :(
- strange collection of maps in father's study
- secret - hidden ten heartbeat away
- third time lucky - wasn't there something similar in warbreaker?
- Yalb says it is dumb for same type of shops to clump together, in OB Shallan says the same in Urithiru...
- middle moon Nomon (no moon? :P )
- no concept of lending library? could Shallan have borrowed books rather than buying?
- again Jasnah knows Shallan is nearby - someone informed or her spren? but she says bribed servants - true or lie?
- death rattle - 10 ppl with shardblade, before wall of black/white/red (each a different order? heralds?)
- spring rain, so spring indeed came after summer, hmmm
- out of 25, 23 dead, 2 moved elsewhere and died... still one other man and Kal remained (what math is this)
- why can't radiants talk to their spren mentally like vasher-nightblood? or will that come with eventually?
- string up in highstorm mentioned as one of the punishments
- Syl leaving Kal to bring leaves despite instinct telling she might lose herself, tears welling up already
- Lirin knows a lot about Herals and Knight Radiants
- rejoice oh Shalladin shippers, she likes jam and Kal went to see Jam training with quarterstaff
- death rattle - 3 of 16 ruled but now broken one reigns (shards? broken one is Honor?)
- Syl left the day boy died? didn't she leave on the day the boy was added to bridge four?
- cremling spotted
- Syl says she was drawn by gratitude shown by Kal in army
- Syl brings blackbane and asks for One more try - am not crying, you are
- do the worldhoppers retain their physical features as is or gets changed?
- ability to converse in local language - all local languages or only specific one where they landed?
- chameleon like crab, turning white to match stone color
- swearing dustmother - releaser Herald in Bavland?
- summoning blade changes Szeth's eye color from dark green to pale sapphire
- what language were they speaking? how many languages does Szeth know
- Adolin and dueling, I'd say that is big foreshadowing of him being either champion, but with Sanderson who can say :P
- find it odd that Sadeas never won a shardblade - fairly or otherwise
- ten fools mentioned
- Elhokar mentions being watched in darkness
- Renarin - blood weakness
- your nephew - should be your cousin or my nephew
- hello Wit, where art thou in Oathbringer
- Wit been there only for some months... where was he when Gavilar was assasinated?
- Renarin already attracted Glys? Wit seems to hint it to Dalinar
- Dalinar's speed seemed more than possible.. because of thrill? stormlight?
- everybody knows to recognize foreigners by their skin and accent, hmm
- Kal used stormlight from payday spheres during his exercise in front of brige four
- Syl claims she first saw Kal about a year ago
- unknown, tiny near-invisible spren from fresh greatshell bodies
- you were still Witless - absolute gold that Hoid :P but what things he had about? investigating the greatshell?
- Gavilar said Dalinar to follow codes even before signing the treaty... why? Stormfather told him? something else?
- way of kings book says lighteyes are beneath darkeyes, hmm
- hello Tien, my fav side character
- city of shadows (Rall Elorim) and city of lightning(Kurth)
- stones broken in highstorm
- even a slave could become lighteyes ;)
- how does Lirin know about spiritual realm
- why did Kal feel good with quarterstaff
- oh Syl :D suggesting Kal to give Gaz a potion to regard him with favor :P :P :P
- arrows completely went around Kal, using stormlight from the lone chip (that small was enough?)
- Gadol says death rattle in front of bridge 4
- Iriali have golden hair, considered as ward of good luck
- Hierocracy - did it come about naturally or shaped by some?
- Sunmaker was around during Hierocracy
- again, primitive stuff, not like current developments
- how does Dalinar still feel Thrill in visions
- swearing Three Gods - honor/cultivation/odium?
- glowing shardplate, body too - blue, windrunner?
- helm on/off at will
- Urithiru mentioned
- Eighth epoch (so 7 desolations came before?)
- Ten deaths
- midnight essence, but a mystery who released them
- regrowth to heal, would hear if called (edgedancer? listen stuff)
- act with honor and honor will aid (in form of KR? Heralds? something else?)
- Kal fails to save a girl who'd lost too much blood
- in which Hobber thanks Kal, Dabbid stares forward (does he snap out of it? gets killed?)
- Kal continues to practice despite complaining body
- Syl asks what is madness, feels there was a time with no lies
- Rock reveals he can see Syl
- spring and possibly back to summer... hmm that is norm on Roshar
- Wit says he didn't notice Navani's smell... is there more to it?
- Evi been dead 10 years, 4 years before Gavilar
- Syl says she is beautiful and articulate :P
- Ishi is Herald of luck, hmm
- Syl found so many knobweeds, can she go to cognitive realm?
- Rock put chull dung in Sadeas food - nice nice :D :D :D
- Mishim the third moon
- Tower - large plateau near Parshendi side
- chasmfiend fond of it, because of oathgate?
- Dalinar mentions possibility of a 'pattern' to the plateaus
- Nohadon == Sunmaker or not?
- says Nohadon was king before Heralds left (wow history survived so long)...
- The Arguments speaks about Tranquiline Halls
- act with honor and honor will aid - yeah he'd get Kal's help :P
- any specific reason Tien liked rocks, or simple natural fascination
- Hoid's letters - suspects 17th shard to be friends of Frost
- Hierocracy - five centuries before
- Herdaz - dark, crystalline fingernails
- scouts mentioned again to cross plateaus with long poles
- Impossible Falls of Kholinar
- Gavilar wishes he could show Dalinar what he means.. the visions?
- Dalinar feels revulsion from Thrill - first time? once shards were means of protection - whose voice, Stormfather?
- Parshendi blood is orange, so whose is violet? Aimian?
- Life before death, again whose voice?
- shardblade could cut chasmfiend/pupae only after killing?
- purple ichor - that is the violet blood?
- hello Eshonai
- nice, horneater names are a poem and insults are sometimes poem rhyming to that :D
- Kal mentions Syl's absence
- again and again Tranquiline Halls mentioned, dead men joining some army there to win it back - will that be the focus for last 5 books?
- Dalinar persistently pursued Evi for 3 years? wasn't he simply doing it because Gavilar/Sadeas/Navani told him to?
- fabrial to give warning if people approached
- why no spren in shin, because of no highstorm?
- Vstim was the one who got Szeth
- Aimian, didn't remember that
- Kasitor, western coast of Iri
- tattoos mentioned quite a few times
- blue nails, crystalline deep blue eyes, Sian Aimian, casts shadow wrong way, simply changes body to avoid smell, cure headache, estimates 'only' few more centuries to complete spren research/catalogue
- writings on body, does remind of Guardians of Galaxy
- successfully notices spren that appear only when one is severly intoxicated, hmm but seems they appear only in Iri :-/
- 7:46 in morning, Cusicesh appears, >=100ft, one of largest (so there are other such large spren), human faces appear on end of stumplike neck, lasts 10min, draining effect
- elusive search for captivity spren
- ppl deeply against predicting future, as part of Vorin culture... purposefully influenced by Odium?
- why Shin is so against walking on stone, part of culture or something else?
- reminds me a lot of WoT - every race immediately notices and disdains certain things of every other race
- at least Szeth starting to realize one cannot avoid walking on stone outside Shinovar :P
- do all the three moons on Roshar appear everynight, everywhere on planet? do they have phases?
- how'd they reach so fast without raising much alarm - plus soulcasting
- Luesh and those who came to visit Nan Balat had ghostblood symbols
- Gavarah proposed theory of three realms, I wonder how she arrived at that
- Mr. T doesn't think he'll be forgiven, internally refering to his acts?
- Jasnah agrees with Mr. T that Shallan's drawing talent might be blessing of Almighty (she knows her being a KR or agreeing to something else?)
- hello creepy things behind Mr. T
- Jasnah finds Mr. T as wonderful and praises a lot.. hmmm
- Gaz gets a viewpoint as well as chapter title
- why do we so fear the darkness? why does light shining put things in a positive light ?
- Hello THE LOPEN, trying to impress Kal with Herdazian boasting
- going towards tower, hmmm
- again, Kal uses stormlight when pushing harder
- what a mistake from Kal, in trying to save bridge four, so many more of others lost because of chaos
- are things soulcasted permanent?
- Shallan wants to observe all creatures, she should meet Axies :P
- yeah Sanderson, very subtle... mention Herald in same paragraph as the old female ardent shuffling about
- what's Double Eye
- glyphs and letters came from Dawnsingers
- what a set up by Brandon Sanderson, Jasnah asking if Kabsal has asked to steal the soulcaster
- Syl made one of the soldiers who beat Kal to trip up... nice, wonder how she did it
- epigraph - Urithiru to be placed west of Alethela, place near to Honor (and The Valley has nightwatcher too)
- Dawnchant - too many Dawn stuff (Dawnchant/Dawnsingers/Dawnshards)
- hello stormfather
- Syl hovering protectively in front of him.. all the feels
- Teft gets a viewpoint and he know what it means to find the dun sphere
- Dawnshard - known to bind any creature voidish/mortal (so not immortals like Heralds? :P)
- Natan - pale bluish skin, wide noses, wool-like white hair
- lanceryn were source of large gemhearts, but died off with scouring of Aimia... why was that done, and how were they overcome (work of Herald, KR?)
- greatshell rider from Kadrix(Reshi Isles) - greatshell here meaning what creature exactly?
- again, it seems lot of details about various nations/people/culture is known throughout Roshar, and yet they all find and complain too many things about each other
- Shallan wonders what horrors Jasnah has faced that Jasnah had such hatred towards those footpads (and who did it)
- surely Ivory watched Shallan swapping the soulcaster? :P
- Tien found a rock that sparkles differently from different sides
- wonders if spren lives in rocks (might actually be a captured spren inside that rock)
- Hesina says spren live in everything... any restriction on size? sand/microbes... are there viruses on Roshar?
- ten fools - Cabine
- Rillir mentions about wanting to go hunt
- who is Goshel, important enough for Kal to take the name after Tien
- Syl charging at deathspren with her radiant sword.. awwwwwwww
- Teft sees for himself that Kal can use stormlight to heal
- Shallan hints at concealed 'weapon' she hadn't used
- drawing of dead man, was it her father?
- where was Syl when Kal woke up and went on bridge run until the return back
- starspren, hmm... roshar has plant spren then? what about light spren, dark spren, thought spren, etc :P
- how do they know it is starspren? and lifespren, etc who decided? I wish Sanderson shows kids learning about various spren, their elders purposefully misleading or frightening them that spren will eat them if they didn't behave :P
- Kal felt guilty stepping on cremling.. of course he subconsciously knew about Aimians :P
- Shallan's relentless quest for Truth - he he he, you'll soon get back someone to share your enthusiam :P
- 'What are you' Shallan, you seem to have attracted some special type of spren... :D
- Shallan likes the strata here too... subtle foreshadowing? :P
- just like Kal heard death-rattle, Shallan reads Jasnah's notes, source of epigraphs
- there actually is a nightspren? huh :D
- oh clever Hashal, giving permanent chasm duty to bridge four, exactly what was needed to light up Kal
- I could fly, thinks Kal looking down into chasm - yup, not a foreshadowing at all, just a coincidence :P
- I think this is the first we've heard Syl speak after Kal healed enough to walk about
- Syl says she's helped men kill before... how many times she'd bonded in the past?
- why did Syl have to use the word glory instead of shardblade :P and why didn't she show some distaste for it
- Teft delibrately says 'journey before destination'... (we one part for Dalinar, another for Kal, third for Shallan?)
- heh, Sigzil just straight up says the complete sentence
- Skar argues KR were always tarnished... I wonder if that could be true, given OB chapters so far, what if KR are twisted during desolations? but then Heralds would have done something... hmmm, or may be some are twisted, not all
- ok, Goshel was one of slaves Kal tried to save
- Skar angrily retorts that perhaps Voidbringers are also misunderstood - this sure to come up in OB I hope
- Kal decides with small rock in his hands, my head cannon is that subconsciously Tien and his rocks helped here ;)
- Tien could make awesome wooden carvings, so he wasn't bad, just not motivated with normal, boring stuff
- Almighty's tenth name, hmm
- Yelignar - Blightwind, one of the Unmades, personifications of kinds of destruction
- Parshendi - black and red or white and red (wall of black/white/red?)
- Urithiru abandoned before Recreance, because of Unmade?
- as per Kabsal (why do I picture him as Kabuto? especially as I watched Naruto long after reading SA) Dawnsingers were healers, kindly spren sent by Almighty to care for humans after they were forced out of Tranquiline Halls
- with Shallan being so famous for her pics, wouldn't her ability to draw subjects without them needing to pose have spread as well? or may be Kabsal is just distracted
- hello creepy spren again, five of them apparently
- she thinks of the blade after considering to use the soulcaster
- shadesmar just like that by telling a truth when asked by those creepy spren
- yay, first soulcasting, goblet to blood (the goblet willingly, forcefully changed, unlike The Stick :P)
- Kal's with stormfather, starting out from origin
- Kal sees that there is symmetry to shattered plains
- city built in troughs, like the one Lift visits in Edgedancer?
- flashes of light - city of lightning?
- past gold and red haired woman, hello Szeth
- stormfather replies that there are too many wars because Odium reigns
- Sigzil is Worldsinger, too many orgs to keep track of
- Shen, this was subtle for sure, well done Mr. Sanderson
- Syl instinctively knows something about Parshmen/Parshendi - sorrowful for Shen, also instinctively fears Odium
- hello Adolin, Kal's just seen you, that too behaving differently than he expects of lighteyes... and calls him brideboy, does he remember this incident later?
- return to the Cenn scene
- Syl playing tricks :P sticking pouch of spheres
- Cenn trampled and Kal hears a death-rattle... black piper in night
- Sanderson's penchant for dramatic duel shows here... Kal using the sheared spear falling to kill the shardbearer
- safepouch tradition coming in 'handy'
- soulcasting used up the stormlight from the sphere Kabsal gave
- Jasnah gives her book of endless pages which has all empty pages
- I know what happens, yet why do I find myself wanting to yell that it is poisoned to Shallan and Jasnah? :D
- so will this radiant ketek appear in future book? possibly 5th/10th?
- gravity has groundspren
- tale: Extes had his arms torn off each day for sacrificing his son to Voidbringers in exchange to know day of death
- Syl allowing someone to see her - does that involve something in other realms?
- in which Shallan loses everything (soulcaster, wardship, Kabsal)
- was it Syl that flitted from one tent to another, trying to find Kal?
- Amaram mentions Thaidakar/Ghostbloods
- shardbearer was Veden
- Restares also part of decision, for good of Alethkar that Amaram take the shards
- Epan, lady of dreams - someone else of Ash named so in Emul?
- Nightwatcher mentioned to be in the Valley
- Nightwatcher will give what she feels is deserved plus a curse
- I wonder if there is a queue or relatively only few go
- they are on a Reshi island, a moving one?
- make a notation and spren freeze, so to speak.. erase them and they can change freely again :D
- will it become a plot point later? okay, mentioned that it might help with fabrials
- in which Szeth lays waste to Jah Keved
- death-rattle back as epigraphs, someone stands over brother's body and weeps
- Alethi most frequently take names of Jezrien, Kalak and Ishar - these Heralds are in eastern world now or they assigned these lands right from start?
- stormfather vision - Feverstone keep, Radiants there to fight and yet there was war? nice Dalinar sees darkeyes brightlord. Stonewards and Windrunners. fight is against devils (who'll that be without a desolation?). about 200 shardbearers (that's lot of shards from just two KR orders) and more came, 300 now. abandoning blade just like Heralds at last desolation... Dalinar would do similar at end of this book :P, why is it both first and last?
- Renarin had episode of weakness too, why?
- so Adolin and Renarin didn't know that Dalinar had visited Old Magic, been many years
- death-rattle - tower, crown and spear - who?
- Syl has talked so very little since the storm Kal survived (though she was very interested around the ideal talk). for ex: would be interesting to know her comments about Teft's observations and Kal's own bewilderment at healed cheek
- death-rattle - clearly Taln? this rattle talking about future or past?
- Wit is fishing for info from Dalinar? name dropping Adonalsium like that :D
- so Roshar ppl don't know world spins, worldhoppers should go about having a feast with Roshar kings
- will we get secret Roshar history showing where Hoid went after talking to Dalinar?
- another Dawn- thing, Dawncities - Sesemalex Dar, capital of Emul
- Dalinar asks Sadeas to ally and Sadeas pounces on the chance to get Dalinar killed
- Sigzil equates Stormfather with Jezrien, confusing :-/
- The Lopen mentions his cousins
- death-rattle - storm 'never' stops (that is what Everstorm will become?)
- that honor of yours is going to get you killed - Sadeas already planning for betrayal?
- Kal hears another death-rattle
- yay, The Lopen notices Kal glowing, courtesy Teft's attack ploy
- and for plot's sake, Syl is annoying with the details :P, she accepts not being windspren, tells she binds things
- there are actually tiny sprens, dark blue, when Kal binds a rock with stormlight - Syl names them bindspren
- and then Syl-Kal basically argue about chicken-egg problem, which came first?
- oh, Syl names the Windrunners... so she knows more than she's letting out, waiting for the words?
- hello Wit, so you're back from your cosmere doings and didn't die or came back even after dying
- do the right things at right 'time' - ha, that's an ability of Hoid :D
- Trailman's flute - do we know if it was recovered after Kal lost it? (did Sigzil notice it?)
- Derethil and wandersail story, he fought the Voidbringers.. wanted to sail the seas from the western edge, seeking origin of Voidbringers, found ring of islands around whirlpool (perpendicularity?). Uvara - people of great abyss.
- story doesn't live until it is imagined in someone's mind - Mr. Sanderson tyring to tell us something :)
- who's the old male acquaintance Hoid is chasing and hiding from
- Hoid specifically tells Kal to not give the flute to Sigzil and call Kal as Stormblessed
- and Syl doesn't like Hoid because of his strangeness, you should team up with Kelsier :P
- forty parables - Hanuman Chalisa (chalisa meaning forty) is a popular hymn for Hindus
- Elhokar mentions seeing the creepy sprens
- and Sadeas is getting close to finalizing his trap for Dalinar
- Kal says the first ideal
- Syl wants Kal's apology by trusting her, wants him to fall 40 feet below :P
- death-rattle - reverse first ideal, hmm
- weather being unpredictable all the time, but why no mention of autumn? only spring/summer/winter
- visions - not all spren as discerning as honorspren, destruction abound in Kholinar - 11 yrs of war, 9/10 ppl dead, Alakavish a surgebinder brought war before desolation and thus weakened them during desolation, Dalinar makes leap of thought that perhaps KR weren't formed yet, Nohadon himself is here, is Dalinar influencing these events ala Harry Potter :P, what happens if he revisits these events and does it differently? men could write, perhaps like ardents but I don't think Vorinism existed then
- Dalinar didn't see or didn't notice Parshendi in vision, but did see chasmfiend(or atleast something like chasmfiend)
- Navani uncovers that Dalinar might be speaking in Dawnchant
- what an interesting chapter title
- Dalinar says he knows exactly what his curse was
- myth of Parasaphi (searched for seedstones, climbing peaks of Dara) and Nadris mention the desolations - origin of Makabaki
- news of Szeth's new assasinations have reached
- Kal also names Stormfather as Jezrien (well, Jezerezeh to be precise)
- Kal realizes he's been drawing arrows around him before too
- Kal also experiences the frost after using stormlight, will be go or become worse with larger and longer use of stormlight?
- who's Tarah
- Dalinar saves the bridge crew and gives a salute before moving on.. little he knows how much more he'd be repaid
- Moash counts three good/unbelievable things that happened - three glyphs?
- in which Moash reveals his thirst for vengeance and Teft continues to refuse telling about his previous army training
- in which Dalinar and Navani are seen together discussing
- Navani was jealous of Evi and tried to hate her, comments she wasn't clever
- Dalinar asks a wish for wind's favor, well whether he got that wish or not, he got a Windrunner to salvage a doomed battle
- Sadeas, with Adolin's encouragement gets Dalinar to commit about 8k of his forces
- Skar and Teft are injured
- Dalinar kills plenty with Thrill but is disgusted with the carnage
- Adolin comes to ask what to do about the second Parshendi army approaching and find that Sadeas has left them to die
- Kal realized Sadeas's betrayal
- Dalinar finally accepts the codes, gives a speech and goes to his doom wishing Renarin best of luck
- death-rattle - Daigonarthis, the black fisher
- Syl becomes size of regular person! you go Syl (can she carry larger load now?)
- Syl reveals she is honorspren
- Kal wages war of discussion with himself, remember's Lirin's words and Dalinar's act of saving his crew
- the first ideal becomes more clear to Kal and goes back to save Kholin army
- less than half of 8k by the time Dalinar sees bridge four
- Kal still remembers the kind man from his first bridge run, could he be still alive? :P
- what a time to remember and use side carry! (and what a way to tie in a failure to useful thing)
- so Kal basically lashed all the arrows to himself
- Drehy curses with Brightcaller's rays
- Neshua Kadal - name for KR in Parshendi?
- time for flashback, the worst memory for Kal and me too, why Sanderson, why did Tien have to die :-/ at least he gave Kal and us a final smile
- Varth gives a lesson after using Tien - turn a liability into adv whenever you can
- I will protect those who cannot protect themselves - the second ideal of KR (shouldn't it - of Windrunners)
- Kal realizes Parshendi fought with honor, and that they learned quickly enough to remove gemstones from beards (perhaps because they know a lot about KRs)
- three bridgemen dead, five with serious wounds
- nice, both Dalinar and Eshonai raise shardblades in salute to each other
- Navani's prayer here is such a memorable act, you can't forget it
- 2653 came out alive
- interesting, plate could be grown from a piece and there could be competing attempts - one with largest piece wins?
- the second ideal made it better to use stormlight, more potent, more powerful
- Dalinar had to drive the blade point-first into middle of glyph...
- oh Sadeas, you never did know about Kal, he's worth more than shardblade ;)
- so, Elhokar was behind the attempt at his life after all... but cracked gemstones was someone else's doing (ghostbloods? Mr. T?)
- after all the beatings and forcing Elhokar to declare him Highprince of war, Dalinar coolly declares he is courting Navani :P
- no epigraphs for final part of book, I think no flashbacks too
- heh, Shallan took a snapshot of Jasnah uncomfortable with drawing of cognitive realm :P :P
- oh, those creepy spren can hear if Shallan speaks in her head, hmmm.. because they are in cognitive realm?
- Shallan says she murdered her father as a truth
- and so, Jasnah accepts Shallan as her ward, hope we get some more action between these two in OB ;)
- Szeth wondering if he will ever get a foe strong enough to kill him.. he'll get his wish next book, sort of
- changing weight by lashing, useful that...
- the screams Szeth hears, his own fabrication or something that forces him to hear?
- Lifebrother, a Vorin god... who? one of the Heralds?
- Szeth hears a death-rattle as well.. without context, so very difficult to know what they are saying :D and is it truth? or mixed with lies?
- Mr T. believes the death-rattles began 7 years ago when Gavilar was investigating shattered plains
- and Szeth gets an assignment which he'll fail repeatedly
- so difficult to pronounce, I just think of Veritaserum :P
- Jasnah's research leads her to believe voidbringers were enslaved as parshmen
- Syl now says blade feels wrong, didn't mention or feel so when she asked Kal about rejecting the blade after killing shardbearer
- the killing hurt Syl and so she had to go after battle, where'd she go? does she have access to cognitive realm
- finally Kal feels good to have save some ppl
- Jasnah still doesn't know about beasts of stone, thunderclasts? she's gonna fight them in OB :)
- so Kabsal was part of ghostbloods and they are going to try to kill Jasnah again
- and Shallan now knows that they were working with her father too
- dark skin and pure white hair - like Hoid?
- Honor specifically tells the KR must stand again
- also tells about choosing a champion, Dawnshards mentioned.. infuriatingly many details not mentioned :D
- enthir is like guitar?
- Taln's blade - long, narrow, straight, shaped like enormous spike
- dark brown eyes, says desolation has come and he has failed
- ketek used as part titles was a death rattle
- hint that Mr. T has 'strong' days
- I totally forgot that Jasnah's shadow was misbehaving, related to Axies shadow thing?
- what were Gavilar-Amaram discussing, perhaps we'll get Gavilar/Amaram viewpoint of this scene in later books
- why did her hand sink a bit into wall? safe to say she hasn't seen Ivory yet
- did Nale see some signs of Jasnah's path towards KR?
- will we see more of Liss in OB?
- 3 Parshendi elders willingly surrended and died to let others escape
- for some reason, this sea travel reminds me of Miriamele's journey (from memory sorrow thorn) and kilpa and Niskies singing to keep out kilpa
- hello Pattern, coming back and freaking out Shallan :P
- so Jasnah chose Tozbek's ship on Shallan's recommendation
- Tozbek offers to take Shallan to see shell collections in port at Amydlatn
- Santhid are thought of lucky - did that prove false with attack or was it indeed lucky that ppl escaped?
- cognitive realm is like mind/unconscious-self of body(physical realm), and then there is spiritual realm (soul)
- as per Jasnah, spren are elements of cognitive realm leaked into physical world, concepts that've gained fragment of sentience, perhaps because of human intervention. they presumably have equivalent of humans/animals/etc in cognitive realm. they don't trust Jasnah because of betrayal - Recreance?
- Pattern playing on waves, still creeping out Shallan :P
- as per Jasnah, spren sensed impending danger and so they returned... 7 years ago like Mr. T said when death-rattles began?
- Elhokar has a son
- the giant foot never finished statue that Yalb mentions - thunderclast remains?
- Shallan immediately tries Jasnah advice about the illusion of power :P
- Santhid teeming with life, a prelude to Reshi isles? ;)
- right, Szeth had killed emperor of Azir too, we'll see a bit in Lift interlude
- Azir, Jah Keved, half a dozen other nations... why not the remaining too?
- why did Moash change his goodwill for Dalinar, before/after he freed them? he seems to be on edge, complaining a lot
- bridge four - first the addition on tattoo and then the insignia on uniform... they've truly become a symbol
- hello again pattern
- are the creepy spren still nearby Shallan?
- Shallan should have taken a memory of 100s of creationspren
- pattern continues to creep out Shallan :P
- hello Ivory, inky black, shaped like man in fashionable suit, melts away seeing Shallan - not a cryptic type spren
- Shallan recalls the sword and ten heartbeats again
- when Shallan drew pattern, has she measured it and prevents pattern from changing so long as the drawing is not erased?
- Cryptics is the name those creepy sprens call themselves, or liespren as per Jasnah. they rule one of the greater cities in shadesmar
- complex sort of conflict between cryptics and honorspren, spren politics mentioned... do spren have their own notion of right/wrong, crime/justice good/bad-spren, maniacs, etc?
- spren were something of power/energy before coming alive, primarily two types - those who respond to emotion and those to forces like wind/fire/pressure/gravity/etc
- vision - Dalinar in purelake, there is a obsidian like fortress, if the visions repeated why didn't Dalinar remember this?, a spren acting weird, KR says it is Sja-anat's spy, thunderclast emerges - 30ft tall, Almighty says KR were created to offset desolation, to help ppl fight and rebuild, Almighty surprised that spren facilitated KRs, asks Dalinar to refound them as a task, Unite them (is it specifically a request to unite KRs alone?) Dalinar figures that if Almighty can be killed, so can be Odium
- so the language others hear when Dalinar is having the visions is the language of that era itself?
- writing on wall - 62 days to everstorm, Dalinar slept for some time - during which Renarin wrote it? after the highstorm passed as it was mentioned dalinar/navani were alone
- Kal's guard were all outside room complex, multiple doors inside the quarters
- Stormfather a reason why Dalinar felt the instinct of trusting Kal?
- hello Nazh, beautiful depiction
- Kal back to his mopey self, worried about a lot of things
- Sadeas gets a viewpoint, Ialai has planted her ppl in Dalinar's staff, not soldiers. Sadeas hungers for war and conquering, perhaps whole world
- balcony 100ft above, Kal already thinking in terms of KR that someone could scale up that?
- Adolin is still smarting about Kal's behavior at tower :P
- with so much detail Sanderson puts, what should one try to notice - even a paperweight with strange crab-thing/wings trapped inside?
- Dalinar is missing Wit :P
- Kal is equally up to the task of not liking Adolin
- epigraph - Parshendi spies among slaves, Shen is one
- pattern says eating fruit is terrible destruction - cheeky foreshadowing for the assasination attempt?
- so pattern does remember his time with Shallan in Jah Keved, hmm.. but still asking questions like this is a fresh start
- new kid from Amydlatn - the assasin
- Yalb swears by Passions, wonder which Herald/someother-entity it is associated with?
- so Shallan did some sort of light-weaving there on the deck, based on memory of her father's garden that Pattern wanted her to remember
- pattern can be seen by anyone, not like Syl who chooses whom to appear to
- pattern shows us his liking for 'good/true' lies
- why did pattern appear again now, because she visited shadesmar? but then why did the cryptics appear to her in Palanaeum? perhaps as Jasnah tells Shallan that they sent Shallan to her for training
- windspren/riverspren can mimic ppl and make playful comments
- Nightwatcher is spren who could have real conversations with ppl
- Jasnah has haunted look, discovered something frightful? well a fear spren came, so...
- Jasnah already gave warnings to scholars/kings around the world about voidbringers/parshmen
- Jasnah tells Shallan that only a KR can open the path to Urithiru, also a place to potentially get books/records untouched by Hierocracy
- Parshmen simply walking away would cause economic crisis - majority seem to simply walk away in OB..
- Shallan gets the WoR book and told to not mother Jasnah :P
- well, the epigraph refers to the contents of the chapter itself
- Jasnah's body - eyes staring sightlessly, and knife slammed right through her chest
- pattern reminds Shallan of sword, then somehow convinces Shallan to make a vague shape of herself made of stormlight
- pattern reports(how do they see, one directio? all 360 degrees?): sailors tied in ropes, at least one dead
- Jasnah's body not there in her cabin (did she play possum? like those sand village elders in Naruto :P)
- pattern says she has already given enough truth (which ones?)
- person's mind reflected in cognitive realm as little lights hanging in air.. pattern is like those creepy spren Shallan saw in Palanaeum
- the ship has memories/feelings, knows who owns, how long it's been a ship, etc doesn't want to change
- 3/8 captives dead and then another before ship agrees to change
- Dalinar helps Aladar in battle tactics but Aladar refuses to support Dalinar in unification efforts
- Dalinar gets letter, Amaram on the way... and believes he'd scribbled the warnings about everstorm
- Teft says some call bridge four as order of bones, because of the chasms (may be because of Kal's tactic of using Parshendi bones too?)
- Syl says natural laws are just agreements between friends, and she demands a compliment, she's 'intelligent and articulate', and scowls that she's not able to attract spren like humans do (do animals/plants also attract spren when they feel proud/fear/etc?)
- she has spotted dangerous spren like red lightning
- she is aghast that Kal implies she can lie, and says she's not a Cryptic :P
- she pulls her hair to show frustration, she'd seen a woman do it in markets.. we know in OB what else she's been watching :P
- she says it was dangerous for her to come to physical realm, remembers a bit of cognitive realm - spren and living lights
- the fleeting change in Syl that Kal noted, what was Syl doing - somehow getting info from cognitive realm? she's the only honorspren to have come, despite forbidden to do so.. and flat out says Kal saw stormfather when he was strung up.. Kal can feel little weight of Syl
- Sanderson pulling a Rowling with Kal's pronounciation? :P
- first flashback in this book
- horrible eyes - meaning burned out by shardblade, strongbox glowing because of pattern inside? lightweaving illusion?
- so, Santhid saved Shallan... hope we get more info about them later
- if there's a possibility that others survived, the assasins could have survived too (well, Shallan thinks of that possibility as well)
- Shallan can make out the mood in which Pattern hums, anxious/happy/etc
- grains jump as pattern speaks
- Pattern leads Shallan to Jasnah's trunk with research work, so the assasins didn't find it or didn't destroy and lost it when Shallan soulcast the ship
- when Shallan draws stormlight, does her cuts and other injuries heal? or not because she's using it purposefully for shadesmar?
- pattern has a shadow in shadesmar, and it too points towards light like Axies and what Jasnah experienced on the night of Gavilar's death
- the famous I am a stick :D :D :D
- fall off the edge of Roshar, again showing that they thought it was flat (is it not sphere? Sanderson pulling a discworld?)
- Tvlakv - same guy who had sold Kal to Sadeas army?
- Shallan trying to act like Jasnah, little does she know what other acts she'll put up :P
- The Lopen wants to see Kal fly and walk on walls, have patience gancho, you'll get your wish (and many more besides)
- so eager to get stuck to wall :P and makes a 'armless joke :D :D :D :D :D :D
- Sigzil swears by Prime, Rock fought very well
- Syl is so quick to notice if Kal is close to betraying a promise, and like Shallan seems to know Syl's emotions
- Amaram is named hero and Kal's bp goes high
- oh, end of part one, didn't seem like there was a build up
- narak means Hell in hindi, exile in Parshendi, where they had come to be separated from their gods
- getting ready for rhythm this and rhythm that
- Devi means goddess in hindi, used as a male Parshendi name
- Eshonai's leg ain't fully healed yet, feels an urgency to speak to Dalinar (who put the feeling?)
- they call themselves as listeners
- Parshendi know that shattered plains was city once
- war/work/mate/nimble/dull forms + slave form(no spren/soul/song - the four S), old songs spoke of 100s of forms
- nimble only re-discovered 3 years back and now Venli says she's discovered stormform (who helped in both these cases?)
- Venli has hint of violet eyes, normally it is all glassy and dark for Parshendi
- they know about honorblades too, call Kal a Surgebinder
- wow Venli created writing script too, just based on interaction with humans before treaty
- enough stormform-ers could control highstorm (or actually everstorm?) or summon a storm
- centuries ago, they escaped gods/human - after Recreance/Hierocracy?
- spren - specks of light, like piece of crystal suspended in sunbeam. when it stops, light crept upward from it, like plants growing, voice like young woman
- takes place in Iri, day/night usually warm.. conditions bad for a urchin fighting for food each day
- Ym talking about One, something like Adonalsium? ;)
- the spren knew about Nale enough that it feared when he came near?
- Ym dies without breaking oath, so the spren won't die right, will try to bond someone else?
- Ym was edgedancer or truthwatcher?
- greatshell islands that move :D reminds me of ATLA
- Shallan should visit here sometime :P
- how high do these reshis jump from?
- is that Aimian Axies? talking about soul of the island - very very big gemheart? (no, Vstim says the spren is soul) he also mentions that spren inhabit bodies of 'ordinary' greatshells
- island's eye glassy and black - like Parshendi?
- spren cushioned rysn's fall, both legs are shattered
- larkin - cremling like creature, big as palm, wings that folded along the back, eyes of solid silver, even a dead one is worth a fortune, supposed to have died with Aimians
- stormspren trapped in gemstone, someone put it inside or it is there naturally? later Eshonai speaks about trapping spren inside gemstones
- they judge when a highstorm is near by simply tuning to rhythm of winds
- normal way to change form was to go into highstorm, sing, attract spren and bonded to it.. been doing it since arrival of first winds
- warform quickens healing
- Eshonai's mom doesn't remember things correctly, but still has best memories
- they know about Unmade too
- in which Shallan transforms slave wagon to be carriage
- pattern tells he came because voidbringers were coming
- Shallan sees that Jasnah had kept her first drawing preciously, breaks down with tears, had bottled the feelings away since death
- Adolin talks to his sword, imagines that it listens to his words
- he won the blade in a duel, again it is strange that Sadeas didn't manage to get a shardblade
- even the basic sword stances are 10 in number, one for each Herald?
- Adolin swears by Pailiah and Navani by Battah
- idiosyncrasies - ate chicken - check, talked to sword - check, mother's chain in pocket - check
- Adolin still doesn't like brideboy, feels something is off about him
- why do ppl underestimate Adolin, despite his prowess on battle field? because duel skills are different and Adolin had purposefully not climbed higher in the competition?
- blade bond broken by simply touching gemstone set in pommel
- Renarin already got Dalinar's plate, now gets the blade won by Adolin, grimaces when he took it
- how does Pattern detect truth/lies spoken by others
- what is a Light Year?
- Pattern imitates other ppl voices, even the crackling of fire, noice :P, something to do with his vibrations?
- without meaning to, Shallan had used stormlight, and doesn't realize that it helped in healing her a bit
- Moash shows his hunger for shards
- Kal is alert to possibility of servants, sword runners, etc being assasins - he should meet Ialai and exchange ideas
- the 'intruder' snuck into Dalinar's room again, was it a conscious decision by Renarin to choose that room?
- Kal is sure nobody got past him, did he think of using Syl to watch as well?
- Syl doesn't like both Adolin and Renarin, because they have shards and refuses to tell Kal why
- hello grumpy Vasher, who could be 35 or 70, oh Kal you don't know much more :P
- ardent but hair not shaved, has come back after some time (where did he go? how long he's been in Roshar?)
- Syl says she's tiny piece of god and gives permission for Kal to bow :P :P :P
- Shallan shows that she could change things about her drawing of snapshots
- pattern readily tells that KR killed their spren, tells they are ideas that want to live
- Shen poking at practice swords, something you'd probably not expect of parshmen
- Zahel using flower in an idiom, does he know about the blade being dead spren?
- Zahel drops the blade (similar to giving breaths away, eh? and Szeth used that tactic too)
- what does Syl think about Kal putting himself in danger against Adolin here? she only forces Kal to realize what he was doing
- Shallan's maids say that her father killed her mother and lover
- Shallan hasn't spoken for months, Helaran comes and gifts an expensive drawing book, asks to look after brothers, he'd be away a lot next few years, she starts drawing and doesn't speak
- the first she draws is mom's death, Helaran crumples the sheet and asks to draw safe things like plants and animals
- father and Helaran confront, he shows he has a shardblade - Shallan speaks to stop Helaran
- what important things Helaran is part of?
- Makabaki doesn't have lighteyes, while Iri is almost all lighteyes
- hello Gaz
- Shallan somehow used the stormlight to change her appearance and be confident as well
- I think she showed the deserters that they could be better much like Renarin shows Adolin in OB
- pattern says instead of power of light, she has power of transformation
- Tyn was the scout Shallan saw last chapter
- Pattern creeps out Vathah :P they really should be named creepy instead of cryptics :P
- chapter title, epigraph on stormform, Kal seeing something flashing like red eyes in the storm outside
- Renarin repeatedly opens a small box, turns in hand, rubs one side, shuts it with a click
- is Glys with him as he seems to stare at nothing? Syl can see/sense that spren? Renarin itching to write the everstorm warning?
- if Kal opened the window after storm passed, how'd he see those lights outside? do they have transparent glass? or perhaps it was another open window set in west wall?
- so, Dalinar say some visions are repeat and some are new, explains the purelake vision
- Syl says Kal ain't a skybreaker to seek his own justice
- Shen speaks a few words, Kal is completely befuddled.. and then he gets to hear about an assasin for the king
- railing gave way when Elhokar was leaning, whose work? Moash and his pals?
- Dalinar wants Kal to put his best men to guard the king, little do both know that it had a flaw
- Shallan rode Tvlakv's wagons (may the same in which Kal came:P) on the way to shattered plains just like Kal did, though from opposite direction. and she meets Gaz as well.. Shalladin confirmed :P
- hmm, pattern buzzed in the storm, strange angry sound and then ranted in language Shallan didn't understand...
- pattern says voidbringers have their own spren and that his kind wouldn't want to live in a world having only voidbringers
- Tyn doesn't accept the wild nature of truth and Shallan is quite happy to let her theorize and babble
- epigraph - smokeform, a form of power like Surges, Unmade involved
- horse riding - he he he Kal, enjoy it :P
- Adolin probably came to sneer at Kal, got thrown stones by Jenet instead
- Radiants had Ryshadium - will Kal ride one in future? :P
- where is Syl, she sure would have some words to day.. and lo she comes prancing as a horse and messes with Kal, invents the word drearifying
- Kal realizes the sabotage happened after the storm (dont remember, did Moash bond a blade and did it? or his pals?)
- Adolin dares Kal to ride Dreamstorm, which Kal does despite knowing what's in store.. when Adolin thanks Kal for not telling on him to Dalinar, Kal calls him by name, not Brightlord, hmm
- Kal suspects Moash but then dismisses it
- Adolin really understands Renarin more than everybody else
- man made like three tiered plateau they fought - just one of many remains of city or do they come here again?
- no word from Jasnah for two weeks now
- Sureblood sensed Adolin's mood or just a coincidence? I think not
- too many times mentioned that it is chilly
- Adolin notices Renarin's missing spectacles.. is he regularly talking with his spren?
- again, mention of allergy to flower mentioned as well as Dandos the Oilsworn
- losing track of time, spent with Pattern? glowing strongbox mentioned again, she's convinced herself it is her mother's soul
- cute Jushu thinks he's the only sane family member, but gambles away too much
- finally Shalladin boots chapter
- Shallan observes Tyn sweeping chull guiding reed like a shardblade - yeah Sanderson, real subtle
- eyedrops to darken eyes for few hours, hmm.. so opposite exists as well? dark to light?
- Shallan asks the question for me, Tyn says she knows only shardblade stories to do that
- Shallan takes a snapshot of Tyn
- she finds horses intimating, Shalladin FTW
- wants Boots as an apology, but really I doubt she'd have behaved so without Tyn
- manages to attract rare joy spren, here I am unable to stop laughing
- epigraph - listener song 'revision' - possible chance of delibrate changes like Ruin did?
- Amaram doesn't like Sadeas move here of plateau run despite others being scheduled, wants to bridge differences with King and Dalinar
- wants Alethkar to be strong for what is coming
- Sadeas-Amaram had an understanding, which Amaram's now gained shards don't change.. hmm wonder what this is... probably plays a role in Amaram agreeing to Ialai?
- Hatham has Ryshadium, Sadeas tosses the gemheart and goes to catch up Adolin's duel
- Sadeas hopes death is decades away - you are in for a shock dude, unless Sanderson pulls another twist
- Ialai sees a positive about Sadeas throwing away the gemheart
- Sadeas thinks Adolin is sloppy at first and then recognizes that it is a ploy.. and then an idea emerges to use Adolin's quest for duels
- Shallan cannot contain herself seeing different flora, reminds me of Aiel places where they grew their food
- she stiffles a sneeze, another reference to her allergy - are we going to see that using stormlight to heal with intent will cure it for her?
- a quick prayer to Shalash - what'll she do if she meets her in person :P
- pattern wanders off to count leaves... drawing whatever came to mind shows that possibly Yalb survived..
- what's the sketch of woman kneeling over body, raising hammer and chisel as if to slam into a face, the person was stiff, wooden maybe stone
- oh Tyn, you might have it harsh, but really Shallan has had her share, and she really is good in boxing them up to the point of destruction
- Tyn suggests staying elsewhere than Kholin camp, which Shallan does do later
- epigraph - definitely changed, Surges of men to Surges of spren
- the ardent Rock shoos away, wanting to draw bridgemen, Nazh?
- just hearing about topless iri/reshi makes Shallan cover her eyes and blush furiously
- Tyn gives news of slaughter in Jah Keved
- there seems to be build towards end of this part, unlike the first one
- epigraph - Parshendi close to cognitive realm, what is it that humans can lend but Parshendi can't?
- Kal rides the storm again, sees second storm of red lightning, enormous to make world itself nothing in comparison - it is worse than the everstorm we see at end of this book?
- so Kal had dozed off while on duty
- Damnation - name for Braize, home to demons and monsters
- meanwhile, Pattern is mumbling bad..bad..so bad
- welcome Szeth, meet your match even though he is still in learning stages
- Kal wielding a spear in a fight - he forgets everything else ;)
- Kal's training betrays him here, right arm gets sheared below the elbow
- Dalinar simply blocks the blade with bare hands :P he knows all about shard fighting :)
- just how much stormlight did Kal steal from Szeth to heal his sheared hand plus other injuries from fall
- Szeth gets the shock of his Truthless life
- perhaps if he'd met Dalinar alone, Kal would have admitted he was KR
- Elhokar has heaped so many praises on Kal by now...
- man, how did Renarin manage to scribble so consistently without being seen, using his abilities?
- Syl says no 'honorspren' would have bonded Szeth to do such slaughter
- Syl-Kal have perspective discussion about the killings/protecting - repeated/extended in part one of OB
- Hobber is dead too :( no! he's alive! but legs sheared midthigh :( will be become squire and regain the legs?
- epigraph - nightform speak of challenged champion in regards to Odium
- spanreed gives away that Tyn had a hand in Jasnah's assasin job, Ghostbloods have found info on Urithiru elsewhere, so don't need Jasnah's work (indicates they won't try to assasinate Jasnah again?)
- Tyn is so quick to act as soon she realizes the truth about Shallan
- Pattern speaks in Jasnah's voice! what a great distraction :D (using exact same sentence she said to Shallan)
- ten heartbeats, but it didn't have to be 10 for her ;) and she shows Tyn that she could do difficult things
- and Pattern had gone by himself to bring Gaz and co :P he is useful..
- Shallan also acknowledges that the blade had saved her before
- same night as attack on King?
- seems strange that Eshonai arranged for parley and yet went to test the new form
- the spren here is of Adonalsium/Honor/Cultivation/Odium(possibly corrupted from original form) or did it exist prior to Adonalsium shattering?
- Stormfather was a friend, then sided with humans and is now sorry for Parshendi
- Eshonai didn't want to bond but couldn't stop
- this is same night as attack on King
- grumpy swordmaster explains his two types to Kal, after he sensed someone was near even before Kal was going to knock
- more color metaphors and mention of Nightblood (hasn't heard the voice in years)
- The Gift and words. Not his. Never his. Now his. (related to Gavilar's msg to Dalinar?)
- Wit started with soldiers bringing Taln, then ran off
- the madman says he is 'Talenel'Elin, Herald of war' and goes on to say 'The time of Return, the Desolation, is near at hand'
- Kalak for weapons, Vedel for training surgeons, Jezrien for leadership, Taln himself to train soldiers, Ishar for a way to keep info from being lost between desolations, Surgebinders to act as guardians, with training 'humanity' will survive, other Heralds should join soon, thinks he is late this time
- Elhokar and Dalinar are there, Dalinar already planning his act for Amaram
- eyes turned red in stormform, Thude wants to say it is different from what it was said in songs
- more powerful than warform, can move in storms without danger, winds obey her and can feel a storm building, could bring it with enough Parshendi wearing stormform
- a deep voice within her was screaming in horror
- epigraphs - from the in-world WoR
- Adolin not able to keep the blade from disintegrating after throwing it, likely because he is disoriented from last night's attack
- he is still wondering how Kal was effective against Szeth and finally focusses as Zahel had thought and keeps the blade from disintegrating
- hints here that soulcasting changes the physical features of soulcasters, bad for body
- Adolin asks Kadash for information on Radiants
- Navani gets a viewpoint, Rushu tries to tell her about the measuring of spren we saw in TWoK but Navani is concentrating on the test
- she also got a report that Jasnah's ship was lost with all hands
- test is good, platform doesn't fall
- Navani feels Dalinar is very overprotective :P
- logicspren is spotted, Navani has a particular overarching goal with use of fabrials
- multiplied strain of simultaneous infusion, Navani, wait for Shallan, Adolin is no match
- pattern becomes lock-picker :D he'll help unlocking secrets of shattered plains too later
- Vathah asks if she's planning to kill the King, it would be easier for her, being a woman with shardblade nobody suspects
- she sketches a confident young woman, drawing characteristics from Jasnah, Tyn, Helaran - something poured from her onto the page while doing so
- Kal is dripping with sarcasm seeing Shallan :P and he sees Gaz too :D.. verbal sparring already started between the two
- Adolin says he'll give a slow death with dagger for Sadeas, precursor to actual thing at end of book
- love on first sight eh Adolin?
- Shallan finds Adolin handsome just after a glance, hmm and they easily find themselves talking comfortably over the color of their hair
- swearings - Almighty's tenth name, but Damnation's eleventh name, hmm
- Shallan keeps her word and gets pardon for the deserters
- Helaran had sent a brief letter and book by Jasnah
- Balat and a visiting girl eye each other during the feast, two brothers are twins?
- someone with both light and dark eyes interrupts the feast - named Redin, highprince's bastard son
- Shallan says father didn't kill their mother, but doesn't go into details and then invents an imaginary conversation between her father and Redin about plants. relieved - re..leaf..ed (groan :D) but the bros do laugh.. Balat refers her as little voidbringer (true? :P)
- Wit should join Sebarial :P
- Shallan gets settled, gets her own room
- seriously, so little of Syl interactions :-/
- what was Teft doing that night of attack? he says he went to market
- frillbloom mentioned (almost?) always while in chasms
- The Lopen is all excited to hear Szeth flew, says he'll get to marry Herdaz king's daughter bcoz of that ;) Sigzil says king doesn't have a daughter :D
- personification of forces of nature or some similar gobbletyblarthy :D that's why we need more Syl
- Kal saw a glimpse of shadesmar? and tries a lashing
- Kal wants to know if honor is dead metaphorically, Syl answers it literally
- Renarin wants to join bridge four, speaks to Kal about his ailment - Kal thinks it is Myoclonic epileptic. I want to know why he's still having these seizures if bonding with Glys and use of stormlight healed his eyes. something to do with identity again?
- if Syl was with him now, could see sense Glys? what about all the other time Kal has been with Renarin? and how about the other way around, did Glys see Syl?
- Moash suggests Kal to get Amaram in a duel, seed planted here for Kal to act a fool later?
- Syl was dancing with firespren :P (somehow that makes me think of Groot dancing in GoG2) while Kal was talking to Moash
- epigraph - Ishar played a role in establishing laws and precepts for KR.. threatened to destroy everyone (could he do that?)
- Pattern notices code words... just how good is he in spotting patterns?
- Shallan already at ease with assuming personality by simply drawing them
- another hint that ppl lived on shattered plain before Alethi came
- in the basement beneath a basement, Shallan notices cozy shelves with books/ornaments/trophies
- half-dozen ppl or so in the room (how hard is it to count 5/6/7?)
- hello Mraize... who was the messenger in Shallan's past - Hoid? smiling eyes knowing so much. Two blind men waited at the end of an era, contemplating beauty
- we get to meet worldhopper from scadrial, having a red-orange carapace mask on face
- a fabrial to gather smoke, very interesting
- Veil - because of Palanaeum? Mraize current prey is Amaram because he is hiding secrets (Mraize already knows them and simply giving a task as a test?)
- Amaram is to be not harmed, his life belongs to another - who?
- Shallan makes an illusionary wall to fool the masked woman
- Zahel playing some sort of stone game like the Returned, spotted Yake picking his stones without looking :P
- Adolin nods to Kal rather than a quip - about time these two settled down :P
- after practice with wooden sword, Kal notices Shallan scanning about.. Teft points she could be good assasin, just like Vathah pointed out to Shallan herself
- Moash reveals king played a part in executing his family, Kal confronts him about the attempted sabotage, swears by Nalan's hand
- even agreeing to listen to Moash's pal attracts Syl's attention, all angry.. she felt something despite Kal's explanation which didn't feel bad for Syl
- shards drawing - a sigh(Adolin's face?), and is that Kal with the spear forms?
- the messenger was Hoid indeed, we get the full story about blind men, beauty and Shallan's imagination.. I think Hoid hints his lightweaving skills, says shards are too strict on Roshar... how did he know what Shallan was just by seeing?
- will Kal get squires from these other bridgemen crews too?
- Syl is worried that Kal is doing too much work without much rest
- more cousins of The Lopen have joined..
- Shen wants to say something but Moash interrupts
- Rock mentions about Horneater oceans - waters of life, one for every peak, it is warmer up the peaks
- Horneaters used to live down but were hunted because they were too good at fighting (bcoz of Parshendi connection?)
- they sought out powerful gods/spren for help - rejected by trees (nightwatcher/cultivation?) then water (Cusicesh?) and finally mountains - place of spirits, not of men(perpendicularity?) - got fruits/water/heat respectively from these three and lived on the peaks
- swim in those waters, sometimes see place of gods(cognitive realm?), gave Rock the ability to see spren, won't say more about it
- thinks Hoid is very powerful god, of travel and mischief, came from depths of ocean, realm of gods - Sigzil perks up at mention of white hair, asked Rock what year it was as per Horneater calendar. again mention that Hoid cannot hurt man - forbidden by other gods. Sigzil looks troubled, I think he realizes it is Hoid indeed
- Kal thinks of emulating Szeth to bring justice to world, but feels it is wrong somehow
- Moash invites Kal to see his pals, Syl warns him to be careful, apparently invisible to him
- Graves, a patriot.. Danlan is there too (she was once going out with Adolin, now a clerk in Dalinar's camp)
- they would like Dalinar to be king/ruler.. who's the mystery cloaked man leaning against wall, listening not speaking
- wow, Pattern is picking hints in Dawnchant simply by observing pattern? what is he, a super duper deep machine learning computer?
- pattern finds it difficult to accept fuzzy logic :P confused by Nohadon with h/d :P
- as per Shin writing, Urithiru was connection to all nations, stones unhallowed.. some notes about instantaneous travel, oathgates.. realizes she needs to go to shattered plains
- Shallan has sent letters/spanreed to her brothers
- well there are glass windows!
- I think intent plays a role for Shallan to imagine exactly what she wants, thus the necessity for her to draw it first
- she creates a perfect illusionary sebarial, despite the drawing not having all the minute details
- checking the inanimate copy of sebarial, she realizes she can reclaim the light by touching and breathing
- Shallan and bros trying to be witty with words and laughing is so awwwwwww
- Wikim gives a pouch of blackbane to Shallan (he'd carrying it for a year)... another link for Shalladin, yay :P
- Shallan rescues Jushu by trading knives
- both Adolin and Shallan obviously like each others appearance... why Sanderson, why you do this love triangle
- the poop question... Adolin's talk was really not interesting when he was telling story he's said so many times before... somehow Shallan's quips and curiosity make it refereshing
- epigraph - uncut gems, willshapers
- Adolin likes Weeping, Kal doesn't
- Sadeas shows off uncut emeralds, Shalashian temperament? yet another time Adolin says he'll kill Sadeas
- Adolin summons/dismisses his blade in a nervous habit... we get the little vines description, hinting edgedancer blade
- if they are agreeing that Dalinar did it while in vision, they how'd they explain other scribblings when Navani was with him?
- the language used in epigraph is too difficult for me to understand, not helped by lack of context.. have to see if there are explanations on 17thshard/wiki
- Adolin adorns Dalinar's plates and rides Gallant, season finally changed, warmer now
- on the plateau, Adolin sees a dead chasmfiend crusted over with crem
- Eshonai says things have changed since asking for meeting, indicates they are not weak as Alethi believe, peace only when one of them is dead, no longer would squabble over gemstones, tells a bit about Gavilar bragging that Parshendi would welcome return of their gods
- Teleb's ppl had once ruled Alethkar
- they plan an assault during weeping as there won't be highstorm - little do they know about the other storm, Adolin realizes it would be close to the dates scribbled
- Kal jumps into a chasm, with bags of spheres
- Shallan has experimented and found that she could sketch something before and use later, but sooner used gives best results..
- while Shallan seems to steadily improve her lightweaving skills, Kal is having trouble understanding lashing
- pattern picks a lock again, room filled with maps
- nice Syl :D it is not unnatural, it is extranatural ;) and not supernatural
- you don't need a camera/xerox machine when you've got Shallan :D is there a limit to how much she could take snapshots of at a time?
- Amaram knows quite a bit about voidbringers, trying to bring their return
- Kal has learnt a lot this night
- nice, Shallan is wearing the guise of Amaram with Pattern to imitate his voice... changes to messenger again when meeting Amaram himself, then notices that he has Helaran's sword
- Kal learns so much that he is comfortable crossing plateaus, flying over the pits, windspren around him.. he reaches a spire of rocks... he shoots up in the air, experiments and floats, sees down and thinks there is a pattern to the plains (no scouts spotted him?)
- Syl shes yes and no when Kal asks if she was with him when he first picked up spear (during his fight with village boys? was she with Tien?).. she also says new blade can be forged without being like other dead spren blades but doesn't explain how
- when Kal goes back to his rooms, Shen is there saying he's going to leave, his name is Rlain and hints at ominous things to come
- after the duel, Adolin challenges Relis and 'whomever you bring' for a duel.. judge Istow is present as witness for the duel terms... did Relis and others plan to goad Adolin this way? Istow even makes sure if Adolin understood the terms
- it also fits with Shallan's some plan involving highprince Yenev, something do also with a spectacular duel
- Veil is too scholarly here like Shallan answering Mraize's questions, what do you know, even Mraize comments on that - yay myself for noticing something :P
- hmm, Mraize had been watching Amaram's house too, apparently didn't notice that Shallan had gone in.. she gives the drawings with some close details purposefully left out.. but slips in admitting that she drew from memory
- ghostbloods have some greater purpose, protective of one another
- Mraize often speaks in terms of hunt
- Shallan realizes enormity of consequences of showing her talent, curses with Talat's hand
- Mraize wants the info brought by Shallan to reach Master Thaidakar (Amaram had mentioned the name before), Mraize is close to something, and says so are Restares cronies(Sons of Honor?). Mraize not worried about Dalinar? I think Mr. T.. creature in Tukar is different, not convinced he is human, certainly not of local species if human
- pattern is also useful as a taperecorder for Shallan to practice and listen how she's doing.. and tells she could make her illusions speak too
- the coach man and parshmen have been killed, making it look like bandits did it.. Shallan is revolted and at the same time knows it helped in her own escape
- anticipation spren despite knowing what coming chapters will be about :P
- though I'd forgotten that Wit is here too... Kal forgot to bring flute as he'd left behind his little bundle of possessions (he'd forgotten flute was in there)
- Wit casually brings up 'flying' in the conversation.. when Kal notices farming on sebarial's camp, Wit says Natan ppl used to farm the entire are with a particular strain of plant that doesn't grow as large as Kal is used to
- Adolin also exclaims 'You!' seeing Wit, now waiting for Shallan to say it so too :D
- Syl hasn't spotted pattern yet? and vice versa? for plot's sake I suppose
- Kal thinks safepouch is a great hiding place for deadly implements, little does he know about her blade :P
- and here Wit mentions there's only one women around these parts his own age and he never did get along (is it cultivation? does it imply something of her nature?)
- Shallan still upset about the meet with Mraize, wants distraction in the form of menagerie(that word will perhaps always bring WoT to mind)
- Jasnah's assignment to Shallan to read about Gavilar helping here - Yenev was killed in a duel by Sadeas - by getting right of challenge and Kings' boon, that's how Aladar became highprince
- right of challenge - seems like that is what they need to do with Odium as well?
- and Kal is thinking he could use it as well.. Mr. Sanderson planting all sorts of foreshadowing here
- Shallan gives the notes to be given to Navani, so she is hoping to impress her too by bringing this up.. hmm
- meanwhile, Wit has disappeared, he'd known in advance the route they'll be taking?
- and Syl comes up with this awesome dialogue - you're supposed to harness the storms Kal, not carry them behind eyes :D :P she says Kal is sour about Shadolin and goes near to them (where is Pattern!)
- sarpenthyn - is it like a serpentine?
- Kal grudgingly accepts that Shadolin weren't mean to him, they were happy and pleasant but still annoys him.. you're in love with Shallan, Kal :P
- Syl feels bad for the caged animals while Kal says they are free from predators... Syl thinks Kal is ready(for next ideal?) when Kal says guard duty was mundane
- awww Adolin and Kal have such good understanding to speak just with eyes
- Amaram has spoken ancient oaths(what was the wording?) and now heads the Knight Radiants :D
- chapter title borrowing on previous chapter's menagerie
- hot sun, spring air warm.. Syl warns Kal to not be ruined by Amaram (but he obv forgets it later)
- such intricate plotting, so many different things playing a role in different ways.. bravo Mr. Sanderson
- duel rule changed to go until surrender, not number of plate sections broken
- well, chicken eaten, blade spoken to, but his mom's chain is missing...
- well well well, four instead of two challengers
- someone, probably Zahel, from the stand shouts one at a time to Adolin.. Zahel's encouragement leads to Adolin attacking them.. but soon the four find a bit of co-ordination and tactic.. he yields but the four feign to not listen
- Elhokar is actually right about not lending his sword to Dalinar.. Renarin joins, with a blade and no plate (Glys played a role too?).. and Relis uses that to force Adolin to contine the fight without surrendering
- Amaram doesn't meet Dalinar's eye.. and Kal answers 'Honor is Dead' and with just a spear Kal jumps to the arena below
- and Shallan sends Pattern to distract Renarin's opponent.. noice :D
- Kal and Adolin both agree they are being one of the ten fools - awww
- Kal uses multiple lashing to strike Relis, using up all his stormlight, enough to sprawl Relis and even cracking the plate, blade vanishing.. Kal's bones crack, but he had more spheres to heal it
- meanwhile Adolin takes a hit on helm to slam his blade two handed into Elit, exploding the breastplate... and pattern had distracted the other shardbearer which gets Syl attention too :P
- Kal smashes his spear into Elit's exposed chest making him yield, and even gets Elit's helm seeing Adolin's helm shatter
- well, the helm fits his wrist like a glove.. he distracts Relis away and then runs to help Adolin :P.. which gives Adolin the time to attack one guy continuously
- Kal then keeps away the remaining two with just the improvised shield, with Syl returning to him.. he feels the wind helping him, that he could survive even with eyes closed.. hmm interesting, the shield had absorbed Kal's own stormlight...
- Adolin comes to help Kal as his stormlight ran out, the orange guy being defeated
- Relis goes to fight Renarin instead of Kal.. Renarin dismisses his blade(on Glys's instructions?).. for some reason Relis doesn't attack the defenseless Renarin and turns to Kal again, who mimics the move he'd seen Dalinar do to catch Szeth's blade and immediately hears screams... somehow that makes Relis to drop the blade and deny that he'd killed the spren... shrieks in pain and runs to preparation room..
- Adolin still fighting the green one, held under but wrestle gripping the green fellow... Kal presses his knife and the green yields too
- Adolin's suit is completely drained, Kal and Renarin try to remove the plates
- Adolin nods to Elhokar about the challenge, and Kal thinks about his own boon
- Sadeas tries to flee but Adolin names the challenge before he can escape
- and then our hero Kal spoils it by challenging Amaram (hindsight is wonderful though, first time I read I cheered loudly until I saw what followed)
- Adolin groans and Kal is arrested... Amaram hadn't noticed Kal in the camps until then
- epigraphs has been building something about Melishi and Voidbringers... got some different stratagem involving unique abilities of Bondsmiths
- Kal's interruption allowed Sadeas to set the duel date to next year, even though Adolin had asked for the challenge right that moment
- Dalinar does a good job being frustrated with Kal and being thankful for saving his sons
- Sadeas is predictably unsettled and plots with Ialai to undermine Dalinar
- one of my fav characters in SA, very surprised by the love-hate shown for her in fandom
- previous set of interludes were short, these are pretty big
- oh, didn't remember at all that Lift is Reshi, as per by her mother
- everybody busy with choosing new Prime Aqasix, so good opportunity for Lift and co to steal from the palace itself
- she's been 10 for three years now, as any age that she can't count on her fingers is unlucky :P (we do get more explanation on this in edgedancer)
- Lift sees a man walking down a street leading to palace, cloth blending in gloom but silver buttons glinted. Lift apparently wanted to lost him but didn't succeed - Nale?
- hello wyndle the pet voidbringer
- again same doubt - do the moons shine alike all over Roshar? no phases?
- last two Primes been beheaded by Szeth
- Wyndle says he didn't choose Lift, he wanted to choose granda Iriali matron, an accomplished gardener.. Ring chose Lift, because she's been blessed by their mother Old Magic(nightwatcher?), plus she is young and could be molded
- she again checks for man in black uniform, but no sign.. she breaks open a window by using seeds and growing them using stormlight ahem awesomeness that leaves her hungry :P
- Darkness been following here from Marabethia - sloppy Nale? or not yet found her crime?
- Lift grew up in Rall Elorim, which is northern part of Iri, city of shadows... hello Gawx, who knows all about how Prime is selected
- fortunately, but unfortunately Lift uses a chance because Gawx gets caught
- Wyndle says mother has given up on 'your' kind, doesn't care any longer, now that "He's" gone..
- swearing by Kadasixes and Stars, Yaezir seems to be their god.. Lift notices one painting's face scratched off
- Lift manages to steal a roll, but then notices that it has gone quite as Nale has arrived.. Lift tries to escape but Nale throws something and her ribs cracks, dropping face first to floor
- she heals with her awesomeness, tries to run but Nale thrusts a larking towards her.. she could somehow make out that it seemed sickly and eyes pained.. wow, the larking removed all her awesomeness.. surely this will come up later too if Mistborn is any indication
- but Nale doesn't know she can use food as source of stormlight, not just spheres
- Wyndle senses something very wrong with Nale.. vizier takes pity and tries to help by shoving a table to strike the minion holding lift.. enough for her to get the half roll under the table.. baffles Nale
- guards lead Nale to Gawx, who'd refused to spill info about other accomplishes
- Nale somehow detects that Lift is filling up with stormlight.. chase ensues... minions have shardblade too (same ones we see in edgedancer?)
- lift calls bluff and tries to escape but the second minion slits Gawx's throat.. Nale lets go of Lift to go slap the minion and preach about law blah blah blah
- lift has seen much death as per wyndle, but not yet accustomed to it.. wyndle also reveals that transition to physical realm left holes in memory despite precautions taken by his people
- 'I will remember those who have been forgotten' - second ideal? and heals Gawx.. but then Nale pulls her off, tells she is edgedancer
- Nale is hunting KRs as dabbling in these arts could return desolation.. lift says Nale should care, otherwise it is not living
- cinema style, Nale raises his blade after having hauled her all this time and Gawx arrives to save the day by pardoning Lift as Prime
- The Kadasixes have spoken - Nale translates Kadasixes to Heralds.. after accepting the judgement, he praises Yaezir, Herald of Kings, may he lead in wisdom if he ever stops drooling.. hmm
- Szeth is in Urithiru, atop highest tower in the world, contemplates end of all things...
- 100 levels, glass windows facing east
- Szeth had been banished for raising false alarm, years ago.. what/whom did he see?
- KR better than Szeth in using stormlight, like the voidbringers
- villagers left out spheres for him as offering, considering him as god.. he heads somewhere to get answers
- Eshonai trying to shoo away tiny spren, dancing around her head, shedding rings of light from cometlike form (WoB is that comet spren is very important to an order of KR)
- 15 days since the stormform, hearing new rhythms - could almost hear voices speaking to her and advising her
- one rhythm(Peace) sounded like her own voice yelling at her, screaming in pain (is she hearing the scream of blade or her own self? don't think she's carrying the blade at that time) - reflexively had pulled her hand to chest, when opened the cometlike spren shot out
- during the last highstorm, Venli and 200 soldiers chosen by Eshonai took stormform.. thousands more ready for next highstorm
- only two more highstorm before lull/Weeping... their spies reported that humans are pushing towards final push to Narak
- dullform Zuln says stormform is not right
- Eshonai confronts Venli saying that she'd known about the new form even before Eshonai transformed.. Venli says everyone must be in stormform and summon that storm - which has been waiting, waiting and building
- Eshonai performs in front of gathered crowd, summons a miniature storm (like Aang? :P)
- 17 thousand soldiers in total - there are others too, count unknown, later told 20k non-warforms - fraction of original numbers
- about 1000 decide to not agree to getting stormform, her mom among them, singing old songs
- while waiting to give speech, the 1000 who decided not to transform have fled, cutting bridge and into chasm itself.. Eshonai decides to let them go, informing that highstorm in two days will be deadly
- Venli thinks something is suspicious, confronts Eshonai who grabs her by neck, but Venli escapes by reminding that spren for transformation rests with her
- Kal says Dalinar can go rot, same as other lighteyes.. Syl confronts again like before and Kal is forced to agree that Dalinar is not rotten and then says bad about Elhokar.. Syl is scared.. continues to say Moash and pals are right.. Syl had become small and now drops to floor, head bowed (why you do this Kal! bad boy)
- Wit comes, yay! with another strange musical instrument - Kal thinks he simply materialized, perhaps along with a bench, hmm
- has perfect pitch now, makes it easier than it once was.. got yourself breadths Hoid?
- Wit wants a story, Kal says one in three sentences :P and of course Wit comes with something clever and gets Kal talking
- he plays some weird music that gets inside Kal, room seems to shake and Wit asks what Kal sees.. tells him to close eyes
- Kal sees..in his mind.. a race, song of a man who is running, then Wit and Kal together tell us a story
- Fleet, fastest man ever known to live, raced and won against Chanarach.. but not time for defeat.. racing to beat the wind itself, starting from east, racing in front of storm.. Kal keeps up with story but ends with a morose - Fleet died.
- as usual Wit leaves Kal with a question to ponder...
- epigraphs - reply to Hoid's letters, which gemstone is referred here to be dead?
- Natanatan - one of Epoch kingdoms, organized by Heralds themselves for divine purposes and blah blah :D
- capital is stormseat - the shattered plains?
- heeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeee pattern trying to find a pattern why Shallan wasn't sleeping now, during the time of second moon
- mentions sending another request to Navani, but got reply that Dalinar is sick (we know later that it was for bonding with Taln's switched blade)
- pattern repeats a bad A joke he heard, and tries to explain the body parts involved in the joke :D
- pattern again reminds that Shallan had made images with sound in past... Shallan ignores and goes back to talk of stormseat.. but pattern insists she know herself, and remember.. his memory is weak, was dumb so long, nearly dead
- pattern accidentally drips of sarcasm when Shallan fails an experiment of Veil
- wow, she could press on pattern, transferring stormlight to him.. then as Pattern is able to keep the illusion if he is near, Shallan attaches him to illusion like she'd do upon herself... the illusion could glide with pattern as he moved... small steps to next goal
- in which things are financially good at Davar house but abusive father frightens all
- some strange spren like taut wires cross before Kal (captivity spren? where is Axies :P), he is all cooped up in prison and longs to be outside
- Syl is nearby but Kal can't see where... she says there was a cryptic at the duel.. revolting type :P but not evil..
- Kal remembers the lesson from Wit as Dalinar comes.. he couldn't shut his mouth and blabbers what he'd heard from Moash.. and Dalinar knows about them... names it Roshone affair
- Elhokar, crown prince to rule over Kholinar, Gavilar at shattered plains, while Dalinar was away (Evi?)
- Dalinar played a role in Roshone's exile, to a place where Roshone can't do any more harm.. oh yeah tell that to Kal.. oh wait
- Kal still can't see Syl, the bond already fracturing? bad bad bad Kal :(
- Shadolin talking via spanreed, both have reasons for not visiting :P another reference to Dalinar's "sickness" and that is up now
- Mraize want Shallan to get a msg from a tree, she has instead set up illusion and hiding behind to watch... and realizes they might be waiting to watch her... then with pattern's help knows that the masked lady is waiting for her :D
- meanwhile, Adolin says she can come on a scouting mission.. she signs off and makes pattern walk with Veil illusion (she's done it with many sketches of walking) pattern is very excited to part of such an eloborate lie :P
- Shallan surprises the masked one, who tells Iyatil is her name.. Shallan's task is to find more about Taln(a certain new arrival in Dalinar's camp) ghostbloods are uncertain about Dalinar's allegiances, his interactions with Amaram is worrying them
- Shallan assumes Mraize is Iyatil's master, Iyatil laughs and reveals that he is her student :P she too speaks in terms of hunting/quarry/etc
- Iyatil says getting in would be difficult.. then asks 'what lie will gain us access to his realm' so very suspicious like speaking of cognitive realm and lightweavers/elsecallers
- Shallan somehow uses pattern and tricks to get in as Shallan while still maintaining as Veil to Iyatil
- Shallan uses Iyatil's mask :D which elicits a groan from Iyatil :P :P but to her credit she acts the part of being possessed by voidbringer :D :D :D
- hope Mr. Sanderson hasn't hidden something regarding the madwoman using excrement to write on walls - pattern sure wants to investigate :P
- Taln is still repeating the same stuff about desolation and preparation.. readily says he is Talenel'Elin, Stonesinew when asked... Pattern couldn't sense something about Taln like Wyndle did with Nale? may be Taln isn't affected like Nale?
- Taln leaps for her when she tries to put the ardent illusion again, but he didn't react when she'd removed the ardent illusion...hmm
- why is Shallan still thinking about ten heartbeats? she'd accepted it needn't be so for her - I think it was when she killed Tyn... whatever
- Taln correctly identifies she is KR, says one of Ishar's Knights.. she summons the blade.. thinks about mother's soul.. and says Yes when pattern asks if she is mad :P
- before she could leave, Amaram has come...
- Kal continues to spiral down towards darkness :(
- manages to breathe in a bit of stormlight, felt some resistance.. able to see Syl.. sitting between two bars as if on a swing.. she says Kal is growing dark, Kal says he'll be all right.. but then Syl suddenly giggles and goes to inspect something on floor - hello cremling
- Kal thinks it is her childlike enthusiam, but I think she's starting to behave like windspren?
- Shallan uses the stormlight to hide into corner of room, Bordin is with Amaram (we know later that he is acting upon Dalinar's instructions)
- Amaram believes the madman is really Taln... Gavilar, we have done it, finally done it.. Bordin mentions that Taln spoke of whole cache of shardblades, Amaram thinks it is honorblades.. he asks Taln to not speak of it to others and that he'll put the blades to good use.. but we don't get anything from Amaram regarding what he thinks about Taln's madness
- we also don't get what Shallan thinks, does she now believe the madman is Taln? and all that implies
- She slips Iyatil the paper with details of Taln's words and reveals about Amaram's visit.. details to follow in spanreed
- Shallan feels a thrill when Iyatil questions how she'd been able to fool her and her drawing talents.. later she gets reply from Mraize that she is now officially a ghostbloods member, need to get tattoo.. and warning that truth destroys more ppl that it saves
- Shallan is reading Jasnah's book - the one Helaran gave?
- Shallan takes some actions, speaking to father, Balat and Malise, who thinks Shallan is the one who deserves father's beatings
- same chapter title like in TWoK Cenn chapter
- epigraph - Frost says their interference has brought nothing but pain.. worlds Hoid treads bear touch and design of Adonalsium
- Kal is being released finally, not before he had doubted everyone from Dalinar to his own bridgemen
- and we get the reveal that Adolin has been inside a cell too.. why'd Kal say 'Your Highness' hmmm not Adolin or Brightlord...
- Adolin and Kal clasp hands.. finally :D
- uh oh.. Kal is again given a chance to adorn shardplate and get a shardblade too.. and he gives it Moash :P :-/
- Kal is frustrating Adolin without giving details how he'd be useful fighting Szeth without shards :P
- wow, Rock has been preparing a stew the whole time Kal was prisoned.. no sight of Syl :(
- Navani discovers dead shardblade and gemstone relation.. Dalinar says one week left for expedition to shattered plains..
- Navani still distressed over Jasnah.. just you wait lady for awesome return ;)
- everstorm is 12 days away
- Wit is back in the camps, insulting everyone who passed.. greets Amaram as someone innately talented in making others feel miserable.. after many well placed insults, says at last that Amaram is what lesser cretins like Sadeas can only aspire to... hmm will we see that in OB?
- Dalinar's vision details written by Navani have leaked out... Amaram finds them very interesting... and then Dalinar salvages what he can from it, doing it impressively of course
- Wit says yes, Dalinar is a tyrant... but he won't denounce him with spit and bile like he might have in another place and time.. because world needs him now
- Wit also says he needs to leave soon, he needs to be at a place soon though doesn't know the reason exactly.. hasn't worked as well as he'd like it to :P Dalinar asks if he is a Herald, Wit says no thank you :D.. a Radiant then? no again.. their goals don't align completely, he'd let the world to burn and crumble with tears but would do so to get what he needs.. I think Roshar will infact be destroyed physically... :(
- Wit doesn't want to be found by Odium... what he does here is more dangerous than Dalinar could know.. hmm Mr Sanderson, give us secret history of SA already!!!!
- Kal not able to breathe stormlight.. Syl is giggling with windsprens :( says Kal is making bad choices and laughs and zips away..
- she does respond to him about being broken that KR 'all' were broken...
- Kal doesn't trust the mechanical bridges.. they've brought one of their bridges to be carried on shoulders
- scout reports to Dalinar about a glowing man, flew around sky back and forth over plains.. isn't it too late to be reporting now? it's been weeks
- Dalinar simply thinks it was Szeth.. Kal tries to distract the conversation by asking about scout's wooden constructs.. they are held safe in storms inside burrowed out section in rock - foreshadowing of Shalladin's time in chasms ;)
- Kal says Dalinar should have a blade for himself... and Dalinar replies that Kal'd be surprised :P he's done it secretly already
- they are alert for possibility of Szeth, but not for Sadeas-Ialai sabotage..
- again, Syl is inspecting a cremling.. Kal realizes her behavior is like before Syl talked to him.. perhaps that the bond is weakening.. and their talk leads to him realizing that he has given conflicting promises.. wonders if that is the sort of thing that destroyed the KRs
- he asks Syl what he should do, she replies that he must speak the words.. and soon.. find what his heart needs to do.. Kal is now really worried about losing Syl
- Kal notices something familiar about one of the carpenters.. but before he could place him, Moash comes as distraction..Moash eyes seem lighter..one more day to fully bond the blade..
- Kal thinks again about Tarah when Adolin asks for advice on women..
- Adolin tries to get Kal talking why he's effective without shards :P Kal says to go for the kill, head/spine... because Szeth can heal.. Adolin says though that he has shardblade.. but Kal says not to wait to find if he can heal those
- aww... Shallan/Adolin/Kal all part of a conversation.. and Adolin misses an insult from Kal, pointed out by Shallan :P will Sanderson pull a reverse Rand on us? hmm
- and now, Shallan asks Adolin to slay moss, I mean to cut out a portion of rock with blade.. Kal goes to investigate and realizes there was structure here once.. and then gets Shallan to acknowledge Kal is smarter than he looks.. and Shallan snaps at him and says that Adolin has been trying hard to make up to Kal.. just a precursor to all the conversation we'll get in chasms
- after hours of moving towards targer plateau, the carpenter Kal noticed before calls Dalinar... Kal's attention to him again and it all clicks to him.. one of Sadeas's lumberyard man.. Adolin leaves Shallan to protect Dalinar..carpenter pulls the lever, as Adolin reaches Dalinar.. bridge then collapses
- Kal tries but fails to get stormlight..notices Shallan and men in blue uniforms falling and flailing in terror
- Syl screams, terrified painful sound, Kal gets a breath of stormlight, crashes into ground and all goes black
- stormfather rumbles - WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.. Kal's body hurts, no sign of Syl.. chasm 100s of feet deep.. scream had sounded like the dead shardblade in the duel..
- Lirin's teaching come automatically, he checks for wounds and finds nothing broken/ripped.. all his spheres in pouch drained..
- Shallan survives too.. though screams seeing Kal (wouldn't Pattern have warned her?) other spheres he had also drained
- he thinks he must have reflexively grabbed Shallan, infusing her to slow the fall.. been sometime since they fell.. Shallan says she heard echoes of yelling, something glowed around a corner.. a fallen soldier's sphere pouch ripped, killed by something before fall...
- Kal thinks it is Parshendi, as he'd heard horns when the bridge was collapsing.. indeed a fresh body of Parshendi is nearby.. he salvages the uncut gems..but fails to draw stormlight.. of course you idiot, bond with Syl broken :(
- highstorm predicted to strike the next day..
- and of course, Shallan thinks she saved Kal :P though thinks why 'he' had to the one who survived
- she wonders how a stumpweight got here, carried 400 miles by the highstorm?.. and of course found the life in chasms stunning
- the bickering between the two has started...she gives a stunning answer when Kal complains about lighteyes and their faults... and then Kal brings up the boot incident :P their shouting match attracts chasmfiend, or probably it would have come anyway
- epigraph - Frost says having Rayse cooped within Roshar is better than they could hope... no more loss of shards since Tanavast
- Shallan is able to keep up with Kal without signs of winded, though Kal doesn't suspect she is using stormlight.. he doesn't even connect her holding out hands as an act of summoning the blade
- Shallan stops following Kal and leads him back to the bodies because of bridge collapse..Shallan wants to peek a look and Kal reluctantly follows.. had snatched her safehand to stop (even Adolin wouldn't have held her safehand till now I think :P)
- Kal thinks the face was evil, powerful, almost intelligent... Shallan thinks she's seen the spren before, dancing around chasmfiend, a source of light - small glowing arrows.. who'd followed the skyeels too.. Shallan goes all scholarly describing the features and why of it
- starspren spotted again.. does the cosmere as a whole have a spren? galaxy spren? moon spren? dust spren?
- Shallan manages to get Kal into wit match..she even agrees that she's not witty, contrast between her and listener makes it seem so
- she starts to notice rugged handsomeness to Kal, like beauty of natural rock, as opposed to fine sculpture like Adolin.. yup Shallan, you like Kal more than Adolin, admit it! :P
- Kal, you are in for a shock, you assume Shallan had it all easy.. just you wait :)
- after giving a summary of what Kal's assumptions are, she looks into his eyes and swears by Almighty's tenth name that she means no harm to Dalinar family, and that she's hoping to prevent disaster.. she finds Kal's eye very intense.. he then believes her..
- Teft and co keeping vigil for Kal's return
- Teft speaks of his cult, the Envisagers.. Sigzil is with him..Michim is holy name for Teft but just a game's actual name..
- Teft turned his cult as he couldn't stand them getting killed themselves.. only to get executed instead..
- Renarin is nearby.. Teft in command in Kal's absence.. Dalinar comes to meet..Teft says Kal is alive, no matter what anyone thinks
- Kal feels like one of the ten fools, again.. or rather all of them..specifically Eshu who spoke of things he did not understand in front of those who did
- no response when he calls Syl/Sylphrena.. Shallan is drawing..
- just like Kal feels like he should dislike her and at the end of it all comes to appreciate her, Syl and Pattern need to have a go too regarding honorspren and cryptics :P
- he finds her drawing is very accurate.. says it is incredible
- Kal hears a bit of her conversation with Pattern.. about pattern in the shattered plains.. he suspects it was like his talk with Syl.. and then immediately thinks woman won't be a KR.. KR had all been soldiers.. but then thinks he really didn't know much about them
- Shallan finds that plateaus are mirrored.. and Kal blurts the plains are symmetrical (as he'd seen with stormfather).. covers it up as a dream.. she looks back at map and gasps Cymatics..says she knows where Parshendi are, the oathgate.. at center of shattered plains.. she could visualize the whole thing...
- these two are getting better at conversing.. they try to catch attention of the scouts by shouting...thinks they've probably withdrawn into cubbies to wait for highstorm.. he yells for Syl too..
- and Shallan tells about - the sorrow of watching life crumbling, struggling to grab and hold on but feeling hope become stringy sinew and blood beneath fingers as everything collapses... it is not sorrow, something deeper - of being broken.. crushed so often, so hateful, emotion becomes something you can only wish for.. to cry would mean you feel something.. instead just nothing.. haze and smoke inside, like dead already..
- Kal stops.. Shallan continues.. crushing guilt of being powerless, wishing they'd hurt you instead of those around.. screaming and scrambling and hating as loved ones are ruined..not being able to do anything..
- Kal sees she'd been broken too.. but she smiles anyway!!! goosebumps.. Kal thinks of Tien being able to do similar, brightening his day even on darkest day
- aww, Shallan gets Kal to have a session like those with her brothers.. seeing positive stuff about deadly things
- chasmfiend comes again, Kal instinctively grabs Shallan, she drops her satchel.. hides themselves in a shallow fissure..chasmfiend is above them trying to reach but the hole is too small for its claw.. settles down to wait after another go.. eyes large enough for Kal to see their reflection
- before going to battle the chasmfiend with spear, he accepts that Adolin is a good man, he'd not given credit he deserves
- she says at least take this.. what? storming shardblade :P
- no scream when he touches.. he thinks it is because of broken bond with Syl.. and also thinks Shallan ain't Surgebinder as she'd hate the blade..
- Kal's leg is hurt by the jaws..is flung about and then hit the ground.. couldn't feel his leg.. he's managed to remove a chunk of facial carapace.. did Shallan manage to create moving illusion without pattern ties to the illusion?
- damaged leg severly impedes his movements..tries to breathe stormlight from sphere, hears a distant weeping.. Shallan has created a larger than version of Kal and chasmfiend attack that...somehow Kal thrusts the blade as the chasmfiend bears down him (he thought he made the illusions)
- she'd hid herself, been close to the fighting to maintain illusions, not effective as she couldn't send pattern.. because.. (we know :P)
- spren rising from the fallen chasmfiend..like trails of smoke.. Kal half inside chasmfiend's mouth!
- she cuts handholds and carves out a cubby to shelter above water line...somehow Kal climbs and grasps her hand to be pulled up as the stormwall hits..
- in which Shallan poisons her father and twists her necklance around his neck when the poison hadn't fully done the work
- Balat's strike to side had broken the soulcaster
- Shallan's grip was slipping and suddenly gripped and strength that belied her smaller form, she heaved.. Kal forces himself up to join her in the cubby
- aww - they warm each other as they hold each other :P even filmy style, Shallan pulls more tightly from lightning and thunder
- of course the sphere is now dun not lost, you just don't know yet Kal..
- water even rose higher, into their alcove but Kal manages to hold them inside
- up above, Parshendi are moving about, getting their stormform
- Kal tells his story.. to their mind away from storm and horrors
- Shallan gasps hearing Tvlakv's name :P and then she says she killed her father.. and then about her youth and terrors.. Kal realizes (again?) that he killed Helaran..
- and Kal is pulled to speak to stormfather in middle of her story.. go face him Kal :P
- in that moment, he realizes Shallan is KR/Surgebinder, and not him during the fight with chasmfiend (regarding the illusions?)
- so he asks, hurting, what happened to Syl.. stormfather says he has killed her.. cannot be fixed and that Kal won't ride his winds again - you are wrong stormfather :P
- Shallan saw the stormfather too.. so vast.. stars in it, stars upon stars, infinity..
- the dun sphere glows again.. another proof of Shallan's art.. but Kal doesn't confront her..
- he's aware of the closeness to Shallan.. but talk with stormfather pulls his attention away :p poor Kal..
- and Shallan has fallen asleep :D and he sleeps too
- Amaram asks Dalinar to speak to Sadeas, Dalinar inspecting troops for trip to shattered plains, day after the storm
- Stormblessed has returned... Dalinar runs.. Kal says he really doesn't know how he survived, some spren were probably involved...and that he had a duty in delivering Shallan - future daughter-in-law.. delivered safe and sound but package damaged.. Kal still in witty mode having talked to Shallan? :P
- massive green gemstone, harvested from the chasmfiend... Kal says they took care of the chasmfiend prowling nearby chasms
- Shallan then says beast was already dead and rotting :P and that they survived the storm by climbing the beast onto crack in side of plateau..
- Navani finally mothers Shallan..
- Dalinar confronts Kal about being KR, but he says maybe once but now he's just what Dalinar sees, not what he thinks...sorry..
- Amaram meanwhile escapes...
- pattern repeats what Dalinar-Navani spoke while she was bathing... he doesn't Shallan is KR yet, maybe.. says all older cryptics are dead(Recreance?) - tried to restore but didn't work, perhaps if knights still lived, something could be done
- Adolin arrives..and holds her..and she forces a kiss, aww (nooo for us Shalladin shippers)
- she gets all troubled with Adolin's talk of protecting her... and tells him she won't be locked away again
- we visit Kholinar, under the rule of Queen Aesudan, Elhokar's wife
- Lhan is rotund ardent, who is slightly drunk and yawns as young ardent assigned to him comes
- Pai points out various issues with Queen's rule and Alethkar in general... Lhan suggests that she could do good by being a good example to follow
- she paints ten glyps, one for each of the ten foolish attributes and para to show what Queen has done related to it
- she is executed next morning and riots started that evening
- voice deep within Eshonai still screamed
- keeps busy by walking to perfectly circular plateau just outside Narak (oathgate?)
- Venli knows about direction of everstorm... something deep inside Eshonai nudges her to move on, says they'll have to wait until humans are practically on top to catch them in it... (so that it will save the humans?)
- hello Mr. T, what are you upto
- he wakes, doesn't feel 'stupid'.. he's on a ship, seems to have arrived on schedule
- the aches he feels, part of nightwatcher deal?
- Mrall gets to decide if Mr. T will be king or prisoner each day, with tests - mathematical problems devised by Mr. T himself on one of his better days :P
- Adrotagia, head of scholars, brings thich leatherbound volume of Diagram.. result of 20 hours of lucid insanity, the most brilliant he had ever been
- how does Mr. T know that Honor was dead? from Gavilar?
- Adrotagia calls Mr. T as Vargo, childhood nickname - they had grown up together.. Mr. T knows women's script
- Vedenar is now little more than rubble and ash, Weeping soon to come.. destruction caused by highprinces seeking to seize the capital
- back at Kharbranth, death rattle rate slowing down, Mr. T says Moelach must have moved, drawn by something westward
- what is Fabrisan's Conundrum that Mr. T solved? something to do with fabrials?
- they have spotted errors in Diagram, or missed guesses - for ex: 7 factions fighting here when Diagram had guessed 6
- brings Foundation by Asimov to mind
- they think The Thrill(Nergaoul) played a role too
- Szeth passes as a soldier with broken arm, tells Mr. T that they need to speak
- Diagram hypothesized that Szeth might kill Mr. T
- Mr. T thinks Szeth is refering to Jasnah when he says Kholin has a Surgebinder.. he'd suspected that Jasnah faked her death (also giving us readers a clue)
- Mr. T deflects by saying one of the honorblades has vanished.. Szeth asks one of the other 7 (he has one, one with Taln, so what about 10th?)
- Szeth gets convinced, has orders to kill Dalinar when the man with honorblade isn't present
- they also suspect Shallan as a Surgebinder, trained by Jasnah or even Helaran before his death
- what Mr. T asked Nightwatcher - Capacity to stop what was coming. The capacity to save humankind
- Diagram has a clue that Radiants will come, look for survivers when they should not.. Mr. T correctly deducts bridgemen..
- Valam, current king of Jah Keved know Mr. T's ploy.. names him heir anyway... asks his bastard son Redin with both color eyes to kill him (he's executioner)
- Valam tells a death rattle - so the night will reign, for the choice of honor is life
- Gavilar had insisted that world has to be unified, if they were to survive.. Mr. T reveals Gavilar got the same visions as Dalinar is now getting
the hidden blade
- oh yeah, finally sacking of Amaram.. but we know he comes back in OB to give us more grief (or Sanderson has surprises in store for us?)
- The Lopen falls silent but then says Kal should buy Syl something nice.. like a hat or spren hat to get it cheap from one of his numerous cousin
- The Lopen has full of hidden lessons/observations in his quips
- Kal sees the army assembled, what he'd always imagined... Roion and another(Sebarial) are joining too
- Amaram joins Dalinar as he goes to meet Sebarial.. their talk included about who is trustworthy... and Aladar is coming too
- Sadeas and Ialai talk about a coup with Dalinar gone, Sadeas says no need.. Dalinar would die anyway, and even her assasin wouldn't have been needed if they'd known Dalinar would actually do this march.. they get a letter, something bad(about Aladar)
- Dalinar is happy for Aladar to have come.. while going back he notices Kal among the bridgemen.. makes Amaram to come with him to put an end to Kal's accusations (so very masterful from Sanderson to bring so many plots together here)
- aww, Kal accepts that Shadolin fit and that he could hate that, even if he liked them both individually
- his own bridgemen point out he shouldn't be here :P Kal simmers seeing Amaram, but controls himself.. and then realizes Moash is in charge of King's guard
- Amaram refutes having seen Kal before coming to shattered plains, and obv about the shards
- Dalinar nods and says - apology is due.. Kal thinks he has to, but Dalinar says not him :P
- Dalinar summons the blade - wider than most, cleaverlike in appearance.. it is not the honorblade of Taln.. is Dalinar hearing screams?
- Kal realizes Amaram actually believes what he is saying - that it is okay to sacrifice good men to accomplish greater goals
- ah, Dalinar says he feels something wrong to hold a shardblade
- another chapter title that appeared in TWoK too (is there a hidden pattern as well to which chapter title gets repeated? some hidden symmetry like shattered plains?)
- Gaz is off somewhere, brings WoR later... drew glares from bridgemen :P
- yo Shallan, just accept already that you like Kal very much :P even though you like Adolin..
- WoR written about 200 years after Recreance... some ideals were specific, some left to interpretation of spren.. orders like Windrunners functioned in teams
- yay, Shallan and Navani working together... and Shallan tells that Jasnah was Radiant.. I'm amazed Shallan doesn't think if Jasnah could've survived, particularly after discovering that stormlight heals, especially her fall into the chasm... but may be because Jasnah hasn't come or contacted in anyway since the assasination attempt, might be too far fetched to think of..
- Weeping - sound of rain like thousand little footsteps scrambling about (similar to this chapter title? thousand scurrying creatures)... so when weeping is 4 weeks continuous every 2nd year, do the spheres last 4 weeks or they have to make do with candles and such for light?
- Lopen, Dabbid and Hobber are all here... Kal uses Amaram's argument to hint may be plot to kill king is wrong :D
- 4th day of weeping.. only just over a month since Jasnah went missing? Shallan experimenting with adding her own details to snapshots..for her illusions..pattern finds creationspren as useless :D she takes a Memory of Dalinar, having not taken one all this time
- and Shallan breaks the news of her being KR to Dalinar, saying perhaps he's been entrusted with the task to gathering instead of refounding the KRs
- awespren over Dalinar as a result.. she has seen those only handful of times..
- scouts killed by Parshendi, but somehow one of them was brought down too.. Shallan inspects, finds red eyes and though Dalinar says it is legend, Shallan tells about Jasnah's notes.. she is convinced voidbringers are here
- Shen, though changed, has come to surrender
- Rlain says he was a spy in various camps for 3 years.. says he took dullform, close to parshmen..
- says their gods have returned, souls of those ancient, those who gave of themselves to destroy..they hate humans..the new form is terrible, will bring something terrible.. saw army, tens of thousands
- countdown - three days before Lightday
- 8th day of expedition
- will Gaz's eye heal too if he becomes squire to Shallan?
- half a day from Narak, Dalinar agrees to push forward, telling Shallan that finding portal was backup plan
- Kal is mopey in the weeping, but up and about on a crutch.. he dislikes the rainspren too, creepy, like blue candles with single eye
- Elhokar comes to meet Kal in his barracks itself.. drunk..
- well I get an answer... spheres are dwindling.. soon wouldn't have any stormlight.. (the shardplate becomes ineffective too?)
- Elhokar asks how did Kal know to be a hero.. he's figured that he may be king, but lacks capacity seen in Gavilar and others...asks Kal to teach him! will he become a squire too? :D when asked, Kal says yes Elhokar is bad king.. Kal even thinks he can fight and kill Elhokar here instead of cowardly assasination.. and yet bothers him that Dalinar would be disappointed
- interesting, when Kal came the shadows(creepy spren) went away - why?
- before going off, Elhokar says he's jealous ok Kal, he should have entered the duel, Dalinar was right, etc
- Parshendi with red eyes glowing over next plateau.. larger gemstones might last another week than other spheres
- Roion and Aladar are shaken with the sight.. Dalinar somehow convinces to fight and stand proud instead of being afraid..
- one of the new guys getting shards from Adolin's duel is named Rust
- Dalinar gives his speech, even attracting gloryspren in doing so
- and then Parshendi start singing.. Rlain comes and says the song is death.. rhythm one of destruction, of power.. he asks to kill them and not let finish that song.. just as countdown mentioned.. so Dalinar changes strategy, they'll attack now!
- Kal goes looking for Zahel.. the ground is now a lake with rain water, coming up to Kal's calves
- warm water and calm breezes of Purelake reminds Zahel of home.. as always grumpy :P yet another color based idiom/metaphor
- the lake is for washing sand :P weeping doesn't drop crem.. Kal came to ask where Wit is (why did he think Zahel would know?) - Zahel names him that fool Dust.. not here, blessedly (what did you do to him Hoid? :P)
- Kal finally ate a chouta and like it :D to keep breathing is a distasteful choice for Zahel.. choose what makes it easiest to sleep at night (I should try to follow this too!)
- Kal takes a real spear and starting going through forms.. despite the wounded leg but doesn't find peace/purpose
- everything is off with the spear, wonders how much of skill with spear was tied to Syl.. reaching to dropped spear, found a rainspren looking upward unblinking
- Kal bellows to the clouds - he deserves it..give me a reason why he doesn't.. it might not be his fault and he might be trying, but he's still failing..
- it's right to remove the wounded limb, this is what we have to do. To.. To..
- To stay alive. Gotta do what you can to stay alive, son. Turn a liability into an advantage whenever you can.. realized Elhokar is Dalinar's Tien..
- Adolin is told to stop the singing, if he can..Dalinar said it was important
- Adolin leads a charge, Parshendi hit back with flash of light - red lightning, unnatural cracks (why didn't Fused use this against Kal?).. Sureblood is dead
- the red lightning attacks aren't well aimed..doesn't seem to harm Adolin in his plate.. though vibrates softly (I think this'll be important for KRs)
- as he kills stormform Parshendi, small red spren like tiny lightning zip into air and vanished
- Shallan is drawing frantically - map..largest drawing she'd ever done.. wind almost like wind before a highstorm
- Renarin present, orders to protect them.. hello Lyn the scout.. she can do rough drawing of what she saw of the center plateau - obviously inhabited but no one seems to be there right now
- Pattern is talking and the others know about him.. he refutes being a voidbringer :P Shallan said he's been following her.. she couldn't hide as he'd begun buzzing loudly :P Renarin is obviously fascinated by pattern.. Inadara still not convinced, so pattern says a big sentence full of clever jibes :P
- stormspren - variety of voidspren..not good, something very dangerous brewing.. a scout spots something wrong with her map.. one plateau shouldn't be drawn long and thin.. it is a perfect circle with big gaps between it and plateaus east/west of it.. if so, Shallan realizes it won't match the pattern
- strong winds coming in bursts..
- the voice in visions, now speak to Dalinar - 'I am sorry that you have to die this way'
- all of them (unmades?) hve some relevance to precognition, but Moelach is most powerful in this regard - powered by spark of death itself
- Kal is moving, thinking about saving the king..assasination could happen any hour now.. no guards - bad sign.. thinks Elhokar is sincere and tries..
- Kal prays he ain't late.. somehow reaches upper rooms.. two men in bridge four uniforms but nobody he knew.. Kal leaking blood from split sutures
- the guards don't let him in, so attacks.. one of the shouts alarm..realizes he can still fight.. inside, King lay on the couch, unmoving
- red lightning from Parshendi is deadly via water too.. Navani has bathed the battlefield in extraordinarily even white light.. Parshendi try rope attack on Adolin.. and he has to retreat..
- Perel is worried about reserves (those singing) - rock formation middle of plateau..urge to rush without consequences is gone(the thrill?).. Shallan's experiment and observation about the inner plateaus comes to mind.. a plan is hatched
- stormfather says he is not almighty as Dalinar thinks it was almighty who spoke..says he ran when Odium killed Honor.. a sliver left behind
- Teleb has fallen, Roion routed, remaining men surrounded..trapped on northern plateau
- Dalinar goes to Navani for a miracle... it involves hanging pavilions and fabrial to remove moisture - gift for archers in the rain.. then calls for Gallant trying to use the opening provided by archers.. he wants to save Roion
- Elhokar is only drunk, not dead..tries to walk Elhokar out..by instinct engages the guard outside but he manages to plunge knife into Elhokar's side.. panic gives Kal clarity.. assesses wound is not fatal with medical attention.. his own leg is now injured badly, pool of blood..Elhokar moans they both are dead..
- Kal says 'Fleet kept running' (Wit's story in prison).. Elhokar not fit to walk (both injury and wine) - Moash and Graves arrive, both full shardbearers
- Shallan comments on Renarin's lack of spectacles - a reminder for readers :p
- pattern says the stormform Parshendi are raising a storm.. and Renarin observes Everstorm, blowing from west-to-east.. I think he is surprised it is actually real..
- Rock calls her cousin, she thinks because of red hair :P she goes to center of plateau and asks Renarin to kindly slay the rock for her :P
- and Adolin has attacked another such mound and found it hollow inside
- he cuts a way on other side to find Parshendi singing, facing away from him... they fought without coordination, finding it difficult to come out of trance..
- no thrill - because the unmade moved? he is disgusted with the slaughter he is causing, even dismisses the blade..and then Eshonai crashes from behind, scoring his plate..Adolin grins, honest fight..
- Dalinar back from Roion's plateau.. bloody wound at his side.. he'd saved at least half the army.. but entire northern plateau lost..Roion safe..Teleb's blade recovered..but not the plate..
- Navani comes, but doesn't reprimand.. Adolin has won his plateau.. Aladar holds.. Roion has failed, but as a whole battle still evenly matched.. Dalinar says if song is completed, it will be end.. so that's why they are losing...
- stormfather speaks again - it should not end this way..not almighty not herald (so not Jezrien!) but spren and god..
- he says he'll bring storm of his own to cleanse dead soldiers.. then says daughter disobeys(Syl).. no more visions for Dalinar.. this is the end.. farewell..
- Kal and Moash/Graves in same hallway where Kal had fought Szeth earlier.. says Moash isn't bridge four as he turned against duty.. Kal himself so too but now trying to change.. Kal says they have to be better not murderes in dark.. Moash has to fight Kal...
- epigraph - number code
- Renarin has opened a hole into building.. sigh after releasing blade (so no Glys blade yet)
- mosaic mural, majestic images, dazzling colors..KRs and ppl from all walks depicted in all manner of settings..like whole world into one room
- lamps still hold dun gemstones.. on the wall - metal disc set into stone..not rusted.. shaped like 10-pointed star.. thin slot in center
- Renarin - it's coming.. Shallan calls him seeing the slot.. pattern warns time is short.. everstorm is summoned.. and something else coming from other direction, a highstorm? (pattern means regular highstorm here)
- Shallan says it is Weeping.. pattern says highstorm is coming anyway.. they're going to hit together right here..
- she thinks they'll cancel out, but pattern says they'll feed each other..stone will shatter..plateaus might collapse..
- shardblade can't cut the metal, but fits in the slot..but nothing changes.. she asks to inform Dalinar to bring everyone here.. meanwhile she'll try to figure out how this storming thing works..
- Adolin trades blows with Eshonai..he thinks he can sense the Thrill in her.. hmm..he nearly loses concentration seeing the storm from west..plate from forearm explodes as Eshonai strikes..but he's working on something.. a little more.. fury of flamestance..
- Eshonai growls that extinction turns to humans instead of Parshendi.. he intentionally exposes, chance taken by her caught up recklessness of Thrill..ignoring surroundings..Adolin takes the hit and stumbles.. Eshonai laughs, moving to swing again..Adolin lunges and slams his shoulder and head into her chest.. his helm explodes but gambit succeeds..his shove throws her into chasm.. feels Eshonai's panic and shout..
- he is momentarily blinded..stumbles, foot lands on empty air, he lurches and falls towards void of chasm..but he wasn't falling..because two bridgemen(Skar and Drehy) had grabbed steel link skirt of his plate..other soldiers rush to help..and succeed
- they say it was easy compared to carrying bridges :P
- spots a figure striding purposefully in the chaos of approaching storm... turns out to be Szeth... (background music intensifies :P)
- back to Kal and co.. Moash shatters the spear without needing blade..then slams armored fist into Kal's gut..Moash didn't intend such a hard blow..
- Moash and Graves discuss what next.. Moash thinks they can still make it look like Szeth.. removes the boards put up to cover Szeth's hole made last time..
- cold air and rain..yelling..distant... Syl!!!!!! life before death.. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.. rolls to his knees..Moash/Graves still arguing..
- shoves himself upwards and stumbles to his feet between Elhokar and them.. gets his knife out.. Moash stunned to see him stand.. Kal wants to be this man.. protecting, not just for selfish reasons.. strength before weakness..journey had come and gone..Syl shouts, as if closer..
- Syl - He is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I claim him.. stormfather - HE BETRAYED HIS OATH.. Syl - I don't care.. stormfather - HE WILL KILL YOU
- I will protect even those I hate, So long as it is right
- Moash has summoned shardblade.. distant rumbling, thunder..THE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED (music intensifies)
- Kaladin, Stretch forth thy hand! now visible too..can't says Kal..Syl repeats..then he reached out trembling hand.. Moash hesitates..
- Syl forms blade, entire hallway goes black as all stormlight winks out..then Kal explodes with light
- shutters burst open, wind screaming..frost crystallizes away from him..glyph formed in the frost, almost shape of wings.. Graves screams.. falling in haste to get away..Moash backs up staring at Kal
- KR have returned says Kal.. Too late says Graves..Diagram spoke of this..they focused on making certain Kal was separated from Dalinar.. not on what their actions might push him to become.. Moash turns and dashes away
- Kal wonders why'd they care separating him from Dalinar.. Syl says something is very wrong.. Kal looks eastward.. Oh no..
- epigraph - wanderer.. Wit? Adrotagia wonders if it is Mraize?
- Aladar has won his plateau.. Parshendi went right down, letting him slaughter them..rest broke and fled..
- Dalinar accepts Shallan's words and orders everybody to move to circular plateau..
- Adolin comes crashing..armor leaking light..missing several segments..blood from nose..Szeth has come..
- inscriptions in Dawnchant..Renarin screams why he can see future itself.. scribbles zeros with a rock...
- Dalinar gives last minute advice as he prepares to face Szeth.. Roion backs away and shouts Assassin..bridge four run to surround Dalinar..but Dalinar waves them back.. asks Szeth why, but he says no explanations, he only does as masters demand.. if only he'd said he was sent by Mr. T this time :P
- Adolin asks Skar and Drehy to remove the plates.. see Dalinar and freezes.. Dalinar moved beautifully
- Dalinar keeps up for a while but Szeth manages to crack his ribs..and Dalinar realizes he couldn't have saved Gavilar that day..and then Roion tries to attack Szeth..Szeth cuts his ordinary sword and pushes Szeth to sky..Adolin joins but Szeth easily batters him..
- Roion plummets and dies.. Dalinar and Adolin rush from opposite directions, joined by bridgemen.. Szeth shoots into air..and comes back killing bridgemen.. Adolin barely parries and is tossed backward..Szeth parries weak thrust from Dalinar and sends him up...Adolin dashes after Szeth who levels his weapon and says it is finished, he is done, walks away.. Adolin raises shardblade, Szeth spins and slaps with such a force that Adolin's wrist snaps..and gets a blow in chest too, stunning him to knees
- Szeth supposes he can kill one more..Adolin awaits his death looking to sky and spots Dalinar :P.. Szeth is like no no this can't be happening
- Kal arrives in styleeeeeeee... expanding ring of smoky light faded, save for large glyph - sword like shape.. a moment later puffs away.. (second time glyphs mentioned after Kal spoke his third ideal)
- and then one of the famous punch dialogue... sky and winds are mine, I claim them as I now claim your life..
- epigraph - one is almost certainly a traitor to the others.. who? Jasnah? hope OB clears it up
- Kal says he flew over a storm, coming from west.. he was looking to east back at camp.. confused..
- say Yes, Finally.. he is what Dalinar has been looking for..Teft quick to throw gems to him.. Pedin and Mart dead.. more bridgemen losing limbs(they'll get it back?)
- Shallan realizes the oathgate is fabrial, Szeth hurtles into air, Kal follows obviously..
- Dalinar asks status of retreat..is he healing with stormlight? Adolin is satisfied, says he knew something was wrong with Kal :D
- Gallant hasn't fled.. Dalinar moves more easily..find Roion's army moving to Shallan's plateau..but Sebarial and palona are beneath a canopy eating :P but he was the one who organized Roion army to get moving towards Shallan
- circular plateau several hundred yards across.. hopefully will fit the armies..
- Syl was only as dead as Kal's oaths..says stormfather brought the highstorm, rushing the pace.. broken, wants to end it all.. wash everyone away and try to hide from the future..
- ten heartbeats is because dead spren need to be revived each time
- Kal fights like he has spear.. Syl changes to spear :P Szeth trembles seeing that.. but no, he is Truthless, no questions, maybe Syl should have shown herself to Szeth?
- Shallan reveals she can use stormlight, goes about infusing lamps in the circular chamber with stormlight.. that is interesting..
- Shallan meets Adolin.. breathes stormlight from him.. he says, You too(brutus)..asks can she fly too? thunder cracks, she focuses on work at hand and asks everyone to be ready to move
- Szeth is still very skillful, takes Kal's arm, forced to drop Syl.. uses stormlight to heal..Szeth attacks but Kal is able to deflect as Syl forms a silvery shield
- Kal uses the fact that he doesn't need 10 heartbeats.. shield, blade, axehead halbeard.. scoring a hit into Szeth's shoulder
- Kal running out of stormlight, but Szeth losing it at faster rate than Kal..
- below the two storms are wrecking havoc, even an entire plateau breaking through the clouds.. Szeth lands on it..he is still not convinced Kal is KR.. turns down towards Dalinar to finish his job
- floor starts to glow as Shallan infuses last of the lamps.. asks Adolin to try his sword, yet again nothing..only one answer left.. she yanks out Adolin's sword (could've asked him to dismiss :P) ignores the scream..and then calls Pattern..with Adolin's help, they turn the inner tube around to line with picture of Urithiru
- despite storms proving difficult for lashings, he gets stormlight too.. energized..for Szeth too..back on plateaus..Kal sees army on the circular plateau.. but when Szeth and he reaches, they are gone :P
- the whole plateau itself had been portal, and now at last in Urithiru
- red spren like small meteors zip around Kal.. terrible screams over the winds.. windspren..occasionally taking shapes of young men/women laughing..
- Szeth bursts past stormwall..Kal attacks again using Syl as shield/spear/sword/hammer.. scores plenty of hits..
- windspren form a halo, spiral around his arms/legs..
- Szeth finally believes Kal is right.. I've got old version, so Kal here kills Szeth..Syl tells him to grab the honorblade..and then he moves above the stormwall again, windspren moving away to join the storm
- Syl becomes full sized woman, says perhaps she'll keep him around this time :P make him say intelligent and articulate and wonderful and even a sincere smile :)
- shattered plains shattered again.. will there be similar level of damage along the whole north-south longitude of shattered plains?
- dead spren live a little when summoned as blade..syncing a heartbeat to their essence
- Kal asks why he doesn't hear scream holding Szeth's blade.. Syl says because it is not spren, dangerous.. thinks it is one of honorblades..she touches it and shivers visibly..blurring for a second.. hmm
- bridge four there to meet Kal at the oathgate.. and gets confirmation that Shallan is KR..
- Bisig's right hand is lost.. greyed now.. Rod dead apart from Mart and Pedin.. Teft says at the end, right before Kal arrived, he saw couple of lads glowing..and Kal's got pale blue eyes.. (blue like Shallan :P)
- pattern says Shallan is almost a KR.. still a few words to say..truths
- Dalinar's scribes wrote letters via spanreeds to deliver warning to warcamps and relay room in Tashikk..they think in terms of storms rounding the world.. but probably don't know world doesn't spin, or may be it doesn't spin, who know :P
- news they get back - king vanished, Kholinar in riots..
- showoff Kal comes floating :P says he's placed king somewhere safe :P all the way to Herdaz? that is long long way from shattered plains..
- ok, they are in little herdaz, in sebarial's camp.. lots of cousins around :p
- The Lopen practicing with sphere, like he'd done everyday since he saw Kal glowing.. and finally now he breathes in stormlight :P he wants to stick ppl but instead he sees his lost arm healing..
- Moash feels a traitor..twice over.. Graves says Jasnah was right.. voidbringers turned out to be the parshmen, it seems... tells Moash they have important work, salvation of entire world.. but Moash thinks he's been played for one of ten fools
- who does the chapter title refer to? Szeth says it, thinking of Kal telling him a coward..
- Mraize know Shallan is Veil.. has come to meet.. why had he come with the expedition (oh yeah, Urithiru), how'd he hide, how survived?
- he's able to guess her true powers..Shallan refuses to help but Mraize says he has her brothers..going to bring them here..her family owes him soulcaster.. how convenient that Shallan is one by herself :P
- mentions Helaran seeked Skybreakers.. mentions babsk too (Vstim?)
- Adolin is unsure now with Shallan being KR and all.. Shallan simply forces a kiss, letting him feel her desire... Shalladin shippers scream :D :(
- pattern has chosen a room for her to confront truths.. pattern was thrust into the strongbox hastily by her father..
- Shallan now hates pattern, and he replies that eventually she'll kill him and have her revenge.. :-/
- Amaram - Sons of Honor.. to return the Heralds.. to return dominance of Church.. they were trying to put world into crisis..he is writing to Restares, hoping next time he writes will be from Urithiru..
- can't use spanreed while moving - interesting..goes to get Taln.. spins thinking he'd seen someone approach..Taln snatches a dart..Iyatil..trying to kill Amaram.. she escapes before he could summon blade..
- Shin revere stone spren, not worship... Szeth worships order.. that attracted Nin/Nalan/Nale.. Herald of Justice.. hmm...
- the fabrial Nale used, related to larkin?.. Szeth's following of order - Nale doubts he'll ever find a man more worth of Skybreakers..
- Szeth's bond to blade severed... both spiritual and physical..
- Nale want Szeth to confront his leaders.. no need to worry about other honorblades :P since NIGHTBLOOD is hereeeeeeeee
- Dalinar dreams he's back in childhood..some sort of warm light bathes him (stormlight? healing him?)
- week has passed..ppl of warcamps finally started to arrive..spheres recharged..
- Adolin walks the dark halls of Urithiru, contemplating what his place was now.. Shallan is KR..
- Sadeas has come to Urithiru..he tells Adolin what kind of lies he'll spread to undermine Dalinar..Adolin snaps.. and kills Sadeas in close fight, despite his injury..he'd got lucky coming above Sadeas when they rolled
- Dalinar has come to very top of tower city.. he mentions only one in the shattered plains had been left open (by whom?)
- he confronts stormfather.. he says it doesn't matter now, Dalinar was too slow.. everstorm is here.. spren of enemy come to inhabit ancient ones(Parshendi?).. everstorm is new thing but old of design..rounds the world, carries his(Odium?) spren..any old ppl it touches will take on their new forms
- Dalinar says voidbringers.. stormfather says that is one term for them.. everstorm will come regularly but less frequent.. no way to stop parshmen transformation..
- spanreed news.. Gawx doesn't believe Dalinar.. Mr. T seems to be believing.. Kholinar in riots..plague in Purelake..
- Dalinar speaks the first ideal..and then the second too - I will unite instead of divide.. I will bring men together.. stormfather accepts..but won't be simple sword.. and Dalinar should rid of the blade he carries..stormfather says his dream that morning wasn't sent by him or gods.. (may be Renarin did it?)
- Dalinar comes down where Shallan and Kaladin are there.. he gets out a sphere, breathes in stormlight.. wounds heal in familiar way, he's done it before..hmm
- with him as Bondsmith, Shallan says there are 3 of them now.. and Renarin reveals to be the 4th..Glys says he is Truthwatcher..
- hearing confirmation from stormfather that parshmen will turn to voidbringers, Kal decides to go to Hearthstone
- Elhokar has arrived too..
- Wit again with the blind man story similar to one he'd told Shallan.. he's talking to ugly lizard-crab-thing
- small river nearby..one of few permanent waterways in this strange land..extending in all directions were rolling hills (Horneater mountains?)
- Ryshadium had surprised him.. and he glad that some things could do that..
- Mr Sanderson, breaking the 4th wall to speak to us directly about expectation? we do indeed expect too much from SA books :P
- air blurs after Wit is prepared for arrival..as if heated in ring near the ground..streak of light, like afterimage of something glowing had spun..Jasnah has arrived :)
- tattered clothing, wearing kind of leather bandolier and a backpack..Wit doubts she had either when her journey began..seeing Wit she summons Ivory :P
- what do you know Wit - he once spent better part of year inside large stomach being digested :P (reshi island?)
- well since Jasnah was in cognitive realm, couldn't she have known everstorm had already stuck?
- Wit says they could learn from each other despite her dislike of him.. she nods..starts walking to nearest town..Wit says it is at least one week..why did she Elsecall here.. she says she was lucky to be here at all.. Wit says with desolation come, end of this land too.. hmm
- storm will bring transformation..Jasnah says that's not how it happened in past..Wit agrees it is different this time.. and they talk about god/God/hearts-of-men
- ketek written by Navani for her journal of events leading to everstorm..(we saw some in epigraphs)
- glyphs drawn like two storms crashing
- Wyndle leaves dust behind.. where does the energy come from?
- Wyndle cultivates chair souls in shadesmar..grew them into grand crystals
- it is Weeping time after the everstorm had hit shattered plains and Dalinar had given the warning.. lift is in Yeddaw, Tashikk
- Lift can feel something building up in the west..hmm because of cognitive connection? if so again, why Jasnah didn't know..
- cultivationspren not very important, don't have kingdom or even cities of their own, they moved of bond because others were starting to bond
- war between Emul and Tukar heating up.. all sorts of rumor about god king of Tukari
- Hauka wants infused spheres for nightime reading..lift says her parents are dead..Sun Day.. days named differently in Makabaki?.. where did the burst of energy come for Hauka to seize the cart :P an earlier version of this novella had much more to tell about Hauka..
- just how many places has lift visited? she's a Reshi, brought up in Iri.. been to Alm, Desh, Azir(Azimir, Zawfix), Purelake? etc knows a lot to recognize based on color/clothing/etc
- strange cremling crawled(to spy? :P) beside her.. there are cremlings that could fly too, closer to mountains
- what are keensprens... hello sleepless philosopher
- from what Nale says, seems like we've yet to see voidbringers (stormform isn't one).. jump between worlds.. hello Szeth, who leaves a soft white afterimage for Lift.. the ones on shattered plains were simply remnants from millennia ago..voidbringers who have been hiding among us all the time..
- lift has met Hoid too.. does he go about meeting all KRs :P what about Heralds (apart from Taln) does he go meet them?
- she saw him diving into reshi island's mouth :P
- diktat - we have that word in hindi too, meaning seems similar to English one as well..
- too many oddities packed in here, who knows what important stuff Sanderson put in
- Szeth calls Nightblood as sword-nimi
- sleepless(Arclo) - friends of KRs..before everything went wrong..days of honor now gone..
- I will listen to those who have been ignored
- does the everstorm play a role in Nale's change? as they are outside, in the everstorm itself..
- aww, Lift heals the refugees on the way to Azimir.. and says Wyndle might not be voidbringer after all :D (but who knows with Mr. Sanderson)