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Created November 20, 2012 21:38
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As you write more and larger ColdFusion applications, you will start looking for ways to improve the performance of your applications. There are many ways to do this, but perhaps the easiest is to use ColdFusion's caching mechanisms to reduce the amount of work your application has to do over and over. Caching simply refers to the idea that you create a piece of content or data once and hold it in application memory for some period of time. During that time frame, any part of your application that needs that content or data uses the copy that was previously generated rather than regenerating it.

ColdFusion has several different caching mechanisms built in, but they generally fall into two main categories--programmatic caching and application server caching.

Programmatic Caching

This type of caching is controlled by your application code. You decide which parts of your application would benefit from being cached and use CFML tags and attributes to determine what content is cached, as well as how long your application should use the cached copy before it is discarded and/or regenerated.

Query Caching

One of the first types of caching that developers turn to is query caching. Query caching stores the result of a cfquery action in memory so you can quickly reuse the dataset returned by the query. This is especially useful for queries whose result set changes infrequently or for queries that take some time to execute.

To illustrate this, consider a common use case of selecting countries that a company ships its products to. That list of countries likely doesn't change very often, so it would be a good candidate to be cached by ColdFusion. Your original query might look something like this:

<cfquery datasource="myDatabase" name="shipToCountries">
	SELECT countryId, countryName
	FROM countries

With this query, everywhere in your code that needs a list of countries you can ship products to will create a call to the database and retrieve this information. By adding one attribute to your cfquery tag, you can reduce the number of times that query is run. For example, the following query will be cached in server memory for 1 hour, meaning that no matter how many times a page that requires that country list is accessed, the query will only be run a maximum of 24 times per day.

<cfquery datasource="myDatabase" name="shipToCountries" cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan( 0, 1, 0, 0 )#">
	SELECT countryId, countryName
	FROM countries

The cachedWithin attribute to the cfquery tag instructs ColdFusion to execute this query ONLY if it does not have a result set from that exact query in memory already. The createTimeSpan() method is used to give ColdFusion a range of time to compare to the current system time in order to decide whether to use the result set in memory or to execute the query again and cache the result of that execution. In this case, the timespan is 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.

An important note to remember here is that ColdFusion caches result sets based on the SQL statement contained in the cfquery tag. Therefore, if you have a dynamic query, a new cached value will be stored for every variation of the query. For instance, the following query would create a separate cached query result set for each different value of form.firstName that was provided (Bob, Bill, Mitch, etc).

<cfquery datasource="myDatabase" name="user" cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan( 0, 1, 0, 0 )#">
	SELECT userId, firstName, lastName
	FROM users
	WHERE lastName = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.firstName#">

Caching Generated Content with cfcache

For caching non-query content, ColdFusion provides the cfcache tag. The cfcache tag can be used to cache an entire rendered page of content for a specified amount of time. An example of this might be a page listing products that all belong to the same category. On high-traffic sites, caching the rendered output for this page even for as little as 1-2 minutes could cause the application to run significantly faster. To do this, you simply wrap your page in a cfcache tag like so:

<cfcache action="cache" timespan="#createtimespan(0,0,2,0)#">
   content here...

The cfcache tag can also be used to cache HTML fragments that are likely to be used across multiple pages. An example might be taking our country query from earlier and building a select box for use on registration forms, payment screens, search forms, etc. You could potentially run the query, build the HTML for a select list using the query results, and cache that HTML fragment for use later on by all the different pages that needed that fragment. Below is an example of how this would work to cache the HTML fragment of the select list for one day.

<cfcache action="cache" timespan="#createtimespan(1,0,0,0)#">

    <cfquery datasource="myDatabase" name="shipToCountries">
      SELECT countryId, countryName
      FROM countries

    <select name="country" id="country">
        <cfloop query="shipToCountries">
            <option value="#shipToCountry.countryId#">#shipToCountry.countryName#</option>    


The cfcache tag offers fine-grained control on removing content from the cache as well. This is accomplished by using action="flush" on the cfcache tag. Coupled with the expireURL attribute, you can flush the entire cache, a group of pages that match a particular URL pattern, or a single content item. This is especially useful when the rendered content that you're caching would be affected by changes to the database that drives it. In the example above, were a country added to the countries table, the flush action could be used to ensure that bit of content was flushed from the cache and rebuilt with the new values on the next request.

Caching Generated Content Manually

You can manually place data or content inside the internal ColdFusion Cache, if you prefer. ColdFusion uses the very popular and robust ehCache product internally. ehCache is an enterprise level caching product and has many benefits apart from the integrations you'll find in ColdFusion. Let's look at how we might put data in the cache, then retrieve it.

CachePut(id, value);

In the example above, the id must be unique to the cache. The value is whatever data or content you want to cache. Here's a practical example:

<cfset CachePut(42, 'AnswerToEverything') />
<cfset CacheValue = CacheGet(42) />
<cfdump var="#CacheValue#" />	

Once the code completes, you'll have inserted the value 'AnswerToEverything' into the cache and assigned it the key of 42. Then you will have requested the value matching the key of 42 and received your original text 'AnswerToEverything'.

You'll do most of your work with CachePut; to help you cache the right data, there are two optional arguments to CachePut:

CachePut(id, value[, timeSpan[, idleTime]]);

The timespan argument is the duration the cache should keep the object. Use CreateTimeSpan() to easily make a timespan for your cache function.

The idleTime argument is a number of days in which to toss out the cached item if the item has not been accessed in that time. In the next example, we'll cache our 'AnswerToEverything' value under the key 42 and ask the cache to cache it for 2 days.

<cfset CachePut(42, 'AnswerToEverything', CreateTimespan( 2, 0, 0, 0) ) />
<cfset CacheValue = CacheGet(42) />
<cfdump var="#CacheValue#" />

The cache will get rid of items automatically according to the rules you give it. In the above example, the key and value assigned to 42 will be evicted from the cache in 2 days. You can manually evict whatever you want from the cache with the CacheRemove() function. The below line of code will manually remove the key and value assigned to 42.

<cfset CachePut(42, 'AnswerToEverything', CreateTimespan( 2, 0, 0, 0) ) />
<cfset CacheValue = CacheGet(42) />
<cfdump var="#CacheValue#" />
<cfset CacheRemove(42) />
<cfset CacheValue = CacheGet(42) />
<cfdump var="#isNull(CacheValue)#" />
<cfdump var="#CacheValue#" />	

If you run the code above, you'll see the cached value appear in the first dump. Once we use CacheRemove(), if we try to retrieve the key again, we'll get a null. The example wrapped the first null value in an IsNull() function so you can see how to properly check and work with this case. If you try to use a null value in ColdFusion, you will get an error, because of the last line in which we attempt to use a value that is null.

Getting Metrics about Caching

Caching saves processing and database time at the expense of memory. In order to do caching well, you'll need to know how well your caching strategy is performing. The first important concept in caching is a cache-hit. A cache-hit occurs when a request is made for a cached item and the item is already in the cache. The second important concept in caching is the concept of the cache-miss. A cache-miss occurs when an item is requested from the cache and the cache does not have it. You can get metrics about cache-hits and cache-misses for each of your cached keys. If you ran this example, you would see the number of cache-hits and cache-misses for our item # 42.

<cfset CachePut(42, 'AnswerToEverything', CreateTimespan( 2, 0, 0, 0) ) />
<cfset CacheValue = CacheGet(42) />
<cfdump var="#CacheValue#">
<cfdump var="#cacheGetMetaData(42)#" />

It is generally a good idea to seek the largest ratio between cache-hits and cache-misses. This means the cached item is being requested from the cache. However, the main reason behind caching is to save processing, data access, web service requests, and other such resources from being required for each request. Thus, if you have a computationally expensive request, it may be ok if the difference between cache-hits and cache-misses isn't so much.The right solution depends on your hardware, application, types of requests and other factors. Since you now know how to get information about your cached content, feel free to experiment.

Application Server Caching

In addition to the programmatic methods of caching discussed earlier, ColdFusion also provides some caching mechanisms managed at the server level. Settings for these are found in the ColdFusion Administrator web application and apply to all ColdFusion applications being served by that particular instance of ColdFusion. The three most important of these are Trusted Cache, Cache Template in Request, and Save Class Files. These three caching mechanisms are primarily used on production systems and are not recommended for use on a ColdFusion instance that is being used for development purposes.

Trusted Cache

With Trusted Cache disabled, each time you request a ColdFusion file, the server will check to see if that file is different from the version that it previously compiled to Java bytecode. If the file has not changed, the Java bytecode previously compiled is used. If the file is different, ColdFusion recompiles the file and uses the new Java bytecode just compiled. Turning on the Trusted Cache option in the ColdFusion Administrator will cause ColdFusion to no longer scan your source code files for changes. Enabling this option eliminates the check for differences on each request for the file. That means that the first time a ColdFusion file is requested, the server will compile it as normal. Thereafter, it will always use the previously compiled version of the file, even if you have updated the file in the meantime. The ColdFusion Administrator provides a way to manually clear the Trusted Cache so that the next request will recompile the current version of the source code and include any changes to the files since the files were last compiled. Additionally, the ColdFusion Admin API provides a way to clear the trusted cache from your code, possibly as part of an automated deployment process.

Since there can be potentially dozens of ColdFusion files accessed during a single request cycle, enabling Trusted Cache can have a significant positive effect to the responsiveness of the server. On production sites, where source code is likely not changing often, it is unnecessary to have ColdFusion constantly checking source code files for changes, and thus that step can be eliminated. Conversely, if this setting were enabled on a development machine, your development process would have to include a step to manually clear the Trusted Cache every time you made a change to a file, which is less than productive.

Cache Template in Request

The Cache Template in Request setting is very similar to the Trusted Cache setting discussed above, with the exception that the check is only skipped for that particular request. For instance, if you call a file more than once during a request with this setting enabled, the server will compile the file to Java bytecode on the first invocation and will use that same bytecode for each subsequent call to the file without checking to see if the file is different up through the end of the request. However, unlike Trusted Cache, subsequent requests will recompile the file the first time it is called during that request. So while Trusted Cache disables file change checks until you clear the Trusted Cache or restart the ColdFusion server, Cache Template in Request only disables file change checks for the duration of the current request.

It should be noted that if you have enabled the Trusted Cache feature, you won't see any performance increases from also enabling Cache Template in Request, as Trusted Cache essentially supersedes this feature due to the way it works.

Save Class Files

We've mentioned earlier how the ColdFusion server compiles ColdFusion files from source code down to Java bytecode. Those bytecode files are housed in Java class files. Typically, this happens when the ColdFusion file is first accessed after the server starts. However, you can enable this option to have ColdFusion save the compiled class files to a directory on the disk and read them back into memory after a restart. Depending on how many class files and the amount of traffic to your application, this can be faster than recompiling the source code to Java bytecode again.

Your system has a finite amount of memory, and caching done incorrectly can cause more trouble than you might initially think. There are a couple settings in the ColdFusion administrator to help control the amount of caching of certain features.

Maximum Number of Cached Templates (ColdFusion Admin -> Server Settings > Caching )
ColdFusion will cache templates, pages, and ColdFusion Components into memory so they do not have to be read from disk when requested.

You can clear the cached templates by clicking the 'Clear Template Cache Now' button. It is a good idea to do this when you change your source code files on production. You can also clear a specific folder if you know which files you specifically want to clear from the template cache.

Maximum Number of Queries Cached (ColdFusion Admin -> Server Settings > Caching )
ColdFusion will let you place a limit on the number of cached queries in your application. As a cached query is requested, it moves to the top of the stack. Unused queries move toward the bottom of the stack. The query unused the longest is evicted from the Query Cache as the cached query count hits the limit you set in the ColdFusion administrator.

You can clear the cached queries by clicking the 'Clear Query Cache Now' button. You may need to do this if the underlying data changes, but the current caching strategy on the server is still showing the old information.

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