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Euclidean Guitars
(ns overtone-workshop.core
(:require [overtone.algo.euclidean-rhythm :refer [euclidean-rhythm]])
(:require [overtone.synth.stringed :refer :all])
(:require [ :refer :all]))
(use '
(definst bell [frequency 440 duration 1.0 volume 1.0 position 0 wet 0.5 room 0.5
h0 1 h1 0.6 h2 0.4 h3 0.25 h4 0.2]
(let [harmonics [ 1 2 3 4.2 5.4]
proportions [h0 h1 h2 h3 h4]
(fn [harmonic proportion]
(let [envelope (* 1/5 (env-gen (perc 0.01 (* proportion duration))))
overtone (* harmonic frequency)]
(* 1/2 proportion envelope (sin-osc overtone))))
(map proportional-partial harmonics proportions)
whole (* 10 (mix partials))]
;; ======================================================================
;; make a guitar
(def g (guitar))
;; ======================================================================
;; try out a bit of rhythmic accompanyment
(defn pattern-to-beat-strum-seq
"given a string describing a one-measure up/down strum pattern like
'ud-udu-', return a sequence of vector [beats :up/:down] pairs"
(let [strums-per-measure (count cur-pattern)
beats-per-measure 4.0
beats-per-strum (/ beats-per-measure strums-per-measure)
ud-keywords {\u :up, \d :down}]
(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector cur-pattern)]
(when (contains? ud-keywords s)
[(* i beats-per-strum) (ud-keywords s)]))))
(defn strum-pattern [the-guitar metro cur-measure cur-chord cur-pattern]
(let [cur-beat (* 4 cur-measure)]
(doseq [[b d] (pattern-to-beat-strum-seq cur-pattern)]
(when-not (= b nil)
(guitar-strum the-guitar cur-chord d 0.07 (metro (+ b cur-beat))))))))
;; play a variety of different rhythm patterns.
(ctl g :pre-amp 10.0 :amp 1.0 :distort 0.0)
;; ======================================================================
;; ac/dc's highway to hell intro. turn it up!
(defn ddd0 []
(let [t (now) dt 250]
(guitar-strum g [-1 0 2 2 2 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 0 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 0 2 2 2 -1] :up 0.01 (+ t (* 1 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 0 2 2 2 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 2 dt) 50))
(guitar-strum g [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 3.5 dt)))))
(defn ddd1 []
(let [t (now) dt 250]
(guitar-strum g [ 2 -1 0 2 3 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 0 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [ 2 -1 0 2 3 -1] :up 0.01 (+ t (* 1 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [ 3 -1 0 0 3 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 2 dt) 50))
(guitar-strum g [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 3.5 dt)))))
(defn ddd2 []
(let [t (now) dt 250]
(guitar-strum g [ 2 -1 0 2 3 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 0 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 1.5 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 0 2 2 2 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 2 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 0 2 2 2 -1] :up 0.01 (+ t (* 3 dt)))
(guitar-strum g [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1] :down 0.01 (+ t (* 4.5 dt)))))
;; give us a good, crunchy sound
(ctl g :pre-amp 5.0 :distort 0.96
:lp-freq 5000 :lp-rq 0.25
:rvb-mix 0.5 :rvb-room 0.7 :rvb-damp 0.4)
;; ======================================================================
;; play with the one chord progression to rule them all
;; The I - V - vi - IV
;; (or C - G - Am - F)
(ctl g :pre-amp 4.0 :distort 0.5 :noise-amp 1.0
:lp-freq 4000 :lp-rq 2.0
:rvb-mix 0.45 :rvb-room 0.4 :rvb-damp 0.9)
(defn play1 [metro k N chord-list]
(dotimes [n N]
(doseq [[i cur-chord] (map-indexed vector chord-list)]
(let [cur-dir (choose [:up :down])
cur-pattern (choose ["d-du-ud-"
(strum-pattern g metro (+ k (* 4 n) i) cur-chord cur-pattern)))))
(defn player [m num r sound]
(at (m num)
(if (= 1 (first r))
(apply-at (m (inc num)) #'player [m (inc num) (next r) sound]))
(def notes (vec (map (comp midi->hz note) [:c3 :g3 :d3])))
;(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 3 8)) (partial sine-blip (notes 0)))
;(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 4 4)) (partial sine-blip (notes 1)))
;(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 5 13)) (partial sine-blip (notes 2)))
(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 3 8)) (partial bell :frequency 880))
(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 4 4)) (partial bell))
(player metro (metro) (cycle (euclidean-rhythm 5 13)) (partial bell))
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