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Uncensoring study.com lessons is actually pretty simple- it only requires devling into the developer-tools in Google Chrome | |
NOTE: This trick only unblocks the lesson transcripts, I haven't explored getting access to the full lesson video yet. | |
Here are the steps: | |
1. Go to a lesson of choice on study.com and open the developer-tools in Chrome (example URL: | |
http://study.com/academy/lesson/root-cap-function-definition-quiz.html) | |
2. Use the page inspector tool and select the "Lesson Transcript" text. Confirm that in the Elements tab of the dev tools, | |
the line "<span>Lesson Transcript</span>" is highlighted (should be under a div that has the id "transcriptHeader") | |
3. Hit the dropdown triangles of "<div class="transcriptContainer articleContent" data-cname="main_content>" and | |
<div id="mainArticle" class="transcript" data-cname="lesson_transcript"> (the latter should appear after the contents of | |
the first div appear) | |
4. You should now see a div that has the id "articleMain". This is where all the text for the transcript is held, so | |
dropdown its contents. Next, remove the "faded-content" class from the "articleMain" div by doubleclicking on the | |
"faded-content" text and just removing everything in the little text-editor/box that appears. Then, remove | |
the "hidden" class for each div that is found inside the "articleMain" div using the same technique. | |
Not alot is actually 'unlocked' by doing this, but at least its something and its something free. |
This solution doesn't work for me, because there is no "Lesson Transcript" in the Elements tab, and the words "lesson" and "transcript" both show up there 0 times. @NaeemBolchhi's tampermonkey script doesn't seem to do anything for me either, as the page I am trying to read looks exactly the same after installing it and refreshing (the article is still censored).
This is the article I'm trying to read: https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-festival-days-did-the-gauls-have.html
If anyone has any suggestions other than what I've already tried, I'm all ears.
This doesn't work in 2023, they've removed the class <div class="transcriptContainer articleContent" data-cname="main_content>, however after digging deep i was able to find the function that pops up the "register to view this lesson" which is under the name id="videoPaywall" and class prod-wizard which pops up the sign up function. The question here is, how to deactivate this function or delete this function, where can we find where this function was created and all cases in which the function is used?.
Whipped up a chrome extension in 30 minutes that does the trick (because the one shown above has been removed and there are no web archives of it)
pls dont bulli my trahs developing skills
cant find it
Hi, can someone please help me to view the answer in this link? Thanks in advance
You sir are a legend. Thank you.