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Created July 23, 2022 11:30
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Genetic algorithm
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from random import choices, randint, random, randrange
import time
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple
Genome = List[int]
Population = List[Genome]
FitnessFunc = Callable[[Genome], int]
PopulationFunc = Callable[[], Population]
SelectionFunc = Callable[[Population, FitnessFunc], Tuple[Genome, Genome]]
CrossoverFunc = Callable[[Genome, Genome], Tuple[Genome, Genome]]
MutationFunc = Callable[[Genome], Genome]
Thing = namedtuple("Thing", ["name", "value", "weight"])
things = [
Thing("Laptop", 500, 2200),
Thing("Headphones", 150, 160),
Thing("Mug", 60, 350),
Thing("Notepad", 40, 333),
Thing("Water bottle", 30, 192),
more_things = [
Thing("Mints", 5, 25),
Thing("Socks", 10, 38),
Thing("Tissues", 15, 80),
Thing("Phone", 500, 200),
Thing("Cap", 100, 70),
# Genetic representation of a solution
def generate_genome(
length: int,
) -> Genome:
return choices([0, 1], k=length)
# A function to generate new solutions
def generate_population(
size: int,
genome_length: int,
) -> Population:
return [generate_genome(genome_length) for _ in range(size)]
# Fitness function to evaluate solutions
def fitness(
genome: Genome,
things: List[Thing],
weight_limit: int,
) -> int:
if len(genome) != len(things):
raise ValueError("genome and things must be of the same length")
weight = 0
value = 0
for i, thing in enumerate(things):
if genome[i] == 1:
weight += thing.weight
value += thing.value
if weight > weight_limit:
return 0
return value
# Selection function for the new generation
def selection_function(
population: Population,
fitness_funct: FitnessFunc,
) -> Population:
return choices(
weights=[fitness_funct(genome) for genome in population],
# Crossover function to create new solution for future generations
def single_point_crossover(
a: Genome,
b: Genome,
) -> Tuple[Genome, Genome]:
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError("genomes a and b must have same length")
length = len(a)
if length < 2:
return a, b
p = randint(1, length - 1)
return a[0:p] + b[p:], b[0:p] + a[p:]
# Mutation function
def mutation(
genome: Genome,
num: int = 1,
probability: float = 0.5,
) -> Genome:
for _ in range(num):
index = randrange(len(genome))
genome[index] = (
genome[index] if random() > probability else abs(genome[index] - 1)
return genome
# Runs
def run_evolution(
populate_func: PopulationFunc,
fitness_func: FitnessFunc,
fitness_limit: int,
selection_func: SelectionFunc = selection_function,
crossover_func: CrossoverFunc = single_point_crossover,
mutation_func: MutationFunc = mutation,
generation_limit: int = 100,
) -> Tuple[Population, int]:
population = populate_func()
for i in range(generation_limit):
# Elitism sort
population = sorted(
key=lambda genome: fitness_func(genome),
# When elite genome reaches limite, break
if fitness_func(population[0]) >= fitness_limit:
# Elite genomes
next_generation = population[0:2]
for j in range(int(len(population) / 2) - 1):
parents = selection_func(population, fitness_func)
offspring_a, offspring_b = crossover_func(parents[0], parents[1])
offspring_a = mutation_func(offspring_a)
offspring_b = mutation_func(offspring_b)
next_generation += [offspring_a, offspring_b]
population = next_generation
population = sorted(
key=lambda genome: fitness_func(genome),
return population, i
# Wrapping up
start = time.time()
population, generations = run_evolution(
# fitness_limit=740, # for things
end = time.time()
# Helper
def genome_to_things(genome: Genome, things: List[Thing]) -> List[Thing]:
result = []
for i, thing in enumerate(things):
if genome[i] == 1:
result += []
return result
# Running
print(f"number of generations: {generations}")
print(f"time: {end - start} seconds")
print(f"best solution: {genome_to_things(population[0], more_things)}")
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