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Last active April 28, 2023 00:32
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  • Save leaysgur/8b34c569ebff0fe88b2108dd01efb0d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save leaysgur/8b34c569ebff0fe88b2108dd01efb0d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local wezterm = require "wezterm";
local act = wezterm.action;
return {
font = wezterm.font("Cica"),
font_size = 22,
adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size = false,
initial_cols = 120,
initial_rows = 40,
window_padding = {
left = 4,
right = 4,
top = 4,
bottom = 4,
color_scheme = "Chester",
window_background_opacity = 0.8,
text_background_opacity = 0.7,
inactive_pane_hsb = { brightness = 0.2 },
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
keys = {
-- This makes Vim key map `<C-_>`(slash) works
{ key = "/", mods = "CTRL", action = act { SendString = "\x1f" } },
{ key = "D", mods = "SUPER", action = act.SplitVertical },
{ key = "d", mods = "SUPER", action = act.SplitHorizontal },
{ key = "[", mods = "SUPER", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Prev" } },
{ key = "]", mods = "SUPER", action = act { ActivatePaneDirection = "Next" } },
mouse_bindings = {
-- Do nothing on click hyper links without `CMD` key
event = { Up = { streak = 1, button = "Left" } },
mods = "NONE",
action = act.CompleteSelection("PrimarySelection"),
event = { Up = { streak = 1, button = "Left" } },
mods = "SUPER",
action = act.OpenLinkAtMouseCursor,
debug_key_events = true,
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  • VimでCTRL+/のショートカットが効かなくなる
    • 一度でも無効なショートカットキーを入力すると、なぜか動作しなくなる
  • VimでLSPがエラーが出ているとき、表示の行と編集できる行が正しく解釈されずバグる
  • macの絵文字ピッカーを呼び出すショートカットキーが効かない


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