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Created December 18, 2011 22:41
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Rubik's cube NxNxN
'''by lebedkin Alex
system of coordinate:
0X - left to right >
0Y - bottom to top ^
0Z - front to rear .
import pprint
from collections import deque
from time import clock, time
#size of Rubik's cube NxNxN
N = 2
#3d array correspond to faces of Rubic's cube in the assembled state
cube3D = [[[0 for x in range(N+2)] for y in range(N+2)] for z in range(N+2)]
#each face contain NxN little colored squars
#tatal count of such squars are:
countOfSqrs = 0
#list of easy turns of cube
generators = list()
xTurns = list()
yTurns = list()
zTurns = list()
nameOfTurn ={}
def faceDoesntContainFixedSqrs(cube3D,x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2):
for x in xrange(x1,x2+1):
for y in xrange(y1,y2+1):
for z in xrange(z1,z2+1):
if cube3D[x][y][z] == -1:
return False
return True
def faceZIsAbleToRorate(cube3D,Z):
return faceDoesntContainFixedSqrs(cube3D,0,0,Z, N+1,N+1,Z)
def generateAndReturnCubesItem( cube3D, x, y, z ):
global countOfSqrs
if cube3D[x][y][z] == 0:
countOfSqrs += 1
cube3D[x][y][z] = countOfSqrs
return cube3D[x][y][z]
def numberedAllFaces(cube3D):
#top face
y = N+1
for z in range(N,0,-1):
for x in range(1,N+1):
#left face
x = 0
for y in range(N,0,-1):
for z in range(N,0,-1):
#front face
z = 0
for y in range(N,0,-1):
for x in range(1,N+1):
#right face
x = N+1
for y in range(N,0,-1):
for z in range(1,N+1):
#rear face
z = N+1
for y in range(N,0,-1):
for x in range(N,0,-1):
#bottom face
y = 0
for z in range(1,N+1):
for x in range(1,N+1):
def printNetOfCube(A):
#top face
print " "+(' ' * N)+" +"+('---' * N)+"-+"+(' ' * N)+" "+(' ' * N)+" "
y = N+1
for z in range(N,0,-1):
print " "+(' ' * N)+" |",
for x in range(1,N+1):
print "%2d"%(A[x][y][z]),
print "|"
print "+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"
for y in xrange(N,0,-1):
#left face
print "|",
for i in xrange(N):
print "%2d"%(A[1-1][y][N-i]),
#front face
print "|",
for i in xrange(N):
print "%2d"%(A[1+i][y][1-1]),
#right face
print "|",
for i in xrange(N):
print "%2d"%(A[N+1][y][1+i]),
#rear face
print "|",
for i in xrange(N):
print "%2d"%(A[N-i][y][N+1]),
print "|"
print "+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"+('---' * N)+"-+"
#bottom face
y = 0
for z in range(1,N+1):
print " "+(' ' * N)+" |",
for x in range(1,N+1):
print "%2d"%(A[x][y][z]),
print "|"
print " "+(' ' * N)+" +"+('---' * N)+"-+"+(' ' * N)+" "+(' ' * N)+" "
def printNetOfCubeCorrespondingPermutation(permutationGroupElement):
p = Permutation(permutationGroupElement)
global cube3D
tmp = [[[0 for x in range(N+2)] for y in range(N+2)] for z in range(N+2)]
#renumbered all faces of cube
for x in xrange(N+2):
for y in xrange(N+2):
for z in xrange(N+2):
if cube3D[x][y][z] == -1:
tmp[x][y][z] = -1
elif cube3D[x][y][z] == 0:
tmp[x][y][z] = 0
tmp[x][y][z] = p[cube3D[x][y][z]-1]
# generator of contrclockwise rotate in the plane Z == const
def makeGeneratorOfZFace(A,Z):
result = ""
#rotate in Z == const plane
for i in xrange(1,N+1):
result += "(%d,%d,%d,%d)" % ( A[i][N+1][Z], A[N+1][N-i+1][Z], A[N-i+1][1-1][Z], A[1-1][i][Z] )
#if current face insn't inner face
if Z == 1 or Z == N:
if Z == 1:
Z = 0
if Z == N:
Z = N+1
M - size of square
for example:
face =
| 1 2 3 |
| 4 9 5 |
| 6 7 8 |
M = 3, square =
| 1 2 3 |
| 4 . 5 |
| 6 7 8 |
M = 1, square =
| . . . |
| . 9 . |
| . . . |
for M in range(N,0,-2):
dXY = (N - M) / 2
for i in range(1,M):
result += "(%d,%d,%d,%d)" % (A[i+dXY][N-dXY][Z], A[N-dXY][N-i+1-dXY][Z], A[N-i+1-dXY][1+dXY][Z], A[1+dXY][i+dXY][Z] )
return result
def turnCubeLeft(cube3D):
tmp = [[[0 for x in range(N+2)] for y in range(N+2)] for z in range(N+2)]
for x in xrange(0,N+2):
for y in xrange(0,N+2):
for z in xrange(0,N+2):
tmp[x][y][z] = cube3D[N+2 - z - 1][y][x]
return tmp
def turnCubeForward(cube3D):
tmp = [[[0 for x in range(N+2)] for y in range(N+2)] for z in range(N+2)]
for x in xrange(0,N+2):
for y in xrange(0,N+2):
for z in xrange(0,N+2):
tmp[x][y][z] = cube3D[x][z][N+2 - y - 1]
return tmp
def makeGenerators():
global countOfSqrs
global cube3D
Sn = SymmetricGroup(countOfSqrs)
tempCube = cube3D
for z in range(1,N+1):
if faceZIsAbleToRorate(tempCube,z):
generators.append( makeGeneratorOfZFace(tempCube,z) )
zTurns.append( Sn(generators[-1]) )
tempCube = turnCubeLeft(tempCube)
for z in range(1,N+1):
if faceZIsAbleToRorate(tempCube,z):
generators.append( makeGeneratorOfZFace(tempCube,z) )
xTurns.append( Sn(generators[-1]) )
tempCube = turnCubeForward(tempCube)
for z in range(1,N+1):
if faceZIsAbleToRorate(tempCube,z):
generators.append( makeGeneratorOfZFace(tempCube,z) )
yTurns.append( Sn(generators[-1]) )
counter = 0
for xTurn in xTurns:
counter += 1
nameOfTurn[xTurn] = "X%d"%counter
counter = 0
for yTurn in yTurns:
counter += 1
nameOfTurn[yTurn] = "Y%d"%counter
counter = 0
for zTurn in zTurns:
counter += 1
nameOfTurn[zTurn] = "Z%d"%counter
def farthestVertex(start):
resDistance = 0
resVertex = start
counter = 0
fivePercentCounterBarrier = 3674160 // 100
d = deque()
d.append( start )
distance = {start:0}
while (d):
current = d.popleft()
currentDistance = distance[current]
if currentDistance > resDistance:
resDistance = currentDistance
resVertex = current
for turn in xTurns+yTurns+zTurns:
#90 degree turn
tmp = current * turn
if( not tmp in distance ):
distance[tmp] = currentDistance + 1
d.append( tmp )
counter += 1
#180 degree turn
tmp = tmp*turn
if( not tmp in distance ):
distance[tmp] = currentDistance + 1
d.append( tmp )
counter += 1
#270 degree turn
tmp = tmp*turn
if( not tmp in distance ):
distance[tmp] = currentDistance + 1
d.append( tmp )
counter +=1
#show current progress
if counter % fivePercentCounterBarrier < 3:
sys.stdout.write("\rBFS %d%% completed" % (counter // fivePercentCounterBarrier))
counter += 3
print "."
return resVertex, resDistance
def diameterOfGraphOfGroup():
Sn = SymmetricGroup(countOfSqrs)
#the identity permutation correspond the initial state of the Rubic's cube
E = Sn.identity()
V,d = farthestVertex(E)
return farthestVertex(V)[1] #return only distance
def godsNumberOfCube():
Sn = SymmetricGroup(countOfSqrs)
return farthestVertex(Sn.identity())[1] #return only distance
def solveCubic( state, maxIterations = 0 ):
result = ""
start = state
finish = SymmetricGroup(countOfSqrs).identity()
d = deque()
d.append( start )
d.append( finish )
INF = 1000000
distance = {}
distance[start] = 0
distance[finish] = INF*2
lastTurn = {}
lastTurn[start] = list(),0
lastTurn[finish] = list(),0
#start_time = time.clock()
counter = 0
#Meet in the Middle
while (d):
current = d.popleft()
currentDistance = distance[current]
for turn in xTurns+yTurns+zTurns:
tmp = current
for pow in xrange(1,4):
tmp = tmp * turn
if( not tmp in distance ):
distance[tmp] = currentDistance + 1
lastTurn[tmp] = turn,pow
d.append( tmp )
counter += 1
elif abs(distance[tmp] - currentDistance) > INF:
#wow! We've found edge between two components
fromFinish = current
fromStart = tmp
if distance[tmp] >= INF:
fromFinish = tmp
fromStart = current
#make path from start to fromStart
tmp = fromStart
while lastTurn[tmp][1] > 0:
tmpTurn,tmpPow = lastTurn[tmp]
result = "(" + nameOfTurn[tmpTurn]+"^" + "%d"%(tmpPow) + ")" + result
tmp = tmp * tmpTurn**(-tmpPow)
#make path from fromStart to fromFinish
tmp = fromStart
for tmpPow in xrange(1,4):
tmp = tmp * turn
if fromFinish == tmp:
result += "(" + nameOfTurn[turn] + "^" + "%d"%(tmpPow) + ")"
from time import clock, time
#make path from fromFinish to Finish
tmp = fromFinish
while lastTurn[tmp][1] > 0:
tmpTurn,tmpPow = lastTurn[tmp]
result = "(" + nameOfTurn[tmpTurn]+"^" + "%d"%(-tmpPow) + ")" + result
tmp = tmp * tmpTurn**(-tmpPow)
return result
if counter > maxIterations:
#if time.clock() - time_start > dtime:
# return "too diffcult to solve for %dsec " % dtime
return "Couldn't solve"
def main():
for x in xrange(0,N+2):
for y in xrange(0,N+2):
for z in xrange(0,N+2):
cube3D[x][y][z] = 0
if N % 2 == 0:
#fix the corner of cube
cube3D[0][1][1] = cube3D[1][0][1] = cube3D[1][1][0] = -1
#fix centers of the faces
cube3D[0][(N+1)//2][(N+1)//2] = -1
cube3D[N+1][(N+1)//2][(N+1)//2] = -1
cube3D[(N+1)//2][0][(N+1)//2] = -1
cube3D[(N+1)//2][N+1][(N+1)//2] = -1
cube3D[(N+1)//2][(N+1)//2][0] = -1
cube3D[(N+1)//2][(N+1)//2][N+1] = -1
genetators = makeGenerators()
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width = 70, depth=6, indent=4)
print "Generators of Group ="
cubeGroup = PermutationGroup(generators)
print "Cube.order() = ", factor( cubeGroup.order() ), " = ", cubeGroup.order()
randomCube = cubeGroup.random_element()
print "random item = ", randomCube
E = SymmetricGroup(countOfSqrs).identity()
randomCube = E*xTurns[0]*xTurns[1]*yTurns[0]*yTurns[1]*zTurns[0]
print "cube X0 * X1 * Y0 * Y1 * Z0:"
orbits = cubeGroup.orbits()
print "orbits = ", orbits
#try to solve for 1 minute
solve = solveCubic(state = randomCube, maxIterations = 1000000)
print solve
if( N == 2 ):
diameter = diameterOfGraphOfGroup()
print "Diameter = ", diameter
godsNumber = godsNumberOfCube()
print "God's number = ", godsNumber
if __name__ == '__main__':
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