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Relabel some of the nodes of a NetworkX graph with IDs sorted according to the order of some attribute such that only the nodes that have that attribute are relabeled.
import networkx as nx
def partly_relabel_by_sorted_attr(g_old, select_attr, select_attr_vals, sort_attr):
Relabel nodes of NetworkX graph such that the new IDs are
sorted according to the order of some attribute such that
only the nodes that have that attribute are relabeled.
g_old : networkx.MultiDiGraph
NetworkX graph.
select_attr : object
Attribute to examine to determine which nodes
to relabel. If a node does not have this attribute, it is
not relabeled.
select_attr_vals : list
If `select_attr` is set to any of these values, it is relabeled. If it
is None, any value is accepted.
sort_attr : object
Attribute on which to sort nodes that are to be relabeled.
g_new : networkx.MultiDiGraph
Graph containing partly relabeled nodes.
assert isinstance(g_old, nx.MultiDiGraph)
assert isinstance(select_attr_vals, list) or select_attr_vals is None
# Only sort nodes with `select_attr` attribute:
if select_attr_vals is None:
nodes_to_sort = [n for n in g_old.nodes(True) \
if select_attr in n[1]]
nodes_to_sort = [n for n in g_old.nodes(True) \
if select_attr in n[1] and n[1][select_attr] in select_attr_vals]
nodes_to_ignore = [n for n in g_old.nodes(True) if select_attr not in n[1]]
# Sort nodes by value of `sort_attr` attribute:
nodes_sorted = sorted(nodes_to_sort, key=lambda n: n[1][sort_attr])
# First, add the unsorted nodes whose IDs should remain the same:
mapping = {}
for n in nodes_to_ignore:
mapping[n[0]] = n[0]
# Next, create mapping between old IDs and sorted IDs that makes the order
# of the node IDs correspond to that of the `sort_attr` values:
for n, m in zip(nodes_to_sort, nodes_sorted):
mapping[m[0]] = n[0]
return nx.relabel_nodes(g_old, mapping)
g_old = nx.MultiDiGraph()
g_old.add_nodes_from([(0, {'data': 'c'}),
(1, {'data': 'b'}),
(2, {'data': 'e'}),
(3, {'data': 'd'}),
(4, dict()),
(5, {'data': 'a'}),
(6, dict())])
g_old.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 0)])
print '--- old ---'
print g_old.nodes(True)
print g_old.edges()
g_new = partly_relabel_by_sorted_attr(g_old, 'data', None, 'data')
print '--- new ---'
print g_new.nodes(True)
print g_new.edges()
print '-----------'
print 'old/new isomorphic: ', nx.isomorphism.is_isomorphic(g_old, g_new)
# Use hashing to check that the new node IDs and data are correct because
# data structures containing dicts cannot be hashed using stock Python tools:
import chash
assert chash.chash(sorted(g_new.nodes(True))) == \
chash.chash(sorted([(0, {'data': 'a'}), (1, {'data': 'b'}), (2, {'data': 'c'}), (3, {'data': 'd'}),
(4, {}), (5, {'data': 'e'}), (6, {})]))
except ImportError:
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