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Last active May 29, 2019 18:08
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Notes - Design to Code FE Masters

Design to Code Notes

Left vs Right brain is a myth! The brain is a muscle and technical/creative, whatever - flexing it makes it stronger, solving problems in new and different ways!

Front End Masters Course Source



  • Layouts and Grids - design in line, but tastefully break the system
  • Balance:
    • Symmetry/Assymmetry: explore art history!!! print making, etc. Great examples to inspire.
  • Shape. Scale. Cropping. Use tools to create a dynamic and interesting layout! Make rules. Break rules.
  • Grid:
    • Making and Breaking the Grid. Reminder - make it. break it.
    • Use a grid to solve a visual problem.
    • Provide a systematic order to layout.
    • Designing in the browser is ok - but if you are developing, you probably are not designing







Layout Demo/Exercise:

Layout: Create a quick composition. Just make a sketch. Utilize shape, grid, cropping, tools, or just pen and paper and draw.

CSS Layout

(TODO - flesh out some tools, tips, and tricks)

GRID and FLEXBOX - you can use them now. So do. They are great. Some learning resources:

ClipPath & Masking Tools. Check out this css tricks article <-- this article has some amazing simple little examples of animating with masks.

CSS Writing Mode.

CSS Layout Demo/Exercise:

Take your sketches and make them with code :)

Color Theory

Color modes. CMKY, RGB, HSL. Addititive/Subtractive Mixing. Limit colors as you get started - add more as you get more advanced/complex/detailed. Less is more.

Dont animate gradient - lots of repaints. Demanding! Move with transforms - these are a cheap way to animate. Generative Color - movign across the color spectrum. Much room to play!



  • Establish a visual heirarchy
  • Types: Serif, sans-serif, slab serif, script fonts, Display, handwriting


  • use different typefaces.
  • more is not good. less is sometimes more.
  • fonts can cost the site immensly.
  • similar is not usually good.
  • less than 3

Line length limit - improves readability Color matters!

Mike has some great Type examples. Text Lockup. Monospace v Proportional Kerning v Leading Ligatures "Falling Down" Watch out for Widows and Orphans!

*** Fonts are a major major place for performance issues!***

  • Using a common font can be good - someone might have cached the font in the browser :)

Font Specialist: Robin Rendel

Methods for including a font on a site:

CSS Layout Demo/Exercise:


Sketch with Purpose!

Story Map

  • Journey
  • Orrery
  • Hybrid Map
  • Results Map

UX Flows Mocks Product Flows Engineering Plans

Writing Feature Requirements <-- Great Article!

Sketch v Figma

Motion and Interaction

As prototyping gets closer and closer to completion - begin thinking about the details/transitions.

Fluid Motion: Drasner Demo

  • Morphing
  • Context Shifting
  • Enterance and Exits
  • Developer Standards

Lo Fi Onboarding Bottom & Top Nav *** Loaders matter! 3.6 second. People feel like the performance is better if the loader is good. People will wait 2x as long for a custom loader.


"Im a firm believer in th idea that there's nothing new uner the sun. Said differenly, free from the pressure that all... " Stealing your way to original design. Remix it. Look around. Find your heros.



  • Making and Breaking the Grid
  • Typography for Lawyers


"The grid is like a lion in a cage, and the designer is the lion tamer. It's fun to play with the lion, ut the design has to know when to get out before the lion eats them."

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