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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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simplified transformations
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
class Point():
def __init__(self, p):
self.p = p
class Vector():
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
class Ray():
def __init__(self, origin, direction):
self.o = origin
self.d = direction
class Transform():
def __init__(self, m, mInv):
self.m = m
self.mInv = mInv
def inverse(self):
return Transform(self.mInv, self.m)
def __mul__(self, other):
m =, other.m)
mInv =, self.mInv)
return Transform(m, mInv)
def __call__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, Point):
return Point(, [x.p[0], x.p[1], x.p[2], 1])[:3])
elif isinstance(x, Vector):
return Vector(, [x.v[0], x.v[1], x.v[2], 0])[:3])
elif isinstance(x, Ray):
return Ray(self(x.o), self(x.d))
class SceneObject():
def __init__(self, w2o):
self.w2o = w2o
def distance(self, ray):
return self.w2o(ray)
def translate(x):
"""Returns a transform matrix to represent a translation"""
m = T.eye(4, 4)
m = T.set_subtensor(m[0,3], x[0])
m = T.set_subtensor(m[1,3], x[1])
m = T.set_subtensor(m[2,3], x[2])
mInv = T.eye(4, 4)
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[0,3], -x[0])
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[1,3], -x[1])
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[2,3], -x[2])
return Transform(m, mInv)
def scale(x):
"""Creates a transform matrix to represent a translation"""
m = T.eye(4, 4)
m = T.set_subtensor(m[0,0], x[0])
m = T.set_subtensor(m[1,1], x[1])
m = T.set_subtensor(m[2,2], x[2])
mInv = T.eye(4, 4)
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[0,0], 1./x[0])
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[1,1], 1./x[1])
mInv = T.set_subtensor(mInv[2,2], 1./x[2])
return Transform(m, mInv)
center = theano.shared(value=np.array([3., 3., 3.]), name='center',
size = theano.shared(value=np.array([2., 2., 2.]), name='size',
# Test...
w2o = scale(size) * translate(center)
point = Point(T.as_tensor_variable([1, 1, 2]))
vector = Vector(T.as_tensor_variable([1, 1, 2]))
ray = Ray(point, vector)
s = SceneObject(w2o)
print theano.function([], s.distance(ray).o.p)()
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