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Last active August 20, 2016 01:29
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# NOTE: This is now part of h2oEnsemble R package and should be used from there instead
# Given a list of H2O models, ensemble the base learners usig a metalearner (Stacking / Super Learning)
# Currently requires:
h2o.stack <- function(models, #list of H2OModels
metalearner = "h2o.glm.wrapper",
response_frame, #must pass the response col as an H2OFrame
cvpreds_frame = NULL,
# maybe add a family argument (to overrule),
seed = 1,
keep_levelone_data = TRUE) {
# models: list of (supervised) H2OModel objects saved using with keep_levelone_data = TRUE and identical fold_column
# metalearner: the metalearning algorithm
# response_frame: the response column, passed as an H2OFrame (coltype should be correct)
# cvpreds_frame: the level-one cross-validated predicted values (# col == # length(model))
# Check dimensions of response_frame
if (!(ncol(response_frame) == 1)) {
stop("response_frame must have 1 column that contains the original response, y, used to train base models")
# cvpreds_frame = NULL assumes that models[[l]]@model$cross_validated_predictions exists in memory (not null)
# Add something about supporting a cvpreds_frame
# Assure that these have the same # of folds
nfold_sync <- length(unique(sapply(models, function(mm) mm@allparameters$nfolds)))
if (nfold_sync != 1) {
stop("All models must have used the same number of cv folds specified by the `nfolds` argument")
# Assure that these used the same folds (check for modulo; TO DO: add support for arbitrary folds)
fold_sync <- prod(sapply(models, function(mm) mm@allparameters$fold_assignment == "Modulo"))
if (fold_sync != 1) {
stop("All models must have used fold_assingment == Modulo")
# Assure that these used the same response column (is this too restrictive?)
y_sync <- length(unique(sapply(models, function(mm) mm@allparameters$y)))
if (y_sync != 1) {
stop("All models must have used response variable, y")
# Collect the superset of x colnames
# TO DO: Maybe add some more checking here to ensure compatibilty
x <- unique(unlist(sapply(models, function(mm) mm@allparameters$x, simplify = FALSE)))
y <- models[[1]]@allparameters$y
# TO DO: Clean this up
class_sync1 <- prod(sapply(models, function(mm) class(mm) == "H2OBinomialModel"))
class_sync2 <- prod(sapply(models, function(mm) class(mm) == "H2OMultinomialModel"))
class_sync3 <- prod(sapply(models, function(mm) class(mm) == "H2ORegressionModel"))
class_sync <- class_sync1 + class_sync2 + class_sync3
if (class_sync != 1) {
stop("All models must have the same class type; one of: H2OBinomialModel, H2OMultinomialModel, H2ORegressionModel")
if (class_sync1 == 1) {
family <- "binomial"
ylim <- c(min(response_frame[,y]), max(response_frame[,y])) #Used to enforce bounds
} else if (class_sync2 == 1) {
family <- "multinomial"
stop("Multinomial case not yet supported in H2O Ensemble")
} else {
family <- "gaussian"
ylim <- NULL
# family <- models[[1]]@model$model_summary$family
# if (family == "binomial") {
# ylim <- c(min(response_frame[,y]), max(response_frame[,y])) #Used to enforce bounds
# } else if (family == "gaussian") {
# ylim <- NULL
# } else if (family == "multinomial") {
# stop("Multinomial case not yet supported in H2O Ensemble")
# }
runtime <- list()
# Build the levelone data using the cross_validated_predictions of each H2O Model
if (!is.null(cvpreds_frame)) {
Z <- cvpreds_frame
# TO DO: Check dimensions and other properties of cvpreds_frame for correctness
} else {
Z <-"h2o.cbind", sapply(models, h2o.cvpreds, simplify = FALSE))
levelone <- h2o.cbind(Z, response_frame)
learner <- sapply(models, function(mm) mm@model_id)
names(models) <- learner
names(levelone) <- c(learner, "y")
N <- nrow(levelone)
V <- models[[1]]@allparameters$nfolds #Number of internal CV folds
# Validate metalearner argument
if (length(metalearner)>1 | !is.character(metalearner) | !exists(metalearner)) {
stop("The 'metalearner' argument must be a string, specifying the name of a base learner wrapper function.")
if (!exists(metalearner)) {
stop("'metalearner' function name not found.")
# What type of metalearning function do we have?
# The h2o version is memory-optimized (the N x L level-one matrix, Z, never leaves H2O memory);
# SuperLearner metalearners provide additional metalearning algos, but has a much bigger memory footprint
if (grepl("^SL.", metalearner)) {
metalearner_type <- "SuperLearner"
} else if (grepl("^h2o.", metalearner)){
metalearner_type <- "h2o"
# TO DO: Maybe remove this:
# Do we want to rename this to `fit`? or overwrite original object...
# Currently making a copy of the model
#fit <- object
# Metalearning: Regress y onto Z to learn optimal combination of base models
if (is.numeric(seed)) set.seed(seed) #If seed given, set seed prior to next step
if (grepl("^SL.", metalearner)) {
# SuperLearner package metalearner
if (is.character(family)) {
familyFun <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
#print(familyFun$family) #does not work for SL.glmnet
# SL metalearner functions require pulling levelone data back into R memory (not recommended for big datasets)
Zdf <-[,-ncol(levelone)] #TO DO: untested; levelone is Z,y
Y <-[,"y"] # TO DO: untested
runtime$metalearning <- system.time(metafit <- = Y,
X = Zdf,
newX = Zdf,
family = familyFun,
id = seq(N),
obsWeights = rep(1,N)), gcFirst = FALSE)
} else {
# H2O metalearner
runtime$metalearning <- system.time(metafit <- = learner,
y = "y",
training_frame = levelone, #levelone := cbind(Z, y)
validation_frame = NULL,
family = family), gcFirst = FALSE)
if (!keep_levelone_data) {
levelone <- NULL
# Ensemble model
out <- list(x = x,
y = y, # should we add y to the input so multiple responses can be stored?
family = family,
learner = learner,
metalearner = metalearner,
cvControl = list(V = V, shuffle = FALSE),
folds = rep(1:V, N), # currently must be modulo V... is this 1:V or 0:(V-1)??
ylim = ylim,
seed = seed,
parallel = "seq",
basefits = models,
metafit = metafit,
levelone = levelone, #levelone = cbind(Z, y)
runtime = runtime,
h2o_version = packageVersion(pkg = "h2o"),
h2oEnsemble_version = packageVersion(pkg = "h2oEnsemble"))
class(out) <- "h2o.ensemble"
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