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Last active December 30, 2015 14:59
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Save ledovsky/7845693 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function to plot real time signals (e.g. from COM-port) using matlab
% plotnow - function to plot real time signals
% (e.g. from COM-port) using matlab
% arr - array of data.
% fs - sampling frequency
% t_width - time range to be shown
% ymin and ymax - range in y-axe
% Example usage:
% com_port = serial('COM1', 'BaudRate', 9600)
% fopen(com_port)
% i=0
% max = 255
% a = []
% while(com_port.BytesAvailable > 0)
% data = fread(com_port, 10);
% new = (5 .* data / max).'
% a = [a new]
% plotnow(a, 1, 15, 0, 5);
% i = i + 1;
% pause(0.25);
% end
% fclose(com_port)
function plotnow(arr, fs, t_width, ymin, ymax)
dt = 1 / fs;
len = length(arr);
n_width = round(t_width * fs);
if n_width >= len
t_disp = 0:dt:(len-1)*dt;
arr_disp = arr;
xmin = 0;
xmax = dt*n_width;
n_min = len - n_width;
t_disp = n_min*dt:dt:len*dt;
arr_disp = arr(n_min:len);
xmin = n_min*dt;
xmax = len*dt;
plot(t_disp, arr_disp);
axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]);
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