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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Partition problem
# We have some rocks represented as numbers (weights of the rocks)
# We want to know if its possible to balance scales using all of our rocks.
# Given a list of numbers,
# return if it is possible to partition the numbers into two sets with equal sums,
# where a number has to be in either one or the other set.
# eg
# [10, 10] -> True
# [1, 2, 3] -> True
# [4, 3] -> False
# [4, 3, 1] -> True
# [] -> True
# [0] -> True
# [1] -> False
# hint 1
# First a recursive solution,
# at each rock the function considers adding that rock to the left or the right,
# if either can balance then it balances!
# the recurrence relation for the time this takes is `f(n) = 2 * f(n - 1)` this results in `O(2^n)` runtime
# hint - here is the recursive solution
def can_balance_recursive(rocks, current_rock_index=0, left_weight=0, right_weight=0):
if current_rock_index >= len(rocks):
return left_weight == right_weight
return can_balance_recursive(
rocks, current_rock_index + 1, left_weight + rocks[current_rock_index], right_weight
) or can_balance_recursive(
rocks, current_rock_index + 1, left_weight, right_weight + rocks[current_rock_index]
# hint
# The recursive solution solves overlapping sub-problems,
# eg sometimes it will be at the same position in the list and have obtained the same left and right weight
# hint
# There is a dynamic programming solution which stores at each point in the list,
# what kinds of differences in the scales can be seen
# solution
def can_balance_dynamic(rocks):
The algorithm computes the possible difference in the scales at each step
if len(rocks) == 0:
return True
# We don't add weights at a point i more than total_remaining_weight (the sum of the remaining rocks)
# because they wouldn't balance if we added everything left on the other side.
total_remaining_weight = 0
for i in xrange(1, len(rocks)):
total_remaining_weight += rocks[i]
previous_differences = set([])
# previous/current_differences stores the possible differences in scales we can see.
if total_remaining_weight >= rocks[0]:
for i in xrange(1, len(rocks) - 1):
current_differences = set([])
total_remaining_weight -= rocks[i]
for difference in previous_differences:
weight = abs(difference + rocks[i])
if total_remaining_weight >= weight:
weight = abs(difference - rocks[i])
if total_remaining_weight >= weight:
previous_differences = current_differences
for difference in previous_differences:
if difference == abs(rocks[-1]):
return True
return False
# the runtime is classified as "pseudo polynomial" because depending on how large the numbers are its possible to take O(2^n) time.
# there are some optimizations that are done
# one is to stop considering weight differences at any point which are larger than the sum of the remaining rocks
# another is to consider only absolute value of the difference in scales
# (it is equivalent if you swap the rocks on each scale and always consider one scale to be the heavy one)
# there are other optimisations which can be tried, one is pre-running a greedy algorithm which sorts the rocks highest to lowest
# and then iteratively places the rock in the unbalanced scale,
# this works some of the time.
# depending on the input this algorithm can still take O(2^n) time
# if there are many different weights creating twice as many possible differences in the scales at each step.
# there is no known polynomial time algorithm which solves this problem
# ######### Tests ############
import random
import unittest
class TestBalancer(unittest.TestCase):
def test_can_balance_recursive(self):
self.does_balance_recursive([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], False)
self.does_balance_recursive([5, 5, 5, 5], True)
self.does_balance_recursive([5, 5, 5, 5, 5], False)
self.does_balance_recursive([4, 4], True)
self.does_balance_recursive([4, 3], False)
self.does_balance_recursive([4], False)
self.does_balance_recursive([1], False)
self.does_balance_recursive([0], True)
def test_can_balance(self):
self.does_balance([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], False)
self.does_balance([5, 5, 5, 5], True)
self.does_balance([5, 5, 5, 5, 5], False)
self.does_balance([4, 4], True)
self.does_balance([4, 3], False)
self.does_balance([4], False)
self.does_balance([1], False)
self.does_balance([0], True)
self.does_balance([0, 1, 1, 1], False)
# self.does_balance([1] * 100, True)
# self.does_balance([1] * 100 + [100], True)
# self.does_balance([1] * 1000 + [100], True)
# self.does_balance([9999999] + 1000 * [1], False)
arr = [random.randint(0, 10) for i in xrange(1500)]
def does_balance(self, arr, output):
self.assertEqual(can_balance_dynamic(arr), output)
def does_balance_recursive(self, arr, output):
self.assertEqual(can_balance_recursive(arr), output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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