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Parallel Coordinate v20181001 (Dark BG version)
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a:link {
color: lightgreen;
/* visited link */
a:visited {
color: cyan;
body {
background-color: #26292E;
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font-size: 10px;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 28px;
width: 1700px;
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//fill: black;
.group:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
/* Document styling */
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position: relative;
float: left;
top: 20px;
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font-size: 24px;
font-weight: 100;
color: white;
#title div.large, #title span.large {
font-size: 36px;
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font-size: 14px;
//color: #666;
color: white;
#desc {
position: relative;
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button {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #3C3F45;
color: #23262C;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
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margin-top: 30px;
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transition: background 0.1s linear 0s, color 0.1s linear 0s;
vertical-align: middle;
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border: 0;
button:hover {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #DE5E60;
color: #FFFFFF;
/* data table styles */
#grid { height: 198px; color:white; clear: both; position:relative; top: 60px; left: 15px }
//#grid { height: 198px; color:black; clear: both; position:relative; top: 60px; left: 15px }
.row, .header { clear: left; font-size: 10px; line-height: 18px; height: 15px; margin: 5px; width:1700px }
.row:hover {text-shadow: -1px 1px 8px #ffc, 1px -1px 8px #fff;}
//.row:nth-child(odd) { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } // different background color for odd rows
.header { font-weight: bold; }
.cell { float: left; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: 110px; height: 22px; }
.col-0 { float: left; width: 120px; }
var graph;
var dataset;
// load csv file and create the chart
//d3.csv('enso_perf_roundup.csv', function(data) {
//d3.csv('ENSO_perf_roundup_ERAinterim_20181001.csv', function(data) {
d3.csv('ENSO_perf_HadISST+Tropflux+ERAinterim_roundup_20181001.csv', function(data) {
dataset = data;
graph = d3.parcoords()('#wrapper')
.on("click", change_color);
// create data table, row hover highlighting
var grid = d3.divgrid();"#grid")
//"mouseover": function(d) { graph.highlight([d]) },
"click": function(d) { graph.highlight([d]) },
//"mouseout": graph.unhighlight
// update data table on brush event
graph.on("brush", function(d) {"#grid")
"mouseover": function(d) { graph.highlight([d]) },
"mouseout": graph.unhighlight
// from
graph.on("mouseover", function(d){
.style({'stroke' : '#F00'});
return"visibility", "visible");
// add hover event
// adopted from here:
//"#wrapper svg")
.on("mousemove", function() {
var mousePosition = d3.mouse(this);
highlightLineOnClick(mousePosition, true); //true will also add tooltip
.on("mouseout", function(){
// Remove all but selected from the dataset"#keep-data")
.on("click", function() {
new_data = graph.brushed();
if (new_data.length == 0) {
alert("Please do not select all the data when keeping/excluding");
return false;
// Exclude selected from the dataset"#exclude-data")
.on("click", function() {
new_data = _.difference(dataset, graph.brushed());
if (new_data.length == 0) {
alert("Please do not select all the data when keeping/excluding");
return false;
// Reset dataset"#reset-data")
.on("click", function() {
// Refresh page"#refresh-page")
.on("click", function() {
var color_scale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([-2, -0.5, 0.5, 2])
.range(["#DE5E60", "steelblue", "steelblue", "#98df8a"])
// var color_scale = d3.scale.category20b()
function change_color(dimension) {
.style("font-weight", "normal")
.filter(function(d) {
return d == dimension;
.style("font-weight", "bold")
graph.color(zcolor(, dimension)).render()
function zcolor(col, dimension) {
var z = zscore(_(col).pluck(dimension).map(parseFloat));
return function(d) {
return color_scale(z(d[dimension]))
function zscore(col) {
var n = col.length,
mean = _(col).mean(),
sigma = _(col).stdDeviation();
return function(d) {
return (d - mean) / sigma;
function callUpdate(data) {;
// adopted from here:
// Add highlight for every line on click
function getCentroids(data){
// this function returns centroid points for data. I had to change the source
// for parallelcoordinates and make compute_centroids public.
// I assume this should be already somewhere in graph and I don't need to recalculate it
// but I couldn't find it so I just wrote this for now
var margins = graph.margin();
var graphCentPts = [];
var initCenPts = graph.compute_centroids(d).filter(function(d, i){return i%2==0;});
// move points based on margins
var cenPts ={
return [d[0] + margins["left"], d[1]+ margins["top"]];
return graphCentPts;
function getActiveData(){
// I'm pretty sure this data is already somewhere in graph
if (graph.brushed()!=false) return graph.brushed();
function getClickedLines(mouseClick){
var clicked = [];
var clickedCenPts = [];
// find which data is activated right now
var activeData = getActiveData();
// find centriod points
var graphCentPts = getCentroids(activeData);
if (graphCentPts.length==0) return false;
// find between which axes the point is
var axeNum = findAxes(mouseClick, graphCentPts[0]);
if (!axeNum) return false;
graphCentPts.forEach(function(d, i){
if (isOnLine(d[axeNum-1], d[axeNum], mouseClick, 2)){
clickedCenPts.push(graphCentPts[i]); // for tooltip
return [clicked, clickedCenPts]
function highlightLineOnClick(mouseClick, drawTooltip){
var clicked = [];
var clickedCenPts = [];
clickedData = getClickedLines(mouseClick);
if (clickedData && clickedData[0].length!=0){
clicked = clickedData[0];
clickedCenPts = clickedData[1];
// highlight clicked line
if (drawTooltip){
// clean if anything is there
// add tooltip
addTooltip(clicked, clickedCenPts);
.parcoords > svg, .parcoords > canvas {
/*font: 14px sans-serif;*/
position: absolute;
.parcoords > canvas {
pointer-events: none;
.parcoords rect.background {
fill: transparent;
.parcoords rect.background:hover {
fill: rgba(120,120,120,0.2);
.parcoords .resize rect {
fill: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.parcoords rect.extent {
fill: rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
stroke: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
.parcoords .axis line, .parcoords .axis path {
fill: none;
stroke: #222;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.parcoords canvas {
opacity: 1;
-moz-transition: opacity 0.3s;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s;
-o-transition: opacity 0.3s;
.parcoords canvas.faded {
opacity: 0.25;
// Underscore.math.js 0.1.2
// (c) 2012 Kai Chang
// Underscore.math is freely distributable under the MIT license.
// Portions of Underscore.math are inspired or borrowed from MooTools Array.Math,
// Requires Underscore.js
(function() {
var math = this.math = {};
// Arithmetic mean
// math.mean([1,2,3])
// => 2
math.mean = math.ave = math.average = function(obj, key) {
return math.sum(obj, key) / _(obj).size();
// math.median([1,2,3,4])
// => 2.5
// TODO {}, [{}]
math.median = function(arr) {
var arr = arr.slice(0); // create copy
var middle = (arr.length + 1) /2;
var sorted = math.sort(arr);
return (sorted.length % 2) ? sorted[middle - 1] : (sorted[middle - 1.5] + sorted[middle - 0.5]) / 2;
// Power, exponent
// math.pow(2,3)
// => 8
math.pow = function(x, n) {
if (_.isNumber(x))
return Math.pow(x, n);
if (_.isArray(x))
return, function(i) { return _.pow(i,n); });
// Scale to max value
// math.scale(1,[2,5,10])
// => [ 0.2, 0.5, 1]
math.scale = function(arr, max) {
var max = max || 1;
var max0 = _.max(arr);
return, function(i) { return i * (max/max0); });
// Slope between two points
// math.slope([0,0],[1,2])
// => 2
math.slope = function(x, y) {
return (y[1] - x[1]) / (y[0]-x[0]);
// Numeric sort
// math.sort([3,1,2])
// => [1,2,3]
math.sort = function(arr) {
return _(arr).sortBy(_.identity);
// math.stdDeviation([1,2,3])
// => 0.816496580927726
math.stdDeviation = math.sigma = function(arr) {
return Math.sqrt(_(arr).variance());
// Sum of array
// math.sum([1,2,3])
// => 6
// math.sum([{b: 4},{b: 5},{b: 6}], 'b')
// => 15
math.sum = function(obj, key) {
if (_.isArray(obj) && typeof obj[0] === 'number') {
var arr = obj;
} else {
var key = key || 'value';
var arr = _(obj).pluck(key);
var val = 0;
for (var i=0, len = arr.length; i<len; i++)
val += (arr[i]-0);
return val;
// math.transpose(([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
// => [[1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9]]
math.transpose = function(arr) {
var trans = [];
_(arr).each(function(row, y){
_(row).each(function(col, x){
if (!trans[x]) trans[x] = [];
trans[x][y] = col;
return trans;
// math.variance([1,2,3])
// => 2/3
math.variance = function(arr) {
var mean = _(arr).mean();
var variance = function(x) { return _(x-mean).pow(2); };
return _(arr).chain().map(variance).mean().value();
// Standard score, assuming normal distribution
// math.zscore([1,2,3])
// => [-1.224744871391589, 0, 1.224744871391589]
math.zscore = function(obj, key) {
if (_.isArray(obj) && typeof obj[0] === 'number') {
var arr = obj;
} else {
var key = key || 'value';
var arr = _(obj).pluck(key);
var n = arr.length,
mean = _(arr).mean(),
sigma = _(arr).stdDeviation();
var zscore = function(d) { return (d-mean)/sigma; };
return _(arr).map(zscore);
// math.movingAvg([1,2,3,4,5], 3);
// => [2,3,4]
math.movingAvg = function(arr, size) {
var win, i, newarr = [];
for(i = size-1; i <= arr.length; i++) {
win = arr.slice(i-size, i);
if (win.length === size) {
return newarr;
// add methods to Underscore.js namespace
d3.parcoords = function(config) {
var __ = {
data: [],
dimensions: [],
types: {},
brushed: false,
mode: "default",
rate: 20,
width: 600,
height: 300,
margin: {
top: 80,
right: 20,
bottom: 12,
left: 40
color: "#069",
composite: "source-over",
alpha: 0.7
extend(__, config);
var pc = function(selection) {
selection = pc.selection =;
__.width = selection[0][0].clientWidth;
__.height = selection[0][0].clientHeight;
// canvas data layers
["shadows", "marks", "foreground", "highlight"].forEach(function(layer) {
canvas[layer] = selection
.attr("class", layer)[0][0];
ctx[layer] = canvas[layer].getContext("2d");
// svg tick and brush layers
pc.svg = selection
.attr("width", __.width)
.attr("height", __.height)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + __.margin.left + "," + + ")");
return pc;
var events = d3.dispatch.apply(this, ["render", "resize", "highlight", "brush"].concat(d3.keys(__))),
w = function() {
return __.width - __.margin.right - __.margin.left;
h = function() {
return __.height - - __.margin.bottom
flags = {
brushable: false,
reorderable: false,
axes: false,
interactive: false,
shadows: false,
debug: false
xscale = d3.scale.ordinal(),
yscale = {},
dragging = {},
line = d3.svg.line(),
axis = d3.svg.axis().orient("left").ticks(5),
g, // groups for axes, brushes
ctx = {},
canvas = {};
// side effects for setters
var side_effects = d3.dispatch.apply(this, d3.keys(__))
.on("composite", function(d) {
ctx.foreground.globalCompositeOperation = d.value;
.on("alpha", function(d) {
ctx.foreground.globalAlpha = d.value;
.on("width", function(d) {
.on("height", function(d) {
.on("margin", function(d) {
.on("rate", function(d) {
.on("data", function(d) {
if (flags.shadows) paths(, ctx.shadows);
.on("dimensions", function(d) {
if (flags.interactive) pc.render().updateAxes();
// expose the state of the chart
pc.state = __;
pc.flags = flags;
// create getter/setters
getset(pc, __, events);
// expose events
d3.rebind(pc, events, "on");
// tick formatting
d3.rebind(pc, axis, "ticks", "orient", "tickValues", "tickSubdivide", "tickSize", "tickPadding", "tickFormat");
// getter/setter with event firing
function getset(obj, state, events) {
d3.keys(state).forEach(function(key) {
obj[key] = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return state[key];
var old = state[key];
state[key] = x;
side_effects[key].call(pc, {
"value": x,
"previous": old
events[key].call(pc, {
"value": x,
"previous": old
return obj;
function extend(target, source) {
for (key in source) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
pc.autoscale = function() {
// yscale
var defaultScales = {
"number": function(k) {
return d3.scale.linear()
.domain(d3.extent(, function(d) {
return +d[k];
.range([h() + 1, 1])
"string": function(k) {
return d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain( {
return p[k];
.rangePoints([h() + 1, 1])
__.dimensions.forEach(function(k) {
yscale[k] = defaultScales[__.types[k]](k);
// hack to remove ordinal dimensions with many values
pc.dimensions(pc.dimensions().filter(function(p, i) {
var uniques = yscale[p].domain().length;
if (__.types[p] == "string" && (uniques > 60 || uniques < 2)) {
return false;
return true;
// xscale
xscale.rangePoints([0, w()], 1);
// canvas sizes
.style("margin-top", + "px")
.style("margin-left", __.margin.left + "px")
.attr("width", w() + 2)
.attr("height", h() + 2)
// default styles, needs to be set when canvas width changes
ctx.foreground.strokeStyle = __.color;
ctx.foreground.lineWidth = 1.4;
ctx.foreground.globalCompositeOperation = __.composite;
ctx.foreground.globalAlpha = __.alpha;
ctx.highlight.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.shadows.strokeStyle = "#dadada";
return this;
pc.detectDimensions = function() {
return this;
// a better "typeof" from this post:
pc.toType = function(v) {
return ({})\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()
// try to coerce to number before returning type
pc.toTypeCoerceNumbers = function(v) {
if ((parseFloat(v) == v) && (v != null)) return "number";
return pc.toType(v);
// attempt to determine types of each dimension based on first row of data
pc.detectDimensionTypes = function(data) {
var types = {}
.forEach(function(col) {
types[col] = pc.toTypeCoerceNumbers(data[0][col]);
return types;
pc.render = function() {
// try to autodetect dimensions and create scales
if (!__.dimensions.length) pc.detectDimensions();
if (!(__.dimensions[0] in yscale)) pc.autoscale();
return this;
pc.render.default = function() {
if (__.brushed) {
} else {;
var rqueue = d3.renderQueue(path_foreground)
.clear(function() {
pc.render.queue = function() {
if (__.brushed) {
} else {
pc.shadows = function() {
flags.shadows = true;
if ( > 0) paths(, ctx.shadows);
return this;
// draw little dots on the axis line where data intersects
pc.axisDots = function() {
var ctx = pc.ctx.marks;
ctx.globalAlpha = d3.min([1 / Math.pow(data.length, 1 / 2), 1]); {, i) {
ctx.fillRect(position(p) - 0.75, yscale[p](d[p]) - 0.75, 1.5, 1.5);
return this;
// draw single polyline
function color_path(d, ctx) {
ctx.strokeStyle = d3.functor(__.color)(d);
ctx.beginPath();, i) {
if (i == 0) {
ctx.moveTo(position(p), yscale[p](d[p]));
} else {
ctx.lineTo(position(p), yscale[p](d[p]));
// draw many polylines of the same color
function paths(data, ctx) {
ctx.clearRect(-1, -1, w() + 2, h() + 2);
data.forEach(function(d) {, i) {
if (i == 0) {
ctx.moveTo(position(p), yscale[p](d[p]));
} else {
ctx.lineTo(position(p), yscale[p](d[p]));
function path_foreground(d) {
return color_path(d, ctx.foreground);
function path_highlight(d) {
return color_path(d, ctx.highlight);
pc.clear = function(layer) {
ctx[layer].clearRect(0, 0, w() + 2, h() + 2);
return this;
pc.createAxes = function() {
if (g) pc.removeAxes();
// Add a group element for each dimension.
g = pc.svg.selectAll(".dimension")
.data(__.dimensions, function(d) {
return d;
.attr("class", "dimension")
.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + xscale(d) + ")";
// Add an axis and title.
.attr("class", "axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")
.each(function(d) {[d]));
//"text-anchor": "middle",
"text-anchor": "right",
//"y": 0,
"y": -9,
"transform": "translate(0,-12)",
"transform": "rotate(-45)",
"x": 0,
"class": "label"
flags.axes = true;
return this;
pc.removeAxes = function() {
return this;
pc.updateAxes = function() {
var g_data = pc.svg.selectAll(".dimension")
.data(__.dimensions, function(d) {
return d;
.attr("class", "dimension")
.attr("transform", function(p) {
return "translate(" + position(p) + ")";
.style("opacity", 0)
.attr("class", "axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")
.each(function(d) {[d]));
"text-anchor": "middle",
"y": 0,
"transform": "translate(0,-12)",
"x": 0,
"class": "label"
g = pc.svg.selectAll(".dimension");
.attr("transform", function(p) {
return "translate(" + position(p) + ")";
.style("opacity", 1)
if (flags.shadows) paths(, ctx.shadows);
return this;
pc.brushable = function() {
if (!g) pc.createAxes();
// Add and store a brush for each axis.
.attr("class", "brush")
.each(function(d) {
yscale[d].brush = d3.svg.brush()
.on("brush", pc.brush)
.style("visibility", null)
.attr("x", -15)
.attr("width", 30)
flags.brushable = true;
return this;
// Jason Davies,
pc.reorderable = function() {
if (!g) pc.createAxes();"cursor", "move")
.on("dragstart", function(d) {
dragging[d] = this.__origin__ = xscale(d);
.on("drag", function(d) {
dragging[d] = Math.min(w(), Math.max(0, this.__origin__ += d3.event.dx));
__.dimensions.sort(function(a, b) {
return position(a) - position(b);
g.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + position(d) + ")";
.on("dragend", function(d) {
delete this.__origin__;
delete dragging[d];"transform", "translate(" + xscale(d) + ")");
flags.reorderable = true;
return this;
// pairs of adjacent dimensions
pc.adjacent_pairs = function(arr) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
ret.push([arr[i], arr[i + 1]]);
return ret;
pc.interactive = function() {
flags.interactive = true;
return this;
// Get data within brushes
pc.brush = function() {
__.brushed = selected();, __.brushed);
// expose a few objects
pc.xscale = xscale;
pc.yscale = yscale;
pc.ctx = ctx;
pc.canvas = canvas;
pc.g = function() {
return g;
pc.brushReset = function(dimension) {
.filter(function(p) {
return dimension == p;
return this;
// rescale for height, width and margins
// TODO currently assumes chart is brushable, and destroys old brushes
pc.resize = function() {
// selection size"svg")
.attr("width", __.width)
.attr("height", __.height)
pc.svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + __.margin.left + "," + + ")");
// scales
// axes, destroys old brushes. the current brush state should pass through in the future
if (g) pc.createAxes().brushable();, {
width: __.width,
height: __.height,
margin: __.margin
return this;
// highlight an array of data
pc.highlight = function(data) {
//pc.clear("highlight");"faded", true);
data.forEach(path_highlight);, data);
return this;
// clear highlighting
pc.unhighlight = function(data) {
pc.clear("highlight");"faded", false);
//"faded", true);
return this;
// calculate 2d intersection of line a->b with line c->d
// points are objects with x and y properties
pc.intersection = function(a, b, c, d) {
return {
x: ((a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x) * (c.x - d.x) - (a.x - b.x) * (c.x * d.y - c.y * d.x)) / ((a.x - b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x - d.x)),
y: ((a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x * d.y - c.y * d.x)) / ((a.x - b.x) * (c.y - d.y) - (a.y - b.y) * (c.x - d.x))
function is_brushed(p) {
return !yscale[p].brush.empty();
// data within extents
function selected() {
var actives = __.dimensions.filter(is_brushed),
extents = {
return yscale[p].brush.extent();
// test if within range
var within = {
"number": function(d, p, dimension) {
return extents[dimension][0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= extents[dimension][1]
"string": function(d, p, dimension) {
return extents[dimension][0] <= yscale[p](d[p]) && yscale[p](d[p]) <= extents[dimension][1]
.filter(function(d) {
return actives.every(function(p, dimension) {
return within[__.types[p]](d, p, dimension);
function position(d) {
var v = dragging[d];
return v == null ? xscale(d) : v;
pc.toString = function() {
return "Parallel Coordinates: " + __.dimensions.length + " dimensions (" + d3.keys([0]).length + " total) , " + + " rows";
pc.version = "0.1.7";
return pc;
d3.renderQueue = (function(func) {
var _queue = [], // data to be rendered
_rate = 10, // number of calls per frame
_clear = function() {}, // clearing function
_i = 0; // current iteration
var rq = function(data) {
if (data);
rq.render = function() {
_i = 0;
var valid = true;
rq.invalidate = function() {
valid = false;
function doFrame() {
if (!valid) return false;
if (_i > _queue.length) return false;
var chunk = _queue.slice(_i, _i + _rate);
_i += _rate;;
}; = function(data) {
_queue = data.slice(0);
return rq;
rq.rate = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return _rate;
_rate = value;
return rq;
rq.remaining = function() {
return _queue.length - _i;
// clear the canvas
rq.clear = function(func) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return rq;
_clear = func;
return rq;
rq.invalidate = function() {};
return rq;
d3.divgrid = function(config) {
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2===arguments.length&&"function"==typeof e&&(r=e,e=null),Cn(t,e,n,r)}}function Cn(n,t,e,r){function i(){var n,t=l.status;if(!t&&Ln(l)||t>=200&&300>t||304===t){try{,l)}catch(r){return void,r)},n)}else,l)}var u={},o=ao.dispatch("beforesend","progress","load","error"),a={},l=new XMLHttpRequest,c=null;return!this.XDomainRequest||"withCredentials"in l||!/^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(n)||(l=new XDomainRequest),"onload"in l?l.onload=l.onerror=i:l.onreadystatechange=function(){l.readyState>3&&i()},l.onprogress=function(n){var t=ao.event;ao.event=n;try{,l)}finally{ao.event=t}},u.header=function(n,t){return n=(n+"").toLowerCase(),arguments.length<2?a[n]:(null==t?delete a[n]:a[n]=t+"",u)},u.mimeType=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=null==n?null:n+"",u):t},u.responseType=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=n,u):c},u.response=function(n){return e=n,u},["get","post"].forEach(function(n){u[n]=function(){return u.send.apply(u,[n].concat(co(arguments)))}}),u.send=function(e,r,i){if(2===arguments.length&&"function"==typeof r&&(i=r,r=null),,n,!0),null==t||"accept"in a||(a.accept=t+",*/*"),l.setRequestHeader)for(var f in a)l.setRequestHeader(f,a[f]);return null!=t&&l.overrideMimeType&&l.overrideMimeType(t),null!=c&&(l.responseType=c),null!=i&&u.on("error",i).on("load",function(n){i(null,n)}),,l),l.send(null==r?null:r),u},u.abort=function(){return l.abort(),u},ao.rebind(u,o,"on"),null==r?u:u.get(zn(r))}function zn(n){return 1===n.length?function(t,e){n(null==t?e:null)}:n}function Ln(n){var t=n.responseType;return t&&"text"!==t?n.response:n.responseText}function qn(n,t,e){var r=arguments.length;2>r&&(t=0),3>r&&(;var i=e+t,u={c:n,t:i,n:null};return aa?aa.n=u:oa=u,aa=u,la||(ca=clearTimeout(ca),la=1,fa(Tn)),u}function Tn(){var n=Rn(),t=Dn()-n;t>24?(isFinite(t)&&(clearTimeout(ca),ca=setTimeout(Tn,t)),la=0):(la=1,fa(Tn))}function Rn(){for(var,t=oa;t;)n>=t.t&&t.c(n-t.t)&&(t.c=null),t=t.n;return n}function Dn(){for(var n,t=oa,e=1/0;t;)t.c?(t.t<e&&(e=t.t),t=(n=t).n):t=n?n.n=t.n:oa=t.n;return aa=n,e}function Pn(n,t){return t-(n?Math.ceil(Math.log(n)/Math.LN10):1)}function Un(n,t){var e=Math.pow(10,3*xo(8-t));return{scale:t>8?function(n){return n/e}:function(n){return n*e},symbol:n}}function jn(n){var t=n.decimal,e=n.thousands,r=n.grouping,i=n.currency,u=r&&e?function(n,t){for(var i=n.length,u=[],o=0,a=r[0],l=0;i>0&&a>0&&(l+a+1>t&&(a=Math.max(1,t-l)),u.push(n.substring(i-=a,i+a)),!((l+=a+1)>t));)a=r[o=(o+1)%r.length];return u.reverse().join(e)}:m;return function(n){var e=ha.exec(n),r=e[1]||" ",o=e[2]||">",a=e[3]||"-",l=e[4]||"",c=e[5],f=+e[6],s=e[7],h=e[8],p=e[9],g=1,v="",d="",y=!1,m=!0;switch(h&&(h=+h.substring(1)),(c||"0"===r&&"="===o)&&(c=r="0",o="="),p){case"n":s=!0,p="g";break;case"%":g=100,d="%",p="f";break;case"p":g=100,d="%",p="r";break;case"b":case"o":case"x":case"X":"#"===l&&(v="0"+p.toLowerCase());case"c":m=!1;case"d":y=!0,h=0;break;case"s":g=-1,p="r"}"$"===l&&(v=i[0],d=i[1]),"r"!=p||h||(p="g"),null!=h&&("g"==p?h=Math.max(1,Math.min(21,h)):"e"!=p&&"f"!=p||(h=Math.max(0,Math.min(20,h)))),p=pa.get(p)||Fn;var M=c&&s;return function(n){var e=d;if(y&&n%1)return"";var i=0>n||0===n&&0>1/n?(n=-n,"-"):"-"===a?"":a;if(0>g){var l=ao.formatPrefix(n,h);n=l.scale(n),e=l.symbol+d}else n*=g;n=p(n,h);var x,b,_=n.lastIndexOf(".");if(0>_){var w=m?n.lastIndexOf("e"):-1;0>w?(x=n,b=""):(x=n.substring(0,w),b=n.substring(w))}else x=n.substring(0,_),b=t+n.substring(_+1);!c&&s&&(x=u(x,1/0));var S=v.length+x.length+b.length+(M?0:i.length),k=f>S?new Array(S=f-S+1).join(r):"";return M&&(x=u(k+x,k.length?f-b.length:1/0)),i+=v,n=x+b,("<"===o?i+n+k:">"===o?k+i+n:"^"===o?k.substring(0,S>>=1)+i+n+k.substring(S):i+(M?n:k+n))+e}}}function Fn(n){return n+""}function Hn(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function On(n,t,e){function r(t){var e=n(t),r=u(e,1);return r-t>t-e?e:r}function i(e){return t(e=n(new va(e-1)),1),e}function u(n,e){return t(n=new va(+n),e),n}function o(n,r,u){var o=i(n),a=[];if(u>1)for(;r>o;)e(o)%u||a.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);else for(;r>o;)a.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);return a}function a(n,t,e){try{va=Hn;var r=new Hn;return r._=n,o(r,t,e)}finally{va=Date}}n.floor=n,n.round=r,n.ceil=i,n.offset=u,n.range=o;var l=n.utc=In(n);return l.floor=l,l.round=In(r),l.ceil=In(i),l.offset=In(u),l.range=a,n}function In(n){return function(t,e){try{va=Hn;var r=new Hn;return r._=t,n(r,e)._}finally{va=Date}}}function Yn(n){function t(n){function t(t){for(var e,i,u,o=[],a=-1,l=0;++a<r;)37===n.charCodeAt(a)&&(o.push(n.slice(l,a)),null!=(i=ya[e=n.charAt(++a)])&&(e=n.charAt(++a)),(u=A[e])&&(e=u(t,null==i?"e"===e?" ":"0":i)),o.push(e),l=a+1);return o.push(n.slice(l,a)),o.join("")}var r=n.length;return t.parse=function(t){var r={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0,Z:null},i=e(r,n,t,0);if(i!=t.length)return null;"p"in r&&(r.H=r.H%12+12*r.p);var u=null!=r.Z&&va!==Hn,o=new(u?Hn:va);return"j"in r?o.setFullYear(r.y,0,r.j):"W"in r||"U"in r?("w"in r||(r.w="W"in r?1:0),o.setFullYear(r.y,0,1),o.setFullYear(r.y,0,"W"in r?(r.w+6)%7+7*r.W-(o.getDay()+5)%7:r.w+7*r.U-(o.getDay()+6)%7)):o.setFullYear(r.y,r.m,r.d),o.setHours(r.H+(r.Z/100|0),r.M+r.Z%100,r.S,r.L),u?o._:o},t.toString=function(){return n},t}function e(n,t,e,r){for(var i,u,o,a=0,l=t.length,c=e.length;l>a;){if(r>=c)return-1;if(i=t.charCodeAt(a++),37===i){if(o=t.charAt(a++),u=C[o in ya?t.charAt(a++):o],!u||(r=u(n,e,r))<0)return-1}else if(i!=e.charCodeAt(r++))return-1}return r}function r(n,t,e){_.lastIndex=0;var r=_.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.w=w.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function i(n,t,e){x.lastIndex=0;var r=x.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.w=b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function u(n,t,e){N.lastIndex=0;var r=N.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.m=E.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function o(n,t,e){S.lastIndex=0;var r=S.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.m=k.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function a(n,t,r){return e(n,A.c.toString(),t,r)}function l(n,t,r){return e(n,A.x.toString(),t,r)}function c(n,t,r){return e(n,A.X.toString(),t,r)}function f(n,t,e){var r=M.get(t.slice(e,e+=2).toLowerCase());return null==r?-1:(n.p=r,e)}var s=n.dateTime,,p=n.time,g=n.periods,v=n.days,d=n.shortDays,y=n.months,m=n.shortMonths;t.utc=function(n){function e(n){try{va=Hn;var t=new va;return t._=n,r(t)}finally{va=Date}}var r=t(n);return e.parse=function(n){try{va=Hn;var t=r.parse(n);return t&&t._}finally{va=Date}},e.toString=r.toString,e},t.multi=t.utc.multi=ct;var,x=Vn(v),b=Xn(v),_=Vn(d),w=Xn(d),S=Vn(y),k=Xn(y),N=Vn(m),E=Xn(m);g.forEach(function(n,t){M.set(n.toLowerCase(),t)});var A={a:function(n){return d[n.getDay()]},A:function(n){return v[n.getDay()]},b:function(n){return m[n.getMonth()]},B:function(n){return y[n.getMonth()]},c:t(s),d:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getDate(),t,2)},e:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getDate(),t,2)},H:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getHours(),t,2)},I:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getHours()%12||12,t,2)},j:function(n,t){return Zn(1+ga.dayOfYear(n),t,3)},L:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getMilliseconds(),t,3)},m:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getMonth()+1,t,2)},M:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getMinutes(),t,2)},p:function(n){return g[+(n.getHours()>=12)]},S:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getSeconds(),t,2)},U:function(n,t){return Zn(ga.sundayOfYear(n),t,2)},w:function(n){return n.getDay()},W:function(n,t){return Zn(ga.mondayOfYear(n),t,2)},x:t(h),X:t(p),y:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getFullYear()%100,t,2)},Y:function(n,t){return Zn(n.getFullYear()%1e4,t,4)},Z:at,"%":function(){return"%"}},C={a:r,A:i,b:u,B:o,c:a,d:tt,e:tt,H:rt,I:rt,j:et,L:ot,m:nt,M:it,p:f,S:ut,U:Bn,w:$n,W:Wn,x:l,X:c,y:Gn,Y:Jn,Z:Kn,"%":lt};return t}function Zn(n,t,e){var r=0>n?"-":"",i=(r?-n:n)+"",u=i.length;return r+(e>u?new Array(e-u+1).join(t)+i:i)}function Vn(n){return new RegExp("^(?:""|")+")","i")}function Xn(n){for(var t=new c,e=-1,r=n.length;++e<r;)t.set(n[e].toLowerCase(),e);return t}function $n(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+1));return r?(n.w=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Bn(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.U=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Wn(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.W=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Jn(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+4));return r?(n.y=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Gn(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.y=Qn(+r[0]),e+r[0].length):-1}function Kn(n,t,e){return/^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(t=t.slice(e,e+5))?(n.Z=-t,e+5):-1}function Qn(n){return n+(n>68?1900:2e3)}function nt(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.m=r[0]-1,e+r[0].length):-1}function tt(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.d=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function et(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+3));return r?(n.j=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function rt(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.H=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function it(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.M=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ut(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.S=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ot(n,t,e){ma.lastIndex=0;var r=ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+3));return r?(n.L=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function at(n){var t=n.getTimezoneOffset(),e=t>0?"-":"+",r=xo(t)/60|0,i=xo(t)%60;return e+Zn(r,"0",2)+Zn(i,"0",2)}function lt(n,t,e){Ma.lastIndex=0;var r=Ma.exec(t.slice(e,e+1));return r?e+r[0].length:-1}function ct(n){for(var t=n.length,e=-1;++e<t;)n[e][0]=this(n[e][0]);return function(t){for(var e=0,r=n[e];!r[1](t);)r=n[++e];return r[0](t)}}function ft(){}function st(n,t,e){var r=e.s=n+t,i=r-n,u=r-i;e.t=n-u+(t-i)}function ht(n,t){n&&wa.hasOwnProperty(n.type)&&wa[n.type](n,t)}function pt(n,t,e){var r,i=-1,u=n.length-e;for(t.lineStart();++i<u;)r=n[i],t.point(r[0],r[1],r[2]);t.lineEnd()}function gt(n,t){var e=-1,r=n.length;for(t.polygonStart();++e<r;)pt(n[e],t,1);t.polygonEnd()}function vt(){function n(n,t){n*=Yo,t=t*Yo/2+Fo/4;var e=n-r,o=e>=0?1:-1,a=o*e,l=Math.cos(t),c=Math.sin(t),f=u*c,s=i*l+f*Math.cos(a),h=f*o*Math.sin(a);ka.add(Math.atan2(h,s)),r=n,i=l,u=c}var t,e,r,i,u;Na.point=function(o,a){Na.point=n,r=(t=o)*Yo,i=Math.cos(a=(e=a)*Yo/2+Fo/4),u=Math.sin(a)},Na.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function dt(n){var t=n[0],e=n[1],r=Math.cos(e);return[r*Math.cos(t),r*Math.sin(t),Math.sin(e)]}function yt(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]+n[2]*t[2]}function mt(n,t){return[n[1]*t[2]-n[2]*t[1],n[2]*t[0]-n[0]*t[2],n[0]*t[1]-n[1]*t[0]]}function Mt(n,t){n[0]+=t[0],n[1]+=t[1],n[2]+=t[2]}function xt(n,t){return[n[0]*t,n[1]*t,n[2]*t]}function bt(n){var t=Math.sqrt(n[0]*n[0]+n[1]*n[1]+n[2]*n[2]);n[0]/=t,n[1]/=t,n[2]/=t}function _t(n){return[Math.atan2(n[1],n[0]),tn(n[2])]}function wt(n,t){return xo(n[0]-t[0])<Uo&&xo(n[1]-t[1])<Uo}function St(n,t){n*=Yo;var e=Math.cos(t*=Yo);kt(e*Math.cos(n),e*Math.sin(n),Math.sin(t))}function kt(n,t,e){++Ea,Ca+=(n-Ca)/Ea,za+=(t-za)/Ea,La+=(e-La)/Ea}function Nt(){function n(n,i){n*=Yo;var u=Math.cos(i*=Yo),o=u*Math.cos(n),a=u*Math.sin(n),l=Math.sin(i),c=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((c=e*l-r*a)*c+(c=r*o-t*l)*c+(c=t*a-e*o)*c),t*o+e*a+r*l);Aa+=c,qa+=c*(t+(t=o)),Ta+=c*(e+(e=a)),Ra+=c*(r+(r=l)),kt(t,e,r)}var t,e,r;ja.point=function(i,u){i*=Yo;var o=Math.cos(u*=Yo);t=o*Math.cos(i),e=o*Math.sin(i),r=Math.sin(u),ja.point=n,kt(t,e,r)}}function Et(){ja.point=St}function At(){function n(n,t){n*=Yo;var e=Math.cos(t*=Yo),o=e*Math.cos(n),a=e*Math.sin(n),l=Math.sin(t),c=i*l-u*a,f=u*o-r*l,s=r*a-i*o,h=Math.sqrt(c*c+f*f+s*s),p=r*o+i*a+u*l,g=h&&-nn(p)/h,v=Math.atan2(h,p);Da+=g*c,Pa+=g*f,Ua+=g*s,Aa+=v,qa+=v*(r+(r=o)),Ta+=v*(i+(i=a)),Ra+=v*(u+(u=l)),kt(r,i,u)}var t,e,r,i,u;ja.point=function(o,a){t=o,e=a,ja.point=n,o*=Yo;var l=Math.cos(a*=Yo);r=l*Math.cos(o),i=l*Math.sin(o),u=Math.sin(a),kt(r,i,u)},ja.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e),ja.lineEnd=Et,ja.point=St}}function Ct(n,t){function e(e,r){return e=n(e,r),t(e[0],e[1])}return n.invert&&t.invert&&(e.invert=function(e,r){return e=t.invert(e,r),e&&n.invert(e[0],e[1])}),e}function zt(){return!0}function Lt(n,t,e,r,i){var u=[],o=[];if(n.forEach(function(n){if(!((t=n.length-1)<=0)){var t,e=n[0],r=n[t];if(wt(e,r)){i.lineStart();for(var a=0;t>a;++a)i.point((e=n[a])[0],e[1]);return void i.lineEnd()}var l=new Tt(e,n,null,!0),c=new Tt(e,null,l,!1);l.o=c,u.push(l),o.push(c),l=new Tt(r,n,null,!1),c=new Tt(r,null,l,!0),l.o=c,u.push(l),o.push(c)}}),o.sort(t),qt(u),qt(o),u.length){for(var a=0,l=e,c=o.length;c>a;++a)o[a].e=l=!l;for(var f,s,h=u[0];;){for(var p=h,g=!0;p.v;)if((p=p.n)===h)return;f=p.z,i.lineStart();do{if(p.v=p.o.v=!0,p.e){if(g)for(var a=0,c=f.length;c>a;++a)i.point((s=f[a])[0],s[1]);else r(p.x,p.n.x,1,i);p=p.n}else{if(g){f=p.p.z;for(var a=f.length-1;a>=0;--a)i.point((s=f[a])[0],s[1])}else r(p.x,p.p.x,-1,i);p=p.p}p=p.o,f=p.z,g=!g}while(!p.v);i.lineEnd()}}}function qt(n){if(t=n.length){for(var t,e,r=0,i=n[0];++r<t;)i.n=e=n[r],e.p=i,i=e;i.n=e=n[0],e.p=i}}function Tt(n,t,e,r){this.x=n,this.z=t,this.o=e,this.e=r,this.v=!1,this.n=this.p=null}function Rt(n,t,e,r){return function(i,u){function o(t,e){var r=i(t,e);n(t=r[0],e=r[1])&&u.point(t,e)}function a(n,t){var e=i(n,t);d.point(e[0],e[1])}function l(){m.point=a,d.lineStart()}function c(){m.point=o,d.lineEnd()}function f(n,t){v.push([n,t]);var e=i(n,t);x.point(e[0],e[1])}function s(){x.lineStart(),v=[]}function h(){f(v[0][0],v[0][1]),x.lineEnd();var n,t=x.clean(),e=M.buffer(),r=e.length;if(v.pop(),g.push(v),v=null,r)if(1&t){n=e[0];var i,r=n.length-1,o=-1;if(r>0){for(b||(u.polygonStart(),b=!0),u.lineStart();++o<r;)u.point((i=n[o])[0],i[1]);u.lineEnd()}}else r>1&&2&t&&e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())),p.push(e.filter(Dt))}var p,g,v,d=t(u),y=i.invert(r[0],r[1]),m={point:o,lineStart:l,lineEnd:c,polygonStart:function(){m.point=f,m.lineStart=s,m.lineEnd=h,p=[],g=[]},polygonEnd:function(){m.point=o,m.lineStart=l,m.lineEnd=c,p=ao.merge(p);var n=Ot(y,g);p.length?(b||(u.polygonStart(),b=!0),Lt(p,Ut,n,e,u)):n&&(b||(u.polygonStart(),b=!0),u.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,u),u.lineEnd()),b&&(u.polygonEnd(),b=!1),p=g=null},sphere:function(){u.polygonStart(),u.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,u),u.lineEnd(),u.polygonEnd()}},M=Pt(),x=t(M),b=!1;return m}}function Dt(n){return n.length>1}function Pt(){var n,t=[];return{lineStart:function(){t.push(n=[])},point:function(t,e){n.push([t,e])},lineEnd:b,buffer:function(){var e=t;return t=[],n=null,e},rejoin:function(){t.length>1&&t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))}}}function Ut(n,t){return((n=n.x)[0]<0?n[1]-Io-Uo:Io-n[1])-((t=t.x)[0]<0?t[1]-Io-Uo:Io-t[1])}function jt(n){var t,e=NaN,r=NaN,i=NaN;return{lineStart:function(){n.lineStart(),t=1},point:function(u,o){var a=u>0?Fo:-Fo,l=xo(u-e);xo(l-Fo)<Uo?(n.point(e,r=(r+o)/2>0?Io:-Io),n.point(i,r),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(a,r),n.point(u,r),t=0):i!==a&&l>=Fo&&(xo(e-i)<Uo&&(e-=i*Uo),xo(u-a)<Uo&&(u-=a*Uo),r=Ft(e,r,u,o),n.point(i,r),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(a,r),t=0),n.point(e=u,r=o),i=a},lineEnd:function(){n.lineEnd(),e=r=NaN},clean:function(){return 2-t}}}function Ft(n,t,e,r){var i,u,o=Math.sin(n-e);return xo(o)>Uo?Math.atan((Math.sin(t)*(u=Math.cos(r))*Math.sin(e)-Math.sin(r)*(i=Math.cos(t))*Math.sin(n))/(i*u*o)):(t+r)/2}function Ht(n,t,e,r){var i;if(null==n)i=e*Io,r.point(-Fo,i),r.point(0,i),r.point(Fo,i),r.point(Fo,0),r.point(Fo,-i),r.point(0,-i),r.point(-Fo,-i),r.point(-Fo,0),r.point(-Fo,i);else if(xo(n[0]-t[0])>Uo){var u=n[0]<t[0]?Fo:-Fo;i=e*u/2,r.point(-u,i),r.point(0,i),r.point(u,i)}else r.point(t[0],t[1])}function Ot(n,t){var e=n[0],r=n[1],i=[Math.sin(e),-Math.cos(e),0],u=0,o=0;ka.reset();for(var a=0,l=t.length;l>a;++a){var c=t[a],f=c.length;if(f)for(var s=c[0],h=s[0],p=s[1]/2+Fo/4,g=Math.sin(p),v=Math.cos(p),d=1;;){d===f&&(d=0),n=c[d];var y=n[0],m=n[1]/2+Fo/4,M=Math.sin(m),x=Math.cos(m),b=y-h,_=b>=0?1:-1,w=_*b,S=w>Fo,k=g*M;if(ka.add(Math.atan2(k*_*Math.sin(w),v*x+k*Math.cos(w))),u+=S?b+_*Ho:b,S^h>=e^y>=e){var N=mt(dt(s),dt(n));bt(N);var E=mt(i,N);bt(E);var A=(S^b>=0?-1:1)*tn(E[2]);(r>A||r===A&&(N[0]||N[1]))&&(o+=S^b>=0?1:-1)}if(!d++)break;h=y,g=M,v=x,s=n}}return(-Uo>u||Uo>u&&-Uo>ka)^1&o}function It(n){function t(n,t){return Math.cos(n)*Math.cos(t)>u}function e(n){var e,u,l,c,f;return{lineStart:function(){c=l=!1,f=1},point:function(s,h){var p,g=[s,h],v=t(s,h),d=o?v?0:i(s,h):v?i(s+(0>s?Fo:-Fo),h):0;if(!e&&(c=l=v)&&n.lineStart(),v!==l&&(p=r(e,g),(wt(e,p)||wt(g,p))&&(g[0]+=Uo,g[1]+=Uo,v=t(g[0],g[1]))),v!==l)f=0,v?(n.lineStart(),p=r(g,e),n.point(p[0],p[1])):(p=r(e,g),n.point(p[0],p[1]),n.lineEnd()),e=p;else if(a&&e&&o^v){var y;d&u||!(y=r(g,e,!0))||(f=0,o?(n.lineStart(),n.point(y[0][0],y[0][1]),n.point(y[1][0],y[1][1]),n.lineEnd()):(n.point(y[1][0],y[1][1]),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(y[0][0],y[0][1])))}!v||e&&wt(e,g)||n.point(g[0],g[1]),e=g,l=v,u=d},lineEnd:function(){l&&n.lineEnd(),e=null},clean:function(){return f|(c&&l)<<1}}}function r(n,t,e){var r=dt(n),i=dt(t),o=[1,0,0],a=mt(r,i),l=yt(a,a),c=a[0],f=l-c*c;if(!f)return!e&&n;var s=u*l/f,h=-u*c/f,p=mt(o,a),g=xt(o,s),v=xt(a,h);Mt(g,v);var d=p,y=yt(g,d),m=yt(d,d),M=y*y-m*(yt(g,g)-1);if(!(0>M)){var x=Math.sqrt(M),b=xt(d,(-y-x)/m);if(Mt(b,g),b=_t(b),!e)return b;var _,w=n[0],S=t[0],k=n[1],N=t[1];w>S&&(_=w,w=S,S=_);var E=S-w,A=xo(E-Fo)<Uo,C=A||Uo>E;if(!A&&k>N&&(_=k,k=N,N=_),C?A?k+N>0^b[1]<(xo(b[0]-w)<Uo?k:N):k<=b[1]&&b[1]<=N:E>Fo^(w<=b[0]&&b[0]<=S)){var z=xt(d,(-y+x)/m);return Mt(z,g),[b,_t(z)]}}}function i(t,e){var r=o?n:Fo-n,i=0;return-r>t?i|=1:t>r&&(i|=2),-r>e?i|=4:e>r&&(i|=8),i}var u=Math.cos(n),o=u>0,a=xo(u)>Uo,l=ve(n,6*Yo);return Rt(t,e,l,o?[0,-n]:[-Fo,n-Fo])}function Yt(n,t,e,r){return function(i){var u,o=i.a,a=i.b,l=o.x,c=o.y,f=a.x,s=a.y,h=0,p=1,g=f-l,v=s-c;if(u=n-l,g||!(u>0)){if(u/=g,0>g){if(h>u)return;p>u&&(p=u)}else if(g>0){if(u>p)return;u>h&&(h=u)}if(u=e-l,g||!(0>u)){if(u/=g,0>g){if(u>p)return;u>h&&(h=u)}else if(g>0){if(h>u)return;p>u&&(p=u)}if(u=t-c,v||!(u>0)){if(u/=v,0>v){if(h>u)return;p>u&&(p=u)}else if(v>0){if(u>p)return;u>h&&(h=u)}if(u=r-c,v||!(0>u)){if(u/=v,0>v){if(u>p)return;u>h&&(h=u)}else if(v>0){if(h>u)return;p>u&&(p=u)}return h>0&&(i.a={x:l+h*g,y:c+h*v}),1>p&&(i.b={x:l+p*g,y:c+p*v}),i}}}}}}function Zt(n,t,e,r){function i(r,i){return xo(r[0]-n)<Uo?i>0?0:3:xo(r[0]-e)<Uo?i>0?2:1:xo(r[1]-t)<Uo?i>0?1:0:i>0?3:2}function u(n,t){return o(n.x,t.x)}function o(n,t){var e=i(n,1),r=i(t,1);return e!==r?e-r:0===e?t[1]-n[1]:1===e?n[0]-t[0]:2===e?n[1]-t[1]:t[0]-n[0]}return function(a){function l(n){for(var t=0,e=d.length,r=n[1],i=0;e>i;++i)for(var u,o=1,a=d[i],l=a.length,c=a[0];l>o;++o)u=a[o],c[1]<=r?u[1]>r&&Q(c,u,n)>0&&++t:u[1]<=r&&Q(c,u,n)<0&&--t,c=u;return 0!==t}function c(u,a,l,c){var f=0,s=0;if(null==u||(f=i(u,l))!==(s=i(a,l))||o(u,a)<0^l>0){do c.point(0===f||3===f?n:e,f>1?r:t);while((f=(f+l+4)%4)!==s)}else c.point(a[0],a[1])}function f(i,u){return i>=n&&e>=i&&u>=t&&r>=u}function s(n,t){f(n,t)&&a.point(n,t)}function h(){C.point=g,d&&d.push(y=[]),S=!0,w=!1,b=_=NaN}function p(){v&&(g(m,M),x&&w&&E.rejoin(),v.push(E.buffer())),C.point=s,w&&a.lineEnd()}function g(n,t){n=Math.max(-Ha,Math.min(Ha,n)),t=Math.max(-Ha,Math.min(Ha,t));var e=f(n,t);if(d&&y.push([n,t]),S)m=n,M=t,x=e,S=!1,e&&(a.lineStart(),a.point(n,t));else if(e&&w)a.point(n,t);else{var r={a:{x:b,y:_},b:{x:n,y:t}};A(r)?(w||(a.lineStart(),a.point(r.a.x,r.a.y)),a.point(r.b.x,r.b.y),e||a.lineEnd(),k=!1):e&&(a.lineStart(),a.point(n,t),k=!1)}b=n,_=t,w=e}var v,d,y,m,M,x,b,_,w,S,k,N=a,E=Pt(),A=Yt(n,t,e,r),C={point:s,lineStart:h,lineEnd:p,polygonStart:function(){a=E,v=[],d=[],k=!0},polygonEnd:function(){a=N,v=ao.merge(v);var t=l([n,r]),e=k&&t,i=v.length;(e||i)&&(a.polygonStart(),e&&(a.lineStart(),c(null,null,1,a),a.lineEnd()),i&&Lt(v,u,t,c,a),a.polygonEnd()),v=d=y=null}};return C}}function Vt(n){var t=0,e=Fo/3,r=ae(n),i=r(t,e);return i.parallels=function(n){return arguments.length?r(t=n[0]*Fo/180,e=n[1]*Fo/180):[t/Fo*180,e/Fo*180]},i}function Xt(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=Math.sqrt(u-2*i*Math.sin(t))/i;return[e*Math.sin(n*=i),o-e*Math.cos(n)]}var r=Math.sin(n),i=(r+Math.sin(t))/2,u=1+r*(2*i-r),o=Math.sqrt(u)/i;return e.invert=function(n,t){var e=o-t;return[Math.atan2(n,e)/i,tn((u-(n*n+e*e)*i*i)/(2*i))]},e}function $t(){function n(n,t){Ia+=i*n-r*t,r=n,i=t}var t,e,r,i;$a.point=function(u,o){$a.point=n,t=r=u,e=i=o},$a.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function Bt(n,t){Ya>n&&(Ya=n),n>Va&&(Va=n),Za>t&&(Za=t),t>Xa&&(Xa=t)}function Wt(){function n(n,t){o.push("M",n,",",t,u)}function t(n,t){o.push("M",n,",",t),a.point=e}function e(n,t){o.push("L",n,",",t)}function r(){a.point=n}function i(){o.push("Z")}var u=Jt(4.5),o=[],a={point:n,lineStart:function(){a.point=t},lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=i},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=r,a.point=n},pointRadius:function(n){return u=Jt(n),a},result:function(){if(o.length){var n=o.join("");return o=[],n}}};return a}function Jt(n){return"m0,"+n+"a"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+-2*n+"a"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*n+"z"}function Gt(n,t){Ca+=n,za+=t,++La}function Kt(){function n(n,r){var i=n-t,u=r-e,o=Math.sqrt(i*i+u*u);qa+=o*(t+n)/2,Ta+=o*(e+r)/2,Ra+=o,Gt(t=n,e=r)}var t,e;Wa.point=function(r,i){Wa.point=n,Gt(t=r,e=i)}}function Qt(){Wa.point=Gt}function ne(){function n(n,t){var e=n-r,u=t-i,o=Math.sqrt(e*e+u*u);qa+=o*(r+n)/2,Ta+=o*(i+t)/2,Ra+=o,o=i*n-r*t,Da+=o*(r+n),Pa+=o*(i+t),Ua+=3*o,Gt(r=n,i=t)}var t,e,r,i;Wa.point=function(u,o){Wa.point=n,Gt(t=r=u,e=i=o)},Wa.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function te(n){function t(t,e){n.moveTo(t+o,e),n.arc(t,e,o,0,Ho)}function e(t,e){n.moveTo(t,e),a.point=r}function r(t,e){n.lineTo(t,e)}function i(){a.point=t}function u(){n.closePath()}var o=4.5,a={point:t,lineStart:function(){a.point=e},lineEnd:i,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=u},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=i,a.point=t},pointRadius:function(n){return o=n,a},result:b};return a}function ee(n){function t(n){return(a?r:e)(n)}function e(t){return ue(t,function(e,r){e=n(e,r),t.point(e[0],e[1])})}function r(t){function e(e,r){e=n(e,r),t.point(e[0],e[1])}function r(){M=NaN,S.point=u,t.lineStart()}function u(e,r){var u=dt([e,r]),o=n(e,r);i(M,x,m,b,_,w,M=o[0],x=o[1],m=e,b=u[0],_=u[1],w=u[2],a,t),t.point(M,x)}function o(){S.point=e,t.lineEnd()}function l(){
r(),S.point=c,S.lineEnd=f}function c(n,t){u(s=n,h=t),p=M,g=x,v=b,d=_,y=w,S.point=u}function f(){i(M,x,m,b,_,w,p,g,s,v,d,y,a,t),S.lineEnd=o,o()}var s,h,p,g,v,d,y,m,M,x,b,_,w,S={point:e,lineStart:r,lineEnd:o,polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart(),S.lineStart=l},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd(),S.lineStart=r}};return S}function i(t,e,r,a,l,c,f,s,h,p,g,v,d,y){var m=f-t,M=s-e,x=m*m+M*M;if(x>4*u&&d--){var b=a+p,_=l+g,w=c+v,S=Math.sqrt(b*b+_*_+w*w),k=Math.asin(w/=S),N=xo(xo(w)-1)<Uo||xo(r-h)<Uo?(r+h)/2:Math.atan2(_,b),E=n(N,k),A=E[0],C=E[1],z=A-t,L=C-e,q=M*z-m*L;(q*q/x>u||xo((m*z+M*L)/x-.5)>.3||o>a*p+l*g+c*v)&&(i(t,e,r,a,l,c,A,C,N,b/=S,_/=S,w,d,y),y.point(A,C),i(A,C,N,b,_,w,f,s,h,p,g,v,d,y))}}var u=.5,o=Math.cos(30*Yo),a=16;return t.precision=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=(u=n*n)>0&&16,t):Math.sqrt(u)},t}function re(n){var t=ee(function(t,e){return n([t*Zo,e*Zo])});return function(n){return le(t(n))}}function ie(n){}function ue(n,t){return{point:t,sphere:function(){n.sphere()},lineStart:function(){n.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){n.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){n.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){n.polygonEnd()}}}function oe(n){return ae(function(){return n})()}function ae(n){function t(n){return n=a(n[0]*Yo,n[1]*Yo),[n[0]*h+l,c-n[1]*h]}function e(n){return n=a.invert((n[0]-l)/h,(c-n[1])/h),n&&[n[0]*Zo,n[1]*Zo]}function r(){a=Ct(o=se(y,M,x),u);var n=u(v,d);return l=p-n[0]*h,c=g+n[1]*h,i()}function i(){return f&&(f.valid=!1,f=null),t}var u,o,a,l,c,f,s=ee(function(n,t){return n=u(n,t),[n[0]*h+l,c-n[1]*h]}),h=150,p=480,g=250,v=0,d=0,y=0,M=0,x=0,b=Fa,_=m,w=null,S=null;return{return f&&(f.valid=!1),f=le(b(o,s(_(n)))),f.valid=!0,f},t.clipAngle=function(n){return arguments.length?(b=null==n?(w=n,Fa):It((w=+n)*Yo),i()):w},t.clipExtent=function(n){return arguments.length?(S=n,_=n?Zt(n[0][0],n[0][1],n[1][0],n[1][1]):m,i()):S},t.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(h=+n,r()):h},t.translate=function(n){return arguments.length?(p=+n[0],g=+n[1],r()):[p,g]},{return arguments.length?(v=n[0]%360*Yo,d=n[1]%360*Yo,r()):[v*Zo,d*Zo]},t.rotate=function(n){return arguments.length?(y=n[0]%360*Yo,M=n[1]%360*Yo,x=n.length>2?n[2]%360*Yo:0,r()):[y*Zo,M*Zo,x*Zo]},ao.rebind(t,s,"precision"),function(){return u=n.apply(this,arguments),t.invert=u.invert&&e,r()}}function le(n){return ue(n,function(t,e){n.point(t*Yo,e*Yo)})}function ce(n,t){return[n,t]}function fe(n,t){return[n>Fo?n-Ho:-Fo>n?n+Ho:n,t]}function se(n,t,e){return n?t||e?Ct(pe(n),ge(t,e)):pe(n):t||e?ge(t,e):fe}function he(n){return function(t,e){return t+=n,[t>Fo?t-Ho:-Fo>t?t+Ho:t,e]}}function pe(n){var t=he(n);return t.invert=he(-n),t}function ge(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(n)*e,l=Math.sin(n)*e,c=Math.sin(t),f=c*r+a*i;return[Math.atan2(l*u-f*o,a*r-c*i),tn(f*u+l*o)]}var r=Math.cos(n),i=Math.sin(n),u=Math.cos(t),o=Math.sin(t);return e.invert=function(n,t){var e=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(n)*e,l=Math.sin(n)*e,c=Math.sin(t),f=c*u-l*o;return[Math.atan2(l*u+c*o,a*r+f*i),tn(f*r-a*i)]},e}function ve(n,t){var e=Math.cos(n),r=Math.sin(n);return function(i,u,o,a){var l=o*t;null!=i?(i=de(e,i),u=de(e,u),(o>0?u>i:i>u)&&(i+=o*Ho)):(i=n+o*Ho,u=n-.5*l);for(var c,f=i;o>0?f>u:u>f;f-=l)a.point((c=_t([e,-r*Math.cos(f),-r*Math.sin(f)]))[0],c[1])}}function de(n,t){var e=dt(t);e[0]-=n,bt(e);var r=nn(-e[1]);return((-e[2]<0?-r:r)+2*Math.PI-Uo)%(2*Math.PI)}function ye(n,t,e){var r=ao.range(n,t-Uo,e).concat(t);return function(n){return{return[n,t]})}}function me(n,t,e){var r=ao.range(n,t-Uo,e).concat(t);return function(n){return{return[t,n]})}}function Me(n){return n.source}function xe(n){return}function be(n,t,e,r){var i=Math.cos(t),u=Math.sin(t),o=Math.cos(r),a=Math.sin(r),l=i*Math.cos(n),c=i*Math.sin(n),f=o*Math.cos(e),s=o*Math.sin(e),h=2*Math.asin(Math.sqrt(on(r-t)+i*o*on(e-n))),p=1/Math.sin(h),g=h?function(n){var t=Math.sin(n*=h)*p,e=Math.sin(h-n)*p,r=e*l+t*f,i=e*c+t*s,o=e*u+t*a;return[Math.atan2(i,r)*Zo,Math.atan2(o,Math.sqrt(r*r+i*i))*Zo]}:function(){return[n*Zo,t*Zo]};return g.distance=h,g}function _e(){function n(n,i){var u=Math.sin(i*=Yo),o=Math.cos(i),a=xo((n*=Yo)-t),l=Math.cos(a);Ja+=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a=o*Math.sin(a))*a+(a=r*u-e*o*l)*a),e*u+r*o*l),t=n,e=u,r=o}var t,e,r;Ga.point=function(i,u){t=i*Yo,e=Math.sin(u*=Yo),r=Math.cos(u),Ga.point=n},Ga.lineEnd=function(){Ga.point=Ga.lineEnd=b}}function we(n,t){function e(t,e){var r=Math.cos(t),i=Math.cos(e),u=n(r*i);return[u*i*Math.sin(t),u*Math.sin(e)]}return e.invert=function(n,e){var r=Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e),i=t(r),u=Math.sin(i),o=Math.cos(i);return[Math.atan2(n*u,r*o),Math.asin(r&&e*u/r)]},e}function Se(n,t){function e(n,t){o>0?-Io+Uo>t&&(t=-Io+Uo):t>Io-Uo&&(t=Io-Uo);var e=o/Math.pow(i(t),u);return[e*Math.sin(u*n),o-e*Math.cos(u*n)]}var r=Math.cos(n),i=function(n){return Math.tan(Fo/4+n/2)},u=n===t?Math.sin(n):Math.log(r/Math.cos(t))/Math.log(i(t)/i(n)),o=r*Math.pow(i(n),u)/u;return u?(e.invert=function(n,t){var e=o-t,r=K(u)*Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e);return[Math.atan2(n,e)/u,2*Math.atan(Math.pow(o/r,1/u))-Io]},e):Ne}function ke(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=u-t;return[e*Math.sin(i*n),u-e*Math.cos(i*n)]}var r=Math.cos(n),i=n===t?Math.sin(n):(r-Math.cos(t))/(t-n),u=r/i+n;return xo(i)<Uo?ce:(e.invert=function(n,t){var e=u-t;return[Math.atan2(n,e)/i,u-K(i)*Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e)]},e)}function Ne(n,t){return[n,Math.log(Math.tan(Fo/4+t/2))]}function Ee(n){var t,e=oe(n),r=e.scale,i=e.translate,u=e.clipExtent;return e.scale=function(){var n=r.apply(e,arguments);return n===e?t?e.clipExtent(null):e:n},e.translate=function(){var n=i.apply(e,arguments);return n===e?t?e.clipExtent(null):e:n},e.clipExtent=function(n){var o=u.apply(e,arguments);if(o===e){if(t=null==n){var a=Fo*r(),l=i();u([[l[0]-a,l[1]-a],[l[0]+a,l[1]+a]])}}else t&&(o=null);return o},e.clipExtent(null)}function Ae(n,t){return[Math.log(Math.tan(Fo/4+t/2)),-n]}function Ce(n){return n[0]}function ze(n){return n[1]}function Le(n){for(var t=n.length,e=[0,1],r=2,i=2;t>i;i++){for(;r>1&&Q(n[e[r-2]],n[e[r-1]],n[i])<=0;)--r;e[r++]=i}return e.slice(0,r)}function qe(n,t){return n[0]-t[0]||n[1]-t[1]}function Te(n,t,e){return(e[0]-t[0])*(n[1]-t[1])<(e[1]-t[1])*(n[0]-t[0])}function Re(n,t,e,r){var i=n[0],u=e[0],o=t[0]-i,a=r[0]-u,l=n[1],c=e[1],f=t[1]-l,s=r[1]-c,h=(a*(l-c)-s*(i-u))/(s*o-a*f);return[i+h*o,l+h*f]}function De(n){var t=n[0],e=n[n.length-1];return!(t[0]-e[0]||t[1]-e[1])}function Pe(){rr(this),}function Ue(n){var t=cl.pop()||new Pe;return,t}function je(n){Be(n),ol.remove(n),cl.push(n),rr(n)}function Fe(n){var,e=t.x,,i={x:e,y:r},u=n.P,o=n.N,a=[n];je(n);for(var l=u;<Uo&&xo(<Uo;)u=l.P,a.unshift(l),je(l),l=u;a.unshift(l),Be(l);for(var c=o;<Uo&&xo(<Uo;)o=c.N,a.push(c),je(c),c=o;a.push(c),Be(c);var f,s=a.length;for(f=1;s>f;++f)c=a[f],l=a[f-1],nr(c.edge,,,i);l=a[0],c=a[s-1],c.edge=Ke(,,null,i),$e(l),$e(c)}function He(n){for(var t,e,r,i,u=n.x,o=n.y,a=ol._;a;)if(r=Oe(a,o)-u,r>Uo)a=a.L;else{if(i=u-Ie(a,o),!(i>Uo)){r>-Uo?(t=a.P,e=a):i>-Uo?(t=a,e=a.N):t=e=a;break}if(!a.R){t=a;break}a=a.R}var l=Ue(n);if(ol.insert(t,l),t||e){if(t===e)return Be(t),e=Ue(,ol.insert(l,e),l.edge=e.edge=Ke(,,$e(t),void $e(e);if(!e)return void(l.edge=Ke(,;Be(t),Be(e);var,f=c.x,s=c.y,h=n.x-f,p=n.y-s,,v=g.x-f,d=g.y-s,y=2*(h*d-p*v),m=h*h+p*p,M=v*v+d*d,x={x:(d*m-p*M)/y+f,y:(h*M-v*m)/y+s};nr(e.edge,c,g,x),l.edge=Ke(c,n,null,x),e.edge=Ke(n,g,null,x),$e(t),$e(e)}}function Oe(n,t){var,r=e.x,i=e.y,u=i-t;if(!u)return r;var o=n.P;if(!o)return-(1/0);;var a=e.x,l=e.y,c=l-t;if(!c)return a;var f=a-r,s=1/u-1/c,h=f/c;return s?(-h+Math.sqrt(h*h-2*s*(f*f/(-2*c)-l+c/2+i-u/2)))/s+r:(r+a)/2}function Ie(n,t){var e=n.N;if(e)return Oe(e,t);var;return r.y===t?r.x:1/0}function Ye(n){,this.edges=[]}function Ze(n){for(var t,e,r,i,u,o,a,l,c,f,s=n[0][0],h=n[1][0],p=n[0][1],g=n[1][1],v=ul,d=v.length;d--;)if(u=v[d],u&&u.prepare())for(a=u.edges,l=a.length,o=0;l>o;)f=a[o].end(),r=f.x,i=f.y,c=a[++o%l].start(),t=c.x,e=c.y,(xo(r-t)>Uo||xo(i-e)>Uo)&&(a.splice(o,0,new tr(Qe(,f,xo(r-s)<Uo&&g-i>Uo?{x:s,y:xo(t-s)<Uo?e:g}:xo(i-g)<Uo&&h-r>Uo?{x:xo(e-g)<Uo?t:h,y:g}:xo(r-h)<Uo&&i-p>Uo?{x:h,y:xo(t-h)<Uo?e:p}:xo(i-p)<Uo&&r-s>Uo?{x:xo(e-p)<Uo?t:s,y:p}:null),,null)),++l)}function Ve(n,t){return t.angle-n.angle}function Xe(){rr(this),}function $e(n){var t=n.P,e=n.N;if(t&&e){var,,;if(r!==u){var o=i.x,a=i.y,l=r.x-o,c=r.y-a,f=u.x-o,s=u.y-a,h=2*(l*s-c*f);if(!(h>=-jo)){var p=l*l+c*c,g=f*f+s*s,v=(s*p-c*g)/h,d=(l*g-f*p)/h,s=d+a,y=fl.pop()||new Xe;y.arc=n,,y.x=v+o,y.y=s+Math.sqrt(v*v+d*d),,;for(var m=null,M=ll._;M;)if(y.y<M.y||y.y===M.y&&y.x<=M.x){if(!M.L){m=M.P;break}M=M.L}else{if(!M.R){m=M;break}M=M.R}ll.insert(m,y),m||(al=y)}}}}function Be(n){var;t&&(t.P||(al=t.N),ll.remove(t),fl.push(t),rr(t),}function We(n){for(var t,e=il,r=Yt(n[0][0],n[0][1],n[1][0],n[1][1]),i=e.length;i--;)t=e[i],(!Je(t,n)||!r(t)||xo(t.a.x-t.b.x)<Uo&&xo(t.a.y-t.b.y)<Uo)&&(t.a=t.b=null,e.splice(i,1))}function Je(n,t){var e=n.b;if(e)return!0;var r,i,u=n.a,o=t[0][0],a=t[1][0],l=t[0][1],c=t[1][1],f=n.l,s=n.r,h=f.x,p=f.y,g=s.x,v=s.y,d=(h+g)/2,y=(p+v)/2;if(v===p){if(o>d||d>=a)return;if(h>g){if(u){if(u.y>=c)return}else u={x:d,y:l};e={x:d,y:c}}else{if(u){if(u.y<l)return}else u={x:d,y:c};e={x:d,y:l}}}else if(r=(h-g)/(v-p),i=y-r*d,-1>r||r>1)if(h>g){if(u){if(u.y>=c)return}else u={x:(l-i)/r,y:l};e={x:(c-i)/r,y:c}}else{if(u){if(u.y<l)return}else u={x:(c-i)/r,y:c};e={x:(l-i)/r,y:l}}else if(v>p){if(u){if(u.x>=a)return}else u={x:o,y:r*o+i};e={x:a,y:r*a+i}}else{if(u){if(u.x<o)return}else u={x:a,y:r*a+i};e={x:o,y:r*o+i}}return n.a=u,n.b=e,!0}function Ge(n,t){this.l=n,this.r=t,this.a=this.b=null}function Ke(n,t,e,r){var i=new Ge(n,t);return il.push(i),e&&nr(i,n,t,e),r&&nr(i,t,n,r),ul[n.i].edges.push(new tr(i,n,t)),ul[t.i].edges.push(new tr(i,t,n)),i}function Qe(n,t,e){var r=new Ge(n,null);return r.a=t,r.b=e,il.push(r),r}function nr(n,t,e,r){n.a||n.b?n.l===e?n.b=r:n.a=r:(n.a=r,n.l=t,n.r=e)}function tr(n,t,e){var r=n.a,i=n.b;this.edge=n,,this.angle=e?Math.atan2(e.y-t.y,e.x-t.x):n.l===t?Math.atan2(i.x-r.x,r.y-i.y):Math.atan2(r.x-i.x,i.y-r.y)}function er(){this._=null}function rr(n){n.U=n.C=n.L=n.R=n.P=n.N=null}function ir(n,t){var e=t,r=t.R,i=e.U;i?i.L===e?i.L=r:i.R=r:n._=r,r.U=i,e.U=r,e.R=r.L,e.R&&(e.R.U=e),r.L=e}function ur(n,t){var e=t,r=t.L,i=e.U;i?i.L===e?i.L=r:i.R=r:n._=r,r.U=i,e.U=r,e.L=r.R,e.L&&(e.L.U=e),r.R=e}function or(n){for(;n.L;)n=n.L;return n}function ar(n,t){var e,r,i,u=n.sort(lr).pop();for(il=[],ul=new Array(n.length),ol=new er,ll=new er;;)if(i=al,u&&(!i||u.y<i.y||u.y===i.y&&u.x<i.x))u.x===e&&u.y===r||(ul[u.i]=new Ye(u),He(u),e=u.x,r=u.y),u=n.pop();else{if(!i)break;Fe(i.arc)}t&&(We(t),Ze(t));var o={cells:ul,edges:il};return ol=ll=il=ul=null,o}function lr(n,t){return t.y-n.y||t.x-n.x}function cr(n,t,e){return(n.x-e.x)*(t.y-n.y)-(n.x-t.x)*(e.y-n.y)}function fr(n){return n.x}function sr(n){return n.y}function hr(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null,x:null,y:null}}function pr(n,t,e,r,i,u){if(!n(t,e,r,i,u)){var o=.5*(e+i),a=.5*(r+u),l=t.nodes;l[0]&&pr(n,l[0],e,r,o,a),l[1]&&pr(n,l[1],o,r,i,a),l[2]&&pr(n,l[2],e,a,o,u),l[3]&&pr(n,l[3],o,a,i,u)}}function gr(n,t,e,r,i,u,o){var a,l=1/0;return function c(n,f,s,h,p){if(!(f>u||s>o||r>h||i>p)){if(g=n.point){var g,v=t-n.x,d=e-n.y,y=v*v+d*d;if(l>y){var m=Math.sqrt(l=y);r=t-m,i=e-m,u=t+m,o=e+m,a=g}}for(var M=n.nodes,x=.5*(f+h),b=.5*(s+p),_=t>=x,w=e>=b,S=w<<1|_,k=S+4;k>S;++S)if(n=M[3&S])switch(3&S){case 0:c(n,f,s,x,b);break;case 1:c(n,x,s,h,b);break;case 2:c(n,f,b,x,p);break;case 3:c(n,x,b,h,p)}}}(n,r,i,u,o),a}function vr(n,t){n=ao.rgb(n),t=ao.rgb(t);var e=n.r,r=n.g,i=n.b,u=t.r-e,o=t.g-r,a=t.b-i;return function(n){return"#"+bn(Math.round(e+u*n))+bn(Math.round(r+o*n))+bn(Math.round(i+a*n))}}function dr(n,t){var e,r={},i={};for(e in n)e in t?r[e]=Mr(n[e],t[e]):i[e]=n[e];for(e in t)e in n||(i[e]=t[e]);return function(n){for(e in r)i[e]=r[e](n);return i}}function yr(n,t){return n=+n,t=+t,function(e){return n*(1-e)+t*e}}function mr(n,t){var e,r,i,u=hl.lastIndex=pl.lastIndex=0,o=-1,a=[],l=[];for(n+="",t+="";(e=hl.exec(n))&&(r=pl.exec(t));)(i=r.index)>u&&(i=t.slice(u,i),a[o]?a[o]+=i:a[++o]=i),(e=e[0])===(r=r[0])?a[o]?a[o]+=r:a[++o]=r:(a[++o]=null,l.push({i:o,x:yr(e,r)})),u=pl.lastIndex;return u<t.length&&(i=t.slice(u),a[o]?a[o]+=i:a[++o]=i),a.length<2?l[0]?(t=l[0].x,function(n){return t(n)+""}):function(){return t}:(t=l.length,function(n){for(var e,r=0;t>r;++r)a[(e=l[r]).i]=e.x(n);return a.join("")})}function Mr(n,t){for(var e,r=ao.interpolators.length;--r>=0&&!(e=ao.interpolators[r](n,t)););return e}function xr(n,t){var e,r=[],i=[],u=n.length,o=t.length,a=Math.min(n.length,t.length);for(e=0;a>e;++e)r.push(Mr(n[e],t[e]));for(;u>e;++e)i[e]=n[e];for(;o>e;++e)i[e]=t[e];return function(n){for(e=0;a>e;++e)i[e]=r[e](n);return i}}function br(n){return function(t){return 0>=t?0:t>=1?1:n(t)}}function _r(n){return function(t){return 1-n(1-t)}}function wr(n){return function(t){return.5*(.5>t?n(2*t):2-n(2-2*t))}}function Sr(n){return n*n}function kr(n){return n*n*n}function Nr(n){if(0>=n)return 0;if(n>=1)return 1;var t=n*n,e=t*n;return 4*(.5>n?e:3*(n-t)+e-.75)}function Er(n){return function(t){return Math.pow(t,n)}}function Ar(n){return 1-Math.cos(n*Io)}function Cr(n){return Math.pow(2,10*(n-1))}function zr(n){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-n*n)}function Lr(n,t){var e;return arguments.length<2&&(t=.45),arguments.length?e=t/Ho*Math.asin(1/n):(n=1,e=t/4),function(r){return 1+n*Math.pow(2,-10*r)*Math.sin((r-e)*Ho/t)}}function qr(n){return n||(n=1.70158),function(t){return t*t*((n+1)*t-n)}}function Tr(n){return 1/2.75>n?7.5625*n*n:2/2.75>n?7.5625*(n-=1.5/2.75)*n+.75:2.5/2.75>n?7.5625*(n-=2.25/2.75)*n+.9375:7.5625*(n-=2.625/2.75)*n+.984375}function Rr(n,t){n=ao.hcl(n),t=ao.hcl(t);var e=n.h,r=n.c,i=n.l,u=t.h-e,o=t.c-r,a=t.l-i;return isNaN(o)&&(o=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.c:r),isNaN(u)?(u=0,e=isNaN(e)?t.h:e):u>180?u-=360:-180>u&&(u+=360),function(n){return sn(e+u*n,r+o*n,i+a*n)+""}}function Dr(n,t){n=ao.hsl(n),t=ao.hsl(t);var e=n.h,r=n.s,i=n.l,u=t.h-e,o=t.s-r,a=t.l-i;return isNaN(o)&&(o=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.s:r),isNaN(u)?(u=0,e=isNaN(e)?t.h:e):u>180?u-=360:-180>u&&(u+=360),function(n){return cn(e+u*n,r+o*n,i+a*n)+""}}function Pr(n,t){n=ao.lab(n),t=ao.lab(t);var e=n.l,r=n.a,i=n.b,u=t.l-e,o=t.a-r,a=t.b-i;return function(n){return pn(e+u*n,r+o*n,i+a*n)+""}}function Ur(n,t){return t-=n,function(e){return Math.round(n+t*e)}}function jr(n){var t=[n.a,n.b],e=[n.c,n.d],r=Hr(t),i=Fr(t,e),u=Hr(Or(e,t,-i))||0;t[0]*e[1]<e[0]*t[1]&&(t[0]*=-1,t[1]*=-1,r*=-1,i*=-1),this.rotate=(r?Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]):Math.atan2(-e[0],e[1]))*Zo,this.translate=[n.e,n.f],this.scale=[r,u],this.skew=u?Math.atan2(i,u)*Zo:0}function Fr(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]}function Hr(n){var t=Math.sqrt(Fr(n,n));return t&&(n[0]/=t,n[1]/=t),t}function Or(n,t,e){return n[0]+=e*t[0],n[1]+=e*t[1],n}function Ir(n){return n.length?n.pop()+",":""}function Yr(n,t,e,r){if(n[0]!==t[0]||n[1]!==t[1]){var i=e.push("translate(",null,",",null,")");r.push({i:i-4,x:yr(n[0],t[0])},{i:i-2,x:yr(n[1],t[1])})}else(t[0]||t[1])&&e.push("translate("+t+")")}function Zr(n,t,e,r){n!==t?(n-t>180?t+=360:t-n>180&&(n+=360),r.push({i:e.push(Ir(e)+"rotate(",null,")")-2,x:yr(n,t)})):t&&e.push(Ir(e)+"rotate("+t+")")}function Vr(n,t,e,r){n!==t?r.push({i:e.push(Ir(e)+"skewX(",null,")")-2,x:yr(n,t)}):t&&e.push(Ir(e)+"skewX("+t+")")}function Xr(n,t,e,r){if(n[0]!==t[0]||n[1]!==t[1]){var i=e.push(Ir(e)+"scale(",null,",",null,")");r.push({i:i-4,x:yr(n[0],t[0])},{i:i-2,x:yr(n[1],t[1])})}else 1===t[0]&&1===t[1]||e.push(Ir(e)+"scale("+t+")")}function $r(n,t){var e=[],r=[];return n=ao.transform(n),t=ao.transform(t),Yr(n.translate,t.translate,e,r),Zr(n.rotate,t.rotate,e,r),Vr(n.skew,t.skew,e,r),Xr(n.scale,t.scale,e,r),n=t=null,function(n){for(var t,i=-1,u=r.length;++i<u;)e[(t=r[i]).i]=t.x(n);return e.join("")}}function Br(n,t){return t=(t-=n=+n)||1/t,function(e){return(e-n)/t}}function Wr(n,t){return t=(t-=n=+n)||1/t,function(e){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,(e-n)/t))}}function Jr(n){for(var t=n.source,,r=Kr(t,e),i=[t];t!==r;)t=t.parent,i.push(t);for(var u=i.length;e!==r;)i.splice(u,0,e),e=e.parent;return i}function Gr(n){for(var t=[],e=n.parent;null!=e;)t.push(n),n=e,e=e.parent;return t.push(n),t}function Kr(n,t){if(n===t)return n;for(var e=Gr(n),r=Gr(t),i=e.pop(),u=r.pop(),o=null;i===u;)o=i,i=e.pop(),u=r.pop();return o}function Qr(n){n.fixed|=2}function ni(n){n.fixed&=-7}function ti(n){n.fixed|=4,n.px=n.x,}function ei(n){n.fixed&=-5}function ri(n,t,e){var r=0,i=0;if(n.charge=0,!n.leaf)for(var u,o=n.nodes,a=o.length,l=-1;++l<a;)u=o[l],null!=u&&(ri(u,t,e),n.charge+=u.charge,r+=u.charge*,i+=u.charge*;if(n.point){n.leaf||(n.point.x+=Math.random()-.5,n.point.y+=Math.random()-.5);var c=t*e[n.point.index];n.charge+=n.pointCharge=c,r+=c*n.point.x,i+=c*n.point.y},}function ii(n,t){return ao.rebind(n,t,"sort","children","value"),n.nodes=n,n.links=fi,n}function ui(n,t){for(var e=[n];null!=(n=e.pop());)if(t(n),(i=n.children)&&(r=i.length))for(var r,i;--r>=0;)e.push(i[r])}function oi(n,t){for(var e=[n],r=[];null!=(n=e.pop());)if(r.push(n),(u=n.children)&&(i=u.length))for(var i,u,o=-1;++o<i;)e.push(u[o]);for(;null!=(n=r.pop());)t(n)}function ai(n){return n.children}function li(n){return n.value}function ci(n,t){return t.value-n.value}function fi(n){return ao.merge({return(n.children||[]).map(function(t){return{source:n,target:t}})}))}function si(n){return n.x}function hi(n){return n.y}function pi(n,t,e){n.y0=t,n.y=e}function gi(n){return ao.range(n.length)}function vi(n){for(var t=-1,e=n[0].length,r=[];++t<e;)r[t]=0;return r}function di(n){for(var t,e=1,r=0,i=n[0][1],u=n.length;u>e;++e)(t=n[e][1])>i&&(r=e,i=t);return r}function yi(n){return n.reduce(mi,0)}function mi(n,t){return n+t[1]}function Mi(n,t){return xi(n,Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function xi(n,t){for(var e=-1,r=+n[0],i=(n[1]-r)/t,u=[];++e<=t;)u[e]=i*e+r;return u}function bi(n){return[ao.min(n),ao.max(n)]}function _i(n,t){return n.value-t.value}function wi(n,t){var e=n._pack_next;n._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=n,t._pack_next=e,e._pack_prev=t}function Si(n,t){n._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=n}function ki(n,t){var e=t.x-n.x,r=t.y-n.y,i=n.r+t.r;return.999*i*i>e*e+r*r}function Ni(n){function t(n){f=Math.min(n.x-n.r,f),s=Math.max(n.x+n.r,s),h=Math.min(n.y-n.r,h),p=Math.max(n.y+n.r,p)}if((e=n.children)&&(c=e.length)){var e,r,i,u,o,a,l,c,f=1/0,s=-(1/0),h=1/0,p=-(1/0);if(e.forEach(Ei),r=e[0],r.x=-r.r,r.y=0,t(r),c>1&&(i=e[1],i.x=i.r,i.y=0,t(i),c>2))for(u=e[2],zi(r,i,u),t(u),wi(r,u),r._pack_prev=u,wi(u,i),i=r._pack_next,o=3;c>o;o++){zi(r,i,u=e[o]);var g=0,v=1,d=1;for(a=i._pack_next;a!==i;a=a._pack_next,v++)if(ki(a,u)){g=1;break}if(1==g)for(l=r._pack_prev;l!==a._pack_prev&&!ki(l,u);l=l._pack_prev,d++);g?(d>v||v==d&&i.r<r.r?Si(r,i=a):Si(r=l,i),o--):(wi(r,u),i=u,t(u))}var y=(f+s)/2,m=(h+p)/2,M=0;for(o=0;c>o;o++)u=e[o],u.x-=y,u.y-=m,M=Math.max(M,u.r+Math.sqrt(u.x*u.x+u.y*u.y));n.r=M,e.forEach(Ai)}}function Ei(n){n._pack_next=n._pack_prev=n}function Ai(n){delete n._pack_next,delete n._pack_prev}function Ci(n,t,e,r){var i=n.children;if(n.x=t+=r*n.x,n.y=e+=r*n.y,n.r*=r,i)for(var u=-1,o=i.length;++u<o;)Ci(i[u],t,e,r)}function zi(n,t,e){var r=n.r+e.r,i=t.x-n.x,u=t.y-n.y;if(r&&(i||u)){var o=t.r+e.r,a=i*i+u*u;o*=o,r*=r;var l=.5+(r-o)/(2*a),c=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*o*(r+a)-(r-=a)*r-o*o))/(2*a);e.x=n.x+l*i+c*u,e.y=n.y+l*u-c*i}else e.x=n.x+r,e.y=n.y}function Li(n,t){return n.parent==t.parent?1:2}function qi(n){var t=n.children;return t.length?t[0]:n.t}function Ti(n){var t,e=n.children;return(t=e.length)?e[t-1]:n.t}function Ri(n,t,e){var r=e/(t.i-n.i);t.c-=r,t.s+=e,n.c+=r,t.z+=e,t.m+=e}function Di(n){for(var t,e=0,r=0,i=n.children,u=i.length;--u>=0;)t=i[u],t.z+=e,t.m+=e,e+=t.s+(r+=t.c)}function Pi(n,t,e){return n.a.parent===t.parent?n.a:e}function Ui(n){return 1+ao.max(n,function(n){return n.y})}function ji(n){return n.reduce(function(n,t){return n+t.x},0)/n.length}function Fi(n){var t=n.children;return t&&t.length?Fi(t[0]):n}function Hi(n){var t,e=n.children;return e&&(t=e.length)?Hi(e[t-1]):n}function Oi(n){return{x:n.x,y:n.y,dx:n.dx,dy:n.dy}}function Ii(n,t){var e=n.x+t[3],r=n.y+t[0],i=n.dx-t[1]-t[3],u=n.dy-t[0]-t[2];return 0>i&&(e+=i/2,i=0),0>u&&(r+=u/2,u=0),{x:e,y:r,dx:i,dy:u}}function Yi(n){var t=n[0],e=n[n.length-1];return e>t?[t,e]:[e,t]}function Zi(n){return n.rangeExtent?n.rangeExtent():Yi(n.range())}function Vi(n,t,e,r){var i=e(n[0],n[1]),u=r(t[0],t[1]);return function(n){return u(i(n))}}function Xi(n,t){var e,r=0,i=n.length-1,u=n[r],o=n[i];return u>o&&(e=r,r=i,i=e,e=u,u=o,o=e),n[r]=t.floor(u),n[i]=t.ceil(o),n}function $i(n){return n?{floor:function(t){return Math.floor(t/n)*n},ceil:function(t){return Math.ceil(t/n)*n}}:Sl}function Bi(n,t,e,r){var i=[],u=[],o=0,a=Math.min(n.length,t.length)-1;for(n[a]<n[0]&&(n=n.slice().reverse(),t=t.slice().reverse());++o<=a;)i.push(e(n[o-1],n[o])),u.push(r(t[o-1],t[o]));return function(t){var e=ao.bisect(n,t,1,a)-1;return u[e](i[e](t))}}function Wi(n,t,e,r){function i(){var i=Math.min(n.length,t.length)>2?Bi:Vi,l=r?Wr:Br;return o=i(n,t,l,e),a=i(t,n,l,Mr),u}function u(n){return o(n)}var o,a;return u.invert=function(n){return a(n)},u.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(,i()):n},u.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,i()):t},u.rangeRound=function(n){return u.range(n).interpolate(Ur)},u.clamp=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,i()):r},u.interpolate=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,i()):e},u.ticks=function(t){return Qi(n,t)},u.tickFormat=function(t,e){return nu(n,t,e)},u.nice=function(t){return Gi(n,t),i()},u.copy=function(){return Wi(n,t,e,r)},i()}function Ji(n,t){return ao.rebind(n,t,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function Gi(n,t){return Xi(n,$i(Ki(n,t)[2])),Xi(n,$i(Ki(n,t)[2])),n}function Ki(n,t){null==t&&(t=10);var e=Yi(n),r=e[1]-e[0],i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/t)/Math.LN10)),u=t/r*i;return.15>=u?i*=10:.35>=u?i*=5:.75>=u&&(i*=2),e[0]=Math.ceil(e[0]/i)*i,e[1]=Math.floor(e[1]/i)*i+.5*i,e[2]=i,e}function Qi(n,t){return ao.range.apply(ao,Ki(n,t))}function nu(n,t,e){var r=Ki(n,t);if(e){var i=ha.exec(e);if(i.shift(),"s"===i[8]){var u=ao.formatPrefix(Math.max(xo(r[0]),xo(r[1])));return i[7]||(i[7]="."+tu(u.scale(r[2]))),i[8]="f",e=ao.format(i.join("")),function(n){return e(u.scale(n))+u.symbol}}i[7]||(i[7]="."+eu(i[8],r)),e=i.join("")}else e=",."+tu(r[2])+"f";return ao.format(e)}function tu(n){return-Math.floor(Math.log(n)/Math.LN10+.01)}function eu(n,t){var e=tu(t[2]);return n in kl?Math.abs(e-tu(Math.max(xo(t[0]),xo(t[1]))))+ +("e"!==n):e-2*("%"===n)}function ru(n,t,e,r){function i(n){return(e?Math.log(0>n?0:n):-Math.log(n>0?0:-n))/Math.log(t)}function u(n){return e?Math.pow(t,n):-Math.pow(t,-n)}function o(t){return n(i(t))}return o.invert=function(t){return u(n.invert(t))},o.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t[0]>=0,n.domain((,o):r},o.base=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=+e,n.domain(,o):t},o.nice=function(){var t=Xi(,e?Math:El);return n.domain(t),,o},o.ticks=function(){var n=Yi(r),o=[],a=n[0],l=n[1],c=Math.floor(i(a)),f=Math.ceil(i(l)),s=t%1?2:t;if(isFinite(f-c)){if(e){for(;f>c;c++)for(var h=1;s>h;h++)o.push(u(c)*h);o.push(u(c))}else for(o.push(u(c));c++<f;)for(var h=s-1;h>0;h--)o.push(u(c)*h);for(c=0;o[c]<a;c++);for(f=o.length;o[f-1]>l;f--);o=o.slice(c,f)}return o},o.tickFormat=function(n,e){if(!arguments.length)return Nl;arguments.length<2?e=Nl:"function"!=typeof e&&(e=ao.format(e));var r=Math.max(1,t*n/o.ticks().length);return function(n){var o=n/u(Math.round(i(n)));return t-.5>o*t&&(o*=t),r>=o?e(n):""}},o.copy=function(){return ru(n.copy(),t,e,r)},Ji(o,n)}function iu(n,t,e){function r(t){return n(i(t))}var i=uu(t),u=uu(1/t);return r.invert=function(t){return u(n.invert(t))},r.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(n.domain((,r):e},r.ticks=function(n){return Qi(e,n)},r.tickFormat=function(n,t){return nu(e,n,t)},r.nice=function(n){return r.domain(Gi(e,n))},r.exponent=function(o){return arguments.length?(i=uu(t=o),u=uu(1/t),n.domain(,r):t},r.copy=function(){return iu(n.copy(),t,e)},Ji(r,n)}function uu(n){return function(t){return 0>t?-Math.pow(-t,n):Math.pow(t,n)}}function ou(n,t){function e(e){return u[((i.get(e)||("range"===t.t?i.set(e,n.push(e)):NaN))-1)%u.length]}function r(t,e){return ao.range(n.length).map(function(n){return t+e*n})}var i,u,o;return e.domain=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=[],i=new c;for(var u,o=-1,a=r.length;++o<a;)i.has(u=r[o])||i.set(u,n.push(u));return e[t.t].apply(e,t.a)},e.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=n,o=0,t={t:"range",a:arguments},e):u},e.rangePoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],c=i[1],f=n.length<2?(l=(l+c)/2,0):(c-l)/(n.length-1+a);return u=r(l+f*a/2,f),o=0,t={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments},e},e.rangeRoundPoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],c=i[1],f=n.length<2?(l=c=Math.round((l+c)/2),0):(c-l)/(n.length-1+a)|0;return u=r(l+Math.round(f*a/2+(c-l-(n.length-1+a)*f)/2),f),o=0,t={t:"rangeRoundPoints",a:arguments},e},e.rangeBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0),arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var c=i[1]<i[0],f=i[c-0],s=i[1-c],h=(s-f)/(n.length-a+2*l);return u=r(f+h*l,h),c&&u.reverse(),o=h*(1-a),t={t:"rangeBands",a:arguments},e},e.rangeRoundBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0),arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var c=i[1]<i[0],f=i[c-0],s=i[1-c],h=Math.floor((s-f)/(n.length-a+2*l));return u=r(f+Math.round((s-f-(n.length-a)*h)/2),h),c&&u.reverse(),o=Math.round(h*(1-a)),t={t:"rangeRoundBands",a:arguments},e},e.rangeBand=function(){return o},e.rangeExtent=function(){return Yi(t.a[0])},e.copy=function(){return ou(n,t)},e.domain(n)}function au(n,t){function u(){var e=0,r=t.length;for(a=[];++e<r;)a[e-1]=ao.quantile(n,e/r);return o}function o(n){return isNaN(n=+n)?void 0:t[ao.bisect(a,n)]}var a;return o.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(,u()):n},o.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,u()):t},o.quantiles=function(){return a},o.invertExtent=function(e){return e=t.indexOf(e),0>e?[NaN,NaN]:[e>0?a[e-1]:n[0],e<a.length?a[e]:n[n.length-1]]},o.copy=function(){return au(n,t)},u()}function lu(n,t,e){function r(t){return e[Math.max(0,Math.min(o,Math.floor(u*(t-n))))]}function i(){return u=e.length/(t-n),o=e.length-1,r}var u,o;return r.domain=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=+e[0],t=+e[e.length-1],i()):[n,t]},r.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,i()):e},r.invertExtent=function(t){return t=e.indexOf(t),t=0>t?NaN:t/u+n,[t,t+1/u]},r.copy=function(){return lu(n,t,e)},i()}function cu(n,t){function e(e){return e>=e?t[ao.bisect(n,e)]:void 0}return e.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,e):t},e.invertExtent=function(e){return e=t.indexOf(e),[n[e-1],n[e]]},e.copy=function(){return cu(n,t)},e}function fu(n){function t(n){return+n}return t.invert=t,t.domain=t.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(,t):n},t.ticks=function(t){return Qi(n,t)},t.tickFormat=function(t,e){return nu(n,t,e)},t.copy=function(){return fu(n)},t}function su(){return 0}function hu(n){return n.innerRadius}function pu(n){return n.outerRadius}function gu(n){return n.startAngle}function vu(n){return n.endAngle}function du(n){return n&&n.padAngle}function yu(n,t,e,r){return(n-e)*t-(t-r)*n>0?0:1}function mu(n,t,e,r,i){var u=n[0]-t[0],o=n[1]-t[1],a=(i?r:-r)/Math.sqrt(u*u+o*o),l=a*o,c=-a*u,f=n[0]+l,s=n[1]+c,h=t[0]+l,p=t[1]+c,g=(f+h)/2,v=(s+p)/2,d=h-f,y=p-s,m=d*d+y*y,M=e-r,x=f*p-h*s,b=(0>y?-1:1)*Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,M*M*m-x*x)),_=(x*y-d*b)/m,w=(-x*d-y*b)/m,S=(x*y+d*b)/m,k=(-x*d+y*b)/m,N=_-g,E=w-v,A=S-g,C=k-v;return N*N+E*E>A*A+C*C&&(_=S,w=k),[[_-l,w-c],[_*e/M,w*e/M]]}function Mu(n){function t(t){function o(){c.push("M",u(n(f),a))}for(var l,c=[],f=[],s=-1,h=t.length,p=En(e),g=En(r);++s<h;),l=t[s],s)?f.push([,l,s),,l,s)]):f.length&&(o(),f=[]);return f.length&&o(),c.length?c.join(""):null}var e=Ce,r=ze,i=zt,u=xu,o=u.key,a=.7;return t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.defined=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,t):i},t.interpolate=function(n){return arguments.length?(o="function"==typeof n?u=n:(u=Tl.get(n)||xu).key,t):o},t.tension=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,t):a},t}function xu(n){return n.length>1?n.join("L"):n+"Z"}function bu(n){return n.join("L")+"Z"}function _u(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)i.push("H",(r[0]+(r=n[t])[0])/2,"V",r[1]);return e>1&&i.push("H",r[0]),i.join("")}function wu(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)i.push("V",(r=n[t])[1],"H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function Su(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)i.push("H",(r=n[t])[0],"V",r[1]);return i.join("")}function ku(n,t){return n.length<4?xu(n):n[1]+Au(n.slice(1,-1),Cu(n,t))}function Nu(n,t){return n.length<3?bu(n):n[0]+Au((n.push(n[0]),n),Cu([n[n.length-2]].concat(n,[n[1]]),t))}function Eu(n,t){return n.length<3?xu(n):n[0]+Au(n,Cu(n,t))}function Au(n,t){if(t.length<1||n.length!=t.length&&n.length!=t.length+2)return xu(n);var e=n.length!=t.length,r="",i=n[0],u=n[1],o=t[0],a=o,l=1;if(e&&(r+="Q"+(u[0]-2*o[0]/3)+","+(u[1]-2*o[1]/3)+","+u[0]+","+u[1],i=n[1],l=2),t.length>1){a=t[1],u=n[l],l++,r+="C"+(i[0]+o[0])+","+(i[1]+o[1])+","+(u[0]-a[0])+","+(u[1]-a[1])+","+u[0]+","+u[1];for(var c=2;c<t.length;c++,l++)u=n[l],a=t[c],r+="S"+(u[0]-a[0])+","+(u[1]-a[1])+","+u[0]+","+u[1]}if(e){var f=n[l];r+="Q"+(u[0]+2*a[0]/3)+","+(u[1]+2*a[1]/3)+","+f[0]+","+f[1]}return r}function Cu(n,t){for(var e,r=[],i=(1-t)/2,u=n[0],o=n[1],a=1,l=n.length;++a<l;)e=u,u=o,o=n[a],r.push([i*(o[0]-e[0]),i*(o[1]-e[1])]);return r}function zu(n){if(n.length<3)return xu(n);var t=1,e=n.length,r=n[0],i=r[0],u=r[1],o=[i,i,i,(r=n[1])[0]],a=[u,u,u,r[1]],l=[i,",",u,"L",Ru(Pl,o),",",Ru(Pl,a)];for(n.push(n[e-1]);++t<=e;)r=n[t],o.shift(),o.push(r[0]),a.shift(),a.push(r[1]),Du(l,o,a);return n.pop(),l.push("L",r),l.join("")}function Lu(n){if(n.length<4)return xu(n);for(var t,e=[],r=-1,i=n.length,u=[0],o=[0];++r<3;)t=n[r],u.push(t[0]),o.push(t[1]);for(e.push(Ru(Pl,u)+","+Ru(Pl,o)),--r;++r<i;)t=n[r],u.shift(),u.push(t[0]),o.shift(),o.push(t[1]),Du(e,u,o);return e.join("")}function qu(n){for(var t,e,r=-1,i=n.length,u=i+4,o=[],a=[];++r<4;)e=n[r%i],o.push(e[0]),a.push(e[1]);for(t=[Ru(Pl,o),",",Ru(Pl,a)],--r;++r<u;)e=n[r%i],o.shift(),o.push(e[0]),a.shift(),a.push(e[1]),Du(t,o,a);return t.join("")}function Tu(n,t){var e=n.length-1;if(e)for(var r,i,u=n[0][0],o=n[0][1],a=n[e][0]-u,l=n[e][1]-o,c=-1;++c<=e;)r=n[c],i=c/e,r[0]=t*r[0]+(1-t)*(u+i*a),r[1]=t*r[1]+(1-t)*(o+i*l);return zu(n)}function Ru(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]+n[2]*t[2]+n[3]*t[3]}function Du(n,t,e){n.push("C",Ru(Rl,t),",",Ru(Rl,e),",",Ru(Dl,t),",",Ru(Dl,e),",",Ru(Pl,t),",",Ru(Pl,e))}function Pu(n,t){return(t[1]-n[1])/(t[0]-n[0])}function Uu(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length-1,r=[],i=n[0],u=n[1],o=r[0]=Pu(i,u);++t<e;)r[t]=(o+(o=Pu(i=u,u=n[t+1])))/2;return r[t]=o,r}function ju(n){for(var t,e,r,i,u=[],o=Uu(n),a=-1,l=n.length-1;++a<l;)t=Pu(n[a],n[a+1]),xo(t)<Uo?o[a]=o[a+1]=0:(e=o[a]/t,r=o[a+1]/t,i=e*e+r*r,i>9&&(i=3*t/Math.sqrt(i),o[a]=i*e,o[a+1]=i*r));for(a=-1;++a<=l;)i=(n[Math.min(l,a+1)][0]-n[Math.max(0,a-1)][0])/(6*(1+o[a]*o[a])),u.push([i||0,o[a]*i||0]);return u}function Fu(n){return n.length<3?xu(n):n[0]+Au(n,ju(n))}function Hu(n){for(var t,e,r,i=-1,u=n.length;++i<u;)t=n[i],e=t[0],r=t[1]-Io,t[0]=e*Math.cos(r),t[1]=e*Math.sin(r);return n}function Ou(n){function t(t){function l(){v.push("M",a(n(y),s),f,c(n(d.reverse()),s),"Z")}for(var h,p,g,v=[],d=[],y=[],m=-1,M=t.length,x=En(e),b=En(i),_=e===r?function(){
return p}:En(r),w=i===u?function(){return g}:En(u);++m<M;),h=t[m],m)?(d.push([,h,m),,h,m)]),y.push([,h,m),,h,m)])):d.length&&(l(),d=[],y=[]);return d.length&&l(),v.length?v.join(""):null}var e=Ce,r=Ce,i=0,u=ze,o=zt,a=xu,l=a.key,c=a,f="L",s=.7;return t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=r=n,t):r},t.x0=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.x1=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=u=n,t):u},t.y0=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,t):i},t.y1=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=n,t):u},t.defined=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=n,t):o},t.interpolate=function(n){return arguments.length?(l="function"==typeof n?a=n:(a=Tl.get(n)||xu).key,c=a.reverse||a,f=a.closed?"M":"L",t):l},t.tension=function(n){return arguments.length?(s=n,t):s},t}function Iu(n){return n.radius}function Yu(n){return[n.x,n.y]}function Zu(n){return function(){var 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n/31536e6}),e)[2]]:u?t[i/Kl[u-1]<Kl[u]/i?u-1:u]:[tc,Ki(n,e)[2]]}return r.invert=function(t){return io(n.invert(t))},r.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(n.domain(t),r):n.domain().map(io)},r.nice=function(n,t){function e(e){return!isNaN(e)&&!n.range(e,io(+e+1),t).length}var u=r.domain(),o=Yi(u),a=null==n?i(o,10):"number"==typeof n&&i(o,n);return a&&(n=a[0],t=a[1]),r.domain(Xi(u,t>1?{floor:function(t){for(;e(t=n.floor(t));)t=io(t-1);return t},ceil:function(t){for(;e(t=n.ceil(t));)t=io(+t+1);return t}}:n))},r.ticks=function(n,t){var e=Yi(r.domain()),u=null==n?i(e,10):"number"==typeof n?i(e,n):!n.range&&[{range:n},t];return u&&(n=u[0],t=u[1]),n.range(e[0],io(+e[1]+1),1>t?1:t)},r.tickFormat=function(){return e},r.copy=function(){return ro(n.copy(),t,e)},Ji(r,n)}function io(n){return new Date(n)}function uo(n){return JSON.parse(n.responseText)}function oo(n){var t=fo.createRange();return t.selectNode(fo.body),t.createContextualFragment(n.responseText)}var 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shortDays:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],months:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],shortMonths:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]});ao.format=xa.numberFormat,ao.geo={},ft.prototype={s:0,t:0,add:function(n){st(n,this.t,ba),st(ba.s,this.s,this),this.s?this.t+=ba.t:this.s=ba.t},reset:function(){this.s=this.t=0},valueOf:function(){return this.s}};var ba=new ft;,t){n&&_a.hasOwnProperty(n.type)?_a[n.type](n,t):ht(n,t)};var _a={Feature:function(n,t){ht(n.geometry,t)},FeatureCollection:function(n,t){for(var e=n.features,r=-1,i=e.length;++r<i;)ht(e[r].geometry,t)}},wa={Sphere:function(n,t){t.sphere()},Point:function(n,t){n=n.coordinates,t.point(n[0],n[1],n[2])},MultiPoint:function(n,t){for(var e=n.coordinates,r=-1,i=e.length;++r<i;)n=e[r],t.point(n[0],n[1],n[2])},LineString:function(n,t){pt(n.coordinates,t,0)},MultiLineString:function(n,t){for(var e=n.coordinates,r=-1,i=e.length;++r<i;)pt(e[r],t,0)},Polygon:function(n,t){gt(n.coordinates,t)},MultiPolygon:function(n,t){for(var e=n.coordinates,r=-1,i=e.length;++r<i;)gt(e[r],t)},GeometryCollection:function(n,t){for(var e=n.geometries,r=-1,i=e.length;++r<i;)ht(e[r],t)}};ao.geo.area=function(n){return Sa=0,,Na),Sa};var Sa,ka=new ft,Na={sphere:function(){Sa+=4*Fo},point:b,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:function(){ka.reset(),Na.lineStart=vt},polygonEnd:function(){var n=2*ka;Sa+=0>n?4*Fo+n:n,Na.lineStart=Na.lineEnd=Na.point=b}};ao.geo.bounds=function(){function n(n,t){M.push(x=[f=n,h=n]),s>t&&(s=t),t>p&&(p=t)}function t(t,e){var r=dt([t*Yo,e*Yo]);if(y){var i=mt(y,r),u=[i[1],-i[0],0],o=mt(u,i);bt(o),o=_t(o);var l=t-g,c=l>0?1:-1,v=o[0]*Zo*c,d=xo(l)>180;if(d^(v>c*g&&c*t>v)){var m=o[1]*Zo;m>p&&(p=m)}else if(v=(v+360)%360-180,d^(v>c*g&&c*t>v)){var m=-o[1]*Zo;s>m&&(s=m)}else s>e&&(s=e),e>p&&(p=e);d?g>t?a(f,t)>a(f,h)&&(h=t):a(t,h)>a(f,h)&&(f=t):h>=f?(f>t&&(f=t),t>h&&(h=t)):t>g?a(f,t)>a(f,h)&&(h=t):a(t,h)>a(f,h)&&(f=t)}else n(t,e);y=r,g=t}function e(){b.point=t}function r(){x[0]=f,x[1]=h,b.point=n,y=null}function i(n,e){if(y){var r=n-g;m+=xo(r)>180?r+(r>0?360:-360):r}else v=n,d=e;Na.point(n,e),t(n,e)}function u(){Na.lineStart()}function o(){i(v,d),Na.lineEnd(),xo(m)>Uo&&(f=-(h=180)),x[0]=f,x[1]=h,y=null}function a(n,t){return(t-=n)<0?t+360:t}function l(n,t){return n[0]-t[0]}function c(n,t){return t[0]<=t[1]?t[0]<=n&&n<=t[1]:n<t[0]||t[1]<n}var f,s,h,p,g,v,d,y,m,M,x,b={point:n,lineStart:e,lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){b.point=i,b.lineStart=u,b.lineEnd=o,m=0,Na.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){Na.polygonEnd(),b.point=n,b.lineStart=e,b.lineEnd=r,0>ka?(f=-(h=180),s=-(p=90)):m>Uo?p=90:-Uo>m&&(s=-90),x[0]=f,x[1]=h}};return function(n){p=h=-(f=s=1/0),M=[],,b);var t=M.length;if(t){M.sort(l);for(var e,r=1,i=M[0],u=[i];t>r;++r)e=M[r],c(e[0],i)||c(e[1],i)?(a(i[0],e[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[1]=e[1]),a(e[0],i[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[0]=e[0])):u.push(i=e);for(var o,e,g=-(1/0),t=u.length-1,r=0,i=u[t];t>=r;i=e,++r)e=u[r],(o=a(i[1],e[0]))>g&&(g=o,f=e[0],h=i[1])}return M=x=null,f===1/0||s===1/0?[[NaN,NaN],[NaN,NaN]]:[[f,s],[h,p]]}}(),ao.geo.centroid=function(n){Ea=Aa=Ca=za=La=qa=Ta=Ra=Da=Pa=Ua=0,,ja);var t=Da,e=Pa,r=Ua,i=t*t+e*e+r*r;return jo>i&&(t=qa,e=Ta,r=Ra,Uo>Aa&&(t=Ca,e=za,r=La),i=t*t+e*e+r*r,jo>i)?[NaN,NaN]:[Math.atan2(e,t)*Zo,tn(r/Math.sqrt(i))*Zo]};var Ea,Aa,Ca,za,La,qa,Ta,Ra,Da,Pa,Ua,ja={sphere:b,point:St,lineStart:Nt,lineEnd:Et,polygonStart:function(){ja.lineStart=At},polygonEnd:function(){ja.lineStart=Nt}},Fa=Rt(zt,jt,Ht,[-Fo,-Fo/2]),Ha=1e9;ao.geo.clipExtent=function(){var n,t,e,r,i,u,o={stream:function(n){return i&&(i.valid=!1),i=u(n),i.valid=!0,i},extent:function(a){return arguments.length?(u=Zt(n=+a[0][0],t=+a[0][1],e=+a[1][0],r=+a[1][1]),i&&(i.valid=!1,i=null),o):[[n,t],[e,r]]}};return o.extent([[0,0],[960,500]])},(ao.geo.conicEqualArea=function(){return Vt(Xt)}).raw=Xt,ao.geo.albers=function(){return ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96,0]).center([-.6,38.7]).parallels([29.5,45.5]).scale(1070)},ao.geo.albersUsa=function(){function n(n){var u=n[0],o=n[1];return t=null,e(u,o),t||(r(u,o),t)||i(u,o),t}var t,e,r,i,u=ao.geo.albers(),o=ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154,0]).center([-2,58.5]).parallels([55,65]),a=ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157,0]).center([-3,19.9]).parallels([8,18]),l={point:function(n,e){t=[n,e]}};return n.invert=function(n){var t=u.scale(),e=u.translate(),r=(n[0]-e[0])/t,i=(n[1]-e[1])/t;return(i>=.12&&.234>i&&r>=-.425&&-.214>r?o:i>=.166&&.234>i&&r>=-.214&&-.115>r?a:u).invert(n)},{var,,;return{point:function(n,i){t.point(n,i),e.point(n,i),r.point(n,i)},sphere:function(){t.sphere(),e.sphere(),r.sphere()},lineStart:function(){t.lineStart(),e.lineStart(),r.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd(),e.lineEnd(),r.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart(),e.polygonStart(),r.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd(),e.polygonEnd(),r.polygonEnd()}}},n.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(u.precision(t),o.precision(t),a.precision(t),n):u.precision()},n.scale=function(t){return arguments.length?(u.scale(t),o.scale(.35*t),a.scale(t),n.translate(u.translate())):u.scale()},n.translate=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return u.translate();var c=u.scale(),f=+t[0],s=+t[1];return e=u.translate(t).clipExtent([[f-.455*c,s-.238*c],[f+.455*c,s+.238*c]]).stream(l).point,r=o.translate([f-.307*c,s+.201*c]).clipExtent([[f-.425*c+Uo,s+.12*c+Uo],[f-.214*c-Uo,s+.234*c-Uo]]).stream(l).point,i=a.translate([f-.205*c,s+.212*c]).clipExtent([[f-.214*c+Uo,s+.166*c+Uo],[f-.115*c-Uo,s+.234*c-Uo]]).stream(l).point,n},n.scale(1070)};var Oa,Ia,Ya,Za,Va,Xa,$a={point:b,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:function(){Ia=0,$a.lineStart=$t},polygonEnd:function(){$a.lineStart=$a.lineEnd=$a.point=b,Oa+=xo(Ia/2)}},Ba={point:Bt,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:b,polygonEnd:b},Wa={point:Gt,lineStart:Kt,lineEnd:Qt,polygonStart:function(){Wa.lineStart=ne},polygonEnd:function(){Wa.point=Gt,Wa.lineStart=Kt,Wa.lineEnd=Qt}};ao.geo.path=function(){function n(n){return n&&("function"==typeof a&&u.pointRadius(+a.apply(this,arguments)),o&&o.valid||(o=i(u)),,o)),u.result()}function t(){return o=null,n}var e,r,i,u,o,a=4.5;return n.area=function(n){return Oa=0,,i($a)),Oa},n.centroid=function(n){return Ca=za=La=qa=Ta=Ra=Da=Pa=Ua=0,,i(Wa)),Ua?[Da/Ua,Pa/Ua]:Ra?[qa/Ra,Ta/Ra]:La?[Ca/La,za/La]:[NaN,NaN]},n.bounds=function(n){return Va=Xa=-(Ya=Za=1/0),,i(Ba)),[[Ya,Za],[Va,Xa]]},n.projection=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=(e=n)?||re(n):m,t()):e},n.context=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=null==(r=n)?new Wt:new te(n),"function"!=typeof a&&u.pointRadius(a),t()):r},n.pointRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(a="function"==typeof t?t:(u.pointRadius(+t),+t),n):a},n.projection(ao.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)},ao.geo.transform=function(n){return{stream:function(t){var e=new ie(t);for(var r in n)e[r]=n[r];return e}}},ie.prototype={point:function(n,t){,t)},sphere:function(){},lineStart:function(){},lineEnd:function(){},polygonStart:function(){},polygonEnd:function(){}},ao.geo.projection=oe,ao.geo.projectionMutator=ae,(ao.geo.equirectangular=function(){return oe(ce)}).raw=ce.invert=ce,ao.geo.rotation=function(n){function t(t){return t=n(t[0]*Yo,t[1]*Yo),t[0]*=Zo,t[1]*=Zo,t}return n=se(n[0]%360*Yo,n[1]*Yo,n.length>2?n[2]*Yo:0),t.invert=function(t){return t=n.invert(t[0]*Yo,t[1]*Yo),t[0]*=Zo,t[1]*=Zo,t},t},fe.invert=ce,{function n(){var n="function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r,t=se(-n[0]*Yo,-n[1]*Yo,0).invert,i=[];return e(null,null,1,{point:function(n,e){i.push(n=t(n,e)),n[0]*=Zo,n[1]*=Zo}}),{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[i]}}var t,e,r=[0,0],i=6;return n.origin=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.angle=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=ve((t=+r)*Yo,i*Yo),n):t},n.precision=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=ve(t*Yo,(i=+r)*Yo),n):i},n.angle(90)},ao.geo.distance=function(n,t){var e,r=(t[0]-n[0])*Yo,i=n[1]*Yo,u=t[1]*Yo,o=Math.sin(r),a=Math.cos(r),l=Math.sin(i),c=Math.cos(i),f=Math.sin(u),s=Math.cos(u);return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((e=s*o)*e+(e=c*f-l*s*a)*e),l*f+c*s*a)},ao.geo.graticule=function(){function n(){return{type:"MultiLineString",coordinates:t()}}function t(){return ao.range(Math.ceil(u/d)*d,i,d).map(h).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(c/y)*y,l,y).map(p)).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(r/g)*g,e,g).filter(function(n){return xo(n%d)>Uo}).map(f)).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(a/v)*v,o,v).filter(function(n){return xo(n%y)>Uo}).map(s))}var e,r,i,u,o,a,l,c,f,s,h,p,g=10,v=g,d=90,y=360,m=2.5;return n.lines=function(){return t().map(function(n){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:n}})},n.outline=function(){return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[h(u).concat(p(l).slice(1),h(i).reverse().slice(1),p(c).reverse().slice(1))]}},n.extent=function(t){return arguments.length?n.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t):n.minorExtent()},n.majorExtent=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=+t[0][0],i=+t[1][0],c=+t[0][1],l=+t[1][1],u>i&&(t=u,u=i,i=t),c>l&&(t=c,c=l,l=t),n.precision(m)):[[u,c],[i,l]]},n.minorExtent=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=+t[0][0],e=+t[1][0],a=+t[0][1],o=+t[1][1],r>e&&(t=r,r=e,e=t),a>o&&(t=a,a=o,o=t),n.precision(m)):[[r,a],[e,o]]},n.step=function(t){return arguments.length?n.majorStep(t).minorStep(t):n.minorStep()},n.majorStep=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=+t[0],y=+t[1],n):[d,y]},n.minorStep=function(t){return arguments.length?(g=+t[0],v=+t[1],n):[g,v]},n.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(m=+t,f=ye(a,o,90),s=me(r,e,m),h=ye(c,l,90),p=me(u,i,m),n):m},n.majorExtent([[-180,-90+Uo],[180,90-Uo]]).minorExtent([[-180,-80-Uo],[180,80+Uo]])},ao.geo.greatArc=function(){function n(){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:[t||r.apply(this,arguments),e||i.apply(this,arguments)]}}var t,e,r=Me,i=xe;return n.distance=function(){return ao.geo.distance(t||r.apply(this,arguments),e||i.apply(this,arguments))},n.source=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t="function"==typeof e?null:e,n):r},{return arguments.length?(i=t,e="function"==typeof t?null:t,n):i},n.precision=function(){return arguments.length?n:0},n},ao.geo.interpolate=function(n,t){return be(n[0]*Yo,n[1]*Yo,t[0]*Yo,t[1]*Yo)},ao.geo.length=function(n){return Ja=0,,Ga),Ja};var Ja,Ga={sphere:b,point:b,lineStart:_e,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:b,polygonEnd:b},Ka=we(function(n){return Math.sqrt(2/(1+n))},function(n){return 2*Math.asin(n/2)});(ao.geo.azimuthalEqualArea=function(){return oe(Ka)}).raw=Ka;var Qa=we(function(n){var t=Math.acos(n);return t&&t/Math.sin(t)},m);(ao.geo.azimuthalEquidistant=function(){return oe(Qa)}).raw=Qa,(ao.geo.conicConformal=function(){return Vt(Se)}).raw=Se,(ao.geo.conicEquidistant=function(){return Vt(ke)}).raw=ke;var nl=we(function(n){return 1/n},Math.atan);(ao.geo.gnomonic=function(){return oe(nl)}).raw=nl,Ne.invert=function(n,t){return[n,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(t))-Io]},(ao.geo.mercator=function(){return Ee(Ne)}).raw=Ne;var tl=we(function(){return 1},Math.asin);(ao.geo.orthographic=function(){return oe(tl)}).raw=tl;var el=we(function(n){return 1/(1+n)},function(n){return 2*Math.atan(n)});(ao.geo.stereographic=function(){return oe(el)}).raw=el,Ae.invert=function(n,t){return[-t,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(n))-Io]},(ao.geo.transverseMercator=function(){var n=Ee(Ae),,e=n.rotate;return{return n?t([-n[1],n[0]]):(n=t(),[n[1],-n[0]])},n.rotate=function(n){return n?e([n[0],n[1],n.length>2?n[2]+90:90]):(n=e(),[n[0],n[1],n[2]-90])},e([0,0,90])}).raw=Ae,ao.geom={},ao.geom.hull=function(n){function t(n){if(n.length<3)return[];var t,i=En(e),u=En(r),o=n.length,a=[],l=[];for(t=0;o>t;t++)a.push([,n[t],t),,n[t],t),t]);for(a.sort(qe),t=0;o>t;t++)l.push([a[t][0],-a[t][1]]);var c=Le(a),f=Le(l),s=f[0]===c[0],h=f[f.length-1]===c[c.length-1],p=[];for(t=c.length-1;t>=0;--t)p.push(n[a[c[t]][2]]);for(t=+s;t<f.length-h;++t)p.push(n[a[f[t]][2]]);return p}var e=Ce,r=ze;return arguments.length?t(n):(t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t)},ao.geom.polygon=function(n){return ko(n,rl),n};var rl=ao.geom.polygon.prototype=[];rl.area=function(){for(var n,t=-1,e=this.length,r=this[e-1],i=0;++t<e;)n=r,r=this[t],i+=n[1]*r[0]-n[0]*r[1];return.5*i},rl.centroid=function(n){var t,e,r=-1,i=this.length,u=0,o=0,a=this[i-1];for(arguments.length||(n=-1/(6*this.area()));++r<i;)t=a,a=this[r],e=t[0]*a[1]-a[0]*t[1],u+=(t[0]+a[0])*e,o+=(t[1]+a[1])*e;return[u*n,o*n]},rl.clip=function(n){for(var t,e,r,i,u,o,a=De(n),l=-1,c=this.length-De(this),f=this[c-1];++l<c;){for(t=n.slice(),n.length=0,i=this[l],u=t[(r=t.length-a)-1],e=-1;++e<r;)o=t[e],Te(o,f,i)?(Te(u,f,i)||n.push(Re(u,o,f,i)),n.push(o)):Te(u,f,i)&&n.push(Re(u,o,f,i)),u=o;a&&n.push(n[0]),f=i}return n};var il,ul,ol,al,ll,cl=[],fl=[];Ye.prototype.prepare=function(){for(var n,t=this.edges,e=t.length;e--;)n=t[e].edge,n.b&&n.a||t.splice(e,1);return t.sort(Ve),t.length},tr.prototype={start:function(){return},end:function(){return}},er.prototype={insert:function(n,t){var e,r,i;if(n){if(t.P=n,t.N=n.N,n.N&&(n.N.P=t),n.N=t,n.R){for(n=n.R;n.L;)n=n.L;n.L=t}else n.R=t;e=n}else this._?(n=or(this._),t.P=null,t.N=n,n.P=n.L=t,e=n):(t.P=t.N=null,this._=t,e=null);for(t.L=t.R=null,t.U=e,t.C=!0,n=t;e&&e.C;)r=e.U,e===r.L?(i=r.R,i&&i.C?(e.C=i.C=!1,r.C=!0,n=r):(n===e.R&&(ir(this,e),n=e,e=n.U),e.C=!1,r.C=!0,ur(this,r))):(i=r.L,i&&i.C?(e.C=i.C=!1,r.C=!0,n=r):(n===e.L&&(ur(this,e),n=e,e=n.U),e.C=!1,r.C=!0,ir(this,r))),e=n.U;this._.C=!1},remove:function(n){n.N&&(n.N.P=n.P),n.P&&(n.P.N=n.N),n.N=n.P=null;var t,e,r,i=n.U,u=n.L,o=n.R;if(e=u?o?or(o):u:o,i?i.L===n?i.L=e:i.R=e:this._=e,u&&o?(r=e.C,e.C=n.C,e.L=u,u.U=e,e!==o?(i=e.U,e.U=n.U,n=e.R,i.L=n,e.R=o,o.U=e):(e.U=i,i=e,n=e.R)):(r=n.C,n=e),n&&(n.U=i),!r){if(n&&n.C)return void(n.C=!1);do{if(n===this._)break;if(n===i.L){if(t=i.R,t.C&&(t.C=!1,i.C=!0,ir(this,i),t=i.R),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.R&&t.R.C||(t.L.C=!1,t.C=!0,ur(this,t),t=i.R),t.C=i.C,i.C=t.R.C=!1,ir(this,i),n=this._;break}}else if(t=i.L,t.C&&(t.C=!1,i.C=!0,ur(this,i),t=i.L),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.L&&t.L.C||(t.R.C=!1,t.C=!0,ir(this,t),t=i.L),t.C=i.C,i.C=t.L.C=!1,ur(this,i),n=this._;break}t.C=!0,n=i,i=i.U}while(!n.C);n&&(n.C=!1)}}},ao.geom.voronoi=function(n){function t(n){var t=new Array(n.length),r=a[0][0],i=a[0][1],u=a[1][0],o=a[1][1];return ar(e(n),a).cells.forEach(function(e,a){var l=e.edges,,f=t[a]=l.length?{var t=n.start();return[t.x,t.y]}):c.x>=r&&c.x<=u&&c.y>=i&&c.y<=o?[[r,o],[u,o],[u,i],[r,i]]:[];f.point=n[a]}),t}function e(n){return,t){return{x:Math.round(u(n,t)/Uo)*Uo,y:Math.round(o(n,t)/Uo)*Uo,i:t}})}var r=Ce,i=ze,u=r,o=i,a=sl;return n?t(n):(t.links=function(n){return ar(e(n)).edges.filter(function(n){return n.l&&n.r}).map(function(t){return{source:n[t.l.i],target:n[t.r.i]}})},t.triangles=function(n){var t=[];return ar(e(n)).cells.forEach(function(e,r){for(var i,u,,a=e.edges.sort(Ve),l=-1,c=a.length,f=a[c-1].edge,s=f.l===o?f.r:f.l;++l<c;)i=f,u=s,f=a[l].edge,s=f.l===o?f.r:f.l,r<u.i&&r<s.i&&cr(o,u,s)<0&&t.push([n[r],n[u.i],n[s.i]])}),t},t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=En(r=n),t):r},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=En(i=n),t):i},t.clipExtent=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=null==n?sl:n,t):a===sl?null:a},t.size=function(n){return arguments.length?t.clipExtent(n&&[[0,0],n]):a===sl?null:a&&a[1]},t)};var sl=[[-1e6,-1e6],[1e6,1e6]];ao.geom.delaunay=function(n){return ao.geom.voronoi().triangles(n)},ao.geom.quadtree=function(n,t,e,r,i){function u(n){function u(n,t,e,r,i,u,o,a){if(!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(r))if(n.leaf){var l=n.x,f=n.y;if(null!=l)if(xo(l-e)+xo(f-r)<.01)c(n,t,e,r,i,u,o,a);else{var s=n.point;n.x=n.y=n.point=null,c(n,s,l,f,i,u,o,a),c(n,t,e,r,i,u,o,a)}else n.x=e,n.y=r,n.point=t}else c(n,t,e,r,i,u,o,a)}function c(n,t,e,r,i,o,a,l){var c=.5*(i+a),f=.5*(o+l),s=e>=c,h=r>=f,p=h<<1|s;n.leaf=!1,n=n.nodes[p]||(n.nodes[p]=hr()),s?i=c:a=c,h?o=f:l=f,u(n,t,e,r,i,o,a,l)}var f,s,h,p,g,v,d,y,m,M=En(a),x=En(l);if(null!=t)v=t,d=e,y=r,m=i;else if(y=m=-(v=d=1/0),s=[],h=[],g=n.length,o)for(p=0;g>p;++p)f=n[p],f.x<v&&(v=f.x),f.y<d&&(d=f.y),f.x>y&&(y=f.x),f.y>m&&(m=f.y),s.push(f.x),h.push(f.y);else for(p=0;g>p;++p){var b=+M(f=n[p],p),_=+x(f,p);v>b&&(v=b),d>_&&(d=_),b>y&&(y=b),_>m&&(m=_),s.push(b),h.push(_)}var w=y-v,S=m-d;w>S?m=d+w:y=v+S;var k=hr();if(k.add=function(n){u(k,n,+M(n,++p),+x(n,p),v,d,y,m)},k.visit=function(n){pr(n,k,v,d,y,m)},k.find=function(n){return gr(k,n[0],n[1],v,d,y,m)},p=-1,null==t){for(;++p<g;)u(k,n[p],s[p],h[p],v,d,y,m);--p}else n.forEach(k.add);return s=h=n=f=null,k}var o,a=Ce,l=ze;return(o=arguments.length)?(a=fr,l=sr,3===o&&(i=e,r=t,e=t=0),u(n)):(u.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,u):a},u.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(l=n,u):l},u.extent=function(n){return arguments.length?(null==n?t=e=r=i=null:(t=+n[0][0],e=+n[0][1],r=+n[1][0],i=+n[1][1]),u):null==t?null:[[t,e],[r,i]]},u.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(null==n?t=e=r=i=null:(t=e=0,r=+n[0],i=+n[1]),u):null==t?null:[r-t,i-e]},u)},ao.interpolateRgb=vr,ao.interpolateObject=dr,ao.interpolateNumber=yr,ao.interpolateString=mr;var hl=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,pl=new RegExp(hl.source,"g");ao.interpolate=Mr,ao.interpolators=[function(n,t){var e=typeof t;return("string"===e?ua.has(t.toLowerCase())||/^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/i.test(t)?vr:mr:t instanceof an?vr:Array.isArray(t)?xr:"object"===e&&isNaN(t)?dr:yr)(n,t)}],ao.interpolateArray=xr;var gl=function(){return m},{linear:gl,poly:Er,quad:function(){return Sr},cubic:function(){return kr},sin:function(){return Ar},exp:function(){return Cr},circle:function(){return zr},elastic:Lr,back:qr,bounce:function(){return Tr}}),{"in":m,out:_r,"in-out":wr,"out-in":function(n){return wr(_r(n))}});ao.ease=function(n){var t=n.indexOf("-"),e=t>=0?n.slice(0,t):n,r=t>=0?n.slice(t+1):"in";return e=vl.get(e)||gl,r=dl.get(r)||m,br(r(e.apply(null,,1))))},ao.interpolateHcl=Rr,ao.interpolateHsl=Dr,ao.interpolateLab=Pr,ao.interpolateRound=Ur,ao.transform=function(n){var t=fo.createElementNS(ao.ns.prefix.svg,"g");return(ao.transform=function(n){if(null!=n){t.setAttribute("transform",n);var e=t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()}return new jr(e?e.matrix:yl)})(n)},jr.prototype.toString=function(){return"translate("+this.translate+")rotate("+this.rotate+")skewX("+this.skew+")scale("+this.scale+")"};var yl={a:1,b:0,c:0,d:1,e:0,f:0};ao.interpolateTransform=$r,ao.layout={},ao.layout.bundle=function(){return function(n){for(var t=[],e=-1,r=n.length;++e<r;)t.push(Jr(n[e]));return t}},ao.layout.chord=function(){function n(){var n,c,s,h,p,g={},v=[],d=ao.range(u),y=[];for(e=[],r=[],n=0,h=-1;++h<u;){for(c=0,p=-1;++p<u;)c+=i[h][p];v.push(c),y.push(ao.range(u)),n+=c}for(o&&d.sort(function(n,t){return o(v[n],v[t])}),a&&y.forEach(function(n,t){n.sort(function(n,e){return a(i[t][n],i[t][e])})}),n=(Ho-f*u)/n,c=0,h=-1;++h<u;){for(s=c,p=-1;++p<u;){var m=d[h],M=y[m][p],x=i[m][M],b=c,_=c+=x*n;g[m+"-"+M]={index:m,subindex:M,startAngle:b,endAngle:_,value:x}}r[m]={index:m,startAngle:s,endAngle:c,value:v[m]},c+=f}for(h=-1;++h<u;)for(p=h-1;++p<u;){var w=g[h+"-"+p],S=g[p+"-"+h];(w.value||S.value)&&e.push(w.value<S.value?{source:S,target:w}:{source:w,target:S})}l&&t()}function t(){e.sort(function(n,t){return l((,(})}var e,r,i,u,o,a,l,c={},f=0;return c.matrix=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=(i=n)&&i.length,e=r=null,c):i},c.padding=function(n){return arguments.length?(f=n,e=r=null,c):f},c.sortGroups=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=n,e=r=null,c):o},c.sortSubgroups=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,e=null,c):a},c.sortChords=function(n){return arguments.length?(l=n,e&&t(),c):l},c.chords=function(){return e||n(),e},c.groups=function(){return r||n(),r},c},ao.layout.force=function(){function n(n){return function(t,e,r,i){if(t.point!==n){var,,a=i-e,l=u*u+o*o;if(l>a*a/y){if(v>l){var c=t.charge/l;n.px-=u*c,*c}return!0}if(t.point&&l&&v>l){var c=t.pointCharge/l;n.px-=u*c,*c}}return!t.charge}}function t(n){n.px=ao.event.x,,l.resume()}var e,r,i,u,o,a,l={},c=ao.dispatch("start","tick","end"),f=[1,1],s=.9,h=ml,p=Ml,g=-30,v=xl,d=.1,y=.64,M=[],x=[];return l.tick=function(){if((i*=.99)<.005)return e=null,c.end({type:"end",alpha:i=0}),!0;var t,r,l,h,p,v,y,m,b,_=M.length,w=x.length;for(r=0;w>r;++r)l=x[r],h=l.source,,m=p.x-h.x,b=p.y-h.y,(v=m*m+b*b)&&(v=i*o[r]*((v=Math.sqrt(v))-u[r])/v,m*=v,b*=v,p.x-=m*(y=h.weight+p.weight?h.weight/(h.weight+p.weight):.5),p.y-=b*y,h.x+=m*(y=1-y),h.y+=b*y);if((y=i*d)&&(m=f[0]/2,b=f[1]/2,r=-1,y))for(;++r<_;)l=M[r],l.x+=(m-l.x)*y,l.y+=(b-l.y)*y;if(g)for(ri(t=ao.geom.quadtree(M),i,a),r=-1;++r<_;)(l=M[r]).fixed||t.visit(n(l));for(r=-1;++r<_;)l=M[r],l.fixed?(l.x=l.px,*s,l.y-=(*s);c.tick({type:"tick",alpha:i})},l.nodes=function(n){return arguments.length?(M=n,l):M},l.links=function(n){return arguments.length?(x=n,l):x},l.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(f=n,l):f},l.linkDistance=function(n){return arguments.length?(h="function"==typeof n?n:+n,l):h},l.distance=l.linkDistance,l.linkStrength=function(n){return arguments.length?(p="function"==typeof n?n:+n,l):p},l.friction=function(n){return arguments.length?(s=+n,l):s},l.charge=function(n){return arguments.length?(g="function"==typeof n?n:+n,l):g},l.chargeDistance=function(n){return arguments.length?(v=n*n,l):Math.sqrt(v)},l.gravity=function(n){return arguments.length?(d=+n,l):d},l.theta=function(n){return arguments.length?(y=n*n,l):Math.sqrt(y)},l.alpha=function(n){return arguments.length?(n=+n,i?n>0?i=n:(e.c=null,e.t=NaN,e=null,c.end({type:"end",alpha:i=0})):n>0&&(c.start({type:"start",alpha:i=n}),e=qn(l.tick)),l):i},l.start=function(){function n(n,r){if(!e){for(e=new Array(i),l=0;i>l;++l)e[l]=[];for(l=0;c>l;++l){var u=x[l];e[u.source.index].push(,e[].push(u.source)}}for(var o,a=e[t],l=-1,f=a.length;++l<f;)if(!isNaN(o=a[l][n]))return o;return Math.random()*r}var t,e,r,i=M.length,c=x.length,s=f[0],v=f[1];for(t=0;i>t;++t)(r=M[t]).index=t,r.weight=0;for(t=0;c>t;++t)r=x[t],"number"==typeof r.source&&(r.source=M[r.source]),"number"==typeof[]),++r.source.weight,;for(t=0;i>t;++t)r=M[t],isNaN(r.x)&&(r.x=n("x",s)),isNaN(r.y)&&(r.y=n("y",v)),isNaN(r.px)&&(r.px=r.x),isNaN(;if(u=[],"function"==typeof h)for(t=0;c>t;++t)u[t],x[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)u[t]=h;if(o=[],"function"==typeof p)for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t],x[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t]=p;if(a=[],"function"==typeof g)for(t=0;i>t;++t)a[t],M[t],t);else for(t=0;i>t;++t)a[t]=g;return l.resume()},l.resume=function(){return l.alpha(.1)},l.stop=function(){return l.alpha(0)},l.drag=function(){return r||(r=ao.behavior.drag().origin(m).on("dragstart.force",Qr).on("drag.force",t).on("dragend.force",ni)),arguments.length?void this.on("mouseover.force",ti).on("mouseout.force",ei).call(r):r},ao.rebind(l,c,"on")};var ml=20,Ml=1,xl=1/0;ao.layout.hierarchy=function(){function n(i){var u,o=[i],a=[];for(i.depth=0;null!=(u=o.pop());)if(a.push(u),(,u,u.depth))&&(l=c.length)){for(var l,c,f;--l>=0;)o.push(f=c[l]),f.parent=u,f.depth=u.depth+1;r&&(u.value=0),u.children=c}else r&&(,u,u.depth)||0),delete u.children;return oi(i,function(n){var e,i;t&&(e=n.children)&&e.sort(t),r&&(i=n.parent)&&(i.value+=n.value)}),a}var t=ci,e=ai,r=li;return n.sort=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.children=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.revalue=function(t){return r&&(ui(t,function(n){n.children&&(n.value=0)}),oi(t,function(t){var e;t.children||(,t,t.depth)||0),(e=t.parent)&&(e.value+=t.value)})),t},n},ao.layout.partition=function(){function n(t,e,r,i){var u=t.children;if(t.x=e,t.y=t.depth*i,t.dx=r,t.dy=i,u&&(o=u.length)){var o,a,l,c=-1;for(r=t.value?r/t.value:0;++c<o;)n(a=u[c],e,l=a.value*r,i),e+=l}}function t(n){var e=n.children,r=0;if(e&&(i=e.length))for(var i,u=-1;++u<i;)r=Math.max(r,t(e[u]));return 1+r}function e(e,u){var,e,u);return n(o[0],0,i[0],i[1]/t(o[0])),o}var r=ao.layout.hierarchy(),i=[1,1];return e.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,e):i},ii(e,r)},ao.layout.pie=function(){function n(o){var a,l=o.length,,r){,e,r)}),f=+("function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r),s=("function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):i)-f,h=Math.min(Math.abs(s)/l,+("function"==typeof u?u.apply(this,arguments):u)),p=h*(0>s?-1:1),g=ao.sum(c),v=g?(s-l*p)/g:0,d=ao.range(l),y=[];return null!=e&&d.sort(e===bl?function(n,t){return c[t]-c[n]}:function(n,t){return e(o[n],o[t])}),d.forEach(function(n){y[n]={data:o[n],value:a=c[n],startAngle:f,endAngle:f+=a*v+p,padAngle:h}}),y}var t=Number,e=bl,r=0,i=Ho,u=0;return n.value=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.sort=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.startAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.endAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n.padAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n};var bl={};ao.layout.stack=function(){function n(a,l){if(!(h=a.length))return a;var,r){return,e,r)}),{return,e){return[,t,e),,t,e)]})}),,f,l);c=ao.permute(c,s),f=ao.permute(f,s);var h,p,g,v,,f,l),y=c[0].length;for(g=0;y>g;++g)for(,c[0][g],v=d[g],f[0][g][1]),p=1;h>p;++p),c[p][g],v+=f[p-1][g][1],f[p][g][1]);return a}var t=m,e=gi,r=vi,i=pi,u=si,o=hi;return n.values=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.order=function(t){return arguments.length?(e="function"==typeof t?t:_l.get(t)||gi,n):e},n.offset=function(t){return arguments.length?(r="function"==typeof t?t:wl.get(t)||vi,n):r},n.x=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n.y=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=t,n):o},n.out=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n};var{"inside-out":function(n){var t,e,r=n.length,,,o=ao.range(r).sort(function(n,t){return i[n]-i[t]}),a=0,l=0,c=[],f=[];for(t=0;r>t;++t)e=o[t],l>a?(a+=u[e],c.push(e)):(l+=u[e],f.push(e));return f.reverse().concat(c)},reverse:function(n){return ao.range(n.length).reverse()},"default":gi}),{silhouette:function(n){var t,e,r,i=n.length,u=n[0].length,o=[],a=0,l=[];for(e=0;u>e;++e){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=n[t][e][1];r>a&&(a=r),o.push(r)}for(e=0;u>e;++e)l[e]=(a-o[e])/2;return l},wiggle:function(n){var t,e,r,i,u,o,a,l,c,f=n.length,s=n[0],h=s.length,p=[];for(p[0]=l=c=0,e=1;h>e;++e){for(t=0,i=0;f>t;++t)i+=n[t][e][1];for(t=0,u=0,a=s[e][0]-s[e-1][0];f>t;++t){for(r=0,o=(n[t][e][1]-n[t][e-1][1])/(2*a);t>r;++r)o+=(n[r][e][1]-n[r][e-1][1])/a;u+=o*n[t][e][1]}p[e]=l-=i?u/i*a:0,c>l&&(c=l)}for(e=0;h>e;++e)p[e]-=c;return p},expand:function(n){var t,e,r,i=n.length,u=n[0].length,o=1/i,a=[];for(e=0;u>e;++e){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=n[t][e][1];if(r)for(t=0;i>t;t++)n[t][e][1]/=r;else for(t=0;i>t;t++)n[t][e][1]=o}for(e=0;u>e;++e)a[e]=0;return a},zero:vi});ao.layout.histogram=function(){function n(n,u){for(var o,a,l=[],,this),,c,u),,f,c,u),u=-1,h=c.length,p=s.length-1,g=t?1:1/h;++u<p;)o=l[u]=[],o.dx=s[u+1]-(o.x=s[u]),o.y=0;if(p>0)for(u=-1;++u<h;)a=c[u],a>=f[0]&&a<=f[1]&&(o=l[ao.bisect(s,a,1,p)-1],o.y+=g,o.push(n[u]));return l}var t=!0,e=Number,r=bi,i=Mi;return n.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=En(t),n):r},n.bins=function(t){return arguments.length?(i="number"==typeof t?function(n){return xi(n,t)}:En(t),n):i},n.frequency=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=!!e,n):t},n},ao.layout.pack=function(){function n(n,u){var,n,u),a=o[0],l=i[0],c=i[1],f=null==t?Math.sqrt:"function"==typeof t?t:function(){return t};if(a.x=a.y=0,oi(a,function(n){n.r=+f(n.value)}),oi(a,Ni),r){var s=r*(t?1:Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/c))/2;oi(a,function(n){n.r+=s}),oi(a,Ni),oi(a,function(n){n.r-=s})}return Ci(a,l/2,c/2,t?1:1/Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/c)),o}var t,e=ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(_i),r=0,i=[1,1];return n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n.radius=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=null==e||"function"==typeof e?e:+e,n):t},n.padding=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=+t,n):r},ii(n,e)},ao.layout.tree=function(){function n(n,i){var,n,i),s=f[0],h=t(s);if(oi(h,e),h.parent.m=-h.z,ui(h,r),c)ui(s,u);else{var p=s,g=s,v=s;ui(s,function(n){n.x<p.x&&(p=n),n.x>g.x&&(g=n),n.depth>v.depth&&(v=n)});var d=a(p,g)/2-p.x,y=l[0]/(g.x+a(g,p)/2+d),m=l[1]/(v.depth||1);ui(s,function(n){n.x=(n.x+d)*y,n.y=n.depth*m})}return f}function t(n){for(var t,e={A:null,children:[n]},r=[e];null!=(t=r.pop());)for(var i,u=t.children,o=0,a=u.length;a>o;++o)r.push((u[o]=i={_:u[o],parent:t,children:(i=u[o].children)&&i.slice()||[],A:null,a:null,z:0,m:0,c:0,s:0,t:null,i:o}).a=i);return e.children[0]}function e(n){var t=n.children,e=n.parent.children,r=n.i?e[n.i-1]:null;if(t.length){Di(n);var u=(t[0].z+t[t.length-1].z)/2;r?(n.z=r.z+a(n._,r._),n.m=n.z-u):n.z=u}else r&&(n.z=r.z+a(n._,r._));n.parent.A=i(n,r,n.parent.A||e[0])}function r(n){n._.x=n.z+n.parent.m,n.m+=n.parent.m}function i(n,t,e){if(t){for(var r,i=n,u=n,o=t,l=i.parent.children[0],c=i.m,f=u.m,s=o.m,h=l.m;o=Ti(o),i=qi(i),o&&i;)l=qi(l),u=Ti(u),u.a=n,r=o.z+s-i.z-c+a(o._,i._),r>0&&(Ri(Pi(o,n,e),n,r),c+=r,f+=r),s+=o.m,c+=i.m,h+=l.m,f+=u.m;o&&!Ti(u)&&(u.t=o,u.m+=s-f),i&&!qi(l)&&(l.t=i,l.m+=c-h,e=n)}return e}function u(n){n.x*=l[0],n.y=n.depth*l[1]}var o=ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),a=Li,l=[1,1],c=null;return n.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=t,n):a},n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(c=null==(l=t)?u:null,n):c?null:l},n.nodeSize=function(t){return arguments.length?(c=null==(l=t)?null:u,n):c?l:null},ii(n,o)},ao.layout.cluster=function(){function n(n,u){var o,,n,u),l=a[0],c=0;oi(l,function(n){var t=n.children;t&&t.length?(n.x=ji(t),n.y=Ui(t)):(n.x=o?c+=e(n,o):0,n.y=0,o=n)});var f=Fi(l),s=Hi(l),h=f.x-e(f,s)/2,p=s.x+e(s,f)/2;return oi(l,i?function(n){n.x=(n.x-l.x)*r[0],n.y=(l.y-n.y)*r[1]}:function(n){n.x=(n.x-h)/(p-h)*r[0],n.y=(1-(l.y?n.y/l.y:1))*r[1]}),a}var t=ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),e=Li,r=[1,1],i=!1;return n.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=null==(r=t),n):i?null:r},n.nodeSize=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=null!=(r=t),n):i?r:null},ii(n,t)},ao.layout.treemap=function(){function n(n,t){for(var e,r,i=-1,u=n.length;++i<u;)r=(e=n[i]).value*(0>t?0:t),e.area=isNaN(r)||0>=r?0:r}function t(e){var u=e.children;if(u&&u.length){var o,a,l,c=s(e),f=[],h=u.slice(),g=1/0,v="slice"===p?c.dx:"dice"===p?c.dy:"slice-dice"===p?1&e.depth?c.dy:c.dx:Math.min(c.dx,c.dy);for(n(h,c.dx*c.dy/e.value),f.area=0;(l=h.length)>0;)f.push(o=h[l-1]),f.area+=o.area,"squarify"!==p||(a=r(f,v))<=g?(h.pop(),g=a):(f.area-=f.pop().area,i(f,v,c,!1),v=Math.min(c.dx,c.dy),f.length=f.area=0,g=1/0);f.length&&(i(f,v,c,!0),f.length=f.area=0),u.forEach(t)}}function e(t){var r=t.children;if(r&&r.length){var u,o=s(t),a=r.slice(),l=[];for(n(a,o.dx*o.dy/t.value),l.area=0;u=a.pop();)l.push(u),l.area+=u.area,null!=u.z&&(i(l,u.z?o.dx:o.dy,o,!a.length),l.length=l.area=0);r.forEach(e)}}function r(n,t){for(var e,r=n.area,i=0,u=1/0,o=-1,a=n.length;++o<a;)(e=n[o].area)&&(u>e&&(u=e),e>i&&(i=e));return r*=r,t*=t,r?Math.max(t*i*g/r,r/(t*u*g)):1/0}function i(n,t,e,r){var i,u=-1,o=n.length,a=e.x,c=e.y,f=t?l(n.area/t):0;
if(t==e.dx){for((r||f>e.dy)&&(f=e.dy);++u<o;)i=n[u],i.x=a,i.y=c,i.dy=f,a+=i.dx=Math.min(e.x+e.dx-a,f?l(i.area/f):0);i.z=!0,i.dx+=e.x+e.dx-a,e.y+=f,e.dy-=f}else{for((r||f>e.dx)&&(f=e.dx);++u<o;)i=n[u],i.x=a,i.y=c,i.dx=f,c+=i.dy=Math.min(e.y+e.dy-c,f?l(i.area/f):0);i.z=!1,i.dy+=e.y+e.dy-c,e.x+=f,e.dx-=f}}function u(r){var i=o||a(r),u=i[0];return u.x=u.y=0,u.value?(u.dx=c[0],u.dy=c[1]):u.dx=u.dy=0,o&&a.revalue(u),n([u],u.dx*u.dy/u.value),(o?e:t)(u),h&&(o=i),i}var o,a=ao.layout.hierarchy(),l=Math.round,c=[1,1],f=null,s=Oi,h=!1,p="squarify",g=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5));return u.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=n,u):c},u.padding=function(n){function t(t){var,t,t.depth);return null==e?Oi(t):Ii(t,"number"==typeof e?[e,e,e,e]:e)}function e(t){return Ii(t,n)}if(!arguments.length)return f;var r;return s=null==(f=n)?Oi:"function"==(r=typeof n)?t:"number"===r?(n=[n,n,n,n],e):e,u},u.round=function(n){return arguments.length?(l=n?Math.round:Number,u):l!=Number},u.sticky=function(n){return arguments.length?(h=n,o=null,u):h},u.ratio=function(n){return arguments.length?(g=n,u):g},u.mode=function(n){return arguments.length?(p=n+"",u):p},ii(u,a)},ao.random={normal:function(n,t){var e=arguments.length;return 2>e&&(t=1),1>e&&(n=0),function(){var e,r,i;do e=2*Math.random()-1,r=2*Math.random()-1,i=e*e+r*r;while(!i||i>1);return n+t*e*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(i)/i)}},logNormal:function(){var n=ao.random.normal.apply(ao,arguments);return function(){return Math.exp(n())}},bates:function(n){var t=ao.random.irwinHall(n);return function(){return t()/n}},irwinHall:function(n){return function(){for(var t=0,e=0;n>e;e++)t+=Math.random();return t}}},ao.scale={};var Sl={floor:m,ceil:m};ao.scale.linear=function(){return Wi([0,1],[0,1],Mr,!1)};var kl={s:1,g:1,p:1,r:1,e:1};ao.scale.log=function(){return ru(ao.scale.linear().domain([0,1]),10,!0,[1,10])};var Nl=ao.format(".0e"),El={floor:function(n){return-Math.ceil(-n)},ceil:function(n){return-Math.floor(-n)}};ao.scale.pow=function(){return iu(ao.scale.linear(),1,[0,1])},ao.scale.sqrt=function(){return ao.scale.pow().exponent(.5)},ao.scale.ordinal=function(){return ou([],{t:"range",a:[[]]})},ao.scale.category10=function(){return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Al)},ao.scale.category20=function(){return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Cl)},ao.scale.category20b=function(){return ao.scale.ordinal().range(zl)},ao.scale.category20c=function(){return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Ll)};var Al=[2062260,16744206,2924588,14034728,9725885,9197131,14907330,8355711,12369186,1556175].map(xn),Cl=[2062260,11454440,16744206,16759672,2924588,10018698,14034728,16750742,9725885,12955861,9197131,12885140,14907330,16234194,8355711,13092807,12369186,14408589,1556175,10410725].map(xn),zl=[3750777,5395619,7040719,10264286,6519097,9216594,11915115,13556636,9202993,12426809,15186514,15190932,8666169,11356490,14049643,15177372,8077683,10834324,13528509,14589654].map(xn),Ll=[3244733,7057110,10406625,13032431,15095053,16616764,16625259,16634018,3253076,7652470,10607003,13101504,7695281,10394312,12369372,14342891,6513507,9868950,12434877,14277081].map(xn);ao.scale.quantile=function(){return au([],[])},ao.scale.quantize=function(){return lu(0,1,[0,1])},ao.scale.threshold=function(){return cu([.5],[0,1])},ao.scale.identity=function(){return fu([0,1])},ao.svg={},ao.svg.arc=function(){function n(){var n=Math.max(0,+e.apply(this,arguments)),c=Math.max(0,+r.apply(this,arguments)),f=o.apply(this,arguments)-Io,s=a.apply(this,arguments)-Io,h=Math.abs(s-f),p=f>s?0:1;if(n>c&&(g=c,c=n,n=g),h>=Oo)return t(c,p)+(n?t(n,1-p):"")+"Z";var g,v,d,y,m,M,x,b,_,w,S,k,N=0,E=0,A=[];if((y=(+l.apply(this,arguments)||0)/2)&&(d=u===ql?Math.sqrt(n*n+c*c):+u.apply(this,arguments),p||(E*=-1),c&&(E=tn(d/c*Math.sin(y))),n&&(N=tn(d/n*Math.sin(y)))),c){m=c*Math.cos(f+E),M=c*Math.sin(f+E),x=c*Math.cos(s-E),b=c*Math.sin(s-E);var C=Math.abs(s-f-2*E)<=Fo?0:1;if(E&&yu(m,M,x,b)===p^C){var z=(f+s)/2;m=c*Math.cos(z),M=c*Math.sin(z),x=b=null}}else m=M=0;if(n){_=n*Math.cos(s-N),w=n*Math.sin(s-N),S=n*Math.cos(f+N),k=n*Math.sin(f+N);var L=Math.abs(f-s+2*N)<=Fo?0:1;if(N&&yu(_,w,S,k)===1-p^L){var q=(f+s)/2;_=n*Math.cos(q),w=n*Math.sin(q),S=k=null}}else _=w=0;if(h>Uo&&(g=Math.min(Math.abs(c-n)/2,+i.apply(this,arguments)))>.001){v=c>n^p?0:1;var T=g,R=g;if(Fo>h){var D=null==S?[_,w]:null==x?[m,M]:Re([m,M],[S,k],[x,b],[_,w]),P=m-D[0],U=M-D[1],j=x-D[0],F=b-D[1],H=1/Math.sin(Math.acos((P*j+U*F)/(Math.sqrt(P*P+U*U)*Math.sqrt(j*j+F*F)))/2),O=Math.sqrt(D[0]*D[0]+D[1]*D[1]);R=Math.min(g,(n-O)/(H-1)),T=Math.min(g,(c-O)/(H+1))}if(null!=x){var I=mu(null==S?[_,w]:[S,k],[m,M],c,T,p),Y=mu([x,b],[_,w],c,T,p);g===T?A.push("M",I[0],"A",T,",",T," 0 0,",v," ",I[1],"A",c,",",c," 0 ",1-p^yu(I[1][0],I[1][1],Y[1][0],Y[1][1]),",",p," ",Y[1],"A",T,",",T," 0 0,",v," ",Y[0]):A.push("M",I[0],"A",T,",",T," 0 1,",v," ",Y[0])}else A.push("M",m,",",M);if(null!=S){var Z=mu([m,M],[S,k],n,-R,p),V=mu([_,w],null==x?[m,M]:[x,b],n,-R,p);g===R?A.push("L",V[0],"A",R,",",R," 0 0,",v," ",V[1],"A",n,",",n," 0 ",p^yu(V[1][0],V[1][1],Z[1][0],Z[1][1]),",",1-p," ",Z[1],"A",R,",",R," 0 0,",v," ",Z[0]):A.push("L",V[0],"A",R,",",R," 0 0,",v," ",Z[0])}else A.push("L",_,",",w)}else A.push("M",m,",",M),null!=x&&A.push("A",c,",",c," 0 ",C,",",p," ",x,",",b),A.push("L",_,",",w),null!=S&&A.push("A",n,",",n," 0 ",L,",",1-p," ",S,",",k);return A.push("Z"),A.join("")}function t(n,t){return"M0,"+n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,"+t+" 0,"+-n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,"+t+" 0,"+n}var e=hu,r=pu,i=su,u=ql,o=gu,a=vu,l=du;return n.innerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=En(t),n):e},n.outerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=En(t),n):r},n.cornerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=En(t),n):i},n.padRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t==ql?ql:En(t),n):u},n.startAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=En(t),n):o},n.endAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=En(t),n):a},n.padAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=En(t),n):l},n.centroid=function(){var n=(+e.apply(this,arguments)+ +r.apply(this,arguments))/2,t=(+o.apply(this,arguments)+ +a.apply(this,arguments))/2-Io;return[Math.cos(t)*n,Math.sin(t)*n]},n};var ql="auto";ao.svg.line=function(){return 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Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")?eo:Gl,eo.parse=function(n){var t=new Date(n);return isNaN(t)?null:t},eo.toString=Gl.toString,ga.second=On(function(n){return new va(1e3*Math.floor(n/1e3))},function(n,t){n.setTime(n.getTime()+1e3*Math.floor(t))},function(n){return n.getSeconds()}),ga.seconds=ga.second.range,ga.seconds.utc=ga.second.utc.range,ga.minute=On(function(n){return new va(6e4*Math.floor(n/6e4))},function(n,t){n.setTime(n.getTime()+6e4*Math.floor(t))},function(n){return n.getMinutes()}),ga.minutes=ga.minute.range,ga.minutes.utc=ga.minute.utc.range,ga.hour=On(function(n){var t=n.getTimezoneOffset()/60;return new va(36e5*(Math.floor(n/36e5-t)+t))},function(n,t){n.setTime(n.getTime()+36e5*Math.floor(t))},function(n){return n.getHours()}),ga.hours=ga.hour.range,ga.hours.utc=ga.hour.utc.range,ga.month=On(function(n){return,n.setDate(1),n},function(n,t){n.setMonth(n.getMonth()+t)},function(n){return n.getMonth()}),ga.months=ga.month.range,ga.months.utc=ga.month.utc.range;var Kl=[1e3,5e3,15e3,3e4,6e4,3e5,9e5,18e5,36e5,108e5,216e5,432e5,864e5,1728e5,6048e5,2592e6,7776e6,31536e6],Ql=[[ga.second,1],[ga.second,5],[ga.second,15],[ga.second,30],[ga.minute,1],[ga.minute,5],[ga.minute,15],[ga.minute,30],[ga.hour,1],[ga.hour,3],[ga.hour,6],[ga.hour,12],[,1],[,2],[ga.week,1],[ga.month,1],[ga.month,3],[ga.year,1]],nc=Wl.multi([[".%L",function(n){return n.getMilliseconds()}],[":%S",function(n){return n.getSeconds()}],["%I:%M",function(n){return n.getMinutes()}],["%I %p",function(n){return n.getHours()}],["%a %d",function(n){return n.getDay()&&1!=n.getDate()}],["%b %d",function(n){return 1!=n.getDate()}],["%B",function(n){return n.getMonth()}],["%Y",zt]]),tc={range:function(n,t,e){return ao.range(Math.ceil(n/e)*e,+t,e).map(io)},floor:m,ceil:m};Ql.year=ga.year,ga.scale=function(){return ro(ao.scale.linear(),Ql,nc)};var{return[n[0].utc,n[1]]}),rc=Jl.multi([[".%L",function(n){return n.getUTCMilliseconds()}],[":%S",function(n){return n.getUTCSeconds()}],["%I:%M",function(n){return n.getUTCMinutes()}],["%I %p",function(n){return n.getUTCHours()}],["%a %d",function(n){return n.getUTCDay()&&1!=n.getUTCDate()}],["%b %d",function(n){return 1!=n.getUTCDate()}],["%B",function(n){return n.getUTCMonth()}],["%Y",zt]]);ec.year=ga.year.utc,ga.scale.utc=function(){return ro(ao.scale.linear(),ec,rc)},ao.text=An(function(n){return n.responseText}),ao.json=function(n,t){return Cn(n,"application/json",uo,t)},ao.html=function(n,t){return Cn(n,"text/html",oo,t)},ao.xml=An(function(n){return n.responseXML}),"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?(this.d3=ao,define(ao)):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=ao:this.d3=ao}();
! function() {
function n(n) {
return n && (n.ownerDocument || n.document || n).documentElement
function t(n) {
return n && (n.ownerDocument && n.ownerDocument.defaultView || n.document && n || n.defaultView)
function e(n, t) {
return t > n ? -1 : n > t ? 1 : n >= t ? 0 : NaN
function r(n) {
return null === n ? NaN : +n
function i(n) {
return !isNaN(n)
function u(n) {
return {
left: function(t, e, r, i) {
for (arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0), arguments.length < 4 && (i = t.length); i > r;) {
var u = r + i >>> 1;
n(t[u], e) < 0 ? r = u + 1 : i = u
return r
right: function(t, e, r, i) {
for (arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0), arguments.length < 4 && (i = t.length); i > r;) {
var u = r + i >>> 1;
n(t[u], e) > 0 ? i = u : r = u + 1
return r
function o(n) {
return n.length
function a(n) {
for (var t = 1; n * t % 1;) t *= 10;
return t
function l(n, t) {
for (var e in t) Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, e, {
value: t[e],
enumerable: !1
function c() {
this._ = Object.create(null)
function f(n) {
return (n += "") === bo || n[0] === _o ? _o + n : n
function s(n) {
return (n += "")[0] === _o ? n.slice(1) : n
function h(n) {
return f(n) in this._
function p(n) {
return (n = f(n)) in this._ && delete this._[n]
function g() {
var n = [];
for (var t in this._) n.push(s(t));
return n
function v() {
var n = 0;
for (var t in this._) ++n;
return n
function d() {
for (var n in this._) return !1;
return !0
function y() {
this._ = Object.create(null)
function m(n) {
return n
function M(n, t, e) {
return function() {
var r = e.apply(t, arguments);
return r === t ? n : r
function x(n, t) {
if (t in n) return t;
t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1);
for (var e = 0, r = wo.length; r > e; ++e) {
var i = wo[e] + t;
if (i in n) return i
function b() {}
function _() {}
function w(n) {
function t() {
for (var t, r = e, i = -1, u = r.length; ++i < u;)(t = r[i].on) && t.apply(this, arguments);
return n
var e = [],
r = new c;
return t.on = function(t, i) {
var u, o = r.get(t);
return arguments.length < 2 ? o && o.on : (o && (o.on = null, e = e.slice(0, u = e.indexOf(o)).concat(e.slice(u + 1)), r.remove(t)), i && e.push(r.set(t, {
on: i
})), n)
}, t
function S() {
function k() {
for (var n, t = ao.event; n = t.sourceEvent;) t = n;
return t
function N(n) {
for (var t = new _, e = 0, r = arguments.length; ++e < r;) t[arguments[e]] = w(t);
return t.of = function(e, r) {
return function(i) {
try {
var u = i.sourceEvent = ao.event; = n, ao.event = i, t[i.type].apply(e, r)
} finally {
ao.event = u
}, t
function E(n) {
return ko(n, Co), n
function A(n) {
return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {
return No(n, this)
function C(n) {
return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {
return Eo(n, this)
function z(n, t) {
function e() {
function r() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local)
function i() {
this.setAttribute(n, t)
function u() {
this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, t)
function o() {
var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
null == e ? this.removeAttribute(n) : this.setAttribute(n, e)
function a() {
var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
null == e ? this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local) : this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, e)
return n = ao.ns.qualify(n), null == t ? n.local ? r : e : "function" == typeof t ? n.local ? a : o : n.local ? u : i
function L(n) {
return n.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ")
function q(n) {
return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + ao.requote(n) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g")
function T(n) {
return (n + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/)
function R(n, t) {
function e() {
for (var e = -1; ++e < i;) n[e](this, t)
function r() {
for (var e = -1, r = t.apply(this, arguments); ++e < i;) n[e](this, r)
n = T(n).map(D);
var i = n.length;
return "function" == typeof t ? r : e
function D(n) {
var t = q(n);
return function(e, r) {
if (i = e.classList) return r ? i.add(n) : i.remove(n);
var i = e.getAttribute("class") || "";
r ? (t.lastIndex = 0, t.test(i) || e.setAttribute("class", L(i + " " + n))) : e.setAttribute("class", L(i.replace(t, " ")))
function P(n, t, e) {
function r() {
function i() {, t, e)
function u() {
var r = t.apply(this, arguments);
null == r ? :, r, e)
return null == t ? r : "function" == typeof t ? u : i
function U(n, t) {
function e() {
delete this[n]
function r() {
this[n] = t
function i() {
var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
null == e ? delete this[n] : this[n] = e
return null == t ? e : "function" == typeof t ? i : r
function j(n) {
function t() {
var t = this.ownerDocument,
e = this.namespaceURI;
return e === zo && t.documentElement.namespaceURI === zo ? t.createElement(n) : t.createElementNS(e, n)
function e() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, n.local)
return "function" == typeof n ? n : (n = ao.ns.qualify(n)).local ? e : t
function F() {
var n = this.parentNode;
n && n.removeChild(this)
function H(n) {
return {
__data__: n
function O(n) {
return function() {
return Ao(this, n)
function I(n) {
return arguments.length || (n = e),
function(t, e) {
return t && e ? n(t.__data__, e.__data__) : !t - !e
function Y(n, t) {
for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; e++)
for (var i, u = n[e], o = 0, a = u.length; a > o; o++)(i = u[o]) && t(i, o, e);
return n
function Z(n) {
return ko(n, qo), n
function V(n) {
var t, e;
return function(r, i, u) {
var o, a = n[u].update,
l = a.length;
for (u != e && (e = u, t = 0), i >= t && (t = i + 1); !(o = a[t]) && ++t < l;);
return o
function X(n, t, e) {
function r() {
var t = this[o];
t && (this.removeEventListener(n, t, t.$), delete this[o])
function i() {
var i = l(t, co(arguments));, this.addEventListener(n, this[o] = i, i.$ = e), i._ = t
function u() {
var t, e = new RegExp("^__on([^.]+)" + ao.requote(n) + "$");
for (var r in this)
if (t = r.match(e)) {
var i = this[r];
this.removeEventListener(t[1], i, i.$), delete this[r]
var o = "__on" + n,
a = n.indexOf("."),
l = $;
a > 0 && (n = n.slice(0, a));
var c = To.get(n);
return c && (n = c, l = B), a ? t ? i : r : t ? b : u
function $(n, t) {
return function(e) {
var r = ao.event;
ao.event = e, t[0] = this.__data__;
try {
n.apply(this, t)
} finally {
ao.event = r
function B(n, t) {
var e = $(n, t);
return function(n) {
var t = this,
r = n.relatedTarget;
r && (r === t || 8 & r.compareDocumentPosition(t)) ||, n)
function W(e) {
var r = ".dragsuppress-" + ++Do,
i = "click" + r,
u ="touchmove" + r, S).on("dragstart" + r, S).on("selectstart" + r, S);
if (null == Ro && (Ro = "onselectstart" in e ? !1 : x(, "userSelect")), Ro) {
var o = n(e).style,
a = o[Ro];
o[Ro] = "none"
return function(n) {
if (u.on(r, null), Ro && (o[Ro] = a), n) {
var t = function() {
u.on(i, null)
u.on(i, function() {
S(), t()
}, !0), setTimeout(t, 0)
function J(n, e) {
e.changedTouches && (e = e.changedTouches[0]);
var r = n.ownerSVGElement || n;
if (r.createSVGPoint) {
var i = r.createSVGPoint();
if (0 > Po) {
var u = t(n);
if (u.scrollX || u.scrollY) {
r ="body").append("svg").style({
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
border: "none"
}, "important");
var o = r[0][0].getScreenCTM();
Po = !(o.f || o.e), r.remove()
return Po ? (i.x = e.pageX, i.y = e.pageY) : (i.x = e.clientX, i.y = e.clientY), i = i.matrixTransform(n.getScreenCTM().inverse()), [i.x, i.y]
var a = n.getBoundingClientRect();
return [e.clientX - a.left - n.clientLeft, e.clientY - - n.clientTop]
function G() {
return ao.event.changedTouches[0].identifier
function K(n) {
return n > 0 ? 1 : 0 > n ? -1 : 0
function Q(n, t, e) {
return (t[0] - n[0]) * (e[1] - n[1]) - (t[1] - n[1]) * (e[0] - n[0])
function nn(n) {
return n > 1 ? 0 : -1 > n ? Fo : Math.acos(n)
function tn(n) {
return n > 1 ? Io : -1 > n ? -Io : Math.asin(n)
function en(n) {
return ((n = Math.exp(n)) - 1 / n) / 2
function rn(n) {
return ((n = Math.exp(n)) + 1 / n) / 2
function un(n) {
return ((n = Math.exp(2 * n)) - 1) / (n + 1)
function on(n) {
return (n = Math.sin(n / 2)) * n
function an() {}
function ln(n, t, e) {
return this instanceof ln ? (this.h = +n, this.s = +t, void(this.l = +e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof ln ? new ln(n.h, n.s, n.l) : _n("" + n, wn, ln) : new ln(n, t, e)
function cn(n, t, e) {
function r(n) {
return n > 360 ? n -= 360 : 0 > n && (n += 360), 60 > n ? u + (o - u) * n / 60 : 180 > n ? o : 240 > n ? u + (o - u) * (240 - n) / 60 : u
function i(n) {
return Math.round(255 * r(n))
var u, o;
return n = isNaN(n) ? 0 : (n %= 360) < 0 ? n + 360 : n, t = isNaN(t) ? 0 : 0 > t ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t, e = 0 > e ? 0 : e > 1 ? 1 : e, o = .5 >= e ? e * (1 + t) : e + t - e * t, u = 2 * e - o, new mn(i(n + 120), i(n), i(n - 120))
function fn(n, t, e) {
return this instanceof fn ? (this.h = +n, this.c = +t, void(this.l = +e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof fn ? new fn(n.h, n.c, n.l) : n instanceof hn ? gn(n.l, n.a, n.b) : gn((n = Sn((n = ao.rgb(n)).r, n.g, n.b)).l, n.a, n.b) : new fn(n, t, e)
function sn(n, t, e) {
return isNaN(n) && (n = 0), isNaN(t) && (t = 0), new hn(e, Math.cos(n *= Yo) * t, Math.sin(n) * t)
function hn(n, t, e) {
return this instanceof hn ? (this.l = +n, this.a = +t, void(this.b = +e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof hn ? new hn(n.l, n.a, n.b) : n instanceof fn ? sn(n.h, n.c, n.l) : Sn((n = mn(n)).r, n.g, n.b) : new hn(n, t, e)
function pn(n, t, e) {
var r = (n + 16) / 116,
i = r + t / 500,
u = r - e / 200;
return i = vn(i) * na, r = vn(r) * ta, u = vn(u) * ea, new mn(yn(3.2404542 * i - 1.5371385 * r - .4985314 * u), yn(-.969266 * i + 1.8760108 * r + .041556 * u), yn(.0556434 * i - .2040259 * r + 1.0572252 * u))
function gn(n, t, e) {
return n > 0 ? new fn(Math.atan2(e, t) * Zo, Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e), n) : new fn(NaN, NaN, n)
function vn(n) {
return n > .206893034 ? n * n * n : (n - 4 / 29) / 7.787037
function dn(n) {
return n > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787037 * n + 4 / 29
function yn(n) {
return Math.round(255 * (.00304 >= n ? 12.92 * n : 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 / 2.4) - .055))
function mn(n, t, e) {
return this instanceof mn ? (this.r = ~~n, this.g = ~~t, void(this.b = ~~e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof mn ? new mn(n.r, n.g, n.b) : _n("" + n, mn, cn) : new mn(n, t, e)
function Mn(n) {
return new mn(n >> 16, n >> 8 & 255, 255 & n)
function xn(n) {
return Mn(n) + ""
function bn(n) {
return 16 > n ? "0" + Math.max(0, n).toString(16) : Math.min(255, n).toString(16)
function _n(n, t, e) {
var r, i, u, o = 0,
a = 0,
l = 0;
if (r = /([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/.exec(n = n.toLowerCase())) switch (i = r[2].split(","), r[1]) {
case "hsl":
return e(parseFloat(i[0]), parseFloat(i[1]) / 100, parseFloat(i[2]) / 100);
case "rgb":
return t(Nn(i[0]), Nn(i[1]), Nn(i[2]))
return (u = ua.get(n)) ? t(u.r, u.g, u.b) : (null == n || "#" !== n.charAt(0) || isNaN(u = parseInt(n.slice(1), 16)) || (4 === n.length ? (o = (3840 & u) >> 4, o = o >> 4 | o, a = 240 & u, a = a >> 4 | a, l = 15 & u, l = l << 4 | l) : 7 === n.length && (o = (16711680 & u) >> 16, a = (65280 & u) >> 8, l = 255 & u)), t(o, a, l))
function wn(n, t, e) {
var r, i, u = Math.min(n /= 255, t /= 255, e /= 255),
o = Math.max(n, t, e),
a = o - u,
l = (o + u) / 2;
return a ? (i = .5 > l ? a / (o + u) : a / (2 - o - u), r = n == o ? (t - e) / a + (e > t ? 6 : 0) : t == o ? (e - n) / a + 2 : (n - t) / a + 4, r *= 60) : (r = NaN, i = l > 0 && 1 > l ? 0 : r), new ln(r, i, l)
function Sn(n, t, e) {
n = kn(n), t = kn(t), e = kn(e);
var r = dn((.4124564 * n + .3575761 * t + .1804375 * e) / na),
i = dn((.2126729 * n + .7151522 * t + .072175 * e) / ta),
u = dn((.0193339 * n + .119192 * t + .9503041 * e) / ea);
return hn(116 * i - 16, 500 * (r - i), 200 * (i - u))
function kn(n) {
return (n /= 255) <= .04045 ? n / 12.92 : Math.pow((n + .055) / 1.055, 2.4)
function Nn(n) {
var t = parseFloat(n);
return "%" === n.charAt(n.length - 1) ? Math.round(2.55 * t) : t
function En(n) {
return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {
return n
function An(n) {
return function(t, e, r) {
return 2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), Cn(t, e, n, r)
function Cn(n, t, e, r) {
function i() {
var n, t = l.status;
if (!t && Ln(l) || t >= 200 && 300 > t || 304 === t) {
try {
n =, l)
} catch (r) {
return void, r)
}, n)
} else, l)
var u = {},
o = ao.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"),
a = {},
l = new XMLHttpRequest,
c = null;
return !this.XDomainRequest || "withCredentials" in l || !/^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(n) || (l = new XDomainRequest), "onload" in l ? l.onload = l.onerror = i : l.onreadystatechange = function() {
l.readyState > 3 && i()
}, l.onprogress = function(n) {
var t = ao.event;
ao.event = n;
try {, l)
} finally {
ao.event = t
}, u.header = function(n, t) {
return n = (n + "").toLowerCase(), arguments.length < 2 ? a[n] : (null == t ? delete a[n] : a[n] = t + "", u)
}, u.mimeType = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (t = null == n ? null : n + "", u) : t
}, u.responseType = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (c = n, u) : c
}, u.response = function(n) {
return e = n, u
}, ["get", "post"].forEach(function(n) {
u[n] = function() {
return u.send.apply(u, [n].concat(co(arguments)))
}), u.send = function(e, r, i) {
if (2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof r && (i = r, r = null),, n, !0), null == t || "accept" in a || (a.accept = t + ",*/*"), l.setRequestHeader)
for (var f in a) l.setRequestHeader(f, a[f]);
return null != t && l.overrideMimeType && l.overrideMimeType(t), null != c && (l.responseType = c), null != i && u.on("error", i).on("load", function(n) {
i(null, n)
}),, l), l.send(null == r ? null : r), u
}, u.abort = function() {
return l.abort(), u
}, ao.rebind(u, o, "on"), null == r ? u : u.get(zn(r))
function zn(n) {
return 1 === n.length ? function(t, e) {
n(null == t ? e : null)
} : n
function Ln(n) {
var t = n.responseType;
return t && "text" !== t ? n.response : n.responseText
function qn(n, t, e) {
var r = arguments.length;
2 > r && (t = 0), 3 > r && (e =;
var i = e + t,
u = {
c: n,
t: i,
n: null
return aa ? aa.n = u : oa = u, aa = u, la || (ca = clearTimeout(ca), la = 1, fa(Tn)), u
function Tn() {
var n = Rn(),
t = Dn() - n;
t > 24 ? (isFinite(t) && (clearTimeout(ca), ca = setTimeout(Tn, t)), la = 0) : (la = 1, fa(Tn))
function Rn() {
for (var n =, t = oa; t;) n >= t.t && t.c(n - t.t) && (t.c = null), t = t.n;
return n
function Dn() {
for (var n, t = oa, e = 1 / 0; t;) t.c ? (t.t < e && (e = t.t), t = (n = t).n) : t = n ? n.n = t.n : oa = t.n;
return aa = n, e
function Pn(n, t) {
return t - (n ? Math.ceil(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10) : 1)
function Un(n, t) {
var e = Math.pow(10, 3 * xo(8 - t));
return {
scale: t > 8 ? function(n) {
return n / e
} : function(n) {
return n * e
symbol: n
function jn(n) {
var t = n.decimal,
e = n.thousands,
r = n.grouping,
i = n.currency,
u = r && e ? function(n, t) {
for (var i = n.length, u = [], o = 0, a = r[0], l = 0; i > 0 && a > 0 && (l + a + 1 > t && (a = Math.max(1, t - l)), u.push(n.substring(i -= a, i + a)), !((l += a + 1) > t));) a = r[o = (o + 1) % r.length];
return u.reverse().join(e)
} : m;
return function(n) {
var e = ha.exec(n),
r = e[1] || " ",
o = e[2] || ">",
a = e[3] || "-",
l = e[4] || "",
c = e[5],
f = +e[6],
s = e[7],
h = e[8],
p = e[9],
g = 1,
v = "",
d = "",
y = !1,
m = !0;
switch (h && (h = +h.substring(1)), (c || "0" === r && "=" === o) && (c = r = "0", o = "="), p) {
case "n":
s = !0, p = "g";
case "%":
g = 100, d = "%", p = "f";
case "p":
g = 100, d = "%", p = "r";
case "b":
case "o":
case "x":
case "X":
"#" === l && (v = "0" + p.toLowerCase());
case "c":
m = !1;
case "d":
y = !0, h = 0;
case "s":
g = -1, p = "r"
"$" === l && (v = i[0], d = i[1]), "r" != p || h || (p = "g"), null != h && ("g" == p ? h = Math.max(1, Math.min(21, h)) : "e" != p && "f" != p || (h = Math.max(0, Math.min(20, h)))), p = pa.get(p) || Fn;
var M = c && s;
return function(n) {
var e = d;
if (y && n % 1) return "";
var i = 0 > n || 0 === n && 0 > 1 / n ? (n = -n, "-") : "-" === a ? "" : a;
if (0 > g) {
var l = ao.formatPrefix(n, h);
n = l.scale(n), e = l.symbol + d
} else n *= g;
n = p(n, h);
var x, b, _ = n.lastIndexOf(".");
if (0 > _) {
var w = m ? n.lastIndexOf("e") : -1;
0 > w ? (x = n, b = "") : (x = n.substring(0, w), b = n.substring(w))
} else x = n.substring(0, _), b = t + n.substring(_ + 1);
!c && s && (x = u(x, 1 / 0));
var S = v.length + x.length + b.length + (M ? 0 : i.length),
k = f > S ? new Array(S = f - S + 1).join(r) : "";
return M && (x = u(k + x, k.length ? f - b.length : 1 / 0)), i += v, n = x + b, ("<" === o ? i + n + k : ">" === o ? k + i + n : "^" === o ? k.substring(0, S >>= 1) + i + n + k.substring(S) : i + (M ? n : k + n)) + e
function Fn(n) {
return n + ""
function Hn() {
this._ = new Date(arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0])
function On(n, t, e) {
function r(t) {
var e = n(t),
r = u(e, 1);
return r - t > t - e ? e : r
function i(e) {
return t(e = n(new va(e - 1)), 1), e
function u(n, e) {
return t(n = new va(+n), e), n
function o(n, r, u) {
var o = i(n),
a = [];
if (u > 1)
for (; r > o;) e(o) % u || a.push(new Date(+o)), t(o, 1);
for (; r > o;) a.push(new Date(+o)), t(o, 1);
return a
function a(n, t, e) {
try {
va = Hn;
var r = new Hn;
return r._ = n, o(r, t, e)
} finally {
va = Date
n.floor = n, n.round = r, n.ceil = i, n.offset = u, n.range = o;
var l = n.utc = In(n);
return l.floor = l, l.round = In(r), l.ceil = In(i), l.offset = In(u), l.range = a, n
function In(n) {
return function(t, e) {
try {
va = Hn;
var r = new Hn;
return r._ = t, n(r, e)._
} finally {
va = Date
function Yn(n) {
function t(n) {
function t(t) {
for (var e, i, u, o = [], a = -1, l = 0; ++a < r;) 37 === n.charCodeAt(a) && (o.push(n.slice(l, a)), null != (i = ya[e = n.charAt(++a)]) && (e = n.charAt(++a)), (u = A[e]) && (e = u(t, null == i ? "e" === e ? " " : "0" : i)), o.push(e), l = a + 1);
return o.push(n.slice(l, a)), o.join("")
var r = n.length;
return t.parse = function(t) {
var r = {
y: 1900,
m: 0,
d: 1,
H: 0,
M: 0,
S: 0,
L: 0,
Z: null
i = e(r, n, t, 0);
if (i != t.length) return null;
"p" in r && (r.H = r.H % 12 + 12 * r.p);
var u = null != r.Z && va !== Hn,
o = new(u ? Hn : va);
return "j" in r ? o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, r.j) : "W" in r || "U" in r ? ("w" in r || (r.w = "W" in r ? 1 : 0), o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, 1), o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, "W" in r ? (r.w + 6) % 7 + 7 * r.W - (o.getDay() + 5) % 7 : r.w + 7 * r.U - (o.getDay() + 6) % 7)) : o.setFullYear(r.y, r.m, r.d), o.setHours(r.H + (r.Z / 100 | 0), r.M + r.Z % 100, r.S, r.L), u ? o._ : o
}, t.toString = function() {
return n
}, t
function e(n, t, e, r) {
for (var i, u, o, a = 0, l = t.length, c = e.length; l > a;) {
if (r >= c) return -1;
if (i = t.charCodeAt(a++), 37 === i) {
if (o = t.charAt(a++), u = C[o in ya ? t.charAt(a++) : o], !u || (r = u(n, e, r)) < 0) return -1
} else if (i != e.charCodeAt(r++)) return -1
return r
function r(n, t, e) {
_.lastIndex = 0;
var r = _.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.w = w.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : -1
function i(n, t, e) {
x.lastIndex = 0;
var r = x.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.w = b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : -1
function u(n, t, e) {
N.lastIndex = 0;
var r = N.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.m = E.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : -1
function o(n, t, e) {
S.lastIndex = 0;
var r = S.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.m = k.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : -1
function a(n, t, r) {
return e(n, A.c.toString(), t, r)
function l(n, t, r) {
return e(n, A.x.toString(), t, r)
function c(n, t, r) {
return e(n, A.X.toString(), t, r)
function f(n, t, e) {
var r = M.get(t.slice(e, e += 2).toLowerCase());
return null == r ? -1 : (n.p = r, e)
var s = n.dateTime,
h =,
p = n.time,
g = n.periods,
v = n.days,
d = n.shortDays,
y = n.months,
m = n.shortMonths;
t.utc = function(n) {
function e(n) {
try {
va = Hn;
var t = new va;
return t._ = n, r(t)
} finally {
va = Date
var r = t(n);
return e.parse = function(n) {
try {
va = Hn;
var t = r.parse(n);
return t && t._
} finally {
va = Date
}, e.toString = r.toString, e
}, t.multi = t.utc.multi = ct;
var M =,
x = Vn(v),
b = Xn(v),
_ = Vn(d),
w = Xn(d),
S = Vn(y),
k = Xn(y),
N = Vn(m),
E = Xn(m);
g.forEach(function(n, t) {
M.set(n.toLowerCase(), t)
var A = {
a: function(n) {
return d[n.getDay()]
A: function(n) {
return v[n.getDay()]
b: function(n) {
return m[n.getMonth()]
B: function(n) {
return y[n.getMonth()]
c: t(s),
d: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getDate(), t, 2)
e: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getDate(), t, 2)
H: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getHours(), t, 2)
I: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getHours() % 12 || 12, t, 2)
j: function(n, t) {
return Zn(1 + ga.dayOfYear(n), t, 3)
L: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getMilliseconds(), t, 3)
m: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getMonth() + 1, t, 2)
M: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getMinutes(), t, 2)
p: function(n) {
return g[+(n.getHours() >= 12)]
S: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getSeconds(), t, 2)
U: function(n, t) {
return Zn(ga.sundayOfYear(n), t, 2)
w: function(n) {
return n.getDay()
W: function(n, t) {
return Zn(ga.mondayOfYear(n), t, 2)
x: t(h),
X: t(p),
y: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getFullYear() % 100, t, 2)
Y: function(n, t) {
return Zn(n.getFullYear() % 1e4, t, 4)
Z: at,
"%": function() {
return "%"
C = {
a: r,
A: i,
b: u,
B: o,
c: a,
d: tt,
e: tt,
H: rt,
I: rt,
j: et,
L: ot,
m: nt,
M: it,
p: f,
S: ut,
U: Bn,
w: $n,
W: Wn,
x: l,
X: c,
y: Gn,
Y: Jn,
Z: Kn,
"%": lt
return t
function Zn(n, t, e) {
var r = 0 > n ? "-" : "",
i = (r ? -n : n) + "",
u = i.length;
return r + (e > u ? new Array(e - u + 1).join(t) + i : i)
function Vn(n) {
return new RegExp("^(?:" +"|") + ")", "i")
function Xn(n) {
for (var t = new c, e = -1, r = n.length; ++e < r;) t.set(n[e].toLowerCase(), e);
return t
function $n(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));
return r ? (n.w = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function Bn(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.U = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function Wn(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e));
return r ? (n.W = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function Jn(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 4));
return r ? (n.y = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function Gn(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.y = Qn(+r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1
function Kn(n, t, e) {
return /^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(t = t.slice(e, e + 5)) ? (n.Z = -t, e + 5) : -1
function Qn(n) {
return n + (n > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3)
function nt(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.m = r[0] - 1, e + r[0].length) : -1
function tt(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.d = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function et(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));
return r ? (n.j = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function rt(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.H = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function it(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.M = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function ut(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));
return r ? (n.S = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function ot(n, t, e) {
ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));
return r ? (n.L = +r[0], e + r[0].length) : -1
function at(n) {
var t = n.getTimezoneOffset(),
e = t > 0 ? "-" : "+",
r = xo(t) / 60 | 0,
i = xo(t) % 60;
return e + Zn(r, "0", 2) + Zn(i, "0", 2)
function lt(n, t, e) {
Ma.lastIndex = 0;
var r = Ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));
return r ? e + r[0].length : -1
function ct(n) {
for (var t = n.length, e = -1; ++e < t;) n[e][0] = this(n[e][0]);
return function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = n[e]; !r[1](t);) r = n[++e];
return r[0](t)
function ft() {}
function st(n, t, e) {
var r = e.s = n + t,
i = r - n,
u = r - i;
e.t = n - u + (t - i)
function ht(n, t) {
n && wa.hasOwnProperty(n.type) && wa[n.type](n, t)
function pt(n, t, e) {
var r, i = -1,
u = n.length - e;
for (t.lineStart(); ++i < u;) r = n[i], t.point(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
function gt(n, t) {
var e = -1,
r = n.length;
for (t.polygonStart(); ++e < r;) pt(n[e], t, 1);
function vt() {
function n(n, t) {
n *= Yo, t = t * Yo / 2 + Fo / 4;
var e = n - r,
o = e >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
a = o * e,
l = Math.cos(t),
c = Math.sin(t),
f = u * c,
s = i * l + f * Math.cos(a),
h = f * o * Math.sin(a);
ka.add(Math.atan2(h, s)), r = n, i = l, u = c
var t, e, r, i, u;
Na.point = function(o, a) {
Na.point = n, r = (t = o) * Yo, i = Math.cos(a = (e = a) * Yo / 2 + Fo / 4), u = Math.sin(a)
}, Na.lineEnd = function() {
n(t, e)
function dt(n) {
var t = n[0],
e = n[1],
r = Math.cos(e);
return [r * Math.cos(t), r * Math.sin(t), Math.sin(e)]
function yt(n, t) {
return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2]
function mt(n, t) {
return [n[1] * t[2] - n[2] * t[1], n[2] * t[0] - n[0] * t[2], n[0] * t[1] - n[1] * t[0]]
function Mt(n, t) {
n[0] += t[0], n[1] += t[1], n[2] += t[2]
function xt(n, t) {
return [n[0] * t, n[1] * t, n[2] * t]
function bt(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1] + n[2] * n[2]);
n[0] /= t, n[1] /= t, n[2] /= t
function _t(n) {
return [Math.atan2(n[1], n[0]), tn(n[2])]
function wt(n, t) {
return xo(n[0] - t[0]) < Uo && xo(n[1] - t[1]) < Uo
function St(n, t) {
n *= Yo;
var e = Math.cos(t *= Yo);
kt(e * Math.cos(n), e * Math.sin(n), Math.sin(t))
function kt(n, t, e) {
++Ea, Ca += (n - Ca) / Ea, za += (t - za) / Ea, La += (e - La) / Ea
function Nt() {
function n(n, i) {
n *= Yo;
var u = Math.cos(i *= Yo),
o = u * Math.cos(n),
a = u * Math.sin(n),
l = Math.sin(i),
c = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((c = e * l - r * a) * c + (c = r * o - t * l) * c + (c = t * a - e * o) * c), t * o + e * a + r * l);
Aa += c, qa += c * (t + (t = o)), Ta += c * (e + (e = a)), Ra += c * (r + (r = l)), kt(t, e, r)
var t, e, r;
ja.point = function(i, u) {
i *= Yo;
var o = Math.cos(u *= Yo);
t = o * Math.cos(i), e = o * Math.sin(i), r = Math.sin(u), ja.point = n, kt(t, e, r)
function Et() {
ja.point = St
function At() {
function n(n, t) {
n *= Yo;
var e = Math.cos(t *= Yo),
o = e * Math.cos(n),
a = e * Math.sin(n),
l = Math.sin(t),
c = i * l - u * a,
f = u * o - r * l,
s = r * a - i * o,
h = Math.sqrt(c * c + f * f + s * s),
p = r * o + i * a + u * l,
g = h && -nn(p) / h,
v = Math.atan2(h, p);
Da += g * c, Pa += g * f, Ua += g * s, Aa += v, qa += v * (r + (r = o)), Ta += v * (i + (i = a)), Ra += v * (u + (u = l)), kt(r, i, u)
var t, e, r, i, u;
ja.point = function(o, a) {
t = o, e = a, ja.point = n, o *= Yo;
var l = Math.cos(a *= Yo);
r = l * Math.cos(o), i = l * Math.sin(o), u = Math.sin(a), kt(r, i, u)
}, ja.lineEnd = function() {
n(t, e), ja.lineEnd = Et, ja.point = St
function Ct(n, t) {
function e(e, r) {
return e = n(e, r), t(e[0], e[1])
return n.invert && t.invert && (e.invert = function(e, r) {
return e = t.invert(e, r), e && n.invert(e[0], e[1])
}), e
function zt() {
return !0
function Lt(n, t, e, r, i) {
var u = [],
o = [];
if (n.forEach(function(n) {
if (!((t = n.length - 1) <= 0)) {
var t, e = n[0],
r = n[t];
if (wt(e, r)) {
for (var a = 0; t > a; ++a) i.point((e = n[a])[0], e[1]);
return void i.lineEnd()
var l = new Tt(e, n, null, !0),
c = new Tt(e, null, l, !1);
l.o = c, u.push(l), o.push(c), l = new Tt(r, n, null, !1), c = new Tt(r, null, l, !0), l.o = c, u.push(l), o.push(c)
}), o.sort(t), qt(u), qt(o), u.length) {
for (var a = 0, l = e, c = o.length; c > a; ++a) o[a].e = l = !l;
for (var f, s, h = u[0];;) {
for (var p = h, g = !0; p.v;)
if ((p = p.n) === h) return;
f = p.z, i.lineStart();
do {
if (p.v = p.o.v = !0, p.e) {
if (g)
for (var a = 0, c = f.length; c > a; ++a) i.point((s = f[a])[0], s[1]);
else r(p.x, p.n.x, 1, i);
p = p.n
} else {
if (g) {
f = p.p.z;
for (var a = f.length - 1; a >= 0; --a) i.point((s = f[a])[0], s[1])
} else r(p.x, p.p.x, -1, i);
p = p.p
p = p.o, f = p.z, g = !g
} while (!p.v);
function qt(n) {
if (t = n.length) {
for (var t, e, r = 0, i = n[0]; ++r < t;) i.n = e = n[r], e.p = i, i = e;
i.n = e = n[0], e.p = i
function Tt(n, t, e, r) {
this.x = n, this.z = t, this.o = e, this.e = r, this.v = !1, this.n = this.p = null
function Rt(n, t, e, r) {
return function(i, u) {
function o(t, e) {
var r = i(t, e);
n(t = r[0], e = r[1]) && u.point(t, e)
function a(n, t) {
var e = i(n, t);
d.point(e[0], e[1])
function l() {
m.point = a, d.lineStart()
function c() {
m.point = o, d.lineEnd()
function f(n, t) {
v.push([n, t]);
var e = i(n, t);
x.point(e[0], e[1])
function s() {
x.lineStart(), v = []
function h() {
f(v[0][0], v[0][1]), x.lineEnd();
var n, t = x.clean(),
e = M.buffer(),
r = e.length;
if (v.pop(), g.push(v), v = null, r)
if (1 & t) {
n = e[0];
var i, r = n.length - 1,
o = -1;
if (r > 0) {
for (b || (u.polygonStart(), b = !0), u.lineStart(); ++o < r;) u.point((i = n[o])[0], i[1]);
} else r > 1 && 2 & t && e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())), p.push(e.filter(Dt))
var p, g, v, d = t(u),
y = i.invert(r[0], r[1]),
m = {
point: o,
lineStart: l,
lineEnd: c,
polygonStart: function() {
m.point = f, m.lineStart = s, m.lineEnd = h, p = [], g = []
polygonEnd: function() {
m.point = o, m.lineStart = l, m.lineEnd = c, p = ao.merge(p);
var n = Ot(y, g);
p.length ? (b || (u.polygonStart(), b = !0), Lt(p, Ut, n, e, u)) : n && (b || (u.polygonStart(), b = !0), u.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, u), u.lineEnd()), b && (u.polygonEnd(), b = !1), p = g = null
sphere: function() {
u.polygonStart(), u.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, u), u.lineEnd(), u.polygonEnd()
M = Pt(),
x = t(M),
b = !1;
return m
function Dt(n) {
return n.length > 1
function Pt() {
var n, t = [];
return {
lineStart: function() {
t.push(n = [])
point: function(t, e) {
n.push([t, e])
lineEnd: b,
buffer: function() {
var e = t;
return t = [], n = null, e
rejoin: function() {
t.length > 1 && t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))
function Ut(n, t) {
return ((n = n.x)[0] < 0 ? n[1] - Io - Uo : Io - n[1]) - ((t = t.x)[0] < 0 ? t[1] - Io - Uo : Io - t[1])
function jt(n) {
var t, e = NaN,
r = NaN,
i = NaN;
return {
lineStart: function() {
n.lineStart(), t = 1
point: function(u, o) {
var a = u > 0 ? Fo : -Fo,
l = xo(u - e);
xo(l - Fo) < Uo ? (n.point(e, r = (r + o) / 2 > 0 ? Io : -Io), n.point(i, r), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(a, r), n.point(u, r), t = 0) : i !== a && l >= Fo && (xo(e - i) < Uo && (e -= i * Uo), xo(u - a) < Uo && (u -= a * Uo), r = Ft(e, r, u, o), n.point(i, r), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(a, r), t = 0), n.point(e = u, r = o), i = a
lineEnd: function() {
n.lineEnd(), e = r = NaN
clean: function() {
return 2 - t
function Ft(n, t, e, r) {
var i, u, o = Math.sin(n - e);
return xo(o) > Uo ? Math.atan((Math.sin(t) * (u = Math.cos(r)) * Math.sin(e) - Math.sin(r) * (i = Math.cos(t)) * Math.sin(n)) / (i * u * o)) : (t + r) / 2
function Ht(n, t, e, r) {
var i;
if (null == n) i = e * Io, r.point(-Fo, i), r.point(0, i), r.point(Fo, i), r.point(Fo, 0), r.point(Fo, -i), r.point(0, -i), r.point(-Fo, -i), r.point(-Fo, 0), r.point(-Fo, i);
else if (xo(n[0] - t[0]) > Uo) {
var u = n[0] < t[0] ? Fo : -Fo;
i = e * u / 2, r.point(-u, i), r.point(0, i), r.point(u, i)
} else r.point(t[0], t[1])
function Ot(n, t) {
var e = n[0],
r = n[1],
i = [Math.sin(e), -Math.cos(e), 0],
u = 0,
o = 0;
for (var a = 0, l = t.length; l > a; ++a) {
var c = t[a],
f = c.length;
if (f)
for (var s = c[0], h = s[0], p = s[1] / 2 + Fo / 4, g = Math.sin(p), v = Math.cos(p), d = 1;;) {
d === f && (d = 0), n = c[d];
var y = n[0],
m = n[1] / 2 + Fo / 4,
M = Math.sin(m),
x = Math.cos(m),
b = y - h,
_ = b >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
w = _ * b,
S = w > Fo,
k = g * M;
if (ka.add(Math.atan2(k * _ * Math.sin(w), v * x + k * Math.cos(w))), u += S ? b + _ * Ho : b, S ^ h >= e ^ y >= e) {
var N = mt(dt(s), dt(n));
var E = mt(i, N);
var A = (S ^ b >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * tn(E[2]);
(r > A || r === A && (N[0] || N[1])) && (o += S ^ b >= 0 ? 1 : -1)
if (!d++) break;
h = y, g = M, v = x, s = n
return (-Uo > u || Uo > u && -Uo > ka) ^ 1 & o
function It(n) {
function t(n, t) {
return Math.cos(n) * Math.cos(t) > u
function e(n) {
var e, u, l, c, f;
return {
lineStart: function() {
c = l = !1, f = 1
point: function(s, h) {
var p, g = [s, h],
v = t(s, h),
d = o ? v ? 0 : i(s, h) : v ? i(s + (0 > s ? Fo : -Fo), h) : 0;
if (!e && (c = l = v) && n.lineStart(), v !== l && (p = r(e, g), (wt(e, p) || wt(g, p)) && (g[0] += Uo, g[1] += Uo, v = t(g[0], g[1]))), v !== l) f = 0, v ? (n.lineStart(), p = r(g, e), n.point(p[0], p[1])) : (p = r(e, g), n.point(p[0], p[1]), n.lineEnd()), e = p;
else if (a && e && o ^ v) {
var y;
d & u || !(y = r(g, e, !0)) || (f = 0, o ? (n.lineStart(), n.point(y[0][0], y[0][1]), n.point(y[1][0], y[1][1]), n.lineEnd()) : (n.point(y[1][0], y[1][1]), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(y[0][0], y[0][1])))
}!v || e && wt(e, g) || n.point(g[0], g[1]), e = g, l = v, u = d
lineEnd: function() {
l && n.lineEnd(), e = null
clean: function() {
return f | (c && l) << 1
function r(n, t, e) {
var r = dt(n),
i = dt(t),
o = [1, 0, 0],
a = mt(r, i),
l = yt(a, a),
c = a[0],
f = l - c * c;
if (!f) return !e && n;
var s = u * l / f,
h = -u * c / f,
p = mt(o, a),
g = xt(o, s),
v = xt(a, h);
Mt(g, v);
var d = p,
y = yt(g, d),
m = yt(d, d),
M = y * y - m * (yt(g, g) - 1);
if (!(0 > M)) {
var x = Math.sqrt(M),
b = xt(d, (-y - x) / m);
if (Mt(b, g), b = _t(b), !e) return b;
var _, w = n[0],
S = t[0],
k = n[1],
N = t[1];
w > S && (_ = w, w = S, S = _);
var E = S - w,
A = xo(E - Fo) < Uo,
C = A || Uo > E;
if (!A && k > N && (_ = k, k = N, N = _), C ? A ? k + N > 0 ^ b[1] < (xo(b[0] - w) < Uo ? k : N) : k <= b[1] && b[1] <= N : E > Fo ^ (w <= b[0] && b[0] <= S)) {
var z = xt(d, (-y + x) / m);
return Mt(z, g), [b, _t(z)]
function i(t, e) {
var r = o ? n : Fo - n,
i = 0;
return -r > t ? i |= 1 : t > r && (i |= 2), -r > e ? i |= 4 : e > r && (i |= 8), i
var u = Math.cos(n),
o = u > 0,
a = xo(u) > Uo,
l = ve(n, 6 * Yo);
return Rt(t, e, l, o ? [0, -n] : [-Fo, n - Fo])
function Yt(n, t, e, r) {
return function(i) {
var u, o = i.a,
a = i.b,
l = o.x,
c = o.y,
f = a.x,
s = a.y,
h = 0,
p = 1,
g = f - l,
v = s - c;
if (u = n - l, g || !(u > 0)) {
if (u /= g, 0 > g) {
if (h > u) return;
p > u && (p = u)
} else if (g > 0) {
if (u > p) return;
u > h && (h = u)
if (u = e - l, g || !(0 > u)) {
if (u /= g, 0 > g) {
if (u > p) return;
u > h && (h = u)
} else if (g > 0) {
if (h > u) return;
p > u && (p = u)
if (u = t - c, v || !(u > 0)) {
if (u /= v, 0 > v) {
if (h > u) return;
p > u && (p = u)
} else if (v > 0) {
if (u > p) return;
u > h && (h = u)
if (u = r - c, v || !(0 > u)) {
if (u /= v, 0 > v) {
if (u > p) return;
u > h && (h = u)
} else if (v > 0) {
if (h > u) return;
p > u && (p = u)
return h > 0 && (i.a = {
x: l + h * g,
y: c + h * v
}), 1 > p && (i.b = {
x: l + p * g,
y: c + p * v
}), i
function Zt(n, t, e, r) {
function i(r, i) {
return xo(r[0] - n) < Uo ? i > 0 ? 0 : 3 : xo(r[0] - e) < Uo ? i > 0 ? 2 : 1 : xo(r[1] - t) < Uo ? i > 0 ? 1 : 0 : i > 0 ? 3 : 2
function u(n, t) {
return o(n.x, t.x)
function o(n, t) {
var e = i(n, 1),
r = i(t, 1);
return e !== r ? e - r : 0 === e ? t[1] - n[1] : 1 === e ? n[0] - t[0] : 2 === e ? n[1] - t[1] : t[0] - n[0]
return function(a) {
function l(n) {
for (var t = 0, e = d.length, r = n[1], i = 0; e > i; ++i)
for (var u, o = 1, a = d[i], l = a.length, c = a[0]; l > o; ++o) u = a[o], c[1] <= r ? u[1] > r && Q(c, u, n) > 0 && ++t : u[1] <= r && Q(c, u, n) < 0 && --t, c = u;
return 0 !== t
function c(u, a, l, c) {
var f = 0,
s = 0;
if (null == u || (f = i(u, l)) !== (s = i(a, l)) || o(u, a) < 0 ^ l > 0) {
do c.point(0 === f || 3 === f ? n : e, f > 1 ? r : t); while ((f = (f + l + 4) % 4) !== s)
} else c.point(a[0], a[1])
function f(i, u) {
return i >= n && e >= i && u >= t && r >= u
function s(n, t) {
f(n, t) && a.point(n, t)
function h() {
C.point = g, d && d.push(y = []), S = !0, w = !1, b = _ = NaN
function p() {
v && (g(m, M), x && w && E.rejoin(), v.push(E.buffer())), C.point = s, w && a.lineEnd()
function g(n, t) {
n = Math.max(-Ha, Math.min(Ha, n)), t = Math.max(-Ha, Math.min(Ha, t));
var e = f(n, t);
if (d && y.push([n, t]), S) m = n, M = t, x = e, S = !1, e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t));
else if (e && w) a.point(n, t);
else {
var r = {
a: {
x: b,
y: _
b: {
x: n,
y: t
A(r) ? (w || (a.lineStart(), a.point(r.a.x, r.a.y)), a.point(r.b.x, r.b.y), e || a.lineEnd(), k = !1) : e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t), k = !1)
b = n, _ = t, w = e
var v, d, y, m, M, x, b, _, w, S, k, N = a,
E = Pt(),
A = Yt(n, t, e, r),
C = {
point: s,
lineStart: h,
lineEnd: p,
polygonStart: function() {
a = E, v = [], d = [], k = !0
polygonEnd: function() {
a = N, v = ao.merge(v);
var t = l([n, r]),
e = k && t,
i = v.length;
(e || i) && (a.polygonStart(), e && (a.lineStart(), c(null, null, 1, a), a.lineEnd()), i && Lt(v, u, t, c, a), a.polygonEnd()), v = d = y = null
return C
function Vt(n) {
var t = 0,
e = Fo / 3,
r = ae(n),
i = r(t, e);
return i.parallels = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? r(t = n[0] * Fo / 180, e = n[1] * Fo / 180) : [t / Fo * 180, e / Fo * 180]
}, i
function Xt(n, t) {
function e(n, t) {
var e = Math.sqrt(u - 2 * i * Math.sin(t)) / i;
return [e * Math.sin(n *= i), o - e * Math.cos(n)]
var r = Math.sin(n),
i = (r + Math.sin(t)) / 2,
u = 1 + r * (2 * i - r),
o = Math.sqrt(u) / i;
return e.invert = function(n, t) {
var e = o - t;
return [Math.atan2(n, e) / i, tn((u - (n * n + e * e) * i * i) / (2 * i))]
}, e
function $t() {
function n(n, t) {
Ia += i * n - r * t, r = n, i = t
var t, e, r, i;
$a.point = function(u, o) {
$a.point = n, t = r = u, e = i = o
}, $a.lineEnd = function() {
n(t, e)
function Bt(n, t) {
Ya > n && (Ya = n), n > Va && (Va = n), Za > t && (Za = t), t > Xa && (Xa = t)
function Wt() {
function n(n, t) {
o.push("M", n, ",", t, u)
function t(n, t) {
o.push("M", n, ",", t), a.point = e
function e(n, t) {
o.push("L", n, ",", t)
function r() {
a.point = n
function i() {
var u = Jt(4.5),
o = [],
a = {
point: n,
lineStart: function() {
a.point = t
lineEnd: r,
polygonStart: function() {
a.lineEnd = i
polygonEnd: function() {
a.lineEnd = r, a.point = n
pointRadius: function(n) {
return u = Jt(n), a
result: function() {
if (o.length) {
var n = o.join("");
return o = [], n
return a
function Jt(n) {
return "m0," + n + "a" + n + "," + n + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * n + "a" + n + "," + n + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * n + "z"
function Gt(n, t) {
Ca += n, za += t, ++La
function Kt() {
function n(n, r) {
var i = n - t,
u = r - e,
o = Math.sqrt(i * i + u * u);
qa += o * (t + n) / 2, Ta += o * (e + r) / 2, Ra += o, Gt(t = n, e = r)
var t, e;
Wa.point = function(r, i) {
Wa.point = n, Gt(t = r, e = i)
function Qt() {
Wa.point = Gt
function ne() {
function n(n, t) {
var e = n - r,
u = t - i,
o = Math.sqrt(e * e + u * u);
qa += o * (r + n) / 2, Ta += o * (i + t) / 2, Ra += o, o = i * n - r * t, Da += o * (r + n), Pa += o * (i + t), Ua += 3 * o, Gt(r = n, i = t)
var t, e, r, i;
Wa.point = function(u, o) {
Wa.point = n, Gt(t = r = u, e = i = o)
}, Wa.lineEnd = function() {
n(t, e)
function te(n) {
function t(t, e) {
n.moveTo(t + o, e), n.arc(t, e, o, 0, Ho)
function e(t, e) {
n.moveTo(t, e), a.point = r
function r(t, e) {
n.lineTo(t, e)
function i() {
a.point = t
function u() {
var o = 4.5,
a = {
point: t,
lineStart: function() {
a.point = e
lineEnd: i,
polygonStart: function() {
a.lineEnd = u
polygonEnd: function() {
a.lineEnd = i, a.point = t
pointRadius: function(n) {
return o = n, a
result: b
return a
function ee(n) {
function t(n) {
return (a ? r : e)(n)
function e(t) {
return ue(t, function(e, r) {
e = n(e, r), t.point(e[0], e[1])
function r(t) {
function e(e, r) {
e = n(e, r), t.point(e[0], e[1])
function r() {
M = NaN, S.point = u, t.lineStart()
function u(e, r) {
var u = dt([e, r]),
o = n(e, r);
i(M, x, m, b, _, w, M = o[0], x = o[1], m = e, b = u[0], _ = u[1], w = u[2], a, t), t.point(M, x)
function o() {
S.point = e, t.lineEnd()
function l() {
r(), S.point = c, S.lineEnd = f
function c(n, t) {
u(s = n, h = t), p = M, g = x, v = b, d = _, y = w, S.point = u
function f() {
i(M, x, m, b, _, w, p, g, s, v, d, y, a, t), S.lineEnd = o, o()
var s, h, p, g, v, d, y, m, M, x, b, _, w, S = {
point: e,
lineStart: r,
lineEnd: o,
polygonStart: function() {
t.polygonStart(), S.lineStart = l
polygonEnd: function() {
t.polygonEnd(), S.lineStart = r
return S
function i(t, e, r, a, l, c, f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y) {
var m = f - t,
M = s - e,
x = m * m + M * M;
if (x > 4 * u && d--) {
var b = a + p,
_ = l + g,
w = c + v,
S = Math.sqrt(b * b + _ * _ + w * w),
k = Math.asin(w /= S),
N = xo(xo(w) - 1) < Uo || xo(r - h) < Uo ? (r + h) / 2 : Math.atan2(_, b),
E = n(N, k),
A = E[0],
C = E[1],
z = A - t,
L = C - e,
q = M * z - m * L;
(q * q / x > u || xo((m * z + M * L) / x - .5) > .3 || o > a * p + l * g + c * v) && (i(t, e, r, a, l, c, A, C, N, b /= S, _ /= S, w, d, y), y.point(A, C), i(A, C, N, b, _, w, f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y))
var u = .5,
o = Math.cos(30 * Yo),
a = 16;
return t.precision = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (a = (u = n * n) > 0 && 16, t) : Math.sqrt(u)
}, t
function re(n) {
var t = ee(function(t, e) {
return n([t * Zo, e * Zo])
return function(n) {
return le(t(n))
function ie(n) { = n
function ue(n, t) {
return {
point: t,
sphere: function() {
lineStart: function() {
lineEnd: function() {
polygonStart: function() {
polygonEnd: function() {
function oe(n) {
return ae(function() {
return n
function ae(n) {
function t(n) {
return n = a(n[0] * Yo, n[1] * Yo), [n[0] * h + l, c - n[1] * h]
function e(n) {
return n = a.invert((n[0] - l) / h, (c - n[1]) / h), n && [n[0] * Zo, n[1] * Zo]
function r() {
a = Ct(o = se(y, M, x), u);
var n = u(v, d);
return l = p - n[0] * h, c = g + n[1] * h, i()
function i() {
return f && (f.valid = !1, f = null), t
var u, o, a, l, c, f, s = ee(function(n, t) {
return n = u(n, t), [n[0] * h + l, c - n[1] * h]
h = 150,
p = 480,
g = 250,
v = 0,
d = 0,
y = 0,
M = 0,
x = 0,
b = Fa,
_ = m,
w = null,
S = null;
return = function(n) {
return f && (f.valid = !1), f = le(b(o, s(_(n)))), f.valid = !0, f
}, t.clipAngle = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (b = null == n ? (w = n, Fa) : It((w = +n) * Yo), i()) : w
}, t.clipExtent = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (S = n, _ = n ? Zt(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]) : m, i()) : S
}, t.scale = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (h = +n, r()) : h
}, t.translate = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (p = +n[0], g = +n[1], r()) : [p, g]
}, = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (v = n[0] % 360 * Yo, d = n[1] % 360 * Yo, r()) : [v * Zo, d * Zo]
}, t.rotate = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (y = n[0] % 360 * Yo, M = n[1] % 360 * Yo, x = n.length > 2 ? n[2] % 360 * Yo : 0, r()) : [y * Zo, M * Zo, x * Zo]
}, ao.rebind(t, s, "precision"),
function() {
return u = n.apply(this, arguments), t.invert = u.invert && e, r()
function le(n) {
return ue(n, function(t, e) {
n.point(t * Yo, e * Yo)
function ce(n, t) {
return [n, t]
function fe(n, t) {
return [n > Fo ? n - Ho : -Fo > n ? n + Ho : n, t]
function se(n, t, e) {
return n ? t || e ? Ct(pe(n), ge(t, e)) : pe(n) : t || e ? ge(t, e) : fe
function he(n) {
return function(t, e) {
return t += n, [t > Fo ? t - Ho : -Fo > t ? t + Ho : t, e]
function pe(n) {
var t = he(n);
return t.invert = he(-n), t
function ge(n, t) {
function e(n, t) {
var e = Math.cos(t),
a = Math.cos(n) * e,
l = Math.sin(n) * e,
c = Math.sin(t),
f = c * r + a * i;
return [Math.atan2(l * u - f * o, a * r - c * i), tn(f * u + l * o)]
var r = Math.cos(n),
i = Math.sin(n),
u = Math.cos(t),
o = Math.sin(t);
return e.invert = function(n, t) {
var e = Math.cos(t),
a = Math.cos(n) * e,
l = Math.sin(n) * e,
c = Math.sin(t),
f = c * u - l * o;
return [Math.atan2(l * u + c * o, a * r + f * i), tn(f * r - a * i)]
}, e
function ve(n, t) {
var e = Math.cos(n),
r = Math.sin(n);
return function(i, u, o, a) {
var l = o * t;
null != i ? (i = de(e, i), u = de(e, u), (o > 0 ? u > i : i > u) && (i += o * Ho)) : (i = n + o * Ho, u = n - .5 * l);
for (var c, f = i; o > 0 ? f > u : u > f; f -= l) a.point((c = _t([e, -r * Math.cos(f), -r * Math.sin(f)]))[0], c[1])
function de(n, t) {
var e = dt(t);
e[0] -= n, bt(e);
var r = nn(-e[1]);
return ((-e[2] < 0 ? -r : r) + 2 * Math.PI - Uo) % (2 * Math.PI)
function ye(n, t, e) {
var r = ao.range(n, t - Uo, e).concat(t);
return function(n) {
return {
return [n, t]
function me(n, t, e) {
var r = ao.range(n, t - Uo, e).concat(t);
return function(n) {
return {
return [t, n]
function Me(n) {
return n.source
function xe(n) {
function be(n, t, e, r) {
var i = Math.cos(t),
u = Math.sin(t),
o = Math.cos(r),
a = Math.sin(r),
l = i * Math.cos(n),
c = i * Math.sin(n),
f = o * Math.cos(e),
s = o * Math.sin(e),
h = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(on(r - t) + i * o * on(e - n))),
p = 1 / Math.sin(h),
g = h ? function(n) {
var t = Math.sin(n *= h) * p,
e = Math.sin(h - n) * p,
r = e * l + t * f,
i = e * c + t * s,
o = e * u + t * a;
return [Math.atan2(i, r) * Zo, Math.atan2(o, Math.sqrt(r * r + i * i)) * Zo]
} : function() {
return [n * Zo, t * Zo]
return g.distance = h, g
function _e() {
function n(n, i) {
var u = Math.sin(i *= Yo),
o = Math.cos(i),
a = xo((n *= Yo) - t),
l = Math.cos(a);
Ja += Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a = o * Math.sin(a)) * a + (a = r * u - e * o * l) * a), e * u + r * o * l), t = n, e = u, r = o
var t, e, r;
Ga.point = function(i, u) {
t = i * Yo, e = Math.sin(u *= Yo), r = Math.cos(u), Ga.point = n
}, Ga.lineEnd = function() {
Ga.point = Ga.lineEnd = b
function we(n, t) {
function e(t, e) {
var r = Math.cos(t),
i = Math.cos(e),
u = n(r * i);
return [u * i * Math.sin(t), u * Math.sin(e)]
return e.invert = function(n, e) {
var r = Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e),
i = t(r),
u = Math.sin(i),
o = Math.cos(i);
return [Math.atan2(n * u, r * o), Math.asin(r && e * u / r)]
}, e
function Se(n, t) {
function e(n, t) {
o > 0 ? -Io + Uo > t && (t = -Io + Uo) : t > Io - Uo && (t = Io - Uo);
var e = o / Math.pow(i(t), u);
return [e * Math.sin(u * n), o - e * Math.cos(u * n)]
var r = Math.cos(n),
i = function(n) {
return Math.tan(Fo / 4 + n / 2)
u = n === t ? Math.sin(n) : Math.log(r / Math.cos(t)) / Math.log(i(t) / i(n)),
o = r * Math.pow(i(n), u) / u;
return u ? (e.invert = function(n, t) {
var e = o - t,
r = K(u) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e);
return [Math.atan2(n, e) / u, 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(o / r, 1 / u)) - Io]
}, e) : Ne
function ke(n, t) {
function e(n, t) {
var e = u - t;
return [e * Math.sin(i * n), u - e * Math.cos(i * n)]
var r = Math.cos(n),
i = n === t ? Math.sin(n) : (r - Math.cos(t)) / (t - n),
u = r / i + n;
return xo(i) < Uo ? ce : (e.invert = function(n, t) {
var e = u - t;
return [Math.atan2(n, e) / i, u - K(i) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e)]
}, e)
function Ne(n, t) {
return [n, Math.log(Math.tan(Fo / 4 + t / 2))]
function Ee(n) {
var t, e = oe(n),
r = e.scale,
i = e.translate,
u = e.clipExtent;
return e.scale = function() {
var n = r.apply(e, arguments);
return n === e ? t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e : n
}, e.translate = function() {
var n = i.apply(e, arguments);
return n === e ? t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e : n
}, e.clipExtent = function(n) {
var o = u.apply(e, arguments);
if (o === e) {
if (t = null == n) {
var a = Fo * r(),
l = i();
[l[0] - a, l[1] - a],
[l[0] + a, l[1] + a]
} else t && (o = null);
return o
}, e.clipExtent(null)
function Ae(n, t) {
return [Math.log(Math.tan(Fo / 4 + t / 2)), -n]
function Ce(n) {
return n[0]
function ze(n) {
return n[1]
function Le(n) {
for (var t = n.length, e = [0, 1], r = 2, i = 2; t > i; i++) {
for (; r > 1 && Q(n[e[r - 2]], n[e[r - 1]], n[i]) <= 0;) --r;
e[r++] = i
return e.slice(0, r)
function qe(n, t) {
return n[0] - t[0] || n[1] - t[1]
function Te(n, t, e) {
return (e[0] - t[0]) * (n[1] - t[1]) < (e[1] - t[1]) * (n[0] - t[0])
function Re(n, t, e, r) {
var i = n[0],
u = e[0],
o = t[0] - i,
a = r[0] - u,
l = n[1],
c = e[1],
f = t[1] - l,
s = r[1] - c,
h = (a * (l - c) - s * (i - u)) / (s * o - a * f);
return [i + h * o, l + h * f]
function De(n) {
var t = n[0],
e = n[n.length - 1];
return !(t[0] - e[0] || t[1] - e[1])
function Pe() {
rr(this), this.edge = = = null
function Ue(n) {
var t = cl.pop() || new Pe;
return = n, t
function je(n) {
Be(n), ol.remove(n), cl.push(n), rr(n)
function Fe(n) {
var t =,
e = t.x,
r =,
i = {
x: e,
y: r
u = n.P,
o = n.N,
a = [n];
for (var l = u; && xo(e - < Uo && xo(r - < Uo;) u = l.P, a.unshift(l), je(l), l = u;
a.unshift(l), Be(l);
for (var c = o; && xo(e - < Uo && xo(r - < Uo;) o = c.N, a.push(c), je(c), c = o;
a.push(c), Be(c);
var f, s = a.length;
for (f = 1; s > f; ++f) c = a[f], l = a[f - 1], nr(c.edge,,, i);
l = a[0], c = a[s - 1], c.edge = Ke(,, null, i), $e(l), $e(c)
function He(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i, u = n.x, o = n.y, a = ol._; a;)
if (r = Oe(a, o) - u, r > Uo) a = a.L;
else {
if (i = u - Ie(a, o), !(i > Uo)) {
r > -Uo ? (t = a.P, e = a) : i > -Uo ? (t = a, e = a.N) : t = e = a;
if (!a.R) {
t = a;
a = a.R
var l = Ue(n);
if (ol.insert(t, l), t || e) {
if (t === e) return Be(t), e = Ue(, ol.insert(l, e), l.edge = e.edge = Ke(,, $e(t), void $e(e);
if (!e) return void(l.edge = Ke(,;
Be(t), Be(e);
var c =,
f = c.x,
s = c.y,
h = n.x - f,
p = n.y - s,
g =,
v = g.x - f,
d = g.y - s,
y = 2 * (h * d - p * v),
m = h * h + p * p,
M = v * v + d * d,
x = {
x: (d * m - p * M) / y + f,
y: (h * M - v * m) / y + s
nr(e.edge, c, g, x), l.edge = Ke(c, n, null, x), e.edge = Ke(n, g, null, x), $e(t), $e(e)
function Oe(n, t) {
var e =,
r = e.x,
i = e.y,
u = i - t;
if (!u) return r;
var o = n.P;
if (!o) return -(1 / 0);
e =;
var a = e.x,
l = e.y,
c = l - t;
if (!c) return a;
var f = a - r,
s = 1 / u - 1 / c,
h = f / c;
return s ? (-h + Math.sqrt(h * h - 2 * s * (f * f / (-2 * c) - l + c / 2 + i - u / 2))) / s + r : (r + a) / 2
function Ie(n, t) {
var e = n.N;
if (e) return Oe(e, t);
var r =;
return r.y === t ? r.x : 1 / 0
function Ye(n) { = n, this.edges = []
function Ze(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i, u, o, a, l, c, f, s = n[0][0], h = n[1][0], p = n[0][1], g = n[1][1], v = ul, d = v.length; d--;)
if (u = v[d], u && u.prepare())
for (a = u.edges, l = a.length, o = 0; l > o;) f = a[o].end(), r = f.x, i = f.y, c = a[++o % l].start(), t = c.x, e = c.y, (xo(r - t) > Uo || xo(i - e) > Uo) && (a.splice(o, 0, new tr(Qe(, f, xo(r - s) < Uo && g - i > Uo ? {
x: s,
y: xo(t - s) < Uo ? e : g
} : xo(i - g) < Uo && h - r > Uo ? {
x: xo(e - g) < Uo ? t : h,
y: g
} : xo(r - h) < Uo && i - p > Uo ? {
x: h,
y: xo(t - h) < Uo ? e : p
} : xo(i - p) < Uo && r - s > Uo ? {
x: xo(e - p) < Uo ? t : s,
y: p
} : null),, null)), ++l)
function Ve(n, t) {
return t.angle - n.angle
function Xe() {
rr(this), this.x = this.y = this.arc = = = null
function $e(n) {
var t = n.P,
e = n.N;
if (t && e) {
var r =,
i =,
u =;
if (r !== u) {
var o = i.x,
a = i.y,
l = r.x - o,
c = r.y - a,
f = u.x - o,
s = u.y - a,
h = 2 * (l * s - c * f);
if (!(h >= -jo)) {
var p = l * l + c * c,
g = f * f + s * s,
v = (s * p - c * g) / h,
d = (l * g - f * p) / h,
s = d + a,
y = fl.pop() || new Xe;
y.arc = n, = i, y.x = v + o, y.y = s + Math.sqrt(v * v + d * d), = s, = y;
for (var m = null, M = ll._; M;)
if (y.y < M.y || y.y === M.y && y.x <= M.x) {
if (!M.L) {
m = M.P;
M = M.L
} else {
if (!M.R) {
m = M;
M = M.R
ll.insert(m, y), m || (al = y)
function Be(n) {
var t =;
t && (t.P || (al = t.N), ll.remove(t), fl.push(t), rr(t), = null)
function We(n) {
for (var t, e = il, r = Yt(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]), i = e.length; i--;) t = e[i], (!Je(t, n) || !r(t) || xo(t.a.x - t.b.x) < Uo && xo(t.a.y - t.b.y) < Uo) && (t.a = t.b = null, e.splice(i, 1))
function Je(n, t) {
var e = n.b;
if (e) return !0;
var r, i, u = n.a,
o = t[0][0],
a = t[1][0],
l = t[0][1],
c = t[1][1],
f = n.l,
s = n.r,
h = f.x,
p = f.y,
g = s.x,
v = s.y,
d = (h + g) / 2,
y = (p + v) / 2;
if (v === p) {
if (o > d || d >= a) return;
if (h > g) {
if (u) {
if (u.y >= c) return
} else u = {
x: d,
y: l
e = {
x: d,
y: c
} else {
if (u) {
if (u.y < l) return
} else u = {
x: d,
y: c
e = {
x: d,
y: l
} else if (r = (h - g) / (v - p), i = y - r * d, -1 > r || r > 1)
if (h > g) {
if (u) {
if (u.y >= c) return
} else u = {
x: (l - i) / r,
y: l
e = {
x: (c - i) / r,
y: c
} else {
if (u) {
if (u.y < l) return
} else u = {
x: (c - i) / r,
y: c
e = {
x: (l - i) / r,
y: l
} else if (v > p) {
if (u) {
if (u.x >= a) return
} else u = {
x: o,
y: r * o + i
e = {
x: a,
y: r * a + i
} else {
if (u) {
if (u.x < o) return
} else u = {
x: a,
y: r * a + i
e = {
x: o,
y: r * o + i
return n.a = u, n.b = e, !0
function Ge(n, t) {
this.l = n, this.r = t, this.a = this.b = null
function Ke(n, t, e, r) {
var i = new Ge(n, t);
return il.push(i), e && nr(i, n, t, e), r && nr(i, t, n, r), ul[n.i].edges.push(new tr(i, n, t)), ul[t.i].edges.push(new tr(i, t, n)), i
function Qe(n, t, e) {
var r = new Ge(n, null);
return r.a = t, r.b = e, il.push(r), r
function nr(n, t, e, r) {
n.a || n.b ? n.l === e ? n.b = r : n.a = r : (n.a = r, n.l = t, n.r = e)
function tr(n, t, e) {
var r = n.a,
i = n.b;
this.edge = n, = t, this.angle = e ? Math.atan2(e.y - t.y, e.x - t.x) : n.l === t ? Math.atan2(i.x - r.x, r.y - i.y) : Math.atan2(r.x - i.x, i.y - r.y)
function er() {
this._ = null
function rr(n) {
n.U = n.C = n.L = n.R = n.P = n.N = null
function ir(n, t) {
var e = t,
r = t.R,
i = e.U;
i ? i.L === e ? i.L = r : i.R = r : n._ = r, r.U = i, e.U = r, e.R = r.L, e.R && (e.R.U = e), r.L = e
function ur(n, t) {
var e = t,
r = t.L,
i = e.U;
i ? i.L === e ? i.L = r : i.R = r : n._ = r, r.U = i, e.U = r, e.L = r.R, e.L && (e.L.U = e), r.R = e
function or(n) {
for (; n.L;) n = n.L;
return n
function ar(n, t) {
var e, r, i, u = n.sort(lr).pop();
for (il = [], ul = new Array(n.length), ol = new er, ll = new er;;)
if (i = al, u && (!i || u.y < i.y || u.y === i.y && u.x < i.x)) u.x === e && u.y === r || (ul[u.i] = new Ye(u), He(u), e = u.x, r = u.y), u = n.pop();
else {
if (!i) break;
t && (We(t), Ze(t));
var o = {
cells: ul,
edges: il
return ol = ll = il = ul = null, o
function lr(n, t) {
return t.y - n.y || t.x - n.x
function cr(n, t, e) {
return (n.x - e.x) * (t.y - n.y) - (n.x - t.x) * (e.y - n.y)
function fr(n) {
return n.x
function sr(n) {
return n.y
function hr() {
return {
leaf: !0,
nodes: [],
point: null,
x: null,
y: null
function pr(n, t, e, r, i, u) {
if (!n(t, e, r, i, u)) {
var o = .5 * (e + i),
a = .5 * (r + u),
l = t.nodes;
l[0] && pr(n, l[0], e, r, o, a), l[1] && pr(n, l[1], o, r, i, a), l[2] && pr(n, l[2], e, a, o, u), l[3] && pr(n, l[3], o, a, i, u)
function gr(n, t, e, r, i, u, o) {
var a, l = 1 / 0;
return function c(n, f, s, h, p) {
if (!(f > u || s > o || r > h || i > p)) {
if (g = n.point) {
var g, v = t - n.x,
d = e - n.y,
y = v * v + d * d;
if (l > y) {
var m = Math.sqrt(l = y);
r = t - m, i = e - m, u = t + m, o = e + m, a = g
for (var M = n.nodes, x = .5 * (f + h), b = .5 * (s + p), _ = t >= x, w = e >= b, S = w << 1 | _, k = S + 4; k > S; ++S)
if (n = M[3 & S]) switch (3 & S) {
case 0:
c(n, f, s, x, b);
case 1:
c(n, x, s, h, b);
case 2:
c(n, f, b, x, p);
case 3:
c(n, x, b, h, p)
}(n, r, i, u, o), a
function vr(n, t) {
n = ao.rgb(n), t = ao.rgb(t);
var e = n.r,
r = n.g,
i = n.b,
u = t.r - e,
o = t.g - r,
a = t.b - i;
return function(n) {
return "#" + bn(Math.round(e + u * n)) + bn(Math.round(r + o * n)) + bn(Math.round(i + a * n))
function dr(n, t) {
var e, r = {},
i = {};
for (e in n) e in t ? r[e] = Mr(n[e], t[e]) : i[e] = n[e];
for (e in t) e in n || (i[e] = t[e]);
return function(n) {
for (e in r) i[e] = r[e](n);
return i
function yr(n, t) {
return n = +n, t = +t,
function(e) {
return n * (1 - e) + t * e
function mr(n, t) {
var e, r, i, u = hl.lastIndex = pl.lastIndex = 0,
o = -1,
a = [],
l = [];
for (n += "", t += "";
(e = hl.exec(n)) && (r = pl.exec(t));)(i = r.index) > u && (i = t.slice(u, i), a[o] ? a[o] += i : a[++o] = i), (e = e[0]) === (r = r[0]) ? a[o] ? a[o] += r : a[++o] = r : (a[++o] = null, l.push({
i: o,
x: yr(e, r)
})), u = pl.lastIndex;
return u < t.length && (i = t.slice(u), a[o] ? a[o] += i : a[++o] = i), a.length < 2 ? l[0] ? (t = l[0].x, function(n) {
return t(n) + ""
}) : function() {
return t
} : (t = l.length, function(n) {
for (var e, r = 0; t > r; ++r) a[(e = l[r]).i] = e.x(n);
return a.join("")
function Mr(n, t) {
for (var e, r = ao.interpolators.length; --r >= 0 && !(e = ao.interpolators[r](n, t)););
return e
function xr(n, t) {
var e, r = [],
i = [],
u = n.length,
o = t.length,
a = Math.min(n.length, t.length);
for (e = 0; a > e; ++e) r.push(Mr(n[e], t[e]));
for (; u > e; ++e) i[e] = n[e];
for (; o > e; ++e) i[e] = t[e];
return function(n) {
for (e = 0; a > e; ++e) i[e] = r[e](n);
return i
function br(n) {
return function(t) {
return 0 >= t ? 0 : t >= 1 ? 1 : n(t)
function _r(n) {
return function(t) {
return 1 - n(1 - t)
function wr(n) {
return function(t) {
return .5 * (.5 > t ? n(2 * t) : 2 - n(2 - 2 * t))
function Sr(n) {
return n * n
function kr(n) {
return n * n * n
function Nr(n) {
if (0 >= n) return 0;
if (n >= 1) return 1;
var t = n * n,
e = t * n;
return 4 * (.5 > n ? e : 3 * (n - t) + e - .75)
function Er(n) {
return function(t) {
return Math.pow(t, n)
function Ar(n) {
return 1 - Math.cos(n * Io)
function Cr(n) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1))
function zr(n) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n)
function Lr(n, t) {
var e;
return arguments.length < 2 && (t = .45), arguments.length ? e = t / Ho * Math.asin(1 / n) : (n = 1, e = t / 4),
function(r) {
return 1 + n * Math.pow(2, -10 * r) * Math.sin((r - e) * Ho / t)
function qr(n) {
return n || (n = 1.70158),
function(t) {
return t * t * ((n + 1) * t - n)
function Tr(n) {
return 1 / 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * n * n : 2 / 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * (n -= 1.5 / 2.75) * n + .75 : 2.5 / 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * (n -= 2.25 / 2.75) * n + .9375 : 7.5625 * (n -= 2.625 / 2.75) * n + .984375
function Rr(n, t) {
n = ao.hcl(n), t = ao.hcl(t);
var e = n.h,
r = n.c,
i = n.l,
u = t.h - e,
o = t.c - r,
a = t.l - i;
return isNaN(o) && (o = 0, r = isNaN(r) ? t.c : r), isNaN(u) ? (u = 0, e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e) : u > 180 ? u -= 360 : -180 > u && (u += 360),
function(n) {
return sn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + ""
function Dr(n, t) {
n = ao.hsl(n), t = ao.hsl(t);
var e = n.h,
r = n.s,
i = n.l,
u = t.h - e,
o = t.s - r,
a = t.l - i;
return isNaN(o) && (o = 0, r = isNaN(r) ? t.s : r), isNaN(u) ? (u = 0, e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e) : u > 180 ? u -= 360 : -180 > u && (u += 360),
function(n) {
return cn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + ""
function Pr(n, t) {
n = ao.lab(n), t = ao.lab(t);
var e = n.l,
r = n.a,
i = n.b,
u = t.l - e,
o = t.a - r,
a = t.b - i;
return function(n) {
return pn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + ""
function Ur(n, t) {
return t -= n,
function(e) {
return Math.round(n + t * e)
function jr(n) {
var t = [n.a, n.b],
e = [n.c, n.d],
r = Hr(t),
i = Fr(t, e),
u = Hr(Or(e, t, -i)) || 0;
t[0] * e[1] < e[0] * t[1] && (t[0] *= -1, t[1] *= -1, r *= -1, i *= -1), this.rotate = (r ? Math.atan2(t[1], t[0]) : Math.atan2(-e[0], e[1])) * Zo, this.translate = [n.e, n.f], this.scale = [r, u], this.skew = u ? Math.atan2(i, u) * Zo : 0
function Fr(n, t) {
return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1]
function Hr(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(Fr(n, n));
return t && (n[0] /= t, n[1] /= t), t
function Or(n, t, e) {
return n[0] += e * t[0], n[1] += e * t[1], n
function Ir(n) {
return n.length ? n.pop() + "," : ""
function Yr(n, t, e, r) {
if (n[0] !== t[0] || n[1] !== t[1]) {
var i = e.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")");
i: i - 4,
x: yr(n[0], t[0])
}, {
i: i - 2,
x: yr(n[1], t[1])
} else(t[0] || t[1]) && e.push("translate(" + t + ")")
function Zr(n, t, e, r) {
n !== t ? (n - t > 180 ? t += 360 : t - n > 180 && (n += 360), r.push({
i: e.push(Ir(e) + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2,
x: yr(n, t)
})) : t && e.push(Ir(e) + "rotate(" + t + ")")
function Vr(n, t, e, r) {
n !== t ? r.push({
i: e.push(Ir(e) + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2,
x: yr(n, t)
}) : t && e.push(Ir(e) + "skewX(" + t + ")")
function Xr(n, t, e, r) {
if (n[0] !== t[0] || n[1] !== t[1]) {
var i = e.push(Ir(e) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
i: i - 4,
x: yr(n[0], t[0])
}, {
i: i - 2,
x: yr(n[1], t[1])
} else 1 === t[0] && 1 === t[1] || e.push(Ir(e) + "scale(" + t + ")")
function $r(n, t) {
var e = [],
r = [];
return n = ao.transform(n), t = ao.transform(t), Yr(n.translate, t.translate, e, r), Zr(n.rotate, t.rotate, e, r), Vr(n.skew, t.skew, e, r), Xr(n.scale, t.scale, e, r), n = t = null,
function(n) {
for (var t, i = -1, u = r.length; ++i < u;) e[(t = r[i]).i] = t.x(n);
return e.join("")
function Br(n, t) {
return t = (t -= n = +n) || 1 / t,
function(e) {
return (e - n) / t
function Wr(n, t) {
return t = (t -= n = +n) || 1 / t,
function(e) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (e - n) / t))
function Jr(n) {
for (var t = n.source, e =, r = Kr(t, e), i = [t]; t !== r;) t = t.parent, i.push(t);
for (var u = i.length; e !== r;) i.splice(u, 0, e), e = e.parent;
return i
function Gr(n) {
for (var t = [], e = n.parent; null != e;) t.push(n), n = e, e = e.parent;
return t.push(n), t
function Kr(n, t) {
if (n === t) return n;
for (var e = Gr(n), r = Gr(t), i = e.pop(), u = r.pop(), o = null; i === u;) o = i, i = e.pop(), u = r.pop();
return o
function Qr(n) {
n.fixed |= 2
function ni(n) {
n.fixed &= -7
function ti(n) {
n.fixed |= 4, n.px = n.x, = n.y
function ei(n) {
n.fixed &= -5
function ri(n, t, e) {
var r = 0,
i = 0;
if (n.charge = 0, !n.leaf)
for (var u, o = n.nodes, a = o.length, l = -1; ++l < a;) u = o[l], null != u && (ri(u, t, e), n.charge += u.charge, r += u.charge *, i += u.charge *;
if (n.point) {
n.leaf || (n.point.x += Math.random() - .5, n.point.y += Math.random() - .5);
var c = t * e[n.point.index];
n.charge += n.pointCharge = c, r += c * n.point.x, i += c * n.point.y
} = r / n.charge, = i / n.charge
function ii(n, t) {
return ao.rebind(n, t, "sort", "children", "value"), n.nodes = n, n.links = fi, n
function ui(n, t) {
for (var e = [n]; null != (n = e.pop());)
if (t(n), (i = n.children) && (r = i.length))
for (var r, i; --r >= 0;) e.push(i[r])
function oi(n, t) {
for (var e = [n], r = []; null != (n = e.pop());)
if (r.push(n), (u = n.children) && (i = u.length))
for (var i, u, o = -1; ++o < i;) e.push(u[o]);
for (; null != (n = r.pop());) t(n)
function ai(n) {
return n.children
function li(n) {
return n.value
function ci(n, t) {
return t.value - n.value
function fi(n) {
return ao.merge( {
return (n.children || []).map(function(t) {
return {
source: n,
target: t
function si(n) {
return n.x
function hi(n) {
return n.y
function pi(n, t, e) {
n.y0 = t, n.y = e
function gi(n) {
return ao.range(n.length)
function vi(n) {
for (var t = -1, e = n[0].length, r = []; ++t < e;) r[t] = 0;
return r
function di(n) {
for (var t, e = 1, r = 0, i = n[0][1], u = n.length; u > e; ++e)(t = n[e][1]) > i && (r = e, i = t);
return r
function yi(n) {
return n.reduce(mi, 0)
function mi(n, t) {
return n + t[1]
function Mi(n, t) {
return xi(n, Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length) / Math.LN2 + 1))
function xi(n, t) {
for (var e = -1, r = +n[0], i = (n[1] - r) / t, u = []; ++e <= t;) u[e] = i * e + r;
return u
function bi(n) {
return [ao.min(n), ao.max(n)]
function _i(n, t) {
return n.value - t.value
function wi(n, t) {
var e = n._pack_next;
n._pack_next = t, t._pack_prev = n, t._pack_next = e, e._pack_prev = t
function Si(n, t) {
n._pack_next = t, t._pack_prev = n
function ki(n, t) {
var e = t.x - n.x,
r = t.y - n.y,
i = n.r + t.r;
return .999 * i * i > e * e + r * r
function Ni(n) {
function t(n) {
f = Math.min(n.x - n.r, f), s = Math.max(n.x + n.r, s), h = Math.min(n.y - n.r, h), p = Math.max(n.y + n.r, p)
if ((e = n.children) && (c = e.length)) {
var e, r, i, u, o, a, l, c, f = 1 / 0,
s = -(1 / 0),
h = 1 / 0,
p = -(1 / 0);
if (e.forEach(Ei), r = e[0], r.x = -r.r, r.y = 0, t(r), c > 1 && (i = e[1], i.x = i.r, i.y = 0, t(i), c > 2))
for (u = e[2], zi(r, i, u), t(u), wi(r, u), r._pack_prev = u, wi(u, i), i = r._pack_next, o = 3; c > o; o++) {
zi(r, i, u = e[o]);
var g = 0,
v = 1,
d = 1;
for (a = i._pack_next; a !== i; a = a._pack_next, v++)
if (ki(a, u)) {
g = 1;
if (1 == g)
for (l = r._pack_prev; l !== a._pack_prev && !ki(l, u); l = l._pack_prev, d++);
g ? (d > v || v == d && i.r < r.r ? Si(r, i = a) : Si(r = l, i), o--) : (wi(r, u), i = u, t(u))
var y = (f + s) / 2,
m = (h + p) / 2,
M = 0;
for (o = 0; c > o; o++) u = e[o], u.x -= y, u.y -= m, M = Math.max(M, u.r + Math.sqrt(u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y));
n.r = M, e.forEach(Ai)
function Ei(n) {
n._pack_next = n._pack_prev = n
function Ai(n) {
delete n._pack_next, delete n._pack_prev
function Ci(n, t, e, r) {
var i = n.children;
if (n.x = t += r * n.x, n.y = e += r * n.y, n.r *= r, i)
for (var u = -1, o = i.length; ++u < o;) Ci(i[u], t, e, r)
function zi(n, t, e) {
var r = n.r + e.r,
i = t.x - n.x,
u = t.y - n.y;
if (r && (i || u)) {
var o = t.r + e.r,
a = i * i + u * u;
o *= o, r *= r;
var l = .5 + (r - o) / (2 * a),
c = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 2 * o * (r + a) - (r -= a) * r - o * o)) / (2 * a);
e.x = n.x + l * i + c * u, e.y = n.y + l * u - c * i
} else e.x = n.x + r, e.y = n.y
function Li(n, t) {
return n.parent == t.parent ? 1 : 2
function qi(n) {
var t = n.children;
return t.length ? t[0] : n.t
function Ti(n) {
var t, e = n.children;
return (t = e.length) ? e[t - 1] : n.t
function Ri(n, t, e) {
var r = e / (t.i - n.i);
t.c -= r, t.s += e, n.c += r, t.z += e, t.m += e
function Di(n) {
for (var t, e = 0, r = 0, i = n.children, u = i.length; --u >= 0;) t = i[u], t.z += e, t.m += e, e += t.s + (r += t.c)
function Pi(n, t, e) {
return n.a.parent === t.parent ? n.a : e
function Ui(n) {
return 1 + ao.max(n, function(n) {
return n.y
function ji(n) {
return n.reduce(function(n, t) {
return n + t.x
}, 0) / n.length
function Fi(n) {
var t = n.children;
return t && t.length ? Fi(t[0]) : n
function Hi(n) {
var t, e = n.children;
return e && (t = e.length) ? Hi(e[t - 1]) : n
function Oi(n) {
return {
x: n.x,
y: n.y,
dx: n.dx,
dy: n.dy
function Ii(n, t) {
var e = n.x + t[3],
r = n.y + t[0],
i = n.dx - t[1] - t[3],
u = n.dy - t[0] - t[2];
return 0 > i && (e += i / 2, i = 0), 0 > u && (r += u / 2, u = 0), {
x: e,
y: r,
dx: i,
dy: u
function Yi(n) {
var t = n[0],
e = n[n.length - 1];
return e > t ? [t, e] : [e, t]
function Zi(n) {
return n.rangeExtent ? n.rangeExtent() : Yi(n.range())
function Vi(n, t, e, r) {
var i = e(n[0], n[1]),
u = r(t[0], t[1]);
return function(n) {
return u(i(n))
function Xi(n, t) {
var e, r = 0,
i = n.length - 1,
u = n[r],
o = n[i];
return u > o && (e = r, r = i, i = e, e = u, u = o, o = e), n[r] = t.floor(u), n[i] = t.ceil(o), n
function $i(n) {
return n ? {
floor: function(t) {
return Math.floor(t / n) * n
ceil: function(t) {
return Math.ceil(t / n) * n
} : Sl
function Bi(n, t, e, r) {
var i = [],
u = [],
o = 0,
a = Math.min(n.length, t.length) - 1;
for (n[a] < n[0] && (n = n.slice().reverse(), t = t.slice().reverse()); ++o <= a;) i.push(e(n[o - 1], n[o])), u.push(r(t[o - 1], t[o]));
return function(t) {
var e = ao.bisect(n, t, 1, a) - 1;
return u[e](i[e](t))
function Wi(n, t, e, r) {
function i() {
var i = Math.min(n.length, t.length) > 2 ? Bi : Vi,
l = r ? Wr : Br;
return o = i(n, t, l, e), a = i(t, n, l, Mr), u
function u(n) {
return o(n)
var o, a;
return u.invert = function(n) {
return a(n)
}, u.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (n =, i()) : n
}, u.range = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (t = n, i()) : t
}, u.rangeRound = function(n) {
return u.range(n).interpolate(Ur)
}, u.clamp = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (r = n, i()) : r
}, u.interpolate = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = n, i()) : e
}, u.ticks = function(t) {
return Qi(n, t)
}, u.tickFormat = function(t, e) {
return nu(n, t, e)
}, u.nice = function(t) {
return Gi(n, t), i()
}, u.copy = function() {
return Wi(n, t, e, r)
}, i()
function Ji(n, t) {
return ao.rebind(n, t, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp")
function Gi(n, t) {
return Xi(n, $i(Ki(n, t)[2])), Xi(n, $i(Ki(n, t)[2])), n
function Ki(n, t) {
null == t && (t = 10);
var e = Yi(n),
r = e[1] - e[0],
i = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(r / t) / Math.LN10)),
u = t / r * i;
return .15 >= u ? i *= 10 : .35 >= u ? i *= 5 : .75 >= u && (i *= 2), e[0] = Math.ceil(e[0] / i) * i, e[1] = Math.floor(e[1] / i) * i + .5 * i, e[2] = i, e
function Qi(n, t) {
return ao.range.apply(ao, Ki(n, t))
function nu(n, t, e) {
var r = Ki(n, t);
if (e) {
var i = ha.exec(e);
if (i.shift(), "s" === i[8]) {
var u = ao.formatPrefix(Math.max(xo(r[0]), xo(r[1])));
return i[7] || (i[7] = "." + tu(u.scale(r[2]))), i[8] = "f", e = ao.format(i.join("")),
function(n) {
return e(u.scale(n)) + u.symbol
i[7] || (i[7] = "." + eu(i[8], r)), e = i.join("")
} else e = ",." + tu(r[2]) + "f";
return ao.format(e)
function tu(n) {
return -Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10 + .01)
function eu(n, t) {
var e = tu(t[2]);
return n in kl ? Math.abs(e - tu(Math.max(xo(t[0]), xo(t[1])))) + +("e" !== n) : e - 2 * ("%" === n)
function ru(n, t, e, r) {
function i(n) {
return (e ? Math.log(0 > n ? 0 : n) : -Math.log(n > 0 ? 0 : -n)) / Math.log(t)
function u(n) {
return e ? Math.pow(t, n) : -Math.pow(t, -n)
function o(t) {
return n(i(t))
return o.invert = function(t) {
return u(n.invert(t))
}, o.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t[0] >= 0, n.domain((r =, o) : r
}, o.base = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = +e, n.domain(, o) : t
}, o.nice = function() {
var t = Xi(, e ? Math : El);
return n.domain(t), r =, o
}, o.ticks = function() {
var n = Yi(r),
o = [],
a = n[0],
l = n[1],
c = Math.floor(i(a)),
f = Math.ceil(i(l)),
s = t % 1 ? 2 : t;
if (isFinite(f - c)) {
if (e) {
for (; f > c; c++)
for (var h = 1; s > h; h++) o.push(u(c) * h);
} else
for (o.push(u(c)); c++ < f;)
for (var h = s - 1; h > 0; h--) o.push(u(c) * h);
for (c = 0; o[c] < a; c++);
for (f = o.length; o[f - 1] > l; f--);
o = o.slice(c, f)
return o
}, o.tickFormat = function(n, e) {
if (!arguments.length) return Nl;
arguments.length < 2 ? e = Nl : "function" != typeof e && (e = ao.format(e));
var r = Math.max(1, t * n / o.ticks().length);
return function(n) {
var o = n / u(Math.round(i(n)));
return t - .5 > o * t && (o *= t), r >= o ? e(n) : ""
}, o.copy = function() {
return ru(n.copy(), t, e, r)
}, Ji(o, n)
function iu(n, t, e) {
function r(t) {
return n(i(t))
var i = uu(t),
u = uu(1 / t);
return r.invert = function(t) {
return u(n.invert(t))
}, r.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (n.domain((e =, r) : e
}, r.ticks = function(n) {
return Qi(e, n)
}, r.tickFormat = function(n, t) {
return nu(e, n, t)
}, r.nice = function(n) {
return r.domain(Gi(e, n))
}, r.exponent = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (i = uu(t = o), u = uu(1 / t), n.domain(, r) : t
}, r.copy = function() {
return iu(n.copy(), t, e)
}, Ji(r, n)
function uu(n) {
return function(t) {
return 0 > t ? -Math.pow(-t, n) : Math.pow(t, n)
function ou(n, t) {
function e(e) {
return u[((i.get(e) || ("range" === t.t ? i.set(e, n.push(e)) : NaN)) - 1) % u.length]
function r(t, e) {
return ao.range(n.length).map(function(n) {
return t + e * n
var i, u, o;
return e.domain = function(r) {
if (!arguments.length) return n;
n = [], i = new c;
for (var u, o = -1, a = r.length; ++o < a;) i.has(u = r[o]) || i.set(u, n.push(u));
return e[t.t].apply(e, t.a)
}, e.range = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (u = n, o = 0, t = {
t: "range",
a: arguments
}, e) : u
}, e.rangePoints = function(i, a) {
arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);
var l = i[0],
c = i[1],
f = n.length < 2 ? (l = (l + c) / 2, 0) : (c - l) / (n.length - 1 + a);
return u = r(l + f * a / 2, f), o = 0, t = {
t: "rangePoints",
a: arguments
}, e
}, e.rangeRoundPoints = function(i, a) {
arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);
var l = i[0],
c = i[1],
f = n.length < 2 ? (l = c = Math.round((l + c) / 2), 0) : (c - l) / (n.length - 1 + a) | 0;
return u = r(l + Math.round(f * a / 2 + (c - l - (n.length - 1 + a) * f) / 2), f), o = 0, t = {
t: "rangeRoundPoints",
a: arguments
}, e
}, e.rangeBands = function(i, a, l) {
arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (l = a);
var c = i[1] < i[0],
f = i[c - 0],
s = i[1 - c],
h = (s - f) / (n.length - a + 2 * l);
return u = r(f + h * l, h), c && u.reverse(), o = h * (1 - a), t = {
t: "rangeBands",
a: arguments
}, e
}, e.rangeRoundBands = function(i, a, l) {
arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (l = a);
var c = i[1] < i[0],
f = i[c - 0],
s = i[1 - c],
h = Math.floor((s - f) / (n.length - a + 2 * l));
return u = r(f + Math.round((s - f - (n.length - a) * h) / 2), h), c && u.reverse(), o = Math.round(h * (1 - a)), t = {
t: "rangeRoundBands",
a: arguments
}, e
}, e.rangeBand = function() {
return o
}, e.rangeExtent = function() {
return Yi(t.a[0])
}, e.copy = function() {
return ou(n, t)
}, e.domain(n)
function au(n, t) {
function u() {
var e = 0,
r = t.length;
for (a = []; ++e < r;) a[e - 1] = ao.quantile(n, e / r);
return o
function o(n) {
return isNaN(n = +n) ? void 0 : t[ao.bisect(a, n)]
var a;
return o.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (n =, u()) : n
}, o.range = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (t = n, u()) : t
}, o.quantiles = function() {
return a
}, o.invertExtent = function(e) {
return e = t.indexOf(e), 0 > e ? [NaN, NaN] : [e > 0 ? a[e - 1] : n[0], e < a.length ? a[e] : n[n.length - 1]]
}, o.copy = function() {
return au(n, t)
}, u()
function lu(n, t, e) {
function r(t) {
return e[Math.max(0, Math.min(o, Math.floor(u * (t - n))))]
function i() {
return u = e.length / (t - n), o = e.length - 1, r
var u, o;
return r.domain = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (n = +e[0], t = +e[e.length - 1], i()) : [n, t]
}, r.range = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = n, i()) : e
}, r.invertExtent = function(t) {
return t = e.indexOf(t), t = 0 > t ? NaN : t / u + n, [t, t + 1 / u]
}, r.copy = function() {
return lu(n, t, e)
}, i()
function cu(n, t) {
function e(e) {
return e >= e ? t[ao.bisect(n, e)] : void 0
return e.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (n = t, e) : n
}, e.range = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (t = n, e) : t
}, e.invertExtent = function(e) {
return e = t.indexOf(e), [n[e - 1], n[e]]
}, e.copy = function() {
return cu(n, t)
}, e
function fu(n) {
function t(n) {
return +n
return t.invert = t, t.domain = t.range = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (n =, t) : n
}, t.ticks = function(t) {
return Qi(n, t)
}, t.tickFormat = function(t, e) {
return nu(n, t, e)
}, t.copy = function() {
return fu(n)
}, t
function su() {
return 0
function hu(n) {
return n.innerRadius
function pu(n) {
return n.outerRadius
function gu(n) {
return n.startAngle
function vu(n) {
return n.endAngle
function du(n) {
return n && n.padAngle
function yu(n, t, e, r) {
return (n - e) * t - (t - r) * n > 0 ? 0 : 1
function mu(n, t, e, r, i) {
var u = n[0] - t[0],
o = n[1] - t[1],
a = (i ? r : -r) / Math.sqrt(u * u + o * o),
l = a * o,
c = -a * u,
f = n[0] + l,
s = n[1] + c,
h = t[0] + l,
p = t[1] + c,
g = (f + h) / 2,
v = (s + p) / 2,
d = h - f,
y = p - s,
m = d * d + y * y,
M = e - r,
x = f * p - h * s,
b = (0 > y ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, M * M * m - x * x)),
_ = (x * y - d * b) / m,
w = (-x * d - y * b) / m,
S = (x * y + d * b) / m,
k = (-x * d + y * b) / m,
N = _ - g,
E = w - v,
A = S - g,
C = k - v;
return N * N + E * E > A * A + C * C && (_ = S, w = k), [
[_ - l, w - c],
[_ * e / M, w * e / M]
function Mu(n) {
function t(t) {
function o() {
c.push("M", u(n(f), a))
for (var l, c = [], f = [], s = -1, h = t.length, p = En(e), g = En(r); ++s < h;), l = t[s], s) ? f.push([, l, s),, l, s)]) : f.length && (o(), f = []);
return f.length && o(), c.length ? c.join("") : null
var e = Ce,
r = ze,
i = zt,
u = xu,
o = u.key,
a = .7;
return t.x = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e
}, t.y = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r
}, t.defined = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (i = n, t) : i
}, t.interpolate = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (o = "function" == typeof n ? u = n : (u = Tl.get(n) || xu).key, t) : o
}, t.tension = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (a = n, t) : a
}, t
function xu(n) {
return n.length > 1 ? n.join("L") : n + "Z"
function bu(n) {
return n.join("L") + "Z"
function _u(n) {
for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;) i.push("H", (r[0] + (r = n[t])[0]) / 2, "V", r[1]);
return e > 1 && i.push("H", r[0]), i.join("")
function wu(n) {
for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;) i.push("V", (r = n[t])[1], "H", r[0]);
return i.join("")
function Su(n) {
for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;) i.push("H", (r = n[t])[0], "V", r[1]);
return i.join("")
function ku(n, t) {
return n.length < 4 ? xu(n) : n[1] + Au(n.slice(1, -1), Cu(n, t))
function Nu(n, t) {
return n.length < 3 ? bu(n) : n[0] + Au((n.push(n[0]), n), Cu([n[n.length - 2]].concat(n, [n[1]]), t))
function Eu(n, t) {
return n.length < 3 ? xu(n) : n[0] + Au(n, Cu(n, t))
function Au(n, t) {
if (t.length < 1 || n.length != t.length && n.length != t.length + 2) return xu(n);
var e = n.length != t.length,
r = "",
i = n[0],
u = n[1],
o = t[0],
a = o,
l = 1;
if (e && (r += "Q" + (u[0] - 2 * o[0] / 3) + "," + (u[1] - 2 * o[1] / 3) + "," + u[0] + "," + u[1], i = n[1], l = 2), t.length > 1) {
a = t[1], u = n[l], l++, r += "C" + (i[0] + o[0]) + "," + (i[1] + o[1]) + "," + (u[0] - a[0]) + "," + (u[1] - a[1]) + "," + u[0] + "," + u[1];
for (var c = 2; c < t.length; c++, l++) u = n[l], a = t[c], r += "S" + (u[0] - a[0]) + "," + (u[1] - a[1]) + "," + u[0] + "," + u[1]
if (e) {
var f = n[l];
r += "Q" + (u[0] + 2 * a[0] / 3) + "," + (u[1] + 2 * a[1] / 3) + "," + f[0] + "," + f[1]
return r
function Cu(n, t) {
for (var e, r = [], i = (1 - t) / 2, u = n[0], o = n[1], a = 1, l = n.length; ++a < l;) e = u, u = o, o = n[a], r.push([i * (o[0] - e[0]), i * (o[1] - e[1])]);
return r
function zu(n) {
if (n.length < 3) return xu(n);
var t = 1,
e = n.length,
r = n[0],
i = r[0],
u = r[1],
o = [i, i, i, (r = n[1])[0]],
a = [u, u, u, r[1]],
l = [i, ",", u, "L", Ru(Pl, o), ",", Ru(Pl, a)];
for (n.push(n[e - 1]); ++t <= e;) r = n[t], o.shift(), o.push(r[0]), a.shift(), a.push(r[1]), Du(l, o, a);
return n.pop(), l.push("L", r), l.join("")
function Lu(n) {
if (n.length < 4) return xu(n);
for (var t, e = [], r = -1, i = n.length, u = [0], o = [0]; ++r < 3;) t = n[r], u.push(t[0]), o.push(t[1]);
for (e.push(Ru(Pl, u) + "," + Ru(Pl, o)), --r; ++r < i;) t = n[r], u.shift(), u.push(t[0]), o.shift(), o.push(t[1]), Du(e, u, o);
return e.join("")
function qu(n) {
for (var t, e, r = -1, i = n.length, u = i + 4, o = [], a = []; ++r < 4;) e = n[r % i], o.push(e[0]), a.push(e[1]);
for (t = [Ru(Pl, o), ",", Ru(Pl, a)], --r; ++r < u;) e = n[r % i], o.shift(), o.push(e[0]), a.shift(), a.push(e[1]), Du(t, o, a);
return t.join("")
function Tu(n, t) {
var e = n.length - 1;
if (e)
for (var r, i, u = n[0][0], o = n[0][1], a = n[e][0] - u, l = n[e][1] - o, c = -1; ++c <= e;) r = n[c], i = c / e, r[0] = t * r[0] + (1 - t) * (u + i * a), r[1] = t * r[1] + (1 - t) * (o + i * l);
return zu(n)
function Ru(n, t) {
return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2] + n[3] * t[3]
function Du(n, t, e) {
n.push("C", Ru(Rl, t), ",", Ru(Rl, e), ",", Ru(Dl, t), ",", Ru(Dl, e), ",", Ru(Pl, t), ",", Ru(Pl, e))
function Pu(n, t) {
return (t[1] - n[1]) / (t[0] - n[0])
function Uu(n) {
for (var t = 0, e = n.length - 1, r = [], i = n[0], u = n[1], o = r[0] = Pu(i, u); ++t < e;) r[t] = (o + (o = Pu(i = u, u = n[t + 1]))) / 2;
return r[t] = o, r
function ju(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i, u = [], o = Uu(n), a = -1, l = n.length - 1; ++a < l;) t = Pu(n[a], n[a + 1]), xo(t) < Uo ? o[a] = o[a + 1] = 0 : (e = o[a] / t, r = o[a + 1] / t, i = e * e + r * r, i > 9 && (i = 3 * t / Math.sqrt(i), o[a] = i * e, o[a + 1] = i * r));
for (a = -1; ++a <= l;) i = (n[Math.min(l, a + 1)][0] - n[Math.max(0, a - 1)][0]) / (6 * (1 + o[a] * o[a])), u.push([i || 0, o[a] * i || 0]);
return u
function Fu(n) {
return n.length < 3 ? xu(n) : n[0] + Au(n, ju(n))
function Hu(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i = -1, u = n.length; ++i < u;) t = n[i], e = t[0], r = t[1] - Io, t[0] = e * Math.cos(r), t[1] = e * Math.sin(r);
return n
function Ou(n) {
function t(t) {
function l() {
v.push("M", a(n(y), s), f, c(n(d.reverse()), s), "Z")
for (var h, p, g, v = [], d = [], y = [], m = -1, M = t.length, x = En(e), b = En(i), _ = e === r ? function() {
return p
} : En(r), w = i === u ? function() {
return g
} : En(u); ++m < M;), h = t[m], m) ? (d.push([p =, h, m), g =, h, m)]), y.push([, h, m),, h, m)])) : d.length && (l(), d = [], y = []);
return d.length && l(), v.length ? v.join("") : null
var e = Ce,
r = Ce,
i = 0,
u = ze,
o = zt,
a = xu,
l = a.key,
c = a,
f = "L",
s = .7;
return t.x = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = r = n, t) : r
}, t.x0 = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e
}, t.x1 = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r
}, t.y = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (i = u = n, t) : u
}, t.y0 = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (i = n, t) : i
}, t.y1 = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (u = n, t) : u
}, t.defined = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (o = n, t) : o
}, t.interpolate = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (l = "function" == typeof n ? a = n : (a = Tl.get(n) || xu).key, c = a.reverse || a, f = a.closed ? "M" : "L", t) : l
}, t.tension = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (s = n, t) : s
}, t
function Iu(n) {
return n.radius
function Yu(n) {
return [n.x, n.y]
function Zu(n) {
return function() {
var t = n.apply(this, arguments),
e = t[0],
r = t[1] - Io;
return [e * Math.cos(r), e * Math.sin(r)]
function Vu() {
return 64
function Xu() {
return "circle"
function $u(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n / Fo);
return "M0," + t + "A" + t + "," + t + " 0 1,1 0," + -t + "A" + t + "," + t + " 0 1,1 0," + t + "Z"
function Bu(n) {
return function() {
var t, e, r;
(t = this[n]) && (r = t[e =]) && (r.timer.c = null, r.timer.t = NaN, --t.count ? delete t[e] : delete this[n], += .5, r.event &&, this.__data__, r.index))
function Wu(n, t, e) {
return ko(n, Yl), n.namespace = t, = e, n
function Ju(n, t, e, r) {
var i =,
u = n.namespace;
return Y(n, "function" == typeof e ? function(n, o, a) {
n[u][i].tween.set(t, r(, n.__data__, o, a)))
} : (e = r(e), function(n) {
n[u][i].tween.set(t, e)
function Gu(n) {
return null == n && (n = ""),
function() {
this.textContent = n
function Ku(n) {
return null == n ? "__transition__" : "__transition_" + n + "__"
function Qu(n, t, e, r, i) {
function u(n) {
var t = v.delay;
return f.t = t + l, n >= t ? o(n - t) : void(f.c = o)
function o(e) {
var i =,
u = g[i];
u && (u.timer.c = null, u.timer.t = NaN, --g.count, delete g[i], u.event &&, n.__data__, u.index));
for (var o in g)
if (r > +o) {
var c = g[o];
c.timer.c = null, c.timer.t = NaN, --g.count, delete g[o]
f.c = a, qn(function() {
return f.c && a(e || 1) && (f.c = null, f.t = NaN), 1
}, 0, l), = r, v.event &&, n.__data__, t), p = [], v.tween.forEach(function(e, r) {
(r =, n.__data__, t)) && p.push(r)
}), h = v.ease, s = v.duration
function a(i) {
for (var u = i / s, o = h(u), a = p.length; a > 0;) p[--a].call(n, o);
return u >= 1 ? (v.event &&, n.__data__, t), --g.count ? delete g[r] : delete n[e], 1) : void 0
var l, f, s, h, p, g = n[e] || (n[e] = {
active: 0,
count: 0
v = g[r];
v || (l = i.time, f = qn(u, 0, l), v = g[r] = {
tween: new c,
time: l,
timer: f,
delay: i.delay,
duration: i.duration,
ease: i.ease,
index: t
}, i = null, ++g.count)
function no(n, t, e) {
n.attr("transform", function(n) {
var r = t(n);
return "translate(" + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ",0)"
function to(n, t, e) {
n.attr("transform", function(n) {
var r = t(n);
return "translate(0," + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ")"
function eo(n) {
return n.toISOString()
function ro(n, t, e) {
function r(t) {
return n(t)
function i(n, e) {
var r = n[1] - n[0],
i = r / e,
u = ao.bisect(Kl, i);
return u == Kl.length ? [t.year, Ki( {
return n / 31536e6
}), e)[2]] : u ? t[i / Kl[u - 1] < Kl[u] / i ? u - 1 : u] : [tc, Ki(n, e)[2]]
return r.invert = function(t) {
return io(n.invert(t))
}, r.domain = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (n.domain(t), r) : n.domain().map(io)
}, r.nice = function(n, t) {
function e(e) {
return !isNaN(e) && !n.range(e, io(+e + 1), t).length
var u = r.domain(),
o = Yi(u),
a = null == n ? i(o, 10) : "number" == typeof n && i(o, n);
return a && (n = a[0], t = a[1]), r.domain(Xi(u, t > 1 ? {
floor: function(t) {
for (; e(t = n.floor(t));) t = io(t - 1);
return t
ceil: function(t) {
for (; e(t = n.ceil(t));) t = io(+t + 1);
return t
} : n))
}, r.ticks = function(n, t) {
var e = Yi(r.domain()),
u = null == n ? i(e, 10) : "number" == typeof n ? i(e, n) : !n.range && [{
range: n
}, t];
return u && (n = u[0], t = u[1]), n.range(e[0], io(+e[1] + 1), 1 > t ? 1 : t)
}, r.tickFormat = function() {
return e
}, r.copy = function() {
return ro(n.copy(), t, e)
}, Ji(r, n)
function io(n) {
return new Date(n)
function uo(n) {
return JSON.parse(n.responseText)
function oo(n) {
var t = fo.createRange();
return t.selectNode(fo.body), t.createContextualFragment(n.responseText)
var ao = {
version: "3.5.17"
lo = [].slice,
co = function(n) {
fo = this.document;
if (fo) try {
} catch (so) {
co = function(n) {
for (var t = n.length, e = new Array(t); t--;) e[t] = n[t];
return e
if ( || ( = function() {
return +new Date
}), fo) try {
fo.createElement("DIV").style.setProperty("opacity", 0, "")
} catch (ho) {
var po = this.Element.prototype,
go = po.setAttribute,
vo = po.setAttributeNS,
yo = this.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype,
mo = yo.setProperty;
po.setAttribute = function(n, t) {, n, t + "")
}, po.setAttributeNS = function(n, t, e) {, n, t, e + "")
}, yo.setProperty = function(n, t, e) {, n, t + "", e)
ao.ascending = e, ao.descending = function(n, t) {
return n > t ? -1 : t > n ? 1 : t >= n ? 0 : NaN
}, ao.min = function(n, t) {
var e, r, i = -1,
u = n.length;
if (1 === arguments.length) {
for (; ++i < u;)
if (null != (r = n[i]) && r >= r) {
e = r;
for (; ++i < u;) null != (r = n[i]) && e > r && (e = r)
} else {
for (; ++i < u;)
if (null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r >= r) {
e = r;
for (; ++i < u;) null != (r =, n[i], i)) && e > r && (e = r)
return e
}, ao.max = function(n, t) {
var e, r, i = -1,
u = n.length;
if (1 === arguments.length) {
for (; ++i < u;)
if (null != (r = n[i]) && r >= r) {
e = r;
for (; ++i < u;) null != (r = n[i]) && r > e && (e = r)
} else {
for (; ++i < u;)
if (null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r >= r) {
e = r;
for (; ++i < u;) null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r > e && (e = r)
return e
}, ao.extent = function(n, t) {
var e, r, i, u = -1,
o = n.length;
if (1 === arguments.length) {
for (; ++u < o;)
if (null != (r = n[u]) && r >= r) {
e = i = r;
for (; ++u < o;) null != (r = n[u]) && (e > r && (e = r), r > i && (i = r))
} else {
for (; ++u < o;)
if (null != (r =, n[u], u)) && r >= r) {
e = i = r;
for (; ++u < o;) null != (r =, n[u], u)) && (e > r && (e = r), r > i && (i = r))
return [e, i]
}, ao.sum = function(n, t) {
var e, r = 0,
u = n.length,
o = -1;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (; ++o < u;) i(e = +n[o]) && (r += e);
for (; ++o < u;) i(e =, n[o], o)) && (r += e);
return r
}, ao.mean = function(n, t) {
var e, u = 0,
o = n.length,
a = -1,
l = o;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (; ++a < o;) i(e = r(n[a])) ? u += e : --l;
for (; ++a < o;) i(e = r(, n[a], a))) ? u += e : --l;
return l ? u / l : void 0
}, ao.quantile = function(n, t) {
var e = (n.length - 1) * t + 1,
r = Math.floor(e),
i = +n[r - 1],
u = e - r;
return u ? i + u * (n[r] - i) : i
}, ao.median = function(n, t) {
var u, o = [],
a = n.length,
l = -1;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (; ++l < a;) i(u = r(n[l])) && o.push(u);
for (; ++l < a;) i(u = r(, n[l], l))) && o.push(u);
return o.length ? ao.quantile(o.sort(e), .5) : void 0
}, ao.variance = function(n, t) {
var e, u, o = n.length,
a = 0,
l = 0,
c = -1,
f = 0;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (; ++c < o;) i(e = r(n[c])) && (u = e - a, a += u / ++f, l += u * (e - a));
for (; ++c < o;) i(e = r(, n[c], c))) && (u = e - a, a += u / ++f, l += u * (e - a));
return f > 1 ? l / (f - 1) : void 0
}, ao.deviation = function() {
var n = ao.variance.apply(this, arguments);
return n ? Math.sqrt(n) : n
var Mo = u(e);
ao.bisectLeft = Mo.left, ao.bisect = ao.bisectRight = Mo.right, ao.bisector = function(n) {
return u(1 === n.length ? function(t, r) {
return e(n(t), r)
} : n)
}, ao.shuffle = function(n, t, e) {
(u = arguments.length) < 3 && (e = n.length, 2 > u && (t = 0));
for (var r, i, u = e - t; u;) i = Math.random() * u-- | 0, r = n[u + t], n[u + t] = n[i + t], n[i + t] = r;
return n
}, ao.permute = function(n, t) {
for (var e = t.length, r = new Array(e); e--;) r[e] = n[t[e]];
return r
}, ao.pairs = function(n) {
for (var t, e = 0, r = n.length - 1, i = n[0], u = new Array(0 > r ? 0 : r); r > e;) u[e] = [t = i, i = n[++e]];
return u
}, ao.transpose = function(n) {
if (!(i = n.length)) return [];
for (var t = -1, e = ao.min(n, o), r = new Array(e); ++t < e;)
for (var i, u = -1, a = r[t] = new Array(i); ++u < i;) a[u] = n[u][t];
return r
}, = function() {
return ao.transpose(arguments)
}, ao.keys = function(n) {
var t = [];
for (var e in n) t.push(e);
return t
}, ao.values = function(n) {
var t = [];
for (var e in n) t.push(n[e]);
return t
}, ao.entries = function(n) {
var t = [];
for (var e in n) t.push({
key: e,
value: n[e]
return t
}, ao.merge = function(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i = n.length, u = -1, o = 0; ++u < i;) o += n[u].length;
for (e = new Array(o); --i >= 0;)
for (r = n[i], t = r.length; --t >= 0;) e[--o] = r[t];
return e
var xo = Math.abs;
ao.range = function(n, t, e) {
if (arguments.length < 3 && (e = 1, arguments.length < 2 && (t = n, n = 0)), (t - n) / e === 1 / 0) throw new Error("infinite range");
var r, i = [],
u = a(xo(e)),
o = -1;
if (n *= u, t *= u, e *= u, 0 > e)
for (;
(r = n + e * ++o) > t;) i.push(r / u);
for (;
(r = n + e * ++o) < t;) i.push(r / u);
return i
}, = function(n, t) {
var e = new c;
if (n instanceof c) n.forEach(function(n, t) {
e.set(n, t)
else if (Array.isArray(n)) {
var r, i = -1,
u = n.length;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (; ++i < u;) e.set(i, n[i]);
for (; ++i < u;) e.set(, r = n[i], i), r)
} else
for (var o in n) e.set(o, n[o]);
return e
var bo = "__proto__",
_o = "\x00";
l(c, {
has: h,
get: function(n) {
return this._[f(n)]
set: function(n, t) {
return this._[f(n)] = t
remove: p,
keys: g,
values: function() {
var n = [];
for (var t in this._) n.push(this._[t]);
return n
entries: function() {
var n = [];
for (var t in this._) n.push({
key: s(t),
value: this._[t]
return n
size: v,
empty: d,
forEach: function(n) {
for (var t in this._), s(t), this._[t])
}), ao.nest = function() {
function n(t, o, a) {
if (a >= u.length) return r ?, o) : e ? o.sort(e) : o;
for (var l, f, s, h, p = -1, g = o.length, v = u[a++], d = new c; ++p < g;)(h = d.get(l = v(f = o[p]))) ? h.push(f) : d.set(l, [f]);
return t ? (f = t(), s = function(e, r) {
f.set(e, n(t, r, a))
}) : (f = {}, s = function(e, r) {
f[e] = n(t, r, a)
}), d.forEach(s), f
function t(n, e) {
if (e >= u.length) return n;
var r = [],
i = o[e++];
return n.forEach(function(n, i) {
key: n,
values: t(i, e)
}), i ? r.sort(function(n, t) {
return i(n.key, t.key)
}) : r
var e, r, i = {},
u = [],
o = [];
return = function(t, e) {
return n(e, t, 0)
}, i.entries = function(e) {
return t(n(, e, 0), 0)
}, i.key = function(n) {
return u.push(n), i
}, i.sortKeys = function(n) {
return o[u.length - 1] = n, i
}, i.sortValues = function(n) {
return e = n, i
}, i.rollup = function(n) {
return r = n, i
}, i
}, ao.set = function(n) {
var t = new y;
if (n)
for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; ++e) t.add(n[e]);
return t
}, l(y, {
has: h,
add: function(n) {
return this._[f(n += "")] = !0, n
remove: p,
values: g,
size: v,
empty: d,
forEach: function(n) {
for (var t in this._), s(t))
}), ao.behavior = {}, ao.rebind = function(n, t) {
for (var e, r = 1, i = arguments.length; ++r < i;) n[e = arguments[r]] = M(n, t, t[e]);
return n
var wo = ["webkit", "ms", "moz", "Moz", "o", "O"];
ao.dispatch = function() {
for (var n = new _, t = -1, e = arguments.length; ++t < e;) n[arguments[t]] = w(n);
return n
}, _.prototype.on = function(n, t) {
var e = n.indexOf("."),
r = "";
if (e >= 0 && (r = n.slice(e + 1), n = n.slice(0, e)), n) return arguments.length < 2 ? this[n].on(r) : this[n].on(r, t);
if (2 === arguments.length) {
if (null == t)
for (n in this) this.hasOwnProperty(n) && this[n].on(r, null);
return this
}, ao.event = null, ao.requote = function(n) {
return n.replace(So, "\\$&")
var So = /[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/g,
ko = {}.__proto__ ? function(n, t) {
n.__proto__ = t
} : function(n, t) {
for (var e in t) n[e] = t[e]
No = function(n, t) {
return t.querySelector(n)
Eo = function(n, t) {
return t.querySelectorAll(n)
Ao = function(n, t) {
var e = n.matches || n[x(n, "matchesSelector")];
return (Ao = function(n, t) {
return, t)
})(n, t)
"function" == typeof Sizzle && (No = function(n, t) {
return Sizzle(n, t)[0] || null
}, Eo = Sizzle, Ao = Sizzle.matchesSelector), ao.selection = function() {
var Co = ao.selection.prototype = []; = function(n) {
var t, e, r, i, u = [];
n = A(n);
for (var o = -1, a = this.length; ++o < a;) {
u.push(t = []), t.parentNode = (r = this[o]).parentNode;
for (var l = -1, c = r.length; ++l < c;)(i = r[l]) ? (t.push(e =, i.__data__, l, o)), e && "__data__" in i && (e.__data__ = i.__data__)) : t.push(null)
return E(u)
}, Co.selectAll = function(n) {
var t, e, r = [];
n = C(n);
for (var i = -1, u = this.length; ++i < u;)
for (var o = this[i], a = -1, l = o.length; ++a < l;)(e = o[a]) && (r.push(t = co(, e.__data__, a, i))), t.parentNode = e);
return E(r)
var zo = "",
Lo = {
svg: "",
xhtml: zo,
xlink: "",
xml: "",
xmlns: ""
ao.ns = {
prefix: Lo,
qualify: function(n) {
var t = n.indexOf(":"),
e = n;
return t >= 0 && "xmlns" !== (e = n.slice(0, t)) && (n = n.slice(t + 1)), Lo.hasOwnProperty(e) ? {
space: Lo[e],
local: n
} : n
}, Co.attr = function(n, t) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if ("string" == typeof n) {
var e = this.node();
return n = ao.ns.qualify(n), n.local ? e.getAttributeNS(, n.local) : e.getAttribute(n)
for (t in n) this.each(z(t, n[t]));
return this
return this.each(z(n, t))
}, Co.classed = function(n, t) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if ("string" == typeof n) {
var e = this.node(),
r = (n = T(n)).length,
i = -1;
if (t = e.classList) {
for (; ++i < r;)
if (!t.contains(n[i])) return !1
} else
for (t = e.getAttribute("class"); ++i < r;)
if (!q(n[i]).test(t)) return !1; return !0
for (t in n) this.each(R(t, n[t]));
return this
return this.each(R(n, t))
}, = function(n, e, r) {
var i = arguments.length;
if (3 > i) {
if ("string" != typeof n) {
2 > i && (e = "");
for (r in n) this.each(P(r, n[r], e));
return this
if (2 > i) {
var u = this.node();
return t(u).getComputedStyle(u, null).getPropertyValue(n)
r = ""
return this.each(P(n, e, r))
}, = function(n, t) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if ("string" == typeof n) return this.node()[n];
for (t in n) this.each(U(t, n[t]));
return this
return this.each(U(n, t))
}, Co.text = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? this.each("function" == typeof n ? function() {
var t = n.apply(this, arguments);
this.textContent = null == t ? "" : t
} : null == n ? function() {
this.textContent = ""
} : function() {
this.textContent = n
}) : this.node().textContent
}, Co.html = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? this.each("function" == typeof n ? function() {
var t = n.apply(this, arguments);
this.innerHTML = null == t ? "" : t
} : null == n ? function() {
this.innerHTML = ""
} : function() {
this.innerHTML = n
}) : this.node().innerHTML
}, Co.append = function(n) {
return n = j(n), {
return this.appendChild(n.apply(this, arguments))
}, Co.insert = function(n, t) {
return n = j(n), t = A(t), {
return this.insertBefore(n.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) || null)
}, Co.remove = function() {
return this.each(F)
}, = function(n, t) {
function e(n, e) {
var r, i, u, o = n.length,
s = e.length,
h = Math.min(o, s),
p = new Array(s),
g = new Array(s),
v = new Array(o);
if (t) {
var d, y = new c,
m = new Array(o);
for (r = -1; ++r < o;)(i = n[r]) && (y.has(d =, i.__data__, r)) ? v[r] = i : y.set(d, i), m[r] = d);
for (r = -1; ++r < s;)(i = y.get(d =, u = e[r], r))) ? i !== !0 && (p[r] = i, i.__data__ = u) : g[r] = H(u), y.set(d, !0);
for (r = -1; ++r < o;) r in m && y.get(m[r]) !== !0 && (v[r] = n[r])
} else {
for (r = -1; ++r < h;) i = n[r], u = e[r], i ? (i.__data__ = u, p[r] = i) : g[r] = H(u);
for (; s > r; ++r) g[r] = H(e[r]);
for (; o > r; ++r) v[r] = n[r]
g.update = p, g.parentNode = p.parentNode = v.parentNode = n.parentNode, a.push(g), l.push(p), f.push(v)
var r, i, u = -1,
o = this.length;
if (!arguments.length) {
for (n = new Array(o = (r = this[0]).length); ++u < o;)(i = r[u]) && (n[u] = i.__data__);
return n
var a = Z([]),
l = E([]),
f = E([]);
if ("function" == typeof n)
for (; ++u < o;) e(r = this[u],, r.parentNode.__data__, u));
for (; ++u < o;) e(r = this[u], n);
return l.enter = function() {
return a
}, l.exit = function() {
return f
}, l
}, Co.datum = function(n) {
return arguments.length ?"__data__", n) :"__data__")
}, Co.filter = function(n) {
var t, e, r, i = [];
"function" != typeof n && (n = O(n));
for (var u = 0, o = this.length; o > u; u++) {
i.push(t = []), t.parentNode = (e = this[u]).parentNode;
for (var a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; a++)(r = e[a]) &&, r.__data__, a, u) && t.push(r)
return E(i)
}, Co.order = function() {
for (var n = -1, t = this.length; ++n < t;)
for (var e, r = this[n], i = r.length - 1, u = r[i]; --i >= 0;)(e = r[i]) && (u && u !== e.nextSibling && u.parentNode.insertBefore(e, u), u = e);
return this
}, Co.sort = function(n) {
n = I.apply(this, arguments);
for (var t = -1, e = this.length; ++t < e;) this[t].sort(n);
return this.order()
}, Co.each = function(n) {
return Y(this, function(t, e, r) {, t.__data__, e, r)
}, = function(n) {
var t = co(arguments);
return n.apply(t[0] = this, t), this
}, Co.empty = function() {
return !this.node()
}, Co.node = function() {
for (var n = 0, t = this.length; t > n; n++)
for (var e = this[n], r = 0, i = e.length; i > r; r++) {
var u = e[r];
if (u) return u
return null
}, Co.size = function() {
var n = 0;
return Y(this, function() {
}), n
var qo = [];
ao.selection.enter = Z, ao.selection.enter.prototype = qo, qo.append = Co.append, qo.empty = Co.empty, qo.node = Co.node, =, qo.size = Co.size, = function(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i, u, o = [], a = -1, l = this.length; ++a < l;) {
r = (i = this[a]).update, o.push(t = []), t.parentNode = i.parentNode;
for (var c = -1, f = i.length; ++c < f;)(u = i[c]) ? (t.push(r[c] = e =, u.__data__, c, a)), e.__data__ = u.__data__) : t.push(null)
return E(o)
}, qo.insert = function(n, t) {
return arguments.length < 2 && (t = V(this)),, n, t)
}, = function(t) {
var e;
return "string" == typeof t ? (e = [No(t, fo)], e.parentNode = fo.documentElement) : (e = [t], e.parentNode = n(t)), E([e])
}, ao.selectAll = function(n) {
var t;
return "string" == typeof n ? (t = co(Eo(n, fo)), t.parentNode = fo.documentElement) : (t = co(n), t.parentNode = null), E([t])
}, Co.on = function(n, t, e) {
var r = arguments.length;
if (3 > r) {
if ("string" != typeof n) {
2 > r && (t = !1);
for (e in n) this.each(X(e, n[e], t));
return this
if (2 > r) return (r = this.node()["__on" + n]) && r._;
e = !1
return this.each(X(n, t, e))
var To ={
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
fo && To.forEach(function(n) {
"on" + n in fo && To.remove(n)
var Ro, Do = 0;
ao.mouse = function(n) {
return J(n, k())
var Po = this.navigator && /WebKit/.test(this.navigator.userAgent) ? -1 : 0;
ao.touch = function(n, t, e) {
if (arguments.length < 3 && (e = t, t = k().changedTouches), t)
for (var r, i = 0, u = t.length; u > i; ++i)
if ((r = t[i]).identifier === e) return J(n, r)
}, ao.behavior.drag = function() {
function n() {
this.on("mousedown.drag", u).on("touchstart.drag", o)
function e(n, t, e, u, o) {
return function() {
function a() {
var n, e, r = t(h, v);
r && (n = r[0] - M[0], e = r[1] - M[1], g |= n | e, M = r, p({
type: "drag",
x: r[0] + c[0],
y: r[1] + c[1],
dx: n,
dy: e
function l() {
t(h, v) && (y.on(u + d, null).on(o + d, null), m(g), p({
type: "dragend"
var c, f = this,
s = ||,
h = f.parentNode,
p = r.of(f, arguments),
g = 0,
v = n(),
d = ".drag" + (null == v ? "" : "-" + v),
y = + d, a).on(o + d, l),
m = W(s),
M = t(h, v);
i ? (c = i.apply(f, arguments), c = [c.x - M[0], c.y - M[1]]) : c = [0, 0], p({
type: "dragstart"
var r = N(n, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"),
i = null,
u = e(b, ao.mouse, t, "mousemove", "mouseup"),
o = e(G, ao.touch, m, "touchmove", "touchend");
return n.origin = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i
}, ao.rebind(n, r, "on")
}, ao.touches = function(n, t) {
return arguments.length < 2 && (t = k().touches), t ? co(t).map(function(t) {
var e = J(n, t);
return e.identifier = t.identifier, e
}) : []
var Uo = 1e-6,
jo = Uo * Uo,
Fo = Math.PI,
Ho = 2 * Fo,
Oo = Ho - Uo,
Io = Fo / 2,
Yo = Fo / 180,
Zo = 180 / Fo,
Vo = Math.SQRT2,
Xo = 2,
$o = 4;
ao.interpolateZoom = function(n, t) {
var e, r, i = n[0],
u = n[1],
o = n[2],
a = t[0],
l = t[1],
c = t[2],
f = a - i,
s = l - u,
h = f * f + s * s;
if (jo > h) r = Math.log(c / o) / Vo, e = function(n) {
return [i + n * f, u + n * s, o * Math.exp(Vo * n * r)]
else {
var p = Math.sqrt(h),
g = (c * c - o * o + $o * h) / (2 * o * Xo * p),
v = (c * c - o * o - $o * h) / (2 * c * Xo * p),
d = Math.log(Math.sqrt(g * g + 1) - g),
y = Math.log(Math.sqrt(v * v + 1) - v);
r = (y - d) / Vo, e = function(n) {
var t = n * r,
e = rn(d),
a = o / (Xo * p) * (e * un(Vo * t + d) - en(d));
return [i + a * f, u + a * s, o * e / rn(Vo * t + d)]
return e.duration = 1e3 * r, e
}, ao.behavior.zoom = function() {
function n(n) {
n.on(L, s).on(Wo + ".zoom", p).on("dblclick.zoom", g).on(R, h)
function e(n) {
return [(n[0] - k.x) / k.k, (n[1] - k.y) / k.k]
function r(n) {
return [n[0] * k.k + k.x, n[1] * k.k + k.y]
function i(n) {
k.k = Math.max(A[0], Math.min(A[1], n))
function u(n, t) {
t = r(t), k.x += n[0] - t[0], k.y += n[1] - t[1]
function o(t, e, r, o) {
t.__chart__ = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y,
k: k.k
}, i(Math.pow(2, o)), u(d = e, r), t =, C > 0 && (t = t.transition().duration(C)),
function a() {
b && b.domain(x.range().map(function(n) {
return (n - k.x) / k.k
}).map(x.invert)), w && w.domain(_.range().map(function(n) {
return (n - k.y) / k.k
function l(n) {
z++ || n({
type: "zoomstart"
function c(n) {
a(), n({
type: "zoom",
scale: k.k,
translate: [k.x, k.y]
function f(n) {
--z || (n({
type: "zoomend"
}), d = null)
function s() {
function n() {
a = 1, u(ao.mouse(i), h), c(o)
function r() {
s.on(q, null).on(T, null), p(a), f(o)
var i = this,
o = D.of(i, arguments),
a = 0,
s =, n).on(T, r),
h = e(ao.mouse(i)),
p = W(i);, l(o)
function h() {
function n() {
var n = ao.touches(g);
return p = k.k, n.forEach(function(n) {
n.identifier in d && (d[n.identifier] = e(n))
}), n
function t() {
var t =;, r).on(b, a), _.push(t);
for (var e = ao.event.changedTouches, i = 0, u = e.length; u > i; ++i) d[e[i].identifier] = null;
var l = n(),
c =;
if (1 === l.length) {
if (500 > c - M) {
var f = l[0];
o(g, f, d[f.identifier], Math.floor(Math.log(k.k) / Math.LN2) + 1), S()
M = c
} else if (l.length > 1) {
var f = l[0],
s = l[1],
h = f[0] - s[0],
p = f[1] - s[1];
y = h * h + p * p
function r() {
var n, t, e, r, o = ao.touches(g);;
for (var a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; ++a, r = null)
if (e = o[a], r = d[e.identifier]) {
if (t) break;
n = e, t = r
if (r) {
var f = (f = e[0] - n[0]) * f + (f = e[1] - n[1]) * f,
s = y && Math.sqrt(f / y);
n = [(n[0] + e[0]) / 2, (n[1] + e[1]) / 2], t = [(t[0] + r[0]) / 2, (t[1] + r[1]) / 2], i(s * p)
M = null, u(n, t), c(v)
function a() {
if (ao.event.touches.length) {
for (var t = ao.event.changedTouches, e = 0, r = t.length; r > e; ++e) delete d[t[e].identifier];
for (var i in d) return void n()
ao.selectAll(_).on(m, null), w.on(L, s).on(R, h), N(), f(v)
var p, g = this,
v = D.of(g, arguments),
d = {},
y = 0,
m = ".zoom-" + ao.event.changedTouches[0].identifier,
x = "touchmove" + m,
b = "touchend" + m,
_ = [],
w =,
N = W(g);
t(), l(v), w.on(L, null).on(R, t)
function p() {
var n = D.of(this, arguments);
m ? clearTimeout(m) : (, v = e(d = y || ao.mouse(this)), l(n)), m = setTimeout(function() {
m = null, f(n)
}, 50), S(), i(Math.pow(2, .002 * Bo()) * k.k), u(d, v), c(n)
function g() {
var n = ao.mouse(this),
t = Math.log(k.k) / Math.LN2;
o(this, n, e(n), ao.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(t) - 1 : Math.floor(t) + 1)
var v, d, y, m, M, x, b, _, w, k = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
E = [960, 500],
A = Jo,
C = 250,
z = 0,
L = "mousedown.zoom",
q = "mousemove.zoom",
T = "mouseup.zoom",
R = "touchstart.zoom",
D = N(n, "zoomstart", "zoom", "zoomend");
return Wo || (Wo = "onwheel" in fo ? (Bo = function() {
return -ao.event.deltaY * (ao.event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1)
}, "wheel") : "onmousewheel" in fo ? (Bo = function() {
return ao.event.wheelDelta
}, "mousewheel") : (Bo = function() {
return -ao.event.detail
}, "MozMousePixelScroll")), n.event = function(n) {
n.each(function() {
var n = D.of(this, arguments),
t = k;
Hl ?"start.zoom", function() {
k = this.__chart__ || {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
}, l(n)
}).tween("zoom:zoom", function() {
var e = E[0],
r = E[1],
i = d ? d[0] : e / 2,
u = d ? d[1] : r / 2,
o = ao.interpolateZoom([(i - k.x) / k.k, (u - k.y) / k.k, e / k.k], [(i - t.x) / t.k, (u - t.y) / t.k, e / t.k]);
return function(t) {
var r = o(t),
a = e / r[2];
this.__chart__ = k = {
x: i - r[0] * a,
y: u - r[1] * a,
k: a
}, c(n)
}).each("interrupt.zoom", function() {
}).each("end.zoom", function() {
}) : (this.__chart__ = k, l(n), c(n), f(n))
}, n.translate = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (k = {
x: +t[0],
y: +t[1],
k: k.k
}, a(), n) : [k.x, k.y]
}, n.scale = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (k = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y,
k: null
}, i(+t), a(), n) : k.k
}, n.scaleExtent = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (A = null == t ? Jo : [+t[0], +t[1]], n) : A
}, = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (y = t && [+t[0], +t[1]], n) : y
}, n.size = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (E = t && [+t[0], +t[1]], n) : E
}, n.duration = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (C = +t, n) : C
}, n.x = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (b = t, x = t.copy(), k = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
}, n) : b
}, n.y = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (w = t, _ = t.copy(), k = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
}, n) : w
}, ao.rebind(n, D, "on")
var Bo, Wo, Jo = [0, 1 / 0];
ao.color = an, an.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.rgb() + ""
}, ao.hsl = ln;
var Go = ln.prototype = new an;
Go.brighter = function(n) {
return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new ln(this.h, this.s, this.l / n)
}, Go.darker = function(n) {
return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new ln(this.h, this.s, n * this.l)
}, Go.rgb = function() {
return cn(this.h, this.s, this.l)
}, ao.hcl = fn;
var Ko = fn.prototype = new an;
Ko.brighter = function(n) {
return new fn(this.h, this.c, Math.min(100, this.l + Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)))
}, Ko.darker = function(n) {
return new fn(this.h, this.c, Math.max(0, this.l - Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)))
}, Ko.rgb = function() {
return sn(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb()
}, ao.lab = hn;
var Qo = 18,
na = .95047,
ta = 1,
ea = 1.08883,
ra = hn.prototype = new an;
ra.brighter = function(n) {
return new hn(Math.min(100, this.l + Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)), this.a, this.b)
}, ra.darker = function(n) {
return new hn(Math.max(0, this.l - Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)), this.a, this.b)
}, ra.rgb = function() {
return pn(this.l, this.a, this.b)
}, ao.rgb = mn;
var ia = mn.prototype = new an;
ia.brighter = function(n) {
n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1);
var t = this.r,
e = this.g,
r = this.b,
i = 30;
return t || e || r ? (t && i > t && (t = i), e && i > e && (e = i), r && i > r && (r = i), new mn(Math.min(255, t / n), Math.min(255, e / n), Math.min(255, r / n))) : new mn(i, i, i)
}, ia.darker = function(n) {
return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new mn(n * this.r, n * this.g, n * this.b)
}, ia.hsl = function() {
return wn(this.r, this.g, this.b)
}, ia.toString = function() {
return "#" + bn(this.r) + bn(this.g) + bn(this.b)
var ua ={
aliceblue: 15792383,
antiquewhite: 16444375,
aqua: 65535,
aquamarine: 8388564,
azure: 15794175,
beige: 16119260,
bisque: 16770244,
black: 0,
blanchedalmond: 16772045,
blue: 255,
blueviolet: 9055202,
brown: 10824234,
burlywood: 14596231,
cadetblue: 6266528,
chartreuse: 8388352,
chocolate: 13789470,
coral: 16744272,
cornflowerblue: 6591981,
cornsilk: 16775388,
crimson: 14423100,
cyan: 65535,
darkblue: 139,
darkcyan: 35723,
darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
darkgray: 11119017,
darkgreen: 25600,
darkgrey: 11119017,
darkkhaki: 12433259,
darkmagenta: 9109643,
darkolivegreen: 5597999,
darkorange: 16747520,
darkorchid: 10040012,
darkred: 9109504,
darksalmon: 15308410,
darkseagreen: 9419919,
darkslateblue: 4734347,
darkslategray: 3100495,
darkslategrey: 3100495,
darkturquoise: 52945,
darkviolet: 9699539,
deeppink: 16716947,
deepskyblue: 49151,
dimgray: 6908265,
dimgrey: 6908265,
dodgerblue: 2003199,
firebrick: 11674146,
floralwhite: 16775920,
forestgreen: 2263842,
fuchsia: 16711935,
gainsboro: 14474460,
ghostwhite: 16316671,
gold: 16766720,
goldenrod: 14329120,
gray: 8421504,
green: 32768,
greenyellow: 11403055,
grey: 8421504,
honeydew: 15794160,
hotpink: 16738740,
indianred: 13458524,
indigo: 4915330,
ivory: 16777200,
khaki: 15787660,
lavender: 15132410,
lavenderblush: 16773365,
lawngreen: 8190976,
lemonchiffon: 16775885,
lightblue: 11393254,
lightcoral: 15761536,
lightcyan: 14745599,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
lightgray: 13882323,
lightgreen: 9498256,
lightgrey: 13882323,
lightpink: 16758465,
lightsalmon: 16752762,
lightseagreen: 2142890,
lightskyblue: 8900346,
lightslategray: 7833753,
lightslategrey: 7833753,
lightsteelblue: 11584734,
lightyellow: 16777184,
lime: 65280,
limegreen: 3329330,
linen: 16445670,
magenta: 16711935,
maroon: 8388608,
mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
mediumblue: 205,
mediumorchid: 12211667,
mediumpurple: 9662683,
mediumseagreen: 3978097,
mediumslateblue: 8087790,
mediumspringgreen: 64154,
mediumturquoise: 4772300,
mediumvioletred: 13047173,
midnightblue: 1644912,
mintcream: 16121850,
mistyrose: 16770273,
moccasin: 16770229,
navajowhite: 16768685,
navy: 128,
oldlace: 16643558,
olive: 8421376,
olivedrab: 7048739,
orange: 16753920,
orangered: 16729344,
orchid: 14315734,
palegoldenrod: 15657130,
palegreen: 10025880,
paleturquoise: 11529966,
palevioletred: 14381203,
papayawhip: 16773077,
peachpuff: 16767673,
peru: 13468991,
pink: 16761035,
plum: 14524637,
powderblue: 11591910,
purple: 8388736,
rebeccapurple: 6697881,
red: 16711680,
rosybrown: 12357519,
royalblue: 4286945,
saddlebrown: 9127187,
salmon: 16416882,
sandybrown: 16032864,
seagreen: 3050327,
seashell: 16774638,
sienna: 10506797,
silver: 12632256,
skyblue: 8900331,
slateblue: 6970061,
slategray: 7372944,
slategrey: 7372944,
snow: 16775930,
springgreen: 65407,
steelblue: 4620980,
tan: 13808780,
teal: 32896,
thistle: 14204888,
tomato: 16737095,
turquoise: 4251856,
violet: 15631086,
wheat: 16113331,
white: 16777215,
whitesmoke: 16119285,
yellow: 16776960,
yellowgreen: 10145074
ua.forEach(function(n, t) {
ua.set(n, Mn(t))
}), ao.functor = En, ao.xhr = An(m), ao.dsv = function(n, t) {
function e(n, e, u) {
arguments.length < 3 && (u = e, e = null);
var o = Cn(n, t, null == e ? r : i(e), u);
return o.row = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? o.response(null == (e = n) ? r : i(n)) : e
}, o
function r(n) {
return e.parse(n.responseText)
function i(n) {
return function(t) {
return e.parse(t.responseText, n)
function u(t) {
function o(n) {
return a.test(n) ? '"' + n.replace(/\"/g, '""') + '"' : n
var a = new RegExp('["' + n + "\n]"),
l = n.charCodeAt(0);
return e.parse = function(n, t) {
var r;
return e.parseRows(n, function(n, e) {
if (r) return r(n, e - 1);
var i = new Function("d", "return {" +, t) {
return JSON.stringify(n) + ": d[" + t + "]"
}).join(",") + "}");
r = t ? function(n, e) {
return t(i(n), e)
} : i
}, e.parseRows = function(n, t) {
function e() {
if (f >= c) return o;
if (i) return i = !1, u;
var t = f;
if (34 === n.charCodeAt(t)) {
for (var e = t; e++ < c;)
if (34 === n.charCodeAt(e)) {
if (34 !== n.charCodeAt(e + 1)) break;
f = e + 2;
var r = n.charCodeAt(e + 1);
return 13 === r ? (i = !0, 10 === n.charCodeAt(e + 2) && ++f) : 10 === r && (i = !0), n.slice(t + 1, e).replace(/""/g, '"')
for (; c > f;) {
var r = n.charCodeAt(f++),
a = 1;
if (10 === r) i = !0;
else if (13 === r) i = !0, 10 === n.charCodeAt(f) && (++f, ++a);
else if (r !== l) continue;
return n.slice(t, f - a)
return n.slice(t)
for (var r, i, u = {}, o = {}, a = [], c = n.length, f = 0, s = 0;
(r = e()) !== o;) {
for (var h = []; r !== u && r !== o;) h.push(r), r = e();
t && null == (h = t(h, s++)) || a.push(h)
return a
}, e.format = function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t[0])) return e.formatRows(t);
var r = new y,
i = [];
return t.forEach(function(n) {
for (var t in n) r.has(t) || i.push(r.add(t))
}), [].concat( {
return {
return o(t[n])
}, e.formatRows = function(n) {
}, e
}, ao.csv = ao.dsv(",", "text/csv"), ao.tsv = ao.dsv(" ", "text/tab-separated-values");
var oa, aa, la, ca, fa = this[x(this, "requestAnimationFrame")] || function(n) {
setTimeout(n, 17)
ao.timer = function() {
qn.apply(this, arguments)
}, ao.timer.flush = function() {
Rn(), Dn()
}, ao.round = function(n, t) {
return t ? Math.round(n * (t = Math.pow(10, t))) / t : Math.round(n)
var sa = ["y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "\xb5", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"].map(Un);
ao.formatPrefix = function(n, t) {
var e = 0;
return (n = +n) && (0 > n && (n *= -1), t && (n = ao.round(n, Pn(n, t))), e = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(n) / Math.LN10), e = Math.max(-24, Math.min(24, 3 * Math.floor((e - 1) / 3)))), sa[8 + e / 3]
var ha = /(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/i,
pa ={
b: function(n) {
return n.toString(2)
c: function(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n)
o: function(n) {
return n.toString(8)
x: function(n) {
return n.toString(16)
X: function(n) {
return n.toString(16).toUpperCase()
g: function(n, t) {
return n.toPrecision(t)
e: function(n, t) {
return n.toExponential(t)
f: function(n, t) {
return n.toFixed(t)
r: function(n, t) {
return (n = ao.round(n, Pn(n, t))).toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.min(20, Pn(n * (1 + 1e-15), t))))
ga = ao.time = {},
va = Date;
Hn.prototype = {
getDate: function() {
return this._.getUTCDate()
getDay: function() {
return this._.getUTCDay()
getFullYear: function() {
return this._.getUTCFullYear()
getHours: function() {
return this._.getUTCHours()
getMilliseconds: function() {
return this._.getUTCMilliseconds()
getMinutes: function() {
return this._.getUTCMinutes()
getMonth: function() {
return this._.getUTCMonth()
getSeconds: function() {
return this._.getUTCSeconds()
getTime: function() {
return this._.getTime()
getTimezoneOffset: function() {
return 0
valueOf: function() {
return this._.valueOf()
setDate: function() {
da.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments)
setDay: function() {
da.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments)
setFullYear: function() {
da.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments)
setHours: function() {
da.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments)
setMilliseconds: function() {
da.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments)
setMinutes: function() {
da.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments)
setMonth: function() {
da.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments)
setSeconds: function() {
da.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments)
setTime: function() {
da.setTime.apply(this._, arguments)
var da = Date.prototype;
ga.year = On(function(n) {
return n =, n.setMonth(0, 1), n
}, function(n, t) {
n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + t)
}, function(n) {
return n.getFullYear()
}), ga.years = ga.year.range, ga.years.utc = ga.year.utc.range, = On(function(n) {
var t = new va(2e3, 0);
return t.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate()), t
}, function(n, t) {
n.setDate(n.getDate() + t)
}, function(n) {
return n.getDate() - 1
}), ga.days =, ga.days.utc =, ga.dayOfYear = function(n) {
var t = ga.year(n);
return Math.floor((n - t - 6e4 * (n.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset())) / 864e5)
}, ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"].forEach(function(n, t) {
t = 7 - t;
var e = ga[n] = On(function(n) {
return (n = - (n.getDay() + t) % 7), n
}, function(n, t) {
n.setDate(n.getDate() + 7 * Math.floor(t))
}, function(n) {
var e = ga.year(n).getDay();
return Math.floor((ga.dayOfYear(n) + (e + t) % 7) / 7) - (e !== t)
ga[n + "s"] = e.range, ga[n + "s"].utc = e.utc.range, ga[n + "OfYear"] = function(n) {
var e = ga.year(n).getDay();
return Math.floor((ga.dayOfYear(n) + (e + t) % 7) / 7)
}), ga.week = ga.sunday, ga.weeks = ga.sunday.range, ga.weeks.utc = ga.sunday.utc.range, ga.weekOfYear = ga.sundayOfYear;
var ya = {
"-": "",
_: " ",
0: "0"
ma = /^\s*\d+/,
Ma = /^%/;
ao.locale = function(n) {
return {
numberFormat: jn(n),
timeFormat: Yn(n)
var xa = ao.locale({
decimal: ".",
thousands: ",",
grouping: [3],
currency: ["$", ""],
dateTime: "%a %b %e %X %Y",
date: "%m/%d/%Y",
time: "%H:%M:%S",
periods: ["AM", "PM"],
days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
ao.format = xa.numberFormat, ao.geo = {}, ft.prototype = {
s: 0,
t: 0,
add: function(n) {
st(n, this.t, ba), st(ba.s, this.s, this), this.s ? this.t += ba.t : this.s = ba.t
reset: function() {
this.s = this.t = 0
valueOf: function() {
return this.s
var ba = new ft; = function(n, t) {
n && _a.hasOwnProperty(n.type) ? _a[n.type](n, t) : ht(n, t)
var _a = {
Feature: function(n, t) {
ht(n.geometry, t)
FeatureCollection: function(n, t) {
for (var e = n.features, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i;) ht(e[r].geometry, t)
wa = {
Sphere: function(n, t) {
Point: function(n, t) {
n = n.coordinates, t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2])
MultiPoint: function(n, t) {
for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i;) n = e[r], t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2])
LineString: function(n, t) {
pt(n.coordinates, t, 0)
MultiLineString: function(n, t) {
for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i;) pt(e[r], t, 0)
Polygon: function(n, t) {
gt(n.coordinates, t)
MultiPolygon: function(n, t) {
for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i;) gt(e[r], t)
GeometryCollection: function(n, t) {
for (var e = n.geometries, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i;) ht(e[r], t)
ao.geo.area = function(n) {
return Sa = 0,, Na), Sa
var Sa, ka = new ft,
Na = {
sphere: function() {
Sa += 4 * Fo
point: b,
lineStart: b,
lineEnd: b,
polygonStart: function() {
ka.reset(), Na.lineStart = vt
polygonEnd: function() {
var n = 2 * ka;
Sa += 0 > n ? 4 * Fo + n : n, Na.lineStart = Na.lineEnd = Na.point = b
ao.geo.bounds = function() {
function n(n, t) {
M.push(x = [f = n, h = n]), s > t && (s = t), t > p && (p = t)
function t(t, e) {
var r = dt([t * Yo, e * Yo]);
if (y) {
var i = mt(y, r),
u = [i[1], -i[0], 0],
o = mt(u, i);
bt(o), o = _t(o);
var l = t - g,
c = l > 0 ? 1 : -1,
v = o[0] * Zo * c,
d = xo(l) > 180;
if (d ^ (v > c * g && c * t > v)) {
var m = o[1] * Zo;
m > p && (p = m)
} else if (v = (v + 360) % 360 - 180, d ^ (v > c * g && c * t > v)) {
var m = -o[1] * Zo;
s > m && (s = m)
} else s > e && (s = e), e > p && (p = e);
d ? g > t ? a(f, t) > a(f, h) && (h = t) : a(t, h) > a(f, h) && (f = t) : h >= f ? (f > t && (f = t), t > h && (h = t)) : t > g ? a(f, t) > a(f, h) && (h = t) : a(t, h) > a(f, h) && (f = t)
} else n(t, e);
y = r, g = t
function e() {
b.point = t
function r() {
x[0] = f, x[1] = h, b.point = n, y = null
function i(n, e) {
if (y) {
var r = n - g;
m += xo(r) > 180 ? r + (r > 0 ? 360 : -360) : r
} else v = n, d = e;
Na.point(n, e), t(n, e)
function u() {
function o() {
i(v, d), Na.lineEnd(), xo(m) > Uo && (f = -(h = 180)), x[0] = f, x[1] = h, y = null
function a(n, t) {
return (t -= n) < 0 ? t + 360 : t
function l(n, t) {
return n[0] - t[0]
function c(n, t) {
return t[0] <= t[1] ? t[0] <= n && n <= t[1] : n < t[0] || t[1] < n
var f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y, m, M, x, b = {
point: n,
lineStart: e,
lineEnd: r,
polygonStart: function() {
b.point = i, b.lineStart = u, b.lineEnd = o, m = 0, Na.polygonStart()
polygonEnd: function() {
Na.polygonEnd(), b.point = n, b.lineStart = e, b.lineEnd = r, 0 > ka ? (f = -(h = 180), s = -(p = 90)) : m > Uo ? p = 90 : -Uo > m && (s = -90), x[0] = f, x[1] = h
return function(n) {
p = h = -(f = s = 1 / 0), M = [],, b);
var t = M.length;
if (t) {
for (var e, r = 1, i = M[0], u = [i]; t > r; ++r) e = M[r], c(e[0], i) || c(e[1], i) ? (a(i[0], e[1]) > a(i[0], i[1]) && (i[1] = e[1]), a(e[0], i[1]) > a(i[0], i[1]) && (i[0] = e[0])) : u.push(i = e);
for (var o, e, g = -(1 / 0), t = u.length - 1, r = 0, i = u[t]; t >= r; i = e, ++r) e = u[r], (o = a(i[1], e[0])) > g && (g = o, f = e[0], h = i[1])
return M = x = null, f === 1 / 0 || s === 1 / 0 ? [
[NaN, NaN],
[NaN, NaN]
] : [
[f, s],
[h, p]
}(), ao.geo.centroid = function(n) {
Ea = Aa = Ca = za = La = qa = Ta = Ra = Da = Pa = Ua = 0,, ja);
var t = Da,
e = Pa,
r = Ua,
i = t * t + e * e + r * r;
return jo > i && (t = qa, e = Ta, r = Ra, Uo > Aa && (t = Ca, e = za, r = La), i = t * t + e * e + r * r, jo > i) ? [NaN, NaN] : [Math.atan2(e, t) * Zo, tn(r / Math.sqrt(i)) * Zo]
var Ea, Aa, Ca, za, La, qa, Ta, Ra, Da, Pa, Ua, ja = {
sphere: b,
point: St,
lineStart: Nt,
lineEnd: Et,
polygonStart: function() {
ja.lineStart = At
polygonEnd: function() {
ja.lineStart = Nt
Fa = Rt(zt, jt, Ht, [-Fo, -Fo / 2]),
Ha = 1e9;
ao.geo.clipExtent = function() {
var n, t, e, r, i, u, o = {
stream: function(n) {
return i && (i.valid = !1), i = u(n), i.valid = !0, i
extent: function(a) {
return arguments.length ? (u = Zt(n = +a[0][0], t = +a[0][1], e = +a[1][0], r = +a[1][1]), i && (i.valid = !1, i = null), o) : [
[n, t],
[e, r]
return o.extent([
[0, 0],
[960, 500]
}, (ao.geo.conicEqualArea = function() {
return Vt(Xt)
}).raw = Xt, ao.geo.albers = function() {
return ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96, 0]).center([-.6, 38.7]).parallels([29.5, 45.5]).scale(1070)
}, ao.geo.albersUsa = function() {
function n(n) {
var u = n[0],
o = n[1];
return t = null, e(u, o), t || (r(u, o), t) || i(u, o), t
var t, e, r, i, u = ao.geo.albers(),
o = ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]),
a = ao.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]),
l = {
point: function(n, e) {
t = [n, e]
return n.invert = function(n) {
var t = u.scale(),
e = u.translate(),
r = (n[0] - e[0]) / t,
i = (n[1] - e[1]) / t;
return (i >= .12 && .234 > i && r >= -.425 && -.214 > r ? o : i >= .166 && .234 > i && r >= -.214 && -.115 > r ? a : u).invert(n)
}, = function(n) {
var t =,
e =,
r =;
return {
point: function(n, i) {
t.point(n, i), e.point(n, i), r.point(n, i)
sphere: function() {
t.sphere(), e.sphere(), r.sphere()
lineStart: function() {
t.lineStart(), e.lineStart(), r.lineStart()
lineEnd: function() {
t.lineEnd(), e.lineEnd(), r.lineEnd()
polygonStart: function() {
t.polygonStart(), e.polygonStart(), r.polygonStart()
polygonEnd: function() {
t.polygonEnd(), e.polygonEnd(), r.polygonEnd()
}, n.precision = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u.precision(t), o.precision(t), a.precision(t), n) : u.precision()
}, n.scale = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u.scale(t), o.scale(.35 * t), a.scale(t), n.translate(u.translate())) : u.scale()
}, n.translate = function(t) {
if (!arguments.length) return u.translate();
var c = u.scale(),
f = +t[0],
s = +t[1];
return e = u.translate(t).clipExtent([
[f - .455 * c, s - .238 * c],
[f + .455 * c, s + .238 * c]
]).stream(l).point, r = o.translate([f - .307 * c, s + .201 * c]).clipExtent([
[f - .425 * c + Uo, s + .12 * c + Uo],
[f - .214 * c - Uo, s + .234 * c - Uo]
]).stream(l).point, i = a.translate([f - .205 * c, s + .212 * c]).clipExtent([
[f - .214 * c + Uo, s + .166 * c + Uo],
[f - .115 * c - Uo, s + .234 * c - Uo]
]).stream(l).point, n
}, n.scale(1070)
var Oa, Ia, Ya, Za, Va, Xa, $a = {
point: b,
lineStart: b,
lineEnd: b,
polygonStart: function() {
Ia = 0, $a.lineStart = $t
polygonEnd: function() {
$a.lineStart = $a.lineEnd = $a.point = b, Oa += xo(Ia / 2)
Ba = {
point: Bt,
lineStart: b,
lineEnd: b,
polygonStart: b,
polygonEnd: b
Wa = {
point: Gt,
lineStart: Kt,
lineEnd: Qt,
polygonStart: function() {
Wa.lineStart = ne
polygonEnd: function() {
Wa.point = Gt, Wa.lineStart = Kt, Wa.lineEnd = Qt
ao.geo.path = function() {
function n(n) {
return n && ("function" == typeof a && u.pointRadius(+a.apply(this, arguments)), o && o.valid || (o = i(u)),, o)), u.result()
function t() {
return o = null, n
var e, r, i, u, o, a = 4.5;
return n.area = function(n) {
return Oa = 0,, i($a)), Oa
}, n.centroid = function(n) {
return Ca = za = La = qa = Ta = Ra = Da = Pa = Ua = 0,, i(Wa)), Ua ? [Da / Ua, Pa / Ua] : Ra ? [qa / Ra, Ta / Ra] : La ? [Ca / La, za / La] : [NaN, NaN]
}, n.bounds = function(n) {
return Va = Xa = -(Ya = Za = 1 / 0),, i(Ba)), [
[Ya, Za],
[Va, Xa]
}, n.projection = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (i = (e = n) ? || re(n) : m, t()) : e
}, n.context = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (u = null == (r = n) ? new Wt : new te(n), "function" != typeof a && u.pointRadius(a), t()) : r
}, n.pointRadius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (a = "function" == typeof t ? t : (u.pointRadius(+t), +t), n) : a
}, n.projection(ao.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)
}, ao.geo.transform = function(n) {
return {
stream: function(t) {
var e = new ie(t);
for (var r in n) e[r] = n[r];
return e
}, ie.prototype = {
point: function(n, t) {, t)
sphere: function() {
lineStart: function() {
lineEnd: function() {
polygonStart: function() {
polygonEnd: function() {
}, ao.geo.projection = oe, ao.geo.projectionMutator = ae, (ao.geo.equirectangular = function() {
return oe(ce)
}).raw = ce.invert = ce, ao.geo.rotation = function(n) {
function t(t) {
return t = n(t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo), t[0] *= Zo, t[1] *= Zo, t
return n = se(n[0] % 360 * Yo, n[1] * Yo, n.length > 2 ? n[2] * Yo : 0), t.invert = function(t) {
return t = n.invert(t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo), t[0] *= Zo, t[1] *= Zo, t
}, t
}, fe.invert = ce, = function() {
function n() {
var n = "function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r,
t = se(-n[0] * Yo, -n[1] * Yo, 0).invert,
i = [];
return e(null, null, 1, {
point: function(n, e) {
i.push(n = t(n, e)), n[0] *= Zo, n[1] *= Zo
}), {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [i]
var t, e, r = [0, 0],
i = 6;
return n.origin = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r
}, n.angle = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (e = ve((t = +r) * Yo, i * Yo), n) : t
}, n.precision = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (e = ve(t * Yo, (i = +r) * Yo), n) : i
}, n.angle(90)
}, ao.geo.distance = function(n, t) {
var e, r = (t[0] - n[0]) * Yo,
i = n[1] * Yo,
u = t[1] * Yo,
o = Math.sin(r),
a = Math.cos(r),
l = Math.sin(i),
c = Math.cos(i),
f = Math.sin(u),
s = Math.cos(u);
return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((e = s * o) * e + (e = c * f - l * s * a) * e), l * f + c * s * a)
}, ao.geo.graticule = function() {
function n() {
return {
type: "MultiLineString",
coordinates: t()
function t() {
return ao.range(Math.ceil(u / d) * d, i, d).map(h).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(c / y) * y, l, y).map(p)).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(r / g) * g, e, g).filter(function(n) {
return xo(n % d) > Uo
}).map(f)).concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(a / v) * v, o, v).filter(function(n) {
return xo(n % y) > Uo
var e, r, i, u, o, a, l, c, f, s, h, p, g = 10,
v = g,
d = 90,
y = 360,
m = 2.5;
return n.lines = function() {
return t().map(function(n) {
return {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: n
}, n.outline = function() {
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [h(u).concat(p(l).slice(1), h(i).reverse().slice(1), p(c).reverse().slice(1))]
}, n.extent = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? n.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t) : n.minorExtent()
}, n.majorExtent = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = +t[0][0], i = +t[1][0], c = +t[0][1], l = +t[1][1], u > i && (t = u, u = i, i = t), c > l && (t = c, c = l, l = t), n.precision(m)) : [
[u, c],
[i, l]
}, n.minorExtent = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = +t[0][0], e = +t[1][0], a = +t[0][1], o = +t[1][1], r > e && (t = r, r = e, e = t), a > o && (t = a, a = o, o = t), n.precision(m)) : [
[r, a],
[e, o]
}, n.step = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? n.majorStep(t).minorStep(t) : n.minorStep()
}, n.majorStep = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (d = +t[0], y = +t[1], n) : [d, y]
}, n.minorStep = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (g = +t[0], v = +t[1], n) : [g, v]
}, n.precision = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (m = +t, f = ye(a, o, 90), s = me(r, e, m), h = ye(c, l, 90), p = me(u, i, m), n) : m
}, n.majorExtent([
[-180, -90 + Uo],
[180, 90 - Uo]
[-180, -80 - Uo],
[180, 80 + Uo]
}, ao.geo.greatArc = function() {
function n() {
return {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [t || r.apply(this, arguments), e || i.apply(this, arguments)]
var t, e, r = Me,
i = xe;
return n.distance = function() {
return ao.geo.distance(t || r.apply(this, arguments), e || i.apply(this, arguments))
}, n.source = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (r = e, t = "function" == typeof e ? null : e, n) : r
}, = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = t, e = "function" == typeof t ? null : t, n) : i
}, n.precision = function() {
return arguments.length ? n : 0
}, n
}, ao.geo.interpolate = function(n, t) {
return be(n[0] * Yo, n[1] * Yo, t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo)
}, ao.geo.length = function(n) {
return Ja = 0,, Ga), Ja
var Ja, Ga = {
sphere: b,
point: b,
lineStart: _e,
lineEnd: b,
polygonStart: b,
polygonEnd: b
Ka = we(function(n) {
return Math.sqrt(2 / (1 + n))
}, function(n) {
return 2 * Math.asin(n / 2)
(ao.geo.azimuthalEqualArea = function() {
return oe(Ka)
}).raw = Ka;
var Qa = we(function(n) {
var t = Math.acos(n);
return t && t / Math.sin(t)
}, m);
(ao.geo.azimuthalEquidistant = function() {
return oe(Qa)
}).raw = Qa, (ao.geo.conicConformal = function() {
return Vt(Se)
}).raw = Se, (ao.geo.conicEquidistant = function() {
return Vt(ke)
}).raw = ke;
var nl = we(function(n) {
return 1 / n
}, Math.atan);
(ao.geo.gnomonic = function() {
return oe(nl)
}).raw = nl, Ne.invert = function(n, t) {
return [n, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(t)) - Io]
}, (ao.geo.mercator = function() {
return Ee(Ne)
}).raw = Ne;
var tl = we(function() {
return 1
}, Math.asin);
(ao.geo.orthographic = function() {
return oe(tl)
}).raw = tl;
var el = we(function(n) {
return 1 / (1 + n)
}, function(n) {
return 2 * Math.atan(n)
(ao.geo.stereographic = function() {
return oe(el)
}).raw = el, Ae.invert = function(n, t) {
return [-t, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(n)) - Io]
}, (ao.geo.transverseMercator = function() {
var n = Ee(Ae),
t =,
e = n.rotate;
return = function(n) {
return n ? t([-n[1], n[0]]) : (n = t(), [n[1], -n[0]])
}, n.rotate = function(n) {
return n ? e([n[0], n[1], n.length > 2 ? n[2] + 90 : 90]) : (n = e(), [n[0], n[1], n[2] - 90])
}, e([0, 0, 90])
}).raw = Ae, ao.geom = {}, ao.geom.hull = function(n) {
function t(n) {
if (n.length < 3) return [];
var t, i = En(e),
u = En(r),
o = n.length,
a = [],
l = [];
for (t = 0; o > t; t++) a.push([, n[t], t),, n[t], t), t]);
for (a.sort(qe), t = 0; o > t; t++) l.push([a[t][0], -a[t][1]]);
var c = Le(a),
f = Le(l),
s = f[0] === c[0],
h = f[f.length - 1] === c[c.length - 1],
p = [];
for (t = c.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) p.push(n[a[c[t]][2]]);
for (t = +s; t < f.length - h; ++t) p.push(n[a[f[t]][2]]);
return p
var e = Ce,
r = ze;
return arguments.length ? t(n) : (t.x = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e
}, t.y = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r
}, t)
}, ao.geom.polygon = function(n) {
return ko(n, rl), n
var rl = ao.geom.polygon.prototype = [];
rl.area = function() {
for (var n, t = -1, e = this.length, r = this[e - 1], i = 0; ++t < e;) n = r, r = this[t], i += n[1] * r[0] - n[0] * r[1];
return .5 * i
}, rl.centroid = function(n) {
var t, e, r = -1,
i = this.length,
u = 0,
o = 0,
a = this[i - 1];
for (arguments.length || (n = -1 / (6 * this.area())); ++r < i;) t = a, a = this[r], e = t[0] * a[1] - a[0] * t[1], u += (t[0] + a[0]) * e, o += (t[1] + a[1]) * e;
return [u * n, o * n]
}, rl.clip = function(n) {
for (var t, e, r, i, u, o, a = De(n), l = -1, c = this.length - De(this), f = this[c - 1]; ++l < c;) {
for (t = n.slice(), n.length = 0, i = this[l], u = t[(r = t.length - a) - 1], e = -1; ++e < r;) o = t[e], Te(o, f, i) ? (Te(u, f, i) || n.push(Re(u, o, f, i)), n.push(o)) : Te(u, f, i) && n.push(Re(u, o, f, i)), u = o;
a && n.push(n[0]), f = i
return n
var il, ul, ol, al, ll, cl = [],
fl = [];
Ye.prototype.prepare = function() {
for (var n, t = this.edges, e = t.length; e--;) n = t[e].edge, n.b && n.a || t.splice(e, 1);
return t.sort(Ve), t.length
}, tr.prototype = {
start: function() {
return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.a : this.edge.b
end: function() {
return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.b : this.edge.a
}, er.prototype = {
insert: function(n, t) {
var e, r, i;
if (n) {
if (t.P = n, t.N = n.N, n.N && (n.N.P = t), n.N = t, n.R) {
for (n = n.R; n.L;) n = n.L;
n.L = t
} else n.R = t;
e = n
} else this._ ? (n = or(this._), t.P = null, t.N = n, n.P = n.L = t, e = n) : (t.P = t.N = null, this._ = t, e = null);
for (t.L = t.R = null, t.U = e, t.C = !0, n = t; e && e.C;) r = e.U, e === r.L ? (i = r.R, i && i.C ? (e.C = i.C = !1, r.C = !0, n = r) : (n === e.R && (ir(this, e), n = e, e = n.U), e.C = !1, r.C = !0, ur(this, r))) : (i = r.L, i && i.C ? (e.C = i.C = !1, r.C = !0, n = r) : (n === e.L && (ur(this, e), n = e, e = n.U), e.C = !1, r.C = !0, ir(this, r))), e = n.U;
this._.C = !1
remove: function(n) {
n.N && (n.N.P = n.P), n.P && (n.P.N = n.N), n.N = n.P = null;
var t, e, r, i = n.U,
u = n.L,
o = n.R;
if (e = u ? o ? or(o) : u : o, i ? i.L === n ? i.L = e : i.R = e : this._ = e, u && o ? (r = e.C, e.C = n.C, e.L = u, u.U = e, e !== o ? (i = e.U, e.U = n.U, n = e.R, i.L = n, e.R = o, o.U = e) : (e.U = i, i = e, n = e.R)) : (r = n.C, n = e), n && (n.U = i), !r) {
if (n && n.C) return void(n.C = !1);
do {
if (n === this._) break;
if (n === i.L) {
if (t = i.R, t.C && (t.C = !1, i.C = !0, ir(this, i), t = i.R), t.L && t.L.C || t.R && t.R.C) {
t.R && t.R.C || (t.L.C = !1, t.C = !0, ur(this, t), t = i.R), t.C = i.C, i.C = t.R.C = !1, ir(this, i), n = this._;
} else if (t = i.L, t.C && (t.C = !1, i.C = !0, ur(this, i), t = i.L), t.L && t.L.C || t.R && t.R.C) {
t.L && t.L.C || (t.R.C = !1, t.C = !0, ir(this, t), t = i.L), t.C = i.C, i.C = t.L.C = !1, ur(this, i), n = this._;
t.C = !0, n = i, i = i.U
} while (!n.C);
n && (n.C = !1)
}, ao.geom.voronoi = function(n) {
function t(n) {
var t = new Array(n.length),
r = a[0][0],
i = a[0][1],
u = a[1][0],
o = a[1][1];
return ar(e(n), a).cells.forEach(function(e, a) {
var l = e.edges,
c =,
f = t[a] = l.length ? {
var t = n.start();
return [t.x, t.y]
}) : c.x >= r && c.x <= u && c.y >= i && c.y <= o ? [
[r, o],
[u, o],
[u, i],
[r, i]
] : [];
f.point = n[a]
}), t
function e(n) {
return, t) {
return {
x: Math.round(u(n, t) / Uo) * Uo,
y: Math.round(o(n, t) / Uo) * Uo,
i: t
var r = Ce,
i = ze,
u = r,
o = i,
a = sl;
return n ? t(n) : (t.links = function(n) {
return ar(e(n)).edges.filter(function(n) {
return n.l && n.r
}).map(function(t) {
return {
source: n[t.l.i],
target: n[t.r.i]
}, t.triangles = function(n) {
var t = [];
return ar(e(n)).cells.forEach(function(e, r) {
for (var i, u, o =, a = e.edges.sort(Ve), l = -1, c = a.length, f = a[c - 1].edge, s = f.l === o ? f.r : f.l; ++l < c;) i = f, u = s, f = a[l].edge, s = f.l === o ? f.r : f.l, r < u.i && r < s.i && cr(o, u, s) < 0 && t.push([n[r], n[u.i], n[s.i]])
}), t
}, t.x = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (u = En(r = n), t) : r
}, t.y = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (o = En(i = n), t) : i
}, t.clipExtent = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (a = null == n ? sl : n, t) : a === sl ? null : a
}, t.size = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? t.clipExtent(n && [
[0, 0], n
]) : a === sl ? null : a && a[1]
}, t)
var sl = [
[-1e6, -1e6],
[1e6, 1e6]
ao.geom.delaunay = function(n) {
return ao.geom.voronoi().triangles(n)
}, ao.geom.quadtree = function(n, t, e, r, i) {
function u(n) {
function u(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a) {
if (!isNaN(e) && !isNaN(r))
if (n.leaf) {
var l = n.x,
f = n.y;
if (null != l)
if (xo(l - e) + xo(f - r) < .01) c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a);
else {
var s = n.point;
n.x = n.y = n.point = null, c(n, s, l, f, i, u, o, a), c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a)
} else n.x = e, n.y = r, n.point = t
} else c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a)
function c(n, t, e, r, i, o, a, l) {
var c = .5 * (i + a),
f = .5 * (o + l),
s = e >= c,
h = r >= f,
p = h << 1 | s;
n.leaf = !1, n = n.nodes[p] || (n.nodes[p] = hr()), s ? i = c : a = c, h ? o = f : l = f, u(n, t, e, r, i, o, a, l)
var f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y, m, M = En(a),
x = En(l);
if (null != t) v = t, d = e, y = r, m = i;
else if (y = m = -(v = d = 1 / 0), s = [], h = [], g = n.length, o)
for (p = 0; g > p; ++p) f = n[p], f.x < v && (v = f.x), f.y < d && (d = f.y), f.x > y && (y = f.x), f.y > m && (m = f.y), s.push(f.x), h.push(f.y);
for (p = 0; g > p; ++p) {
var b = +M(f = n[p], p),
_ = +x(f, p);
v > b && (v = b), d > _ && (d = _), b > y && (y = b), _ > m && (m = _), s.push(b), h.push(_)
var w = y - v,
S = m - d;
w > S ? m = d + w : y = v + S;
var k = hr();
if (k.add = function(n) {
u(k, n, +M(n, ++p), +x(n, p), v, d, y, m)
}, k.visit = function(n) {
pr(n, k, v, d, y, m)
}, k.find = function(n) {
return gr(k, n[0], n[1], v, d, y, m)
}, p = -1, null == t) {
for (; ++p < g;) u(k, n[p], s[p], h[p], v, d, y, m);
} else n.forEach(k.add);
return s = h = n = f = null, k
var o, a = Ce,
l = ze;
return (o = arguments.length) ? (a = fr, l = sr, 3 === o && (i = e, r = t, e = t = 0), u(n)) : (u.x = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (a = n, u) : a
}, u.y = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (l = n, u) : l
}, u.extent = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (null == n ? t = e = r = i = null : (t = +n[0][0], e = +n[0][1], r = +n[1][0], i = +n[1][1]), u) : null == t ? null : [
[t, e],
[r, i]
}, u.size = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (null == n ? t = e = r = i = null : (t = e = 0, r = +n[0], i = +n[1]), u) : null == t ? null : [r - t, i - e]
}, u)
}, ao.interpolateRgb = vr, ao.interpolateObject = dr, ao.interpolateNumber = yr, ao.interpolateString = mr;
var hl = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,
pl = new RegExp(hl.source, "g");
ao.interpolate = Mr, ao.interpolators = [function(n, t) {
var e = typeof t;
return ("string" === e ? ua.has(t.toLowerCase()) || /^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/i.test(t) ? vr : mr : t instanceof an ? vr : Array.isArray(t) ? xr : "object" === e && isNaN(t) ? dr : yr)(n, t)
}], ao.interpolateArray = xr;
var gl = function() {
return m
vl ={
linear: gl,
poly: Er,
quad: function() {
return Sr
cubic: function() {
return kr
sin: function() {
return Ar
exp: function() {
return Cr
circle: function() {
return zr
elastic: Lr,
back: qr,
bounce: function() {
return Tr
dl ={
"in": m,
out: _r,
"in-out": wr,
"out-in": function(n) {
return wr(_r(n))
ao.ease = function(n) {
var t = n.indexOf("-"),
e = t >= 0 ? n.slice(0, t) : n,
r = t >= 0 ? n.slice(t + 1) : "in";
return e = vl.get(e) || gl, r = dl.get(r) || m, br(r(e.apply(null,, 1))))
}, ao.interpolateHcl = Rr, ao.interpolateHsl = Dr, ao.interpolateLab = Pr, ao.interpolateRound = Ur, ao.transform = function(n) {
var t = fo.createElementNS(ao.ns.prefix.svg, "g");
return (ao.transform = function(n) {
if (null != n) {
t.setAttribute("transform", n);
var e = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()
return new jr(e ? e.matrix : yl)
}, jr.prototype.toString = function() {
return "translate(" + this.translate + ")rotate(" + this.rotate + ")skewX(" + this.skew + ")scale(" + this.scale + ")"
var yl = {
a: 1,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: 1,
e: 0,
f: 0
ao.interpolateTransform = $r, ao.layout = {}, ao.layout.bundle = function() {
return function(n) {
for (var t = [], e = -1, r = n.length; ++e < r;) t.push(Jr(n[e]));
return t
}, ao.layout.chord = function() {
function n() {
var n, c, s, h, p, g = {},
v = [],
d = ao.range(u),
y = [];
for (e = [], r = [], n = 0, h = -1; ++h < u;) {
for (c = 0, p = -1; ++p < u;) c += i[h][p];
v.push(c), y.push(ao.range(u)), n += c
for (o && d.sort(function(n, t) {
return o(v[n], v[t])
}), a && y.forEach(function(n, t) {
n.sort(function(n, e) {
return a(i[t][n], i[t][e])
}), n = (Ho - f * u) / n, c = 0, h = -1; ++h < u;) {
for (s = c, p = -1; ++p < u;) {
var m = d[h],
M = y[m][p],
x = i[m][M],
b = c,
_ = c += x * n;
g[m + "-" + M] = {
index: m,
subindex: M,
startAngle: b,
endAngle: _,
value: x
r[m] = {
index: m,
startAngle: s,
endAngle: c,
value: v[m]
}, c += f
for (h = -1; ++h < u;)
for (p = h - 1; ++p < u;) {
var w = g[h + "-" + p],
S = g[p + "-" + h];
(w.value || S.value) && e.push(w.value < S.value ? {
source: S,
target: w
} : {
source: w,
target: S
l && t()
function t() {
e.sort(function(n, t) {
return l((n.source.value + / 2, (t.source.value + / 2)
var e, r, i, u, o, a, l, c = {},
f = 0;
return c.matrix = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (u = (i = n) && i.length, e = r = null, c) : i
}, c.padding = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (f = n, e = r = null, c) : f
}, c.sortGroups = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (o = n, e = r = null, c) : o
}, c.sortSubgroups = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (a = n, e = null, c) : a
}, c.sortChords = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (l = n, e && t(), c) : l
}, c.chords = function() {
return e || n(), e
}, c.groups = function() {
return r || n(), r
}, c
}, ao.layout.force = function() {
function n(n) {
return function(t, e, r, i) {
if (t.point !== n) {
var u = - n.x,
o = - n.y,
a = i - e,
l = u * u + o * o;
if (l > a * a / y) {
if (v > l) {
var c = t.charge / l;
n.px -= u * c, -= o * c
return !0
if (t.point && l && v > l) {
var c = t.pointCharge / l;
n.px -= u * c, -= o * c
return !t.charge
function t(n) {
n.px = ao.event.x, = ao.event.y, l.resume()
var e, r, i, u, o, a, l = {},
c = ao.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"),
f = [1, 1],
s = .9,
h = ml,
p = Ml,
g = -30,
v = xl,
d = .1,
y = .64,
M = [],
x = [];
return l.tick = function() {
if ((i *= .99) < .005) return e = null, c.end({
type: "end",
alpha: i = 0
}), !0;
var t, r, l, h, p, v, y, m, b, _ = M.length,
w = x.length;
for (r = 0; w > r; ++r) l = x[r], h = l.source, p =, m = p.x - h.x, b = p.y - h.y, (v = m * m + b * b) && (v = i * o[r] * ((v = Math.sqrt(v)) - u[r]) / v, m *= v, b *= v, p.x -= m * (y = h.weight + p.weight ? h.weight / (h.weight + p.weight) : .5), p.y -= b * y, h.x += m * (y = 1 - y), h.y += b * y);
if ((y = i * d) && (m = f[0] / 2, b = f[1] / 2, r = -1, y))
for (; ++r < _;) l = M[r], l.x += (m - l.x) * y, l.y += (b - l.y) * y;
if (g)
for (ri(t = ao.geom.quadtree(M), i, a), r = -1; ++r < _;)(l = M[r]).fixed || t.visit(n(l));
for (r = -1; ++r < _;) l = M[r], l.fixed ? (l.x = l.px, l.y = : (l.x -= (l.px - (l.px = l.x)) * s, l.y -= ( - ( = l.y)) * s);
type: "tick",
alpha: i
}, l.nodes = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (M = n, l) : M
}, l.links = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (x = n, l) : x
}, l.size = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (f = n, l) : f
}, l.linkDistance = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (h = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n, l) : h
}, l.distance = l.linkDistance, l.linkStrength = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (p = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n, l) : p
}, l.friction = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (s = +n, l) : s
}, l.charge = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (g = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n, l) : g
}, l.chargeDistance = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (v = n * n, l) : Math.sqrt(v)
}, l.gravity = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (d = +n, l) : d
}, l.theta = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (y = n * n, l) : Math.sqrt(y)
}, l.alpha = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (n = +n, i ? n > 0 ? i = n : (e.c = null, e.t = NaN, e = null, c.end({
type: "end",
alpha: i = 0
})) : n > 0 && (c.start({
type: "start",
alpha: i = n
}), e = qn(l.tick)), l) : i
}, l.start = function() {
function n(n, r) {
if (!e) {
for (e = new Array(i), l = 0; i > l; ++l) e[l] = [];
for (l = 0; c > l; ++l) {
var u = x[l];
e[u.source.index].push(, e[].push(u.source)
for (var o, a = e[t], l = -1, f = a.length; ++l < f;)
if (!isNaN(o = a[l][n])) return o;
return Math.random() * r
var t, e, r, i = M.length,
c = x.length,
s = f[0],
v = f[1];
for (t = 0; i > t; ++t)(r = M[t]).index = t, r.weight = 0;
for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) r = x[t], "number" == typeof r.source && (r.source = M[r.source]), "number" == typeof && ( = M[]), ++r.source.weight,;
for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) r = M[t], isNaN(r.x) && (r.x = n("x", s)), isNaN(r.y) && (r.y = n("y", v)), isNaN(r.px) && (r.px = r.x), isNaN( && ( = r.y);
if (u = [], "function" == typeof h)
for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) u[t] =, x[t], t);
for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) u[t] = h;
if (o = [], "function" == typeof p)
for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) o[t] =, x[t], t);
for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) o[t] = p;
if (a = [], "function" == typeof g)
for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) a[t] =, M[t], t);
for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) a[t] = g;
return l.resume()
}, l.resume = function() {
return l.alpha(.1)
}, l.stop = function() {
return l.alpha(0)
}, l.drag = function() {
return r || (r = ao.behavior.drag().origin(m).on("dragstart.force", Qr).on("drag.force", t).on("dragend.force", ni)), arguments.length ? void this.on("mouseover.force", ti).on("mouseout.force", ei).call(r) : r
}, ao.rebind(l, c, "on")
var ml = 20,
Ml = 1,
xl = 1 / 0;
ao.layout.hierarchy = function() {
function n(i) {
var u, o = [i],
a = [];
for (i.depth = 0; null != (u = o.pop());)
if (a.push(u), (c =, u, u.depth)) && (l = c.length)) {
for (var l, c, f; --l >= 0;) o.push(f = c[l]), f.parent = u, f.depth = u.depth + 1;
r && (u.value = 0), u.children = c
} else r && (u.value =, u, u.depth) || 0), delete u.children;
return oi(i, function(n) {
var e, i;
t && (e = n.children) && e.sort(t), r && (i = n.parent) && (i.value += n.value)
}), a
var t = ci,
e = ai,
r = li;
return n.sort = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t
}, n.children = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e
}, n.value = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r
}, n.revalue = function(t) {
return r && (ui(t, function(n) {
n.children && (n.value = 0)
}), oi(t, function(t) {
var e;
t.children || (t.value =, t, t.depth) || 0), (e = t.parent) && (e.value += t.value)
})), t
}, n
}, ao.layout.partition = function() {
function n(t, e, r, i) {
var u = t.children;
if (t.x = e, t.y = t.depth * i, t.dx = r, t.dy = i, u && (o = u.length)) {
var o, a, l, c = -1;
for (r = t.value ? r / t.value : 0; ++c < o;) n(a = u[c], e, l = a.value * r, i), e += l
function t(n) {
var e = n.children,
r = 0;
if (e && (i = e.length))
for (var i, u = -1; ++u < i;) r = Math.max(r, t(e[u]));
return 1 + r
function e(e, u) {
var o =, e, u);
return n(o[0], 0, i[0], i[1] / t(o[0])), o
var r = ao.layout.hierarchy(),
i = [1, 1];
return e.size = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (i = n, e) : i
}, ii(e, r)
}, ao.layout.pie = function() {
function n(o) {
var a, l = o.length,
c =, r) {
return, e, r)
f = +("function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r),
s = ("function" == typeof i ? i.apply(this, arguments) : i) - f,
h = Math.min(Math.abs(s) / l, +("function" == typeof u ? u.apply(this, arguments) : u)),
p = h * (0 > s ? -1 : 1),
g = ao.sum(c),
v = g ? (s - l * p) / g : 0,
d = ao.range(l),
y = [];
return null != e && d.sort(e === bl ? function(n, t) {
return c[t] - c[n]
} : function(n, t) {
return e(o[n], o[t])
}), d.forEach(function(n) {
y[n] = {
data: o[n],
value: a = c[n],
startAngle: f,
endAngle: f += a * v + p,
padAngle: h
}), y
var t = Number,
e = bl,
r = 0,
i = Ho,
u = 0;
return n.value = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t
}, n.sort = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e
}, n.startAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r
}, n.endAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i
}, n.padAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = t, n) : u
}, n
var bl = {};
ao.layout.stack = function() {
function n(a, l) {
if (!(h = a.length)) return a;
var c =, r) {
return, e, r)
f = {
return, e) {
return [, t, e),, t, e)]
s =, f, l);
c = ao.permute(c, s), f = ao.permute(f, s);
var h, p, g, v, d =, f, l),
y = c[0].length;
for (g = 0; y > g; ++g)
for (, c[0][g], v = d[g], f[0][g][1]), p = 1; h > p; ++p), c[p][g], v += f[p - 1][g][1], f[p][g][1]);
return a
var t = m,
e = gi,
r = vi,
i = pi,
u = si,
o = hi;
return n.values = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t
}, n.order = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = "function" == typeof t ? t : _l.get(t) || gi, n) : e
}, n.offset = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = "function" == typeof t ? t : wl.get(t) || vi, n) : r
}, n.x = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = t, n) : u
}, n.y = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (o = t, n) : o
}, n.out = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i
}, n
var _l ={
"inside-out": function(n) {
var t, e, r = n.length,
i =,
u =,
o = ao.range(r).sort(function(n, t) {
return i[n] - i[t]
a = 0,
l = 0,
c = [],
f = [];
for (t = 0; r > t; ++t) e = o[t], l > a ? (a += u[e], c.push(e)) : (l += u[e], f.push(e));
return f.reverse().concat(c)
reverse: function(n) {
return ao.range(n.length).reverse()
"default": gi
wl ={
silhouette: function(n) {
var t, e, r, i = n.length,
u = n[0].length,
o = [],
a = 0,
l = [];
for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) {
for (t = 0, r = 0; i > t; t++) r += n[t][e][1];
r > a && (a = r), o.push(r)
for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) l[e] = (a - o[e]) / 2;
return l
wiggle: function(n) {
var t, e, r, i, u, o, a, l, c, f = n.length,
s = n[0],
h = s.length,
p = [];
for (p[0] = l = c = 0, e = 1; h > e; ++e) {
for (t = 0, i = 0; f > t; ++t) i += n[t][e][1];
for (t = 0, u = 0, a = s[e][0] - s[e - 1][0]; f > t; ++t) {
for (r = 0, o = (n[t][e][1] - n[t][e - 1][1]) / (2 * a); t > r; ++r) o += (n[r][e][1] - n[r][e - 1][1]) / a;
u += o * n[t][e][1]
p[e] = l -= i ? u / i * a : 0, c > l && (c = l)
for (e = 0; h > e; ++e) p[e] -= c;
return p
expand: function(n) {
var t, e, r, i = n.length,
u = n[0].length,
o = 1 / i,
a = [];
for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) {
for (t = 0, r = 0; i > t; t++) r += n[t][e][1];
if (r)
for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t][e][1] /= r;
for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t][e][1] = o
for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) a[e] = 0;
return a
zero: vi
ao.layout.histogram = function() {
function n(n, u) {
for (var o, a, l = [], c =, this), f =, c, u), s =, f, c, u), u = -1, h = c.length, p = s.length - 1, g = t ? 1 : 1 / h; ++u < p;) o = l[u] = [], o.dx = s[u + 1] - (o.x = s[u]), o.y = 0;
if (p > 0)
for (u = -1; ++u < h;) a = c[u], a >= f[0] && a <= f[1] && (o = l[ao.bisect(s, a, 1, p) - 1], o.y += g, o.push(n[u]));
return l
var t = !0,
e = Number,
r = bi,
i = Mi;
return n.value = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e
}, n.range = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = En(t), n) : r
}, n.bins = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = "number" == typeof t ? function(n) {
return xi(n, t)
} : En(t), n) : i
}, n.frequency = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = !!e, n) : t
}, n
}, ao.layout.pack = function() {
function n(n, u) {
var o =, n, u),
a = o[0],
l = i[0],
c = i[1],
f = null == t ? Math.sqrt : "function" == typeof t ? t : function() {
return t
if (a.x = a.y = 0, oi(a, function(n) {
n.r = +f(n.value)
}), oi(a, Ni), r) {
var s = r * (t ? 1 : Math.max(2 * a.r / l, 2 * a.r / c)) / 2;
oi(a, function(n) {
n.r += s
}), oi(a, Ni), oi(a, function(n) {
n.r -= s
return Ci(a, l / 2, c / 2, t ? 1 : 1 / Math.max(2 * a.r / l, 2 * a.r / c)), o
var t, e = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(_i),
r = 0,
i = [1, 1];
return n.size = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i
}, n.radius = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = null == e || "function" == typeof e ? e : +e, n) : t
}, n.padding = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = +t, n) : r
}, ii(n, e)
}, ao.layout.tree = function() {
function n(n, i) {
var f =, n, i),
s = f[0],
h = t(s);
if (oi(h, e), h.parent.m = -h.z, ui(h, r), c) ui(s, u);
else {
var p = s,
g = s,
v = s;
ui(s, function(n) {
n.x < p.x && (p = n), n.x > g.x && (g = n), n.depth > v.depth && (v = n)
var d = a(p, g) / 2 - p.x,
y = l[0] / (g.x + a(g, p) / 2 + d),
m = l[1] / (v.depth || 1);
ui(s, function(n) {
n.x = (n.x + d) * y, n.y = n.depth * m
return f
function t(n) {
for (var t, e = {
A: null,
children: [n]
}, r = [e]; null != (t = r.pop());)
for (var i, u = t.children, o = 0, a = u.length; a > o; ++o) r.push((u[o] = i = {
_: u[o],
parent: t,
children: (i = u[o].children) && i.slice() || [],
A: null,
a: null,
z: 0,
m: 0,
c: 0,
s: 0,
t: null,
i: o
}).a = i);
return e.children[0]
function e(n) {
var t = n.children,
e = n.parent.children,
r = n.i ? e[n.i - 1] : null;
if (t.length) {
var u = (t[0].z + t[t.length - 1].z) / 2;
r ? (n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._), n.m = n.z - u) : n.z = u
} else r && (n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._));
n.parent.A = i(n, r, n.parent.A || e[0])
function r(n) {
n._.x = n.z + n.parent.m, n.m += n.parent.m
function i(n, t, e) {
if (t) {
for (var r, i = n, u = n, o = t, l = i.parent.children[0], c = i.m, f = u.m, s = o.m, h = l.m; o = Ti(o), i = qi(i), o && i;) l = qi(l), u = Ti(u), u.a = n, r = o.z + s - i.z - c + a(o._, i._), r > 0 && (Ri(Pi(o, n, e), n, r), c += r, f += r), s += o.m, c += i.m, h += l.m, f += u.m;
o && !Ti(u) && (u.t = o, u.m += s - f), i && !qi(l) && (l.t = i, l.m += c - h, e = n)
return e
function u(n) {
n.x *= l[0], n.y = n.depth * l[1]
var o = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),
a = Li,
l = [1, 1],
c = null;
return n.separation = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (a = t, n) : a
}, n.size = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (c = null == (l = t) ? u : null, n) : c ? null : l
}, n.nodeSize = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (c = null == (l = t) ? null : u, n) : c ? l : null
}, ii(n, o)
}, ao.layout.cluster = function() {
function n(n, u) {
var o, a =, n, u),
l = a[0],
c = 0;
oi(l, function(n) {
var t = n.children;
t && t.length ? (n.x = ji(t), n.y = Ui(t)) : (n.x = o ? c += e(n, o) : 0, n.y = 0, o = n)
var f = Fi(l),
s = Hi(l),
h = f.x - e(f, s) / 2,
p = s.x + e(s, f) / 2;
return oi(l, i ? function(n) {
n.x = (n.x - l.x) * r[0], n.y = (l.y - n.y) * r[1]
} : function(n) {
n.x = (n.x - h) / (p - h) * r[0], n.y = (1 - (l.y ? n.y / l.y : 1)) * r[1]
}), a
var t = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),
e = Li,
r = [1, 1],
i = !1;
return n.separation = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e
}, n.size = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = null == (r = t), n) : i ? null : r
}, n.nodeSize = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = null != (r = t), n) : i ? r : null
}, ii(n, t)
}, ao.layout.treemap = function() {
function n(n, t) {
for (var e, r, i = -1, u = n.length; ++i < u;) r = (e = n[i]).value * (0 > t ? 0 : t), e.area = isNaN(r) || 0 >= r ? 0 : r
function t(e) {
var u = e.children;
if (u && u.length) {
var o, a, l, c = s(e),
f = [],
h = u.slice(),
g = 1 / 0,
v = "slice" === p ? c.dx : "dice" === p ? c.dy : "slice-dice" === p ? 1 & e.depth ? c.dy : c.dx : Math.min(c.dx, c.dy);
for (n(h, c.dx * c.dy / e.value), f.area = 0;
(l = h.length) > 0;) f.push(o = h[l - 1]), f.area += o.area, "squarify" !== p || (a = r(f, v)) <= g ? (h.pop(), g = a) : (f.area -= f.pop().area, i(f, v, c, !1), v = Math.min(c.dx, c.dy), f.length = f.area = 0, g = 1 / 0);
f.length && (i(f, v, c, !0), f.length = f.area = 0), u.forEach(t)
function e(t) {
var r = t.children;
if (r && r.length) {
var u, o = s(t),
a = r.slice(),
l = [];
for (n(a, o.dx * o.dy / t.value), l.area = 0; u = a.pop();) l.push(u), l.area += u.area, null != u.z && (i(l, u.z ? o.dx : o.dy, o, !a.length), l.length = l.area = 0);
function r(n, t) {
for (var e, r = n.area, i = 0, u = 1 / 0, o = -1, a = n.length; ++o < a;)(e = n[o].area) && (u > e && (u = e), e > i && (i = e));
return r *= r, t *= t, r ? Math.max(t * i * g / r, r / (t * u * g)) : 1 / 0
function i(n, t, e, r) {
var i, u = -1,
o = n.length,
a = e.x,
c = e.y,
f = t ? l(n.area / t) : 0;
if (t == e.dx) {
for ((r || f > e.dy) && (f = e.dy); ++u < o;) i = n[u], i.x = a, i.y = c, i.dy = f, a += i.dx = Math.min(e.x + e.dx - a, f ? l(i.area / f) : 0);
i.z = !0, i.dx += e.x + e.dx - a, e.y += f, e.dy -= f
} else {
for ((r || f > e.dx) && (f = e.dx); ++u < o;) i = n[u], i.x = a, i.y = c, i.dx = f, c += i.dy = Math.min(e.y + e.dy - c, f ? l(i.area / f) : 0);
i.z = !1, i.dy += e.y + e.dy - c, e.x += f, e.dx -= f
function u(r) {
var i = o || a(r),
u = i[0];
return u.x = u.y = 0, u.value ? (u.dx = c[0], u.dy = c[1]) : u.dx = u.dy = 0, o && a.revalue(u), n([u], u.dx * u.dy / u.value), (o ? e : t)(u), h && (o = i), i
var o, a = ao.layout.hierarchy(),
l = Math.round,
c = [1, 1],
f = null,
s = Oi,
h = !1,
p = "squarify",
g = .5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5));
return u.size = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (c = n, u) : c
}, u.padding = function(n) {
function t(t) {
var e =, t, t.depth);
return null == e ? Oi(t) : Ii(t, "number" == typeof e ? [e, e, e, e] : e)
function e(t) {
return Ii(t, n)
if (!arguments.length) return f;
var r;
return s = null == (f = n) ? Oi : "function" == (r = typeof n) ? t : "number" === r ? (n = [n, n, n, n], e) : e, u
}, u.round = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (l = n ? Math.round : Number, u) : l != Number
}, u.sticky = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (h = n, o = null, u) : h
}, u.ratio = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (g = n, u) : g
}, u.mode = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? (p = n + "", u) : p
}, ii(u, a)
}, ao.random = {
normal: function(n, t) {
var e = arguments.length;
return 2 > e && (t = 1), 1 > e && (n = 0),
function() {
var e, r, i;
do e = 2 * Math.random() - 1, r = 2 * Math.random() - 1, i = e * e + r * r; while (!i || i > 1);
return n + t * e * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(i) / i)
logNormal: function() {
var n = ao.random.normal.apply(ao, arguments);
return function() {
return Math.exp(n())
bates: function(n) {
var t = ao.random.irwinHall(n);
return function() {
return t() / n
irwinHall: function(n) {
return function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0; n > e; e++) t += Math.random();
return t
}, ao.scale = {};
var Sl = {
floor: m,
ceil: m
ao.scale.linear = function() {
return Wi([0, 1], [0, 1], Mr, !1)
var kl = {
s: 1,
g: 1,
p: 1,
r: 1,
e: 1
ao.scale.log = function() {
return ru(ao.scale.linear().domain([0, 1]), 10, !0, [1, 10])
var Nl = ao.format(".0e"),
El = {
floor: function(n) {
return -Math.ceil(-n)
ceil: function(n) {
return -Math.floor(-n)
ao.scale.pow = function() {
return iu(ao.scale.linear(), 1, [0, 1])
}, ao.scale.sqrt = function() {
return ao.scale.pow().exponent(.5)
}, ao.scale.ordinal = function() {
return ou([], {
t: "range",
a: [
}, ao.scale.category10 = function() {
return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Al)
}, ao.scale.category20 = function() {
return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Cl)
}, ao.scale.category20b = function() {
return ao.scale.ordinal().range(zl)
}, ao.scale.category20c = function() {
return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Ll)
var Al = [2062260, 16744206, 2924588, 14034728, 9725885, 9197131, 14907330, 8355711, 12369186, 1556175].map(xn),
Cl = [2062260, 11454440, 16744206, 16759672, 2924588, 10018698, 14034728, 16750742, 9725885, 12955861, 9197131, 12885140, 14907330, 16234194, 8355711, 13092807, 12369186, 14408589, 1556175, 10410725].map(xn),
zl = [3750777, 5395619, 7040719, 10264286, 6519097, 9216594, 11915115, 13556636, 9202993, 12426809, 15186514, 15190932, 8666169, 11356490, 14049643, 15177372, 8077683, 10834324, 13528509, 14589654].map(xn),
Ll = [3244733, 7057110, 10406625, 13032431, 15095053, 16616764, 16625259, 16634018, 3253076, 7652470, 10607003, 13101504, 7695281, 10394312, 12369372, 14342891, 6513507, 9868950, 12434877, 14277081].map(xn);
ao.scale.quantile = function() {
return au([], [])
}, ao.scale.quantize = function() {
return lu(0, 1, [0, 1])
}, ao.scale.threshold = function() {
return cu([.5], [0, 1])
}, ao.scale.identity = function() {
return fu([0, 1])
}, ao.svg = {}, ao.svg.arc = function() {
function n() {
var n = Math.max(0, +e.apply(this, arguments)),
c = Math.max(0, +r.apply(this, arguments)),
f = o.apply(this, arguments) - Io,
s = a.apply(this, arguments) - Io,
h = Math.abs(s - f),
p = f > s ? 0 : 1;
if (n > c && (g = c, c = n, n = g), h >= Oo) return t(c, p) + (n ? t(n, 1 - p) : "") + "Z";
var g, v, d, y, m, M, x, b, _, w, S, k, N = 0,
E = 0,
A = [];
if ((y = (+l.apply(this, arguments) || 0) / 2) && (d = u === ql ? Math.sqrt(n * n + c * c) : +u.apply(this, arguments), p || (E *= -1), c && (E = tn(d / c * Math.sin(y))), n && (N = tn(d / n * Math.sin(y)))), c) {
m = c * Math.cos(f + E), M = c * Math.sin(f + E), x = c * Math.cos(s - E), b = c * Math.sin(s - E);
var C = Math.abs(s - f - 2 * E) <= Fo ? 0 : 1;
if (E && yu(m, M, x, b) === p ^ C) {
var z = (f + s) / 2;
m = c * Math.cos(z), M = c * Math.sin(z), x = b = null
} else m = M = 0;
if (n) {
_ = n * Math.cos(s - N), w = n * Math.sin(s - N), S = n * Math.cos(f + N), k = n * Math.sin(f + N);
var L = Math.abs(f - s + 2 * N) <= Fo ? 0 : 1;
if (N && yu(_, w, S, k) === 1 - p ^ L) {
var q = (f + s) / 2;
_ = n * Math.cos(q), w = n * Math.sin(q), S = k = null
} else _ = w = 0;
if (h > Uo && (g = Math.min(Math.abs(c - n) / 2, +i.apply(this, arguments))) > .001) {
v = c > n ^ p ? 0 : 1;
var T = g,
R = g;
if (Fo > h) {
var D = null == S ? [_, w] : null == x ? [m, M] : Re([m, M], [S, k], [x, b], [_, w]),
P = m - D[0],
U = M - D[1],
j = x - D[0],
F = b - D[1],
H = 1 / Math.sin(Math.acos((P * j + U * F) / (Math.sqrt(P * P + U * U) * Math.sqrt(j * j + F * F))) / 2),
O = Math.sqrt(D[0] * D[0] + D[1] * D[1]);
R = Math.min(g, (n - O) / (H - 1)), T = Math.min(g, (c - O) / (H + 1))
if (null != x) {
var I = mu(null == S ? [_, w] : [S, k], [m, M], c, T, p),
Y = mu([x, b], [_, w], c, T, p);
g === T ? A.push("M", I[0], "A", T, ",", T, " 0 0,", v, " ", I[1], "A", c, ",", c, " 0 ", 1 - p ^ yu(I[1][0], I[1][1], Y[1][0], Y[1][1]), ",", p, " ", Y[1], "A", T, ",", T, " 0 0,", v, " ", Y[0]) : A.push("M", I[0], "A", T, ",", T, " 0 1,", v, " ", Y[0])
} else A.push("M", m, ",", M);
if (null != S) {
var Z = mu([m, M], [S, k], n, -R, p),
V = mu([_, w], null == x ? [m, M] : [x, b], n, -R, p);
g === R ? A.push("L", V[0], "A", R, ",", R, " 0 0,", v, " ", V[1], "A", n, ",", n, " 0 ", p ^ yu(V[1][0], V[1][1], Z[1][0], Z[1][1]), ",", 1 - p, " ", Z[1], "A", R, ",", R, " 0 0,", v, " ", Z[0]) : A.push("L", V[0], "A", R, ",", R, " 0 0,", v, " ", Z[0])
} else A.push("L", _, ",", w)
} else A.push("M", m, ",", M), null != x && A.push("A", c, ",", c, " 0 ", C, ",", p, " ", x, ",", b), A.push("L", _, ",", w), null != S && A.push("A", n, ",", n, " 0 ", L, ",", 1 - p, " ", S, ",", k);
return A.push("Z"), A.join("")
function t(n, t) {
return "M0," + n + "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 1," + t + " 0," + -n + "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 1," + t + " 0," + n
var e = hu,
r = pu,
i = su,
u = ql,
o = gu,
a = vu,
l = du;
return n.innerRadius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = En(t), n) : e
}, n.outerRadius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = En(t), n) : r
}, n.cornerRadius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = En(t), n) : i
}, n.padRadius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = t == ql ? ql : En(t), n) : u
}, n.startAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (o = En(t), n) : o
}, n.endAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (a = En(t), n) : a
}, n.padAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (l = En(t), n) : l
}, n.centroid = function() {
var n = (+e.apply(this, arguments) + +r.apply(this, arguments)) / 2,
t = (+o.apply(this, arguments) + +a.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 - Io;
return [Math.cos(t) * n, Math.sin(t) * n]
}, n
var ql = "auto";
ao.svg.line = function() {
return Mu(m)
var Tl ={
linear: xu,
"linear-closed": bu,
step: _u,
"step-before": wu,
"step-after": Su,
basis: zu,
"basis-open": Lu,
"basis-closed": qu,
bundle: Tu,
cardinal: Eu,
"cardinal-open": ku,
"cardinal-closed": Nu,
monotone: Fu
Tl.forEach(function(n, t) {
t.key = n, t.closed = /-closed$/.test(n)
var Rl = [0, 2 / 3, 1 / 3, 0],
Dl = [0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 0],
Pl = [0, 1 / 6, 2 / 3, 1 / 6];
ao.svg.line.radial = function() {
var n = Mu(Hu);
return n.radius = n.x, delete n.x, n.angle = n.y, delete n.y, n
}, wu.reverse = Su, Su.reverse = wu, ao.svg.area = function() {
return Ou(m)
}, ao.svg.area.radial = function() {
var n = Ou(Hu);
return n.radius = n.x, delete n.x, n.innerRadius = n.x0, delete n.x0, n.outerRadius = n.x1, delete n.x1, n.angle = n.y, delete n.y, n.startAngle = n.y0, delete n.y0, n.endAngle = n.y1, delete n.y1, n
}, ao.svg.chord = function() {
function n(n, a) {
var l = t(this, u, n, a),
c = t(this, o, n, a);
return "M" + l.p0 + r(l.r, l.p1, l.a1 - l.a0) + (e(l, c) ? i(l.r, l.p1, l.r, l.p0) : i(l.r, l.p1, c.r, c.p0) + r(c.r, c.p1, c.a1 - c.a0) + i(c.r, c.p1, l.r, l.p0)) + "Z"
function t(n, t, e, r) {
var i =, e, r),
u =, i, r),
o =, i, r) - Io,
f =, i, r) - Io;
return {
r: u,
a0: o,
a1: f,
p0: [u * Math.cos(o), u * Math.sin(o)],
p1: [u * Math.cos(f), u * Math.sin(f)]
function e(n, t) {
return n.a0 == t.a0 && n.a1 == t.a1
function r(n, t, e) {
return "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 " + +(e > Fo) + ",1 " + t
function i(n, t, e, r) {
return "Q 0,0 " + r
var u = Me,
o = xe,
a = Iu,
l = gu,
c = vu;
return n.radius = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (a = En(t), n) : a
}, n.source = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = En(t), n) : u
}, = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (o = En(t), n) : o
}, n.startAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (l = En(t), n) : l
}, n.endAngle = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (c = En(t), n) : c
}, n
}, ao.svg.diagonal = function() {
function n(n, i) {
var u =, n, i),
o =, n, i),
a = (u.y + o.y) / 2,
l = [u, {
x: u.x,
y: a
}, {
x: o.x,
y: a
}, o];
return l =, "M" + l[0] + "C" + l[1] + " " + l[2] + " " + l[3]
var t = Me,
e = xe,
r = Yu;
return n.source = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = En(e), n) : t
}, = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = En(t), n) : e
}, n.projection = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r
}, n
}, ao.svg.diagonal.radial = function() {
var n = ao.svg.diagonal(),
t = Yu,
e = n.projection;
return n.projection = function(n) {
return arguments.length ? e(Zu(t = n)) : t
}, n
}, ao.svg.symbol = function() {
function n(n, r) {
return (Ul.get(, n, r)) || $u)(, n, r))
var t = Xu,
e = Vu;
return n.type = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = En(e), n) : t
}, n.size = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = En(t), n) : e
}, n
var Ul ={
circle: $u,
cross: function(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n / 5) / 2;
return "M" + -3 * t + "," + -t + "H" + -t + "V" + -3 * t + "H" + t + "V" + -t + "H" + 3 * t + "V" + t + "H" + t + "V" + 3 * t + "H" + -t + "V" + t + "H" + -3 * t + "Z"
diamond: function(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n / (2 * Fl)),
e = t * Fl;
return "M0," + -t + "L" + e + ",0 0," + t + " " + -e + ",0Z"
square: function(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n) / 2;
return "M" + -t + "," + -t + "L" + t + "," + -t + " " + t + "," + t + " " + -t + "," + t + "Z"
"triangle-down": function(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n / jl),
e = t * jl / 2;
return "M0," + e + "L" + t + "," + -e + " " + -t + "," + -e + "Z"
"triangle-up": function(n) {
var t = Math.sqrt(n / jl),
e = t * jl / 2;
return "M0," + -e + "L" + t + "," + e + " " + -t + "," + e + "Z"
ao.svg.symbolTypes = Ul.keys();
var jl = Math.sqrt(3),
Fl = Math.tan(30 * Yo);
Co.transition = function(n) {
for (var t, e, r = Hl || ++Zl, i = Ku(n), u = [], o = Ol || {
ease: Nr,
delay: 0,
duration: 250
}, a = -1, l = this.length; ++a < l;) {
u.push(t = []);
for (var c = this[a], f = -1, s = c.length; ++f < s;)(e = c[f]) && Qu(e, f, i, r, o), t.push(e)
return Wu(u, i, r)
}, Co.interrupt = function(n) {
return this.each(null == n ? Il : Bu(Ku(n)))
var Hl, Ol, Il = Bu(Ku()),
Yl = [],
Zl = 0; =, Yl.empty = Co.empty, Yl.node = Co.node, Yl.size = Co.size, ao.transition = function(n, t) {
return n && n.transition ? Hl ? n.transition(t) : n : ao.selection().transition(n)
}, ao.transition.prototype = Yl, = function(n) {
var t, e, r, i =,
u = this.namespace,
o = [];
n = A(n);
for (var a = -1, l = this.length; ++a < l;) {
o.push(t = []);
for (var c = this[a], f = -1, s = c.length; ++f < s;)(r = c[f]) && (e =, r.__data__, f, a)) ? ("__data__" in r && (e.__data__ = r.__data__), Qu(e, f, u, i, r[u][i]), t.push(e)) : t.push(null)
return Wu(o, u, i)
}, Yl.selectAll = function(n) {
var t, e, r, i, u, o =,
a = this.namespace,
l = [];
n = C(n);
for (var c = -1, f = this.length; ++c < f;)
for (var s = this[c], h = -1, p = s.length; ++h < p;)
if (r = s[h]) {
u = r[a][o], e =, r.__data__, h, c), l.push(t = []);
for (var g = -1, v = e.length; ++g < v;)(i = e[g]) && Qu(i, g, a, o, u), t.push(i)
return Wu(l, a, o)
}, Yl.filter = function(n) {
var t, e, r, i = [];
"function" != typeof n && (n = O(n));
for (var u = 0, o = this.length; o > u; u++) {
i.push(t = []);
for (var e = this[u], a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; a++)(r = e[a]) &&, r.__data__, a, u) && t.push(r)
return Wu(i, this.namespace,
}, Yl.tween = function(n, t) {
var e =,
r = this.namespace;
return arguments.length < 2 ? this.node()[r][e].tween.get(n) : Y(this, null == t ? function(t) {
} : function(i) {
i[r][e].tween.set(n, t)
}, Yl.attr = function(n, t) {
function e() {
function r() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, a.local)
function i(n) {
return null == n ? e : (n += "", function() {
var t, e = this.getAttribute(a);
return e !== n && (t = o(e, n), function(n) {
this.setAttribute(a, t(n))
function u(n) {
return null == n ? r : (n += "", function() {
var t, e = this.getAttributeNS(, a.local);
return e !== n && (t = o(e, n), function(n) {
this.setAttributeNS(, a.local, t(n))
if (arguments.length < 2) {
for (t in n) this.attr(t, n[t]);
return this
var o = "transform" == n ? $r : Mr,
a = ao.ns.qualify(n);
return Ju(this, "attr." + n, t, a.local ? u : i)
}, Yl.attrTween = function(n, t) {
function e(n, e) {
var r =, n, e, this.getAttribute(i));
return r && function(n) {
this.setAttribute(i, r(n))
function r(n, e) {
var r =, n, e, this.getAttributeNS(, i.local));
return r && function(n) {
this.setAttributeNS(, i.local, r(n))
var i = ao.ns.qualify(n);
return this.tween("attr." + n, i.local ? r : e)
}, = function(n, e, r) {
function i() {
function u(e) {
return null == e ? i : (e += "", function() {
var i, u = t(this).getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n);
return u !== e && (i = Mr(u, e), function(t) {, i(t), r)
var o = arguments.length;
if (3 > o) {
if ("string" != typeof n) {
2 > o && (e = "");
for (r in n), n[r], e);
return this
r = ""
return Ju(this, "style." + n, e, u)
}, Yl.styleTween = function(n, e, r) {
function i(i, u) {
var o =, i, u, t(this).getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n));
return o && function(t) {, o(t), r)
return arguments.length < 3 && (r = ""), this.tween("style." + n, i)
}, Yl.text = function(n) {
return Ju(this, "text", n, Gu)
}, Yl.remove = function() {
var n = this.namespace;
return this.each("end.transition", function() {
var t;
this[n].count < 2 && (t = this.parentNode) && t.removeChild(this)
}, Yl.ease = function(n) {
var t =,
e = this.namespace;
return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].ease : ("function" != typeof n && (n = ao.ease.apply(ao, arguments)), Y(this, function(r) {
r[e][t].ease = n
}, Yl.delay = function(n) {
var t =,
e = this.namespace;
return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].delay : Y(this, "function" == typeof n ? function(r, i, u) {
r[e][t].delay =, r.__data__, i, u)
} : (n = +n, function(r) {
r[e][t].delay = n
}, Yl.duration = function(n) {
var t =,
e = this.namespace;
return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].duration : Y(this, "function" == typeof n ? function(r, i, u) {
r[e][t].duration = Math.max(1,, r.__data__, i, u))
} : (n = Math.max(1, n), function(r) {
r[e][t].duration = n
}, Yl.each = function(n, t) {
var e =,
r = this.namespace;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var i = Ol,
u = Hl;
try {
Hl = e, Y(this, function(t, i, u) {
Ol = t[r][e],, t.__data__, i, u)
} finally {
Ol = i, Hl = u
} else Y(this, function(i) {
var u = i[r][e];
(u.event || (u.event = ao.dispatch("start", "end", "interrupt"))).on(n, t)
return this
}, Yl.transition = function() {
for (var n, t, e, r, i =, u = ++Zl, o = this.namespace, a = [], l = 0, c = this.length; c > l; l++) {
a.push(n = []);
for (var t = this[l], f = 0, s = t.length; s > f; f++)(e = t[f]) && (r = e[o][i], Qu(e, f, o, u, {
time: r.time,
ease: r.ease,
delay: r.delay + r.duration,
duration: r.duration
})), n.push(e)
return Wu(a, o, u)
}, ao.svg.axis = function() {
function n(n) {
n.each(function() {
var n, c =,
f = this.__chart__ || e,
s = this.__chart__ = e.copy(),
h = null == l ? s.ticks ? s.ticks.apply(s, a) : s.domain() : l,
p = null == t ? s.tickFormat ? s.tickFormat.apply(s, a) : m : t,
g = c.selectAll(".tick").data(h, s),
v = g.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", Uo),
d = ao.transition(g.exit()).style("opacity", Uo).remove(),
y = ao.transition(g.order()).style("opacity", 1),
M = Math.max(i, 0) + o,
x = Zi(s),
b = c.selectAll(".domain").data([0]),
_ = (b.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"), ao.transition(b));
v.append("line"), v.append("text");
var w, S, k, N, E ="line"),
A ="line"),
C ="text").text(p),
z ="text"),
L ="text"),
q = "top" === r || "left" === r ? -1 : 1;
if ("bottom" === r || "top" === r ? (n = no, w = "x", k = "y", S = "x2", N = "y2", C.attr("dy", 0 > q ? "0em" : ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle"), _.attr("d", "M" + x[0] + "," + q * u + "V0H" + x[1] + "V" + q * u)) : (n = to, w = "y", k = "x", S = "y2", N = "x2", C.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", 0 > q ? "end" : "start"), _.attr("d", "M" + q * u + "," + x[0] + "H0V" + x[1] + "H" + q * u)), E.attr(N, q * i), z.attr(k, q * M), A.attr(S, 0).attr(N, q * i), L.attr(w, 0).attr(k, q * M), s.rangeBand) {
var T = s,
R = T.rangeBand() / 2;
f = s = function(n) {
return T(n) + R
} else f.rangeBand ? f = s :, s, f);, f, s),, s, s)
var t, e = ao.scale.linear(),
r = Vl,
i = 6,
u = 6,
o = 3,
a = [10],
l = null;
return n.scale = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e
}, n.orient = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (r = t in Xl ? t + "" : Vl, n) : r
}, n.ticks = function() {
return arguments.length ? (a = co(arguments), n) : a
}, n.tickValues = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (l = t, n) : l
}, n.tickFormat = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t
}, n.tickSize = function(t) {
var e = arguments.length;
return e ? (i = +t, u = +arguments[e - 1], n) : i
}, n.innerTickSize = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (i = +t, n) : i
}, n.outerTickSize = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (u = +t, n) : u
}, n.tickPadding = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (o = +t, n) : o
}, n.tickSubdivide = function() {
return arguments.length && n
}, n
var Vl = "bottom",
Xl = {
top: 1,
right: 1,
bottom: 1,
left: 1
ao.svg.brush = function() {
function n(t) {
t.each(function() {
var t ="pointer-events", "all").style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)").on("mousedown.brush", u).on("touchstart.brush", u),
o = t.selectAll(".background").data([0]);
o.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "background").style("visibility", "hidden").style("cursor", "crosshair"), t.selectAll(".extent").data([0]).enter().append("rect").attr("class", "extent").style("cursor", "move");
var a = t.selectAll(".resize").data(v, m);
a.exit().remove(), a.enter().append("g").attr("class", function(n) {
return "resize " + n
}).style("cursor", function(n) {
return $l[n]
}).append("rect").attr("x", function(n) {
return /[ew]$/.test(n) ? -3 : null
}).attr("y", function(n) {
return /^[ns]/.test(n) ? -3 : null
}).attr("width", 6).attr("height", 6).style("visibility", "hidden"),"display", n.empty() ? "none" : null);
var l, s = ao.transition(t),
h = ao.transition(o);
c && (l = Zi(c), h.attr("x", l[0]).attr("width", l[1] - l[0]), r(s)), f && (l = Zi(f), h.attr("y", l[0]).attr("height", l[1] - l[0]), i(s)), e(s)
function e(n) {
n.selectAll(".resize").attr("transform", function(n) {
return "translate(" + s[+/e$/.test(n)] + "," + h[+/^s/.test(n)] + ")"
function r(n) {".extent").attr("x", s[0]), n.selectAll(".extent,.n>rect,.s>rect").attr("width", s[1] - s[0])
function i(n) {".extent").attr("y", h[0]), n.selectAll(".extent,.e>rect,.w>rect").attr("height", h[1] - h[0])
function u() {
function u() {
32 == ao.event.keyCode && (C || (M = null, L[0] -= s[1], L[1] -= h[1], C = 2), S())
function v() {
32 == ao.event.keyCode && 2 == C && (L[0] += s[1], L[1] += h[1], C = 0, S())
function d() {
var n = ao.mouse(b),
t = !1;
x && (n[0] += x[0], n[1] += x[1]), C || (ao.event.altKey ? (M || (M = [(s[0] + s[1]) / 2, (h[0] + h[1]) / 2]), L[0] = s[+(n[0] < M[0])], L[1] = h[+(n[1] < M[1])]) : M = null), E && y(n, c, 0) && (r(k), t = !0), A && y(n, f, 1) && (i(k), t = !0), t && (e(k), w({
type: "brush",
mode: C ? "move" : "resize"
function y(n, t, e) {
var r, i, u = Zi(t),
l = u[0],
c = u[1],
f = L[e],
v = e ? h : s,
d = v[1] - v[0];
return C && (l -= f, c -= d + f), r = (e ? g : p) ? Math.max(l, Math.min(c, n[e])) : n[e], C ? i = (r += f) + d : (M && (f = Math.max(l, Math.min(c, 2 * M[e] - r))), r > f ? (i = r, r = f) : i = f), v[0] != r || v[1] != i ? (e ? a = null : o = null, v[0] = r, v[1] = i, !0) : void 0
function m() {
d(),"pointer-events", "all").selectAll(".resize").style("display", n.empty() ? "none" : null),"body").style("cursor", null), q.on("mousemove.brush", null).on("mouseup.brush", null).on("touchmove.brush", null).on("touchend.brush", null).on("keydown.brush", null).on("keyup.brush", null), z(), w({
type: "brushend"
var M, x, b = this,
_ =,
w = l.of(b, arguments),
k =,
N = _.datum(),
E = !/^(n|s)$/.test(N) && c,
A = !/^(e|w)$/.test(N) && f,
C = _.classed("extent"),
z = W(b),
L = ao.mouse(b),
q ="keydown.brush", u).on("keyup.brush", v);
if (ao.event.changedTouches ? q.on("touchmove.brush", d).on("touchend.brush", m) : q.on("mousemove.brush", d).on("mouseup.brush", m), k.interrupt().selectAll("*").interrupt(), C) L[0] = s[0] - L[0], L[1] = h[0] - L[1];
else if (N) {
var T = +/w$/.test(N),
R = +/^n/.test(N);
x = [s[1 - T] - L[0], h[1 - R] - L[1]], L[0] = s[T], L[1] = h[R]
} else ao.event.altKey && (M = L.slice());"pointer-events", "none").selectAll(".resize").style("display", null),"body").style("cursor","cursor")), w({
type: "brushstart"
}), d()
var o, a, l = N(n, "brushstart", "brush", "brushend"),
c = null,
f = null,
s = [0, 0],
h = [0, 0],
p = !0,
g = !0,
v = Bl[0];
return n.event = function(n) {
n.each(function() {
var n = l.of(this, arguments),
t = {
x: s,
y: h,
i: o,
j: a
e = this.__chart__ || t;
this.__chart__ = t, Hl ?"start.brush", function() {
o = e.i, a = e.j, s = e.x, h = e.y, n({
type: "brushstart"
}).tween("brush:brush", function() {
var e = xr(s, t.x),
r = xr(h, t.y);
return o = a = null,
function(i) {
s = t.x = e(i), h = t.y = r(i), n({
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
}).each("end.brush", function() {
o = t.i, a = t.j, n({
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
}), n({
type: "brushend"
}) : (n({
type: "brushstart"
}), n({
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
}), n({
type: "brushend"
}, n.x = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (c = t, v = Bl[!c << 1 | !f], n) : c
}, n.y = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (f = t, v = Bl[!c << 1 | !f], n) : f
}, n.clamp = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? (c && f ? (p = !!t[0], g = !!t[1]) : c ? p = !!t : f && (g = !!t), n) : c && f ? [p, g] : c ? p : f ? g : null
}, n.extent = function(t) {
var e, r, i, u, l;
return arguments.length ? (c && (e = t[0], r = t[1], f && (e = e[0], r = r[0]), o = [e, r], c.invert && (e = c(e), r = c(r)), e > r && (l = e, e = r, r = l), e == s[0] && r == s[1] || (s = [e, r])), f && (i = t[0], u = t[1], c && (i = i[1], u = u[1]), a = [i, u], f.invert && (i = f(i), u = f(u)), i > u && (l = i, i = u, u = l), i == h[0] && u == h[1] || (h = [i, u])), n) : (c && (o ? (e = o[0], r = o[1]) : (e = s[0], r = s[1], c.invert && (e = c.invert(e), r = c.invert(r)), e > r && (l = e, e = r, r = l))), f && (a ? (i = a[0], u = a[1]) : (i = h[0], u = h[1], f.invert && (i = f.invert(i), u = f.invert(u)), i > u && (l = i, i = u, u = l))), c && f ? [
[e, i],
[r, u]
] : c ? [e, r] : f && [i, u])
}, n.clear = function() {
return n.empty() || (s = [0, 0], h = [0, 0], o = a = null), n
}, n.empty = function() {
return !!c && s[0] == s[1] || !!f && h[0] == h[1]
}, ao.rebind(n, l, "on")
var $l = {
n: "ns-resize",
e: "ew-resize",
s: "ns-resize",
w: "ew-resize",
nw: "nwse-resize",
ne: "nesw-resize",
se: "nwse-resize",
sw: "nesw-resize"
Bl = [
["n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw"],
["e", "w"],
["n", "s"],
Wl = ga.format = xa.timeFormat,
Jl = Wl.utc,
Gl = Jl("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");
Wl.iso = Date.prototype.toISOString && +new Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") ? eo : Gl, eo.parse = function(n) {
var t = new Date(n);
return isNaN(t) ? null : t
}, eo.toString = Gl.toString, ga.second = On(function(n) {
return new va(1e3 * Math.floor(n / 1e3))
}, function(n, t) {
n.setTime(n.getTime() + 1e3 * Math.floor(t))
}, function(n) {
return n.getSeconds()
}), ga.seconds = ga.second.range, ga.seconds.utc = ga.second.utc.range, ga.minute = On(function(n) {
return new va(6e4 * Math.floor(n / 6e4))
}, function(n, t) {
n.setTime(n.getTime() + 6e4 * Math.floor(t))
}, function(n) {
return n.getMinutes()
}), ga.minutes = ga.minute.range, ga.minutes.utc = ga.minute.utc.range, ga.hour = On(function(n) {
var t = n.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
return new va(36e5 * (Math.floor(n / 36e5 - t) + t))
}, function(n, t) {
n.setTime(n.getTime() + 36e5 * Math.floor(t))
}, function(n) {
return n.getHours()
}), ga.hours = ga.hour.range, ga.hours.utc = ga.hour.utc.range, ga.month = On(function(n) {
return n =, n.setDate(1), n
}, function(n, t) {
n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + t)
}, function(n) {
return n.getMonth()
}), ga.months = ga.month.range, ga.months.utc = ga.month.utc.range;
var Kl = [1e3, 5e3, 15e3, 3e4, 6e4, 3e5, 9e5, 18e5, 36e5, 108e5, 216e5, 432e5, 864e5, 1728e5, 6048e5, 2592e6, 7776e6, 31536e6],
Ql = [
[ga.second, 1],
[ga.second, 5],
[ga.second, 15],
[ga.second, 30],
[ga.minute, 1],
[ga.minute, 5],
[ga.minute, 15],
[ga.minute, 30],
[ga.hour, 1],
[ga.hour, 3],
[ga.hour, 6],
[ga.hour, 12],
[, 1],
[, 2],
[ga.week, 1],
[ga.month, 1],
[ga.month, 3],
[ga.year, 1]
nc = Wl.multi([
[".%L", function(n) {
return n.getMilliseconds()
[":%S", function(n) {
return n.getSeconds()
["%I:%M", function(n) {
return n.getMinutes()
["%I %p", function(n) {
return n.getHours()
["%a %d", function(n) {
return n.getDay() && 1 != n.getDate()
["%b %d", function(n) {
return 1 != n.getDate()
["%B", function(n) {
return n.getMonth()
["%Y", zt]
tc = {
range: function(n, t, e) {
return ao.range(Math.ceil(n / e) * e, +t, e).map(io)
floor: m,
ceil: m
Ql.year = ga.year, ga.scale = function() {
return ro(ao.scale.linear(), Ql, nc)
var ec = {
return [n[0].utc, n[1]]
rc = Jl.multi([
[".%L", function(n) {
return n.getUTCMilliseconds()
[":%S", function(n) {
return n.getUTCSeconds()
["%I:%M", function(n) {
return n.getUTCMinutes()
["%I %p", function(n) {
return n.getUTCHours()
["%a %d", function(n) {
return n.getUTCDay() && 1 != n.getUTCDate()
["%b %d", function(n) {
return 1 != n.getUTCDate()
["%B", function(n) {
return n.getUTCMonth()
["%Y", zt]
ec.year = ga.year.utc, ga.scale.utc = function() {
return ro(ao.scale.linear(), ec, rc)
}, ao.text = An(function(n) {
return n.responseText
}), ao.json = function(n, t) {
return Cn(n, "application/json", uo, t)
}, ao.html = function(n, t) {
return Cn(n, "text/html", oo, t)
}, ao.xml = An(function(n) {
return n.responseXML
}), "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? (this.d3 = ao, define(ao)) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = ao : this.d3 = ao
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model name BiasPrLatRmse BiasPrLonRmse BiasSstLatRmse BiasSstLonRmse BiasTauxLatRmse BiasTauxLonRmse NinaSstLonRmse NinaSstTsRmse NinoSstLonRmse NinoSstTsRmse SeasonalPrLatRmse SeasonalSstLatRmse SeasonalSstLonRmse
ACCESS1-0 1.67 1.45 0.47 0.58 13.59 11.65 0.21 0.24 0.11 0.18 1.22 0.13 0.31
ACCESS1-3 1.35 2.06 0.52 0.69 13.59 11.66 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.22 1.33 0.18 0.26
BCC-CSM1-1 2.44 1.70 0.77 0.76 6.80 13.13 0.15 0.41 0.17 0.34 1.56 0.19 0.24
BCC-CSM1-1-M 3.13 1.29 1.49 0.61 9.55 7.17 0.24 0.48 0.34 0.58 1.72 0.21 0.21
BNU-ESM 2.03 1.40 0.86 0.58 90.72 59.68 0.53 0.43 0.54 0.47 1.79 0.30 0.11
CanCM4 0.74 2.01 0.42 0.97 11.57 9.92 0.45 0.27 0.38 0.23 0.99 0.18 0.35
CanESM2 0.85 2.06 0.40 1.01 10.61 9.73 0.27 0.25 0.47 0.18 1.10 0.19 0.36
CCSM4 1.34 1.54 0.59 0.41 4.84 6.50 0.25 0.24 0.46 0.38 1.78 0.17 0.22
CESM1-BGC 1.48 1.45 0.66 0.38 4.68 6.74 0.23 0.16 0.27 0.22 1.88 0.18 0.20
CESM1-CAM5 1.42 1.74 0.63 0.79 5.48 7.59 0.36 0.19 0.48 0.22 1.40 0.20 0.22
CESM1-FASTCHEM 1.37 1.42 0.65 0.42 4.78 6.67 0.26 0.26 0.33 0.28 1.84 0.17 0.22
CESM1-WACCM 1.73 1.72 0.56 0.42 6.76 7.21 0.34 0.16 0.50 0.26 1.55 0.20 0.17
CMCC-CESM 2.43 1.95 1.50 0.93 2.23 7.53 0.30 0.47 0.47 0.50 1.41 0.08 0.20
CMCC-CM 2.00 1.52 0.84 0.42 6.11 10.15 0.23 0.23 0.32 0.27 1.43 0.16 0.28
CMCC-CMS 2.04 1.47 0.94 0.45 4.41 4.46 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.18 1.43 0.19 0.22
CNRM-CM5 1.83 1.25 0.44 0.92 7.41 7.77 0.10 0.38 0.21 0.33 0.97 0.42 0.23
CNRM-CM5-2 1.73 1.32 0.58 1.01 7.26 7.81 0.16 0.29 0.33 0.36 1.00 0.46 0.24
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 1.26 3.69 1.37 2.17 8.40 14.87 0.64 0.18 0.72 0.22 1.01 0.27 0.26
FGOALS-g2 1.89 0.99 0.24 1.07 5.70 11.23 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.92 0.25 0.25
FIO-ESM 2.13 1.25 1.32 0.83 89.32 54.10 0.32 0.44 0.54 0.54 1.25 0.15 0.31
GFDL-CM3 2.20 2.12 0.70 0.82 6.31 8.58 0.32 0.47 0.32 0.33 2.26 0.18 0.15
GFDL-ESM2G 2.31 3.60 1.11 1.47 11.03 18.06 0.30 0.27 0.45 0.24 1.61 0.44 0.31
GFDL-ESM2M 2.24 1.96 0.59 0.95 8.20 11.62 0.61 0.46 0.85 0.67 1.83 0.20 0.09
GISS-E2-H 3.41 1.60 1.34 1.06 12.08 17.17 0.31 0.17 0.33 0.22 1.03 0.24 0.32
GISS-E2-H-CC 3.62 1.62 1.45 1.25 11.91 18.39 0.40 0.33 0.31 0.34 1.06 0.24 0.30
GISS-E2-R 2.41 1.99 1.34 1.32 7.29 13.80 0.19 0.16 0.19 0.12 0.78 0.17 0.30
GISS-E2-R-CC 2.45 2.02 1.36 1.34 7.46 14.13 0.25 0.25 0.19 0.42 0.79 0.17 0.31
HadCM3 0.89 2.99 0.66 1.16 8.13 16.29 0.31 0.22 0.48 0.23 0.53 0.19 0.31
HadGEM2-AO 1.18 1.31 0.61 0.62 9.84 14.17 0.18 0.23 0.22 0.36 1.72 0.19 0.20
HadGEM2-CC 1.00 1.21 0.86 0.95 8.47 13.01 0.26 0.20 0.19 0.25 1.52 0.17 0.21
HadGEM2-ES 1.08 1.45 0.83 0.88 9.91 14.21 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.26 1.60 0.17 0.21
INMCM4 2.32 2.61 1.02 1.22 6.93 12.53 0.19 0.32 0.45 0.21 1.04 0.37 0.42
IPSL-CM5A-LR 1.82 3.08 0.84 1.10 4.97 9.66 0.21 0.18 0.31 0.21 1.66 0.32 0.09
IPSL-CM5A-MR 1.72 3.32 0.74 0.88 6.27 8.95 0.27 0.22 0.36 0.15 1.52 0.31 0.09
IPSL-CM5B-LR 1.54 1.76 0.66 0.90 5.61 7.48 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 1.19 0.19 0.24
MIROC-ESM 0.74 2.17 1.32 1.76 14.32 17.05 0.34 0.22 0.50 0.29 0.37 0.31 0.58
MIROC-ESM-CHEM 0.74 2.15 1.33 1.75 14.16 16.94 0.32 0.31 0.51 0.37 0.37 0.30 0.59
MIROC4h 1.46 1.67 0.68 1.17 10.83 11.39 0.26 0.34 0.37 0.30 1.35 0.40 0.32
MIROC5 0.89 1.89 0.58 0.85 6.77 10.10 0.39 0.38 0.88 0.76 0.74 0.11 0.22
MPI-ESM-LR 1.96 3.60 0.99 1.31 7.72 8.57 0.26 0.13 0.46 0.28 1.56 0.26 0.25
MPI-ESM-MR 2.03 3.19 0.97 1.10 5.60 10.35 0.22 0.14 0.38 0.22 1.62 0.39 0.23
MPI-ESM-P 1.93 3.62 0.99 1.33 8.06 8.83 0.27 0.19 0.36 0.29 1.57 0.25 0.25
NorESM1-M 1.25 0.93 0.69 0.61 11.11 9.57 0.18 0.24 0.10 0.22 1.52 0.27 0.19
NorESM1-ME 1.23 1.10 0.94 0.79 12.35 9.60 0.16 0.17 0.30 0.28 1.41 0.23 0.14
name BiasPrLatRmse BiasPrLonRmse BiasSstLatRmse BiasSstLonRmse BiasTauxLatRmse BiasTauxLonRmse EnsoAmpl NinaSstLonRmse NinaSstTsRmse NinoSstLonRmse NinoSstTsRmse SeasonalPrLatRmse SeasonalSstLatRmse SeasonalSstLonRmse
ACCESS1-0 1.53 1.50 1.88 0.68 10.48 10.58 -0.10 0.27 0.31 0.38 0.28 1.11 0.15 0.28
ACCESS1-3 1.21 2.10 1.62 0.73 10.60 10.69 -0.13 0.32 0.37 0.50 0.36 1.23 0.20 0.25
BCC-CSM1-1 2.68 2.16 12.17 9.19 29.67 12.45 -0.14 0.31 0.47 0.59 0.40 1.55 0.42 0.37
BCC-CSM1-1-M 3.06 2.15 8.23 8.39 22.74 9.65 0.45 0.22 0.49 0.42 0.57 1.71 0.34 0.22
BNU-ESM 2.22 2.09 12.13 8.98 85.17 56.47 0.57 0.32 0.41 0.37 0.51 1.53 0.40 0.21
CanCM4 1.62 2.50 12.15 9.06 30.42 8.02 0.11 0.32 0.32 0.66 0.33 1.06 0.40 0.39
CanESM2 1.66 2.51 12.16 9.13 30.21 8.29 0.12 0.27 0.37 0.64 0.27 1.11 0.40 0.39
CCSM4 1.39 2.20 8.15 7.99 15.15 6.74 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.38 0.38 1.77 0.32 0.36
CESM1-BGC 1.52 2.15 8.15 7.99 15.23 6.63 0.09 0.27 0.26 0.53 0.28 1.86 0.33 0.35
CESM1-CAM5 1.47 2.32 8.17 8.54 15.50 6.75 0.10 0.33 0.30 0.58 0.27 1.40 0.33 0.20
CESM1-FASTCHEM 1.42 2.10 8.15 7.94 15.16 6.88 0.10 0.26 0.23 0.50 0.36 1.82 0.32 0.36
CESM1-WACCM 1.80 1.72 8.15 0.57 21.56 7.04 0.25 0.39 0.30 0.39 0.28 1.55 0.34 0.14
CMCC-CESM 2.46 3.99 11.74 15.87 25.75 22.26 0.53 0.37 0.44 0.72 0.54 1.50 0.39 0.47
CMCC-CM 2.00 1.52 8.16 0.36 16.32 10.58 -0.23 0.23 0.38 0.48 0.42 1.42 0.32 0.26
CMCC-CMS 2.07 1.52 8.19 0.38 21.11 5.11 0.03 0.23 0.34 0.37 0.29 1.42 0.32 0.20
CNRM-CM5 1.86 1.40 8.63 2.98 16.19 7.86 0.07 0.16 0.33 0.28 0.39 0.99 0.41 0.22
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 1.47 3.71 8.54 2.29 22.16 15.19 -0.09 0.72 0.33 0.92 0.36 1.05 0.36 0.24
FGOALS-g2 2.18 1.40 12.18 9.21 29.72 14.25 -0.06 0.29 0.24 0.56 0.36 1.18 0.41 0.36
FIO-ESM 2.01 1.82 11.93 8.51 83.73 51.75 0.56 0.25 0.38 0.36 0.60 1.31 0.41 0.42
GFDL-CM3 2.08 2.24 3.22 3.86 4.13 8.54 0.15 0.38 0.53 0.38 0.39 2.00 0.20 0.17
GFDL-ESM2G 2.35 3.96 12.07 9.60 26.80 11.87 -0.02 0.39 0.36 0.73 0.30 1.49 0.48 0.15
GFDL-ESM2M 2.23 3.09 11.89 9.27 26.22 12.68 0.74 0.41 0.55 0.44 0.65 1.66 0.40 0.24
GISS-E2-H 3.05 1.77 1.90 3.86 13.54 18.19 -0.28 0.42 0.26 0.62 0.37 1.03 0.27 0.33
GISS-E2-H-CC 3.26 1.78 1.83 3.91 12.80 19.38 -0.07 0.50 0.37 0.60 0.45 1.05 0.27 0.31
GISS-E2-R 2.08 2.12 1.85 3.91 7.92 14.92 -0.32 0.25 0.27 0.48 0.31 0.69 0.21 0.30
GISS-E2-R-CC 2.12 2.15 1.83 3.91 8.14 15.24 -0.34 0.29 0.30 0.44 0.56 0.71 0.22 0.31
HadCM3 0.83 3.01 2.95 2.73 21.80 14.70 -0.03 0.41 0.33 0.64 0.36 0.66 0.22 0.30
HadGEM2-AO 1.01 1.37 1.81 0.74 8.14 13.06 -0.06 0.27 0.41 0.53 0.48 1.56 0.18 0.18
HadGEM2-CC 0.87 1.27 2.29 1.15 6.33 12.14 0.05 0.34 0.39 0.49 0.40 1.37 0.17 0.19
HadGEM2-ES 0.94 1.49 2.20 1.05 7.32 13.15 -0.02 0.27 0.42 0.49 0.39 1.45 0.16 0.19
INMCM4 2.31 2.99 8.18 8.69 16.81 10.00 -0.23 0.36 0.37 0.79 0.39 1.06 0.44 0.22
IPSL-CM5A-LR 1.82 3.09 8.76 2.76 21.67 9.76 -0.10 0.31 0.27 0.58 0.32 1.48 0.38 0.12
IPSL-CM5A-MR 1.79 3.64 8.17 8.27 21.89 7.58 -0.06 0.39 0.29 0.73 0.30 1.52 0.41 0.23
IPSL-CM5B-LR 1.82 1.81 8.44 2.62 22.26 7.88 -0.15 0.18 0.21 0.46 0.39 1.11 0.34 0.25
MIROC-ESM 1.62 2.46 12.49 9.74 31.08 16.44 -0.40 0.48 0.37 0.87 0.45 0.97 0.41 0.47
MIROC-ESM-CHEM 1.62 2.44 12.49 9.74 31.01 16.41 -0.36 0.45 0.49 0.85 0.50 0.98 0.41 0.48
MIROC4h 1.50 1.78 8.16 2.98 17.01 11.95 -0.23 0.33 0.50 0.59 0.46 1.35 0.47 0.29
MIROC5 0.72 1.99 8.68 2.96 15.85 11.49 0.34 0.45 0.51 0.71 0.75 0.85 0.30 0.20
MPI-ESM-LR 1.98 3.61 8.43 1.45 22.33 9.18 -0.05 0.36 0.32 0.64 0.41 1.52 0.36 0.22
MPI-ESM-MR 2.06 3.21 8.41 1.22 21.77 10.66 -0.19 0.30 0.31 0.63 0.37 1.57 0.44 0.20
MPI-ESM-P 1.95 3.63 8.43 1.47 22.43 9.46 -0.03 0.35 0.30 0.55 0.39 1.53 0.35 0.22
NorESM1-M 1.39 0.93 8.19 0.81 22.61 9.97 0.14 0.24 0.28 0.38 0.29 1.53 0.37 0.19
NorESM1-ME 1.38 1.10 8.22 0.99 23.00 9.85 0.21 0.24 0.30 0.32 0.35 1.42 0.35 0.14
model name BiasPrLatRmse BiasPrLonRmse BiasSstLatRmse BiasSstLonRmse BiasTauxLatRmse BiasTauxLonRmse NinaSstLonRmse NinaSstTsRmse NinoSstLonRmse NinoSstTsRmse SeasonalPrLatRmse SeasonalSstLatRmse SeasonalSstLonRmse
ACCESS1-0 1.67 1.45 0.66 0.68 11.38 10.15 0.27 0.31 0.38 0.28 1.22 0.13 0.28
ACCESS1-3 1.35 2.06 0.54 0.73 11.47 10.27 0.32 0.37 0.50 0.36 1.33 0.19 0.25
BCC-CSM1-1 2.44 1.70 0.66 0.97 5.82 12.63 0.23 0.47 0.45 0.40 1.56 0.21 0.24
BCC-CSM1-1-M 3.13 1.29 1.26 0.59 9.49 6.99 0.27 0.49 0.28 0.57 1.72 0.20 0.20
BNU-ESM 2.03 1.40 0.70 0.73 90.33 60.95 0.55 0.41 0.35 0.51 1.79 0.30 0.11
CanCM4 0.74 2.01 0.31 1.10 9.86 9.30 0.51 0.32 0.61 0.33 0.99 0.19 0.34
CanESM2 0.85 2.06 0.31 1.16 8.92 9.25 0.34 0.37 0.62 0.27 1.10 0.20 0.34
CCSM4 1.34 1.54 0.40 0.43 3.31 6.46 0.29 0.26 0.33 0.38 1.78 0.18 0.22
CESM1-BGC 1.48 1.45 0.46 0.38 3.67 6.62 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.28 1.88 0.19 0.21
CESM1-CAM5 1.42 1.74 0.69 0.95 4.72 6.95 0.41 0.30 0.56 0.27 1.40 0.20 0.20
CESM1-FASTCHEM 1.37 1.42 0.43 0.40 3.34 6.66 0.30 0.23 0.40 0.36 1.84 0.18 0.22
CESM1-WACCM 1.73 1.72 0.44 0.57 5.50 7.04 0.39 0.30 0.39 0.28 1.55 0.21 0.14
CMCC-CESM 2.43 1.95 1.24 0.91 3.88 7.83 0.27 0.44 0.44 0.54 1.41 0.09 0.18
CMCC-CM 2.00 1.52 0.58 0.36 7.04 10.58 0.23 0.38 0.48 0.42 1.43 0.17 0.26
CMCC-CMS 2.04 1.47 0.67 0.38 3.03 4.26 0.23 0.34 0.37 0.29 1.43 0.20 0.20
CNRM-CM5 1.83 1.25 0.48 1.04 6.82 7.88 0.16 0.33 0.28 0.39 0.97 0.43 0.22
CNRM-CM5-2 1.73 1.32 0.71 1.16 6.21 7.56 0.22 0.32 0.30 0.37 1.00 0.46 0.22
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 1.26 3.69 1.51 2.29 7.71 14.95 0.72 0.33 0.92 0.36 1.01 0.28 0.24
FGOALS-g2 1.89 0.99 0.22 1.23 5.91 11.72 0.29 0.24 0.43 0.36 0.92 0.26 0.24
FIO-ESM 2.13 1.25 1.06 0.78 88.59 55.31 0.35 0.38 0.34 0.60 1.25 0.16 0.31
GFDL-CM3 2.20 2.12 0.77 1.00 4.67 7.96 0.38 0.53 0.37 0.39 2.26 0.19 0.15
GFDL-ESM2G 2.31 3.60 1.30 1.57 9.42 17.17 0.39 0.36 0.70 0.30 1.61 0.44 0.30
GFDL-ESM2M 2.24 1.96 0.57 1.05 6.95 11.09 0.60 0.55 0.60 0.65 1.83 0.21 0.09
GISS-E2-H 3.41 1.60 1.07 1.01 13.45 18.06 0.42 0.26 0.62 0.37 1.03 0.25 0.32
GISS-E2-H-CC 3.62 1.62 1.18 1.18 12.85 19.28 0.51 0.37 0.60 0.45 1.06 0.25 0.30
GISS-E2-R 2.41 1.99 1.10 1.18 7.90 14.69 0.25 0.27 0.47 0.31 0.78 0.17 0.29
GISS-E2-R-CC 2.45 2.02 1.12 1.20 8.12 15.03 0.29 0.30 0.43 0.56 0.79 0.17 0.30
HadCM3 0.89 2.99 0.67 1.18 6.94 15.93 0.41 0.33 0.63 0.36 0.53 0.19 0.30
HadGEM2-AO 1.18 1.31 0.64 0.74 8.14 12.78 0.27 0.41 0.53 0.48 1.72 0.20 0.18
HadGEM2-CC 1.00 1.21 1.04 1.15 6.81 11.80 0.34 0.39 0.49 0.40 1.52 0.19 0.19
HadGEM2-ES 1.08 1.45 0.97 1.05 7.98 12.86 0.27 0.42 0.49 0.39 1.60 0.19 0.19
INMCM4 2.32 2.61 0.82 1.41 8.17 12.13 0.29 0.37 0.76 0.39 1.04 0.36 0.41
IPSL-CM5A-LR 1.82 3.08 0.97 1.24 5.98 9.22 0.31 0.27 0.58 0.32 1.66 0.34 0.10
IPSL-CM5A-MR 1.72 3.32 0.78 1.01 6.80 8.16 0.37 0.29 0.69 0.30 1.52 0.32 0.12
IPSL-CM5B-LR 1.54 1.76 0.38 0.91 8.04 7.16 0.17 0.21 0.45 0.39 1.19 0.21 0.24
MIROC-ESM 0.74 2.17 1.53 1.96 12.19 16.99 0.46 0.37 0.86 0.45 0.37 0.30 0.57
MIROC-ESM-CHEM 0.74 2.15 1.54 1.95 11.95 16.88 0.44 0.49 0.85 0.50 0.37 0.29 0.57
MIROC4h 1.46 1.67 0.61 1.03 8.79 11.66 0.34 0.50 0.59 0.46 1.35 0.40 0.29
MIROC5 0.89 1.89 0.72 0.98 5.83 11.53 0.45 0.51 0.71 0.75 0.74 0.10 0.20
MPI-ESM-LR 1.96 3.60 1.10 1.45 8.22 8.75 0.36 0.32 0.64 0.41 1.56 0.27 0.22
MPI-ESM-MR 2.03 3.19 1.06 1.22 6.37 10.30 0.30 0.31 0.63 0.37 1.62 0.40 0.20
MPI-ESM-P 1.93 3.62 1.10 1.47 8.53 9.04 0.35 0.30 0.55 0.39 1.57 0.26 0.22
NorESM1-M 1.25 0.93 0.94 0.81 9.05 9.97 0.24 0.28 0.38 0.29 1.52 0.26 0.19
NorESM1-ME 1.23 1.10 1.19 0.99 10.08 9.85 0.24 0.30 0.32 0.35 1.41 0.23 0.14
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<div id="title"><h2>ENSO Performance Metrics for CMIP5</h2></div>
<div id="footer">Parallel Coordinates which is a d3.js visualisation by Jiwoo Lee using ESNO performance metrics, modified from <a href='' target='_blank'>Chris Evans's example</a>.<br>
- Click and drag down on vertical axis to begin brush<br>
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- Click a label to color data by z-scores (yet to work)<br>
Jiwoo Lee, LLNL, October 2018 <a href='' target='_blank'>Source code</a><br>
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r&&!r[x]&&(r=yt(r)),i&&!i[x]&&(i=yt(i,o)),ot(function(o,a,s,u){var l,c,p,f=[],d=[],h=a.length,g=o||xt(t||"*",s.nodeType?[s]:s,[]),m=!e||!o&&t?g:mt(g,f,e,s,u),y=n?i||(o?e:h||r)?[]:a:m;if(n&&n(m,y,s,u),r){l=mt(y,d),r(l,[],s,u),c=l.length;while(c--)(p=l[c])&&(y[d[c]]=!(m[d[c]]=p))}if(o){if(i||e){if(i){l=[],c=y.length;while(c--)(p=y[c])&&l.push(m[c]=p);i(null,y=[],l,u)}c=y.length;while(c--)(p=y[c])&&(l=i?,p):f[c])>-1&&(o[l]=!(a[l]=p))}}else y=mt(y===a?y.splice(h,y.length):y),i?i(null,a,y,u):H.apply(a,y)})}function vt(e){var t,n,r,o=e.length,a=i.relative[e[0].type],s=a||i.relative[" "],u=a?1:0,c=ht(function(e){return e===t},s,!0),p=ht(function(e){return,e)>-1},s,!0),f=[function(e,n,r){return!a&&(r||n!==l)||((t=n).nodeType?c(e,n,r):p(e,n,r))}];for(;o>u;u++)if(n=i.relative[e[u].type])f=[ht(gt(f),n)];else{if(n=i.filter[e[u].type].apply(null,e[u].matches),n[x]){for(r=++u;o>r;r++)if(i.relative[e[r].type])break;return 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Parallel Coordinate Plot modified from Evans
// Underscore.js 1.9.1
// (c) 2009-2018 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
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n=0,r=i.length,t=Array(r),e=0;e<r;e++)t[e]=i[e]===o?arguments[n++]:i[e];for(;n<arguments.length;)t.push(arguments[n++]);return N(u,a,this,this,t)};return a}),(h.partial.placeholder=h).bindAll=g(function(n,r){var t=(r=M(r,!1,!1)).length;if(t<1)throw new Error("bindAll must be passed function names");for(;t--;){var e=r[t];n[e]=h.bind(n[e],n)}}),h.memoize=function(e,u){var i=function(n){var r=i.cache,t=""+(u?u.apply(this,arguments):n);return j(r,t)||(r[t]=e.apply(this,arguments)),r[t]};return i.cache={},i},h.delay=g(function(n,r,t){return setTimeout(function(){return n.apply(null,t)},r)}),h.defer=h.partial(h.delay,h,1),h.throttle=function(t,e,u){var i,o,a,c,l=0;u||(u={});var f=function(){l=!1===u.leading?,i=null,c=t.apply(o,a),i||(o=a=null)},n=function(){var;l||!1!==u.leading||(l=n);var r=e-(n-l);return o=this,a=arguments,r<=0||e<r?(i&&(clearTimeout(i),i=null),l=n,c=t.apply(o,a),i||(o=a=null)):i||!1===u.trailing||(i=setTimeout(f,r)),c};return n.cancel=function(){clearTimeout(i),l=0,i=o=a=null},n},h.debounce=function(t,e,u){var i,o,a=function(n,r){i=null,r&&(o=t.apply(n,r))},n=g(function(n){if(i&&clearTimeout(i),u){var r=!i;i=setTimeout(a,e),r&&(o=t.apply(this,n))}else i=h.delay(a,e,this,n);return o});return n.cancel=function(){clearTimeout(i),i=null},n},h.wrap=function(n,r){return h.partial(r,n)},h.negate=function(n){return function(){return!n.apply(this,arguments)}},h.compose=function(){var t=arguments,e=t.length-1;return function(){for(var n=e,r=t[e].apply(this,arguments);n--;)r=t[n].call(this,r);return r}},h.after=function(n,r){return function(){if(--n<1)return r.apply(this,arguments)}},h.before=function(n,r){var t;return function(){return 0<--n&&(t=r.apply(this,arguments)),n<=1&&(r=null),t}},h.once=h.partial(h.before,2),h.restArguments=g;var I=!{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),T=["valueOf","isPrototypeOf","toString","propertyIsEnumerable","hasOwnProperty","toLocaleString"],B=function(n,r){var t=T.length,e=n.constructor,u=h.isFunction(e)&&e.prototype||o,i="constructor";for(j(n,i)&&!h.contains(r,i)&&r.push(i);t--;)(i=T[t])in n&&n[i]!==u[i]&&!h.contains(r,i)&&r.push(i)};h.keys=function(n){if(!h.isObject(n))return[];if(a)return a(n);var r=[];for(var t in n)j(n,t)&&r.push(t);return I&&B(n,r),r},h.allKeys=function(n){if(!h.isObject(n))return[];var r=[];for(var t in n)r.push(t);return I&&B(n,r),r},h.values=function(n){for(var r=h.keys(n),t=r.length,e=Array(t),u=0;u<t;u++)e[u]=n[r[u]];return e},h.mapObject=function(n,r,t){r=d(r,t);for(var e=h.keys(n),u=e.length,i={},o=0;o<u;o++){var a=e[o];i[a]=r(n[a],a,n)}return i},h.pairs=function(n){for(var r=h.keys(n),t=r.length,e=Array(t),u=0;u<t;u++)e[u]=[r[u],n[r[u]]];return e},h.invert=function(n){for(var r={},t=h.keys(n),e=0,u=t.length;e<u;e++)r[n[t[e]]]=t[e];return r},h.functions=h.methods=function(n){var r=[];for(var t in n)h.isFunction(n[t])&&r.push(t);return r.sort()};var R=function(c,l){return function(n){var r=arguments.length;if(l&&(n=Object(n)),r<2||null==n)return n;for(var t=1;t<r;t++)for(var e=arguments[t],u=c(e),i=u.length,o=0;o<i;o++){var a=u[o];l&&void 0!==n[a]||(n[a]=e[a])}return n}};h.extend=R(h.allKeys),h.extendOwn=h.assign=R(h.keys),h.findKey=function(n,r,t){r=d(r,t);for(var e,u=h.keys(n),i=0,o=u.length;i<o;i++)if(r(n[e=u[i]],e,n))return e};var q,K,z=function(n,r,t){return r in t};h.pick=g(function(n,r){var t={},e=r[0];if(null==n)return t;h.isFunction(e)?(1<r.length&&(e=y(e,r[1])),r=h.allKeys(n)):(e=z,r=M(r,!1,!1),n=Object(n));for(var u=0,i=r.length;u<i;u++){var o=r[u],a=n[o];e(a,o,n)&&(t[o]=a)}return t}),h.omit=g(function(n,t){var r,e=t[0];return h.isFunction(e)?(e=h.negate(e),1<t.length&&(r=t[1])):(,!1,!1),String),e=function(n,r){return!h.contains(t,r)}),h.pick(n,e,r)}),h.defaults=R(h.allKeys,!0),h.create=function(n,r){var t=m(n);return r&&h.extendOwn(t,r),t},h.clone=function(n){return h.isObject(n)?h.isArray(n)?n.slice():h.extend({},n):n},h.tap=function(n,r){return r(n),n},h.isMatch=function(n,r){var t=h.keys(r),e=t.length;if(null==n)return!e;for(var u=Object(n),i=0;i<e;i++){var o=t[i];if(r[o]!==u[o]||!(o in u))return!1}return!0},q=function(n,r,t,e){if(n===r)return 0!==n||1/n==1/r;if(null==n||null==r)return!1;if(n!=n)return r!=r;var u=typeof n;return("function"===u||"object"===u||"object"==typeof r)&&K(n,r,t,e)},K=function(n,r,t,e){n instanceof h&&(n=n._wrapped),r instanceof h&&(r=r._wrapped);var;if(u!!1;switch(u){case"[object RegExp]":case"[object String]":return""+n==""+r;case"[object Number]":return+n!=+n?+r!=+r:0==+n?1/+n==1/r:+n==+r;case"[object Date]":case"[object Boolean]":return+n==+r;case"[object Symbol]":return}var i="[object Array]"===u;if(!i){if("object"!=typeof n||"object"!=typeof r)return!1;var o=n.constructor,a=r.constructor;if(o!==a&&!(h.isFunction(o)&&o instanceof o&&h.isFunction(a)&&a instanceof a)&&"constructor"in n&&"constructor"in r)return!1}e=e||[];for(var c=(t=t||[]).length;c--;)if(t[c]===n)return e[c]===r;if(t.push(n),e.push(r),i){if((c=n.length)!==r.length)return!1;for(;c--;)if(!q(n[c],r[c],t,e))return!1}else{var l,f=h.keys(n);if(c=f.length,h.keys(r).length!==c)return!1;for(;c--;)if(l=f[c],!j(r,l)||!q(n[l],r[l],t,e))return!1}return t.pop(),e.pop(),!0},h.isEqual=function(n,r){return q(n,r)},h.isEmpty=function(n){return null==n||(w(n)&&(h.isArray(n)||h.isString(n)||h.isArguments(n))?0===n.length:0===h.keys(n).length)},h.isElement=function(n){return!(!n||1!==n.nodeType)},h.isArray=t||function(n){return"[object Array]"},h.isObject=function(n){var r=typeof n;return"function"===r||"object"===r&&!!n},h.each(["Arguments","Function","String","Number","Date","RegExp","Error","Symbol","Map","WeakMap","Set","WeakSet"],function(r){h["is"+r]=function(n){return"[object "+r+"]"}}),h.isArguments(arguments)||(h.isArguments=function(n){return j(n,"callee")});var D=n.document&&n.document.childNodes;"function"!=typeof/./&&"object"!=typeof Int8Array&&"function"!=typeof D&&(h.isFunction=function(n){return"function"==typeof n||!1}),h.isFinite=function(n){return!h.isSymbol(n)&&isFinite(n)&&!isNaN(parseFloat(n))},h.isNaN=function(n){return h.isNumber(n)&&isNaN(n)},h.isBoolean=function(n){return!0===n||!1===n||"[object Boolean]"},h.isNull=function(n){return null===n},h.isUndefined=function(n){return void 0===n},h.has=function(n,r){if(!h.isArray(r))return j(n,r);for(var t=r.length,e=0;e<t;e++){var u=r[e];if(null==n||!,u))return!1;n=n[u]}return!!t},h.noConflict=function(){return n._=r,this},h.identity=function(n){return n},h.constant=function(n){return function(){return n}},h.noop=function(){},{return h.isArray(r)?function(n){return x(n,r)}:b(r)},h.propertyOf=function(r){return null==r?function(){}:function(n){return h.isArray(n)?x(r,n):r[n]}},h.matcher=h.matches=function(r){return r=h.extendOwn({},r),function(n){return h.isMatch(n,r)}},h.times=function(n,r,t){var e=Array(Math.max(0,n));r=y(r,t,1);for(var u=0;u<n;u++)e[u]=r(u);return e},h.random=function(n,r){return null==r&&(r=n,n=0),n+Math.floor(Math.random()*(r-n+1))},||function(){return(new Date).getTime()};var L={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&#x27;","`":"&#x60;"},P=h.invert(L),W=function(r){var t=function(n){return r[n]},n="(?:"+h.keys(r).join("|")+")",e=RegExp(n),u=RegExp(n,"g");return function(n){return n=null==n?"":""+n,e.test(n)?n.replace(u,t):n}};h.escape=W(L),h.unescape=W(P),h.result=function(n,r,t){h.isArray(r)||(r=[r]);var e=r.length;if(!e)return h.isFunction(t)?;for(var u=0;u<e;u++){var i=null==n?void 0:n[r[u]];void 0===i&&(i=t,u=e),n=h.isFunction(i)?}return n};var C=0;h.uniqueId=function(n){var r=++C+"";return n?n+r:r},h.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var J=/(.)^/,U={"'":"'","\\":"\\","\r":"r","\n":"n","\u2028":"u2028","\u2029":"u2029"},V=/\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g,$=function(n){return"\\"+U[n]};h.template=function(i,n,r){!n&&r&&(n=r),n=h.defaults({},n,h.templateSettings);var t,e=RegExp([(n.escape||J).source,(n.interpolate||J).source,(n.evaluate||J).source].join("|")+"|$","g"),o=0,a="__p+='";i.replace(e,function(n,r,t,e,u){return a+=i.slice(o,u).replace(V,$),o=u+n.length,r?a+="'+\n((__t=("+r+"))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'":t?a+="'+\n((__t=("+t+"))==null?'':__t)+\n'":e&&(a+="';\n"+e+"\n__p+='"),n}),a+="';\n",n.variable||(a="with(obj||{}){\n"+a+"}\n"),a="var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join,"+"print=function(){,'');};\n"+a+"return __p;\n";try{t=new Function(n.variable||"obj","_",a)}catch(n){throw n.source=a,n}var u=function(n){return,n,h)},c=n.variable||"obj";return u.source="function("+c+"){\n"+a+"}",u},h.chain=function(n){var r=h(n);return r._chain=!0,r};var G=function(n,r){return n._chain?h(r).chain():r};h.mixin=function(t){return h.each(h.functions(t),function(n){var r=h[n]=t[n];h.prototype[n]=function(){var n=[this._wrapped];return u.apply(n,arguments),G(this,r.apply(h,n))}}),h},h.mixin(h),h.each(["pop","push","reverse","shift","sort","splice","unshift"],function(r){var t=e[r];h.prototype[r]=function(){var n=this._wrapped;return t.apply(n,arguments),"shift"!==r&&"splice"!==r||0!==n.length||delete n[0],G(this,n)}}),h.each(["concat","join","slice"],function(n){var r=e[n];h.prototype[n]=function(){return G(this,r.apply(this._wrapped,arguments))}}),h.prototype.value=function(){return this._wrapped},h.prototype.valueOf=h.prototype.toJSON=h.prototype.value,h.prototype.toString=function(){return String(this._wrapped)},"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define("underscore",[],function(){return h})}();
// Underscore.js 1.9.1
// (c) 2009-2018 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
(function() {
// Baseline setup
// --------------
// Establish the root object, `window` (`self`) in the browser, `global`
// on the server, or `this` in some virtual machines. We use `self`
// instead of `window` for `WebWorker` support.
var root = typeof self == 'object' && self.self === self && self ||
typeof global == 'object' && === global && global ||
this ||
// Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
var previousUnderscore = root._;
// Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype;
var SymbolProto = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' ? Symbol.prototype : null;
// Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
var push = ArrayProto.push,
slice = ArrayProto.slice,
toString = ObjProto.toString,
hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
// All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
// are declared here.
var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
nativeKeys = Object.keys,
nativeCreate = Object.create;
// Naked function reference for surrogate-prototype-swapping.
var Ctor = function(){};
// Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
var _ = function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof _) return obj;
if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj);
this._wrapped = obj;
// Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with
// backwards-compatibility for their old module API. If we're in
// the browser, add `_` as a global object.
// (`nodeType` is checked to ensure that `module`
// and `exports` are not HTML elements.)
if (typeof exports != 'undefined' && !exports.nodeType) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && !module.nodeType && module.exports) {
exports = module.exports = _;
exports._ = _;
} else {
root._ = _;
// Current version.
_.VERSION = '1.9.1';
// Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version
// of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore
// functions.
var optimizeCb = function(func, context, argCount) {
if (context === void 0) return func;
switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) {
case 1: return function(value) {
return, value);
// The 2-argument case is omitted because we’re not using it.
case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {
return, value, index, collection);
case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {
return, accumulator, value, index, collection);
return function() {
return func.apply(context, arguments);
var builtinIteratee;
// An internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied to each
// element in a collection, returning the desired result — either `identity`,
// an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor.
var cb = function(value, context, argCount) {
if (_.iteratee !== builtinIteratee) return _.iteratee(value, context);
if (value == null) return _.identity;
if (_.isFunction(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount);
if (_.isObject(value) && !_.isArray(value)) return _.matcher(value);
// External wrapper for our callback generator. Users may customize
// `_.iteratee` if they want additional predicate/iteratee shorthand styles.
// This abstraction hides the internal-only argCount argument.
_.iteratee = builtinIteratee = function(value, context) {
return cb(value, context, Infinity);
// Some functions take a variable number of arguments, or a few expected
// arguments at the beginning and then a variable number of values to operate
// on. This helper accumulates all remaining arguments past the function’s
// argument length (or an explicit `startIndex`), into an array that becomes
// the last argument. Similar to ES6’s "rest parameter".
var restArguments = function(func, startIndex) {
startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex;
return function() {
var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0),
rest = Array(length),
index = 0;
for (; index < length; index++) {
rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex];
switch (startIndex) {
case 0: return, rest);
case 1: return, arguments[0], rest);
case 2: return, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest);
var args = Array(startIndex + 1);
for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) {
args[index] = arguments[index];
args[startIndex] = rest;
return func.apply(this, args);
// An internal function for creating a new object that inherits from another.
var baseCreate = function(prototype) {
if (!_.isObject(prototype)) return {};
if (nativeCreate) return nativeCreate(prototype);
Ctor.prototype = prototype;
var result = new Ctor;
Ctor.prototype = null;
return result;
var shallowProperty = function(key) {
return function(obj) {
return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key];
var has = function(obj, path) {
return obj != null &&, path);
var deepGet = function(obj, path) {
var length = path.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (obj == null) return void 0;
obj = obj[path[i]];
return length ? obj : void 0;
// Helper for collection methods to determine whether a collection
// should be iterated as an array or as an object.
// Related:
// Avoids a very nasty iOS 8 JIT bug on ARM-64. #2094
var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
var getLength = shallowProperty('length');
var isArrayLike = function(collection) {
var length = getLength(collection);
return typeof length == 'number' && length >= 0 && length <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX;
// Collection Functions
// --------------------
// The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
// Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all
// sparse array-likes as if they were dense.
_.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context);
var i, length;
if (isArrayLike(obj)) {
for (i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
iteratee(obj[i], i, obj);
} else {
var keys = _.keys(obj);
for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
iteratee(obj[keys[i]], keys[i], obj);
return obj;
// Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element. = _.collect = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj),
length = (keys || obj).length,
results = Array(length);
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
return results;
// Create a reducing function iterating left or right.
var createReduce = function(dir) {
// Wrap code that reassigns argument variables in a separate function than
// the one that accesses `arguments.length` to avoid a perf hit. (#1991)
var reducer = function(obj, iteratee, memo, initial) {
var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj),
length = (keys || obj).length,
index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1;
if (!initial) {
memo = obj[keys ? keys[index] : index];
index += dir;
for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) {
var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
return memo;
return function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) {
var initial = arguments.length >= 3;
return reducer(obj, optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 4), memo, initial);
// **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
// or `foldl`.
_.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = createReduce(1);
// The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
_.reduceRight = _.foldr = createReduce(-1);
// Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
_.find = _.detect = function(obj, predicate, context) {
var keyFinder = isArrayLike(obj) ? _.findIndex : _.findKey;
var key = keyFinder(obj, predicate, context);
if (key !== void 0 && key !== -1) return obj[key];
// Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
// Aliased as `select`.
_.filter = = function(obj, predicate, context) {
var results = [];
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
_.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value);
return results;
// Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
_.reject = function(obj, predicate, context) {
return _.filter(obj, _.negate(cb(predicate)), context);
// Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
// Aliased as `all`.
_.every = _.all = function(obj, predicate, context) {
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj),
length = (keys || obj).length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false;
return true;
// Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
// Aliased as `any`.
_.some = _.any = function(obj, predicate, context) {
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj),
length = (keys || obj).length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true;
return false;
// Determine if the array or object contains a given item (using `===`).
// Aliased as `includes` and `include`.
_.contains = _.includes = _.include = function(obj, item, fromIndex, guard) {
if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = _.values(obj);
if (typeof fromIndex != 'number' || guard) fromIndex = 0;
return _.indexOf(obj, item, fromIndex) >= 0;
// Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
_.invoke = restArguments(function(obj, path, args) {
var contextPath, func;
if (_.isFunction(path)) {
func = path;
} else if (_.isArray(path)) {
contextPath = path.slice(0, -1);
path = path[path.length - 1];
return, function(context) {
var method = func;
if (!method) {
if (contextPath && contextPath.length) {
context = deepGet(context, contextPath);
if (context == null) return void 0;
method = context[path];
return method == null ? method : method.apply(context, args);
// Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
_.pluck = function(obj, key) {
// Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects
// containing specific `key:value` pairs.
_.where = function(obj, attrs) {
return _.filter(obj, _.matcher(attrs));
// Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object
// containing specific `key:value` pairs.
_.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) {
return _.find(obj, _.matcher(attrs));
// Return the maximum element (or element-based computation).
_.max = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity,
value, computed;
if (iteratee == null || typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null) {
obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : _.values(obj);
for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
value = obj[i];
if (value != null && value > result) {
result = value;
} else {
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
_.each(obj, function(v, index, list) {
computed = iteratee(v, index, list);
if (computed > lastComputed || computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity) {
result = v;
lastComputed = computed;
return result;
// Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
_.min = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity,
value, computed;
if (iteratee == null || typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null) {
obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : _.values(obj);
for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
value = obj[i];
if (value != null && value < result) {
result = value;
} else {
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
_.each(obj, function(v, index, list) {
computed = iteratee(v, index, list);
if (computed < lastComputed || computed === Infinity && result === Infinity) {
result = v;
lastComputed = computed;
return result;
// Shuffle a collection.
_.shuffle = function(obj) {
return _.sample(obj, Infinity);
// Sample **n** random values from a collection using the modern version of the
// [Fisher-Yates shuffle](–Yates_shuffle).
// If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element.
// The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `map`.
_.sample = function(obj, n, guard) {
if (n == null || guard) {
if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = _.values(obj);
return obj[_.random(obj.length - 1)];
var sample = isArrayLike(obj) ? _.clone(obj) : _.values(obj);
var length = getLength(sample);
n = Math.max(Math.min(n, length), 0);
var last = length - 1;
for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) {
var rand = _.random(index, last);
var temp = sample[index];
sample[index] = sample[rand];
sample[rand] = temp;
return sample.slice(0, n);
// Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee.
_.sortBy = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
var index = 0;
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
return _.pluck(, function(value, key, list) {
return {
value: value,
index: index++,
criteria: iteratee(value, key, list)
}).sort(function(left, right) {
var a = left.criteria;
var b = right.criteria;
if (a !== b) {
if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
return left.index - right.index;
}), 'value');
// An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations.
var group = function(behavior, partition) {
return function(obj, iteratee, context) {
var result = partition ? [[], []] : {};
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
_.each(obj, function(value, index) {
var key = iteratee(value, index, obj);
behavior(result, value, key);
return result;
// Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
// to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
_.groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
if (has(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value];
// Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `groupBy`, but for
// when you know that your index values will be unique.
_.indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
result[key] = value;
// Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass
// either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the
// criterion.
_.countBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
if (has(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1;
var reStrSymbol = /[^\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udfff]/g;
// Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable.
_.toArray = function(obj) {
if (!obj) return [];
if (_.isArray(obj)) return;
if (_.isString(obj)) {
// Keep surrogate pair characters together
return obj.match(reStrSymbol);
if (isArrayLike(obj)) return, _.identity);
return _.values(obj);
// Return the number of elements in an object.
_.size = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) return 0;
return isArrayLike(obj) ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
// Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy the given
// predicate, and one whose elements all do not satisfy the predicate.
_.partition = group(function(result, value, pass) {
result[pass ? 0 : 1].push(value);
}, true);
// Array Functions
// ---------------
// Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
// values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check
// allows it to work with ``.
_.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) {
if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null ? void 0 : [];
if (n == null || guard) return array[0];
return _.initial(array, array.length - n);
// Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on
// the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in
// the array, excluding the last N.
_.initial = function(array, n, guard) {
return, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n)));
// Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N
// values in the array.
_.last = function(array, n, guard) {
if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null ? void 0 : [];
if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1];
return, Math.max(0, array.length - n));
// Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`.
// Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return
// the rest N values in the array. = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) {
return, n == null || guard ? 1 : n);
// Trim out all falsy values from an array.
_.compact = function(array) {
return _.filter(array, Boolean);
// Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function.
var flatten = function(input, shallow, strict, output) {
output = output || [];
var idx = output.length;
for (var i = 0, length = getLength(input); i < length; i++) {
var value = input[i];
if (isArrayLike(value) && (_.isArray(value) || _.isArguments(value))) {
// Flatten current level of array or arguments object.
if (shallow) {
var j = 0, len = value.length;
while (j < len) output[idx++] = value[j++];
} else {
flatten(value, shallow, strict, output);
idx = output.length;
} else if (!strict) {
output[idx++] = value;
return output;
// Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or just one level.
_.flatten = function(array, shallow) {
return flatten(array, shallow, false);
// Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
_.without = restArguments(function(array, otherArrays) {
return _.difference(array, otherArrays);
// Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
// been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
// The faster algorithm will not work with an iteratee if the iteratee
// is not a one-to-one function, so providing an iteratee will disable
// the faster algorithm.
// Aliased as `unique`.
_.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) {
if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) {
context = iteratee;
iteratee = isSorted;
isSorted = false;
if (iteratee != null) iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
var result = [];
var seen = [];
for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) {
var value = array[i],
computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, i, array) : value;
if (isSorted && !iteratee) {
if (!i || seen !== computed) result.push(value);
seen = computed;
} else if (iteratee) {
if (!_.contains(seen, computed)) {
} else if (!_.contains(result, value)) {
return result;
// Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
// the passed-in arrays.
_.union = restArguments(function(arrays) {
return _.uniq(flatten(arrays, true, true));
// Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
// passed-in arrays.
_.intersection = function(array) {
var result = [];
var argsLength = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) {
var item = array[i];
if (_.contains(result, item)) continue;
var j;
for (j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) {
if (!_.contains(arguments[j], item)) break;
if (j === argsLength) result.push(item);
return result;
// Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays.
// Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
_.difference = restArguments(function(array, rest) {
rest = flatten(rest, true, true);
return _.filter(array, function(value){
return !_.contains(rest, value);
// Complement of Unzip accepts an array of arrays and groups
// each array's elements on shared indices.
_.unzip = function(array) {
var length = array && _.max(array, getLength).length || 0;
var result = Array(length);
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
result[index] = _.pluck(array, index);
return result;
// Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
// an index go together. = restArguments(_.unzip);
// Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]`
// pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of
// the corresponding values. Passing by pairs is the reverse of _.pairs.
_.object = function(list, values) {
var result = {};
for (var i = 0, length = getLength(list); i < length; i++) {
if (values) {
result[list[i]] = values[i];
} else {
result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1];
return result;
// Generator function to create the findIndex and findLastIndex functions.
var createPredicateIndexFinder = function(dir) {
return function(array, predicate, context) {
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
var length = getLength(array);
var index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1;
for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) {
if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) return index;
return -1;
// Returns the first index on an array-like that passes a predicate test.
_.findIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(1);
_.findLastIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(-1);
// Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which
// an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
_.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iteratee, context) {
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context, 1);
var value = iteratee(obj);
var low = 0, high = getLength(array);
while (low < high) {
var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid;
return low;
// Generator function to create the indexOf and lastIndexOf functions.
var createIndexFinder = function(dir, predicateFind, sortedIndex) {
return function(array, item, idx) {
var i = 0, length = getLength(array);
if (typeof idx == 'number') {
if (dir > 0) {
i = idx >= 0 ? idx : Math.max(idx + length, i);
} else {
length = idx >= 0 ? Math.min(idx + 1, length) : idx + length + 1;
} else if (sortedIndex && idx && length) {
idx = sortedIndex(array, item);
return array[idx] === item ? idx : -1;
if (item !== item) {
idx = predicateFind(, i, length), _.isNaN);
return idx >= 0 ? idx + i : -1;
for (idx = dir > 0 ? i : length - 1; idx >= 0 && idx < length; idx += dir) {
if (array[idx] === item) return idx;
return -1;
// Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array,
// or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
// If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
// for **isSorted** to use binary search.
_.indexOf = createIndexFinder(1, _.findIndex, _.sortedIndex);
_.lastIndexOf = createIndexFinder(-1, _.findLastIndex);
// Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
// the native Python `range()` function. See
// [the Python documentation](
_.range = function(start, stop, step) {
if (stop == null) {
stop = start || 0;
start = 0;
if (!step) {
step = stop < start ? -1 : 1;
var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
var range = Array(length);
for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) {
range[idx] = start;
return range;
// Chunk a single array into multiple arrays, each containing `count` or fewer
// items.
_.chunk = function(array, count) {
if (count == null || count < 1) return [];
var result = [];
var i = 0, length = array.length;
while (i < length) {
result.push(, i, i += count));
return result;
// Function (ahem) Functions
// ------------------
// Determines whether to execute a function as a constructor
// or a normal function with the provided arguments.
var executeBound = function(sourceFunc, boundFunc, context, callingContext, args) {
if (!(callingContext instanceof boundFunc)) return sourceFunc.apply(context, args);
var self = baseCreate(sourceFunc.prototype);
var result = sourceFunc.apply(self, args);
if (_.isObject(result)) return result;
return self;
// Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
// optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if
// available.
_.bind = restArguments(function(func, context, args) {
if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function');
var bound = restArguments(function(callArgs) {
return executeBound(func, bound, context, this, args.concat(callArgs));
return bound;
// Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its
// arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. _ acts
// as a placeholder by default, allowing any combination of arguments to be
// pre-filled. Set `_.partial.placeholder` for a custom placeholder argument.
_.partial = restArguments(function(func, boundArgs) {
var placeholder = _.partial.placeholder;
var bound = function() {
var position = 0, length = boundArgs.length;
var args = Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
args[i] = boundArgs[i] === placeholder ? arguments[position++] : boundArgs[i];
while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]);
return executeBound(func, bound, this, this, args);
return bound;
_.partial.placeholder = _;
// Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments
// are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks
// defined on an object belong to it.
_.bindAll = restArguments(function(obj, keys) {
keys = flatten(keys, false, false);
var index = keys.length;
if (index < 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names');
while (index--) {
var key = keys[index];
obj[key] = _.bind(obj[key], obj);
// Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
_.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
var memoize = function(key) {
var cache = memoize.cache;
var address = '' + (hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key);
if (!has(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments);
return cache[address];
memoize.cache = {};
return memoize;
// Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
// it with the arguments supplied.
_.delay = restArguments(function(func, wait, args) {
return setTimeout(function() {
return func.apply(null, args);
}, wait);
// Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
// cleared.
_.defer = _.partial(_.delay, _, 1);
// Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
// during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run
// as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration;
// but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass
// `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto.
_.throttle = function(func, wait, options) {
var timeout, context, args, result;
var previous = 0;
if (!options) options = {};
var later = function() {
previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :;
timeout = null;
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
var throttled = function() {
var now =;
if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
} else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
throttled.cancel = function() {
previous = 0;
timeout = context = args = null;
return throttled;
// Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
// be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
// N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
// leading edge, instead of the trailing.
_.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout, result;
var later = function(context, args) {
timeout = null;
if (args) result = func.apply(context, args);
var debounced = restArguments(function(args) {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
if (immediate) {
var callNow = !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) result = func.apply(this, args);
} else {
timeout = _.delay(later, wait, this, args);
return result;
debounced.cancel = function() {
timeout = null;
return debounced;
// Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
// allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
// conditionally execute the original function.
_.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
return _.partial(wrapper, func);
// Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate.
_.negate = function(predicate) {
return function() {
return !predicate.apply(this, arguments);
// Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
// consuming the return value of the function that follows.
_.compose = function() {
var args = arguments;
var start = args.length - 1;
return function() {
var i = start;
var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments);
while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result);
return result;
// Returns a function that will only be executed on and after the Nth call.
_.after = function(times, func) {
return function() {
if (--times < 1) {
return func.apply(this, arguments);
// Returns a function that will only be executed up to (but not including) the Nth call.
_.before = function(times, func) {
var memo;
return function() {
if (--times > 0) {
memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
if (times <= 1) func = null;
return memo;
// Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
// often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
_.once = _.partial(_.before, 2);
_.restArguments = restArguments;
// Object Functions
// ----------------
// Keys in IE < 9 that won't be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed.
var hasEnumBug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable('toString');
var nonEnumerableProps = ['valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString',
'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString'];
var collectNonEnumProps = function(obj, keys) {
var nonEnumIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length;
var constructor = obj.constructor;
var proto = _.isFunction(constructor) && constructor.prototype || ObjProto;
// Constructor is a special case.
var prop = 'constructor';
if (has(obj, prop) && !_.contains(keys, prop)) keys.push(prop);
while (nonEnumIdx--) {
prop = nonEnumerableProps[nonEnumIdx];
if (prop in obj && obj[prop] !== proto[prop] && !_.contains(keys, prop)) {
// Retrieve the names of an object's own properties.
// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`.
_.keys = function(obj) {
if (!_.isObject(obj)) return [];
if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj);
var keys = [];
for (var key in obj) if (has(obj, key)) keys.push(key);
// Ahem, IE < 9.
if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys);
return keys;
// Retrieve all the property names of an object.
_.allKeys = function(obj) {
if (!_.isObject(obj)) return [];
var keys = [];
for (var key in obj) keys.push(key);
// Ahem, IE < 9.
if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys);
return keys;
// Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
_.values = function(obj) {
var keys = _.keys(obj);
var length = keys.length;
var values = Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
values[i] = obj[keys[i]];
return values;
// Returns the results of applying the iteratee to each element of the object.
// In contrast to it returns an object.
_.mapObject = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
var keys = _.keys(obj),
length = keys.length,
results = {};
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
var currentKey = keys[index];
results[currentKey] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
return results;
// Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
// The opposite of _.object.
_.pairs = function(obj) {
var keys = _.keys(obj);
var length = keys.length;
var pairs = Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
pairs[i] = [keys[i], obj[keys[i]]];
return pairs;
// Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable.
_.invert = function(obj) {
var result = {};
var keys = _.keys(obj);
for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
result[obj[keys[i]]] = keys[i];
return result;
// Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
// Aliased as `methods`.
_.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
var names = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
return names.sort();
// An internal function for creating assigner functions.
var createAssigner = function(keysFunc, defaults) {
return function(obj) {
var length = arguments.length;
if (defaults) obj = Object(obj);
if (length < 2 || obj == null) return obj;
for (var index = 1; index < length; index++) {
var source = arguments[index],
keys = keysFunc(source),
l = keys.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!defaults || obj[key] === void 0) obj[key] = source[key];
return obj;
// Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
_.extend = createAssigner(_.allKeys);
// Assigns a given object with all the own properties in the passed-in object(s).
// (
_.extendOwn = _.assign = createAssigner(_.keys);
// Returns the first key on an object that passes a predicate test.
_.findKey = function(obj, predicate, context) {
predicate = cb(predicate, context);
var keys = _.keys(obj), key;
for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
key = keys[i];
if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) return key;
// Internal pick helper function to determine if `obj` has key `key`.
var keyInObj = function(value, key, obj) {
return key in obj;
// Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties.
_.pick = restArguments(function(obj, keys) {
var result = {}, iteratee = keys[0];
if (obj == null) return result;
if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
if (keys.length > 1) iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, keys[1]);
keys = _.allKeys(obj);
} else {
iteratee = keyInObj;
keys = flatten(keys, false, false);
obj = Object(obj);
for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
var value = obj[key];
if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value;
return result;
// Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties.
_.omit = restArguments(function(obj, keys) {
var iteratee = keys[0], context;
if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
iteratee = _.negate(iteratee);
if (keys.length > 1) context = keys[1];
} else {
keys =, false, false), String);
iteratee = function(value, key) {
return !_.contains(keys, key);
return _.pick(obj, iteratee, context);
// Fill in a given object with default properties.
_.defaults = createAssigner(_.allKeys, true);
// Creates an object that inherits from the given prototype object.
// If additional properties are provided then they will be added to the
// created object.
_.create = function(prototype, props) {
var result = baseCreate(prototype);
if (props) _.extendOwn(result, props);
return result;
// Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
_.clone = function(obj) {
if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
// Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
// The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
// order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
_.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
return obj;
// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
_.isMatch = function(object, attrs) {
var keys = _.keys(attrs), length = keys.length;
if (object == null) return !length;
var obj = Object(object);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
return true;
// Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
var eq, deepEq;
eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
// See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
// `null` or `undefined` only equal to itself (strict comparison).
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
// `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
if (a !== a) return b !== b;
// Exhaust primitive checks
var type = typeof a;
if (type !== 'function' && type !== 'object' && typeof b != 'object') return false;
return deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack);
// Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
deepEq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Unwrap any wrapped objects.
if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
// Compare `[[Class]]` names.
var className =;
if (className !== return false;
switch (className) {
// Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
case '[object RegExp]':
// RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i')
case '[object String]':
// Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
// equivalent to `new String("5")`.
return '' + a === '' + b;
case '[object Number]':
// `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
// Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN.
if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b;
// An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values.
return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b;
case '[object Date]':
case '[object Boolean]':
// Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
// millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
// of `NaN` are not equivalent.
return +a === +b;
case '[object Symbol]':
return ===;
var areArrays = className === '[object Array]';
if (!areArrays) {
if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
// Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s or `Array`s
// from different frames are.
var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor &&
_.isFunction(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor)
&& ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b)) {
return false;
// Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
// structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
// Initializing stack of traversed objects.
// It's done here since we only need them for objects and arrays comparison.
aStack = aStack || [];
bStack = bStack || [];
var length = aStack.length;
while (length--) {
// Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
// unique nested structures.
if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b;
// Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
// Recursively compare objects and arrays.
if (areArrays) {
// Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
length = a.length;
if (length !== b.length) return false;
// Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
while (length--) {
if (!eq(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) return false;
} else {
// Deep compare objects.
var keys = _.keys(a), key;
length = keys.length;
// Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality.
if (_.keys(b).length !== length) return false;
while (length--) {
// Deep compare each member
key = keys[length];
if (!(has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) return false;
// Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
return true;
// Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
_.isEqual = function(a, b) {
return eq(a, b);
// Is a given array, string, or object empty?
// An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties.
_.isEmpty = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) return true;
if (isArrayLike(obj) && (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj) || _.isArguments(obj))) return obj.length === 0;
return _.keys(obj).length === 0;
// Is a given value a DOM element?
_.isElement = function(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
// Is a given value an array?
// Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
_.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
return === '[object Array]';
// Is a given variable an object?
_.isObject = function(obj) {
var type = typeof obj;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
// Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp, isError, isMap, isWeakMap, isSet, isWeakSet.
_.each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp', 'Error', 'Symbol', 'Map', 'WeakMap', 'Set', 'WeakSet'], function(name) {
_['is' + name] = function(obj) {
return === '[object ' + name + ']';
// Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE < 9), where
// there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type.
if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) {
_.isArguments = function(obj) {
return has(obj, 'callee');
// Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around some typeof bugs in old v8,
// IE 11 (#1621), Safari 8 (#1929), and PhantomJS (#2236).
var nodelist = root.document && root.document.childNodes;
if (typeof /./ != 'function' && typeof Int8Array != 'object' && typeof nodelist != 'function') {
_.isFunction = function(obj) {
return typeof obj == 'function' || false;
// Is a given object a finite number?
_.isFinite = function(obj) {
return !_.isSymbol(obj) && isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj));
// Is the given value `NaN`?
_.isNaN = function(obj) {
return _.isNumber(obj) && isNaN(obj);
// Is a given value a boolean?
_.isBoolean = function(obj) {
return obj === true || obj === false || === '[object Boolean]';
// Is a given value equal to null?
_.isNull = function(obj) {
return obj === null;
// Is a given variable undefined?
_.isUndefined = function(obj) {
return obj === void 0;
// Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
// on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
_.has = function(obj, path) {
if (!_.isArray(path)) {
return has(obj, path);
var length = path.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var key = path[i];
if (obj == null || !, key)) {
return false;
obj = obj[key];
return !!length;
// Utility Functions
// -----------------
// Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
// previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
_.noConflict = function() {
root._ = previousUnderscore;
return this;
// Keep the identity function around for default iteratees.
_.identity = function(value) {
return value;
// Predicate-generating functions. Often useful outside of Underscore.
_.constant = function(value) {
return function() {
return value;
_.noop = function(){};
// Creates a function that, when passed an object, will traverse that object’s
// properties down the given `path`, specified as an array of keys or indexes. = function(path) {
if (!_.isArray(path)) {
return shallowProperty(path);
return function(obj) {
return deepGet(obj, path);
// Generates a function for a given object that returns a given property.
_.propertyOf = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return function(){};
return function(path) {
return !_.isArray(path) ? obj[path] : deepGet(obj, path);
// Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of
// `key:value` pairs.
_.matcher = _.matches = function(attrs) {
attrs = _.extendOwn({}, attrs);
return function(obj) {
return _.isMatch(obj, attrs);
// Run a function **n** times.
_.times = function(n, iteratee, context) {
var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n));
iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i);
return accum;
// Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive).
_.random = function(min, max) {
if (max == null) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
// A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer. = || function() {
return new Date().getTime();
// List of HTML entities for escaping.
var escapeMap = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
'`': '&#x60;'
var unescapeMap = _.invert(escapeMap);
// Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation.
var createEscaper = function(map) {
var escaper = function(match) {
return map[match];
// Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped.
var source = '(?:' + _.keys(map).join('|') + ')';
var testRegexp = RegExp(source);
var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g');
return function(string) {
string = string == null ? '' : '' + string;
return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string;
_.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap);
_.unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap);
// Traverses the children of `obj` along `path`. If a child is a function, it
// is invoked with its parent as context. Returns the value of the final
// child, or `fallback` if any child is undefined.
_.result = function(obj, path, fallback) {
if (!_.isArray(path)) path = [path];
var length = path.length;
if (!length) {
return _.isFunction(fallback) ? : fallback;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var prop = obj == null ? void 0 : obj[path[i]];
if (prop === void 0) {
prop = fallback;
i = length; // Ensure we don't continue iterating.
obj = _.isFunction(prop) ? : prop;
return obj;
// Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
// Useful for temporary DOM ids.
var idCounter = 0;
_.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
var id = ++idCounter + '';
return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
// By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
// following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
_.templateSettings = {
evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
// When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
// interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
// guaranteed not to match.
var noMatch = /(.)^/;
// Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
// string literal.
var escapes = {
"'": "'",
'\\': '\\',
'\r': 'r',
'\n': 'n',
'\u2028': 'u2028',
'\u2029': 'u2029'
var escapeRegExp = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g;
var escapeChar = function(match) {
return '\\' + escapes[match];
// JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
// Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
// and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
// NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility.
_.template = function(text, settings, oldSettings) {
if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings;
settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
// Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
var matcher = RegExp([
(settings.escape || noMatch).source,
(settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
(settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
// Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
var index = 0;
var source = "__p+='";
text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escapeRegExp, escapeChar);
index = offset + match.length;
if (escape) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
} else if (interpolate) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
} else if (evaluate) {
source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
// Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offset.
return match;
source += "';\n";
// If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
"print=function(){,'');};\n" +
source + 'return __p;\n';
var render;
try {
render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
} catch (e) {
e.source = source;
throw e;
var template = function(data) {
return, data, _);
// Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation.
var argument = settings.variable || 'obj';
template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}';
return template;
// Add a "chain" function. Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
_.chain = function(obj) {
var instance = _(obj);
instance._chain = true;
return instance;
// OOP
// ---------------
// If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
// can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
// underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
// Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
var chainResult = function(instance, obj) {
return instance._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
// Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object.
_.mixin = function(obj) {
_.each(_.functions(obj), function(name) {
var func = _[name] = obj[name];
_.prototype[name] = function() {
var args = [this._wrapped];
push.apply(args, arguments);
return chainResult(this, func.apply(_, args));
return _;
// Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
// Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
_.each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
var method = ArrayProto[name];
_.prototype[name] = function() {
var obj = this._wrapped;
method.apply(obj, arguments);
if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0];
return chainResult(this, obj);
// Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
_.each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
var method = ArrayProto[name];
_.prototype[name] = function() {
return chainResult(this, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
// Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
_.prototype.value = function() {
return this._wrapped;
// Provide unwrapping proxy for some methods used in engine operations
// such as arithmetic and JSON stringification.
_.prototype.valueOf = _.prototype.toJSON = _.prototype.value;
_.prototype.toString = function() {
return String(this._wrapped);
// AMD registration happens at the end for compatibility with AMD loaders
// that may not enforce next-turn semantics on modules. Even though general
// practice for AMD registration is to be anonymous, underscore registers
// as a named module because, like jQuery, it is a base library that is
// popular enough to be bundled in a third party lib, but not be part of
// an AMD load request. Those cases could generate an error when an
// anonymous define() is called outside of a loader request.
if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) {
define('underscore', [], function() {
return _;
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