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Forked from paulp/
Created January 24, 2018 18:29
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Use google's verbatim search and date range restriction simultaneously
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Use google's date range and "verbatim" simultaneously
# Paul Phillips <>
NAME="$(basename "$0")"
read -r -d '' USAGE << EOM
usage: $NAME [-s days] [-e days] [search terms]
Performs verbatim google search with date range.
Warning: after you use this a couple times in a short
period, google will decide you are a robot and assault
you with captchas.
$NAME -s 14 "jordan peterson" # Searches most recent 14 day range
$NAME -s 60 -e 30 suffuse talk # Searches between 60 and 30 days ago
$NAME scala unsound # Searches 0-30 days ago (default)
case "$1" in
"") echo >&2 "$USAGE" && exit 1 ;;
-h) echo >&2 "$USAGE" && exit 0 ;;
# Convert a year month and day into a julian day.
julian_day() {
local YYYY MM DD;
read -r YYYY MM DD < <( date "+%Y %m %d" )
local MM1=$(( 12 * YYYY + 10#$MM - 3 ))
local YY1=$(( MM1 / 12 ))
local MM2=$(( 734 * MM1 + 15 ))
local RES=$(( MM2/24 - YY1*2 + YY1/4 - YY1/100 + YY1/400 + 10#$DD + 1721119 ))
printf "%s\n" "$RES"
verbatim_search_url () {
local today="$(julian-day)"
local start="$(( today - 30 ))"
local end="$today"
while getopts :s:e: opt; do
case $opt in
s) start=$(( today - $OPTARG )) ;;
e) end=$(( today - $OPTARG )) ;;
shift $(( OPTIND-1 ))
local params="nfpr=1&tbs=li:1" # this part means 'verbatim'
local query="$(xs of "$@" "daterange:$start-$end" | xs join:'+')"
echo "$query&$params"
open "$(verbatim_search_url "$@")"
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