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Created August 31, 2017 01:11
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#Copyright (C) 2014 Marc Herndon
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This module contains the definition of the `Device` class, used to represent a
physical storage device connected to the system.
Once initialized, class members contain all relevant information about the
device, including its model, serial number, firmware version, and all SMART
attribute data.
Methods are provided for initiating self tests and querying their results.
# Python built-ins
from __future__ import print_function
import re # Don't delete this 'un-used' import
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import warnings
# pySMART module imports
from .attribute import Attribute
from .test_entry import Test_Entry
from .utils import *
class Device(object):
Represents any device attached to an internal storage interface, such as a
hard drive or DVD-ROM, and detected by smartmontools. Includes eSATA
(considered SATA) but excludes other external devices (USB, Firewire).
def __init__(self, name, raid_drive, interface=None):
self.raid_drive = raid_drive
"""Instantiates and initializes the `pySMART.device.Device`."""
assert interface is None or interface.lower() in [
'ata', 'csmi', 'sas', 'sat', 'sata', 'scsi'] = name.replace('/dev/', '')
# Syslog debugging
#cmd = Popen('logger -t DD-AGENT {0} {1}'.format(self.raid_drive,, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
#_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
**(str):** Device's hardware ID, without the '/dev/' prefix.
(ie: sda (Linux), pd0 (Windows))
if[:2].lower() == 'pd': = pd_to_sd([2:])
self.model = None
"""**(str):** Device's model number."""
self.serial = None
"""**(str):** Device's serial number."""
self.interface = interface
**(str):** Device's interface type. Must be one of:
* **ATA** - Advanced Technology Attachment
* **SATA** - Serial ATA
* **SCSI** - Small Computer Systems Interface
* **SAS** - Serial Attached SCSI
* **SAT** - SCSI-to-ATA Translation (SATA device plugged into a
SAS port)
* **CSMI** - Common Storage Management Interface (Intel ICH /
Matrix RAID)
Generally this should not be specified to allow auto-detection to occur.
Otherwise, this value overrides the auto-detected type and could
produce unexpected or no data.
self.capacity = None
"""**(str):** Device's user capacity."""
self.firmware = None
"""**(str):** Device's firmware version."""
self.supports_smart = False
**(bool):** True if the device supports SMART (or SCSI equivalent) and
has the feature set enabled. False otherwise.
self.assessment = None
"""**(str):** SMART health self-assessment as reported by the device."""
self.messages = []
**(list of str):** Contains any SMART warnings or other error messages
reported by the device (ie: ASCQ codes).
self.is_ssd = None
**(bool):** True if this device is a Solid State Drive.
False otherwise.
self.attributes = [None] * 256
**(list of `Attribute`):** Contains the complete SMART table information
for this device, as provided by smartctl. Indexed by attribute #,
values are set to 'None' for attributes not suported by this device.
self.tests = []
**(list of `Log_Entry`):** Contains the complete SMART self-test log
for this device, as provided by smartctl. If no SMART self-tests have
been recorded, contains a `None` type instead.
self._test_running = False
**(bool):** True if a self-test is currently being run. False otherwise.
self._test_ECD = None
**(str):** Estimated completion time of the running SMART selftest.
Not provided by SAS/SCSI devices.
self.diags = {}
**(dict of str):** Contains parsed and processed diagnostic information
extracted from the SMART information. Currently only populated for
SAS and SCSI devices, since ATA/SATA SMART attributes are manufacturer
if is None:
warnings.warn("\nDevice '{0}' does not exist! "
"This object should be destroyed.".format(name))
# If no interface type was provided, scan for the device
elif self.interface is None:
_grep = 'find' if OS == 'Windows' else 'grep'
cmd = Popen('smartctl --scan-open | {0} "{1}"'.format(
_grep,, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
if _stdout != '':
self.interface = _stdout.split(' ')[2]
# Disambiguate the generic interface to a specific type
warnings.warn("\nDevice '{0}' does not exist! "
"This object should be destroyed.".format(name))
# If a valid device was detected, populate its information
if self.interface is not None:
def __repr__(self):
"""Define a basic representation of the class object."""
return "<%s device on /dev/%s mod:%s sn:%s>" % (
self.interface.upper(),, self.model, self.serial)
def all_attributes(self):
Prints the entire SMART attribute table, in a format similar to
the output of smartctl.
header_printed = False
for attr in self.attributes:
if attr is not None:
if not header_printed:
print("{0:>3} {1:24}{2:4}{3:4}{4:4}{5:9}{6:8}{7:12}"
header_printed = True
if not header_printed:
print("This device does not support SMART attributes.")
def all_selftests(self):
Prints the entire SMART self-test log, in a format similar to
the output of smartctl.
if self.tests is not None:
if smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
'ID', 'Test Description', 'Status', 'Hours',
'1st_Error@LBA', '[SK ASC ASCQ]'))
'ID', 'Test_Description', 'Status', 'Left', 'Hours',
for test in self.tests:
print("No self-tests have been logged for this device.")
def _classify(self):
Disambiguates generic device types ATA and SCSI into more specific
# SCSI devices might be SCSI, SAS or SAT
# ATA device might be ATA or SATA
if self.interface in ['scsi', 'ata']:
if self.interface == 'scsi':
test = 'sat'
test = 'sata'
# Look for a SATA PHY to detect SAT and SATA
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d {0} -l sataphy /dev/{1}'.format(
self.raid_drive,, shell=True,
#smartctl_type[test],, shell=True,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
if 'GP Log 0x11' in _stdout.split('\n')[3]:
self.interface = test
# If device type is still SCSI (not changed to SAT above), then
# check for a SAS PHY
if self.interface == 'scsi':
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d scsi -l sasphy /dev/{0}'.format(, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
if 'SAS SSP' in _stdout.split('\n')[4]:
self.interface = 'sas'
# Some older SAS devices do not support the SAS PHY log command.
# For these, see if smartmontools reports a transport protocol.
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d scsi -a /dev/{0}'.format(, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
for line in _stdout.split('\n'):
if 'Transport protocol' in line and 'SAS' in line:
self.interface = 'sas'
def get_selftest_result(self, output=None):
Refreshes a device's `pySMART.device.Device.tests` attribute to obtain
the latest test results. If a new test result is obtained, its content
is returned.
* **output (str, optional):** If set to 'str', the string
representation of the most recent test result will be returned, instead
of a `Test_Entry` object.
* **(int):** Return status code. One of the following:
* 0 - Success. Object (or optionally, string rep) is attached.
* 1 - Self-test in progress. Must wait for it to finish.
* 2 - No new test results.
* **(`Test_Entry` or str):** Most recent `Test_Entry` object (or
optionally it's string representation) if new data exists. Status
message string on failure.
* **(str):** Estimated completion time of a test in-progess, if known.
Otherwise 'None'.
# SCSI self-test logs hold 20 entries while ATA logs hold 21
if smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
maxlog = 20
maxlog = 21
# If we looked only at the most recent test result we could be fooled
# by two short tests run close together (within the same hour) appearing
# identical. Comparing the length of the log adds some confidence until
# it maxes, as above. Comparing the least-recent test result greatly
# diminishes the chances that two sets of two tests each were run within
# an hour of themselves, but with 16-17 other tests run in between them.
if self.tests is not None:
_first_entry = self.tests[0]
_len = len(self.tests)
_last_entry = self.tests[_len - 1]
_len = 0
# Check whether the list got longer (ie: new entry)
if self.tests is not None and len(self.tests) != _len:
# If so, for ATA, return the newest test result
if not ('in progress' in self.tests[0].status or
'NOW' in self.tests[0].hours):
self._test_running = False
self._test_ECD = None
if output == 'str':
return (0, str(self.tests[0]), None)
return (0, self.tests[0], None)
self._test_running = True
elif _len == maxlog:
# If not, because it's max size already, check for new entries
if ((_first_entry.type != self.tests[0].type or
_first_entry.hours != self.tests[0].hours or
_last_entry.type != self.tests[len(self.tests) - 1].type or
_last_entry.hours != self.tests[len(self.tests) - 1].hours)
and not 'NOW' in self.tests[0].hours):
self._test_running = False
self._test_ECD = None
if output == 'str':
return (0, str(self.tests[0]), None)
return (0, self.tests[0], None)
if 'NOW' in self.tests[0].hours:
self._test_running = True
# If nothing new was found, see if we know of a running test.
if self._test_running:
if (not ('in progress' in self.tests[0].status or
'NOW' in self.tests[0].hours) and
smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi'):
self._test_running = False
self._test_ECD = None
if output == 'str':
return (0, str(self.tests[0]), None)
return (0, self.tests[0], None)
return (1, 'Self-test in progress. Please wait.',
return (2, 'No new self-test results found.', None)
# If log is still empty, or did not get longer, see whether we
# know of a running test.
if self._test_running:
if (not ('in progress' in self.tests[0].status or
'NOW' in self.tests[0].hours) and
smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi'):
self._test_running = False
self._test_ECD = None
if output == 'str':
return (0, str(self.tests[0]), None)
return (0, self.tests[0], None)
return (1, 'Self-test in progress. Please wait.',
return (2, 'No new self-test results found.', None)
def _guess_SMART_type(self, line):
This function is not used in the generic wrapper, however the header
is defined so that it can be monkey-patched by another application.
def _make_SMART_warnings(self):
Parses an ATA/SATA SMART table for attributes with the 'when_failed'
value set. Generates an warning message for any such attributes and
updates the self-assessment value if necessary.
if self.raid_drive == 'scsi':
#if smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
for attr in self.attributes:
if attr is not None:
if attr.when_failed == 'In_the_past':
[, " failed in the past with value ",
attr.worst, ". [Threshold: ", attr.thresh, ']']))
if not self.assessment == 'FAIL':
self.assessment = 'WARN'
elif attr.when_failed == 'FAILING_NOW':
self.assessment = 'FAIL'
[, " is failing now with value ",
attr.value, ". [Threshold: ", attr.thresh, ']']))
elif not attr.when_failed == '-':
[, " says it failed '", attr.when_failed,
"'. [V=", attr.value, ",W=", attr.worst, ",T=",
attr.thresh, ']']))
if not self.assessment == 'FAIL':
self.assessment = 'WARN'
def run_selftest(self, test_type):
Instructs a device to begin a SMART self-test. All tests are run in
'offline' / 'background' mode, allowing normal use of the device while
it is being tested.
* **test_type (str):** The type of test to run. Accepts the following
(not case sensitive):
* **short** - Brief electo-mechanical functionality check.
Generally takes 2 minutes or less.
* **long** - Thorough electro-mechanical functionality check,
including complete recording media scan. Generally takes several
* **conveyance** - Brief test used to identify damage incurred in
shipping. Generally takes 5 minutes or less. **This test is not
supported by SAS or SCSI devices.**
* **(int):** Return status code. One of the following:
* 0 - Self-test initiated successfully
* 1 - Previous self-test running. Must wait for it to finish.
* 2 - Unknown or illegal test type requested.
* 3 - Unspecified smartctl error. Self-test not initiated.
* **(str):** Return status message.
* **(str):** Estimated self-test completion time if a test is started.
Otherwise 'None'.
if self._test_running:
return (1, 'Self-test already in progress. Please wait.',
if test_type.lower() in ['short', 'long', 'conveyance']:
if (test_type.lower() == 'conveyance' and
smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi'):
return (2, "Cannot perform 'conveyance' test on SAS/SCSI "
"devices.", None)
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d {0} -t {1} /dev/{2}'.format(
self.raid_drive, test_type,,
#smartctl_type[self.interface], test_type,,
shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
_success = False
_running = False
for line in _stdout.split('\n'):
if 'has begun' in line:
_success = True
self._test_running = True
if 'aborting current test' in line:
_running = True
if _success and 'complete after' in line:
self._test_ECD = line[25:].rstrip()
if _success:
return (0, "Self-test started successfully", self._test_ECD)
if _running:
return (1, 'Self-test already in progress. Please wait.',
return (3, 'Unspecified Error. Self-test not started.',
return (2, "Unknown test type '{0}' requested.".format(test_type),
def update(self):
Queries for device information using smartctl and updates all
class members, including the SMART attribute table and self-test log.
Can be called at any time to refresh the `pySMART.device.Device`
object's data content.
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d {0} -a /dev/{1}'.format(
self.raid_drive,, shell=True,
#smartctl_type[self.interface],, shell=True,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
parse_self_tests = False
parse_ascq = False
self.tests = []
for line in _stdout.split('\n'):
if line.strip() == '': # Blank line stops sub-captures
if parse_self_tests == True:
parse_self_tests = False
if len(self.tests) == 0:
self.tests = None
if parse_ascq:
parse_ascq = False
if parse_ascq:
message += ' ' + line.lstrip().rstrip()
if parse_self_tests:
num = line[1:3]
if self.raid_drive == 'scsi':
#if smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
format = 'scsi'
test_type = line[5:23].rstrip()
status = line[23:46].rstrip()
segment = line[46:55].lstrip().rstrip()
hours = line[55:65].lstrip().rstrip()
LBA = line[65:78].lstrip().rstrip()
line_ = ' '.join(line.split('[')[1].split()).split(' ')
sense = line_[0]
ASC = line_[1]
ASCQ = line_[2][:-1]
format, num, test_type, status, hours, LBA,
segment=segment, sense=sense, ASC=ASC, ASCQ=ASCQ))
format = 'ata'
test_type = line[5:25].rstrip()
status = line[25:54].rstrip()
remain = line[54:58].lstrip().rstrip()
hours = line[60:68].lstrip().rstrip()
LBA = line[77:].rstrip()
format, num, test_type, status, hours, LBA,
# Basic device information parsing
if 'Model Family' in line:
if 'Device Model' in line or 'Product' in line:
self.model = line.split(':')[1].lstrip().rstrip()
if 'Serial Number' in line or 'Serial number' in line:
self.serial = line.split(':')[1].split()[0].rstrip()
if 'LU WWN' in line:
if 'Firmware Version' in line or 'Revision' in line:
self.firmware = line.split(':')[1].lstrip().rstrip()
if 'User Capacity' in line:
self.capacity = (
line.replace(']', '[').split('[')[1].lstrip().rstrip())
if 'SMART support' in line:
self.supports_smart = 'Enabled' in line
if 'does not support SMART' in line:
self.supports_smart = False
if 'Rotation Rate' in line:
if 'Solid State Device' in line:
self.is_ssd = True
elif 'rpm' in line:
self.is_ssd = False
if 'SMART overall-health self-assessment' in line: # ATA devices
if line.split(':')[1].strip() == 'PASSED':
self.assessment = 'PASS'
self.assessment = 'FAIL'
if 'SMART Health Status' in line: # SCSI devices
if line.split(':')[1].strip() == 'OK':
self.assessment = 'PASS'
self.assessment = 'FAIL'
parse_ascq = True # Set flag to capture status message
message = line.split(':')[1].lstrip().rstrip()
# SMART Attribute table parsing
if '0x0' in line and '_' in line:
# Replace multiple space separators with a single space, then
# tokenize the string on space delimiters
line_ = ' '.join(line.split()).split(' ')
if not '' in line_:
self.attributes[int(line_[0])] = Attribute(
line_[0], line_[1], line[2], line_[3], line_[4],
line_[5], line_[6], line_[7], line_[8], line_[9])
if 'Description' in line and '(hours)' in line:
parse_self_tests = True # Set flag to capture test entries
if 'No self-tests have been logged' in line:
self.tests = None
# Everything from here on is parsing SCSI information that takes
# the place of similar ATA SMART information
if 'used endurance' in line:
pct = int(line.split(':')[1].strip()[:-1])
self.diags['Life_Left'] = str(100 - pct) + '%'
if 'Specified cycle count' in line:
self.diags['Start_Stop_Spec'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if self.diags['Start_Stop_Spec'] == '0':
self.diags['Start_Stop_Pct_Left'] = '-'
if 'Accumulated start-stop cycles' in line:
self.diags['Start_Stop_Cycles'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if not 'Start_Stop_Pct_Left' in self.diags:
self.diags['Start_Stop_Pct_Left'] = str(int(round(
100 - (int(self.diags['Start_Stop_Cycles']) /
int(self.diags['Start_Stop_Spec'])), 0))) + '%'
if 'Specified load-unload count' in line:
self.diags['Load_Cycle_Spec'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if self.diags['Load_Cycle_Spec'] == '0':
self.diags['Load_Cycle_Pct_Left'] = '-'
if 'Accumulated load-unload cycles' in line:
self.diags['Load_Cycle_Count'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if not 'Load_Cycle_Pct_Left' in self.diags:
self.diags['Load_Cycle_Pct_Left'] = str(int(round(
100 - (int(self.diags['Load_Cycle_Count']) /
int(self.diags['Load_Cycle_Spec'])), 0))) + '%'
if 'Elements in grown defect list' in line:
self.diags['Reallocated_Sector_Ct'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if 'read:' in line and smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
line_ = ' '.join(line.split()).split(' ')
if (line_[1] == '0' and line_[2] == '0' and
line_[3] == '0' and line_[4] == '0'):
self.diags['Corrected_Reads'] = '0'
elif line_[4] == '0':
self.diags['Corrected_Reads'] = str(
int(line_[1]) + int(line_[2]) + int(line_[3]))
self.diags['Corrected_Reads'] = line_[4]
self.diags['Reads_GB'] = line_[6]
self.diags['Uncorrected_Reads'] = line_[7]
if 'write:' in line and smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
line_ = ' '.join(line.split()).split(' ')
if (line_[1] == '0' and line_[2] == '0' and
line_[3] == '0' and line_[4] == '0'):
self.diags['Corrected_Writes'] = '0'
elif line_[4] == '0':
self.diags['Corrected_Writes'] = str(
int(line_[1]) + int(line_[2]) + int(line_[3]))
self.diags['Corrected_Writes'] = line_[4]
self.diags['Writes_GB'] = line_[6]
self.diags['Uncorrected_Writes'] = line_[7]
if 'verify:' in line and smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
line_ = ' '.join(line.split()).split(' ')
if (line_[1] == '0' and line_[2] == '0' and
line_[3] == '0' and line_[4] == '0'):
self.diags['Corrected_Verifies'] = '0'
elif line_[4] == '0':
self.diags['Corrected_Verifies'] = str(
int(line_[1]) + int(line_[2]) + int(line_[3]))
self.diags['Corrected_Verifies'] = line_[4]
self.diags['Verifies_GB'] = line_[6]
self.diags['Uncorrected_Verifies'] = line_[7]
if 'non-medium error count' in line:
self.diags['Non-Medium_Errors'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if 'Accumulated power on time' in line:
self.diags['Power_On_Hours'] = line.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]
if not self.raid_drive == 'scsi':
#if not smartctl_type[self.interface] == 'scsi':
# Parse the SMART table for below-threshold attributes and create
# corresponding warnings for non-SCSI disks
# For SCSI disks, any diagnostic attribute which was not captured
# above gets set to '-' to indicate unsupported/unavailable.
for diag in ['Corrected_Reads', 'Corrected_Writes',
'Corrected_Verifies', 'Uncorrected_Reads',
'Uncorrected_Writes', 'Uncorrected_Verifies',
'Start_Stop_Spec', 'Start_Stop_Cycles',
'Load_Cycle_Spec', 'Load_Cycle_Count',
'Start_Stop_Pct_Left', 'Load_Cycle_Pct_Left',
'Power_On_Hours', 'Life_Left', 'Non-Medium_Errors',
'Reads_GB', 'Writes_GB', 'Verifies_GB']:
if not diag in self.diags:
self.diags[diag] = '-'
# If not obtained above, make a direct attempt to extract power on
# hours from the background scan results log.
if self.diags['Power_On_Hours'] == '-':
cmd = Popen('smartctl -d scsi -l background /dev/{1}'.format(
self.raid_drive,, shell=True,
#smartctl_type[self.interface],, shell=True,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = cmd.communicate()
for line in _stdout.split('\n'):
if 'power on time' in line:
self.diags['Power_On_Hours'] = line.split(
':')[1].split(' ')[1]
__all__ = ['Device']
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