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Created June 18, 2020 16:31
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Teams Network Usage Workbook
"version": "Notebook/1.0",
"items": [
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "## Teams Client Network Usage\n"
"name": "text - 2"
"type": 9,
"content": {
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
"parameters": [
"id": "59e0b7db-d63f-4a3f-b95f-9ca8d4cff5d9",
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
"name": "TimeRange",
"label": "Time Range",
"type": 4,
"isRequired": true,
"value": {
"durationMs": 14400000
"typeSettings": {
"selectableValues": [
"durationMs": 300000
"durationMs": 900000
"durationMs": 1800000
"durationMs": 3600000
"durationMs": 14400000
"durationMs": 43200000
"durationMs": 86400000
"durationMs": 172800000
"durationMs": 259200000
"durationMs": 604800000
"durationMs": 1209600000
"durationMs": 2419200000
"durationMs": 2592000000
"durationMs": 5184000000
"durationMs": 7776000000
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 86400000
"style": "pills",
"queryType": 0
"name": "parameters - 5"
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "### Teams Client Cumulative Network Usage (By Country) in MB"
"name": "text - 4"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "VMConnection\n| where ProcessName contains \"teams\"\n| summarize TotalMB = sum(((BytesReceived)/1024/1024)+((BytesSent)/1024/1024)) by RemoteCountry\n| where TotalMB > 0\n| order by TotalMB desc",
"size": 0,
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 14400000
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"visualization": "map",
"graphSettings": {
"type": 0,
"topContent": {
"columnMatch": "RemoteCountry",
"formatter": 1
"centerContent": {
"columnMatch": "TotalKBReceived",
"formatter": 1,
"numberFormat": {
"unit": 17,
"options": {
"maximumSignificantDigits": 3,
"maximumFractionDigits": 2
"chartSettings": {
"xAxis": "RemoteCountry"
"mapSettings": {
"locInfo": "CountryRegion",
"locInfoColumn": "RemoteCountry",
"sizeSettings": "TotalMB",
"sizeAggregation": "Sum",
"legendMetric": "TotalMB",
"legendAggregation": "Sum",
"itemColorSettings": {
"nodeColorField": "TotalMB",
"colorAggregation": "Sum",
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"name": "query - 2"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "VMConnection\r\n| where ProcessName contains \"teams\"\r\n| summarize TotalMB = sum(((BytesReceived)/1024/1024)+((BytesSent)/1024/1024)) by RemoteCountry\r\n| where TotalMB > 0\r\n| order by TotalMB desc",
"size": 0,
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 14400000
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"visualization": "table",
"gridSettings": {
"formatters": [
"columnMatch": "TotalKB",
"formatter": 0,
"numberFormat": {
"unit": 0,
"options": {
"style": "decimal",
"useGrouping": false
"labelSettings": [
"columnId": "TotalMB",
"label": "Total MB"
"sortBy": []
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "query - 3"
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "### Teams Client Network Usage Over Time in Kbps"
"name": "text - 6"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "VMConnection\r\n| where ProcessName contains \"teams\"\r\n| project Computer, TimeGenerated, SentKbps = ((BytesSent)/1024*8/60), ReceivedKbps = ((BytesReceived)/1024*8/60)\r\n| render timechart",
"size": 0,
"aggregation": 2,
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 14400000
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"chartSettings": {
"showLegend": true,
"seriesLabelSettings": [
"seriesName": "SentKbps",
"label": "Sent Kbps",
"color": "purple"
"seriesName": "ReceivedKbps",
"label": "Received Kbps",
"color": "yellow"
"name": "query - 2"
"$schema": ""
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