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Pathfinding on a Grid with Flow Fields
// Copyright Lee Grey, 2014
// License: MIT
module lg.tileSystem {
import Vector2D = lg.math.geometry.Vector2D;
export class FieldInfo {
distanceFromTarget: number = -1;
flowDirection: Vector2D = new Vector2D;
tile: Tile;
// id of the current test, used for "visited" mark
scanID: number = 0;
// NOTE: diagonals are not actually used
neighbourTop: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourTopRight: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourRight: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourBottomRight: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourBottom: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourBottomLeft: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourLeft: FieldInfo = null;
neighbourTopLeft: FieldInfo = null;
export class TileMapPathField {
private map: TileMap = null;
width: number = 0;
height: number = 0;
field: Array<FieldInfo> = [];
scanIDCounter: number = 0;
previousTestPosition: Vector2D = new Vector2D(-1, -1);
// reusable array for path calculation (prevent gc by keeping it around)
private tests: Array<FieldInfo> = [];
private testNeighbours: Array<FieldInfo> = [];
private totalTests: number = 0; // how many fieldInfos in the array
private currentTest: number = 0; // index of the current info being tested
static flowDirectionsByIndex: Array<Vector2D> = [
new Vector2D(0, -1),
new Vector2D(1, 0),
new Vector2D(0, 1),
new Vector2D(-1, 0)
constructor(map: TileMap = null, wrap: boolean = false) {
if (map !== null) {
this.initForMap(map, wrap);
initForMap(map: TileMap, wrap: boolean = false): void { = map;
this.width = map.width;
this.height = map.height;
var fieldInfo: FieldInfo;
var i: number = 0;
for (var iy = 0; iy < this.height; iy++) {
for (var ix = 0; ix < this.width; ix++) {
if (typeof this.field[i] !== "function") {
fieldInfo = new FieldInfo();
} else {
fieldInfo.tile = map.tileAt(ix, iy);
this.field[i] = fieldInfo;
// truncate the array if necessary
this.field.length = this.width * this.height;
private initNeighbours(wrap: boolean = false): void {
var fieldInfo: FieldInfo;
for (var iy: number = 0; iy < this.height; iy++) {
for (var ix: number = 0; ix < this.width; ix++) {
fieldInfo = this.fieldInfoAt(ix, iy);
fieldInfo.neighbourTop = this.fieldInfoAt(ix, iy - 1, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourTopRight = this.fieldInfoAt(ix + 1, iy - 1, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourRight = this.fieldInfoAt(ix + 1, iy, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourBottomRight = this.fieldInfoAt(ix + 1, iy + 1, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourBottom = this.fieldInfoAt(ix, iy + 1, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourBottomLeft = this.fieldInfoAt(ix - 1, iy + 1, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourLeft = this.fieldInfoAt(ix - 1, iy, wrap);
fieldInfo.neighbourTopLeft = this.fieldInfoAt(ix - 1, iy - 1, wrap);
calculateField(x: number, y: number): boolean {
if (this.calculateDistanceField(x, y)) {
return true;
return false;
calculateDistanceField(x: number, y: number): boolean {
x = Math.floor(x);
y = Math.floor(y);
// don't recalculate if it hasn't changed
if (this.previousTestPosition.x === x && this.previousTestPosition.y === y) {
return false;
} else {
this.previousTestPosition.set(x, y);
if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
return false;
var i: number;
this.currentTest = 0;
this.totalTests = 1;
// scanID is used to prevent the test from being performed more than once
// on the same tile. (ie to mark it as "visited") A counter is used
// so they don't need to be reset.
var neighbour: FieldInfo;
// get the first FieldInfo
// reset distances to -1
for (i = 0; i < this.field.length; i++) {
this.field[i].distanceFromTarget = -1;
this.tests[0] = this.field[x + y * this.width];
this.tests[0].distanceFromTarget = 0;
this.tests[0].scanID = this.scanIDCounter;
// if the test tile is solid, just return as there is no path to
// that location
if (this.tests[0].tile.isSolid) {
return false;
var currentFieldInfo: FieldInfo;
while (this.currentTest < this.totalTests) {
currentFieldInfo = this.tests[this.currentTest];
this.testNeighbours[0] = currentFieldInfo.neighbourTop;
this.testNeighbours[1] = currentFieldInfo.neighbourRight;
this.testNeighbours[2] = currentFieldInfo.neighbourBottom;
this.testNeighbours[3] = currentFieldInfo.neighbourLeft;
// TODO: for optimal efficiency, inline this loop
// and don't use the above array
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
neighbour = this.testNeighbours[i];
if (neighbour && neighbour.scanID !== this.scanIDCounter && !neighbour.tile.isSolid) {
this.tests[this.totalTests++] = neighbour;
neighbour.distanceFromTarget = currentFieldInfo.distanceFromTarget + 1;
neighbour.scanID = this.scanIDCounter;
// return true to indicate that the data was updated
return true;
calculateFlowField(): void {
var fieldInfo: FieldInfo;
var left: number;
var right: number;
var top: number;
var bottom: number;
var zeroVector: Vector2D = new Vector2D();
for (var i = 0; i < this.field.length; i++) {
fieldInfo = this.field[i];
if (fieldInfo.neighbourLeft && !(fieldInfo.neighbourLeft.distanceFromTarget < 0)) {
left = fieldInfo.neighbourLeft.distanceFromTarget;
} else {
left = fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget;
if (fieldInfo.neighbourRight && !(fieldInfo.neighbourRight.distanceFromTarget < 0)) {
right = fieldInfo.neighbourRight.distanceFromTarget;
} else {
right = fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget;
if (fieldInfo.neighbourTop && !(fieldInfo.neighbourTop.distanceFromTarget < 0)) {
top = fieldInfo.neighbourTop.distanceFromTarget;
} else {
top = fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget;
if (fieldInfo.neighbourBottom && !(fieldInfo.neighbourBottom.distanceFromTarget < 0)) {
bottom = fieldInfo.neighbourBottom.distanceFromTarget;
} else {
bottom = fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget;
fieldInfo.flowDirection.x = left - right;
fieldInfo.flowDirection.y = top - bottom;
resultObject: { x: number; y: number },
x: number,
y: number,
hint: number = 0 // NOTE: hint must be a value from zero to one
): void {
x = Math.floor(x);
y = Math.floor(y);
// bounds test
if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
resultObject.x = 0;
resultObject.y = 0;
var fieldInfo: FieldInfo = this.field[x + y * this.width];
if (fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget < 0) {
resultObject.x = resultObject.y = 0;
// fall back on cardinal calculation when stuck in an equilibrium
if (fieldInfo.flowDirection.x == 0 && fieldInfo.flowDirection.y == 0) {
this.getDirectionCardinal(resultObject, x, y, hint);
resultObject.x = fieldInfo.flowDirection.x;
resultObject.y = fieldInfo.flowDirection.y;
// getDirectionCardinal always returns a cardinal direction
// TODO: implement caching for results, use the scanID here as well
resultObject: { x: number; y: number },
x: number,
y: number,
hint: number = 0 // NOTE: hint must be a value from zero to one
): void {
x = Math.floor(x);
y = Math.floor(y);
// bounds test
if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
resultObject.x = 0;
resultObject.y = 0;
// always look for the closest one by looping through the four,
// but use the hint to selecting a location in the array
// to start checking. (This way each entity will get a different result
// that will also be consistent on a per-entity basis.)
var fieldInfo: FieldInfo = this.field[x + y * this.width];
if (fieldInfo.distanceFromTarget < 0) {
resultObject.x = resultObject.y = 0;
this.testNeighbours[0] = fieldInfo.neighbourTop;
this.testNeighbours[1] = fieldInfo.neighbourRight;
this.testNeighbours[2] = fieldInfo.neighbourBottom;
this.testNeighbours[3] = fieldInfo.neighbourLeft;
// get a hint that ranges from 0 - 3 (assuming hint is from 0 - 1)
var hint = Math.floor(hint * 4) % 4;
var closestIndex: number = hint;
var closestDistance: number = 999999999999999;
var testFieldInfo: FieldInfo;
var testIndex: number = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
testIndex = (i + hint) % 4;
testFieldInfo = this.testNeighbours[testIndex];
if (testFieldInfo) {
if (
// must not be -1 (solid or inacessable)
testFieldInfo.distanceFromTarget >= 0
// if it is closer
&& testFieldInfo.distanceFromTarget < closestDistance
) {
closestIndex = testIndex;
closestDistance = testFieldInfo.distanceFromTarget;
var actualDirection: Vector2D = TileMapPathField.flowDirectionsByIndex[closestIndex];
resultObject.x = actualDirection.x;
resultObject.y = actualDirection.y;
fieldInfoAt(x: number, y: number, wrap: boolean = false): FieldInfo {
// clamp and return null
if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
if (wrap) {
x = x % this.width;
y = y % this.width;
if (x < 0) x += this.width;
if (y < 0) y += this.height;
} else {
return null;
return this.field[x + y * this.width];
fieldInfoAtWorldSpace(x: number, y: number): FieldInfo {
x = Math.floor(x / Tile.TILE_SIZE);
y = Math.floor(y / Tile.TILE_SIZE);
// just return null if the coordinates are outside the range
if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || x >= this.height) {
return null;
return this.field[x + y * this.width];
// DEBUG Visualisation:
describe() {
var lineString: string = '';
for (var iy = 0; iy < this.height; iy++) {
for (var ix = 0; ix < this.width; ix++) {
lineString += this.fieldInfoAt(ix, iy).distanceFromTarget + " ";
lineString = '';
} // class TileMapPathField
} // module
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