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I'm doing science and I'm still alive

Lee Jordan leejordan

I'm doing science and I'm still alive
View GitHub Profile
leejordan / gist:01b7ce9ed7c9cef42482bbce8889710a
Last active July 26, 2016 10:32
helper for encoding svgs into data-uri format with the highest cross browser compatibility possible
Based on the findings of this post for the most cross browser compatible svg data-uri encoding:
Save the following in a file (no file extension required):
leejordan / gist:6d43d5bf5cf438177b1d
Created February 29, 2016 09:29
list of svg paths for all icons in font awesome as of version 4.5.0
@fa-music: ~"M1792 480v1120q0 50-34 89t-86 60.5-103.5 32-96.5 10.5-96.5-10.5-103.5-32-86-60.5-34-89 34-89 86-60.5 103.5-32 96.5-10.5q105 0 192 39v-537l-768 237v709q0 50-34 89t-86 60.5-103.5 32-96.5 10.5-96.5-10.5-103.5-32-86-60.5-34-89 34-89 86-60.5 103.5-32 96.5-10.5q105 0 192 39v-967q0-31 19-56.5t49-35.5l832-256q12-4 28-4 40 0 68 28t28 68z";
@fa-search: ~"M1344 1088q0-185-131.5-316.5t-316.5-131.5-316.5 131.5-131.5 316.5 131.5 316.5 316.5 131.5 316.5-131.5 131.5-316.5z m512 832q0 52-38 90t-90 38q-54 0-90-38l-343-342q-179 124-399 124-143 0-273.5-55.5t-225-150-150-225-55.5-273.5 55.5-273.5 150-225 225-150 273.5-55.5 273.5 55.5 225 150 150 225 55.5 273.5q0 220-124 399l343 343q37 37 37 90z";
@fa-envelope-o: ~"M1792 1760v-768q-32 36-69 66-268 206-426 338-51 43-83 67t-86.5 48.5-102.5 24.5h-1-1q-48 0-102.5-24.5t-86.5-48.5-83-67q-158-132-426-338-37-30-69-66v768q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1472q13 0 22.5-9.5t9.5-22.5z m0-1051v-11-13.5t-0.5-13-3-12.5-5.5-9-9-7.5-14-2.5h-1472q-13 0-22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5q0 168 147 284 193 152
leejordan / gist:9f4ff825ad2631212fcc
Created July 31, 2015 14:12
Markdown/remark slides markdown
# Easily create slideshow presentations from markdown with remark.js
## Intro to remark.js
Remark.js is a web based slideshow with some great features that is comparable to powerpoint or google slides except you can write your presentations entirely in [markdown](
You can see a [demo of remark.js in action here]( and when checking it out, be sure to press ```p``` to see the incredibly useful presenter mode.
## Useful features

Front end dev interview questions

Standard JS Questions:

  • Explain javascript closures
  • Explain event bubbling
  • Explain event delegation
  • What does apply() do
  • What does bind() do
  • Explain what the js map function does provide an example
  • What is strict mode