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Created August 19, 2020 04:23
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import json
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import os.path
import errno
import glob
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
version = "2020-08-12_a"
with open("versions/%s/worldMapDefinitions.json" % version) as f:
defs = json.load(f)
with open("versions/%s/minimapIcons.json" % version) as f:
icons = json.load(f)
iconSprites = {}
for file in glob.glob("versions/%s/icons/*.png" % version):
spriteId = int(file.split("/")[-1][:-4])
iconSprites[spriteId] =
def mkdir_p(path):
except OSError as exc:
def getBounds(regionList):
lowX, lowY, highX, highY = 9999, 9999, 0, 0
planes = 0
for region in regionList:
if 'xLowerLeft' in region: #typeA
lowX = min(lowX, region['xUpperLeft'])
highX = max(highX, region['xUpperRight'])
lowY = min(lowY, region['yLowerLeft'])
highY = max(highY, region['yUpperLeft'])
planes = max(planes, region['numberOfPlanes'])
elif 'newX' in region:
lowX = min(lowX, region['newX'])
highX = max(highX, region['newX'])
lowY = min(lowY, region['newY'])
highY = max(highY, region['newY'])
planes = max(planes, region['numberOfPlanes'])
elif 'xLow' in region:
lowX = min(lowX, region['xLow'])
highX = max(highX, region['xHigh'])
lowY = min(lowY, region['yLow'])
highY = max(highY, region['yHigh'])
planes = max(planes, region['numberOfPlanes'])
raise ValueError(region)
return lowX, highX, lowY, highY, planes
def pointInsideBox(position, plane, lowX, highX, lowY, highY, chunk_lowX, chunk_highX, chunk_lowY, chunk_highY, allPlanes):
x = position['x']
y = position['y']
z = position['z']
lowX = lowX * 64 + chunk_lowX * 8
lowY = lowY * 64 + chunk_lowY * 8
highX = highX * 64 + chunk_highX * 8 + 7
highY = highY * 64 + chunk_highY * 8 + 7
return ((plane == 0) or (plane == z)) and x >= lowX and x <= highX and y >= lowY and y <= highY
def getIconsInsideArea(plane, lowX, highX, lowY, highY, chunk_lowX=0, chunk_highX=7, chunk_lowY=0, chunk_highY=7, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, allPlanes=False):
valid = []
for icon in icons:
if pointInsideBox(icon['position'], plane, lowX, highX, lowY, highY, chunk_lowX, chunk_highX, chunk_lowY, chunk_highY, allPlanes):
pos = icon['position']
icon = [pos['x'] + dx, pos['y'] + dy, icon['spriteId']]
return valid
def allBlack(im):
data = np.asarray(im.convert('RGBA'))
return np.count_nonzero(data[:,:,:3]) == 0
baseMaps = []
px_per_square = 4
for defn in defs:
mapId = -1
if 'mapId' in defn:
mapId = defn['mapId']
elif 'fileId' in defn:
mapId = defn['fileId']
lowX, highX, lowY, highY, planes = getBounds(defn['regionList'])
bounds = [[lowX * 64 - PADDING, lowY * 64 - PADDING], [(highX + 1) * 64 + PADDING, (highY + 1) * 64 + PADDING]]
# bounds = [[0, 0], [12800, 12800]]
if 'position' in defn:
center = [defn['position']['x'], defn['position']['y']]
print 'cent'
center = [(lowX + highX + 1) * 32, (lowY + highY + 1) * 32]
baseMaps.append({'mapId': mapId, 'name': defn['name'], 'bounds': bounds, 'center': center})
overallHeight = (highY - lowY + 1) * px_per_square * 64
overallWidth = (highX - lowX + 1) * px_per_square * 64
plane0Map = None
for plane in range(planes):
print mapId, plane
validIcons = []
im ="RGB", (overallWidth + 512, overallHeight + 512))
for region in defn['regionList']:
if 'xLowerLeft' in region:
oldLowX = region['xLowerLeft']
oldHighX = region['xLowerRight']
oldLowY = region['yLowerLeft']
oldHighY = region['yUpperLeft']
newLowX = region['xUpperLeft']
newHighX = region['xUpperRight']
newLowY = region['yLowerRight']
newHighY = region['yUpperRight']
print oldLowX == newLowX, oldLowY == newLowY, oldHighX == newHighX, oldHighY == newHighY
validIcons.extend(getIconsInsideArea(region['plane'] + plane, oldLowX, oldHighX, oldLowY, oldHighY, allPlanes=plane==0))
for x in range(oldLowX, oldHighX + 1):
for y in range(oldLowY, oldHighY + 1):
filename = "versions/%s/tiles/base/%s_%s_%s.png" % (version, region['plane'] + plane, x, y)
if os.path.exists(filename):
square =
imX = (x-lowX+newLowX-oldLowX) * px_per_square * 64
imY = (highY-y) * px_per_square * 64
im.paste(square, box=(imX+256, imY+256))
elif 'chunk_oldXLow' in region:
filename = "versions/%s/tiles/base/%s_%s_%s.png" % (version, region['oldPlane'] + plane, region['oldX'], region['oldY'])
dx = region['newX'] * 64 + region['chunk_newXLow'] * 8 - region['oldX'] * 64 - region['chunk_oldXLow'] * 8
dy = region['newY'] * 64 + region['chunk_newYLow'] * 8 - region['oldY'] * 64 - region['chunk_oldYLow'] * 8
dz = 0 - region['oldPlane']
validIcons.extend(getIconsInsideArea(region['oldPlane'] + plane, region['oldX'], region['oldX'], region['oldY'], region['oldY'], region['chunk_oldXLow'], region['chunk_oldXHigh'], region['chunk_oldYLow'], region['chunk_oldYHigh'], dx, dy, dz, allPlanes=plane==0))
if os.path.exists(filename):
square =
cropped = square.crop((region['chunk_oldXLow'] * px_per_square * 8,
(8-region['chunk_oldYHigh'] - 1) * px_per_square * 8,
(region['chunk_oldXHigh'] + 1) * px_per_square * 8,
(8-region['chunk_oldYLow']) * px_per_square * 8))
imX = (region['newX']-lowX) * px_per_square * 64 + region['chunk_newXLow'] * px_per_square * 8
imY = (highY-region['newY']) * px_per_square * 64 + (7-region['chunk_newYHigh']) * px_per_square * 8
im.paste(cropped, box=(imX+256, imY+256))
elif 'chunk_xLow' in region:
validIcons.extend(getIconsInsideArea(region['plane'] + plane, region['xLow'], region['xHigh'], region['yLow'], region['yHigh'], region['chunk_xLow'], region['chunk_xHigh'], region['chunk_yLow'], region['chunk_yHigh'], allPlanes=plane==0))
filename = "versions/%s/tiles/base/%s_%s_%s.png" % (version, region['plane'] + plane, region['xLow'], region['yLow'])
if os.path.exists(filename):
square =
cropped = square.crop((region['chunk_xLow'] * px_per_square * 8,
(8-region['chunk_yHigh'] - 1) * px_per_square * 8,
(region['chunk_xHigh'] + 1) * px_per_square * 8,
(8-region['chunk_yLow']) * px_per_square * 8))
imX = (region['xLow']-lowX) * px_per_square * 64 + region['chunk_xLow'] * px_per_square * 8
imY = (highY-region['yLow']) * px_per_square * 64 + (7-region['chunk_yHigh']) * px_per_square * 8
im.paste(cropped, box=(imX+256, imY+256))
elif 'xLow' in region:
validIcons.extend(getIconsInsideArea(region['plane'] + plane, region['xLow'], region['xHigh'], region['yLow'], region['yHigh'], allPlanes=plane==0))
for x in range(region['xLow'], region['xHigh'] + 1):
for y in range(region['yLow'], region['yHigh'] + 1):
filename = "versions/%s/tiles/base/%s_%s_%s.png" % (version, region['plane'] + plane, x, y)
if os.path.exists(filename):
square =
imX = (x-lowX) * px_per_square * 64
imY = (highY-y) * px_per_square * 64
im.paste(square, box=(imX+256, imY+256))
raise ValueError(region)
if plane == 0:
data = np.asarray(im.convert('RGB')).copy()
data[(data == (255, 0, 255)).all(axis = -1)] = (0, 0, 0)
im = Image.fromarray(data, mode='RGB')
if planes > 1:
plane0Map = im.convert('LA').filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=5))
elif plane > 0:
data = np.asarray(im.convert('RGBA')).copy()
data[:,:,3] = 255*(data[:,:,:3] != (255, 0, 255)).all(axis = -1)
mask = Image.fromarray(data, mode='RGBA')
im = plane0Map.convert("RGBA")
im.paste(mask, (0, 0), mask)
for zoom in range(-3, 4):
scalingFactor = 2.0**zoom/2.0**2
zoomedWidth = int(round(scalingFactor * im.width))
zoomedHeight = int(round(scalingFactor * im.height))
zoomed = im.resize((zoomedWidth, zoomedHeight), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
if zoom >= 0:
for x, y, spriteId in validIcons:
sprite = iconSprites[spriteId]
width, height = sprite.size
imX = int(round((x - lowX * 64) * px_per_square * scalingFactor)) - width // 2 - 2
imY = int(round(((highY + 1) * 64 - y) * px_per_square * scalingFactor)) - height // 2 - 2
zoomed.paste(sprite, (imX+int(round(256*scalingFactor)), int(round(imY+256 * scalingFactor))), sprite)
lowZoomedX = int((lowX - 1) * scalingFactor + 0.01)
highZoomedX = int((highX + 0.9 + 1) * scalingFactor + 0.01)
lowZoomedY = int((lowY - 1) * scalingFactor + 0.01)
highZoomedY = int((highY + 0.9 + 1) * scalingFactor + 0.01)
for x in range(lowZoomedX, highZoomedX + 1):
for y in range(lowZoomedY, highZoomedY + 1):
coordX = int((x - (lowX - 1) * scalingFactor) * 256)
coordY = int((y - (lowY - 1) * scalingFactor) * 256)
cropped = zoomed.crop((coordX, zoomed.size[1] - coordY - 256, coordX + 256, zoomed.size[1] - coordY))
if not allBlack(cropped):
outfilename = "versions/%s/tiles/rendered/%s/%s/%s_%s_%s.png" % (version, mapId, zoom, plane, x, y)
# outfilename = "versions/%s/tiles/rendered/%s/%s_%s_full.png" % (version, mapId, plane, zoom)
# mkdir_p(outfilename)
with open("versions/%s/basemaps.json" % version, 'w') as f:
json.dump(baseMaps, f)
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