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Forked from JoaoRodrigues/
Created September 30, 2020 18:26
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Peptide/Protein Hydrophobic Moment Calculator
#!/usr/bin/env python
Calculates a set of properties from a protein sequence:
- hydrophobicity (according to a particular scale)
- mean hydrophobic dipole moment assuming it is an alpha-helix.
- total charge (at pH 7.4)
- amino acid composition
- discimination factor according to Rob Keller (IJMS, 2011)
Essentially the same as HeliQuest (reproduces the same values).
Joao Rodrigues
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import csv
import math
import os
import time
# Definitions
scales = {'Fauchere-Pliska': {'A': 0.31, 'R': -1.01, 'N': -0.60,
'D': -0.77, 'C': 1.54, 'Q': -0.22,
'E': -0.64, 'G': 0.00, 'H': 0.13,
'I': 1.80, 'L': 1.70, 'K': -0.99,
'M': 1.23, 'F': 1.79, 'P': 0.72,
'S': -0.04, 'T': 0.26, 'W': 2.25,
'Y': 0.96, 'V': 1.22},
'Eisenberg': {'A': 0.25, 'R': -1.80, 'N': -0.64,
'D': -0.72, 'C': 0.04, 'Q': -0.69,
'E': -0.62, 'G': 0.16, 'H': -0.40,
'I': 0.73, 'L': 0.53, 'K': -1.10,
'M': 0.26, 'F': 0.61, 'P': -0.07,
'S': -0.26, 'T': -0.18, 'W': 0.37,
'Y': 0.02, 'V': 0.54},
_supported_scales = list(scales.keys())
aa_charge = {'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'K': 1, 'R': 1}
# Functions
def assign_hydrophobicity(sequence, scale='Fauchere-Pliska'): # noqa: E302
"""Assigns a hydrophobicity value to each amino acid in the sequence"""
hscale = scales.get(scale, None)
if not hscale:
raise KeyError('{} is not a supported scale. '.format(scale))
hvalues = []
for aa in sequence:
sc_hydrophobicity = hscale.get(aa, None)
if sc_hydrophobicity is None:
raise KeyError('Amino acid not defined in scale: {}'.format(aa))
return hvalues
def calculate_moment(array, angle=100):
"""Calculates the hydrophobic dipole moment from an array of hydrophobicity
values. Formula defined by Eisenberg, 1982 (Nature). Returns the average
moment (normalized by sequence length)
uH = sqrt(sum(Hi cos(i*d))**2 + sum(Hi sin(i*d))**2),
where i is the amino acid index and d (delta) is an angular value in
degrees (100 for alpha-helix, 180 for beta-sheet).
sum_cos, sum_sin = 0.0, 0.0
for i, hv in enumerate(array):
rad_inc = ((i*angle)*math.pi)/180.0
sum_cos += hv * math.cos(rad_inc)
sum_sin += hv * math.sin(rad_inc)
return math.sqrt(sum_cos**2 + sum_sin**2) / len(array)
def calculate_charge(sequence, charge_dict=aa_charge):
"""Calculates the charge of the peptide sequence at pH 7.4
sc_charges = [charge_dict.get(aa, 0) for aa in sequence]
return sum(sc_charges)
def calculate_discrimination(mean_uH, total_charge):
"""Returns a discrimination factor according to Rob Keller (IJMS, 2011)
A sequence with d>0.68 can be considered a potential lipid-binding region.
d = 0.944*mean_uH + 0.33*total_charge
return d
def calculate_composition(sequence):
"""Returns a dictionary with percentages per classes"""
# Residue character table
polar_aa = set(('S', 'T', 'N', 'H', 'Q', 'G'))
speci_aa = set(('P', 'C'))
apolar_aa = set(('A', 'L', 'V', 'I', 'M'))
charged_aa = set(('E', 'D', 'K', 'R'))
aromatic_aa = set(('W', 'Y', 'F'))
n_p, n_s, n_a, n_ar, n_c = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
for aa in sequence:
if aa in polar_aa:
n_p += 1
elif aa in speci_aa:
n_s += 1
elif aa in apolar_aa:
n_a += 1
elif aa in charged_aa:
n_c += 1
elif aa in aromatic_aa:
n_ar += 1
return {'polar': n_p, 'special': n_s,
'apolar': n_a, 'charged': n_c, 'aromatic': n_ar}
def analyze_sequence(name=None, sequence=None, window=18, verbose=False):
"""Runs all the above on a sequence. Pretty prints the results"""
if not sequence:
raise Exception('Either I need glasses or there is no sequence.')
if not name:
name = 'Unnamed'
w = window
outdata = [] # for csv writing
# Processing...
seq_len = len(sequence)
print('[+] Analysing sequence {} ({} aa.)'.format(name, seq_len))
print('[+] Using a window of {} aa.'.format(w))
for seq_range in range(0, seq_len):
seq_w = sequence[seq_range:seq_range+w]
if seq_range and len(seq_w) < w:
# Numerical values
z = calculate_charge(seq_w)
seq_h = assign_hydrophobicity(seq_w)
av_h = sum(seq_h)/len(seq_h)
av_uH = calculate_moment(seq_h)
d = calculate_discrimination(av_uH, z)
# AA composition
aa_comp = calculate_composition(seq_w)
n_tot_pol = aa_comp['polar'] + aa_comp['charged']
n_tot_apol = aa_comp['apolar'] + aa_comp['aromatic'] + aa_comp['special'] # noqa: E501
n_charged = aa_comp['charged'] # noqa: E501
n_aromatic = aa_comp['aromatic'] # noqa: E501
_t = [name, sequence, seq_range+1, w, seq_w, z, av_h, av_uH, d,
n_tot_pol, n_tot_apol, n_charged, n_aromatic]
if verbose:
print(' Window {}: {}-{}-{}'.format(seq_range+1, seq_range,
seq_w, seq_range+w))
print(' z={:<3d} <H>={:4.3f} <uH>={:4.3f} D={:4.3f}'.format(z, av_h, # noqa: E501
av_uH, d)) # noqa: E501
print(' Amino acid composition')
print(' Polar : {:3d} / {:3.2f}%'.format(n_tot_pol, n_tot_pol*100/w)) # noqa: E501
print(' Non-Polar: {:3d} / {:3.2f}%'.format(n_tot_apol, n_tot_apol*100/w)) # noqa: E501
print(' Charged : {:3d} / {:3.2f}%'.format(n_charged, n_charged*100/w)) # noqa: E501
print(' Aromatic : {:3d} / {:3.2f}%'.format(n_aromatic, n_aromatic*100/w)) # noqa: E501
return outdata
def read_fasta_file(afile):
"""Parses a file with FASTA formatted sequences"""
if not os.path.isfile(afile):
raise IOError('File not found/readable: {}'.format(afile))
sequences = []
seq_name, cur_seq = None, None
with open(afile) as handle:
for line in handle:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('>'):
if cur_seq:
sequences.append((seq_name, ''.join(cur_seq)))
seq_name = line[1:]
cur_seq = []
elif line:
sequences.append((seq_name, ''.join(cur_seq))) # last seq
return sequences
if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
i_opts = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
i_opts.add_argument('-s', '--sequence',
help='Sequence of amino acids to analyze')
i_opts.add_argument('-f', '--seqfile',
help='File with sequences in FASTA format')
ap.add_argument('-o', '--outfile',
help='File to write results in CSV format')
ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Write information to screen as well')
ap.add_argument('--scale', choices=_supported_scales,
help='Hydrophobicity scale to use')
ap.add_argument('-w', '--window', default=18,
help='AA window to use during analysis.')
cmd = ap.parse_args()
# File or Sequence?
if cmd.sequence:
all_data = analyze_sequence(sequence=cmd.sequence, window=cmd.window,
elif cmd.seqfile:
seq_list = read_fasta_file(cmd.seqfile)
all_data = []
for name, seq in seq_list:
data = analyze_sequence(name=name, sequence=seq, window=cmd.window,
all_data += data
if not cmd.outfile:
if cmd.seqfile:
root, _ = os.path.splitext(cmd.seqfile)
root = 'seq'
outfn = root + '_hydrophobicity.txt'
outfn = cmd.outfile
print('[+] Writing results to {}'.format(outfn))
if os.path.isfile(outfn):
root, _ = os.path.splitext(outfn)
outfn = root + '_' + time.strftime('%H%M%S%d%m%Y') + '.txt'
print(' File already exists')
print(' Writing to {}'.format(outfn))
with open(outfn, 'w') as csvfile:
_header = ['Name', 'Sequence', 'Window', 'Window Size', 'Sub-Sequence',
'Charge', 'Mean Hydrophobicity', 'Mean Hydrophobic Moment',
'Discrimination Factor', 'No. Polar AA', 'No. Apolar AA',
'No. Charged AA', 'No. Aromatic AA']
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel')
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