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Created March 7, 2012 16:30
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Waveform ImageData Node
app.get '/waveform', (req, res) ->
# If URL and Callback present
if req.param("url") && req.param("callback")
# Get the parameters
url = decodeURIComponent(req.param("url"))
callback = req.param("callback")
# Create a Bufferlist
bl = new BufferList()
# Request image and pass response to Bufferlist
request { uri: url, responseBodyStream: bl, encoding: null }, (error, response, body) ->
# console.log response.headers['content-type']
# If the request was OK
if !error && response.statusCode == 200
# Get MimeType
mimetype = response.headers["content-type"]
# Make sure it's a PNG
if mimetype == "image/png"
# Create the prefix for the data URL
type_prefix = "data:" + mimetype + ";base64,"
# Get the image from the response stream as a string and convert it to base64
# image = new Buffer(bl.toString(), 'binary')
image = new Buffer(body)
image_64 = body.toString('base64')
# Concat the prefix and the image
image_64 = type_prefix + image_64
# Get the image filename
filename = "/tmp/" + url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 )
# Create a WriteStream for the image
out = fs.createWriteStream(filename)
# Save it
# out.write(body)
# Get the image dimensions using GraphicsMagick
im.identify filename, (err, data) ->
# Delete the tmp image
# Error getting dimensions
if err
res.send("Error getting image dimensions", 400)
# The data to be returned
return_variable =
"width": data.width
"height": data.height
"data": image_64
# Stringifiy the return variable and wrap it in the callback for JSONP compatibility
return_variable = callback + "(" + JSON.stringify(return_variable) + ");"
# Set the headers as OK and JS
res.writeHead(200, 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8')
# Return the data
res.send("This file type is not supported", 400)
res.send("Third-party server error", response.statusCode)
res.send("No URL or no callback was specified. These are required", 400)
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