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Created January 29, 2025 15:07
Camera composable for Vue written in Typescript
export const useCamera = () => {
// State
const cameraFacing = useState<ConstrainDOMString | undefined>("cameraFacing", () => 'environment')
const cameraStream = useState<MediaStream | undefined>("cameraStream", () => undefined)
// Start camera
// ----------
const start = async () => {
// Promise
return new Promise(async (resolve, revoke) => {
try {
// Get camera
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
facingMode: cameraFacing.value
// Get video tag
let video = document.getElementById("cameraVideo") as HTMLMediaElement
// If video null
if (video === null) {
// Log
console.error("Video tag not found.")
// Revoke
} else {
// Replace video tag source
video.srcObject = stream
// Video ready
video.onloadedmetadata = async () => {
// Update camera stream
cameraStream.value = stream
// Resolve
resolve("Camera successfully started.")
} catch (e: any) {
// Camera error
switch ( {
case "NotFoundError":
revoke("Please enable the camera on your device.")
case "NotAllowedError":
revoke("Please allow access to your camera.")
case "NotReadableError":
revoke("Please close all other tabs which are using your camera.")
revoke("This experience requires access to your camera.")
// Stop camera
// ----------
const stop = async () => {
// If stream exists
if (cameraStream.value) {
// Stop all streams
cameraStream.value.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop())
// Set stream to undefined
cameraStream.value = undefined
// Flip camera
// ----------
const flip = async () => {
// Stop camera
// Check facing
if (cameraFacing.value == 'environment') {
// Face user
cameraFacing.value = 'user'
} else {
// Face environment
cameraFacing.value = 'environment'
// Start camera
// Return
return {
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