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Created May 31, 2011 15:24
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Partners should be able to notify people that they are now a partner to the CFOA and have a partner page.

As part of the partner page creation we should have it that a partner can:

  1. Upload a list of email address to send an invite to
  2. enter characteristics of users that they would like to notify (i.e. CFO with interest in tax in this geography)

This is just an idea and stream of thought. We would have to flush this out some more. This would be of value in at least three ways:

  1. Sponsor value to gain quick visibility
  2. Opportunity for referrals of new members
  3. Would encourage partners to populate their partner pages to the fullest.

Partner admins must pay for extended functionality

As a site admin, I would like to charge partners for full access to the partner page functionality.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The following pricing levels for partner pages are implemented Basic, Plus and Premium
  • Partners can upgrade their membership or sign up from scratch at partners/join
  • Site admin can upgrade any partner page to any of these pricing levels

Partners have "wall feeds" on their partner page

  • Wall feed (includes summaries of the following with links)
  • Knowledge articles created by the partner
  • Events created by the partner
  • Polls created by the partner
  • Recent activity on the site that McGladrey creates via admin activity

Tech notes:

  • Should be implemented as a separate model that is associated with each partner page.
  • We should avoid joining on to the related entities like 'knowledge article', 'event', 'poll'
  • It should use delayed_job
  • It should be paginated using infinite scroll

Partners can add external RSS feeds to their wall

As a partner admin I would like to be able to enter one RSS feeds and have summaries of all of the posts from these feeds with links to the original post appearing on my partner page wall.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Admins have a tool for adding an RSS feed to their page
  • Admins can add multiple RSS feeds with the input field but they get treated as separate feeds on the partner page wall
  • New posts appear on the partner page wall in chronological order with the other content based on when the post was imported to the site
  • New posts appear as a title and text with a link away to the original posts
  • These are truncated at 75 words
  • No images or embeds get imported html should be sanitized and only display text
  • There needs to be a legal disclaimer that says that the user acknowledges that they have the right to share the content on the page.

Tech notes:

  • It should be a cron task to read new posts on all client rss feeds and create records in the 'feeds' table.

Users can create a Basic partner page

As a user I would like to pay for a basic partnership page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • This is available to public members and up
  • Price: $999.00 annually
  • Feature Set
  • Can create a partner page
  • Can have up to 5 total admins
  • Can add a logo, title, description, and link to website
  • Can import 1 RSS blog feed
  • Can create knowledge, polls, events, and announcements

Users can create a Plus partner page

As a user I would like to pay for a plus partnership page

Acceptance Criteria

  • This is available to public members and up
  • Price: $5,000.00 annually
  • Feature Set
  • Can create a partner page
  • Can have 10 total admins
  • Can add a logo, title, description, and link to website
  • Can import multiple RSS blog feeds
  • Can create knowledge, polls, events, and announcements
  • Can add employees
  • Employees get discounted pricing on CFO Alliance memberships
  • Employee activity appears on partner page wall
  • Limited exposure as a featured sponsor on /partners (these appear 1/4 of the number of page loads as the premium partners)
  • Can view limited statistics
  • Partner page views
  • Partner page unique visits
  • Number of partner page followers (users who have added the partner page to their toolbox)

Users can create a Premium partner page

As a user I would like to pay for a premium partnership page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • This is available to public members and up
  • Price: Negotiated
  • If someone selects this ( they are interested in understanding more about Premium Partner) in the sign up process they get a message saying that their application has been submitted and they’ll be receiving an email from our business developer director
  • Feature Set
  • Can create a partner page
  • Unlimited admins
  • Can add a logo, title, description, and link to website
  • Can import multiple RSS blog feeds
  • Can create knowledge, polls, events, and announcements
  • Can add employees
  • Employee activity appears on partner page wall
  • Full exposure as a featured sponsor on /partners
  • Additional field appears on their profile page for listing “Areas of Expertise”

As a user, I would like to view partner previews on /partners via an endless scrolling feature rather than pagination

Acceptance Criteria

  • A user visits /partners and browses partner previews
  • 20 partner previews are displayed on the page, but as a I scroll down additional partners get loaded via ajax. The scrolling works just as it does on
  • There is no pagination

A partner page's membership level is shown on their partner page via a badge

Acceptance Criteria

  • For paid sponsors a badge displaying their membership level should appear next to their logo

Partners can see stats about their page and content

As a partner admin I would like to be able to see stats about traffic and usage on my partner page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Partner admins have access to a new page that displays stats about their page
  • Stats include the following
  • Partner page views
  • Partner page unique visits
  • Number of partner page followers (users who have added the partner page to their toolbox)
  • Most popular content (based on click throughs from the partner page wall)
  • Most active employees (who creates the most content or interacts with content the most)
  • Monthly brand impressions (sum total of the following):
  • page views on /partners
  • page views on /partners/partner-name
  • page views on partner content (i.e. knowledge posts, polls etc.)
  • page views of employee and partner admin profiles

Add contextual links and buttons in non-logged in marketing pages (i.e. link to Management team from About Us)

Create new icons and teaser text for connect, discuss, learn, and access on the homepage after the new landing pages have been created

need a /board-of-advisors page that lists the board members with some basic info and a profile photo and links to their profile. each board member preview lists name, photo, 2 sentence bio, company name, industry, and location. need a sorting mechanism at the top of page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A link to the Board of advisors and partners should be more prominently displayed on the About Us page

Need to design a new events page when you are not logged in that emphasizes the discussion topic for the event more

Create a membership info/pricing page

Review the Terms and Conditions copy for accuracy (assign to Greg Wood)

Review the copy on the FAQ page (assign to Greg Wood)

Remove the sidebar nav on non-logged in pages after all non-logged in sidebar links are linked contextually

Non logged in user does not need to see the events calendar at all

Review the Privacy Policy copy for accuracy (assign to Greg Wood)

Need to display event registration details and cost dynamically based on the membership level of the user and offer a chance to upgrade their membership too

As a user if I have already registered for the site, I should be given a link to the login page if I try to sign up again

Membership: As a paid member I want to be notified to renew my membership

  1. This notification should be triggered automatically, XX days in advance of renewal due.
  2. Notification can be triggered by site admin at anytime.
  3. Alert should be posted on user pages when logged in.
  4. We should provide statistics to users to make case of why they should renew.

Need an Admin tool for exporting user data

As an admin, I would like to be able to export a csv file with information on each user in the database. Description: As an admin I login to the site and browse through users that have signed up for the site. This section is paginated, but at the top of this page is a link to download a .csv file of all user data.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. An admin user logs into the site and is browsing the user listings and sees button to "Export User Data"
  2. The admin clicks the "Export User Data" button and the browser initiates a download of the user data as a csv file.

Users should easily have the ability to cancel their event registration on the event registration page.

As a user, I would like to update whether I will be attending so that others will know my status.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When visiting the event page after signing up, a user should see a "You're Attending" button and a link to "change your registration" under that instead of the "Register" button.
  2. The "You're Attending" button will not link to anything.
  3. The Change your Registration link will take a user to a page saying "Are you sure you would like to change your registration to "Not Attending?" Please understand that there are no refunds and this action will be final. If you decide you would like to attend the event, you will have to re-register."
  4. There will be two buttons: Change my registration to "Not Attending" and Cancel
  5. If the user clicks on "Change my registration," the user will go back to the event registration page and a flash message will display on the top "You have changed your registration to "Not Attending" and the Register button will appear as it does to those not registered.
  6. If the user clicks on cancel, the user will be taken back to the registration page where the register button will still say "You're Attending"

As a user, I would like to have my email confirmation resent in case I didn’t receive it so that I can verify my email address.

As a user, I would like to have my email confirmation resent in case I didn’t receive it so that I can verify my email address. Description: If the user didn’t receive or can’t find the email confirmation to verify the email address, the user can have this information resent.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. There will be a link in the announcement that a user sees when they have not yet verified the email address. “need to resend it?” will take the user to a page prompting the user for their email address again.
  2. There will be one field: “Email Address”. The user will enter the email address and a new email will be sent to their account with a link to verify the user’s account.
  3. When the user clicks on the link in the email, the user’s account will be updated and the message to verify their account will disappear.

As a user I would like to easily see my membership level and upgrade options when visiting my profile

Acceptance Criteria

  • There should be a prominent place displaying current membership levels and upgrade options on the user profile.
  • Each membership level has copy tailored to that membership level and a link to upgrade your membership that fits that particular membership level

Need to add the paste from microsoft word tool to the blog

  • This is a problem with our blog editor constantly using MS word and it really screwing up the formatting with nasty inline html and css

Need the ability to hyperlink photos in blog posts

Need to add an RSS icon to the blog RSS link for increased clarity

As a marketer for AchieveNext, I would like for blog posts to generate dynamic metadata to improve search rankings

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Each post should have it's own unique url
  2. Just as truncated previews are created for the homepage and my home via the first paragraph of text, dynamic Meta descriptions should be added to the header of the blog post at /blog/unique-post-url
  3. Dynamic meta keywords should be added to
  4. Dynamic page titles should be added to the title element on each page and be based on the title of the post

Site Admin should have a group manage management page with the ability to delete or disable groups

Need an admin tool for exporting event attendee lists

  • this should be a csv export that filters by date, city, and event titles and lets you export the data with any combination of those.

Events should allow for different timezones

  • Currently by default it lists all times as EDT and does not allow for other time zones. This is a continued problem in Phoenix. I'm not sure how it effects the "add to calendar" function.

Add to calendar on events page works when not logged in

  • As a User I would like the “add to calendar” button on events pages to be available to all non-logged in visitors as well as users of the site

Acceptance Criteria

  • When someone visits an event page they see the “add to calendar” button and they are able to download the ics file for the event when they click that button

Add to calendar functionality on events pages should be available to non-logged in users on events pages

As a user I do not need to see the CFO Alliance logo on an event page if that event is hosted by the CFO Alliance group

Acceptance Criteria

  • When on an event page /events/event-title I should see a group logo if the event is hosted by a non-cfo alliance group (i.e. Hays Company), but not if the event is hosted by the CFO Alliance

As a non logged-in user I would like to see the top 4 event attendees when I visit an event page

Acceptance Criteria

  • Currently this is only available to logged in users, but this should also be available to non-logged in and public members
  • If a non-logged in or public user clicks the “View All Attendees” link then they should not be authorized to perform that action

Users that sign up for Events should receive a rich html email with event details after completing their sign up process

As an logged in user I would like to view events based on Issue, Industry, and Geography

Acceptance Criteria

  • Top of /events page displays a list 10 upcoming events in chronological order of most recent first
  • There is a list of options at the top of /events that allows you to filter the top 10 events by Issue, Industry, and Location (ideally this is ajax instead of page loads). The filters give you a dropdown list of options to choose from each of these. Best case design is the way rails guides does this.
  • There is a “view all events” button at the bottom of the this top 10 list that links to /events/all. This page displays all events in a list just like the top 10 list but the top 10 constraint is gone.
  • There same filter abilities work on this page On events/all events are broken up by a Month-Year header (April 2011, May 2011, etc.)
  • There is a button to display “Past Events” on the events/all page. This takes you to events/all/archive and displays the list of past events in a list broken up by Month-Year headers.
  • Calendar view moves to the bottom of the view on /events when logged in
  • Event creators have the ability to tag the event by issue, industry and region (geography). Each of these tag categories should have a free-form input field similar to the blog tag input field.

Attachment downloads in knowledge should retain the original filename that was used when it was uploaded

As a user, there is no need for the site to have the concept of parent groups and subgroups because it makes the site difficult to navigate

Acceptance Criteria

  • The CFO Alliance group is refactored to no longer be a “parent group”. All functionality given to users of that group is now available to users via their membership level
  • Every member that is basic and up is automatically given the same functionality previously available to CFO Alliance Group members
  • The group functionality on the site is now what was previously considered “subgroups” (i.e. /groups/pepper-hamilton)
  • There is a new field on the create and edit actions for articles, events, polls, questions that allow you to tag these content types to a specific group
  • Only group members are authorized to view articles, events, polls, and questions that have been tagged to a group
  • We no longer have the redundant structure of /events/event-title and /groups/group-name/events/event-title that was caused by the way group features for articles, events, polls, and questions was structured

Page Titles should have more detail and be dynamic

  • Page titles should have more contextual info about what page you're on. Every page right now just has "Achieve Next", it should be something like "Achieve Next: Groups", etc.

Create an executive in residence user type

  • This needs to be fleshed out, but down the road this would be a way to promote the community with this "super user" who gets featured and promoted in the community and interacts with our members

Idea for events pages is a "select your seat" feature

Users can opt to sign up and login with 3rd parties.

Acceptance Criteria

  • As a user I would like to be able to sign up and login to the site with my facebook or linked in accounts.
  • If a user signs up using one of these services we still need to save all of the normal required sign up fields in the database so we still need to prompt them to create these fields (except password).
  • We auto-populate any signup fields and profile fields with information from the third party whenever possible. This could work on Name, email address, and profile picture.


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