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Created June 28, 2015 06:41
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Premake5.lua for Stormlib
solution 'StormLib'
location 'build'
language 'C++'
configurations { 'Debug', 'Release', }
platforms { 'x32', 'x64' }
targetdir 'bin'
objdir 'bin'
files {
removefiles {
filter 'configurations:Debug*'
flags { 'Symbols' }
defines { '_DEBUG' }
optimize 'Debug'
filter 'configurations:Release*'
defines { 'NDEBUG' }
optimize 'Full'
filter 'system:windows'
links { 'wininet', }
defines { 'WINDOWS', '_WINDOWS' }
filter { 'system:windows', 'platforms:x32' }
defines { 'WIN32', '_WIN32' }
filter { 'system:windows', 'platforms:x64' }
defines { 'WIN64', '_WIN64' }
filter 'system:linux'
defines { '_7ZIP_ST', 'BZ_STRICT_ANSI' }
removefiles {
project 'StormLib'
kind 'StaticLib'
removefiles 'src/SBaseDumpData.cpp'
configurations {
'DebugAD', -- Debug Ansi Dynamic
'DebugAS', -- Debug Ansi Static
'DebugUD', -- Debug Unicode Dynamic
'DebugUS', -- Debug Unicode Static
'ReleaseAD', -- Release Ansi Dynamic
'ReleaseAS', -- Release Ansi Static
'ReleaseUD', -- Release Unicode Dynamic'
'ReleaseUS', -- Release Unicode Static
configmap {
['Debug'] = 'DebugUS',
['Release'] = 'ReleaseUS',
filter 'configurations:*S'
flags { 'StaticRuntime' }
filter { 'configurations:*U*', 'action:vs*' }
flags { 'Unicode' }
filter { 'configurations:*U*', 'not action:vs*' }
defines { 'UNICODE', '_UNICODE' }
filter 'DebugAD'
targetsuffix 'DAD'
filter 'ReleaseAD'
targetsuffix 'RAD'
filter 'DebugAS'
targetsuffix 'DAS'
filter 'ReleaseAS'
targetsuffix 'RAS'
filter 'DebugUD'
targetsuffix 'DUD'
filter 'ReleaseUD'
targetsuffix 'RUD'
filter 'DebugUS'
targetsuffix 'DUS'
filter 'ReleaseUS'
targetsuffix 'RUS'
project 'StormLib_dll'
kind 'SharedLib'
targetname 'Stormlib'
files {
removefiles 'src/SBaseDumpData.cpp'
filter { 'system:windows', 'action:gmake' }
linkoptions {
'-Xlinker --enable-stdcall-fixup',
filter 'Debug'
targetsuffix '_d'
project 'StormLib_test'
kind 'ConsoleApp'
files {
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