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Last active November 9, 2021 10:26
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Save leeper/404a481c26c68efddfc0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shiny App for 3D Interaction plots
ui <- shinyUI(pageWithSidebar(
titlePanel("", "3D Perspective Plot for Interaction Effects"),
sliderInput("b0", "Intercept:", min = -10, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.5),
sliderInput("b1", "Beta 1 (x1):", min = -10, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.5),
sliderInput("b2", "Beta 2 (x2):", min = -10, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.5),
sliderInput("b3", "Beta 3 (x1*x2):", min = -10, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.5),
sliderInput("nobs", "Number of Observations:", min = 10, max = 1000, value = 100, step = 10)
helpText("Select a model from those listed below"),
selectInput("modelformula", "Model Formula",
c("y ~ x1", "y ~ x2", "y ~ x1 * x2", "y ~ x1 + x1:x2", "y ~ x2 + x1:x2", "y ~ x1:x2"),
selected = "y ~ x1 * x2", multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
sliderInput("theta", "View azimuthal direction (theta):",
min = 0, max = 360, value = 45, step = 15),
sliderInput("phi", "View colatitude (phi):",
min = 0, max = 360, value = 15, step = 15),
sliderInput("distance", "View distance (d):",
min = 0, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.05)
sliderInput("density", "Grid Density:",
min = 2, max = 50, value = 10, step = 1),
colourInput("color", "Surface color:", value = "gray", allowTransparent = FALSE),
colourInput("border", "Border color:", value = "black", allowTransparent = FALSE),
sliderInput("shade", "Shade:", min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.75, step = 0.05),
sliderInput("ltheta", "Illumination azimuthal direction l(theta):",
min = 0, max = 360, value = 20, step = 10),
sliderInput("lphi", "Illumination colatitude (lphi):",
min = 0, max = 360, value = 20, step = 10)
checkboxInput("box", "Bounding box?", value = TRUE),
checkboxInput("axes", "Axis Ticks?", value = TRUE),
selectInput("ticktype", "Tick type", c("simple", "detailed"),
selected = "simple", multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE),
sliderInput("nticks", "Number of ticks:", min = 2, max = 50, value = 6, step = 2),
textInput("xlab", "x1 axis label:", value = "x1"),
textInput("ylab", "x2 axis label:", value = "x2"),
textInput("zlab", "Vertical axis label:", value = "y")
tabPanel("Marginal Effects",
selectInput("me_x2", "Marginal Effect of X1 at X2 = ", c(NA, as.character(seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))),
multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE),
colourInput("me_x2_color", "Line Color:", value = "red", allowTransparent = FALSE),
selectInput("me_x1", "Marginal Effect of X2 at X1 = ", c(NA, as.character(seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))),
multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE),
colourInput("me_x1_color", "Line Color:", value = "red", allowTransparent = FALSE)
#downloadButton("downloadImage", label = "Download Plot (.png)")
headerPanel("Plot of Interaction Effects"),
tabPanel("Perspective Plot", plotOutput("plot1"))
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
x1 <- runif(input$nobs, 0, 1)
x2 <- runif(input$nobs, 0, 1)
y <- input$b0 +
(input$b1 * x1) +
(input$b2 * x2) +
(input$b3 * x1 * x2) + rnorm(input$nobs)
m <- lm(as.formula(input$modelformula))
nx <- seq(0, 1, length.out = input$density)
z <- outer(nx, nx, FUN = function(a, b) predict(m, data.frame(x1 = a, x2 = b)))
par(mar = rep(1, 4))
p <- persp(nx, nx, z,
xlab = input$xlab, ylab = input$ylab, zlab = input$zlab,
r = input$distance,
theta = input$theta, phi = input$phi, shade = input$shade,
col = input$color, border = input$border,
ltheta = input$ltheta, lphi = input$lphi,
box = input$box, axes = input$axes,
ticktype = input$ticktype, nticks = input$nticks)
if (!$me_x1)) {
lines(trans3d(x = rep(as.numeric(input$me_x1), 2), y = c(0,1),
z = predict(m, data.frame(x1 = rep(as.numeric(input$me_x1), 2), x2 = c(0,1))),
pmat = p),
col = input$me_x1_color, lwd = 2)
if (!$me_x2)) {
lines(trans3d(x = c(0,1), y = rep(as.numeric(input$me_x2), 2),
z = predict(m, data.frame(x1 = c(0,1), x2 = rep(as.numeric(input$me_x2), 2))),
pmat = p),
col = input$me_x2_color, lwd = 2)
output$downloadImage <- downloadHandler(
filename = "perspective.png",
content = function(file) {
contentType = "image/png"
shinyApp(ui, server)
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Awesome...Can we make it interactive using some libraries like plotly or plot3D etc?

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