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Last active February 18, 2020 17:51
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Quick analysis of Google's DMCA Data
# Google DMCA Transparency Data
# 2014-07-24
# get the data
'', method = 'curl')
unzip('', files = 'google-websearch-copyright-removals/requests.csv')
# Codebook
# Request ID An ID unique to each copyright removal request Yes
# Date The date and time (in UTC) that the request was received, in ISO 8601 format Yes
# Chilling Effects URL URL to the Chilling Effects page documenting the request No
# Copyright owner ID The ID number of a unique copyright owner Yes
# Copyright owner name The name of the copyright owner associated with the request No
# Reporting organization ID The ID number of a unique reporting organization Yes
# Reporting organization name The name of the reporting organization associated with the request No
# URLs removed The number of URLs removed. Learn more. Yes
# URLs for which we took no action The number of URLs for which we took no action. Learn more. Yes
# URLs pending review The number of URLs that are still pending review. Learn more. Yes
# From Abuser If the request was submitted by someone we believe to be abusing the process Yes
classes <-
c(requestid = 'integer',
date = 'character',
url = 'character',
ownerid = 'integer',
ownername = 'character',
orgid = 'integer',
orgname = 'character',
urls_removed = 'integer',
urls_noaction = 'integer',
urls_pending = 'integer',
abuser = 'logical')
d <- read.csv('requests.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = classes, col.names = names(classes))
# only look at top reporters
n <- 40
# number of DMCA requests
tab <- head(sort(table(d$orgname), decreasing = TRUE), n)
cols <- rep('black', n)
cols[which(names(tab)=='The Publishers Association')] <- 'red'
png('barplot.png', width = 800, height = 500)
par(mar = c(3,15,1,1))
main = 'DMCA Requests to Google',
horiz = TRUE,
space = 0,
col = cols, border = 'white',
las = 1,
cex.names = .75, cex.axis = 1)
# aggregate number of URLs (rather than number of requests)
agg <- aggregate(urls_removed ~ orgname, data = d, FUN = sum)
agg <- agg[order(agg$urls_removed, decreasing = TRUE), ]
tab2 <- setNames(head(agg$urls_removed, n), head(agg$orgname, n))
cols2 <- rep('black', n)
cols2[which(names(tab2)=='The Publishers Association')] <- 'red'
png('barplot2.png', width = 800, height = 500)
par(mar = c(3,15,1,1))
main = 'DMCA URL Takedowns Requested from Google',
horiz = TRUE,
space = 0,
col = cols2, border = 'white',
las = 1,
cex.names = .75, cex.axis = 1)
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