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Last active April 30, 2016 06:36
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Check URLs in a document
# Check URLs in a document
## This code will extract URLs from a text document using regex,
## then execute an HTTP HEAD request on each and report whether
## the request failed, whether a redirect occurred, etc. It might
## be useful for cleaning up linkrot.
if (!require("httr")) {
install.packages("httr", repos = "")
extract_urls <- function(file, ...) {
f <- rawToChar(readBin(file, what = "raw", n = 1e7L))
x <- "(http|ftp|https)://([\\w_-]+(?:(?:\\.[\\w_-]+)+))([\\w.,@?^=%&:/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&/~+#-])?"
# Credit:
m <- regmatches(f, gregexpr(x, f, perl=TRUE))[[1]]
check_one <- function(url, ...) {
r <- try(httr::HEAD(url, ...), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(r, "try-error")) {
list(url1 = url,
url2 = NA_character_,
redirect = NA,
error = NA,
status = NA_real_
} else {
list(url1 = url,
url2 = r$url,
redirect = !identical(url, r$url),
error = http_error(r),
status = status_code(r)
check_urls <- function(urls, ...) {
check <- lapply(urls, check_one, ...)
out <-"", c(check, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, make.row.names = FALSE))
return(structure(out, class = c("url_check", "data.frame")))
print.url_check <- function(x, ...) {
f <-[["url2"]])
r <- x[["redirect"]]
e <- x[["error"]]
s <- x[["status"]] != 200[ (f | r | e | s) ,, drop = FALSE])
u <- extract_urls("FILENAME") # extract urls
check_urls(u) # check the URLs
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This helped a lot, thank you :-) I might have found 2 small bugs that causes some URLs to falsely appear with error & without redirect:

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