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Created January 14, 2011 05:30
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Save leepike/779216 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- | Takes a .ics file (generated by iCal), finds all the incomplete TODO items,
-- and changes them into a format that can be imported into (RTM).
-- via email
-- <>.
-- Lee Pike <lee-pike-@gmail-.-com-> (remove dashes)
-- BSD3 License
-- NO WARRANTY : This program is incomplete and likely buggy. Your mileage my vary.
-- Usage:
-- > runhaskell IcsToRTM.hs Foo.ics
-- (You must have Haskell <> installed.)
-- Outputs Foo-output.ics, containing space-separated RTM-formatted tasks to mail to RTM.
-- NOTE: Only incomplete tasks are outputted.
module IcsToRTM where
import System.FilePath
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.List
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
mapM_ parseICS args
parseICS :: String -> IO ()
parseICS file = do
str <- readFile file
let contents = lines str
let list = getList contents
-- If we reach the end of the VTODO before seeing a COMPLETED tag, then return
-- the VTODO.
let completeBeforeEnd _ [] = []
completeBeforeEnd tmp (x:xs) | "END:VTODO" `isPrefixOf` x =
reverse (x:tmp)
| "COMPLETED:" `isPrefixOf` x = []
| otherwise = completeBeforeEnd (x:tmp) xs
-- Find all the VTODOs that haven't been marked as completed.
let unfinishedTodos [] = []
unfinishedTodos (x:xs)
| isPrefixOf "BEGIN:VTODO" x =
completeBeforeEnd [] ("\n":"\n":("List:" ++ list):x:xs)
++ unfinishedTodos
(tail $ dropWhile (\y -> not $ "END:VTODO" `isPrefixOf` y) xs)
| otherwise =
(dropWhile (\y -> not $ "BEGIN:VTODO" `isPrefixOf` y) xs)
-- Do the processing.
let newFile = removeTags $ dueDate $ notes $ task (unfinishedTodos contents)
-- Make the line terminators consistent by droping carriage returns.
let strip [] = []
strip ('\CR':xs) = strip xs
strip (x:xs) = x : strip xs
-- Output replaced file.
let output = (replaceBaseName file) (takeBaseName file ++ "-output")
writeFile output (strip $ unlines newFile)
notes, removeTags, task, dueDate :: [String] -> [String]
getList :: [String] -> String
getList file = head $
foldl' (\acc str -> case stripPrefix "X-WR-CALNAME:" str of
Nothing -> acc
Just str' -> str':acc
) [] file
-- | Make the task descriptor.
task file =
map (\str -> case stripPrefix "SUMMARY" str of
Nothing -> str
Just str' -> "Task" ++ str')
-- | Get the notes.
notes file = snd $
foldl' (\(bool, acc) str ->
if bool then case stripPrefix " " str of
Nothing -> (False
, (newlines $ head acc) : str : tail acc)
Just str' -> (True, (head acc ++ str') : tail acc)
else case stripPrefix "DESCRIPTION:" str of
Nothing -> (False, str:acc)
Just str' -> (True, ("---\n" ++ str'):acc)
) (False, []) file
where newlines ('\\':'n':rst) = '\n' : newlines rst
newlines (x:rst) = x : newlines rst
newlines [] = []
-- XXX: Just gets the date right now, not the time. Not sure if this is an OK
-- format for rememberthemilk.
-- | Make the due date.
dueDate file =
map (\str -> case stripPrefix "DUE;VALUE=DATE:" str of
Nothing -> str
-- Month, Day, Year format.
Just date ->
"Due: " ++ months!!((read (take 2 $ drop 4 date)) - 1)
++ " " ++ (take 2 $ drop 6 date)
++ ", " ++ take 4 date)
-- Remove all non-rememberthemilk tags.
removeTags file =
foldl' (\acc str -> if or (map (\x -> isPrefixOf x str) keep)
then str : acc
else acc
) [] file
where keep = [ "Priority", "Due", "Repeat", "Estimate", "Tags"
, "Location", "URL", "List", "Task", "---", "\n"]
months :: [String]
months =
[ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July"
, "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
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