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Created March 29, 2013 00:17
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Save leepowers/5267871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wordpress `paginate_links_array` - get an array of objects that can be used to generate a custom HTML structure for pagination. Use this if you want the functionality of `paginate_links` without HTML being generated.
* Modification of `paginate_links()` Wordpress built-in function.
* Returns an array of objects describing links instead of generating HTML for links.
* @param array $args Same as `paginate_links()` arguments array. Exceptions: `classes` mapping for CSS classes; `type` is ignored
* @return array Returns an array of objects representing links that can be used to generate HTML
function paginate_links_array($args = '') {
$defaults = array(
'base' => '%_%', // : %_% is replaced by format (below)
'format' => '?page=%#%', // ?page=%#% : %#% is replaced by the page number
'total' => 1,
'current' => 0,
'show_all' => false,
'prev_next' => true,
'prev_text' => __('&laquo; Previous'),
'next_text' => __('Next &raquo;'),
'end_size' => 1,
'mid_size' => 2,
'type' => 'plain', // ignored - always returns an array
'add_args' => false, // array of query args to add
'add_fragment' => '',
"classes" => array(
"previous" => "prev",
"next" => "next",
"numbers" => "page-numbers",
"current" => "current",
"dots" => "dots",
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
array_merge($defaults["classes"], $classes);
// Merge classes
if (!is_array($classes)) {
$classes = array();
foreach ($defaults["classes"] as $class_name => $class_value) {
if (!array_key_exists($class_name, $classes)) {
$classes[$class_name] = $class_value;
// Who knows what else people pass in $args
$total = (int) $total;
if ($total < 2)
$current = (int) $current;
$end_size = 0 < (int) $end_size ? (int) $end_size : 1; // Out of bounds? Make it the default.
$mid_size = 0 <= (int) $mid_size ? (int) $mid_size : 2;
$add_args = is_array($add_args) ? $add_args : false;
$r = '';
$page_links = array();
$n = 0;
$dots = false;
if ($prev_next && $current && 1 < $current) :
$link = str_replace('%_%', 2 == $current ? '' : $format, $base);
$link = str_replace('%#%', $current - 1, $link);
if ($add_args)
$link = add_query_arg($add_args, $link);
$link .= $add_fragment;
$page_links[]= (object)array("classes" => array($classes["previous"], $classes["numbers"]), "url" => apply_filters('paginate_links', $link), "text" => $prev_text);
for ($n = 1; $n <= $total; $n++) :
$n_display = number_format_i18n($n);
if ($n == $current) :
$page_links[]= (object)array("classes" => array($classes["numbers"], $classes["current"]), "url" => "", "text" => $n_display);
$dots = true;
else :
if ($show_all || ( $n <= $end_size || ( $current && $n >= $current - $mid_size && $n <= $current + $mid_size ) || $n > $total - $end_size )) :
$link = str_replace('%_%', 1 == $n ? '' : $format, $base);
$link = str_replace('%#%', $n, $link);
if ($add_args)
$link = add_query_arg($add_args, $link);
$link .= $add_fragment;
$page_links[]= (object)array("classes" => array($classes["numbers"]), "url" => apply_filters('paginate_links', $link), "text" => $n_display);
$dots = true;
elseif ($dots && !$show_all) :
$page_links[]= (object)array("classes" => array($classes["numbers"], $classes["more"]), "text" => __('&hellip;'));
$dots = false;
if ($prev_next && $current && ( $current < $total || -1 == $total )) :
$link = str_replace('%_%', $format, $base);
$link = str_replace('%#%', $current + 1, $link);
if ($add_args)
$link = add_query_arg($add_args, $link);
$link .= $add_fragment;
$page_links[]= (object)array("classes" => array($classes["next"], $classes["numbers"]), "url" => apply_filters('paginate_links', $link), "text" => $next_text);
return $page_links;
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