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Created January 26, 2019 23:13
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Nand2Tetris Project 3: Memory
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/Bit.hdl
* 1-bit register:
* If load[t] == 1 then out[t+1] = in[t]
* else out does not change (out[t+1] = out[t])
CHIP Bit {
IN in, load;
OUT out;
Mux(a=outloop, b=in, sel=load, out=out1);
DFF(in=out1, out=outloop, out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/PC.hdl
* A 16-bit counter with load and reset control bits.
* if (reset[t] == 1) out[t+1] = 0
* else if (load[t] == 1) out[t+1] = in[t]
* else if (inc[t] == 1) out[t+1] = out[t] + 1 (integer addition)
* else out[t+1] = out[t]
IN in[16],load,inc,reset;
OUT out[16];
// prefix logic: inc -> load -> reset
Add16(a=outloop, b[0]=true, b[1..15]=false, out=outloopInc);
Mux16(a=outloop, b=outloopInc, sel=inc, out=t0);
Mux16(a=t0, b=in, sel=load, out=t1);
Mux16(a=t1, b=false, sel=reset, out=t2);
// loading logic
Or(a=load, b=inc, out=loadOrInc);
Or(a=loadOrInc, b=reset, out=loadRAM);
// timestep
RAM8(in=t2, load=loadRAM, out=outloop, out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/b/RAM16K.hdl
* Memory of 16K registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[14];
OUT out[16];
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[12..13],
a=load0, b=load1, c=load2, d=load3);
// RAM array
RAM4K(in=in, load=load0, address=address[0..11], out=out0);
RAM4K(in=in, load=load1, address=address[0..11], out=out1);
RAM4K(in=in, load=load2, address=address[0..11], out=out2);
RAM4K(in=in, load=load3, address=address[0..11], out=out3);
// output logic
Mux4Way16(a=out0, b=out1, c=out2, d=out3,
sel=address[12..13], out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/b/RAM4K.hdl
* Memory of 4K registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[12];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[9..11],
a=load0, b=load1, c=load2, d=load3,
e=load4, f=load5, g=load6, h=load7);
// RAM array
RAM512(in=in, load=load0, address=address[0..8], out=out0);
RAM512(in=in, load=load1, address=address[0..8], out=out1);
RAM512(in=in, load=load2, address=address[0..8], out=out2);
RAM512(in=in, load=load3, address=address[0..8], out=out3);
RAM512(in=in, load=load4, address=address[0..8], out=out4);
RAM512(in=in, load=load5, address=address[0..8], out=out5);
RAM512(in=in, load=load6, address=address[0..8], out=out6);
RAM512(in=in, load=load7, address=address[0..8], out=out7);
// output logic
Mux8Way16(a=out0, b=out1, c=out2, d=out3,
e=out4, f=out5, g=out6, h=out7,
sel=address[9..11], out=out);
// This file is part of the materials accompanying the book
// "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken,
// MIT Press. Book site:
// File name: projects/03/b/RAM512.hdl
* Memory of 512 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[9];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[6..8],
a=load0, b=load1, c=load2, d=load3,
e=load4, f=load5, g=load6, h=load7);
// RAM array
RAM64(in=in, load=load0, address=address[0..5], out=out0);
RAM64(in=in, load=load1, address=address[0..5], out=out1);
RAM64(in=in, load=load2, address=address[0..5], out=out2);
RAM64(in=in, load=load3, address=address[0..5], out=out3);
RAM64(in=in, load=load4, address=address[0..5], out=out4);
RAM64(in=in, load=load5, address=address[0..5], out=out5);
RAM64(in=in, load=load6, address=address[0..5], out=out6);
RAM64(in=in, load=load7, address=address[0..5], out=out7);
// output logic
Mux8Way16(a=out0, b=out1, c=out2, d=out3,
e=out4, f=out5, g=out6, h=out7,
sel=address[6..8], out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/RAM64.hdl
* Memory of 64 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[6];
OUT out[16];
// access logic
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[3..5],
a=load0, b=load1, c=load2, d=load3,
e=load4, f=load5, g=load6, h=load7);
// RAM array
RAM8(in=in, load=load0, address=address[0..2], out=out0);
RAM8(in=in, load=load1, address=address[0..2], out=out1);
RAM8(in=in, load=load2, address=address[0..2], out=out2);
RAM8(in=in, load=load3, address=address[0..2], out=out3);
RAM8(in=in, load=load4, address=address[0..2], out=out4);
RAM8(in=in, load=load5, address=address[0..2], out=out5);
RAM8(in=in, load=load6, address=address[0..2], out=out6);
RAM8(in=in, load=load7, address=address[0..2], out=out7);
// output logic
Mux8Way16(a=out0, b=out1, c=out2, d=out3,
e=out4, f=out5, g=out6, h=out7,
sel=address[3..5], out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/RAM8.hdl
* Memory of 8 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[3];
OUT out[16];
// access logic
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address,
a=load0, b=load1, c=load2, d=load3,
e=load4, f=load5, g=load6, h=load7);
// register array
Register(in=in, load=load0, out=out0);
Register(in=in, load=load1, out=out1);
Register(in=in, load=load2, out=out2);
Register(in=in, load=load3, out=out3);
Register(in=in, load=load4, out=out4);
Register(in=in, load=load5, out=out5);
Register(in=in, load=load6, out=out6);
Register(in=in, load=load7, out=out7);
// output logic
Mux8Way16(a=out0, b=out1, c=out2, d=out3,
e=out4, f=out5, g=out6, h=out7,
sel=address, out=out);
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/Register.hdl
* 16-bit register:
* If load[t] == 1 then out[t+1] = in[t]
* else out does not change
CHIP Register {
IN in[16], load;
OUT out[16];
Bit(in=in[0], load=load, out=out[0]);
Bit(in=in[1], load=load, out=out[1]);
Bit(in=in[2], load=load, out=out[2]);
Bit(in=in[3], load=load, out=out[3]);
Bit(in=in[4], load=load, out=out[4]);
Bit(in=in[5], load=load, out=out[5]);
Bit(in=in[6], load=load, out=out[6]);
Bit(in=in[7], load=load, out=out[7]);
Bit(in=in[8], load=load, out=out[8]);
Bit(in=in[9], load=load, out=out[9]);
Bit(in=in[10], load=load, out=out[10]);
Bit(in=in[11], load=load, out=out[11]);
Bit(in=in[12], load=load, out=out[12]);
Bit(in=in[13], load=load, out=out[13]);
Bit(in=in[14], load=load, out=out[14]);
Bit(in=in[15], load=load, out=out[15]);
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