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Created March 14, 2017 09:15
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uploading private jar files to local nexus server
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, re, subprocess
group_id = ''
repo_id = 'znbt'
repo_url = ''
sample_settings = '''<settings>
if not os.path.isfile('%s/.m2/settings.xml' % os.environ['HOME']):
print('You have no ~/.m2/settings.xml file, create it like this:')
def get_name_ver(filename):
sections = filename.split('-')
if len(sections) == 1:
return sections[0].split('.jar')[0], '1.0'
return '-'.join(sections[:-1]), sections[-1].split('.jar')[0]
subdirs = [x for x in os.walk('.')]
for subdir in subdirs:
dirname = subdir[0]
answer = input("Loop folder '%s'? [y/N] " % dirname) or 'N'
if answer != 'y':
jars = [x for x in subdir[2] if x.endswith('.jar')]
for jar in jars:
defname, defver = get_name_ver(jar)
filepath = os.path.join(subdir[0], jar)
print('Uploading jar %s:' % jar)
final_name = input('artifact name [%s]: ' % defname) or defname
final_version = input('artifact version [%s]: ' % defver) or defver
command = 'mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=%s'\
' -DartifactId=%s -Dversion=%s -Dpackaging=jar'\
' -Dfile=%s -DgeneratePom=true -DrepositoryId=%s'\
' -Durl="%s"' % (group_id, final_name, final_version,
filepath, repo_id, repo_url)
print('-------'), shell=True)
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