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Last active July 21, 2018 03:59
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Save leevigraham/922bcd86ebd30dd861d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OSX install Script
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
sudo -v
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Work/Clients
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Work/Internal
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Personal
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/Torrents
xcode-select --install
[[ -f ~/.ssh/ ]] || ssh-keygen -t rsa
[[ -f ~/.ssh/ ]] && cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
ssh -T
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/php
brew tap caskroom/versions
# Ruby
sudo -v
brew install rbenv
brew install rbenv-gem-rehash
brew install ruby-build
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
rbenv install 2.1.3
rbenv global 2.1.3
which ruby
gem update --system
gem install bundler capistrano scss-lint
# In order to use this build of bash as your login shell, it must be added to /etc/shells.
sudo -v
brew install vim --override-system-vi
brew install bash
brew install bash-completion
brew install git
brew install mysql
brew install hub --HEAD
brew install node
brew install wget
brew install grep
brew install editorconfig
brew install selenium-server-standalone
brew install imagemagick --with-webp
brew install optipng
brew install graphviz
brew install ant
brew install dockutil
brew install grc
brew install mongo
brew install rabbitmq
[ ! -d ~/Library/LaunchAgents ] && mkdir -v ~/Library/LaunchAgents
[ -f $(brew --prefix mysql)/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ] && ln -sfv $(brew --prefix mysql)/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
[ -e ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ] && launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist
sudo -v
brew install php56
brew install php56-twig
brew install php56-imagick
brew install php56-mcrypt
brew install php56-xdebug
brew install php56-xhprof
brew install php56-mongo
brew install php-cs-fixer
brew install phpunit
brew install phpmd
brew install behat
brew install composer
brew install boris
brew install php-code-sniffer
cd /usr/local/etc/php-code-sniffer/Standards
git clone git:// Symfony2
composer self-update
sudo sed -i '-default' "s|^;\(date\.timezone[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 \"$(sudo systemsetup -gettimezone|awk -F": " '{print $2}')\"|; s|^\(memory_limit[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 256M|; s|^\(post_max_size[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 200M|; s|^\(upload_max_filesize[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 100M|; s|^\(default_socket_timeout[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 600|; s|^\(max_execution_time[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 300|; s|^\(max_input_time[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 600|;" $(brew --prefix)/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
sudo sed -i .bak 's/DirectoryIndex index.html/DirectoryIndex index.html index.php/g' /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
sudo sed -i .bak 's/#LoadModule php5_module libexec\/apache2\/ php5_module \/usr\/local\/opt\/php56\/libexec\/apache2\/' /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
echo '<?php phpinfo();' >> /Volumes/Sites/index.php;
sudo -v
sudo apachectl restart
chmod -R ug+w /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.*/lib/php
pear config-set php_ini /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
cd /Volumes/Sites/Work/Internal
git clone
cd xhgui
chmod -R 0777 cache
composer install
cp config/config.default.php config/config.php
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
sudo -v
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
echo 'export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=/Applications"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
brew cask install dropbox
brew cask install firefox
brew cask install hipchat
brew cask install atom
brew cask install nvalt
brew cask install gitx-rowanj
brew cask install the-unarchiver
brew cask install phpstorm
brew cask install sequel-pro
brew cask install virtualhostx
brew cask install transmit
brew cask install transmission
brew cask install xquartz
brew cask install vlc
brew cask install sitesucker
brew cask install skype
brew cask install macvim
brew cask install tower
brew cask install omnigraffle
brew cask install invisionsync
sudo -v
brew cask install quicklook-json
brew cask install quicklook-csv
brew cask install betterzipql
brew cask install qlstephen
brew cask install qlcolorcode
brew cask install colorpicker-developer
brew cask install colorpicker-hex
# Need to be moved into /Applications to allow sandboxing and extensions to work
brew cask install google-chrome
rm /Applications/Google\
sudo cp -R /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/latest/Google\ /Applications
apm install tomorrow-night-eighties
sudo -v
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g jshint
npm install -g uglify-js
dockutil --remove "Contacts" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Notes" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Maps" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "FaceTime" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Photo Booth" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iBooks" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "App Store" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Launchpad" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "System Preferences" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Pages" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Numbers" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Keynote" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iPhoto" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Reminders" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Outlook" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Excel" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft PowerPoint" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Word" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iTunes" --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/Google\ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/Sequel\ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --move "Mail" --position 1 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Calendar" --position 2 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Messages" --position 3 --no-restart
dockutil --move "HipChat" --position 4 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Skype" --position 5 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Google Chrome" --position 6 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Firefox" --position 7 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Safari" --position 8 --no-restart
dockutil --move "PhpStorm" --position 9 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Atom" --position 10 --no-restart
dockutil --move "VirtualHostX" --position 11 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Sequel Pro" --position 12 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Terminal" --position 13 --no-restart
/usr/bin/killall -HUP Dock >/dev/null 2>&1
touch ~/.extra
cd ~/;
git clone && cd dotfiles && source && ./.osx
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Firefox"
open -a "Safari"
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