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Last active May 15, 2023 02:52
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Stupid problematic script to simplify UFW logs
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define maxPortCount 65536
struct portsStruct{
// char port[6];
int count;
static const char version[] = "20230427";
static bool isVerbose = false;
static bool isOutgoing = false;
static bool isLoopback = false;
static bool isCustomPort = false;
static char customPort[6] = "";
static const char segmentSeperator[2] = " ";
static const char valueSeperator[2] = "=";
//static const int maxPortCount = 65536;
static struct portsStruct portsHistory[maxPortCount] = {0};
void printBanner(const char version[]){
printf(" ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< \n");
printf(" < R A G E - INF%8s > \n", version);
printf(" < > \n");
printf(" ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< \n");
int fileInit(int argc, char *argv[], FILE **fileIn){
if(argc > 1){
bool fileParamTry = true;
char *paramIsVerbose = strdup("--verbose");
char *paramIsOutgoing = strdup("--outgoing");
char *paramIsLoopback = strdup("--loopback");
char *paramCustomPort = strdup("--port=");
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
if(!strcmp(argv[i], paramIsVerbose)){
// set verbose
isVerbose = true;
printf(" <i> isVerbose = true \n");
if(!strcmp(argv[i], paramIsOutgoing)){
// set isOutgoing
isOutgoing = true;
printf(" <i> isOutgoing = true \n");
if(!strcmp(argv[i], paramIsLoopback)){
// set isLoopback
isLoopback = true;
printf(" <i> isLoopback = true \n");
if(strstr(argv[i], paramCustomPort)){
// check if custom port param is valid
*fileIn = fopen(argv[i], "r");
if(*fileIn != NULL){
fileParamTry = false;
if (*fileIn == NULL) {
// open file in reading mode
*fileIn = fopen("ufw.log", "r");
if (*fileIn != NULL) {
return 0;
return -1;
int collector(int currentPort, bool isIncoming){
// int currentPort = atoi(port);
if(currentPort > 0 && currentPort < maxPortCount){
return portsHistory[currentPort].count;
return -1;
int decryptor(char *inputLine){
// init vars.
bool isAllow = false;
bool isIncoming = false;
bool isUDP = false;
char valIncomingInt[10];
char valOutgoingInt[10];
char valSrc[40];
char valDest[40];
char valSrcPort[6];
char valDestport[6];
// split line into segments using seperator
char *segmentPointer;
char *segment = strtok_r(strdup(inputLine), segmentSeperator, &segmentPointer);
while (segment != NULL){
// evaluate segment
if(strstr(segment, "ALLOW]") || strstr(segment, "AUDIT]")){
// mark traffic as allowed
isAllow = true;
// do nothing, default is already true.
// isAllow = false;
// break;
// we cannot break here because first segment is date, not BLOCK]
if(strstr(segment, "IN=")){
if(strcmp(segment, "IN=") == 0){
// for outgoing traffic, IN= is unspecified.
strcpy(valIncomingInt, "X");
// IN= is specified with an interface, mark as incoming.
isIncoming = true;
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valIncomingInt, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
if(strstr(segment, "OUT=")){
// fixup! revert the behaviour, we not controlling other ppl's firewall!
if(!isIncoming || true){
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valOutgoingInt, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
strcpy(valOutgoingInt, "X");
if(strstr(segment, "SRC=")){
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valSrc, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
if(strstr(segment, "DST=")){
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valDest, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
if(strstr(segment, "SPT=")){
// incoming traffic, we only want destination ports.
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valSrcPort, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
if(strstr(segment, "DPT=")){
// grep value
char *tmpPointer;
char *tmp = strtok_r(strdup(segment), valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// move pointer to get actual value
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
while(tmp != NULL){
strcpy(valDestport, tmp);
tmp = strtok_r(NULL, valueSeperator, &tmpPointer);
// outgoing traffic, we only want incoming ports.
// continue to next segment
segment = strtok_r(NULL, segmentSeperator, &segmentPointer);
return -1;
bool trafficIsLoopback = (!strcmp(valIncomingInt, "lo") || !strcmp(valOutgoingInt, "lo"));
if(isLoopback && !trafficIsLoopback){
return -1;
}else if(!isLoopback && trafficIsLoopback){
return -1;
int currentPort = -1;
currentPort = atoi(valDestport);
}else if(isOutgoing){
currentPort = atoi(valSrcPort);
// printf("%d \n", collector(currentPort, false));
collector(currentPort, false);
printf("Incoming Interface: %s \n", valIncomingInt);
printf("Incoming to Port: %s \n", valDestport);
}else if(isOutgoing){
// usually we don't care about outgoing
// printf("Incoming Interface: %s \n", valIncomingInt);
printf("Outgoing Interface: %s \n", valOutgoingInt);
printf("Outgoing from Port: %s \n", valSrcPort);
if(isIncoming || isOutgoing){
printf("Source Address: %s \n", valSrc);
printf("Destination Address: %s \n", valDest);
return 0;
int analyzer(){
printf(" +---------------------+ \n");
printf(" | A N A L Y S I S | \n");
printf(" +---------------------+ \n");
for(int i = 0; i < maxPortCount; i++){
int currentPort = i;
int currentHistory = portsHistory[currentPort].count;
if(currentHistory < 1){
printf(" > ");
printf("[Port %5d]: %d \n", currentPort, currentHistory);
printf(" +- COMPLETE. ---------+ \n");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// print our (my) beautiful (ugly) banner (rubbish)
// initialize log file
FILE *fileIn = NULL;
if (fileInit(argc, argv, &fileIn)) {
printf(" <e> ufw.log not found. \n");
return -1;
printf(" ---------------------------------- \n");
// reading every line of the file
/// it must be larger than 255 because the line appearently, too long lol.
/// it will not fail, but the line will be cut.
char fileBuf[1024];
while (fgets(fileBuf, sizeof(fileBuf), fileIn) != NULL) {
// Google: pointer copy string c
char *currentLine = strdup(fileBuf);
// skip if line is empty
return 0;
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