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Created March 31, 2021 10:01
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FiPy solving PDE on 1D cylindrical coordinates - Stackoverflow question
import fipy as fp ## finite volume PDE solver
from import numerix ## requirement for FiPy, in practice same as numpy
import copy ## we need the deepcopy() function because some FiPy objects are mutable
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
## numeric implementation of Dirac delta function as mentioned in the equation above
def delta_func(x, epsilon, coeff):
return ((x < epsilon) & (x > -epsilon)) * \
(coeff * (1 + numerix.cos(numerix.pi * x / epsilon)) / (2 * epsilon))
## Logarithmic data plotting with logaritmic time scale (base=10)
## plotting function requires a numpy.array with dimensions nt*nr*2,
## ticks sets the number of ticks on the colorbar (recommendended<=10)
## levels sets the number of color levels on the contour plot
## logdiff sets the interesting data interval width from the maximum down by 10^logdiff
def plot_solution(solution_array,ticks=10,levels=300,logdiff=10,figsize=(8,7)):
sol_min = solution_array[:,:,1].min()
sol_max = solution_array[:,:,1].max()
logmax = math.ceil(np.log10(sol_max))
logmin = logmax - logdiff
numofticks = ticks
div = logdiff // numofticks
power = np.arange((logmax - (numofticks * div)), logmax, div)
array1 = np.zeros(len(power)) + 10.
ticks1 = np.power(array1, power)
levels1 = np.logspace(logmin,logmax,levels, base=10.0)
norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=(10 ** logmin),vmax=sol_max)
formatter = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatter(10, labelOnlyBase=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
plot = plt.contourf(solution_array[0,:,0], np.linspace(dt,duration,nt), solution_array[:,:,1],
levels=levels1, norm=norm,
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_facecolor((0.,0.,0.25)) ## dark blue will display where the values are too small
cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=ticks1, format=formatter)
cbar.set_label(r'Density (1/m$^3$)')
plt.xlabel('radius (m)')
plt.ylabel(r'log$_{10}$[time (s)]')
plt.title(r'Density of runaway electrons (1/m$^3$)')
## diffCoeff=100, convCoeff=1000
R_from = 0.7 ## inner radius in meters
R_to = 1. ## outer radius in meters
nr = 1000 ## number of mesh cells
dr = (R_to - R_from) / nr ## distance between the centers of the mesh cells
duration = 0.001 ## length of examined time evolution in seconds
nt = 1000 ## number of timesteps
dt = duration / nt ## length of one timestep
## 3D array for storing the density with the correspondant radius values
## the density values corresponding to the n-th timestep will be in the n-th line
solution = np.zeros((nt,nr,2))
## loading the radial coordinates into the array
for j in range(nr):
solution[:,j,0] = (j * dr) + (dr / 2) + R_from
mesh = fp.CylindricalGrid1D(dx=dr, nx=nr) ## 1D mesh based on the radial coordinates
mesh = mesh + (0.7,) ## translation of the mesh to r=0.7
n = fp.CellVariable(mesh=mesh) ## fipy.CellVariable for the density solution in each timestep
diracLoc = 0.8 ## location of the middle of the Dirac delta
diracCoeff = 1. ## Dirac delta coefficient ("height")
diracPercentage = 2 ## width of Dirac delta (full width from 0 to 0) in percentage of full examined radius
diracWidth = int((nr / 100) * diracPercentage)
## diffusion coefficient
diffCoeff = fp.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=100.)
## convection coefficient - must be a vector
# cC = (numerix.sin(mesh.x)) * 2
convCoeff = fp.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=(1000.,))
## boundary conditions
gradLeft = (0.,) ## density gradient (at the "left side of the radius") - must be a vector
valueRight = 0. ## density value (at the "right end of the radius")
n.faceGrad.constrain(gradLeft, where=mesh.facesLeft) ## applying Neumann boundary condition
n.constrain(valueRight, mesh.facesRight) ## applying Dirichlet boundary condition
convCoeff.setValue(0, where=mesh.x<(R_from + dr)) ## convection coefficient 0 at the inner edge
## applying initial conditions
n.setValue(delta_func(mesh.x - diracLoc, diracWidth * dr, diracCoeff))
## the PDE
eq = (fp.TransientTerm() == fp.DiffusionTerm(coeff=diffCoeff)
- fp.ConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff))
## Solving the PDE and storing the data
for i in range(nt):
eq.solve(var=n, dt=dt)
## Plotting the results
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