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Created May 24, 2013 17:03
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canopy gherkin
module gherkin
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Linq
type Mode = Given | When | Then
type gwt () = class
let mutable mode = Given
let mutable givens : (unit -> unit) list = []
let mutable whens : (unit -> unit) list = []
let mutable thens : (unit -> unit) list = []
member x.Mode
with get() = mode
and set(value) = mode <- value
member x.Givens
with get() = givens
and set(value) = givens <- givens @ [value]
member x.Whens
with get() = whens
and set(value) = whens <- whens @ [value]
member x.Thens
with get() = thens
and set(value) = thens <- thens @ [value]
let mutable fs : (string * (string list -> unit)) list = []
let private find text =
let potentialMatches =
|> (fun (t, f) -> (Regex.Matches(text, t).Cast<Match>()
|> List.ofSeq, f))
let ms =
|> List.sortBy (fun match' -> (fst match').Count() )
|> List.rev
|> List.head
let bestMatch, f =
((fst ms)
|> List.sortBy (fun m -> m.Groups.Count)
|> List.rev
|> List.head, (snd ms))
if bestMatch.Groups.Count > 1 then
let args = [1 .. bestMatch.Groups.Count - 1] |> i -> bestMatch.Groups.Item(i).Value)
(fun () -> f args)
(fun () -> f [bestMatch.Groups.Item(0).Value])
with _ -> failwith ("cant find: " + text)
let Register text f =
fs <- fs @ [(text, f)]
let Given text =
let gwt = new gwt()
gwt.Givens <- find text
let When text (gwt : gwt) =
gwt.Whens <- find text
gwt.Mode <- When
let Then text (gwt : gwt) =
gwt.Thens <- find text
gwt.Mode <- Then
let And text (gwt : gwt) =
match gwt.Mode with
| Given -> gwt.Givens <- find text
| When -> gwt.Whens <- find text
| Then -> gwt.Thens <- find text
let Execute (gwt: gwt) =
gwt.Givens |> List.iter (fun f -> f())
gwt.Whens |> List.iter (fun f -> f())
gwt.Thens |> List.iter (fun f -> f())
module login
open gherkin
open canopy
Register "that a user is on the '(.*)' page" (fun args ->
match args.Head with
| "Login" ->
url "http://localhost:49299/"
| "Create Faq" ->
url "http://localhost:49299/Faq/Create"
| _ -> ()
Register "base given" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("base given called"))
Register "and given" (fun ags -> System.Console.WriteLine("and given called"))
Register "base when" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("base when called"))
Register "and when" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("and when called"))
Register "base then" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("base then called"))
Register "and then" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("and then called"))
Register "'(.*)' wins" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("{0} called", args.Head))
Register "`(.*)` wins" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("{0} called", args.Head))
Register "`(.*)` and `(.*)` loses" (fun args -> System.Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} loses called", args.[0], args.[1]))
module login_tests
open canopy
open gherkin
open runner
let loginButton = "input[type='submit']"
let email = "#email"
let password = "#password"
let login username password =
email << username
password << password
click loginButton
let Tests () =
test(fun _ ->
Given "base given" |>
And "and given" |>
And "and given" |>
When "base when" |>
And "and when" |>
And "and when" |>
Then "base then" |>
And "and then" |>
And "and then" |>
And "'jordan' wins" |>
And "`chris` wins" |>
And "`bob` and `sue` loses" |>
test(fun _ ->
Given "that a user is on the 'Login' page" |>
And "there is a user registered with email ''" |>
When "the user supplies an 'email' of ''" |>
And "clicks the 'Submit' button" |>
Then "the should be on the 'Login' page" |>
And "an error message should be displayed" |>
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