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Created November 16, 2021 14:39
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let sommets_exemple = [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9] ;;
let arcs_exemple = [(0,1);(1,3);(0,2);(2,3);(3,5);(3,4);(4,2);(4,7);(6,4);(6,7);(7,8);(7,9);(8,9)] ;;
type graphe_1 = bool array array ;;
type graphe_2 = int list array ;;
(* 1.1 *)
let construction_1 sommets arcs =
let n = (List.length sommets) in
let arr = Array.make_matrix n n false in
let rec aux l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| ((a, b)::tl) -> begin
arr.(a).(b) <- true;
aux tl
aux arcs;
let sommets_exemple = [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9] ;;
let arcs_exemple = [(0,1);(1,3);(0,2);(2,3);(3,5);(3,4);(4,2)
;(4,7);(6,4);(6,7);(7,8);(7,9);(8,9)] ;;
let res = construction_1 sommets_exemple arcs_exemple;;
(* 1.2 *)
List.iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "%d," x) @@ List.filter (fun x -> x<10) [2; 3; 54];;
let construction_2 sommets arcs =
let n = (List.length sommets) in
let arr = Array.make n 0 in
let aux sommet = match sommet with
| [] -> []
| (a::b)::tl ->List.filter (fun (a::b) -> a = arc) arcs;
let rec aux l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| ((a, b)::tl) -> begin
arr.(a).(b) <- true;
aux tl
aux arcs;
let construction_2 list list_c =
let taille_l = List.length(list) in
let (mat:graphe_2) = Array.make taille_l [] in
let rec aux list = match list with
| [] -> ()
| (a,b)::tl -> begin
mat.(a) <- b::mat.(a);
aux tl
aux list_c;
let g1 = construction_2 sommets_exemple arcs_exemple;;
let rec appartient a l = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl when hd = a -> true
| hd::tl -> appartient a tl
let rec retourne l = match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (retourne tl) @ [hd]
;; *)
let retourne l =
let rec aux l_1 l_2 =
match l_1 with
| [] -> l_2
| hd::tl -> aux tl (hd::l_2)
aux l [];;
let rec range n = match n with
| 0 -> []
| _ -> n::(range (n-1));;
print_string "\n";;
let rec bfs (g:graphe_2) liste_vu liste_a_voir =
match liste_a_voir with
| [] -> liste_vu
| s::reste ->
if appartient s liste_vu then
bfs g liste_vu reste
let voisins = g.(s) in
bfs g (s::liste_vu) (reste @ voisins)
let parcours (g:graphe_2) s = retourne @@ bfs g [] [s];;
let res2 = parcours g1 3;;
print_string "\n==parcours==\n";;
List.iter (Printf.printf "%d, ") res2;;
print_string "\n====\n"
let rec liste_num ls n = match ls with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (hd, n)::(liste_num tl n)
let rec appartient_couple e ls = match ls with
| [] -> false
| (a, n)::tl when a = e -> true
| hd::tl -> appartient_couple e tl
let map_list item =
(string_of_int (snd item))
List.iter (Printf.printf "%s, ") @@ map_list @@ liste_num [43; 54; 2] 3;;
let rec bfs_distance (g:graphe_2) liste_vu liste_a_voir dist =
match liste_a_voir with
| [] -> liste_vu
| s::reste ->
if appartient_couple s liste_vu then
bfs_distance g liste_vu reste (dist+1)
(* Traitement *)
let voisins = liste_num (g.(fst(s))) dist in
bfs_distance g (s::liste_vu) (reste @ voisins) (dist+1)
let parcours_distance (g:graphe_2) s =
retourne @@ bfs_distance g [] [(s, 0)] 0;;
print_string "\n===parcours_distance===\n";;
parcours_distance g1 3;;
let chemin g d a =
;; *)
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