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Created June 9, 2021 08:29
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TP 09/06/2021 Avec clémmmmm
type 'a binaryTree =
| None
| Node of ('a binaryTree)*'a*('a binaryTree)
let tree1 = Node(
Node(None, 5, None),
Node(None, 17, None),
Node(None, 20, None),
Node(None, 26, None)
Node(None, 36, None),
Node(None, 77, None)
open Graphics;;
#load "graphics.cma";;
let draw_tree tree =
Graphics.open_graph "1000x1000";
Graphics.clear_graph ();
Graphics.fill_rect 0 0 1000 1000;
let rec aux subTree x y i = match subTree with
| None -> ()
| Node(left, la, right) -> (
Graphics.moveto (x) (y);
(if left != None then (
Graphics.moveto (x-3) (y-5);
let toX = x-(i/2) and toY = (y-100) in
Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
Graphics.lineto (toX+5) (toY+10);
aux left toX toY (i/2);
(if right != None then (
let toX = x+(i/2) and toY = (y-100) in
Graphics.moveto (x+9) (y-5);
Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
Graphics.lineto (toX+5) (toY+10);
aux right toX toY (i/2);
Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
Graphics.fill_circle (x+5) (y+5) 17;
Graphics.fill_circle (x+5) (y+5) 15;
let label = (string_of_int la) in
Graphics.moveto (x-(if la >= 10 then 3 else 0)) (y-(if la >= 10 then 2 else 1));
Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
Graphics.draw_string label;
(aux tree 500 800 500);;
Graphics.moveto 0 480;;
Graphics.draw_string "hello, world!";;
draw_tree tree1;;
type comparaison = Inf | Egal | Sup;;
let compare_int x y = if x<y then Inf else if x=y then Egal else Sup;;
(* Vérifie si x est dans l'arbre de recherche *)
let rec recherche tree x comp = match tree with
| None -> false
| Node(left, e, right) ->
match (comp x e) with
| Egal -> true
| Inf -> recherche left x comp
| Sup -> recherche right x comp
recherche tree1 15 compare_int;;
let rec min_gauche_max_droit tree = match tree with
| None -> failwith "Message d'erreur ptdr"
| Node(None, e, None) -> (e, e)
| Node(left, e, None) -> (fst (min_gauche_max_droit left), e)
| Node(None, e, right) -> (e, snd (min_gauche_max_droit right))
| Node(left, e, right) -> (fst (min_gauche_max_droit left), snd (min_gauche_max_droit right))
min_gauche_max_droit tree1;;
let rec verif_arb_rech tree = match tree with
| None -> failwith "Message d'erreur ptdr"
| Node(None, e, None) -> (e, e)
| Node(left, e, None) -> (fst (min_gauche_max_droit left), e)
| Node(None, e, right) -> (e, snd (min_gauche_max_droit right))
| Node(left, e, right) -> (fst (min_gauche_max_droit left), snd (min_gauche_max_droit right))
let rec verif_arb_rech tree comp = match tree with
| None -> failwith "Coup dur, tu n'a pas pu gifler macron"
| Node(None, e, None) -> true
| Node(left, e, right) -> (
(verif_arb_rech left comp) &&
(verif_arb_rech right comp) &&
(comp e (snd (min_gauche_max_droit left))) == Sup &&
(comp e (snd (min_gauche_max_droit right))) == Inf
(* MONTJOIE SAINT DENIS!!!! le plus à droite de l'elem gauche doit être plus
petit que la racine et la racine doit être inf que l'elem le plus à droite *)
verif_arb_rech tree1 compare_int;;
let isSearch tree comp =
let rec aux tree = match tree with
| None -> failwith "Coup dur"
| Node(None, e, None) -> (e, e, true)
| Node(left, e, None) -> (
let (min, max, isSearch) = (aux left) in
(min, e, isSearch && ((comp e min) = Egal || (comp e min) = Inf))
| Node(None, e, right) -> (
let (min, max, isSearch) = (aux right) in
(min, e, isSearch && ((comp e max) = Egal || (comp e max) = Sup))
| Node(left, e, right) -> (
let (minL, maxL, isSearchL) = (aux left) in
let (minR, maxR, isSearchR) = (aux right) in
minL, maxR,
isSearchL && isSearchR && (
(comp e maxL = Sup || comp e maxL = Egal) &&
(comp e minR = Inf || comp e minR = Egal)
aux tree
isSearch tree1 compare_int;;
(* Question 4, Deuxième méthode *)
let rec verif_tri liste comp =
match liste with
| [] -> true
| [a] -> true
| a::b::reste -> ((comp a b) == Inf || (comp a b) == Egal) && (verif_tri (b::reste) comp)
verif_tri [ -2; -1; 0; 2; 10; 50; 52 ] compare_int;;
let rec infixe bt = match bt with
| None -> []
| Node(left, x, right) ->
(infixe left)@[x]@(infixe right)
let verif_2 arbre comp =
let i = infixe arbre in
verif_tri i comp;;
verif_2 (Node(Node(None, 12, None), 2, None)) compare_int;;
(* DS: Exo complexité plutot simple comment calculer l'odre de grandeur complexit et autre exo sur les arbre *)
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