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Last active September 25, 2020 19:00
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Svelte, Malina.js
Svelte Malina.js Shortcut / Comment
Reference to element
bind:this={ref} #ref
1-way binding
prop={prop} prop={prop}
{prop} {prop}
2-way binding
bind:value={value} bind:value={value} :value={value} / :value:value
bind:value bind:value :value
class:name={value} class:name={value}
class:name class:name
- style:name={value} set style, like class binding
- style:name -//-
use:action use:action *action
use:action={param} use:action={param} *action={param}
- use={$element.focus()} *{$element.focus()}
Run some js-code on element, inline action
on:event={handler} on:event={handler} @event:handler
on:event={() => handler(5)} on:event={() => handler(5)} @event={handler(5)}
emit event
import { createEventDispatcher }
from 'svelte';
let emit=createEventDispatcher();
emit('message', 'Hello!')
$emit('message', 'Hello!')
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