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Created October 11, 2015 12:01
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import vibe.d;
import core.time;
import std.stdio;
TCPConnection[] workers;
bool logging;
shared static this()
logging = false;
writeln("Start worker connector");
listenTCP_s(8011, &worker_handler);
writeln("Start client connector");
listenTCP_s(8010, &handler);
struct Block {
ubyte code;
uint size;
ubyte[] buf;
uint readBlock(TCPConnection conn, Block *block) {
ubyte[4] buf;
if(!conn.waitForData(dur!"seconds"(100L))) {
writeln("Read head timeout");
return 1;
block.code = buf[0];
block.size = buf[1] + (buf[2] << 8) + (buf[3] << 16);
block.buf = new ubyte[block.size];
if(!conn.waitForData(dur!"seconds"(100L))) {
writeln("Read body timeout");
return 1;
return 0;
uint writeBlock(TCPConnection conn, Block *block) {
ubyte[4] head;
uint size = block.size;
head[0] = block.code;
head[1] = size & 0xff;
head[2] = (size & 0xff00) >> 8;
head[3] = (size & 0xff0000) >> 16;
return 0;
void worker_handler(TCPConnection conn) {
writeln("Worker connected");
Block block;
if(readBlock(conn, &block)) return;
workers ~= conn;
writeln("Worker disconected");
void handler(TCPConnection conn) {
writeln("Client connected");
TCPConnection worker;
Block req;
if(logging) { writeln("Read client"); }
if(readBlock(conn, &req)) return;
req.code = 15;
if(logging) { writeln(1, workers); }
// wait worker
while(workers.length == 0) {
worker = workers[$-1];
workers.length -= 1;
if(logging) { writeln(2, workers); }
if(logging) { writeln("Write worker"); }
writeBlock(worker, &req);
if(logging) { writeln("read worker"); }
Block resp;
if(readBlock(worker, &resp)) {
writeln("Error read worker");
workers ~= worker; // send worker to queue
if(logging) { writeln("Write client"); }
writeBlock(conn, &resp);
if(logging) { writeln("loop end"); }
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