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Last active November 25, 2019 23:42
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Putting It All Together (More practice with async and await)
// Part 1
// Part 2
//You can call the provided async function fetchUsername to return the username
// Part 3
//You can call the provided async function logoutUser to logout the user
String addHello(user) => 'Hello $user';
Future<String> greetUser() async {
var username = await fetchUsername();
return addHello(username);
Future<String>sayGoodbye() async {
try {
var result = await logoutUser();
return '$result Thanks, see you next time';
} catch (e) {
return 'Failed to logout user: $e';
List<String> messages = [];
bool logoutSucceeds = false;
const passed = 'PASSED';
const noCatch = 'NO_CATCH';
const typoMessage = 'Test failed! Check for typos in your return value';
const didNotImplement = 'Test failed! Did you forget to implement or return from ';
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
Future<String> fetchUsername() => Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => 'Jean');
String failOnce () {
if (logoutSucceeds) {
return 'Success!';
} else {
logoutSucceeds = true;
throw Exception('Logout failed');
logoutUser() => Future.delayed(oneSecond, failOnce);
main() async {
try {
// ignore: cascade_invocations
testLabel: 'Part 1',
testResult: await asyncEquals(
expected: 'Hello Jerry',
actual: addHello('Jerry'),
typoKeyword: 'Jerry'
readableErrors: {
typoMessage: typoMessage,
'null': '$didNotImplement addHello?',
'Hello Instance of \'Future<String>\'': 'Looks like you forgot to use the \'await\' keyword!',
'Hello Instance of \'_Future<String>\'': 'Looks like you forgot to use the \'await\' keyword!',
testLabel: 'Part 2',
testResult: await asyncEquals(
expected: 'Hello Jean',
actual: await greetUser(),
typoKeyword: 'Jean'
readableErrors: {
typoMessage: typoMessage,
'null': '$didNotImplement greetUser?',
'HelloJean' : 'Looks like you forgot the space between \'Hello\' and \'Jean\'',
'Hello Instance of \'Future<String>\'': 'Looks like you forgot to use the \'await\' keyword!',
'Hello Instance of \'_Future<String>\'': 'Looks like you forgot to use the \'await\' keyword!',
'{Closure: (String) => dynamic from Function \'addHello\': static.(await fetchUsername())}': 'Did you place the \'\$\' character correctly?',
'{Closure \'addHello\'(await fetchUsername())}': 'Did you place the \'\$\' character correctly?',
testLabel: 'Part 3',
testResult: await asyncDidCatchException(sayGoodbye),
readableErrors: {
typoMessage: '$typoMessage. Did you add the text \'Thanks! See you next time!\'?',
'null': '$didNotImplement sayGoodbye?',
noCatch: 'Did you remember to call logoutUser within a try/catch block?',
'Instance of \'Future<String>\' Thanks, see you next time':'Did you remember to use the \'await\' keyword in the sayGoodbye function?',
'Instance of \'_Future<String>\' Thanks, see you next time':'Did you remember to use the \'await\' keyword in the sayGoodbye function?',
testLabel: 'Part 3',
testResult: await asyncEquals(
expected: 'Success! Thanks, see you next time',
actual: await sayGoodbye(),
typoKeyword: 'Success'
readableErrors: {
typoMessage: '$typoMessage. Did you add the text \'Thanks! See you next time!\'?',
'null': '$didNotImplement sayGoodbye?',
noCatch: 'Did you remember to call logoutUser within a try/catch block?',
'Instance of \'Future<String>\' Thanks, see you next time':'Did you remember to use the \'await\' keyword in the sayGoodbye function?',
'Instance of \'_Future<String>\' Thanks, see you next time':'Did you remember to use the \'await\' keyword in the sayGoodbye function?',
'Instance of \'_Exception\'': 'CAUGHT Did you remember to return a string?',
..removeWhere((m) => m.contains(passed))
if (messages.isEmpty) {
} else {
_result(false, messages);
} catch (e) {
_result(false, ['Tried to run solution, but received an exception: ${e}']);
///////////// Test Helpers /////////////
String makeReadable({ String testResult, Map readableErrors, String testLabel }) {
String readable;
if (readableErrors.containsKey(testResult)) {
readable = readableErrors[testResult];
return '$testLabel $readable';
} else if ((testResult != passed) && (testResult.length < 18)) {
readable = typoMessage;
return '$testLabel $readable';
} else {
return '$testLabel $testResult';
void passIfNoMessages(List<String> messages, Map<String, String> readable){
if (messages.isEmpty) {
} else {
// ignore: omit_local_variable_types
List<String> userMessages = messages
.where((message) => readable.containsKey(message))
.map((message) => readable[message])
_result(false, userMessages);
//////////// Assertions ///////////////
Future<String> asyncEquals({expected, actual, String typoKeyword}) async {
var strActual = actual is String ? actual : actual.toString();
try {
if (expected == actual) {
return passed;
} else if (strActual.contains(typoKeyword)) {
return typoMessage;
} else {
return strActual;
} catch(e) {
return e;
Future<String> asyncDidCatchException(Function fn) async {
var caught = true;
try {
await fn();
} on Exception catch(_) {
caught = false;
if (caught == true) {
return passed;
} else {
return noCatch;
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