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Created June 17, 2018 13:04
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compile string to DOM
* 将字符串编译为 DOM 结构
* @deprecated 请注意,不要用该函数,因为 compile('<div></div><p></p>') 会编译成嵌套结构:<p><div></div></p>
* @public
* @param {String} domString
* @return {HTMLElement}
* @throws {Error} 如果输入不是合法的 DOM 字符串
* @example
* compile('<div><p><a><em></em></a></p></div>')
* // =>
* <div>
* <p>
* <a>
* <em></em>
* </a>
* </p>
* </div>
* @example
* compile('<div></p>')
* // => Uncaught Error: DOM string invalid
function compile(domString) {
var validated = validate(domString);
if (!validated) {
throw new Error('DOM string invalid');
const compiled = assemble(validated);
return compiled;
* 检测是否是合法的 DOM 字符串
* @private
* @param {String} domString
* @return {String[]|false} 若合法则返回标签名数组,否则返回 false
* @example
* validate('<div></div>')
* // => ['div']
* @example
* validate('<div></p>')
* // => false
* @example
* validate('<div><p><a><em></em></a></p></div>')
* // => ['div', 'p', 'a', 'em']
function validate(domString) {
const beginTagPattern = /^<(\w+)>/;
const closeTagPattern = /^<\/(\w+)>/;
const stack = [];
const tags = [];
let testString = domString;
let delta = 1;
while (testString.length > 0) {
const beginTagMatches = testString.match(beginTagPattern);
const closeTagMatches = testString.match(closeTagPattern);
let matches;
if (beginTagMatches) {
matches = beginTagMatches;
// console.log('after push stack:', stack);
} else if (closeTagMatches) {
matches = closeTagMatches;
if (stack[stack.length - 1] === matches[1]) {
const tag = stack.pop();
// console.log('after pop stack:', stack);
} else {
delta = matches[0].length + matches.index;
testString = testString.slice(delta);
// console.log('final stack:', stack);
return stack.length === 0 ? tags.reverse() : false;
* 将标签组装为嵌套的 DOM 结构
* @private
* @param {String[]} tags
* @return {HTMLElement}
* @example
* assemble(['div', 'p', 'a', 'em'])
* // => <div><p><a><em></em></a></p></div>
function assemble(tags) {
const elements = => document.createElement(tag));
elements.forEach((element, index, elements) => {
// console.log('element:', element);
if (index !== elements.length - 1) {
element.appendChild(elements[index + 1]);
return elements[0];
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