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Last active March 22, 2019 23:47
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How to debug node more easily using colored console logging

Debugging Node with colours

See me talk about this at the London Node User Group

Found out today that while debugging a node application using console.log() in the terminal I can pass arguments that formats the styles in the console.

console.log('\x1b[31m', 'Hello, world', '\x1b[0m');  // red

Let's break down what this means though;

  • \x1b[31m - This is an ANSI style, the \x1b[ is made up of an escape sequence, \x1b, and a [. Together this is called a Control Sequence Introducer (or Initiator). The CSI is followed by 31 which is the actual styling (in this case red text) this is then followed by m which is the ANSI code terminator.
  • Since you can pass multiple arguments to console.log I'm placing what I want to log in the middle.
  • \x1b[0m - Like the one at the beginning but it uses the styling code 0 which will reset the styling. If you don't have this everything in your terminal will be styled until something else overwrites it.

Useful Styles

Code Style
31 Red Text
32 Green Text
33 Yellow Text
34 Blue Text
35 Magenta Text
36 Cyan Text
41..46 [color as above] Background

A more complete list can be found here

Atom Snippets

To use these as snippets in Atom paste the following into your ~/.atom/snippets.cson

  'Console log Red':
    'prefix': 'logr'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[31m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'
  'Console log Green':
    'prefix': 'logg'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[32m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'
  'Console log Yellow':
    'prefix': 'logy'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[33m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'
  'Console log Blue':
    'prefix': 'logb'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[34m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'
  'Console log Magenta':
    'prefix': 'logm'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[35m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'
  'Console log Cyan':
    'prefix': 'logc'
    'body': 'console.log(\'\\\\x1b[36m\', $1, \'\\\\x1b[0m\')'

VSCode Snippets

Paste the following into the Code > Preferences > User Snippets > javascript.json file

"Console log Red": {
	"prefix": "logr",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[31m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in red"
"Console log Green": {
	"prefix": "logg",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[32m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in green"
"Console log Yellow": {
	"prefix": "logy",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[33m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in yellow"
"Console log Blue": {
	"prefix": "logb",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[34m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in blue"
"Console log Magenta": {
	"prefix": "logm",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[35m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in magenta"
"Console log Cyan": {
	"prefix": "logc",
	"body": "console.log('\\x1b[36m', $1, '\\x1b[0m')",
	"description": "Log out put to the console in cyan"
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