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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SUL audit thingy
# GPL v2 / MIT License
import calendar
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import os
import time
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
# okay, I stole this from pywikibot
class Timestamp(datetime.datetime):
"""Class for handling Mediawiki timestamps.
This inherits from datetime.datetime, so it can use all of the methods
and operations of a datetime object. To ensure that the results of any
operation are also a Timestamp object, be sure to use only Timestamp
objects (and datetime.timedeltas) in any operation.
Use Timestamp.fromISOformat() and Timestamp.fromtimestampformat() to
create Timestamp objects from Mediawiki string formats.
Use Site.getcurrenttime() for the current time; this is more reliable
than using Timestamp.utcnow().
mediawikiTSFormat = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
ISO8601Format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
def fromISOformat(cls, ts):
"""Convert an ISO 8601 timestamp to a Timestamp object."""
return cls.strptime(ts, cls.ISO8601Format)
def fromtimestampformat(cls, ts):
"""Convert the internal MediaWiki timestamp format to a Timestamp object."""
return cls.strptime(ts, cls.mediawikiTSFormat)
def toISOformat(self):
"""Convert the Timestamp object to an ISO 8601 timestamp"""
return self.strftime(self.ISO8601Format)
def totimestampformat(self):
"""Convert the Timestamp object to the internal MediaWiki timestamp format."""
return self.strftime(self.mediawikiTSFormat)
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string format recognized by the API"""
return self.toISOformat()
# This function I didn't steal from pywikibot, it's from
def to_unix(self):
return calendar.timegm(self.utctimetuple())
def __add__(self, other):
newdt = datetime.datetime.__add__(self, other)
if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
return Timestamp(newdt.year, newdt.month,, newdt.hour,
newdt.minute, newdt.second, newdt.microsecond,
return newdt
def __sub__(self, other):
newdt = datetime.datetime.__sub__(self, other)
if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
return Timestamp(newdt.year, newdt.month,, newdt.hour,
newdt.minute, newdt.second, newdt.microsecond,
return newdt
class SULAuditer:
def get_db(self, dbname):
if not dbname in self.db_cache:
self.db_cache[dbname] = MySQLdb.connect(
return self.db_cache[dbname]
def close_db(self, dbname):
if dbname in self.db_cache:
db = self.db_cache.pop(dbname)
def __init__(self):
self.db_cache = {}
# self.cdb = self.get_db('centralauth')
self.local_accounts = defaultdict(int)
self.local_attached = defaultdict(int)
self.local_not_attached = defaultdict(int)
self.local_with_email = defaultdict(int)
self.now_utc = Timestamp.utcnow().to_unix()
def wikis(self):
# return ['enwikivoyage']
if not hasattr(self, '_wikis'):
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/wikis.csv')) as f:
self._wikis =
return self._wikis
def handle_local_user_info(self, res):
AA_DEPLOY = 20130430225551 # SELECT MIN(aa_lastlogin) on enwiki
#AA_DEPLOY = 20140702101508
for row in res:
#print row
# Okay, so if a user hasn't logged in for a VERY long time, they're not in AA.
if row['aa_lastlogin']:
# yay, they're in AA.
touched_ts = row['aa_lastlogin']
elif row['user_touched'] and (int(row['user_touched']) < AA_DEPLOY):
# If their user_touched is before AA was deployed, use it.
touched_ts = row['user_touched']
# Their user_touched is after AA was deployed, but they've never logged in.
# So use the oldest timestamp that we know they haven't logged in since.
touched_ts = str(AA_DEPLOY)
#print touched_ts
touched = Timestamp.fromtimestampformat(touched_ts)
months = (self.now_utc - touched.to_unix()) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30) # Okay, estimate a month is 30 days.
months += 1 # Touched in the past month (0) is "1 month"
self.local_accounts[months] += 1
if row['lu_attached_method']:
self.local_attached[months] += 1
self.local_not_attached[months] += 1
if row['user_email']:
self.local_with_email[months] += 1
def get_bulk_local_user_info(self, dbname, limit=2, last=''):
cur = self.get_db(dbname).cursor()
t = time.time()
FROM user
LEFT JOIN centralauth.localuser AS localuser
ON user.user_name=localuser.lu_name AND lu_wiki=%s
LEFT JOIN accountaudit_login
ON user.user_id=accountaudit_login.aa_user
WHERE user_id > %s
ORDER BY user_id
LIMIT %s""", (dbname, last, limit))
res = cur.fetchall()
f = time.time() - t
#print res
if res:
last_name = res[-1]['user_id']
last_name = 0
print 'Fetched up til %s, took %s seconds' % (last_name, f)
return len(res), last_name
def run(self):
limit = 5000
for dbname in self.wikis:
print 'Starting on %s...' % dbname
count, last_name = self.get_bulk_local_user_info(dbname, limit)
while count == limit:
count, last_name = self.get_bulk_local_user_info(dbname, limit, last_name)
class TableCreator:
def clean_dict(self, data):
need = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36]
l = []
for m in need:
#print l
# Ugh hack.
if type(l[0]) == int:
l.insert(0, sum(l))
l.insert(0, '-')
return l
def do_it(self, audit):
mapper = OrderedDict([
('total', audit.local_accounts),
('attached accounts', audit.local_attached),
('non-attached accounts', audit.local_not_attached),
('... with e-mail', audit.local_with_email),
('... who do not clash with another account', defaultdict(lambda: '-')),
('... who clash with a global account', defaultdict(lambda: '-')),
('... global clash but appear to be merge-able', defaultdict(lambda: '-')),
('... who clash with 1 or more local accounts', defaultdict(lambda: '-')),
('... local clash but appear to be merge-able', defaultdict(lambda: '-')),
text = u"""
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" | Group !! rowspan="2" | Total !! colspan="12" | Accounts touched in last … !! rowspan="2" | Group name
! 1mo !! 2mo !! 3mo !! 4mo !! 5mo !! 6mo !! 9mo !! 12mo !! 18mo !! 24mo !! 30mo !! 36mo
! rowspan="9" | Local accounts"""
for desc in mapper:
cleaned = self.clean_dict(mapper[desc])
cleaned.insert(0, "''%s''" % desc)
text += "\n|" + ' || '.join(str(foo) for foo in cleaned) + '\n|-'
text = text[:-2] # Trim the last |-
text += '|}'
print text
if __name__ == '__main__':
audit = SULAuditer()
tc = TableCreator()
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