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Last active November 13, 2016 21:27
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-7.7 runghc
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Printf
-- | Social Security Number. Commonly used as a unique identification number of a
-- person.
data SSN = SSN
{ ssnPrefix :: Int
, ssnInfix :: Int
, ssnSuffix :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show SSN where
show (SSN p i s) = printf "%03d-%02d-%04d" p i s
data Gender = Male | Female deriving (Eq, Show)
data Person = Person
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, gender :: Gender
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Person where
show (Person fName lName g) = fName ++ ' ':lName ++ " (" ++ show g ++ ")"
mkSSN :: Int -> Int -> Int -> SSN
mkSSN p i s
| p <= 0 || p == 666 || p >= 900 = error $ "Invalid SSN prefix: " ++ show p
| i <= 0 || i > 99 = error $ "Invalid SSN infix: " ++ show i
| s <= 0 || s > 9999 = error $ "Invalid SSN suffix: " ++ show s
| otherwise = SSN p i s
type Employees = Map.Map SSN Person
employees :: Employees
employees =
[ (mkSSN 525 21 5423, Person "John" "Doe" Male)
, (mkSSN 521 01 8756, Person "Mary" "Jones" Female)
, (mkSSN 585 11 1234, Person "William" "Smith" Male)
, (mkSSN 525 15 5673, Person "Maria" "Gonzalez" Female)
, (mkSSN 524 34 1234, Person "Bob" "Jones" Male)
, (mkSSN 522 43 9862, Person "John" "Doe" Male)
, (mkSSN 527 75 1035, Person "Julia" "Bloom" Female)
lookupEmployee :: SSN -> Employees -> Maybe Person
lookupEmployee = Map.lookup
showMap :: (Show k, Show v) => Map.Map k v -> String
showMap = List.intercalate "\n" . map show . Map.toList
showEmployee :: (SSN, Person) -> String
showEmployee (social, person) =
concat [show social, ": ", show person]
showEmployees :: Employees -> String
showEmployees es
| Map.null es = ""
| otherwise = showE ssn0 person0 ++ Map.foldrWithKey prepender "" rest
showE = curry showEmployee
((ssn0, person0), rest) = Map.deleteFindMin es
prepender key person acc = '\n' : showE key person ++ acc
printEmployees :: Employees -> IO ()
printEmployees = putStrLn . showEmployees
showEmployeesBad :: Employees -> String
showEmployeesBad es
| Map.null es = ""
| otherwise = tail $ Map.foldrWithKey appender "" es
appender key person list = '\n' : (curry showEmployee) key person ++ list
-- | Exercise
showEmployeesM :: Employees -> String
showEmployeesM es
| Map.null es = mempty
| otherwise = showE firstSSN firstName <> Map.foldMapWithKey prepender rest
showE = curry showEmployee
((firstSSN, firstName), rest) = Map.deleteFindMin es
prepender key person = '\n' : showE key person
-- | Exercise
showEmployeesReversed :: Employees -> String
showEmployeesReversed es
| Map.null es = ""
| otherwise = showE firstSSN firstName <> Map.foldlWithKey prepender "" rest
showE = curry showEmployee
((firstSSN, firstName), rest) = Map.deleteFindMax es
prepender acc key person = '\n' : showE key person ++ acc
withinPrefixRangeNaive :: Int -> Int -> Employees -> Employees
withinPrefixRangeNaive prefixLow prefixHigh = Map.filterWithKey ssnInRange where
ssnInRange (SSN prefix _ _) _ = prefix >= prefixLow && prefix <= prefixHigh
withinPrefixRange :: Int -> Int -> Employees -> Employees
withinPrefixRange prefixLow prefixHigh =
fst . Map.split (SSN (prefixHigh + 1) 0 0) . snd . Map.split (SSN prefixLow 0 0)
employeesFromColorado :: Employees -> Employees
employeesFromColorado = withinPrefixRange 521 524
employeesFromNewMexico :: Employees -> Employees
employeesFromNewMexico es =
withinPrefixRange 525 525 es `Map.union` withinPrefixRange 585 585 es
data State
= Alabama
| Alaska
| Arizona
| Arkansas
| California
| Colorado
| Connecticut
| Delaware
| Florida
| Georgia
| Hawaii
| Idaho
| Illinois
| Indiana
| Iowa
| Kansas
| Kentucky
| Louisiana
| Maine
| Maryland
| Massachusetts
| Michigan
| Minnesota
| Mississippi
| Missouri
| Montana
| Nebraska
| Nevada
| NewHampshire
| NewJersey
| NewMexico
| NewYork
| NorthCarolina
| NorthDakota
| Ohio
| Oklahoma
| Oregon
| Pennsylvania
| RhodeIsland
| SouthCarolina
| SouthDakota
| Tennessee
| Texas
| Utah
| Vermont
| Virginia
| Washington
| WestVirginia
| Wisconsin
| Wyoming
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
statePrefixRangeMap :: Map.Map State [(Int, Int)]
statePrefixRangeMap =
[ (NewHampshire, [(1, 3)])
, (Maine, [(4, 7)])
, (Vermont, [(8, 9)])
, (Massachusetts, [(10, 34)])
, (RhodeIsland, [(35, 39)])
, (Connecticut, [(40, 49)])
, (NewYork, [(50, 134)])
, (NewJersey, [(135, 158)])
, (Pennsylvania, [(159, 211)])
, (Maryland, [(212, 220)])
, (Delaware, [(221, 222)])
, (Virginia, [(223, 231)])
, (NorthCarolina, [(232, 232)])
, (WestVirginia, [(232, 236)])
, (SouthCarolina, [(247, 251)])
, (Georgia, [(252, 260)])
, (Florida, [(261, 267)])
, (Ohio, [(268, 302)])
, (Indiana, [(303, 317)])
, (Illinois, [(318, 361)])
, (Michigan, [(362, 386)])
, (Wisconsin, [(387, 399)])
, (Kentucky, [(400, 407)])
, (Tennessee, [(408, 415)])
, (Alabama, [(416, 424)])
, (Mississippi, [(425, 428)])
, (Arkansas, [(429, 432)])
, (Louisiana, [(433, 439)])
, (Oklahoma, [(440, 448)])
, (Texas, [(449, 467)])
, (Minnesota, [(468, 477)])
, (Iowa, [(478, 485)])
, (Missouri, [(486, 500)])
, (NorthDakota, [(501, 502)])
, (SouthDakota, [(503, 504)])
, (Nebraska, [(505, 508)])
, (Kansas, [(509, 515)])
, (Montana, [(516, 517)])
, (Idaho, [(518, 519)])
, (Wyoming, [(520, 520)])
, (Colorado, [(521, 524)])
, (NewMexico, [(525, 525), (585, 585)])
, (Arizona, [(526, 527)])
, (Utah, [(528, 529)])
, (Nevada, [(530, 530), (680, 680)])
, (Washington, [(531, 539)])
, (Oregon, [(540, 544)])
, (California, [(545, 573)])
, (Alaska, [(574, 574)])
, (Hawaii, [(575, 576)])
-- | Map a state to a set of prefixes that correspond to it.
statePrefixMap :: Map.Map State (Set.Set Int)
statePrefixMap =
(Set.fromList . concatMap (uncurry enumFromTo) . (statePrefixRangeMap Map.!))
-- | Inverse Map of what we have above: from prefix to State
prefixStateMap :: Map.Map Int State
prefixStateMap = Map.foldlWithKey addPrefixes Map.empty statePrefixMap where
addPrefixes spm state = Map.union spm . Map.fromSet (const state)
statePersonsMap :: Employees -> Map.Map State [Person]
statePersonsMap = Map.foldlWithKey updateState Map.empty
where updateState sm ssn p =
case Map.lookup (ssnPrefix ssn) prefixStateMap of
Nothing -> sm
Just state -> Map.alter (consPerson p) state sm
consPerson p Nothing = Just [p]
consPerson p (Just ps) = Just (p:ps)
stateSocialsMap :: Employees -> Map.Map State (Set.Set SSN)
stateSocialsMap = Set.foldl updateState Map.empty . Map.keysSet
where updateState sm ssn =
case Map.lookup (ssnPrefix ssn) prefixStateMap of
Nothing -> sm
Just state -> Map.alter (addSSN ssn) state sm
addSSN ssn Nothing = Just $ Set.singleton ssn
addSSN ssn (Just ssnSet) = Just $ Set.insert ssn ssnSet
employeesFrom :: State -> Employees -> Employees
employeesFrom state es = Map.unions $ map fromRange (statePrefixRangeMap Map.! state)
where fromRange (low, high) = withinPrefixRange low high es
allStates :: Set.Set State
allStates = Set.fromAscList [toEnum 0 ..]
allStateEmployeesMap :: Employees -> Map.Map State Employees
allStateEmployeesMap es = Map.fromSet (`employeesFrom` es) allStates
statePersonsMap' :: Employees -> Map.Map State [Person]
statePersonsMap' = Map.elems . Map.filter (not . Map.null) . allStateEmployeesMap
stateSocialsMap' :: Employees -> Map.Map State (Set.Set SSN)
stateSocialsMap' = Map.mapMaybe nonEmptyElems . allStateEmployeesMap
where nonEmptyElems sem | Map.null sem = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Map.keysSet sem
symmetricDifference :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a
symmetricDifference a b = Set.union a b Set.\\ Set.intersection a b
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